Hanneken, Memnon
, a celebrated Lutheran divine, was born March 1, 1595, at Blaxen in the county of Oldenburg, into which county, and Delmenhorst, his ancestors | had introduced Lutheranism. He was professor of morality, afterwards of divinity and oriental languages at Marpurg, and, lastly^ superintendant of the churches of Lubec, where he died February 17, 1671. His principal works are, “Scutum Catholic veritatis,” against the Jesuit Thomas Henrici an “Examination of the Jesuit Becan’s Manual” a “Hebrew Grammar” “Expositio Epistolse Pauli ad Ephesios,” Marpurg, 1631, 4to “Synopsis Theologiae” “Irenicum Catholico Evangelicum” “De Justificatione Hominis,” &c. His son, Philip Lewis Hanneken, who died professor of divinity at Wittemberg, June 16, 1706, has also left several works on the Scriptures. 1