Salden, William
, a learned writer in the sixteenth
century, born at Utrecht, was successively minister of several churches in Holland, and lastly at the Hague, where
he died in 1694. His most known and valuable works are,
“Otia Theologica,” 4to, containing dissertations on different subjects, from the Old and New Testament “Concionator Sacer,” 12mo; and <c De Libris varioque eorum
usu et abusu," Amsterdam, 1668, 12mo. 2
Entry taken from
General Biographical Dictionary,
by Alexander Chalmers, 1812–1817.
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at fromoldbooks dot org first (mention the colour of your socks in the subject line of the mail),
because I am still working on fixing errors.
Notes on automatic processing
Entry may contain mismatched double quotes.
Found born 1694 and died 1694 in the body of the article, but this does not seem right, so both were ignored.