Scamozzi, Vincent
, a celebrated architect, was born at Vicenza in 1550). He was educated under his | father, also an able architect, and went to Venice for improvement, where afterwards, on Palladio’s death, he became the first architect, and was employed in various works, particularly the additions to the Library of St. Mark, the Olympic theatre at Vicenza, and the. new theatre at Sabbioneta. In 1615 he published in 2 vois. small folio* a work entitled “L‘ Idea- deli’ Architettura universale,”, in six books, the sixth of which, containing the five orders of architecture, is most esteemed. The French have a translation of his works, and an abridgment by Joubert. Seamozzi also published “Discorsi sopra leantichitadi Roma,”' 1583, fol. with forty plates. He died in 1616. 1