Garnham, Rev. Robert Edward
, an English divine,
was born at Bury St. Edmund’s, May 1, 1753, and was
the only surviving child of the rev. Robert G. many years
master of the free grammar-school at Bury, and rector of
Nowton and Hargrave, in Suffolk *. His mother was
Mary, daughter of Mr. Benton, and sister of the late Edward Benton, esq. secondary in the court of king’s-bench.
He was educated partly by his father, who supported a
considerable reputation for classical learning, and partly
at Bury school, whence he was admitted of Trinity-college,
Cambridge, in 1770, and the following year was elected
scholar. In 1774 he was admitted to his degree of B. A.
| which he obtained with credit to his college and himself;
and was elected fellow in 1775, and proceeded
A. in
1777. In 1793 he was elected college preacher, and in
November 1797, was advanced into the seniority. He
was ordained deacon
March 3, 1776, and afterwards entered
on the curacies of Newton and Great Welivatham, in the
neighbourhood of
Bury. On
June 15, 1777, he was ordained priest, but having imbibed some scruples as to the
articles of the church, of the Socinian cast, he determined
sever to repeat his subscription to the articles for any preferment which he might become entitled to from the college patronage, or which might be offered to him from any
other quarter. Agreeably to, and consistently with, this
state of mind, be resigned, at Midsummer, 1789, the curacies in which he was then engaged, and resolved thenceforward to decline officiating in the ministry. Mr. Garnham’s health was never robust, and, during the last five or
six years of his life, suffered much from sickness, which
prevented his residing at
Cambridge after the death of his
father, in 1798, and indisposed and disqualified him from
pursuing his former application to his studies. His indisposition and infirmities continued to increase; and, in the
summer of 1801, he evidently appeared to be much broken.
For some short time he had complained of an asthma; and,
on the Saturday preceding his death, was attacked with an
inflammation on the lungs and breast. He continued till
the morning of the following
June 24, 1802,
when he expired in the- 50th year of his age, and was buried in the chancel of Nowtoa church. His writings were
numerous, but all anonymous. 1. “
Examination of Mr.
Harrison’s Sermon, preached in the cathedral church of
St. Pawl, London, before the lord mayor, on May 25,
1788, 1789.” 2. “
Letter to the right rev. the bishop of
Norwich (Dr. Bagot), requesting him to name the prelate
to whom he referred as * contending strenuously for the
general excellence of our present authorized translation of
the Bible,‘ 1789.” 3. “
Letter to the right rev. the bishop
of Chester (Dr. Cleave*), on the subject of two sermons
addressed by him to the clergy of his diocese comprehending also a vindication of the late bishop Hoadly, 1790.”
4. “
Review of Dr. Hay’s sermon, entitled, t Thoughts
on the Athanasian Creed,’ preached April 12, 1790, at the
visitation of the archdeacon of Bucks,”
1790. 5. “
Outline of a Commentary on Revelations xi. 114,”
| 6. “
A Sermon preached in the chapel of Trinity-college,
Cambridge, on Thursday, Dec. 19, 1793, the day appointed for the commemoration of the benefactors to that
1794. He wrote also the papers in “
Commentaries and Essays” signed Synergus: and some in “
Theological Repository,” signed Ereunetes, and Idiota.
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