Guillemeau, James
, one of the most celebrated surgeons of the sixteenth century, was a native of Orleans, and the pupil of the famous Ambrose Paré, and attained very high professional reputation in the army as well as at home. He received the honourable appointment of surgeon to the sovereigns Charles IX. and Henry IV. by both of whom he was highly esteemed. He died at Paris March 13, 1609. His first publication was a translation of Ambrose Paré‘s Treatise on Surgery into Latin, printed at Paris in 1582, folio. His next work was a small treatise, entitled “Apologie pour les Chirurgiens,” 1593. The remainder of his writings is contained in a collection of his “Œuvres de Chirurgie,” printed at Paris in 1598, and in 1612; and at Rouen in 1649, some of which were published separately. These are, “Tables Anutomiques,” with figures from Vesalius; “Histoire de tous les Muscles du corps humain,” &c.; “Traité de la Generation de l’homme;” “L’heureux Accouchement des femmes;” “Traité sur les abus qui se commettent sur les procédures de l’Impuissance des hommes et des femmes;” “La Chirurgie Françoise, recueillies des anciens Médecins et Chirurgiens, &c.;” “Traité des plaies recueillies des Leçons de M. Courtin;” “Operations de Chirurgie recueillies ides anciens Medecins et Chirurgiens;” “Traité des maladies de l’iŒil;” and lastly, “Traité de la parfaite methode d’Embaumer les corps;” which contains a report of that operation, as performed upon the bodies of Charles IX. and Henry III. and IV. 2
Aioreri. —Rees’s Cyclopedia from —Eloy.