
, or rather Jouvancey (Joseph de), a celebrated Jesuit, was born September 14, 1643, at Paris. He taught rhetoric with uncommon reputation at Caen, la Fleche, and Paris. At length he was invited to Rome, in 1669, that he might continue “The History of the Jesuits,” with more freedom than he could have done in France, and died in that city May 29, 1719. His principal works are, two volumes of Latin Speeches, 12mo; a small tract entitled “De ratione discendi et docendi,” much esteemed; Notes, in Latin, on P-ersius, Juvenal, Terence, Horace, Martial, Ovid’s Metamorphoses, &c. The fifth part of the “History of the Jesuits,” in Latin, from 1591 to 1616, fol.; as a supplement to Fathers Orlandino, Sacchini, and Poussines. All Jouvenci’s works are written in pure Latin, and in this consists their | principal excellence. His History of the Jesuits, in which he undertakes to justify his brother, Pere Guignard, who was hanged by sentence of parliament on account of Chatel’s infamous attempt, and to represent him as a martyr, being printed at Rome, 1710, fol. made much noise, and was condemned by two decrees of the parliament of Paris one Feb. 22, 1713 the other, March 24th the same year. This last sentence suppresses the work, and contains the declaration which had been demanded from the Jesuits. Several pieces appeared on this occasion against P. Jouvenci’s history, 1713, 12mo. 1


Moreri. —Dict. Hist. l’Avocat —Saxii Onomast.