Stubbs, John
, a learned lawyer in
queen Elizabeth’s reign, was born about 1541, and is said
by Mr. Strype to have been a member of Corpus Christi
college, Cambridge. He removed thence to Lincoln’s-inn
for the study of the law, and contracted an acquaintance
with the most learned and ingenious men of that society.
He became a puritan in consequence, as some suppose, of
his connection with the celebrated Thomas Cartu right,
who had married his sister. About 1579, when the report
of the queen’s intended marriage with the duke of Anjou,
brother to the king of France, had created an extraordinary
alarm, lest such a match should eventually be injurious to
the Protestant establishment, Mr. Stubbs published a satirical work against it, entitled “The Discovery of a gaping
gulph wherein England is like to be swallowed up by
In this suffering Stubbs had the sympathy of the people, and did not lose the regard of thuse who had previously known his learning and talents, and who probably thought little of an offence that proceeded from his zeal for the reformation, and evidently from no principle of disloyalty. A very few years afterwards he was employed by the lord treasurer, to answer cardinal Allan’s “Defence of the English Catholics;” a task which he executed with acknowledged ability. Several letters of Stubbs, addressed to the lord treasurer and his secretary Hickes, are preserved in the Burghley -papers, now in the British Museum; and most of them having been written with his left-hand, he usually, in allusion to the loss of his right, signed himself Scæva. Whether his answer to Allen was ever published is uncertain; but he translated Beza’s meditations on the first Psalm, and the seven penitential Psalrns, from the French, which he dedicated to lady Anne Bacon, wife of sir Nicholas Bacon. The dedication is dated from v Thelveton in Norfolk, where he appears to have taken up his residence, May 31, 1582, and it is signed “John Stubbe, Sceva.” It is said that Stubbs was afterwards a commander in the army in Ireland, but we have no farther accouu- of him, or any notice of his death. Wood is of opinion, that he was either father or brother to Philip Stubbs, author of “The Anatomy of Abuses,” and other works against the vices and abuses of his time. This man, who was not m orders, although all his publications are such as might have been expected from a divine, lived about the same time with John Stubbs; but Wood’s account of him is imperfect. 1