Gaudentius, St.

, bishop of Brescia, about the end of the fourth and the beginning of -the fifth century, was elected to that see by the prelates and the people of the province, while performing a journey of devotion to the east, but it appears that he was very reluctant to take upon him the office. Having at length accepted it, he was sent in the year 405 to Constantinople, with the legates of pope Innocent, to re-establish St. Chrysostom in his see, and to hold a general council. The time of his death is fixed by some at the year 410, and by others at 427. The 25th of October is celebrated as his day. He was author of several works, a life of his predecessor Philaster, and of letters and other pieces, which are inserted in the fifth volume of the “Bibliotheca Patrum;” but the most complete edition of his works was published at Brescia, in 1738, by Paul Galeardi, a canon of Brescia. His style is plain, but neither animated nor correct. 2


Cave.Moreri. Baron. Annal. Eccles. Fabric. Bibl. Med. Lat.