Sanadon, Noel-Stephen

, a learned Jesuit of France, was born at Rouen in 1676. He taught polite literature with distinguished reputation at Caen, where he contracted an intimate friendship with Huet, bishop of Avranche. A taste for poetry is said to have been the principal bond of their union. He afterwards professed rhetoric at Paris; and was for some time charged with the education of the prince of Conti. He was librarian to the king when he died, September 2 I, 1733. He published separately various Latin poems, which are reckoned among the purest of modern times; and also published them in a collected form, “ | Carnumim libri quatuor,Paris, 1715, 12mo, and various theses and philological dissertations but is best known by his translation of the works of Horace with notes a work which has been very well received. The satires and epistles are ably translated; but the odes are rather weakened by a languid paraphrase than a version answerable to the original. His notes are learned, and many of them very useful for understanding his author; but there are also marks of a falsely delicate and fastidious taste, not uncommon among French critics. The best editions of his Horace are those of Paris, 1728, 2 vols. 4to, and 1756, 3 vols. 12mo. 1


Marles (who has a high opinion of Sanction) De vitis philologorurn, vol. IV. —Morerii.— Dict. Hist.