Pois, Nicholas Le
, an eminent physician, was born at Nancy, in 1527. He studied medicine at Paris under Sylvius, together with his elder brother, Anthony Lepois, who was afterwards first physician to Charles III. duke of Lorraine, and author of a valuable work on ancient coins. Nicholas succeeded him as the duke’s physician in 1578. The result of his practice, and of his very extensive reading, was at first drawn up only for the use of his sons, Christian and Charles, whom he destined for the medical profession; but being prevailed on to publish it, it was printed at Francfort, in 1580, in folio, under the title of “De cognoscendis et curandis prsecipue interi}is humani corporis morbis, Libri tres, ex clarissimorum medicorum, turn veterum, turn recentiorum, monumentis non ita pridem collecti.” Boerhaave had so high an opinion of this author, that he edited this work, adding a preface to it, at Leyden, 1736, in two volumes, quarto; a_nd it was again reprinted at Leipsic in 1766, 2 vols. 8vo. The time of his death has not been recorded. 2
Eloy —Dict. Hist. de Medicine, in art. Le Pois.