Larroque, Daniel De
, son of the preceding, was born at Vitré. He retired 1681, to London, on the revocation of the edict of Nantes, and afterwards to Copenhagen, where his father’s friends promised him a settlement, but finding them unsuccessful, he went into Holland, where he remained till 1690, and then going into France, abjured the protestant religion, and turned Roman catholic. He usually resided at Paris, but having written the preface to a satirical piece, in which great liberties were taken with Louis XIV. on account of the famine in 1693, he was arresied and sent to the Chatelet, and then removed to the castle of Saumnr, where he remained rive years. At the end of that time, however, he regained his liberty by the abbess of Fontevraud’s solicitations, and got a place in M. de Torcy’s office, minister and secretary of state. When | the regency commenced, Larroque was appointed secretary to the interior council, and on the suppression of that council, had a pension of 4000 livres till his death, September 5, 1731, when he was about seventy. He left several works, but much inferior to his father’s: the principal are, “La Vie de I’lmposteur Mahomet,” 12mo, transLt‘-d from the English of Dr. Prideaux “Les ve>4tables Motifs de la Conversion de M. (le Bouthilier de Ranc6) l’Abbe de la Trappe,” with some reflections on his life and writings, 1685, L2mo, a satirical work. “Nouvelles Accusations con t re Van lias, ou Kemarqnes critiques contre une Partie de son Histoire de PHe>esie,” 8vo; ’ La Vie de Frai>9ois Kiuies de Mexerai,“12mo, a satirical romance; a translation of Kc hard’s Roman History, revised and published by the abbe Desfontaines. Larroque also assisted, during some months, in the” Nouveiles de la Repubiique des Lettres,“while Bayle was ill. The” Advice to the Refugees" is also attributed to him, which was believed to have been written by Bayle, besause the latter would never betray Larroque, who, it is supposed, was the real author of it, chusing rather to suffer the persecution which this publication raised against him, than prove false to his friend, who had enjoined him secrecy. 1
Moreri.—Dict. Hist. de L’Advocat.