was an Ephesian satiric poet, who flourished in the sixtieth olympiad, itbout 540 years B. C. He was so remarkably ugly and deformed, that certain painters and sculptors amused themselves by displaying representations of him to public ridicule, and Hipponax was so offended at the insult, that he exercised against the otfuuders all the force of his satyric vein with such effect, that two of them, sculptors of Chios, Bupalus and Anthernus, are said to have hanged themselves; but Pliny contradicts the story, Hist. Nat. xxxvi. 5. Hipponax is said to be the inventor of the scazontic verse, which is an iambic, terminating with a spondee, instead of an iambic foot. 2
Gen. Dict. —Moreri.