Surita, Jerome
, a Spanish historian, was born at Saragossa, Dec. 4, 1512, of an ancient family. He made great progress in Greek and Latin, under a very able master, at Alcala de Henares; but his particular predilection was for the study of history. He afterwards | became secretary to the inquisition, but employed his time chiefly in writing numerous works which procured him a very high reputation, not only with his countrymen, butiii the opinion of the learned of other nations. He died Oct. 31, 1580, in the sixty-eighth year of his age. His principal historical work is his “A Males de la corona del Reyno de Aragon,” 7 vols. fol. first printed at Saragossa in 1562, but the third edition of 1610 is accounted the most complete. He published also in Latin “Indices rerum ab Aragonice regibus gestarum, libri tres,” Sarag. 1578, with the addition of “Gaufredi Monachi de acquisitione regni Siciliac, Calabria?, &c. per Robertum Guiscardum et fratres Nortmannos principes,” and Celesinus “De Robert! Sicilin; regis rebus gestis, libri quatuor,” both before unpublished. He was the editor also of Antoninus 9 s Itinerary, and his notes were adopted by Dr. Thomas Gale in his edition. He left many other learned works in ms. particularly commentaries on Julius Caesar, and on Claudian. 1