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,—is a man “clothed in purple, and that fares sumptuously every day,” bedizened out with ermine, sattin, velvet, silk, and gold spangles. Thus dressed up, he excites the adoration of those who thus deck him out; and when they approach him, they fall down on their knees, kiss his hand, and pay him that same kind of homage which in other places the priest ordains us to pay to three superior Beings. This man has the power of life and death over his subjects. The frogs petitioned for a king, and they had a stork sent them. Would to God that human kings were no worse than storks. I rejoice within myself wherever i ob­serve a tyrant king; for that abject people that endures a despot, deserves t obe enslaved, and to be made wretched.

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Entry taken from A Political Dictionary, by Charles Pigott, 1795.

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