Gilpin, Richard
, a nonconformist divine and physician, probably of the same family with the preceding, was a native of Cumberland, and educated in Queen’s college, Oxford, whence he took the degree of M. D. but afterwards entered into holy orders, and became minister of Greystock, in his own county; but preached with great applause in London, at Lambeth, the Savoy, &c. and in many other parts of the kingdom; till he was silenced for refusing to comply with the act of uniformity, 1662. He afterwards practised physic in the north of England, particularly at Newcastle, where he was greatly esteemed by all that knew him, both as a physician and a divine. He died in 1657. He was the author of several treatises; but his discourse on “Satan’s Temptations,” 1677, 4to, is most esteemed. 2