
, of Tarsus, a Greek rhetorician of the second century, is recorded as a remarkable instance of early maturity and early deficiency of talents. He flourished about the year 161. At fifteen he taught rhetoric publicly; at seventeen he wrote his art of rhetoric; and at twenty, two books or^t' iSewv, or on oratorical forms: but in his twenty-fifth year he lost his memory, and the faculty of speech, which he nver recovered, though he lived to be old. Of his book on oratory, which consisted of five parts, the first part only is lost. There are extant also, 2. “De inventione Oratoria,” four books. 3. “. De formis,” above-mentioned. 4. “Methodus apti et ponderosi generis dicendi.” These were published at Paris in 1531, 4to, with “Aphihonii Sophistæ præludia,” and in two or three subsequent editions. The best is that of Caspar Laurentius, published at Geneva, in 1614, in 8vo. 1