, an ancient Greek poet, was born at
Himera, a city of Sicily, in the seventh century B. C.
His name was originally Tysias, but changed to Stesichorus,
on account of his being the first who taught the chorus to
dance to the lyre. He appears to have been a man of
first rank for wisdom and authority among his fellow citizens and to have had a great hand in the transact;
between that state and the tyrant Phalaris. He died at
Catana in Sicily at above eighty, in the year 556 B. C. 1
| the people were so sensible of the honour his relics did the
city, that they resolved to keep them against the claims of
the Himerians. Much of this poet’s history depends upoit
the authority of
Phalaris’s epistles; and if the genuineness
of these should be given up, which is now the general
opinion, yet we may perhaps collect from them the esteem
and character
Stesichorus bore with antiquity. We have
no character of ins works on record:
Suidas only tells us,
in general, that he composed a book of lyrics in the Dorian dialect; of which a few scraps, not amounting to
threescore lines, are inserted in the collection of Fnlvius
Ursinus, at
Antwerp, 1568, 8vo. Majesty and greatness
make the common character of his style: and Horace
speaks of his “
Graves Camoenae.” Hence
Alexander, in
Dion Chrysostom, reckons him among the poets whom a
prince ought to read: and
Synesius puts him and
together, as the noble celebrators of the heroic race. Quintilian’s judgment on his works will justify all this: “
force of Stesichorus’s wit appears,” says he, “
from the
subjects he has treated of; while he sings the greatest wars
and the greatest commanders, and sustains with his lyre all
the weight and grandeur of an epic poem. For he makes
his heroes speak and act agreeably to their characters: and
had he but observed moderation, he would have appeared
the fairest rival of Homer. But he is too exuberant, and
does not know how to contain himself: which, though really
a fault;, yet is one of those faults which arises from an
abundance and excess of genius.”
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