Grancolas, John
, a Parisian, doctor of the Sorbonne, to which honour he was admitted in 1685, was author of many works on ecclesiastical rites, ceremonies, and general history, the principal of which are, 1 “De l’Antiquite des Ceremonies des Sacremens.” 2. “Traite” de Liturgies.“3.” L’Ancien Sacramentaire de PEglise.“4.” Traduction Franchise de Catecheses de S. Cyrille de Jerusalem.“5.” Conunentaire historique sur le Breviaire Romain,“&c. This last is much esteemed. 6.” Critique des Auteurs Ecclesiastiques,“2 vols. 8vo. 7.” La Science des Confesseurs,“2 vols. J2mo. 8.” Hist, abregee de TEglise de Paris," 2 vols. 12mo. This history was suppressed because of the freedoms the author took with the cardinal de Noailles. He died August 1, 1732, at Paris. The whole of his works are more valuable for the matter than the manner. 2