Henninges, Jerome
, a learned and laborious historian of the sixteenth century, was a native of Germany, a disciple of Melancthon, and became distinguished by his genealogical researches. His principal works are, 1. “Genealogiae Familiarum Saxonicarum,” Hamburgh, 1596, fol. 2. “Theatrum Genealogicum omnium Ætatum et | Monarchiarum Familias complectens,” Magdeburgh, 1598, fol. 7 vols. in four, which Clement considers as of great rarity, and indeed it is very difficult to be found complete. It contains the Jewish families from Adam to the destruction of Jerusalem the origin of all other nations, and the families of the second and third monarchies the families of ancient Greece and Italy, and those of all the principal modern kingdoms. 1
Dict. Hist.—Morerir Clement, BibL Curieus*.: Saxii Gaornasticoc.