, in Astrology, is the ascendant or first house, being that part of the zodiac which is just rising in the eastern side of the horizon at any proposed time, when a scheme is to be set or calculated, or a prediction made of any event. See Ascendant.

Horoscope is also used for a scheme or figure of the 12 celestial houses; i. e. the 12 signs of the zodiac, in which is marked the disposition of the heavens for any given time. Thus it is said, To draw or construct a Horoscope or scheme, &c. And it is more peculiarly|

called, Calculating a nativity, when the life and fortune of a person are the subject of prediction.

Lunar Horoscope, is the point the moon issues out of, when the sun is in the ascending point of the east; and is also called the Part of Fortune.

Horoscope was also a mathematical instrument, in manner of a planisphere; but now disused. It was invented by J. Paduanus, who wrote a special treatise upon it.

HORROR of a Vacuum, an imaginary principle among the more ancient philosophers, to which they ascribed the ascent of water in pumps, and other similar phenomena, which are now known to be occasioned by the weight of the air.

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Entry taken from A Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary, by Charles Hutton, 1796.

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HORROX (Jeremiah)