Reineccius, Reinier
, a learned German, was a
native of Steinheim, in the sixteenth century. He was a
disciple of Melancthon, and taught the belles lettres in the
universities of Frankfort and Helmstadt till his death, in
1595. His chief publications, on history and genealogy,
in. which he was profoundly versed, are, “Syntagma de
Familiis Monarchiarum trium priorum,” 1574; “Families
Regum Judseorum;” “Chronicon Hierosolymitanum”
“Historia Orientals;” “Historia Julia,” 3 vols. folio;
“Methodus Legendi Historian).” 2
· ·
Entry taken from
General Biographical Dictionary,
by Alexander Chalmers, 1812–1817.
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