Gaubius, Jerome David
, an eminent German physician, was born at Heidelberg in 1705, and was educated partly among the Jesuits, and partly in the orphan-house at Halle, under the celebrated professor Franke. He became afterwards a pupil of the learned Boerhaave, and a professor of medicine in the university of Leyden, where he took the degree of doctor in 1725. He died Nov. 29 r 1780, leaving several works of considerable value. 1. “Dissertatio Inauguralis de solidis humani corporis partibus,” Leyden, 1725. 2. “Libellus de methodo concinnandi formulas medicamentorum,” ibidem, 1739, 1767; Franckfort, 1750, and in French, Paris, 1749. 3. “De fregimine Mentis, quod Medicorum est,” Leyden, 1747; | 1763. In this work he describes the effects resulting from the empire of the body over the mind. 4. “Institutiones Pathologiae Medicinalis,” ibid. 1758; This work also passed through several editions and translations. 5. “Adversariorum varii argument! Liber unus,” ibid. 1771. 6. “Oratio Panegyrica in auspicium sseculi tertii Academic Batavse quae Leidse est,” &c. 1775, foh an excellent historical sketch of the rise and progress of the university of Leyden 1