Morand, Sauveur Francis

, a French surgeon, was born in Paris in 1697, where his father was surgeon-major to the invalids. Sauveur received his literary education at the college Mazarin, and was instructed in his profession by his father at the hospital of the Invalids. He rose to the mastership of the company of St. Come (which was afterwards erected into the Royal Academy of Surgery), and was appointed demonstrator of surgical operations to that body in 1725. In 1728 he appeared as an author on the subject of lithotomy, and published his “Traite de la Taille au haut appareil, &c.” the high operation being then universally practised by the surgeons of Paris. But, in the following year he was commissioned by the Academy of Sciences to visit London, with a view of witnessing the lateral operation, as performed by Cheselden with so much success; and on his return to Paris, he introduced that mode of cutting for the stone, at the hospital of La Charite, which brought a crowd of pupils to his hospital, and multiplied his professional honours. He was admitted a member of many foreign societies, especially the Royal Society of London, into which he was admitted in 1728, and the academies of Stockholm, Petersburg!!, Florence, Bologna, and Rouen; and was nominated pensioner and professor of anatomy to the Royal Academy of Sciences at home. He held likewise several medical appointments in the army; and in 1751, was honoured with knighthood, of the order of St. Michael. He died in 1773, at the age of seventy-six.

Besides the treatise on lithotomy above mentioned, he published other works concerning the same subject, or connected with his profession, and was author of several papers, published in the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences, as well as that of Surgery; and wrote a history of the latter academy, for the second and third volumes of their memoirs. 2
