Hemmingford, Walter De
, a regular canon of Gisborough-abbey, near Cleveland in Yorkshire, flourished in the fourteenth century, in the reign of Edward III. He had much learning, and much industry. History was his particular study; and he compiled a history which begins from the Norman conquest, and continues to the reign of king Edward the lid. from 1066 to 1308. The work is written with great care and exactness, and in a style good enough considering the time. Gale, who has published it in his “Veteres Scriptores,” with an account of the author, enumerates five copies of his history, two at Trinity college, Cambridge, one at the Heralds’ office, one in the Cotton lilrary, and one which he had himself. This author died at Gisborough in 1347. Hearne published an edition in 2 vols. 8vo, Oxford, 1731, now one of the most rare and valuable of his works. 2
Gale ubi supra. Nkolson’s Hist. Library.