Savoy, The, a district of the Strand, London, in which a palace was built in 1245 called of the Savoy, in which John of France was confined after his capture at Poitiers; was burnt at the time of the Wat Tyler insurrection, but rebuilt in 1505 as a hospital; it included a chapel, which was damaged by fire in 1864, but restored by the Queen.
Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)
Savoy, House of * Saxe, MauriceLinks here from Chalmers
Abbadie, James
Adrets, François De Beaumont, Baron Des
Agrippa, Henry Cornelius
Algarotti, Francis
Amyot, James
Andreini, Isabella
Arabella, Stuart
Aresi, Paul
Arnauld, Anthony
[showing first 10 entries of 156]