Saurin, Elias
, a protestant divine, was born August 28, 1639, at Usseaux, in the valley of Pragelas on the frontiers of Daupliiny, where his father officiated as minister. He was himself appointed minister of Venterole in 1661, of Embrun in 1662, and would have been shortly chosen professor of divinity at Die, but meeting accidentally with a priest who was carrying the host to a sick person, he would not take off his hat. This trifle, as might be expected in a popish country, was so much resented, that Saurin found it necessary to retire into Holland, where he arrived in June 1664, was appointed minister of the Walloon church at Delft the following year, and had a great share in deposing the famous Labadie. In 1671, he was invited to be minister of the Walloon church at Utrecht, where he became very celebrated by his works, and had some Tery warm disputes with Jurieu, which were the subject of much conversation; but he is said to have satisfactorily answered the charge of heresy which that author brought against him. Saurin died unmarried at Utrecht, April 8, 1703, aged sixty-four, leaving the following works: | an “Examination of M. Jurieu’s Theology,” 2 vols. 8vo, in which he treats of several important questions in divinity; “Reflections on the Rights of Conscience,” against Jurieu, and Bayle’s Philosophical Commentary; a treatise on “the Love of God,” in which he supports the doctrine of disinterested love; and another on the “Love of our Neighbours,” &c. 1