Grynæus, John James
, was born at Bern in 1540, was educated at Basil, and m 1551 was admitted into the university. In 1559 he was ordained deacon, and began to preach the doctrines of the reformers. In 1563 he went to Tubingen, and the year following was created doctor in divinity, and soon after succeeded his father, as pastor of Rotelen, where, besides his more public services, he lectured twice a week to the deacons. About this time the | “Form of Concord' 7 between the Lutheran and Zuingtiaft parties, respecting the corporal presence of Christ’s body in the Lord’s Supper^ was a matter of deep controversy. Grynasus, who had hitherto been a Lutheran, now studied the controversy more closely, the result of which was his declaring his opinion in favour of Zuinglius, and this lost him many friends of. the contrary party. In 1575 he was invited to Basil, to lecture upon the Old Testament, in the course of which employment he was happily instrumental in healing the differences between the Lutheran and Zuinglian churches; and his instructions were so much approved, that many noblemen and gentlemen came from other countries, and boarded with him for the sake of tuition and conversation. After the death of Lewis, the elector palatine, prince Casimir invited him to Heidelberg, where he read divinity and history almost two years^ but was then recalled to Basil to succeed Sulcer in his pastoral office and professorship; both which offices he discharged with faithfulness and success for the remainder of his life, In the latter part of it he became very infirm and blind, and outlived all his children, except one daughter. These calamities he bore with pious resignation, and expired Aug. 30, 1617. He was a man of extensive learning, and highly respected by his conteai<poraries. Among his writings are, 1.” A Summary of the Old Testament.“2. An Outline of Divinity.” 3* “The Character of Christians.” 4. Expositions on the Psalms, and other parts of Scripture; and various theological theses, and disputations. 5. “A Commentary upon Irenaeus.” 6. “An Ecclesiastical History.” 7. “Chronology of the Gospel History.” His “Letters” to his friends are highly praised by Melchior Adam. 1
Melchior Adam.—Moreri.- Fuller’s Abel RedivivMS. -—Saxii Onomast,