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,—the state of ninety-nine out of a hundred of the human race. In England we profess to love freedom; and yet we are the chief agents of wickedness in the infernal traffic in human flesh! And so accustomed are we now to the tale of woe, which belongs to the little history of thousands and tens of thousands of Negroes, that we are wearied with the mention of their sufferings, and a noble lord, Carhampton, (who is a disgrace to the human species) in the House of Commons, openly and publicly, and with the clamorous approbation of some other shameless members, laughed at, and ridiculed the Quixotic humanity of Mr. Wilberforce and the rest of the members who had the feelings of human beings interwoven in their natures: and further took what he thought a parallel case, by an infamous and cruelly sportive allusion to the situation of a common prostitute!

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Entry taken from A Political Dictionary, by Charles Pigott, 1795.

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