Muis, Simeon De
, Hebrew professor of the Royal College of France, and one of the ablest scholars in that language, was born at Orleans in 1587. Few particulars are known of his life, except that he was educated for the church, and attained the preferments of canon and archdeacon of Soissons. His skill in the Hebrew language made him be considered as a proper person to succeed Cayet as Hebrew professor, and he was accordingly promoted by his majesty to that office in July 1614. He | fulfelled its duties with great reputation for thirty years, and died in 1644, in the fifty-seventh year of his age. Dupin says, that he joined to a perfect knowledge of the Hebrevr, a solid and acute judgment, and wrote in a pure, concise, and easy style, and had such acquaintance with sacred history, and the fundamentals of religion, that few could be better qualified to interpret scripture. The most esteemed of his works is his commentary on the Psalms, “Commentarius litteralis et historicus in omnes Psalmos,” &c. 1630, fol. His whole works were published in two volumes folio, at Paris, 1650, including the above on the Psalms: his “Varia Sacra,” explaining the most difficult passages of the Old Testament from Genesis to Judges: his “Assertio yeVitatis Hebraicae,” against father Morin, &c. &c. 1