Piccolomini, Francis
, a learned man of the same
family, was born in 1520, and having taught philosophy
for twenty-two years in the most celebrated universities of
Italy, retired to Sienna, where he died in 1604. Hewas
so much respected, that the whole city put on mourning
at his death. His works are less numerous than those of
his relation, but they were esteemed in their day. They
are, 1. “Commentaries on Aristotle,” 4to, published at
| Mayence in 1603. 2. "Universa Philosopbia de Moribus, in
Venice, 1583, folio. 1
Entry taken from
General Biographical Dictionary,
by Alexander Chalmers, 1812–1817.
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Piccolomini, Francis (1520–1604)
Quadratus (