Lasena, Peter
, a learned Italian, was born at Naples, Sept. 25, 1590. In compliance with his father, he first cultivated and practised the law; but afterwards followed the bent of his inclination to polite literature; applying himself diligently to acquire the Greek language, in which his education had been defective. He also learnt French and Spanish. From Naples he removed to Rome; where he was no sooner settled, than he obtained the protection of cardinal Francis Barberini, besides other prelates; he also procured the friendship of Lucas Holstenius, Leo Allatius, and other persons of rank in the republic of letters. He made use of the | repose he enjoyed in this situation to put the last hand to some works which he had begun at Naples; but his continual intense application, and too great abstinence (for he made but one meal in twenty- four hours), threw him into a fever, of which he died, Sept. 30, 1636. At his death, he left to cardinal Barberini two Latin discourses, which he oad pronounced before tb^ Greek academy of the monks of St. Basil, “De Lingua Heiiemstica,” in which he discussed, with great learning, a point upon that subject, which then divided the literary world. He also left to cardinal Brancaccio his book entitled “Dell' antico Gimusio Napolitano,” which was afterwards published in 1688, 4to. It contains a description of the sports, shows, spectacles, and combats, which were formerly exhibited to the people of Naples. He was the author likewise of “Nepenthes Homeri, sen de abojendo luctu,” Ltigd. 1624, 8vo; and “Cleombrotus, sive de iis qui in aquis pereunt,” Home. 1637, 8vo. 1
Niceron, vol. XV.—Saxii Onomasticon.