ties, employed him as tutor to his sons. Mr. Basnage at that time lodged with this gentleman, and it was here Mr. Bayle commenced his acquaintance with him. When he
Some time after Mr. Bayle’s conversion, Mr. Naudis de Bruguiere, a young gentleman of great wit and penetration, and a relation of his, happened to come to Toulouse, where he lodged in the same house with him. They disputed warmly about religion, and after having pushed the arguments on both sides with great vigour, they used to examine them over again coolly. These familiar disputes often puzzled Mr. Bayle, and made him distrust several opinions of the church of Rome; and he began to suspect that he had embraced them too precipitately. Some time after Mr. de Pradals came to Toulouse, whom Mr. Bayle’s father had desired to visit him, hoping he would in a little time gain his confidence; and this gentleman so far succeeded, that Bayle one day owned to him his having been too hasty in entering into the church of Rome, since he now found several of her doctrines contrary to reason and scripture. August 1670, he departed secretly from Toulouse, where he had staid eighteen months, and retired to Mazeres in the Lauragais, to a country-house of Mr. du Vivie. His elder brother came thither the day after, with some ministers of the neighbourhood; and next day Mr. Rival, minister of Saverdun, received his abjuration in presence of his elder brother and two other ministers, after which they obliged him instantly to set out for Geneva. Soon after his arrival here, Mr. de Normandie, a syndic of the republic, having heard of his great character and abilities, employed him as tutor to his sons. Mr. Basnage at that time lodged with this gentleman, and it was here Mr. Bayle commenced his acquaintance with him. When he had been about two years at Geneva, at Mr. Basnage’s recommendation he entered into the family of the count de Dhona, lord of Copet, as tutor to his children; but not liking the solitary life he led in this family, he left it, and went to Roan in Normandy, where he was employed as tutor to a merchant’s son; but he soon grew tired of this place also. His great ambition was to be at Paris; he went accordingly thither in March 1675, and, at the recommendation of the marquis de Ruvigny, was chosen tutor to messieurs de Beringhen, brothers to M. de Beringhen, counsellor in the parliament of Paris.
r. Bayle excused himself, fearing lest if it should be known that he had changed his religion, which was a secret to every body in that country but Mr. Basnage, it might
Some months after his arrival at Paris, there being a vacancy of a professorship of philosophy at Sedan, Mr. Basuage proposed Mr. Bayle to Mr. Jurieu, who promised to serve him to the utmost of his power, and desired Mr. Basnage to write to him to come immediately to Sedan. But Mr. Bayle excused himself, fearing lest if it should be known that he had changed his religion, which was a secret to every body in that country but Mr. Basnage, it might bring him into trouble, and the Roman catholics from thence take occasion to disturb the protestants at Sedan. Mr. Jurieu was extremely surprised at his refusal; and even when Mr. Basnage communicated the reason, he was of opinion it ought not to hinder Mr. Bayle’s coming, since he and Mr. Basnage being the only persons privy to the secret, Mr. Bayle could run no manner of danger. Mr. Basnage therefore wrote again to Mr. Bayle, and prevailed with him to come to Sedan. He had three competitors, all natives of Sedan, the friends of whom endeavoured to raise prejudices against him because he was a stranger. But the affair being left to be determined by dispute, and the candidates having agreed to make their theses without books or preparation, Mr. Bayle defended his theses with such perspicuity and strength of argument, that, in spite of all the interest of his adversaries, the senate of the university determined it in his favour; and notwithstanding the opposition he met with upon his first coming to Sedan, his merit soon procured him universal esteem.
uke of Luxemburgh made a great noise; he had been accused of impieties, sorcery, and poisonings, but was acquitted, and the process against him suppressed. Mr. Bayle,
Jn 1680, an affair of the duke of Luxemburgh made a
great noise; he had been accused of impieties, sorcery,
and poisonings, but was acquitted, and the process against
him suppressed. Mr. Bayle, having been at Paris during
the harvest-vacation, had heard many particulars concerning this alfair, and immediately composed an harangue on
the subject, wherein the marshal is supposed to vindicate
himself before his judges. This speech is a smart satire
upon the duke and some o'her persons. He afterwards
wrote one more satirical, by way of criticism upon the
harangue. He sent these two pieces to Mr. Minutoli, desiring his opinion of them; and, that he might speak his
mind more freely, he concealed his being the author.
About this time father de Valois, a Jesuit of Caen, published a book, wherein he maintained that the sentiments
of M. Des Cartes concerning the essence and properties of
body, were repugnant to the doctrine of the church, and
agreeable to the errors of Calvin on the subject of the eucharist. Mr. Bayle read this performance, and judged it
well done. He was of opinion the author had incontestably proved the point in question; to wit, that the principles of M. Des Cartes were contrary to the faith of the
church of Rome, and agreeable to the doctrine of Calvin.
He took occasion from thence to write his “Sentimens de
M. Dcs Cartes touchant Tessence, &c.
” wherein he maintained the principles of Des Cartes, and answered all the
arguments by which father de Valois had endeavoured to
confute them.
licence for it from M. de la Reynie, lieutenant of the police, or a privilege from the king if that was necessary; but M. de Vise returned for answer, that M. de la
The great comet, which appeared December 1680, having filled the generality of people with fear and astonishment, induced Mr. Bayle to think of writing a letter on this subject to be inserted in the Mercure Galant; but, finding he had such abundance of matter as exceeded the bounds of a letter for that periodical work, he resolved to print it by itself; and accordingly sent it to M. de Vise. He desired M. de Vise to give it to his printer, and to procure a licence for it from M. de la Reynie, lieutenant of the police, or a privilege from the king if that was necessary; but M. de Vise returned for answer, that M. de la Reynie, being unwilling to take upon him the consequences of printing it, it would be necessary to obtain the approbation of the doctors before a royal privilege could be applied for; which being a tedious and difficult affair, Mr. Bayle gave over all thoughts of having it printed at Paris.
in a distressed situation; not a year passed without some infringement of the edict of Nantz, and it was at length resolved to shut up their academies. That at Sedan
The protestants in France were at this time in a distressed situation; not a year passed without some infringement of the edict of Nantz, and it was at length resolved
to shut up their academies. That at Sedan was accordingly suppressed by an arret of Lewis XIV. dated the 9th
of July, 1681. Mr. Bayle staid six or seven weeks at
Sedan after the suppression of the academy, expecting
letters of invitation from Holland; but not receiving any
during that time, he left Sedan the 2d of September, and
arrived at Paris the 7th of the same month, not being determined whether he should go to Rotterdam or England,
or continue in France; but whilst he was in this uncertainty he received an invitation to Rotterdam, for which
place he accordingly set out, and arrived there the 30th
of October, 1681. He was appointed professor of philosophy and history; with a salary of five hundred guilders
per annum. The year following he published his “Letter concerning Comets;
” and father Maimbourg having
published about this time his History of Calvinism, wherein
he endeavours to draw upon the protestants the contempt
and resentment of the catholics, Mr. Bayie wrote a piece
to confute his history: in this he has inserted several circumstances relating to the life and disputes of Mr. Maimbourg, and has given a sketch of his character, which is
thought to have a strong likeness.
In 1686, he was drawn into a dispute respecting the famous Christina queen of
In 1686, he was drawn into a dispute respecting the famous Christina queen of Sweden: in his Journal for April,
he took notice of a printed letter, supposed to have been
written by her Swedish majesty to the chevalier de Terlon,
wherein she condemns the persecution of the protestants
in France. He inserted the letter itself in his Journal for
May; and in that of June following he says: “What we
hinted at in our last month, is confirmed to us from day to
day, that Christina is the real author of the letter concerning the persecutions in France which is ascribed to her:
it is a remainder of protestantism.
” Mr. Bayle received
an anonymous letter, the author of which says, that he
wrote to him of his own accord, being in duty bound to it,
as a servant of the queen. He complains that Mr. Bayle,
speaking of her majesty, called her only Christina, without any title; he finds also great fault with his calling the
letter, “a remainder of protestantism.
” He blames him
likewise for inserting the words “I am,
” in the conclusion of the letter. “These words, says this anonymous
writer, are not her majesty’s; a queen, as she is, cannot
employ these words but with regard to a very few persons,
and Mr. de Terlon is not of that number.
” Mr. Bayle
wrote a vindication of himself as to these particulars, with
which the author of the anonymous letter declared himself
satisfied, excepting as to what related to “the remainder
of protestantism.
” He would not admit of the defence
with regard to that expression; and, in another letter, advised him to retract it. He adds in a postscript, “You
mention in your Journal of August, a second letter of the
queen, which you scruple to publish. Her majesty would
be glad to see that letter, and you will do a thing agreeable to her, if you would send it to her. You might take
this opportunity of writing to her majesty. This counsel
may be of some use to you; do not neglect it.
” Mr. Bayle
took ithe hint, and wrote a letter to her majesty, dated the
14th of November 1686; to which the queen, on the 14th
of December, wrote the following answer:
God, they are too noble and too honourable to be disowned. However, it is not true, that this letter was written to one of my ministers. As I have every where enemies,
“I have received your excuses, and am willing you
should know by this letter, that I am satisfied with them.
I am obliged to the zeal of the person, who gave you occasion of writing to me; for I am very glad to know you.
You express so much respect and affection for me, that I
pardon you sincerely; and I would have you know, that
nothing gave me offence but that ' remainder of protestantism, 7 of which you accused me. I am very delicate on
that head, because nobody can suspect me of it, without
lessening my glory, and injuring me in the most sensible
manner. You would do well, if you should even acquaint
the public with the mistake you have made, and with your
regret for it. This is all that remains to be done by you,
in order to deserve my being entirely satisfied with you.
”As to the letter which you have sent me, it is mine
without doubt and since you tell me that it is printed,
you will do me a pleasure if you send me some copies of
Jt. As I fear nothing in France, so neither do I fear any
thing at Rome. My fortune, my blood, and even my life,
are entirely devoted to the service of the church; but I
flatter nobody, and will never speak any thing but the
truth. I am obliged to those who have been pleased to
publish my letter; for I do not at all disguise my sentiments. I thank God, they are too noble and too honourable to be disowned. However, it is not true, that this
letter was written to one of my ministers. As I have every
where enemies, and persons who envy me, so I in all
places have friends and servants; and I have possibly as
many in France, notwithstanding the court, as any where
in the world. This is purely the truth, and you may regulate yourself accordingly.
l of August, 1686, has been pleased to be satisfied with the explanation we gave there. Properly, it was only the words f remainder of protestanism,' which had the misfortune
It now only remained that Mr. Bayle should acquaint
the public with the mistake he had made, and his regret
for it, in order to merit that princess’s entire satisfaction.
This he did in his Journal of January, 1687. “We have
been informed, to our incredible satisfaction,
” says he,
“that the queen of Sweden having seen the ninth article
of the Journal of August, 1686, has been pleased to be
satisfied with the explanation we gave there. Properly, it
was only the words f remainder of protestanism,' which
had the misfortune to offend her majesty; for, as her majesty is very delicate on that subject, and desires that all
the world should know, that after having carefully examined the different religions, she had found none to be
true but the Roman catholic, and that she has heartily
embraced it; it was injurious to her glory to give occasion
for the least suspicion of her sincerity. We are therefore
very sorry that we have made use of an expression, which
has been understood in a sense so very different from our
intention; and we would have been very far from making
use of it, if we had foreseen that it was liable to any ambiguity: for, besides the respect which, we, together with
all the world, owe to so great a queen, who has been the
admiration of the universe from her earliest days, we join
with the utmost zeal in that particular obligation which all
men of letters are under to do her homage, because of the
honour she has done the sciences, by being pleased thoroughly to examine their beauties, and to protect them in
a distinguishing manner.
provided his accuser would accompany him, and undergo the punishment he deserved, if the accusation was found unjust. He published also an answer to Mr. Jurieu’s charge;
The persecution which the protestants at this time suffered in France affected Mr. Bayle extremely. He made
occasionally some reflections on their sufferings in his
Journal; and he wrote a pamphlet also on the subject.
Some time after he published his “Commentaire philosophique,
” upon these words, “Compel them to come in;
against compulsion in matters of religion; but the great
application he gave to this and his other works, threw him
into a fit of sickness, which obliged him to discontinue his
Literary Journal. Being advised to try a change of air, he
left Rotterdam, and went to Cleves;, whence, after having
continued some time, he removed to Aix la Chapelle, and
thenct? returned to Rotterdam. In 1690, the famous
book, entitled, “Avis aux Refugiez,
” &c. made its appearance: Mr. Jurieu, who took Mr. Bayle for the author,
wrote a piece against it, and prefixed an advice to the
public, wherein he calls Mr. Bayle a profane person, and
a traitor engaged in a conspiracy against the state. As
soon as Mr. Bayle had read this accusation, he went to the
grand schout of Rotterdam, and offered to go to prison,
provided his accuser would accompany him, and undergo
the punishment he deserved, if the accusation was found
unjust. He published also an answer to Mr. Jurieu’s
charge; and as his reputation, and even his life was at
stake, in case the accusation of treason was proved, he
therefore thought himself not obliged to keep any terms
with his accuser, and attacked him with the utmost severity. Mr. Jurieu applied to the magistrates of Amsterdam,
who advised him to a reconciliation with Mr. Bayle, and
enjoined them not to publish any thing against each other
till it was examined by Mr. Boyer, the pensioner of Rotterdam.But, notwithstanding this prohibition, Mr. Jurieu
attacked Mr. Bayle again, and drew from him to write a
new vindication of his character and principles.
November, 1690, Mr. de Beauval advertised in his Journal, a scheme for a “Critical Dictionary.” This was the work of Mr. Bayle. The articles of the three first letters
In November, 1690, Mr. de Beauval advertised in his
Journal, a scheme for a “Critical Dictionary.
” This was
the work of Mr. Bayle. The articles of the three first letters of the alphabet were already prepared; but a dispute
happening betwixt him and Mr. de Beauval, he for some
time laid the work aside. Nor did he resume it till May
1692, when he published his scheme; but the public not
approving of his plan, he threw it into a different form,
and the first volume was published in August, 1695, the
second the October following. The work was extremely
well received by the public; but it engaged him in fresh
disputes, particularly with Mr. Jurieu and the abbe Renaudot. Mr. Jurieu published a piece, wherein he endeavoured to engage the ecclesiastical assemblies to condemn
the Dictionary: he presented it to the senate sitting at
Delft; but they took no notice of the affair. The consitory of Rotterdam granted Mr. Bayle a hearing; and
after having heard his answers to their remarks on his Dictionary, declared themselves satisfied, and advised him to
communicate this to the public. Mr. Jurieu made another
attempt with the consistory in 1698; and so far he prevailed, that they exhorted Mr. Bayle to be more cautious
about his principles in the second edition of his Dictionary;
which was published in 1702, with many additions and improvements.
Mr. Bayle was a most laborious and indefatigable writer. In one of his letters
Mr. Bayle was a most laborious and indefatigable writer.
In one of his letters to Des Maizeaux, he says, that since
his 20th year he hardly remembers to have had any leisure.
His intense application contributed perhaps to impair his
constitution, for it soon began to decline. He had a decay
of the lungs, which weakened him considerably; and as
this was a distemper which had cut off several of his family,
he judged it to be mortal, and would take no medicines.
He died the 28th of December 1706, after he had been
writing the greatest part of the day. He wrote several
books besides what we have mentioned, many of which
were in his own defence against attacks from the abbe Renaudot, M. le Clerc, M. Jaquelot, and others; a particular account of his works may be seen in the sixth volume
of Niceron. Among the productions which do honour to
the age of Lewis XIV. M.Voltaire has not omitted the
Critical Dictionary of our author: It is the first work of the
kind, he says, in which a man may learn to think. He
censures indeed those articles which contain only a detail
of minute facts, as unworthy either of Bayle, an understanding reader, or posterity. In placing him, continues
the same author, amongst the writers who do honour to the
age of Lewis XIV. although a refugee in Holland, I only
conform to the decree of the parliament of Toulouse;
which, when it declared his will valid in France, notwithstanding the rigour of the laws, expressly said, “that such
a man could not be considered as a foreigner.
ry beyond all reasonable and necessary bounds. But it would have been more just to have said that he was one of those who have conducted an opposition to the truths
The opinion of Voltaire, however, which we have preserved (as we have done the article of Bayle nearly as it stood in our last edition), must not be allowed much weight in a question where religion or morals are concerned. Bayle has been hailed as one of those who introduced the spirit of free inquiry; and while this merit maybe allowed him, we may add that he has exhibited in his own person, the consequences of pushing free inquiry beyond all reasonable and necessary bounds. But it would have been more just to have said that he was one of those who have conducted an opposition to the truths of revealed religion by the means of sarcasm and impertinence, instead of fair argument; and except the French Encyclopedic, there is not perhaps any book so likely to unsettle the minds of young readers as his celebrated Dictionary. Nor is this the only objection that may be urged against it. Bayle has been praised for his morality in private life; but what are we to think of the morals of a man, who not only taken every opportunity that may lay in his way to introduce obscene discussions, quotations, and allusions, but even perpetually travels out of his way in search of them, who delights in accumulating the anecdotes and imagery of vice, and presenting them to his readers in every shape? Considered in a critical light, this Dictionary may be allowed to form avast mass of information, but the plan is radically bad. It has been said that he wrote it merely for the sake of the notes, which had accumulated in his common-place book: hence the text bears a very small proportion to the notes suspended from it, and the reader’s attention is perpetually diverted from the narrative to attend, not always to what may throw light on the object of the text, but to Mr. Bayle’s tattle and gossip collected from various quarters, and from his own prolific and prurient imaginations It is much to be regretted that his reputation was such as to render this mode of writing Biography a fashion, and particularly that it was followed in our Biographia Britannica, in many parts of which Bayle’s garrulity has been exactly followed. With respect to Bayle’s other works, a reference for their titles to Niceron may he sufficient. They are now in little repute, and his fame must principally stand or fall on the merits of his Dictionary.
physicians to the king of Prussia, and member of the colleges of physicians of London and Edinburgh, was author of “An essay on the BathWaters, 1757;” “A narrative of
, one of the physicians to the king
of Prussia, and member of the colleges of physicians of
London and Edinburgh, was author of “An essay on the
BathWaters, 1757;
” “A narrative of facts demonstrating
the existence and cause of a Physical Confederacy, made
known in the printed letters of Dr. Lucas and Dr. Oliver,
” and “An historical account of the General Hospital or Infirmary in the city of Bath,
” That to have acquired so much
experience, he must necessarily have killed a great many
” To which the doctor replied, “Pas tant que
vatre majeste,
” “Not so many as your majesty.
” He
died in
, an English prelate, was born at Caermarthen in Whales, and educated at the university
, an English prelate, was born at Caermarthen in Whales, and educated at the university of Oxford;
but in what college, or what degrees he took is uncertain.
We find only that he was admitted, as a member of Exeter college, to be reader of the sentences in 1611; about
which time he was minister of Evesham in Worcestershire,
chaplain to prince Henry, and rector of St. Matthew’s,
Friday-street, in London. Two years after he took his degrees in divinity; and being very much celebrated for his
talent in preaching, was appointed one of the chaplains to
king James I. who nominated him to the bishopric of Bangor in the room of Dr. H. Rowlands, in which see he was
consecrated at Lambeth, Dec. 8, 1616. On the 15th of
July 1621, he was committed to the Fleet, but was soon
after discharged. It is not certain what was the reason of
his commitment, unless, as Mr. Wood observes, it was on
account of prince Charles’s intended marriage with the Infanta of Spain. He died in the beginning of 1632, and
was interred in the church of Bangor. His fame rests
chiefly on his work entitled “The practice of Piety,
” of
which there have been a prodigious number of editions in
12mo and 8vo, that of 1735 being the fifty-ninth. It was
also translated into Welsh and French in 1633, and such
was its reputation, that John D'Espagne, a French writer,
and preacher at Somerset-house chapel in 1656, complained, that the generality of the common people paid
too great a regard to it, and considered the authority of it
as almost equal to that of the Sqriptures. This book was
the substance of several sermons, which Dr. Bayly preached while he was minister of Evesham. But Lewis du Moulin, who was remarkable for taking all opportunities of
reflecting upon the bishops and church of England, in his
“Patronus Bonce Fidei, &c.
” published in 8vo, this book was written by a Puritan minister,
and that a bishop, whose life was not very chaste and regular, after the author’s death, bargained with his widow
for the copy, which he received, but never paid her the
money; that he afterwards interpolated it in some places,
and published it as his own.
” It is not very probable, however, that a man “whose life was not very chaste and regular,
” should have been anxious to publish a work of this
description; but Dr. Kennet, in his Register, has very
clearly proved that bishop Bayly was the real author.
rdshire, in 1595, entered of Exeter college in 1611, and became fellow the year following. His tutor was Dr. Prideaux. After completing his master’s degree, he went
, son of the above, born in Herefordshire, in 1595, entered of Exeter college in 1611, and became fellow the year following. His tutor was Dr. Prideaux. After completing his master’s degree, he went
into orders, and had some church preferment from his father. He was afterwards one of his majesty’s chaplains,
and guardian of Christ’s hospital in Ruthyn. He published “The Angel Guardian,
” a collection of sermons, London,
, the fourth and youngest son of bishop Bayly, was educated at Cambridge, and having commenced B. A. was presented
, the fourth and youngest son of
bishop Bayly, was educated at Cambridge, and having
commenced B. A. was presented to the subdeanery of
Wells by Charles I. in 1638. In 1644, he retired with
other loyalists to Oxford, where, proceeding in his degrees
he was created D. D. and two years after wle find him with
the marquis of Worcester, in Ragland castle, after the battle of Naseby. When this was surrendered to the parliament army, on which occasion he was employed to draw
up the articles, he travelled into France and other countries; but returned the year after the king’s death, and
published at London, in 8vo, a book, entitled “Certamen
Religiosum, or a conference between king Charles I. and
Henry late marquis of Worcester, concerning religion, in
Ragland castle, anno 1646.
” But this conference was believed to have no real foundation, and considered as nothing
else than a prelude to the declaring of himself a papist.
The same year, 1649, he published “The Royal Charter
granted unto kings by God himself, &c. to which is added,
a treatise, wherein is proved, that episcopacy is jure dvvino
” 8vo. These writings giving offence, occasioned him
to be committed to Newgate whence escaping, he re^
tired to Holland, and became a zealous Roman catholic.
During his confinement in Newgate, he wrote a piece entitled, “Herba Parietis, or the wall-flower, as it grows
out of the stone-chamber belonging to the metropolitan
prison; being an history, which is partly true, partly romantic, morally divine; whereby a marriage between
reality and fancy is solemnized by divinity,
” Lond. The end to controversy between the Roman catholic and
Protestant religions, justified by all the several manner of
ways, whereby all kinds of controversies, of what nature
soever, are usually or can possibly be determined,
” Douay,
Dr. Bayly’s Challenge.
” At
last this singular person went to Italy, where he lived and
died extremely poor (although Dodd says that he died in cardinal Ottoboni’s family) for Dr. Trevor, fellow of
Merton college, who was in Italy in 1659, told Mr. Wood several times, that Dr. Bayly died obscurely in an hospital,
and that he had seen the place where he was buried.
aughter of Dr. Edward Baynard, a gentleman of an ancient family, and an eminent physician in London, was born at Preston, in Lancashire, in 1672. Her father, who discovered
, a learned English lady, the only
daughter of Dr. Edward Baynard, a gentleman of an ancient
family, and an eminent physician in London, was born at
Preston, in Lancashire, in 1672. Her father, who discovered
her early capacity, bestowed great care on her education, and
was rewarded by the extraordinary proficiency she made in
various branches of learning not usual with her sex^ She?
was well acquainted with philosophy, mathematics, and
physics. She was also familiar with the writings of the
ancients in their original languages. At the age of twentythree she had the knowledge of a profound philosopher,
and in metaphysical learning was a nervous and subtle
disputant. She took great pains with the Greek language,
that she might read in their native purity the works of St.
Chrysostom. Her Latin compositions, which were various, were written in a pure and elegant style. She possessed an acute and comprehensive mind, an ardent thirst
of knowledge, and a retentive memory. She was accustomed to declare, “that it was a sin to be content with a
little knowledge.
” To theendowments of the mind she
added the virtues of the heart she was modest, humble,
and benevolent, exemplary in her whole conduct, and in
every relative duty. She was pious and constant in her
devotions, both public and private; beneficent to the
poor; simple in her manners; retired, and rigid in her
notions and habits. It was her custom to lay aside a certain portion of her income, which was not large, for charitable uses; to this she added an ardent desire and strenuous efforts for the mental and moral improvement of
those within her circle and influence. About two years
previous to her death, she seems to have been impressed
with an idea of her early dissolution which first suggested
itself to her mind while walking alone among the tombs,
in a church-yard and which she indulged with much
complacency. On her death-bed she earnestly entreated
the minister who attended her, that he would exhort all
the young people of his congregation to the study of wisdom and knowledge, as the means of moral improvement
and real happiness. “I could wish,
” says she, “that all
young persons might be exhorted to the practice of virtue,
and to increase their knowledge by the study of philosophy; and especially to read the great book of nature,
therein they may see the wisdom and power of the Creator, in the order of the universe, and in the production
and preservation of all things.
” “That vr omen are capably
of such improvements, which will better their judgments
and understandings, in past all doubt, would they but set
sjbout it in earnest, and spend but half of that time in study
thinking) which they do in visits, vanity, and folly.
It would introduce a composure of mind, and lay a solid
basis for wisdom and knowledge, by which they would be
better enabled to serve God, and to help their neighbours.
These particulars are taken from her funeral sermon,
preached at Barnes, where she died in her 25th year, June
12, 1697, by the rev. John Prade, and reprinted in that
useful collection of such documents, “Wilford’s Memorials.
” She was interred at the East end of the churchyard of Barnes, with a monument and inscription, of which
no traces are now to be found, but the inscription is preserved in Aubrey.
, was born in April 1758, at Middleham, in Yorkshire where his father,
, was born in April 1758, at Middleham, in Yorkshire where his father, who afterwards retired from business, then followed the profession of the
Jaw. Mr. Baynes received his education at Richmond,
under the rev. Mr. A. Temple, author of three discourses,
printed in 1772; of “Remarks on the Layman’s Scriptural
Confutation; and letters to the rev. Thomas Randolph,
D. D. containing a defence of Remarks on the Layman’s
Scriptural Confutation,
, an English divine of considerable eminence at Cambridge, was a native of London. He received his school-education at Withersfield,
, an English divine of considerable
eminence at Cambridge, was a native of London. He
received his school-education at Withersfield, in Essex,
and was afterwards admitted of Christ college, Cambridge,
where his behaviour was so loose and irregular that his
father left what he meant to bestow on him, in the hands
of Mr. Wilson, a tradesman of London, with an injunction
not to let him have it, unless he forsook his evil courses.
This happy change took place not long after his father’s
death, and Mr. Wilson delivered up his, trust. In the interim, although his moral conduct was censurable, such
was his proficiency in learning, that he was elected a fellow
of his college; and after his reformation, having been admitted into holy orders, he was so highly esteemed for
his piety, eloquence, and success, as a preacher, that he
was chosen to succeed the celebrated Perkins, as lecturer
of St. Andrew’s church. In this office he continued until
silenced for certain opinions, not favourable to the discipline of the church, by Abp. Bancroft’s visitor, Mr. (afterwards archbishop) Harsnet; and Mr. Baynes appealed, but in
vain, to the archbishop. On another occasion he was
summoned by Dr. Harsnet, then bishop of Chichester, to
the privy-council, but acquitted himself so much to the
satisfaction of all present, that he met with no farther
trouble. During his suspension from the regular exercise
of his ministry, he employed himself on his writings, none
of which, if we may judge from the dates of those we have
seen, were published in his life-time. He died at Cambridge, in 1617. His works are: 1. “A commentary on
the first chapter of the epistle to the Ephesians, handling
the controversy of Predestination,
” London, The Diocesan’s Trial, wherein all the sinews of Dr.
Downham’s defence are brought into three heads, and dissolved,
” Help to true happiness, explaining
the fundamentals of Christian religion,
” London, 12m'o.
3d edit. 1635. 4. “Letters of consolation, exhortation,
direction, with a sermon of the trial of a Christian’s estate,
1637, 12mo. 5.
” A Commentary on the epistle to the
Ephesians," Lond. fol. 1643.
, an English prelate, was a native of Yorkshire, and educated in St. John’s college, Cambridge,
, an English prelate, was a native of
Yorkshire, and educated in St. John’s college, Cambridge,
where he attained considerable reputation, as an expounder
of the Scriptures, and as a Greek and Hebrew scholar.
Having taken his degree of D. D. he went over to Paris,
and was for some time royal professor of Hebrew. He
remained abroad during the latter part of the reign of
Henry VIII. and the whole of Edward VI. but upon the
accession of queen Mary, with whose principles he coincided, he was consecrated bishop of Lichfield and Coventry. When queen Elizabeth succeeded, he was deprived, and for some time imprisoned, but lived afterwards
in the bishop of London’s house. He died in 1559, of
the stone. Fuller says, in allusion to the persecutions he
occasioned in his diocese, that although he was as bad as
Christopherson, he was better than Bonner. He wrote
“Prima Rudimenta in linguam Hebraicam,
” Paris, Comment, in proverbia Salomonis, lib. III.
ibid, and same year, fol.
, an eminent physician, and professor of music at Gresham-college, in London, was born about the year 1622, and educated at Christ’s college,
, an eminent physician, and professor of music at Gresham-college, in London, was born about the year 1622, and educated at Christ’s college, in Cambridge, under the tuition of the learned Dr. Henry More, where he took the degree of B. A. about the year 1642. In 1649, he took the degree of M. A. and commenced the study of physic. He went into Italy in company with Mr. Finch (afterwards sir John), with whom he had contracted the strictest friendship; and at Padua they were both created doctors of physic. Upon the restoration of king Charles II. in 1660, Mr. Baynes and Mr. Finch returned into England, and the same year were created doctors of physic at Cambridge. On the 26th of February following, Mr. Baynes, together with sir John Finch, was admitted a fellow extraordinary, i. e. one bey.ond the then limited number, of the college of physicians of London. Dr. Petty having resigned his professorshjp of music in Gresham-coilege, Dr. Baynes was chosen to succeed him, the 8th of March, 1660; and the 26th of June following, he and his friend sir John Finch were admitted graduates in physic at Cambridge, in pursuance of the grace passed in their favour the year before. In March 1663, they were elected F. K. S. upon the first choice made by the council, after the grant of their charter, of which they had been members before; and May 15, 1661, had, with several others, been nominated a committee for a library at Gresham college, and for examining of the generation of insects. In March 1664, Dr. Baynes accompanied sir John Finch to Florence, where that gentleman was appointed his majesty’s resident, and returned back with him into England in 1670. Towards the end of the year 1672, sir John being appointed the king’s ambassador to the grand signer, Dr. Baynes was ordered to attend him as his physician, and before he left England, received from his majesty the honour of knighthood.' Nine years after, sir Thomas still continuing in Turkey, the Gresham committee Cound it necessary to supply his professorship, by chusing Mr. William Perry in his room, but of this he never heard, as he died at Constantinople about a month after, Sept. 5, 1681, to the inexpressible grief of his affectionate friend, sir John Finch, who died Nov. 18, 1682, and according to his own desire, was interred at Cambridge, in the chapel of Christ’s college, whither the remains of sir Thomas had been brought. Dr. Henry More inscribed a long epitaph to their memories, commemorating their many virtues and steady friendship. They jointly left four thousand pounds to that college, by which two fellowships and two scholarships were fouuded, and an addition made to the master’s income. Sir John was supposed to have paid most of the money, though he was willing that sir Thomas should share with him in the honour of this donation, as in all his other laudable actions. This instance of a long and inviolably mutual attachment, may be added to the histories of human friendship, which are so rare, and so gratifying when they do occur. Is it not probable that these two gentlemen imbibed something of the noble enthusiasm they were inspired with from tljeir tutor, Dr. Henry More; who was a man of the warmest and most generous affections, and a great adept in the Platonic philosophy?
actice, as to be often consulted by princes and men of rank, who munificently rewarded his services, was born at Turin, about the year 1478, and became first physician
, an Italian physician, of great reputation in his day, charitably attentive to the wants of
the poor, and so successful in his practice, as to be often
consulted by princes and men of rank, who munificently
rewarded his services, was born at Turin, about the year
1478, and became first physician to Charles II. (or according to Dict. Hist. Charles III.) duke of Savoy. He
died April 1, 1558. His works are: 1. “De pestilentia
ej usque curatione per preservationum et curationum regimen,
” Turin, Lexipyretae perpetuae questionis et annexorum solutio, de nobilitate facultatum per terminos utriusque facultatis,
Turin, De medendis humani corporis
mahs Enchyridion, quod vulgo Vade-mecum vocant,
Basil," 1563, and often reprinted.
a physician at Strasburgh, who died in May 1754, was not more esteemed for his successful practice, than for his
a physician at Strasburgh, who died in
May 1754, was not more esteemed for his successful practice, than for his knowledge of botany and natural history.
In his pursuit of these studies, he published: 1. “Observations sur les Plantes,
” Strasburgh, Traite
de Taccroissement des Plantes,
” Histoire
des Abeilles,
” Paris, Lettre sur
le Polypes,
” Abrege
” de Phistoire des
Insectes," Paris, 1747, 2 vols. 12mo, an excellent abridgment of Reaumur.
, engraver, and letter-founder, was born at Troyes, in 1525, son of Guilleaume le Be, a noble bourgeois,
, engraver, and letter-founder, was
born at Troyes, in 1525, son of Guilleaume le Be, a noble
bourgeois, and Magdalen de St. Aubin. Being brought
up in the house of Robert Stephens, whom his father supplied with paper, he got an insight into the composition
of the types of that famous printing-house. He afterwards, by order of Francis I. made those beautiful oriental
types which Robert Stephens used; and Philip II. employed him to prepare those with which his Bible of Antwerp was printed. In 1545 le B6 took a journey to
Venice, and there cut for Mark Anthony Justiniani, who
had raised a Hebrew printing-house, the punches necessary to the casting of the founts to be employed in that
establishment. Being returned to Paris, he there practised his art till 1598, the year of his decease. Casaubon
speaks of him highly to his credit in his preface to the
Opuscula of Scaliger. Henry le Be, his son, was a printer
at Paris, where he gave in 1581, a quarto edition of the
“Institutiones Clenardi Gr.
” This book, which was of
great utility to the authors of the “Methode Grecque
” of
Port-royal, is a master-piece in printing. His sons and
his grandsons signalised themselves in the same art. The
last of them died in 1685.
, an English writer, was a wine merchant at Wrexham, in Denbighshire, a man of learning,
, an English writer, was a wine
merchant at Wrexham, in Denbighshire, a man of learning, great humanity, of an easy fortune, and much respected. He published in 1737, “Eugenio, or virtuous
and happy life,
” 4to, a poem inscribed to Pope, and by
no means destitute of poetical merit. He submitted it in
manuscript to Swift, who wrote him a long and very candid
letter, now printed in his works, and Mr. Beach adopted Swift’s
corrections. He is said to have entertained very blameable
notions in religion, but his friends endeavoured to vindicate him from this charge, when his death took place, May
17, 1737, precipitated by his own hand.
, one of the English reformers, was a native of Norfolk, or Suffolk, and educated at Cambridge,
, one of the English
reformers, was a native of Norfolk, or Suffolk, and educated at Cambridge, where he took his bachelor’s degree
in 1530. He was presented on May 24, 1547, to the
rectory of St. Stephen Walbrook, ol which he was deprived in 1554, and imprisoned twice in queen Mary’s
time, but escaped to Marpurg. From Strasburgh, in the
same year, we find him addressing an “Epistle to the
Faithful in England,
” exhorting them to patient perseverance in the truth. After queen Mary’s death, he returned to England, and in 1560 was preferred to the rectory of Buckland, in Hertfordshire, and in 1563 to that of
St. Dionis Backchurch, in London. He was also a prebend of the fourth stall in Canterbury cathedral, and had
been, in Cranmer’s time, chaplain to that celebrated prelate. Tanner’s account of his promotions is somewhat different. We learn from Strype, in his life of Grindall,
that he objected at first, but afterwards conformed to the
clerical dress, some articles of which at that time were
much scrupled by the reformers who had lived abroad.
He died at Canterbury, about 1570, in his sixtieth year.
In the Heerologia, a work not much to be depended on,
it is said that he was professor of divinity at Oxford, an
assertion contrary to all other authority. He wrote:
k man’s salve, or directions in sickness, and how to dye,” Edin. 1613, 8vo. It has been said that he was the first Englishman that wrote against bowing at the name of
I. “Counts Dominica et Missse Papistical comparatio,
Basil, Various treatises,
” fol. printed
by Day, The Acts of Christe and Antichriste,
” Lond. The reliques of Rome,
by Day, Ætatis
suae 41, 1553,
” which makes the time of his birth 1512;
and at the time of his persecution in 1541, he must have
been about twenty-nine years of age. 5. “Postills upon
the sundry Gospels,
” Lond. 4to, His works,
Lond. The Sick man’s salve, or directions in sickness, and how to dye,
” Edin.
, a portrait-painter in the reign of Charles II. was daughter of Mr. Cradock, minister of Walton upon Thames, but
, a portrait-painter in the reign of Charles
II. was daughter of Mr. Cradock, minister of Walton upon
Thames, but was born in Suffolk in 1632. She was assiduous in copying the works of sir Peter Lely and Vandyke. She painted? in oil, water-colours, and crayons;
and had much business. The author of the essay towards
an English school of Painters, annexed to De Piles’s art
of Painting, says, that “she was little inferior to any of
her contemporaries, either for colouring, strength, force,
or life; insomuch that sir Peter was greatly taken with her
performances, as he would often acknowledge. She worked
with a wonderful body of colours, and was exceedingly industrious.
” She was greatly respected and encouraged
by many of the most eminent among the clergy of that
time; she took the portraits of Tillotson, Stillingfleet,
Patrick, Wilkins, &c. some of which are still remaining
at the earl of Ilchester’s, at Melbury, in Dorsetshire. In
the manuscripts of Mr. Oldys, she is celebrated for her
poetry as well as for her painting; and is styled “that
masculine poet, as well as painter, the incomparable Mrs.
” In Dr. S. Woodford’s translation of the Psalms,
are two or three versions of particular psalms, by Mrs.
Beale: whom, in his preface, he calls “an absolutely
complete gentlewoman r
” He says farther, “I have hardly
obtained leave to honour this volume of mine with two or
three versions, long since done by the truly virtuous Mrs.
Mary Beale; among whose least accomplishments it is,
that she has made painting and poetry, which in the fancies
of others had only before a kind of likeness, in her own to
be really the same. The reader, I hope, will pardon this
public acknowledgement, which I make to so deserving a
” She died Dec. 28, 1697, in her 66th year.
She had two sons, who both exercised the art of painting
some little time; one of them afterwards studied physic under
Dr. Sydenham, and practised at Coventry, where he and
his father died. There is an engraving, by Chambers,
from a painting by herself, of Mrs. Beale, in Walpole’s
Anecdotes of Painting in England.
, or Belus, who was the eldest sou of Robert Beale, a descendant from the family
, or Belus, who was the eldest sou
of Robert Beale, a descendant from the family of Beale,
of Woodbridge, in Suffolk, appears to have been educated
to the profession of the civil and canon law. He was an
exile on account of religion, in queen Mary’s days, but
some time after his return, married Editha, daughter of
Henry St. Barbe, of Somersetshire, and sister to the lady
of sir Francis Walsingham, under whose patronage he first
appeared at court. In 1571 he was secretary to sir Francis
when sent ambassador to France, and himself was sent in
the same character, in 1576, to the prince of Orange.
Heylin and Fuller inform us that he was a great favourer
of the Puritans, and wrote in defence of their principles.
About the year 1564 he wrote in defence of the validity of
the marriage between the earl of Hertford and lady Catherine Grey, and against the sentence of the delegates,
which sentence was also opposed by the civilians of Spire,
and of Paris, whom Beale had consulted. Strype, in his
life of Parker, mentions his “Discourse concerning the
Parisian massacre by way of letter to the lord Burghley.
His most considerable work, however, is a collection of
some of the Spanish historians, under the title “Rerum
Hispanicarum Scriptores,
” Francf.
, D. D. master of the Charterhouse, was born May 1, 1697, and elected scholar of the Charter-house,
, D. D. master of the Charterhouse, was born May 1, 1697, and elected scholar of the
Charter-house, on the nomination of lord Somers, July
19, 1710; whence, in Nov. 1712, he was elected to the
university, and was matriculated of St. Mary Magdalen
hall, Oxford, Dec. 17, following. In 1716 he took his
bachelor’s degree, and in June 1717, was elected probationary, and two years after, actual fellow of Merton college. After taking deacon’s orders in 1718, and priest’s
in 1719, and proceeding M. A. he was appointed preacher
to the Charter-house in 1724. In 1730 he accumulated
the degrees of B. and D. D. and in 1738 was made one of
the king’s chaplains, and in March 1739, secretary to the
society for propagating the gospel in foreign parts. In
1743 he was instituted to the rectory of Stormouth in Kent,
which he held by dispensation, and was elected master of
the Charter-house Dec. 18, 1753. He died Nov. 17,1761.
Although a man of worth and learning, he had no talents
for writing. The only attempt he made was in his “Historical Account of Thomas Sutton, esq. and of his Foundation in the Charter-house,
” Lond.
, an English actor and singer, born in 1717, was bred up in the king’s chapel, and was one of the singers in
, an English actor and singer, born in
1717, was bred up in the king’s chapel, and was one of
the singers in the duke of Chandos’s chapel at Cannons,
where he performed in Esther, an oratorio composed by
Mr. Handel. He appeared the first time on the stage at
Drury-lane, Aug. 30, 1737, in sir John Loverule, in the
“Devil to Pay.
” He afterwards, on the 8th of Jan. 1739,
married lady Henrietta Herbert, daughter of J&mes earl
Waldegrave, and widow of lord Edward Herbert, second
son of the marquis of Powis. She died 31st of May 1753.
On his marriage he quitted the stage for a few years. He
afterwards returned to Drury-lane, and in 1744 to Coventgarden, where he remained until 1758. In that year he
engaged with Mr. Garrick, and continued with him until
1759, when having married a daughter of Mr. Rich, he
was engaged at Covent-garden, where, on the death of
that gentleman, he became manager. His first appearance there was on the 10th of Oct. 1759, in the character
of Macheath, which, aided by Miss Brent in Polly, ran fifty-two nights. In 1768 he retired from the theatre, and
died universally respected at the age of seventy-four, in
1791. His remains were deposited in the vault of the
church at Hampton in Middlesex. He was long the deserved favourite of the public; and whoever remembers
the variety of his abilities, as actor and singer, in oratorios
and operas, both serious and comic, win 1 testify to his
having stood unrivalled in fame and excellence. This
praise, however, great as it -was, fell short of what his private merits acquired. He had one of the sincerest hearts
joined to the most polished manners. He was a most delightful companion, whether as host or guest. His time,
his pen, and purse, were devoted to the alleviation of
every distress that fell within the compass of his power, and
through life he fulfilled the relative duties of son, brother,
guardian, friend, and husband, with the most exemplary
truth and tenderness.
, archbishop of St. Andrew’s in Scotland, and cardinal of the Roman church, was born 1494, and educated in the university of St. Andrew’s. He
, archbishop of St. Andrew’s in Scotland, and cardinal of the Roman church, was born 1494, and educated in the university of St. Andrew’s. He was afterwards sent over to the university of Paris, where he studied divinity; and when he attained a proper age, entered into orders. In 1519 he was appointed resident at the court of France; about the same time his uncle James Beaton, archbishop of Glasgow, conferred upon him the rectory of Campsay; and in 1523 this uncle, being then archbishop of St. Andrew’s, gave him the abbacy of Aberbrothock, or Arbroath. David returned to Scotland in 1525, and in 1528 was made lord privy seal. In 1533 he was sent again to France, in con-junction with sir Thomas Erskine, to confirm the leagues subsisting between the two kingdoms, and to bring about a marriage for king James V. with Magdalene, daughter of the king of France; but the princess being in a very bad state of health, the marriage could not then take effect. During his residence, however, at the French court, he received many favours from his Christian majesty. King James having gone over to France, had the princess Magdalene given him in person, whom he espoused on the first of January 1537. Beaton returned to Scotland with their majesties, where they arrived the 29th of May; but the death of the queen happening the July following, he was sent over again to Paris, to negotiate a second marriage for the king with the lady Mary, daughter to the duke of Guise and during his stay at the court of France, he was consecrated bishop of Mirepoix. All things being settled in regard to the marriage, in the month of June, he embarked with the new queen for Scotland, where they arrived in July: the nuptials were celebrated at St. Andrew’s, and the February following the coronation was performed with great splendour and magnificence in the abbey church of Holyrood -house.
t did not take effect. A few months after, the old archbishop flying, the cardinal succeeded: and it was upon this promotion that he began to shew his warm and persecuting
Beaton, though at this time only coadjutor of St. Andrew’s, yet had all the power and authority of the archbishop; and in order to strengthen the catholic interest in Scotland, pope Paul III. raised him to a cardinalship, by the title of St. Stephen in Monte Ccelo, Dec. 20, 1538. King Henry VIII. having intelligence of the ends proposed! by the pope in creating him a cardinal, sent a very able ^minister to king James, with particular instructions for a deep scheme to procure the cardinal’s disgrace; but it did not take effect. A few months after, the old archbishop flying, the cardinal succeeded: and it was upon this promotion that he began to shew his warm and persecuting zeal for the church of Rome. Soon after his instalment, Jie got together, in the cathedral of St. Andrew’s, a great confluence of persons of the first rank, both clergy and laity; to whom, from a throne erected for the purpose, he made a speech, representing to them the danger wherewith tha church was threatened by the increase of heretics, who had the boldness to profess their opinions even in the king’scourt; where, said he, they find but too great countenance: and he mentioned by name sir John Borthwicl:, whom he had caused to be cited to that diet, for dispersing heretical books, ^nd holding several opinions contrary to the doctrine of the Roman church. Then the articles of accusation were read against him, and sir John appearing neither in person nor by proxy, was declared a heretic, his goodsconfiscated, and himself burnt in effigy. Sir John retired to England, where he was kindly received by king Henry, who seat him into Germany, in his name, to conclude a treaty with the protestant princes of the empire. Sir John Borthwick was not the^only person proceeded against for heresy; several others were also prosecuted, and among the rest, George Buchanan, the celebrated poet and historian: and as the king left all to the management of the cardinal, it is difficult to say to what lengths such a furious zealot might have gone, had not the king’s death put a stop to his arbitrary proceedings.
When the king died, there being none so near him as the cardinal, it was suggested by his enemies that he forged his will; and it was
When the king died, there being none so near him as
the cardinal, it was suggested by his enemies that he forged
his will; and it was set aside, notwithstanding he had it
proclaimed at the cross of Edinburgh, in order to establish
the regency in the earls of Argyle, Huntley, Arran, and
himself. He was expressly excluded from the government,
and the earl of Arran was declared sole regent during the
minority of queen Mary. This was chiefly effected by the
noblemen in the English interest, who, after having-sent
the cardinal prisoner to Blackness-castle, managed the
public affairs as they pleased. Things did not remain long,
however, in this situation for the ambitious enterprising“cardinal, though confined, raised so strong a party, that
the regent, not knowing how to proceed, began to dislike
his former system, and having at length resolved to abandon it, released the cardinal, and became reconciled to
him. Upon the young
” queen’s coronation, the cardinal
was again admitted of the council, and had the high office
of chancellor conferred upon him; and such was now his
influence with the regent, that he got him to solicit the
court of Rome to appoint him legate a latere from the
pope, which was accordingly done.
straining heresy. How far they proceeded is uncertain; but it is generally allowed that the cardinal was diverted from the purposes he had then in hand, by information
His authority being now firmly established, he began
again to promote the popish cause with his utmost efforts.
Towards the end of 1545 he visited some parts of his diocese, attended with the lord governor, and others of the
nobility, and ordered several persons to be executed for
heresy. In 1546 he summoned a provincial assembly of
the clergy at the Black friars in Edinburgh, in order to
concert measures for restraining heresy. How far they
proceeded is uncertain; but it is generally allowed that the
cardinal was diverted from the purposes he had then in
hand, by information he received of Mr. George Wisbart,
the most famous protestant preacher in Scotland, being at
the house of Mr. Cockburn at Ormiston. The cardinal, by
an order from the governor, which was indeed with difficulty obtained, caused him to be apprehended. He was
for some time confined in the castle of Edinburgh, and removed from thence to the castle of St. Andrew’s. The cardinal, having resolved to proceed without delay to his trial,
summoned the prelates to St. Andrew’s. At this meeting the
archbishop of Glasgow gave as his opinion, that application
should be made to the governor, to grant a commission to
some nobleman to try so famous a prisoner, that the whole
blame might not lie upon the clergy. He was accordingly applied to; and notwithstanding his refusal, and his message to
the cardinal, not to precipitate his trial, and notwithstanding Mr. Wishart’s appeal, as being the governor’s prisoner,
to a temporal jurisdiction; yet the furious prelate went on
with the trial, and this innocent gentleman was condemned
to be burnt at St. Andrew’s. He died with amazing firmness and resolution: and it is averred by some writers, that
he prophesied in the midst of the flames, not only the approaching death of the cardinal, but the circumstances alsa
that should attend it. Buchanan’s account is as follows:
After relating the manner in which Mr. Wishart spent the
morning of his execution, he proceeds thus: “A while after two executioners were sent to him by the cardinal; one
of them put a black linen shirt upon him, and the other
bound many little bags of gun-powder to all the parts of
his body. In this dress they brought him forth, and commanded him to stay in the governor’s outer chamber, and
at the same time they erected a wooden scaffold in the
court before the castle, and made up a pile of wood. The
windows and balconies over against it were all hung with
tapestry and silk hangings, with cushions for the cardinal
and his train, to behold and take pleasure in the joyful
sight, even the torture of an innocent man; thus courting
the favour of the people as the author of so notable a deed.
There was also a great guard of soldiers, not so much to
secure the execution, as for a vain ostentation of power
and beside, brass guns were placed up and down in all
convenient places of the castle. Thus, while the trumpets
sounded, George was brought forth, mounted the scaffold,
and was fastened with a cord to the stake, and having
scarce leave to pray for the church of God, the executioners fired the wood, which immediately taking hold of
the powder that was tied about him, blew it up into flame
and smoke. The governor of the castle, who stood so
near that he was singed with the flame, exhorted him in a
few words to be of good cheer, and to askpardon of God
for his offences. To whom he replied, ` This flame occasions trouble to my body indeed, but it hath in no wise
broken my spirit; but he, who now looks down so proudly
upon me from yonder lofty place (pointing to the cardinal)
shall ere long be as ignominiously thrown down, as now he
proudly lolls at his ease.' Having thus spoken, they
straitened the rope which was tied about his neck, and
so strangled him; his body in a few hours being consumed
to ashes in the flame.
dition of Mr. Knox’s History; and if the thing had been true in fact, I cannot see how Mr. Knox, who was so good an acquaintance of Mr. Wishart’s, and no farther distant
This prophecy, however, is called in question by others,
who treat it as a story invented after the cardinal’s death.
Archbishop Spotswood and Mr. Petrie follow Buchanan
in regard to the circumstances of Mr. Wishart’s death and
his prophecy. On the other side, Mr. Keith suggests that
the story is very doubtful, if not false. “I confess,
” says
he, “I give but small credit to this, and to some other
persons that suffered for religion in our country, and
which upon that account I have all along omitted to narrate. I own I think them ridiculous enough, and seemingly contrived, at least magnified, on purpose to render
the judges and clergymen of that time odious and despicable in the eyes of men. And as to this passage concerning Mr 1 Wishart, it may be noticed, that there is not one
word of it to be met with in the first edition of Mr. Knox’s
History; and if the thing had been true in fact, I cannot
see how Mr. Knox, who was so good an acquaintance of Mr.
Wishart’s, and no farther distant from the place of his execution than East Lothian, and who continued some months
along with the murderers of cardinal Beaton in the castle
of St. Andrew’s, could either be ignorant of the story, or
neglect in history so remarkable a prediction. And it has
even its own weight, that sir David Lindsay, who lived at
that time, and wrote a poem called ‘ The tragedy of cardinal Beaton,’ in which he rakes together all the worst
things that could be suggested against this prelate, yet
makes no mention either of his glutting himself inhumanly
with the spectacle of Mr. Wishart’s death, nor of any prophetical intermination made by Mr. Wishart concerning
the cardinal; nor does Mr. Fox take notice of either of
these circumstances, so that I am much of the mind, that
it has been a story trumped up a good time after the murder.
sts applauded his conduct, and the protestants exclaimed against him as a murderer; but the cardinal was pleased with himself, imagining he had given a fatal blow to
This proceeding, however, made a great noise throughout the kingdom; the zealous papists applauded his conduct, and the protestants exclaimed against him as a murderer; but the cardinal was pleased with himself, imagining he had given a fatal blow to heresy, and that he had struck a terror into his enemies.
to solemnize a marriage between the eldest son of that nobleman and his daughter Margaret. Whilst he was thus employed, intelligence came that the king of England was
Soon after the death of Mr. Wishart, the cardinal went
to Finhaven, the seat of the earl of Crawford, to solemnize
a marriage between the eldest son of that nobleman and his
daughter Margaret. Whilst he was thus employed, intelligence came that the king of England was making great
preparations to invade the Scottish coasts. Upon this
he immediately returned to St. Andrew’s; and appointed a
day for the nobility and gentry of that country, which lies
much exposed to the sea, to meet and consult what was
proper to be done upon this occasion. He likewise began
to fortify his own castle much stronger than ever it had been
before. Whilst he was busy about these matters, there
came to him Norman Lesley, eldest son to the earl of
Rothes, to solicit him for some favour; who, having met
with a refusal, was highly exasperated, and went away in
great displeasure. His uncle Mr. John Lesley, a violent
enemy to the cardinal, greatly aggravated this injury to his
nephew; who, being passionate and of a daring spirit, entered into a conspiracy with his uncle and some other persons to cut off the cardinal. The accomplices met early
in the morning, on Saturday the 29th of May. The first
thing they did was to seize the porter of the castle, and to
secure the gate: they then turned out all the servants and
several workmen. This was performed with so little noise,
that the cardinal was not waked till they knocked at his
chamber door upon which he cried out, “Who is there?
John Lesley answered, “My name is Lesley.
” “Which
” replied the cardinal, “Is it Norman?
” It was
answered, “that he must open the door to those who were
” but being afraid, he secured the door in the best
manner he could. Whilst they were endeavouring to force
it open, the cardinal called to them, “Will you have my
” John Lesley answered, “Perhaps we will.
” “Nay,
replied the cardinal, “swear unto me, and I will open it.
Some authors say, that upon a promise being given that
no violence should be offered, he opened the door; but
however this be, as soon as they entered, John Lesley
smote him twice or thrice, as did likewise Peter Carmichael; but James Melvil, as Mr. Knox relates the fact,
perceiving them to be in choler, said, “This work and
judgment of God, although it be secret, ought to be done
with greater gravity; and, presenting the point of his
sword, said, Repent thee of thy wicked life, but especially
of the shedding the blood of that notable instrument of
God, Mr. George Wishart, which albeit the flame of fire
consumed before men, yet cries it for vengeance upon
thee; and we from God are sent to revenge it. For here,
before my God, I protest, that neither the hatred of thy
person, the love of thy riches, nor the fear of any trouble
thou couldst have done to me in particular, moved or
moveth me to strike thee; but only because thou hast been,
and remainest, an obstinate enemy against Christ Jesus
and his holy gospel.
” After having spoken thus, he stabbed him twice or thrice through the body: thus fell that
famous prelate, a man of great parts, but of pride and
ambition boundless, and withal an eminent instance of the
instability of what the world calls fortune. This event is
said to have taken place May 29, 1546. Though cardinal
Beaton’s political abilities were undoubtedly of the highest
kind, and some false stories may have been told concerning him, it is certain that his ambition was unbounded,
that his insolence was carried to the greatest pitch, and
that his character, on the whole, was extremely detestable.
His violence, as a persecutor, must ever cause his memory
to be held in abhorrence, by all who have any feelings of
humanity, or any regard for religious liberty. It is to the
honour of Mr. Guthrie, that, in his History of Scotland,
he usually speaks of our prelate with indignation.
ersecutor, seems to be controverted on good grounds. If there be any thing in the fact, it certainly was not a prophecy properly so called, but a mere denunciation of
The story of Wishart’s prediction, concerning the fate of his malignant persecutor, seems to be controverted on good grounds. If there be any thing in the fact, it certainly was not a prophecy properly so called, but a mere denunciation of the divine vengeance, which Wishart might naturally think would fall upon the cardinal for his iniquities. He could not but know, too, how hateful Beaton was to many persons, and that he might be expected to become a victim to his arrogance and cruelty. Mr. Hume, who admits the prediction, says that it was probably the immediate cause of the event which it foretold. Whatever becomes of this part of the story concerning Wishart’s martyrdom, the other part of it, relative to the cardinal’s viewing the execution from a window, is highly credible, and perfectly suitable to his character.
Robertson’s character of our prelate, when he mentions his pretensions to the regency. “The cardinal was by nature of immoderate ambition; by long experience he had
We shall add Dr. Robertson’s character of our prelate,
when he mentions his pretensions to the regency. “The
cardinal was by nature of immoderate ambition; by long
experience he had acquired address and refinement; and
insolence grew upon him from continual success. His
high station in the Church placed him in the way of great
employments; his abilities were equal to the greatest of
these; nor did he reckon any of them to be above his
merit. As his own eminence was founded upon the power
of the Church of Rome, he was a zealous defender of that
superstition, and for the same reason an avowed enemy to
the doctrine of the reformers. Political motives alone determined him to support the one or to oppose the other.
His early application to public business kept him unacquainted with the learning and controversies of the age:
He gave judgment, however, upon all points in dispute,
with a precipitancy, violence, and rigour, which contemporary historians mention with indignation.
Cardinal Beaton wrote, if we may depend upon Dempster, “Memoirs of his own Embassies;
” “a treatise of
Peter’s primacy,
” which had been seen by William Barclay, and “Letters to several persons:
” Of these last there
are still some copies, said to be preserved in the library of
the French king.
, archbishop of St. Andrew’s in the reign of James V. was uncle to the preceding. We have no certain account of his birth,
, archbishop of St. Andrew’s in the reign of James V. was uncle to
the preceding. We have no certain account of his birth,
or of the manner of his education, except that, being a
younger brother, he was from his infancy destined for the
church. He had great natural talents, and having improved them by the acquisition of the learning fashionable
in those times, he came early into the world, under the
title of Provost of Both well; a preferment given him
through the interest of his family. He received his first
benefice in 1503, and next year was advanced to the rich
preferment of abbot of Dumferling. In 1505, upon the
death of sir David Beaton, his brother, his majesty honoured him with the staff of high-treasurer, and he was
thenceforward considered as one of the principal statesmen.
In 1508 he was promoted to the hishopric of Galloway, and
before he had sat a full year in that cathedral chair, he
was removed to the archiepiscopal see of Glasgow, on
which he resigned the treasurer’s staff, in order to be more
at leisure to mind the government of his diocese: and indeed it is universally acknowledged, that none mflffe carefully attended the duties of his functions than archbishop
Beaton while he continued at Glasgow; and he has left
there such marks of concern for that church, as have baffled time, and the rage of a distracted populace: the
monuments of his piety and public spirit which he raised
at Glasgow, still remaining to justify this part of his character. It does not appear that he had any hand in the
counsels which drove king James IV. into a fatal war with
England. On the death of this monarch in the battle of
Flodden-field, the regent John duke of Albany appointed
our prelate to be high-chancellor. In 1523 he became
archbishop of St. Andrew’s, not only by the favour of the
regent, but with the full consent of the young king, who
was then, and all his life, much under the influence of the
archbishop’s nephew David, the subject of the preceding
article. The power of the regent, “however, being abrogated by parliament, and the earl of Angus haying placed
himself at the head of government, our archbishop was
dismissed the court, and obliged to resign the office of
chancellor; but when the Douglases were driven from
court, and the king recovered his freedom, the archbishop
came again into power, although he did not recover the
office of chancellor. He now resided principally at the palace of St. Andrew’s, and, as some say, at the instigation
of his nephew, the cardinal, proceeded with great violence against the protestants, and is particularly accountable for the death of Patrick Hamilton, the protomartyr of
Scotland, a young man of piety, talents, and high birth,
whom he procured to be burnt to death, although it is but
justice to add that the same sentence was subscribed by
the other archbishop, three bishops, six abbots and friars,
and eight divines. He is even said to have had some degree of aversion to such proceedings. The clergy, however, were for stopping the mouths of such as preached
what they disliked, in the same manner as they had done
Hamilton’s. The archbishop moved but heavily in these
kind of proceedings; and there are two very remarkable
stories recorded to have happened about this time, which
very plainly shew he was far enough from being naturally
inclined to such severities. It happened at one qf their
consultations, that some who were most vehement pressed
for going on with the proceedings in the Archbishop’s
court, when one Mr. John Lind$ey, a man in great credit
with the archbishop, delivered himself to this purpose
” If you burn any more of them, take my advice, and burn
them in cellars, for I dare assure you, that the smoke of
Mr. Patrick Hamilton has infected all that it blew upon.“The other was of a more serious nature; one Alexander
Seton, a black friar, preached openly in the church of St.
Andrew’s, that, according to St. Paul’s description of bishops, there were no bishops in Scotland, which being reported to the archbishop, not in very precise terms, he
sent for Mr. Seton, and reproved him sharply for having
said, according to his information,
” That a bishop who
did not preach was but a dumb dog, who feel not the flock,
but fed his own belly.“Mr. Seton said, that tho.se vvho
had reported this were liars, upon which witnesses were
produced, who testified very positively to the fact. Mr.
Seton, by way of reply, delivered himself thus:
” My
lord, you have heard, and may consider, what ears these
asses have, who cannot discern between Paul, Isaiah, Zachariah, Malachi, and friar Alexander Seton. In truth,
my lord, I did preach that Paul saith, it hehoveth a bishop
to be a teacher. Isaiah saith, that they that feed not the
flock are dumb dogs; and the prophet Zachariah saith,
that they are idle pastors. Of my own head I affirmed nothing, but declared what the Spirit of God before pronounced; at whom, my lord, t if you be not offended, you
cannot justly be offended with me.“How much soever the
bishop might be incensed, he dismissed friar Seton without hurt, who soon afterwards fled out of the kingdom.
It does not appear, that from this time the archbishop
acted much in these measures himself, but chose rather to
grant commissions to others that were inclined to proceed
against such as preached the doctrines of the reformation,
a conduct which seems very fully to justify the remark of
archbishop Spotswood upon our prelate’s behaviour.
” Seventeen years,“says he,
” he lived bishop of this see, and
was herein most unfortunate, that under the shadow of his
authority many good men were put to death for the cause
of religion, though he himself was neither violently set,
nor much solicitous (as it was thought) how matters went in
the church."
not live to finish, and to which, though he left the best part of his estate, yet after his death it was misapplied, and did not come, as he intended, to that foundation.
In the promotion of learning, he shewed a real concern, by founding the New-college in the university of St. Andrew’s, which he did not live to finish, and to which, though he left the best part of his estate, yet after his death it was misapplied, and did not come, as he intended, to that foundation. One of the last acts of his life was the being present at the baptism of the young prince, born at St. Andrew’s the very year in which he died. His nephew Dieted for several years as his co-adjutor, and had the whole management of affairs in his hands; but the king retained to the last so great an affection for the archbishop, that he allowed him to dispose of all his preferments, by which means, his relation, George Drury, obtained the rich abbey of Dumferline, and one Mr. Hamilton, of the house of Roplock, became Abbot of Killwinning. Our archbishop deceased in 1539, and was interred in the cathedral church of St. Andrew’s before the high altar. He enjoyed the primacy of Scotland sixteen years, and his character is very differently represented, according to the dispositions of those who have mentioned him in their writings; but upon the whole more favourably than that of his nephew, the cardinal.
, another nephew of the preceding, and archbishop of Glasgow, was educated chiefly at Paris, and was early employed in political
, another nephew of the preceding, and archbishop of Glasgow, was educated chiefly at Paris, and was early employed in political affairs but we have no account of the various steps by which he arrived at the archbishopric of Glasgow, to which he was consecrated in 1552, as some writers report, at Rome, whither he was very probably sent, to lay before the pope an acco.unt of the ecclesiastical affairs in Scotland after the murder of his uncle. He was, however, no sooner advanced to this dignity than he began to be considered as one of the ablest as well as most powerful persons in the kingdom. In 1557, he was one of the commissioners appointed to witness the marriage of the young queen Mary to the dauphin of France, a commission to which the historians of the ti-ue affix great importance. After his return, he acted as a privy-counsellor to the queen dowager, who was appointed by her daughter regent of Scotland, and laboured, although in vain, to preserve internal peace. When the reformers became powerful enough to make a successful stand against the court, our archbishop retired to France, carrying with him the treasures and records or' the archiepiscopal see, and carefully deposited them in the Scots college in Paris. On his arrival in France, he was extremely well received by queen Mary, then sovereign of that country, and by the court of France. Immediately after his departure, the reformers in Scotland appointed a preacher at Glasgow, seized all the revenues of the archbishopric, and would no doubt have proceeded against his person had he appeared.
When it was found that he could not return in safety, Mary, now a widow,
When it was found that he could not return in safety,
Mary, now a widow, and inclined to visit her hereditary
dominions, determined to secure his services and residence
in France, by making him her ambassador to the French,
court, which she first declared in 1561, and confirmed
in 1564. Under this commission he acted as long as he
lived, and the papers and letters he preserved would have
no doubt formed valuable materials for future historians;
but there is reason to think the greater part have been
taken away or destroyed. While he remained at Paris, a?
ambassador of Scotland, he received very little, if any
thing, from thence: for we find Mr. James Boyd appointed
superintenclant of that diocese after the death of Mr. Willock; and upon the death of Mr. Boyd in 1578, it was bestowed on Mr. Robert Montgomery, who, in 1587 resigned
it to Mr. Erskine, by whom the best part of the revenues
of tue see were granted away to t <e family of Lenox. But
not long after, king James VI. becoming of age, and having a full account of our author’s fidelity to his mother, restored him both to the title and estate of his archbishopric,
of which he had been so long deprived. Before this, however, he had obtained several ecclesiastical preferments in.
France, for the support of his dignity, which he enjoyed
as long as he lived, king James continuing him there as
his ambassador, to whom he rendered many important services. He was universally and deservedly esteemed for his
learning, loyalty, and hearty affection to his country.
He was uniform in his conduct, sincere in his religion, and
unb tameable in his morals, and lived in credit abroad, beloved and admired by all parties, and left his memory unstained to posterity. He died April 24, 1603, aged
eighty-six, and was succeeded in his see by the celebrated
Spotswood, Archbishop Beaton is said, by Dempster, to
have written, 1. “A Commentary on the book of Kings.
2. “A Lamentation for the kingdom of Scotland.
” 3.
“A book of Controversies against the Sectaries.
” 4. “Observations upon Gratian’s Decretals
” and 5. “A collection of Scotch proverbs.
” None of these have been
, LL. D. an eminent philosopher, critic, and poet, was born at Laurencekirk, in the county of Kincardine, Scotland,
, LL. D. an eminent philosopher,
critic, and poet, was born at Laurencekirk, in the county
of Kincardine, Scotland, on the 25th day of October, 1735.
His father, who was a farmer of no considerable rank, is said
to have had a turn for reading and fur versifying; but, as
he died in 1742, when his son was only seven years of age,
could have had no great share in forming his mind. James
was sent early to the only school his birth-place afforded,
where he passed his time under the instructions of a tutor
named Milne, whoin he used to represent as a “good
grammarian, and tolerably skilled in the Latin language,
but destitute of taste, as well as of some other qualifications
essential to a good teacher.
” He is said to have preferred
Ovid as a school-author, whom Mr. Beattie afterwards
gladly exchanged for Virgil. Virgil he had been accustomed to read with great delight in Ogi ivy’s and Dryden'g
translations, as he did Homer in that of Pope; and these,
with Thomson’s Seasons, and Milton’s Paradise Lost, of
all which he was very early fond, probably gave him that
taste for poetry which he afterwards cultivated with so
much success. He was already, according to his biographer, inclined to making verses, and among his schoolfellows went by the name of The Poet.
f the “Inquiry into the Life and Writings of Homer,” &c. who with much of the austerity of pedantry, was kind to his diligent scholars, and found in Mr. Beattie a disposition
At this school he made great proficiency by unremitting
diligence, and appeared to much advantage on his entering
Marischal college, Aberdeen, in 1749, where he obtained
the first of those bursaries or exhibitions which were left for
the use of students whose parents are unable to support the
entire expences of academical education. Here he first
studied Greek, under principal Thomas Blackwell, author of
the “Inquiry into the Life and Writings of Homer,
” &c. who
with much of the austerity of pedantry, was kind to his diligent scholars, and found in Mr. Beattie a disposition
worthy of cultivation and of patronage. In the following
year he bestowed on him the premium for the best Greek
analysis, which happened to be part of the fourth book of
the Odyssey, and at the close of the session 1749-50, he
gave him a book elegantly bound, with the following inscription: "Jacobo Beattie, in prima classe, ex comitatu
Mernensi, post examen publicum librum hunc The
other professor, with whom Mr. Beattie was particularly
connected, was the late Dr. Alexander Gerard, author of
” The genius and evidences of Christianity;“” Essays on
Taste and Genius" and other works. Under these
gentlemen our author’s proficiency, both at college and
during the vacations, was very exemplary, and he accumulated a much more various stock of general knowledge than
is usual with young men whose ultimate destination is the
church. The delicacy of his health requiring amusement,
he found, as he supposed, all that amusement can give, in
cultivating his musical talents, which were very considerable.
The only science in which he made no extraordinary proficiency, was mathematics, in which although he performed the requisite tasks,
The only science in which he made no extraordinary proficiency, was mathematics, in which although he performed the requisite tasks, he was eager to return to subjects of taste or general literature. In every other branch of academical study, he never was satisfied with what he learned within the walls of the college. His private reading was extensive and various, and he became insensibly partial to the cultivation of those branches on which his future celebrity was to depend.
parish of Fordoun, adjoining to Laurencekirk, he accepted the appointment, August 1, 1753; but this was neither suited to his disposition, nor advantageous to his progress
In 1753, having gone through every preparatory course
of study, he took the degree of M. A. and had now technically finished his education. Having hitherto been supported by the generous kindness of an elder brother, he
wished to exonerate his family from any further burden.
With this laudable view, there being a vacancy for the office of school-master and parish-clerk to the parish of Fordoun, adjoining to Laurencekirk, he accepted the appointment, August 1, 1753; but this was neither suited to his
disposition, nor advantageous to his progress in life. He
obtained in this place, however, a few friends, particularly lord Gardenstown and lord Monboddo, who honoured him with encouraging notice; and his imagination
was delighted by the beautiful and sublime scenery of
the place, which he appears to have contemplated with
the eye of a poet. His leisure hours he employed on
some poetical attempts, which, as they were published in
the “Scots Magazine,
” with his initials, and sometimes
with his place of abode, must have contributed to make
him yet better known and respected.
The church of Scotland was at this time the usual resource of well-educated youn^ men,
The church of Scotland was at this time the usual resource of well-educated youn^ men, and with their academical stores in full memory, there were few difficulties to be surmounted before their entrance on the sacred office. Although this church presents no temptations to ambition, Mr. Beattie appears to have regarded it as the only means by which he could obtain an independent rank in life. He returned, therefore, during the winter, to Marischal college, and attended the divinity lectures of Dr. Robert PolJock, of that college, and of professor John Lumsden, of King’s, and performed the exercises required by the rules of both. One of his fellow-students informed sir William Forbes, that during their ^tendance at the divinity-hall, he heard Mr. Beattie deliver a discourse, which met with much commendation, but of which it was remarked by the audience, that he spoke poetry in prose.
ol of Aberdeen, a situation of considerable importance in all respects. On this occasion Mr. Beattie was advised to become a candidate; but he was diffident of his
While the church seemed his only prospect, and one which he never contemplated with satisfaction, there occurred, in 1757, a vacancy for one of the masters of the grammar school of Aberdeen, a situation of considerable importance in all respects. On this occasion Mr. Beattie was advised to become a candidate; but he was diffident of his qualifications, and did not think himself so retentive of the grammatical niceties of the Latin language as to be able to answer readily any question that might be put to him by older and more experienced judges. In every part of life, it may be here observed, Mr. Beattie appears to have formed an exact estimate of his own talents and in the present instance he failed just where he expected to fail, rather in the circumstantial than the essential requisites for the situation to which he aspired. The other candidate was accordingly preferred. But Mr. Seattle’s attempt was attended with so little loss of reputation, that a second vacancy occurring a few months after, and two candidates appearing, both unqualified for the office, it was presented to him by the magistrates in the most handsome manner, without the form of a trial, and he immediately entered upon it in June 1758.
published a volume of poems. An author’s first appearance is always an important era. Mr. Beattie’s was certainly attended with circumstances that are not now common.
He had not been long an usher at this school before he
published a volume of poems. An author’s first appearance is always an important era. Mr. Beattie’s was certainly attended with circumstances that are not now common. This volume was announced to the public in a more
humble manner than the present state of literature is
thought to demand in similar cases. On the 18th of March
1760, not the volume itself, but “Proposals for printing
original Poems and Translations,
” were issued. The poems
appeared accordingly, on Feb. 16, 1761, and were published both in London and Edinburgh. They consisted
partly of originals, and partly of the pieces formerly printed
in the Scots Magazine, but altered and corrected, a practice which Mr. Beattie carried almost to excess in all his
poetical works.
The praise bestowed on this volume was very flattering. The English critics, who then bestowed the
The praise bestowed on this volume was very flattering. The English critics, who then bestowed the rewards of literature, considered it as an acquisition to the republic of letters, and pronounced that since Mr. Gray (whom in their opinion Mr. Bealtie had chosen for his model) they had not met with a poet of more harmonious numbers, more pleasing imagination, or more spirited expression. But notwithstanding praises which so evidently tended to give a currency to the poems, and which were probably repeated with eagerness by the friends who had encouraged the lication, the author, upon more serious consideration, was so dissatisfied with this volume as to destroy every copy he could procure, and some years after, when his taste and judgment hecame fully matured, he refused to acknowledge above four of them, namely, Retirement, ode to Hope, elegy on a Lady, and the Hares, and these he almost rewrote before he would permit them to be printed with the Minstrel.
on of the author, these poems contributed so much to the general reputation he had acquired, that he was considered as deserving of a higher rank. Accordingly a vacancy
But notwithstanding the lowly opinion of the author, these poems contributed so much to the general reputation he had acquired, that he was considered as deserving of a higher rank. Accordingly a vacancy happening in Marischal college, his friends made such earnest applications in his behalf, that in September 1760 he was appointed, by his late majesty’s patent, professor of philosophy. His department in this honourable office extended to moral philosophy and logic; and such was his diligence, and such his love of these studies, that within a few years he was not only enabled to deliver an admirable course of lectures on moral philosophy and logic, but also to prepare for the press those works on which his fame rests; all of which, there is some reason to think, were written, or nearly written, before he gave the world the result of his philosophical studies in the celebrated " Essay on Truth.' 7 It may be added, likewise, that the rank he had now attained in the university entitled him to associate more upon a level with Reid and with Campbell, with Gerard and with Gregory, men whose opinions were in many points congenial, and who have all been hailed, by the sister country, among the revivers of Scotch literature. With these gentlemen and a few others, he formed a society or club for the discussion of literary and philosophical subjects. A part of their entertainment was the reading a short essay, composed by each member in his turn. It is supposed that the works of Reid, Campbell, Beattie, Gregory, and Gerard, or at least the outlines of them, were first discussed in this society, either in the foYm of essay, or of a question for familiar conversation.
In 1765, Mr. Beattie published “The Judgment of Paris,” a poem, in 4to. Its design was to prove that virtue alone is capable of affording a gratification
In 1765, Mr. Beattie published “The Judgment of Paris,
” a poem, in 4to. Its design was to prove that virtue
alone is capable of affording a gratification adequate to
our whole nature, the pursuits of ambition or sensuality
promising only partial happiness, as being adapted not to
our whole constitution, but only to a part of it. So simple
a position seems to require the graces of poetry to set it off.
The reception of this poem, however, was unfavourable,
and although he added it to a new edition of his poems, in
1766, yet it was never again reprinted, and even his biographer has declined reviving its memory by an extract. To
this edition of 1766 he added a poem “On the talk of
erecting a Monument to Churchill in Westminster-hall,
which, sir William Forbes says, was first published separately, and without a name. That it was printed separately
we are informed on undoubted authority, but we question
if it was ever published for sale unless in the above-mentioned edition of his poems. The asperity with which
these lines are marked induced his biographer, contrary
to his first intention, to omit them, but they are added
to his other poems, in the late edition of “English
reat advantage, and commanded a very high degree of respect, the publication of the “Essay on Truth” was the great era of his life; for this work carried his fame far
Although Mr. Beattie had now acquired a station in which
his talents were displayed with great advantage, and commanded a very high degree of respect, the publication of
the “Essay on Truth
” was the great era of his life; for
this work carried his fame far beyond all local bounds and
local partialities. It is not, however, necessary to enter
minutely into the history of a work so well known. Its
professed intention was to trace the several kinds of evidence and reasoning up to their first principles, with a view
to ascertain the Standard of Truth, and explain its Immutability. He endeavours to show that his sentiments, however inconsistent with the genius of scepticism, and with
the practice and principles of sceptical writers, were yet
perfectly consistent with the genius of true philosophy, and
with the practice and principles of those whom all acknowledge to have been the most successful in the investigation
of truth; and he concludes with some inferences or rules,
by which the most important fallacies of the sceptical philosophy may be detected by every person of common sense,
even though he should not possess acuteness of
metaphysical Itnowledge sufficient to qualify him for a logical confutation of them.
When this work was completed, so many difficulties occurred in procuring it to
When this work was completed, so many difficulties occurred in procuring it to be published, that his friends, sir William Forbes and Mr. Arbuthnot, were obliged to become the-pnrchasers, unknown to him, at a price with which they thought he would be satisfied. Sir William accordingly wrote to him that the manuscript was sold for fifty guineas, as the price of the first edition. This edition was published in an octavo volume in 1770, and bought up with such avidity that a second was called for, and published in the following year. The interval was short, but as the work had excited the public attention in an extraordinary degree, the result of public opinion had reached the author’s ear, and to this second edition he added a postscript, in vindication of a certain degree of warmth of which he had been accused.
taphysical jargon, the meaning of which they could vary at pleasure; but the eagerness with which it was bought up and read, arose chiefly from the just praise bestowed
The “Essay on Truth,
” whatever objections were made
to it, and it met with very few public opponents*, had a
more extensive circulation than probably any work of the
kind ever published. This may be partly attributed to the
charms of that popular style in which the author conveyed
his sentiments on subjects which his adversaries had artfully disguised in a metaphysical jargon, the meaning of
which they could vary at pleasure; but the eagerness with
which it was bought up and read, arose chiefly from the
just praise bestowed upon it by the most distinguished
friends of religion and learning in Great Britain. With
many of these of high rank both in church and state, the
author had the pleasing satisfaction of dating his acquaintance from the publication of this work. There appeared,
indeed, in the public in general, an honourable wish to
grace the triumph of sound reasoning over pernicious sophistry. Hence in less than four years five large editions
of the Essay were sold f, and it was translated into several
foreign languages, and attracted the notice of many emi* The principal publication was Dr. hut the flippant and sarcastic style he
Priestley’s " Examination of Dr. Reid assumed on this occasion was disapon the Human Mind; Dr. Beattie on proved even hy his own
Priestley’s " Examination of Dr. Reid assumed on this occasion was disapon the Human Mind; Dr. Beattie on proved even hy his own friends, the Nature and Immutability of Truth;
he was then endeavouring to introduce, fifth, Feb. 1774. nent persons
he was then endeavouring to introduce, fifth, Feb. 1774. nent persons in France, Germany, Holland, Italy, and other parts of the continent.
rsity of Oxford conferred the degree of LL.D. on the author*, and on his second arrival in London he was most graciously received by his Majesty, who not only bestowed
Among other marks of respect, the university of Oxford conferred the degree of LL.D. on the author*, and on his second arrival in London he was most graciously received by his Majesty, who not only bestowed a pension on him, but admitted him to the honour of a private conference. Many years after, when Dr. Beattie went to pay his respects to his Majesty, he was still received with every mark of royal condescension and kindness.
It was in July 1771 that Dr. Beattie first visited London, and commenced
It was in July 1771 that Dr. Beattie first visited London,
and commenced a personal acquaintance with men of the
first eminence, with lord Mansfield and lord Lyttelton,
Drs. Kurd, Porteus, Johnson, Mr. Burke, and, indeed, the
whole of the literary society whose conversations have been
so pleasantly detailed by Mr. Boswell; and returned to
Scotland with a mind elevated and cheered by the praise,
the kindness, and the patronage, of the good and great.
It was, however, on his second visit to London, in 1773,
that he received his degree from Oxford, and those honours
from his majesty, which we anticipated as a direct, though
not an immediate consequence of the services he rendered
to his country by the publication of the “Essay on Truth.
His conversation with his majesty is detailed at some length
by himself, in a diary published by sir William Forbes.
Soon after this visit to London he was solicited by a very flattering proposal sent through the hands
Soon after this visit to London he was solicited by a very
flattering proposal sent through the hands of Dr. Porteus,
late bishop of London, to enter into the church of England. A similar offer had been made some time before by
the archbishop of York, but declined. It was now renewed
with more importunity, and produced from him the important reasons which obliged him still to decline an offer
which he could not but consider as “great and generous.
By these reasons, communicated in a letter to Dr. Porteus,
we find that he was apprehensive of the injury that might
be done to the cause he had espoused, if his enemies should
have any ground for asserting that he had written his Essay
on Trutn, with a view to promotion: and he was likewise
of opinion, that it might have the appearance of levity and
insincerity, and even of want of principle, were he to quit,
without any other apparent motive than that of bettering
his circumstances, the church of which he had hitherto
been a member. Other reasons he assigned, on this occasion, of some, but less weight, all which prevailed on his
friends to withdraw any farther solicitation, while they honoured the motives by which he was influenced. In the
same year he refused the offer of a professor’s chair in the
university of Edinburgh, considering his present situation
as best adapted to his habits and to his usefulness, and apprehending that the formation of a new society of friends
might not be so easy or agreeable in a place where theenemies of his principles were numerous. To some of his
friends, however, these reasons did not appear very convincing.
his claims as a poet, by cancelling as many copies of his juvenile attempts as he could procure, he was not so inconscious of his admirable talents, as to relinquish
Although Mr. Beattie had apparently withdrawn his
claims as a poet, by cancelling as many copies of his juvenile attempts as he could procure, he was not so inconscious of his admirable talents, as to relinquish what was an
early and favourite pursuit, and in which he had probably
passed some of his most delightful hours. A few months
;;fter the appearance of the “Essay on Truth,
” he published the “First Book of the Minstrel,
” in 4to, but without his name. By this omission, the poem was examined
with all that rigour of criticism which may be expected in
the case of a work, for which the author’s name can neither
afford protection or apology. He was accordingly praised
for having adopted the measure of Spenser, because he
had the happy enthusiasm of that writer to support and
render it agreeable; but objections were made to the limitation of his plan to the profession of the Minstrel, when so
much superior interest might be excited by carrying him
on through the practice of it. These objections appear
to have coincided with the author’s re-consideration; and
he not only adopted various alterations recommended by
his friends, particularly Mr. Gray, but introduced others,
which made the subsequent editions of this poem far more
perfect than the first.
s first fornij contained somany passages of genuine poetry, the poetry of nature and of feeling, and was so eagerly applauded by those whose right of opinion was in
The Minstrel, however, in its first fornij contained somany passages of genuine poetry, the poetry of nature and of feeling, and was so eagerly applauded by those whose right of opinion was incontestable, that it soon ran through four editions; and in 1774, the author produced the Second Book;" and as its success was not inferior to that of the first, h was the general wish that the author would fulfil his promise by completing the interesting subject; but the increasing business of education, the cares of a family, and the state of his health, originally delicate, and never robust, deprived him of the time and thought which he considered as requisite. In 1777, however, he was induced to publish the two parts of the Minstrel together, and to add a few of his juvenile poems.
, so that no inconsiderable sum must have accrued in this delicate manner to the author. Dr. Beattie was by no means rich; his pension was only two hundred pounds, and
During the preceding year, 1776, he prepared for the
press a new edition of the “Essay on Truth,
” in a more
splendid form than it had hitherto appeared in, and attended
by a very liberal subscription, and with other circumstances
of public esteem which were very flattering. The list of
subscribers amounted to four hundred and seventy-six
names of men and women of the first rank in life, and of
all the distinguished literary characters of the time. The
copies subscribed for amounted to seven hundred and
thirty-two, so that no inconsiderable sum must have accrued in this delicate manner to the author. Dr. Beattie
was by no means rich; his pension was only two hundred
pounds, and the annual amount of his professorship never
reached that sum.
sed in a different form, being part of a course of prelections read to those young gentlemen whom it was his business to initiate in the elements of moral science; and
For the frequent introduction of practical and serious
observations, he offers a satisfactory reason in the preface
to “Dissertations Moral and Critical, on Memory and Imagination; on Dreaming; the Theory of Language; on Fable
and Romance; on the Attachments of Kindred; and Illustrations on Sublimity,
” retired from business.
” He had ever
been of the same opinion, Dr. Beattie’s aim was, indeed >
in all his lectures, “to inure young minds to habits of attentive observation; to guard them against the influence
of bad principles; and to set before them such views of nature, and such plain and practical truths, as may at once
improve the heart and the understanding, and amuse
and elevate the fancy*.
and on a subject which had employed the pens of the greatest and best English writers, much novelty was not to be expected, nor in its original form was any novelty
During a visit to the metropolis in 1784, Dr. Beattie
submitted to the late bishop of London, with whose friendship he had long been honoured, a part of a work which
at that excellent prelate’s desire he published in 1786, entitled “Evidences of the Christian Religion briefly and
plainly stated,
” 2 vols. 12mo. This likewise formed part
of his concluding lectures to his class, and he generally
tlictated an abstract of it to them in the course of the session. From a work of this kind, and on a subject which
had employed the pens of the greatest and best English
writers, much novelty was not to be expected, nor in its
original form was any novelty intended. It must be allowed, however, that he has placed many of the arguments
for the evidences of Christianity in a very striking and persuasive light, and it is not too much to suppose that if he
could have devoted more time and study to a complete review and arrangement of what had, or might be advanced
on these evidences, he would have produced a work worthy
of his genius, and worthy of the grandeur and importance
of the subject.
s,” he intimated a design of publishing the whole of his lectures on Moral Science, but from this he was diverted by the cogent reasons there assigned. He was encouraged,
In the preface to Dr. Seattle’s “Dissertations,
” he intimated a design of publishing the whole of his lectures on
Moral Science, but from this he was diverted by the cogent reasons there assigned. He was encouraged, however,
with two appendices on the Incorporeal Nature and on the Immortality of the Soul. The second volume was published in 1793; containing ethics, economics, politics, and
* Cowper’s praise of this volume, ts his ease too, that his own character
too valuable to be omitted “Beat-appears in every page, and, which it
tie, the most agreeable and amiable very rare, we see not only the writer,
writer 1 ever met with the only au-but the man and the man so gentle,
thor I have seen whose critical and so well tempered, so happy in his rephilosophical researches are diversified ligion, and so humane in his philosoand embellished by a poetical imagi-phy, that it is necssary to love him if
nation, that makes even the driest one has any sense of what is lovely.
subject, and the leanest, a feast for an Hayley’s Life of Cowper, vol. III.
epicure in boks. He is Bo much at p. 247.
to present to thd public, in a correct and somewhat enlarged form, the abstract which he used to dictate to his
scholars. Accordingly, in 1790, he published “Elements
of Moral Science,
” vol. I. 8vo, including psychology, or
perceptive faculties and active powers; and natural theology, with two appendices on the Incorporeal Nature and
on the Immortality of the Soul. The second volume was
published in 1793; containing ethics, economics, politics,
and logic. All these subjects are necessarily treated in a
summary manner; but it will be found sufficiently comprehensive, not only for a text-book, or book of elements,
which was the professed intention of the author, but also
as an excellent aid to the general reader who may not have
an opportunity of attending regular lectures, and yet wishes
to reap some of the advantages of regular education.
, published in 1790*, he contributed “Remarks on some passages of the sixth book of the Æneid.” This was, in fact, a dissertation on the mythology of the Romans, as
To the second volume of the Transactions of the Royal
Society of Edinburgh, published in 1790*, he contributed
“Remarks on some passages of the sixth book of the
” This was, in fact, a dissertation on the mythology of the Romans, as poetically described by Virgil, in
the episode of the descent of ^neas into hell; and the
author’s object was to vindicate his favourite poet from the
charges of impiety, &c. brought against him by Warburton and others. In the same year he is said to have superintended an edition of “Addison’s periodical Papers,
published at Edinburgh in 4 vols. 8vo. To this, however,
he contributed only a few notes to Tickell’s Life of Addison, and to Dr. Johnson’s remarks. It were to be wished
he had done more. Addison never had a warmer admirer,.
nor a more successful imitator.
s to Dr. Blair “On the improvement of of the Palms. He printed also some Psalmody in Scotland.” This was years after a list of ScuUicism-j, for the duly privately circulated.
* About 1773 he printed a letter tained a few specimens of translations
to Dr. Blair “On the improvement of of the Palms. He printed also some
Psalmody in Scotland.
” This was years after a list of ScuUicism-j, for the
duly privately circulated. It con- use of his students.
rector or head master of the grammar-school of Aberdeen,
a man of great personal worth, and an excellent classical
se Dr. Beattie frequently resided when in London. While these children were very young, Mrs. Beattie was seized with an indisposition, which, in spite of all care and
With this lady Dr. Beattie enjoyed for many years as much felicity as the married state can add; and when she visited London with him, she shared amply in the respect paid to him, and in the esteem of his illustrious friends. By her he had two sons, James Hay, so named from the earl of Errol, one of his old and steady friends; and Montagu, from the celebrated Mrs. Montagu, in whose house Dr. Beattie frequently resided when in London. While these children were very young, Mrs. Beattie was seized with an indisposition, which, in spite of all care and skill, terminated in the painful necessity of separation from her husband*. The care of the children now entirely devolved on the father, whose sensibility received such a shock from the melancholy circumstance alluded to, as could only be aggravated by an apprehension that the consequences of Mrs. Beattie’s disorder might not be confined to herself This alarm, which often preyed on his spirits, proved happily without foundation. His children grew up without the smallest appearance of the hereditary evil; but when they had just begun to repay his care by a display of early genius, sweetness of temper, and filial affection, he was compelled to resign them both to an untimely gravey His eldest son died November 19, 1790, in his twentysecond year; and his youngest on March 14, 1796, in his eighteenth year.
me a few copies only were printed, and were given as” presents to those friends with whom the author was particularly acquainted or connected." Dr. Beattie was afterwards
Soon after the death of James Hay, his father drew up
an account of his “Life and Character; to which were
” Essays and Fragments,“written by this extraordinary youth. Of this volume a few copies only were
printed, and were given as
” presents to those friends with
whom the author was particularly acquainted or connected."
Dr. Beattie was afterwards induced to permit the Life and
some of the Essays and Fragments to be printed for publication. The life is perhaps one of the most interesting
and affecting narratives in our language.
and for some time before his death had prosecuted his studies with great assiduity. But here too he was compelled again to subscribe to the uncertainty of all human
Her date. “Although it did not, for a till, at last, it unquestionably oonlriconsiderable time, breakout into open buted to bring him to his grave.
insanity, yet in a few years after their
been appointed successor to his father, and had occasionally lectured in the professor’s chair, Dr. Beattie resumed that employment himself, and continued it, although
with intervals of sickness and depression, until the unexpected death of his second and last child, in 1796. His
hopes of a successor, of his name and family, had probably been revived in this youth, who exhibited many
proofs of early genius, and for some time before his death
had prosecuted his studies with great assiduity. But here
too he was compelled again to subscribe to the uncertainty
of all human prospects. From this period he began to
withdraw from society, and brooded over the sorrows of
his family, until they overpowered his feelings, and abstracted him from all the comforts of friendship and all
power of consolation. Of the state of his mind, sir William Forbes has given an instance so extremely affecting,
that no apology can be necessary for introducing it here.
completely unhinged the mind of Dr. Beattie, the first symptom of which, ere many days had elapsed, was a temporary but almost total loss of memory respecting his son.
“The death of his only surviving child completely unhinged the mind of Dr. Beattie, the first symptom of which,
ere many days had elapsed, was a temporary but almost
total loss of memory respecting his son. Many times he
could not recollect what had become of him; and after
searching in every room of the house, he would say to his
niece, Mrs. Glen me, * You may think it strange, but I
must ask you if I have a son, and where he is?‘ She then
felt herself under the painful necessity of bringing to his
recollection his son Montagu’s sufferings, which always
restored him to reason. And he would often, with many
tears, express his thankfulness that he had no child, saying, * How could I have borne to see their elegant minds
mangled with madness!’ When he looked for the last time
on the dead body of his son, he said, * I have now done
with the world:' and he ever after seemed to act as if he
thought so.
ccasioned by two paralytic strokes, terminated his life, on the 18th of August, 1803. His reputation was so well founded and so extensive, that he was universally lamented
The last three years of his life were passed in hopeless solitude, and he even dropt his correspondence with many of those remote friends with whom he had long enjoyed the soothing interchange of elegant sentiment and friendly attachment. His health, in this voluntary confinement, gradually decayed, and extreme and premature debility, occasioned by two paralytic strokes, terminated his life, on the 18th of August, 1803. His reputation was so well founded and so extensive, that he was universally lamented as a loss to the republic of letters, and particularly to the university to which he had been so long a public benefactor and an honour.
nced of the importance of what he prescribed to others, and anxious to display, where such a display was neither obtrusive nor boastful, that his conviction was sincere,
Of his general character a fair estimate may be formed from his works, and it is no small praise that his life and writings were in strict conformity. No man ever felt more strong impressions of the value of the virtues he recommended than Dr. Beattie. Although he disdained the affectation of feeling, and the ostentation of extraordinary purity, he yet more abhorred the character of those writers whose professions and practice are at variance. His zeal for religious and moral truth, however censured by those to whom religion and truth are adverse, originated in a mind fully convinced of the importance of what he prescribed to others, and anxious to display, where such a display was neither obtrusive nor boastful, that his conviction was sincere, and his practice resolute.
secretary to the duke of Orleans, perpetual secretary and pensionary of the academy of inscriptions, was born at Paris, Oct. 19, 1701 (Saxius says 1709), and died in
, first professor of rhetoric in the
college of the Grassins, and afterwards professor in the
college-royal, secretary to the duke of Orleans, perpetual
secretary and pensionary of the academy of inscriptions,
was born at Paris, Oct. 19, 1701 (Saxius says 1709), and
died in that city, March 13, 1778. He was married, and
left only one daughter. This honest and laborious academician, the rival of Rollin in the art of teaching, idolized
by his scholars, as that famous professor was, had perhaps
a more extensive fund of learning, and particularly in
Greek and Latin literature. His history of the Lower Empire, in 22 vols. 12mo, 1757, forming a continuation of
Crevier’s History of the Emperors, is the more esteemed,
as in the composition of it he had many difficulties to overcome, in reconciling contradictory writers, rilling up
chasms, and forming a regular body out of a heap of
mishapen ruins. It is strongly characterized by a judicious
series of criticism, couched in a polished and elegant style.
The logician sometimes appears too conspicuously; but
in general it is read with pleasure and profit. The first
volume of an English translation of this work was published
in 1770, but, we believe, not continued. The memoirs
of the academy of belles lettres are enriched with several
learned dissertations by the same author, particularly on
medals, on the Roman legion, on the Roman art of war,
and thirty-four biographical eloges, distinguished for truth
and impartiality. The religious sentiments, the sound
principles, the sweetness of manners, and the inviolable
integrity of M. le Beau, which inspired his friends and disciples with so much attachment to him when alive, occasioned them to feel a long and lasting regret at his departure. Several little anecdotes might here be related that
do honour to his heart. A place in the academy of bt-iles
lettres had been designed for him. Bougainville, the
translator of the Anti-Lucretius, who applied for it, with
fewer pretensions, and a less consummate knowledge,
dreaded such a formidable competitor as M. le Beau, to
whom, however, from his known character, he was not
deterred from making his wishes known. The professor
felt for his embarrassment, and hastened to the friends who
had promised him their votes, desiring they might be
transferred to the young student. “It is one of the
smallest sacrifices,
” said he, “1 should be ready to make
in order to oblige a man of merit.' 1 M. le Beau was received at the election following; and M. Capperonier,
surprised at his extensive erudition, and affected by his
generosity, exclaimed,
” He is our master in all things!“On another occasion, when highly praised for his acquisitions, he said,
” I know enough to be ashamed that I knowno more." Thierrat published Le Beau’s Latin works,
Paris, 1782, 2 vols. 8vo, consisting of orations, poetry, ancj
fables; -the last inferior to his other productions.
ve, professor of rhetoric in the college of the Grassins, and member of the academy of inscriptions, was born at Paris, March 8, 1721, and died March J2, 1766. He filled
, younger brother to the above,
professor of rhetoric in the college of the Grassins, and
member of the academy of inscriptions, was born at Paris,
March 8, 1721, and died March J2, 1766. He filled
with distinguished merit the functions of academician and
professor. He is author of a discourse in which, after having shewn the pernicious effects of poverty to men of letters, and what dangers they have to dread from riches, he
concludes, that the state of a happy mediocrity is the fittest
for them. He published an edition of “Homer,
” Greek
and Latin, 2 vols. 1746; and the “Orations of Cicero,
in 3 vols. 1750. To both he has subjoined copious annotations, and wrote several papers in the Memoirs of the
, a learned French Jesuit, and classical antiquary, was born in 160U, in the conitat Yenaissin, and entered among the
, a learned French Jesuit,
and classical antiquary, was born in 160U, in the conitat
Yenaissin, and entered among the Jesuits in 1619. He
taught rhetoric for seven years at Toulouse, and was afterwards rector of the college of Rhodez. He died in the
college of Montpellier, July 26, 1670. His works, which
discover much valuable literary research, are, 1. “Diatribac dux-, prima de partibus templi Atiguralis; altera, de
mense-et die victoria? Pharsalica;,
” Toulouse, Diatriba de Pharsalici conflictus mense et
die, cum accessionibus et prefatione Henrici Leonard!
” Wirtembcrg, Breviculiim cxpeditionis Hispaniensis Ludovici XIII.
” Toulouse,
164:2, 4 to. 4. “Otia regia Ludovici XIV. regis Christianissimi, sive Polyoenus Gallicus de veterum et recentium
Gallorum stratagematibus,
” Clermont, 1658, 8vo, Francfort, 1661, 8vo. 5. “La Vie de M. Frai^ois D'Estaing,
eveque de Rhodez,
” Clermont, Historia de vita.
Bartholomaei de Martyribus,
” Paris, 4to. 7. “Speculum
veri antistitis in vita Alphonsi Torribii archiepiscopi Litnensis in Peru via,
” Paris, 4to.
, in Latin Belcarius Plguilio, bishop of Metz, a man of some note in the sixteenth century, was born April 15, 1514, of one of the most ancient families of
, in Latin Belcarius Plguilio, bishop of Metz, a man of some note
in the sixteenth century, was born April 15, 1514, of one
of the most ancient families of the Bourbonnois. The progress he male in polite literature induced Claude de Lorraine, the h'rst duke of Guise, to choose him to be preceptor to cardinal de Lorraine, his second son, an appointment which very naturally, we will not say very justly, attached him to the family of Guise, and made him too partial in his writings to their character. He attended his
pupil to Rome, where he became acquainted with Paul
Jovius, in whose history he afterwards pointed out some
errors. On his return from Italy, the cardinal of Lorraine
procured him in 1555 the bishopric of Metz, but according
to Beza (Hist. Ecclesiast. lib. xvi. p. 439), this was little
more than a titular preferment, the cardinal reserving the
revenues, or the greater part of them, to himself. According to the same author, Beaucaire, with two other
bishops, came to Metz, and occasioned an alarm among
the inhabitants of the reformed religion, some of whom
thought proper to retire for safety from the city. Beza,
however, adds that Beaucaire only wrote a small tract in
Latin on “Sanctification,
” and “The Baptism of Infants,
” which was soon answered. Some time after his
promotion, his patron, the cardinal, carried him with him
to the council, on the day that the fathers of the council
had appointed as a thanksgiving for the battle of Dreux,
fought Jan. 3, 1563, and here Beaucaire pronounced an
oration, which was much applauded, and is inserted at the
end of the thirtieth book of his “History of his own times.
This work he began in Rerum Gallicarum Coramentaria, ab. A. 1462 usque ad A. 1566,
” Lyons, Traité des enfans morts dans le sein de
leurs meres,
, a member of the national Institute of France, and an astronomer of considerable fame, was born at Vesoul, June 29, 1752. He was originally intended for
, a member of the national
Institute of France, and an astronomer of considerable fame,
was born at Vesoul, June 29, 1752. He was originally intended for the church, and in 1767, entered the order of
the Bernardines, but his turn for astronomy induced him
to become the pupil of Lalande, and one of the ablest of
his scholars. His uncle Miroudat, bishop of Babylonia,
having-appointed him his vicar-general, he left France in
1781, to exercise the functions of that office in the Levant, and at the same time to take astronomical observations. He went first to Aleppo, thence to Bagdad, Bassora, and Persia. On the eve of the revolution, he returned to France, after having contributed very essentially
to the promotion of the sciences of astronomy and geography,
as may appear by his communications in the “Journal deaf
” for
, a French miscellaneous writer, was born at Paris in 1689, and died in that metropolis in 1761.
, a
French miscellaneous writer, was born at Paris in 1689,
and died in that metropolis in 1761. He wrote, 1. “The
Loves of Ismene & Isménias,
” The
loves of Rhodantes & Docicles,
” another Greek romance
by Theodorus Prodromus, translated into French, 1746,
12mo. 3. “Recherches sur les Theatres de France,
Lettres d‘Heloise & d’Abailard,
” in French
verse, fluent enough, but prosaic, Several theatrical performances.
” 6. The romance of “FuDestine,
, born at Paris in 1645, was the son of a player, and was considered as a poet when no more
born at Paris in 1645, was the son of a player, and was
considered as a poet when no more than eight years old.
The queen, mother of Louis XIV. cardinal Mazarin, the
chancellor Seguier, and the first personages of the court,
took pleasure in conversing with this child, and in exercising his talents. He was only twelve years old when he
published a collection of his poetical pieces, in 4to, under
the title of “La Lyre de jeune Apollon,
” or, “La Muse
naissant du petit de Beauchateau,
” with copper-plate portraits of the persons he celebrates. About two years afterwards he went over to England with an ecclesiastic. Cromwell and the most considerable persons of the then government admired the young poet. It is thought that he travelled afterwards into Persia, where perhaps he died, as
no farther tidings were ever heard of him. He had a brother, Hypolite Chastelet de Beauchateau, an impostor, who
pretended to abjure the Roman Catholic religion, and came
over to England under the disguised name of Lusancy.
Moreri and Anth. Wood in Ath. Ox. vol. II. give an account of this adventurer.
, otherwise named Bever, and in Latin Fiber, Fiberius, Castor, and Castorius, was a Benedictine monk in Westminster-abbey, and nourished about
, otherwise named Bever, and in Latin
Fiber, Fiberius, Castor, and Castorius, was a Benedictine
monk in Westminster-abbey, and nourished about the
beginning of the fourteenth century. He was a man of quick
parts, and of great diligence and ingenuity: and applied
himself particularly to the study of the history and antiquities of England. Among other things, he wrote a
“Chronicle of the British and English Affairs,
” from the
coming in of Brute to his own time, now among the Cottonian Mss. Hearne issued proposals for publishing it in
1735, which his death prevented. He also wrote a book
“De Rebus ccenobii Westmonasteriensis,
” of Westminsterabbey, and the several transactions relating thereto. Leland commends him, as an historian of good credit; and he
is also cited with respect by Stowe in his Survey of London
and Westminster. Bale says he does not give a slight or
superficial account, but a full and judicious relation, of
things; and takes proper notice of the virtues and vices of
the persons mentioned in his history.
There was another of the same name, a monk of St. Alban’s; who left behind
There was another of the same name, a monk of St. Alban’s; who left behind him a collection of some treatises that are of no great value. They are extant in the king’s library.
, a Jesuit, was born at St. Flour in Auvergne in 1674, and died at Toulouse
, a Jesuit, was born at St. Flour
in Auvergne in 1674, and died at Toulouse at a very advanced age in 1758. Preaching, the composition of some
literary works, and the direction of a number of pious votaries, for which he had uncommon attractions and a peculiar talent, took up almost the whole of his life. The
pieces he published are, 1. “Several funeral discourses/'
2. The
” Life of Madame de Lestonac.“3. The life of
” Madame de Chantal“and, 4.
” Letters on the government of Religious Houses," Paris, 1740, 12mo.
, bishop of Winchester, and cardinal priest of the church of Rome, was the son of John of Gaunt, duke of Lancaster, by his third wife,
, bishop of Winchester, and
cardinal priest of the church of Rome, was the son of
John of Gaunt, duke of Lancaster, by his third wife, Catherine S win ford. He studied for some years both at Cambridge and at Oxford, in the latter in Queen’s college, and
was afterwards a benefactor to University and Lincoln colleges, but he received the principal part of his education at
Aix la Chapelle, where he was instructed in civil and common law. Being of royal extraction, he was very young when
advanced to the prelacy, and was made bishop of Lincoln
in 1397, by an arbitrary act of Boniface IX. John Beckingham, bishop of that see, being, contrary to his wishes,
translated to Lichfield, to make room for Beaufort, but Beckingham, with becoming spirit, refused the proffered diocese, and chose to become a private monk of Canterbury.
In 1399 Beaufort was chancellor of the university of Oxford, and at the same time dean of Wells. He was lord
high chancellor of England in 1404, and in some years afterwards. The following year, upon the death of the celebrated Wykeham, he was, at the recommendation of the
king, translated to the see of Winchester. In 1414, the
second of his nephew Henry V. he went to France, as one
of the royal ambassadors, to demand in marriage Catherine,
daughter of Charles VI. In 1417 he lent the king twenty
thousand pounds (a prodigious sum in those days), towards
carrying on his expedition against France, but had the
crown in pawn as a security for the money. This year also
he took a journey to the Holy Land and in his way, being
arrived at Constance, where a general council was held, he
exhorted the prelates to union and agreement in the election of a pope; and his remonstrances contributed not a
little to hasten the preparations for the conclave, in which
Martin III. was elected. We have no farther account of
what happened to our prelate in this expedition. In 1421,
he had the honour to be godfather, jointly with John duke
of Bedford, and Jacqueline, countess of Holland, to prince
Henry, eldest son of his nephew Henry V. and Catherine
of France, afterwards Henry VI. M. Aubery pretends,
that James, king of Scots, who had been several years a
prisoner in England, owed his deliverance to the bishop of
Winchester, who prevailed with the government to set him
free, on condition of his marrying his niece, the granddaughter of Thomas Beaufort, earl of Somerset. This prelate
was one of king Henry Vlth’s guardians during his minority; and in 1424, the third of the young king’s reign, he
was a fourth time lord-chancellor of England. There were
perpetual jealousies and quarrels, the cause of which is not
very clearly explained, between the bishop of Winchester,
and the protector, Humphrey duke of Gloucester, which
ended in the ruin and death of the latter. Their dissensions
began to appear publicly in 1425, and to such a height,
that Beaufort thought it necessary to write a letter to his
nephew the duke of Bedford, regent of France, which is
extant in Holinshed, desiring his presence in England,
to accommodate matters between them. The regent accordingly arriving in England the 20th of December, was
met by the bishop of Winchester with a numerous train,
and soon after convoked an assembly of the nobility at St.
Alban’s, to hear and determine the affair. But the animosity on this occasion was so great on both sides, that it
was thought proper to refer the decision to the parliament,
which was to be held at Leicester, March 25, following.
The parliament being met, the duke of Gloucester produced six articles of accusation against the bishop, who
answered them severally, and a committee appointed for
the purpose, having examined the allegations, he was acquitted. The duke of Bedford, however, to give some satisfaction to the protector, took away the great seal from
his uncle. Two years after, the duke of Bedford, returning into France, was accompanied to Calais by the bishop
of Winchester, who, on the 25th of March, received there
with great solemnity, in the church of Our Lady, the cardinal’s hat, with the title of St. Eusebius, sent him by pope
Martin V. In September 1428, the new cardinal returned
into England, with the character of the pope’s legate lately
conferred on him; and in his way to London, he was met
by the lord-mayor, aldermen, and the principal citizens
on horseback, who conducted him with great honour and respect to his lodgings in Southwark; but he was forced, for
the present, to wave his legatine power, being forbidden
the exercise of it by a proclamation published in the king’s
name. Cardinal Beaufort was appointed, by the pope’s
bull, bearing date March 25, 1427-8, his holiness’s legate
in Germany, and general of the crusade against the Hussites, or Heretics of Bohemia. Having communicated the
pope’s intentions to the parliament, he obtained a grant of
money, and a considerable body of forces, under certain
restrictions; but just as he was preparing to embark, the
duke of Bedford having sent to demand a supply of men
for the French war, it was resolved in council, that cardinal Beaufort should serve under the regent, with the
troops of the crusade, to the end of the month of December,
on condition that they should not be employed in any siege.
The cardinal complied, though not without reluctance, and
accordingly joined the duke of Bedford at Paris. After a
stay of forty-five days in France, he marched into Bohemia, where he conducted the crusade till he was recalled
by the pope, and cardinal Julian sent in his place with a
larger army. The next year, 1430, the cardinal accompanied king Henry into France, being invested with the
title of the king’s principal counsellor, and bad the honour
to perform the ceremony of crowning the young monarch
irt the church of Notre Dame at Paris; where he had some
dispute with James du Chastellier, the archbishop, who
claimed the right of officiating on that occasion. During
his stay in France he was present at the congress of Arras
for concluding a peace between the kings of England and
France, and had a conference for that purpose with the
dutchess of Burgundy, between Calais and Gravelines,
which had no effect, and was remarkable only for the cardinal’s magnificence, who came thither with a most splendid train. In the mean time the duke of Gloucester took
advantage in England of the cardinal’s absence to give him
fresh mortification. For, first, having represented to the
council, that the bishop of Winchester intended to leave
the king, and come back into England to resume his seat
in council, in order to excite new troubles in the kingdom,
and that his intentions were the more criminal, as he made
use of the pope’s authority to free himself from the obligations of assisting the king in France; he procured an order
of council forbidding all the king’s subjects, of what condition soever, to accompany the cardinal, if he should leave
the king, without express permission. The next step the
protector took against him, was an attempt to deprive him
of his bishopric, as inconsistent with the dignity of cardinal; but the affair having been a long time debated in
council, it was resolved that the cardinal should be heard,
and the judges consulted, before any decision. Being returned into England, he thought it necessary to take some
precaution against these repeated attacks, and prevailed
with the king, through the' intercession of the commons,
to grant him letters of pardon for all offences by him committed contrary to the statute of provisors, and other acts
of prsemunire. This pardon is dated at Westminster, July
19, 1432. Five years after, he procured another pardon
under the great-seal for all sorts of crimes whatever, from
the creation of the world to the 26th of July 1437. Notwithstanding these precautions, the duke of Gloucester, in
1442, drew up articles of impeachment against the cardinal, and presented them with his own hands to the king,
but the council appointed to examine them deferred their
report so long that rhe protector discontinued the prosecution. The cardinal died June 14, 1447, having survived
the duke of Gloucester not above a mouth, of whose
murder he was suspected to have been one of the contrivers,
and it is said that he expressed great uneasiness at the approach of death, and died in despair; but for this there does
not appear much foundation, and we suspect the commonlyreceived character of Beaufort is mostly credited by those
who have considered Shakspeare as an authentic historian.
We rather agree with the historian of Winchester, that
there is no solid ground for representing him as that ambitious, covetous, and reprobate character which Shakspeare
has represented, and who has robbed his memory, in order
to enrich that of his adversary, popularly termed the “good
duke Humphrey
” of Gloucester. Being involved in the
vortex of worldly politics, it is true, that he gave too much
scope to the passions of the great, and did not allow himself sufficient leisure to attend to the spiritual concerns of
his diocese. He possessed, however, that munificent spirit,
which has cast a lustre on the characters of many persons
of past times, whom it would be difficult otherwise to present as objects of admiration. It he was rich, it must be
admitted that he did not squander away his money upon
unworthy pursuits, but chiefly employed it in the public
service, to the great relief of the subjects, with whom, and
with the commons’ house of parliament, he was popular.
He employed his wealth also in finishing the magnificent
cathedral of Winchester, which was left incomplete by his
predecessor, in repairing Hyde-abbey, relieving prisoners,
and other works of charity. But what, Dr. Milner says, has
chiefly redeemed the injured character of cardinal Beaufort, in Winchester and its neighbourhood, is the new foundation which he made of the celebrated hospital of St. Cross.
Far the greater part of the present building was raised by
him, and he added to the establishment of his predecessor,
Henry de Blois, funds for the support of thirty-five more
brethren, two chaplains, and three women, who appear to
have been hospital nuns. It appears also, says the same
writer, that he prepared himself with resignation and contrition for his last end; and the collected, judicious, and
pious dispositions made in his testament, the codicil of
which was signed but two days before his dissolution, may
justly bring into discredit the opinion that he died in despair. He was buried at Winchester in the most eleg-ant
and finished chantry in the kingdom.
, the foundress of Christ’s and St. John’s colleges in Cambridge, was the only daughter and heir of John Beaufort, duke of Somerset
, the foundress of Christ’s and St. John’s colleges in Cambridge, was the only daughter and heir of John Beaufort, duke of Somerset (grandson of John of Gaunt, duke of Lancaster), and of Margaret Beauchamp his wife. She was born at Bletshoe in Bedfordshire) in 1441. About the fifteenth year of her age, being a rich heiress, the great duke of Suffolk, minister to Henry the Vlth. solicited her in marriage for his son; while the king wooed her for his half-brother Edmund, then earl of Richmond. On so nice a point the good young lady advised with an elder gentlewoman; who, thinking it too great a decision to take upon herself, recommended her to St. Nicholas, the patron of virgins. She followed her instructions, and poured forth her supplications and prayers with such effect, that one morning, whether sleeping or waking she could not tell, there appeared unto her somebody in the habit of a bishop, and desired she would accept of Edmund for her husband. Whereupon she married Edmund earl of Richmond; and by him had an only son, who was afterwards king Henry the VI 1th. Edmund died, Nov. 3, 1456, leaving Henry his son and heir but fifteen weeks old: after which Margaret married sir Henry Stafford, knight, second son to the duke of Buckingham, by whom she had no issue. Soon after the death of sir Henry Stafford, which happened about 1482, she was married again to Thomas lord Stanley, who was created earl of Derby, Oct. 27, 1485, which was the first year of her son’s reign; and this noble lord died also before her in 1504.
The virtues of this lady are exceedingly celebrated. Her humility was such, that she would often say, “on condition that the princes
The virtues of this lady are exceedingly celebrated. Her
humility was such, that she would often say, “on condition that the princes of Christendom would combine themselves, and march against the common enemy the Turks,
she would most willingly attend them, and be their laundress in the camp.
” For her chastity, the rev. Mr. Baker,
who republished bishop Fisher’s “Funeral Sermon
” on
her, in To her daughter Richmond, a book of English,
being a legend of saints; a book of French, called Lucun
another book of French, of the epistles and gospels and
a primer with clasps of silver gilt, covered with purple velvet.
” This was a considerable legacy of its kind at that
time, when few of her sex were taught letters; for it has
often been mentioned as an extraordinary accomplishment
in Jane Shore, the darling mistress of Edward IV. that she
could write and read.
, the orders, yet extant, for great estates of ladies and noble women, for their precedence, &c. She was not only a lover of learning, but a great patroness of learned
Lady Margaret, however, could do both; and there are
some of her literary performances still extant. She published, “The mirroure of golde for the sinful 1 soule,
translated from a French translation of a book called, * Speculum aureum peccatorum,' very scarce. She also translated out of French into English, the fourth book of Gerson’s treatise “Of the imitation and following the blessed
life of our most merciful Saviour Christ,
” printed at the
nd of Dr. William Atkinson’s English translation of the three
first books, 1504. A letter to her son is printed in Howard’s “Collection of Letters.
” She also made, -by her
son’s command and authority, the orders, yet extant, for
great estates of ladies and noble women, for their precedence, &c. She was not only a lover of learning, but a
great patroness of learned men; and did more acts of real
goodness for the advancement of literature in general, than
could reasonably have been expected from so much superstition. Erasmus has spoken great things of her, for the
munificence shewn in her foundations and donations of
several kinds; a large account of which is given by Mr.
Baker, in the preface prefixed to the “Funeral Sermon.
What adds greatly to the merit of these donations is, that
some of the most considerable of them were performed in
her life-time; as the foundation of two colleges in Cambridge.
Her life was checquered with a variety of good and' bad
fortune: but she had a greatness of soul, which seems to
have placed her above the reach of either; so that she wasneither elated with the former, nor depressed with the
latter. She was most affected with what regarded her
only child, for whom she had the most tender affection.
She underwent some hardships on his account. She saw
him from an exile, by a wonderful turn of fortune, advanced
to the crown of England, which yet he could not keep
without many struggles and difficulties; and when he had
reigned twenty-three years, and lived fifty-two, she saw him
carried to his grave. Whether this might not prove too great
a shock for her, is uncertain; but she survived him only
three months, dying at Westminster on the 29th of June,
1509. She was buried in his chapel, and had a beautiful
monument erected to her memory, adorned with gilded
brass, arms, and an epitaph round the verge, drawn up by
Erasmus, at the request of bishop Fisher, for which he had
twenty shillings given him by the university of Cambridge.
Upon this altar-tomb, which is enclosed with a grate, is
placed the statue of Margaret countess of Richmond and
Derby, in her robes, all of solid brass, with two pillars on
each side of her, and a Latin inscription, of which the following is a translation: “To Margaret of Richmond, the
mother of Henry VII. and grandmother of Henry VIII.
who founded salaries for three monks in this convent, for a
grammar-school at Wymborn, and a preacher of God’s
word throughout England; as also for two divinity-lecturers, the one at Oxford, the other at Cambridge; in
which last place she likewise built two colleges, in honour
of Christ and his disciple St. John. She died in the year
of our Lord 1509, June the 29th.
” This lady was the
daughter and sole heiress of John Beaufort duke of Somerset, who was grandson to John of Gaunt, duke of Lancaster, fourth son of Edward the Third. Her mother, Margaret Beauchamp, was daughter and heiress of the lord
Beauchamp of Powick. Bishop Fisher observes, “that by
her marriage with the earl of Richmond, and by her birth,
she was allied to thirty kings and queens, within the fourth
degree either of blood or affinity; besides earls, marquisses, dukes, and princes: and since her death,
” as Mr.
Baker says, “she has been allied in her posterity to thirty
” Her will, which is remarkably curious, is printed
at length in the “Collectioii of Royal and Noble Wills,
, a French dramatic writer of modern celebrity, was born at Paris, Jan. 24, 1732. His father was a watchmaker, and
, a French dramatic writer of modern celebrity, was born at Paris, Jan. 24, 1732. His father was a watchmaker, and at the age of twenty-one himself invented an improvement in watchmaking, which being contested by an eminent artist, was decided in favour of young Beaumarchais by the academy of sciences. Being passionately fond of music, and especially of the harp, he introduced some improvements in this instrument, which, with his excellent performance, gained him admittance to Mesdames, the daughters of Louis XV. to give them lessons, and this was the origin of his fortune. He lost two wives successively, and then gained three considerable law-suits. The papers which he published concerning each of these causes, excited great attention. He had also an affair of honour with a duke, in consequence of which he was sent to Fort L‘Eve’que. He was afterwards employed in some political transactions by the ministers Maurepas and Vergennes. He supported the scheme for the caisse d'escompte, or bank of discount, which he vainly thought to have made a rival to that of England: but he was more successful, although after much opposition, in procuring the adoption of a scheme for a fire-pump to supply the city of Paris with water. A plan, also, concerning poor women, was executed at Lyons, and gained him the thanks of the merchants of that city. After the death of Voltaire, he purchased the whole of his manuscripts, and not being able to print them in France, established a press at Kell, where they were printed in a very magnificent manner with Baskerville’s types.
he Americans with arms, ammunition, &c. and although some of his ships were taken by the English, he was so successful with the rest as to realize a considerable fortune,
When the American war took place, Beaumarchais speculated in supplying the Americans with arms, ammunition, &c. and although some of his ships were taken by the English, he was so successful with the rest as to realize a considerable fortune, and built a magnificent house in the Faubourg St. Antoine. He was planning the construction of a bridge over the Seine, when the revolution intervened to oppose his projects, and although he was one of those who had contributed to the public stock of discontent, he never became popular with the revolutionists. In 1792,. having signed a contract with the war minister, to furnish 60,000 musquets, which he was to procure from Holland, and not having delivered one, although he had received 500,000 francs in advance, the people accused him of forming a depot of them in his house on the Boulevard, and he was imprisoned for a time, but released, after which he took refuge in England. In 1794 he returned to Paris, and began to collect the remains of his fortune, but dissipated the principal part in a speculation on salt. In May 1799, he died of an apoplectic stroke, after a life of bustle and intrigue, and divided between literature and business. His countrymen do not represent his character in the most amiable light: his morals were not of the purest species, and his more favourable personal accomplishments were obscured by a self-conceit, and a love of talking about and praising himself, which he could never repress. It was said that if he had been ordered to be hanged, he would have requested a gallows as high as Hainan’s, that he might be more conspicuous.
ch an importance as to render them objects of public curiosity and conversation. His dramatic career was more brilLant. It began with, 3. “Eugenie,” a drama in five
His works are, 1. “Memoires centre les sieurs de Goetznian, La Blache, Marin d'Arnaud,
” Memoire en reponse a celui de Guillaume Kornmann,
Paris, Eugenie,
” a drama in five acts, Les deux amis,
” Le Barbier de
” Le Manage de Figaro,
” Tarare,
” an opera, La
Mere coupable,
” Memoire en reponse au manifeste du roi d'Angleterre,
” afterwards suppressed. 10.
“Memoires a Lerointre de Versailles, ou mes six Epoques,
, a French writer of some note, was born at Valleraugues, in the diocese of Allais, in 1727, and
, a French
writer of some note, was born at Valleraugues, in the diocese of Allais, in 1727, and died at Paris Nov. 1773. Being
invited to Denmark as professor of the French belles-lettres,
he opened this course of literature by a discourse that was
printed in 1751, and well received. Having always lived
in the south of France, a residence in the north could
hardly agree with him, but he was held in such esteem,
that he quitted Denmark with the title of privy-counsellor
and a pension. Stopping at Berlin, he was desirous of
forming an intimacy with Voltaire, with whose writings he
was much captivated; but, both being of irritable and impetuous characters, they had no sooner seen each other
than they quarrelled, without hope of reconciliation. The
history of this quarrel, which gave rise to so many personalities and invectives, is characteristic of both parties.
A reflection in a publication of la Beaumelle, entitled “Mes
” was the first cause of it. This work, very studiously composed, but written with too much boldness,
procured the author many enemies; and, on his arrival at
Paris in 1753, he was imprisoned in the Bastille. No sooner
was he let out, than he published his “Memoirs of Main tenon,
” which drew on him a fresh detention in that royal
prison. La Beaumelle, having obtained his liberty, retired into the country, where he put in practice the lessons
he had given to Voltaire, in the following letter: “Well,
then, we are once more at liberty; let us revenge ourselves on these misfortunes by rendering them of use to
us. Let us lay aside all those literary infirmities which
have spread so many clouds over the course of your life,
so much bitterness over my youthful years. A little more
glory, a little more opulence: What does it all signify?
Let us seek the reality of happiness, and not its shadow.
The most shining reputation is never worth what it costs.
Charles V. sighs after retirement; Ovid wishes to be a fool.
We are once more free. I am out of the Bastille; you are
no longer at court. Let us make the best use of a benefit
that may be snatched from us at every moment. Let us
entertain a distant respect for that greatness which is so
dangerous to those that come near it, and that authority,
so terrible even to them that exercise it; and, if it be true
that we cannot venture to think without risk, let us think
no more. Do the pleasur.es of reflection counterbalance
those of safety? Let us be persuaded, you, after sixty
years of experience; me, after six months of annihilation.
Let us be wiser, or at least more prudent; and the wrinkles
of age, and the remembrance of bolts and bars, those injuries of time and power, will prove real benefits to us.
f their life in mutual abuse. The abb Irail informs us, that la Beaumelle being one day asked why he was continually attacking Voltaire in his books “Because,” returned
He now cultivated literature in peace, and settled himself in the comforts of domestic life by marrying the
daughter of M. Lavaisse, an advocate of great practice at
Thoulouse. A lady of the court called him to Paris about
the year 1772, and wished to fix him there, by procuring
him the place of librarian to the king; but he did not long
enjoy this* promotion; a dropsy in the chest proved fatal
the following yean. He left a son and a daughter. His
works are: 1. “A Defence of Montesquieu’s ' Esprit des
” against the author of the “Nouvelles Ecclesiastiques,
” which is inferior to that which the president de
Montesquieu published himself, but for which that writer
expressed his thanks. 2. “Mes Pense*es, ou, Le Qu'en
” There have been better poets than
Voltaire; but none have been ever so well rewarded. The
king of Prussia heaps his bounty on men of talents exactly
from the same motives as induce a petty prince of Germany to heap his bounty on a buffoon or a dwarf.
” 3. “The
<f Memoirs of Madame de Maintenon,
” Letters to M. de Voltaire,
” Age of Louis XIV.
” Voltaire
refuted these remarks in a pamphlet entitled “Supplement
to the age of Louis XIV.
” in which he shews it to be an
odious thing to seize upon a work on purpose to disfigure
it. La Beaumelle in 1754 gave out an “Answer to this
” which he re-produced in 1761, under the
title of “Letters.
” To this Voltaire made no reply; but
shortly after stigmatized it in company with several others,
in his infamous poem the “Pucelle,
” where he describes
la Beaumelle as mistaking the pockets of other men for
his own. The writer, thus treated, endeavoured to cancel
the calumny by a decree of the parliament of Thoulouse
but other affairs prevented him from pursuing this. Voltaire, however, had some opinion of his talents; and the
writer of this article has seen a letter of his in which he
says’: “Ce pendard a bien de Pesprit.
” “The rascal has
a good deal of wit.
” La Beaumelle, on the other hand,
said: “Personne n'ecrit mieux que Voltaire.
” “No one
writes better than Voltaire.
” Yet these mutual acknowledgments of merit did not prevent their passing a considerable part of their life in mutual abuse. The abb
Irail informs us, that la Beaumelle being one day asked
why he was continually attacking Voltaire in his books
” returned he, “he never spares me in his and
my books sell the better for it.
” It is said, however, that
la Beaumelle would have left off writing against the author
of the Henriade; and even would have been reconciled
with him, had he not imagined that it would be impossible
to disarm his wrath, and therefore he preferred war to an
insecure peace. 5. “Penses de Seneque,
” in Latin and
French, in 12mo, after the manner of the “Pensees de
” by the abbe d'Olivet, whom he has rather imitated than equalled. 6. “Commentaire sur la Henriade,
Paris, Miscellanies,
” also in ms.
among which are some striking pieces. The author had
a natural bent towards satire. His temper was frank and
honest, but ardent and restless. Though his conversation
was instructive, it had not that liveliness which we perceive
in his writings.
, *an English poet, was the son of Francis Beaumont one of the judges of the common
, *an English poet, was the son of Francis Beaumont one of the judges of the common pleas in the reign of queen Elizabeth, and brother of Francis, the dramatic colleague of Fletcher. He was born in 1582, at Grace-Bieu, the family seat in Leicestershire, and admitted a gentleman commoner of Broadgate’s-hall, (now Pembroke college) Oxford, the beginning of Lent term, 1596. After three years study here, during which he seems to have attached himself most to the poetical classics, he became a member of one of the inns of court, but soon quitted that situation, and returned to Leicestershire, where he married Elizabeth daughter of John Fortescue, esq.
thony Wood to have been buried at Grace-Dieu, but this is a mistake for Belton, as the priory church was not then existing. The cause of his death is obscurely hinted
In 1626, king Charles conferred on him the dignity of a baronet, which sir John survived only two years, dying in the winter of 1628. He is said by Anthony Wood to have been buried at Grace-Dieu, but this is a mistake for Belton, as the priory church was not then existing. The cause of his death is obscurely hinted at in the following lines by Drayton:
"Thy care for that, which was not worth thy breath,
But Heav'n was kind, and would not let thee see
ses on his father’s poems, who became afterwards a Jesuit; Gervase, who died at seven years old, and was lamented by his father in some very pathetic verses, in the
He had seven sons and four daughters. Of his sons, the most noticeable were, John, his successor, the editor of his father’s poems, and himselfa minor poet Francis, the author of some verses on his father’s poems, who became afterwards a Jesuit; Gervase, who died at seven years old, and was lamented by his father in some very pathetic verses, in the late edition of the English poets; and Thomas, the third baronet. Sir John, who succeeded his father, is recorded as a man of prodigious bodily strength. He was killed in 1644 at the siege of Gloucester, and dying unmarried, was succeeded in title by his brother Thomas, who, like him, was plundered by the republicans.
, third son of Francis, the judge, was born at Grace-Dieu, in Leicestershire, 1586; and in the beginning
, third son of Francis, the judge, was born at Grace-Dieu, in Leicestershire, 1586; and in the beginning of Lent term 1596, was admitted (with his two brothers Henry and John) a gentleman commoner of Broadgate’s-hall, now Pembroke-college, Oxford. Anthony Wood, who refers his education to Cambridge, mistakes him for his cousin Francis, master of the Charterhouse, who died in 1624. It is remarkable, that there were four Francis Beaumonts of this family, all living in 1615, and of these at least three were poetical the master of the Charter-house, the dramatic writer, and Francis Beaumont, a Jesuit.
r poet studied for some time in the Inner Temple, and his “Mask of the Inner Temple and Gray’s-inn,” was acted and printed in 1612-13, when he was in his twenty-sixth
Our poet studied for some time in the Inner Temple, and
his “Mask of the Inner Temple and Gray’s-inn,
” was acted
and printed in
Their connection, from similarity of taste and studies, was very intimate, and it would appear, at one time, very Œconomical.
Their connection, from similarity of taste and studies,
was very intimate, and it would appear, at one time, very
Œconomical. Aubrey informs us, that “There was a wonderful consimility of fancy between Mr. Francis Beaumont
and Mr. John Fletcher, which caused that dearness of
friendship between them. I have heard Dr. John Earl,
since bishop of Sarum, say, who knew them, that his
(Beaumont’s) main business was to correct the super-overflowings of Mr. Fletcher’s wit. They lived together on
the Bankside, not far from the play-iiouse, both bachelors;
had one bench in the house between them, which they
did so admire the same cloaths, cloak, &c. between
” With respect to the specific share he had in the
plays which have been published as the joint production of
Beaumont and Fletcher, the reader may find much information, and perhaps all that can now be ascertained on
this subject, in the preliminary matter of the edition published in 1778, 10 vols. vo, or more briefly in a note in
Mr. Malone’s life of Dryden, vol. II. p. 100—101. Sir
Egerton Brydges, whose judgment is of sterling value in
matters of literary antiquity, suspects that great injustice
has been generally done to Beaumont, by the supposition
of Langbaine and others that his merit was principally
confined to lopping the redundancies of Fletcher. He acquits, however, the editors of the Biographia Dramatica
of this blame. They say, “It is probable that the forming
of the plots, and contriving the conduct of the fable, the
writing of the more serious and pathetic parts, and lopping
the redundant branches of Fletcher’s wit, whose luxuriances, we are told frequently, stood in need of castigation, might
be, in general, Beaumont’s portion of the work.
” This,“adds Mr. Brydges,
” is to afford him very high praise,"
and the authorities of sir John Birkenhead, Jasper Mayne,
sir George Lisle, and others, amount to strong proof that
he was considered by his contemporaries 'in a superior
light, (and by none more than by Jonson), and that this
estimation of his talents was common in the life-time of
his colleague, who, from candour or friendship, appears
to have acquiesced in every respect paid to the memory of
How his life was spent, his works show. The production of so many plays, and
How his life was spent, his works show. The production of so many plays, and the interest he took in their success, were sufficient to occupy his mind during his short span, which cannot be supposed to have been diversified by any other events than those that are incident to candidates for theatrical fame and profit. Although his ambition was confined to one object, his life probably abounded in those little varieties of hope and fear, perplexity and satisfaction, jealousy and rivalship, friendship and caprice, which are to be experienced within the walls of a theatre, and compose the history of a dramatic writer.
He appears a satirist on women in some of his poems, but he was more influenced by wit than disappointment, and probably only
He appears a satirist on women in some of his poems, but he was more influenced by wit than disappointment, and probably only versified the common-place raillery of the times. He married Ursula, daughter and co-heir of Henry Isley of Sundridge in Kent, by whom he had two daughters. One of these, Frances, was living at a great age in Leicestershire, in 1700, and at that time enjoyed a pension of lOOl. a-year from the duke of Ormond, in whose family she had resided for some time as a domestic. She had once in her possession several poems of her father’s writing, which were lost at sea during her voyage from Ireland. Mr. Beaumont died early in March, 1615-16, and was buried on the 9th, at the entrance of St. Benedict’s chapel near the earl of Middlesex’s monument, in the collegiate church of St* Peter, Westminster, without any inscription.
in 1640, 4to, and the second in 1653, but neither so correct as could be wished. The editor of both was the bookseller, Laurence Blaiklock, whom Anthony Wood characterises
The first edition of his poems appeared in 1640, 4to,
and the second in 1653, but neither so correct as could be
wished. The editor of both was the bookseller, Laurence
Blaiklock, whom Anthony Wood characterises as a “Presbyterian bookbinder near Temple-bar, afterwards an informer to the committee of sequestration at Haberdashers’
and Goldsmiths’ hall, and a beggar defunct in prison.
Whoever he was, he put together what he could find in
circulation, without much discernment or inquiry, and has
mixed with Beaumont’s several pieces that belong to other
authors. The only poem printed in Beaumont’s life-time
was “Salmacis and Hermaphroditus
” from Ovid, which he
published in
, D. D. master of Peter-house, Cambridge, and king’s professor of divinity, was a descendant of the ancient family of Beaumont in Leicestershire.
, D. D. master of Peter-house,
Cambridge, and king’s professor of divinity, was a descendant of the ancient family of Beaumont in Leicestershire.
His father, who died in 16 53, had been a woollen manufacturer
at Hadleigh in Suffolk, where our author, his eldest son, was
born March 13, 1615. His father, who discovered in him
a turn for letters, placed him at the grammar school of his
native place, where he made uncommon proficiency in
classical learning, and in his sixteenth year was removed to
Peterhouse in Cambridge, and distinguished himself, not
more by his literary acquirements than by his pious and
orderly deportment, acquiring the high esteem of Dr. Cosins, then master of that college, and afterwards bishop of
Durham. After taking his degree of A. B. he was elected
fellow, and afterwards tutor and moderator. In 1643, as
he adhered loyally to his sovereign, he was obliged to leave
the university, then in possession of the usurping powers,
and being ejected from his fellowship, he retired to Hadleigh, where he associated with some other persons of his
own sentiments, chiefly his former pupils and the sons of
his friend and patron bishop Wren; and here he appears
to have amused himself in writing his “Psyche,
” which
was begun in April Intercourse between Christ and the Soul,
which was much admired in his time, but has not preserved
its popularity. Pope is reported to have said of it, that
“there are in it a great many flowers well worth gathering,
and a man who has the art of stealing wisely will find his
account in reading it.
” His biographer, however, confesses that he has generally preferred the effusions of fancy to
the corrections of judgment, and is often florid and affected,
obscure and perplexed. His Latin poems, although
perhaps superior in style, are yet below the purity of
the Augustan age. All his poetical efforts were the
amusement of his leisure hours during the rebellion, by
which he lost, besides his fellowship, some preferments
which bishop Wren had bestowed on him, as the rectory of
Kelshall in Hertfordshire in 1643, that of Elm with the
chapel of Emneth in 1646, and the seventh canonry and
prebend in the cathedral of Ely in 1647. And so zealous
was bishop Wren for his interest and happiness, that he
took him into his house as his domestic chaplain, and married him to his step-daughter in 1650. With her Mr.
Beaumont retired to Tatingston-place, where they lived in
a private manner until the restoration. On that event he
took possession of his former livings, and was also admitted
into the first list of his majesty’s chaplains, and by his majesty’s mandamus was created D. D. in 1660. In 1661 he
removed, at bishop Wren’s desire, to Ely, where he had the
misfortune to lose his wife in 1662. In April of that year,
on the resignation of Dr. Pearson, master of Jesus’ college,
Cambridge, the bishop of Ely appointed him successor,
and in 1663, on the death of Dr. Hale, master of Peterhouse, he was removed to the headship of that college,
which he governed with great care and liberality. The
same year he was instituted to the rectory of Teversham
near Cambridge, and in 1664 to that of Barley in Hertfordshire, where he alternately resided in the vacation
months every summer, feeding the poor, instructing the
ignorant, and faithfully discharging his pastoral charge. In
1665 he was drawn into a controversy with Dr. Henry
More, who had advanced some doctrines in his “Mystery
of Godliness,
” which our author thought subversive of our
constitution in church and state, and productive of manyevils to the Christian religion; Dr. More replied to
this charge, but Dr. Beaumont received the thanks of the
university for his services on this occasion. In 1670 he
was elected to the divinity chair. In the course of his
leetures, which he read for twenty-nine years, he went through
the two epistles to the Romans and Colossians, with a view
to explain the difficulties and controversies occasioned by
some passages hi them. In 1689, when the Comprehension was attempted, in order to unite the church and dissenters, he was one of the commissioners appointed for that
purpose, but never took his place at the board, convinced
of the little probability that such a scheme should succeed.
He continued to discharge the several duties of his office,
even when advanced to his eighty-fourth year, and preached
before the university in turn, Nov. 5, 1699; but a high fever came on the same evening, which, with the addition of
the gout in his stomach, proved fatal on the 23d of the same
month. His biographer sums up his character in these
words “He was religious without bigotry, devout without superstition, learned without pedantry, judicious without censoriousness, eloquent without vanity, charitable
without ostentation, generous without profusion, friendly
without dissimulation, courteous without flattery, prudent
without cunning, and humble without meanness.
” Mr.
Cole informs us, that in Psyche
” was reprinted, with many
of the author’s corrections, and the addition of four cantos,
in 1702, by his son Charles Beaumont, A.M. of Peterhouse, who informs us that his father left all his works, critical and polemical, to the college, strictly forbidding the
printing of any of them. In 1749 was published his lesser
“Poems in English and Latin, with an appendix, containing some dissertations and remarks on the Epistle to the
” 4to. To this is prefixed an account of his
life, from which the present sketch has been taken.
, theson of Florimond de Beaune, seigneur of Goulieux, was born at Blois in 1601, and having studied law, became counsellor
, theson of Florimond de Beaune, seigneur of Goulieux, was born at Blois in 1601, and having studied law, became counsellor of the presidial of Blois. He was most celebrated, however, for his skill in mathematics, which induced Descartes to pay him a visit, which de Beaune returned afterwards, and they frequently consulted one another on their pursuits. De Beaune invented many astronomical instruments, and some telescopes of great utility. He is also famous for a problem that bears his name; it consists in the construction of a curve, with conditions that render it extremely difficult. Descartes solved this problem; and de Beaune, animated by the praises of a man so celebrated, discovered a method of determining the nature, of curves by the properties of their tangents. De Beaune died in 1652, in his fifty-first year.
, an accurate military geographer, the descendant of an ancient family, was born at Aix in Issart in 1697, and at the age of nineteen went
, an accurate military geographer, the descendant of an ancient family, was born at Aix
in Issart in 1697, and at the age of nineteen went to Paris,
where he studied geography under the celebrated Sanson,
geographer to the king. His progress was so rapid, and
his reputation so high, that at the age of twenty-five he
was honoured with the same title. A perpetual almanac
which he invented, and with which Louis XV. was much
pleased, procured him the patronage of that prince, for
whom he drew a great number of plans and charts. But his
principal reputation rests on his topographical plans of the
military kind, particularly his “Description topographique
et militaire des campagnes de Flandre, depuis 1690 jusqu'en 1694,
” Paris, Cartes des campagnes de grande Conde
” en Flandre,"
Paris, fol. 1774; and in 1781, those of Turenne, with the
descriptions of Grimoard, compiled from Turenne’s original
papers, the correspondence of Louis XIV. that of his ministers, and several other authentic memoirs, a most splendid folio, enriched with a great number of charts and plans,
executed with uncommon fidelity, precision, and. minuteness, so as to describe every motion of the armies in the
most distinct manner.
, a French miscellaneous writer, entitled to some notice, was born at St. Paul in Artois, July 9, 1728, and became noted at
, a French miscellaneous writer, entitled to some notice, was born at St. Paul
in Artois, July 9, 1728, and became noted at Paris for hi
oddities and his numerous writings. He affected great
singularity in dress, and was not less remarkable for his bons
mots and tart replies. When asked why he followed no
profession, he said, “I have been too long enamoured of
goodness and honour, to fix my affections on fortune.
He used to say that “Hfe was a continual epigram, to which
death furnished the point.
” There is perhaps not much in
these, and probably the other witticisms we have seen attributed to him derived their principal effect from his manner, or from the person or occasion when applied. He was,
however, a man of great humanity, and particularly attached
to children, employing himself for many years in instructing them, and at last he procured admission to the Normal
school, that he might contribute his share to the general
plan of public education. His writings are, 1. “L'Heureux citoyen,
” Cours d'Histoire sacree
et profane,
” Abreg6
de Phistoire des Insectes,
” Paris, L'Heureux viellard,
” a pastoral drama, Cour*
d'histoire naturelle,
” Paris, Varletes Litteraires,
” De Talaitement et
de la premiere Education des Enfans,
” L'Eleve de la Nature,
” Geneva, L‘Accord parfait, ou l’Equilibre
physique et morale,
” Paris, Le Port-feuille
” &c. By all these literary labours, however, the
author appears to have profited little, as he died in an hospital at Paris, Oct. 5, 1795.
, an eminent Calvinist divine and ecclesiastical writer, was born at Niort in Upper Poitou, March 8, 1659, of a family originally
, an eminent Calvinist divine and ecclesiastical writer, was born at Niort in Upper Poitou, March 8, 1659, of a family originally of Provence, whose name was Bossart, which one of his ancestors changed to Beausobre, on taking refuge in Swisserland from the massacre of St. Bartholomew’s day. In his youth he had some favourable opportunities for rising in the world. M. de Vieuxfournaux, cousin-german to his father, strongly solicited him not to change his religion, but to study law, because in that case he had sufficient interest with Madame de Maintenon to recommend him to her, who would have made his 1 fortune. But as he probably foresaw that the sacrifice of his religion must ultimately be the consequence, in order to secure him patronage of this kind, he withstood his relation’s solicitations, and pursued his original intention, that of qualifying himself for the church. Having finished his studies at Saumur, he was ordained, by imposition of hands, at the age of twenty-one, in the last synod of Loudon, and had a congregation intrusted to him, to whom he officiated for three or four years, during which he married Claude Louisa Arnaudeau, whose father was pastor of the church of Lusignan. The days of persecution approaching, M. de Beausobre’s church was shut up, and having been so rash, as to break it open, contrary to the orders of the court, he found it necessary to make his escape. At first he intended to have gone to England, but for some reasons, not mentioned in our authority, he preferred Holland, where he recommended himself to the favour of the princess of Orange, who appointed him chaplain to her daughter the princess of A nhalt-Dessau, and accordingly he went to Dessau in 1686. Here his situation was rendered peculiarly agreeable by the kindness of the princess, the esteem she conceived for, and the confidence she reposed in him' and here he appears to have applied himself to those studies, the produce of which appeared soon afterwards.
The first occasion of his becoming an author was the conduct of the duke of Saxe-Barby, who quitted the Lutheran
The first occasion of his becoming an author was the
conduct of the duke of Saxe-Barby, who quitted the Lutheran communion, and printed a confession of his faith in
1688. A year after appeared, under the name of the theological faculty of Leipsic, a work in German, purporting
to be “An inquiry into the motives which induced the
duke of Saxe to separate from the Lutherans;
” and a Latin
translation of it having been submitted to M. Beausobre,
he perceived its weakness, and conceived it an act of justice in behalf of the more moderate part of the Lutherans,
to make a public declaration of the doctrines of the reformers. Accordingly this his first work was entitled “Defense
de la doctrine des Reformes,
” on the subjects of providence,
predestination, grace, the Lord’s supper, &c. printed at
Magdeburgh, 1693. In this, while he speaks favourably of
the moderate writers among the Lutherans, he censures the
others for their bigotry against the Calvinists, or against
any who differ from them in the least degree. His work
was extremely well received, although this edition is full
of typographical errors.
693, on the death of John-George II. prince of Anhalt-Dessau, he pronounced a funeral oration, which was printed at Berlin, 1695, 4tp, in the form of a “Sermon Funcbrc,”
In 1693, on the death of John-George II. prince of Anhalt-Dessau, he pronounced a funeral oration, which was
printed at Berlin, 1695, 4tp, in the form of a “Sermon
” the subject of which (John xvii. 3.) was pointed
out by the prince himself. After residing eight years at
Dessau, Beausobre, in 1694, removed to Berlin, where the
refugees for the cause of religion, many of them his particular friends, had formed an asylum, and where he might
enjoy the menus of educating his family. Here he passed
the rest of his life, and exercised his ministry for the space
of forty-six years, not only as one of the pastors appointed
to supply the churches of the French refugees, but as chaplain to their majesties, an office he had the honour to fill
until the death of the queen Sophia-Charlotte. He was
besides, counsellor of the royal consistory, inspector of the
French college, and a year before his death was appointed
inspector of the French churches in Berlin, and of the other
churches comprised within the inspection of that city.
As every church had its separate pastor, Basnage belonged first to that of Ville-Neuve, but on the death of
his friend Mr. Lenfant in 1728, he succeeded him in the
church of Werder, where he officiated through the remainder of his life.
o the Augsburgh confession, and left it in manuscript. In this state it remained until 1784, when it was published at Berlin in 4 vols. 8v6. Its principal object is
As soon as Beausobre became settled at Berlin, he resumed his favourite studies, and particularly his “History
of the Reformation,
” which he carried down to the Augsburgh confession, and left it in manuscript. In this state
it remained until 1784, when it was published at Berlin in
4 vols. 8v6. Its principal object is the origin and progress,
of Lutheranism, in treating of which the author has availed
himself of Seckendorfl’s history, but has added many vainable materials. It contains also very curious and ample
details relative to the progress of the reformation in France
and Swisserland; but it nevertheless is not free from objections, both on the score of impartiality and accuracy.
In the mean time, the Prussian court having desired M.
Beausobre and his friend M. Lenfant to prepare a translation of the New Testament, they shared the labour between
them, M. Lenfant taking the Evangelists, Acts, Catholic
epistles, and the Apocalypse, and M. Beausobre the epistles
of St. Paul. The whole was published in 2 vols. 4to, Amst.
1718, with prefaces, notes, c. A second edition appeared in 1741, with considerable additions and corrections.
Their “Introduction
” was published separately at Cambridge (translated into English) in 1779; and Dr. Watson,
bishop of Llandaff, who inserted it in the third volume of
his “Theological Tracts,
” pronounces it a work of extraordinary merit, the authors Laving left scarcely any togic
untouched, on which the voting student in divinity may he
supposed to wunt information. Their only opponent, at
the time of publication, was a Mr. Dartis, formerly a minister at Berlin, from which he had retired, and who published a pamphlet, to which Beausobre and Lenfant made
separate replies. Beausobre was one of the principal members of a society of literary men of Berlin, who called them
the “Anonymi,
” and this connection led 'him to be a contributor to the “Bibliothcque Gcrmanique,
” of which he
was editor from vol. IV. to the time of his death, excepting vol. XL. One of the pieces he wrote for this journal
was translated into English, and published at London,
1735, 8vo, under the title of “St. Jatzko, or a commentary on a passage in the plea for the Jesuits of Thorn
But his most celebrated work was his “Histoire critique
de Mauicheisme,
” Amst. it
is a treasure of ancient philosophy and theology. The
learned historian spins, with incomparable art, the systematic thread of opinion, and transforms himself by turns into the person of a saint, a sage, or an heretic. Yet his refinement is sometimes excessive: he betrays an amiable
partiality in favour of the weaker side, and while he guards
against calumny, he does not allow sufficient scope for superstition and fanaticism,
” things, or rather words, which
Gibbon js accustomed to use without much meaning. The
journalists of Trevoux having attacked this work, gave Mr.
IjJeausobre an opportunity of showing his superiority in ecclesiastical history, by an answer published in the BibL
Germanique, which perhaps is too long. He wrote also a
curious preface to the “Memoirs of Frederick-Henry,
prince of Orange,
” Amst. History of the Reformation,
” already noticed. M. Beausobre reached the period
of old age, without experiencing much of its influence.
He preached at the age of eighty with vigour and spirit.
His last illness appears to have come on in October 1737,
and although it had many favourable intermissions, he died
June 5, 1738, in the full possession of his faculties and recollection, and universally regretted by his Hock, as well as
by the literary world. The most remarkable encomium
bestowed on him, is that of the prince, afterwards Frederick king of Prussia, in a letter to Voltaire, published in
the works of the latter. “We are -about to lose one of the
greatest men of Germany. This is the famous M. de Beausobre, a man of honour and probity, of great genius, a taste
exquisite and delicate, a great orator, learned in the history of the church and in general literature, an implacable
enemy of the Jesuits, the best writer in Berlin, a man full
of fire and vivacity, which eighty years of life have not
chilled; has a little of the weakness of superstition, a fault
common enowgh with people of his stamp, and is conscious
enough of his abilities to be affected by applause. This
loss is irreparable. We have no one who can replace M.
de Beausobre; men of merit are rare, and when nature
sows them they do not always come to maturity.
” The
applause of such a man as Beausobre, from Frederick of
Prussia to Voltaire, is a curiosity.
his seventieth year, two infant sons. His second son by the first marriage, Charles Louis Beausobre, was born at Dessau in 16^0, and became a pastor of a church at Berlin,
Beausobre left, by his first wife, two sons and a daughter, and by his second, whom he married in his seventieth
year, two infant sons. His second son by the first marriage, Charles Louis Beausobre, was born at Dessau in
16^0, and became a pastor of a church at Berlin, where he
died in 1753. He published “Discours sur le Nouv.
” as a sequel to that of Saurin; “Apologie des Protestans,
” and contributed to the completion of his father’s
History of the Reformation, which he did not, however, live
to see published.
, perhaps of the same family with the preceding, was born at Berlin in 1730, where he also died, Dec. 3, 1784, in
, perhaps of the same family with
the preceding, was born at Berlin in 1730, where he also
died, Dec. 3, 1784, in consequence of an apoplectic stroke.
He was privy counsellor to the king of Prussia in the
French department, counsellor of revision of the supreme
consistory, and member of the royal academy of sciences
and belles lettres at Berlin. He published, 1. “Des dissertations philosophiques sur la nature de Feu,
” Le Pyrrhonisme du sage,
Les songes d'Epicure,
” Introduction generate a l'etude de la Politique, des
Finances, et du Commerce,
” Berlin, Essai sur le Bortheur,
” and 7. “Introduction a la
, one of the French academy, and professor of grammar in the military school, was born at Verdun, May 9, 1717, and died at Paris, Jan. 25, 1789.
, one of the French academy,
and professor of grammar in the military school, was born
at Verdun, May 9, 1717, and died at Paris, Jan. 25, 1789.
Of his early life we have no account, but he appears to
have been selected by the encyclopedists to furnish the
articles on grammar in their celebrated undertaking. The
abbe BarrueL who says he was a layman much to be respected
for his piety, once asked him, how a man of his principles
came to be associated with the encyclopedists, who were
notoriously infidels. “The very same question,
” answered
Beauzee, “have I put to d‘Alembert. At one of the sittings, seeing that I was almost the only person who believed
in God, 1 asked him how he possibly could ever have
thought of me for a member, when he -knew that my sentiments and opinions differed so widely from those of his
brethren? D’Aiembert without hesitation answered,
” I
am sensible of your amazement, but we were in want of a
skilful grammarian, and among our party not one had acquired a reputation in that study. We knew that you believed in God, but being a good sort of a man, we cast our
eyes on you, for want of a philosopher to supply your
place.“About the same time, probably, Beauzee published his
” Grammaire generate, ou exposition raisonnee
des elemens necessaires du Langage, pour servir de fondement a l'etude de toutes les Langues,“Paris, 1767, 2 vols.
a work which, although it falls short of its title, contains
much valuable instruction, especially respecting the French
language. The chief fault is, that the author wants precision, and is frequently too metaphysical to be intelligible.
He published also a new edition of the abbe
” Girard’s
” with great additions, 2 vols. 12mo; translations of Sallust, often reprinted, and much admired
of Quintus Curtius, which likewise became popular; and
of Thomas a Kempis. He promoted the publication
of the translation of sir Isaac Newton’s Optics by Marat,
2 vols. 8vo, 1787, which is thought to be very correct. The Dict. Hist, mentions another work by Beauzee,
but without date, “Exposition abregee des preuves historique de le religion,
” 12mo.
, a Lutheran divine, was born at Strasburg, in 1632, where he was first pastor and professor
, a Lutheran divine, was born
at Strasburg, in 1632, where he was first pastor and professor of divinity and ecclesiastical history, and afterwards
professor of divinity, pastor and superintendant general
at Wittemberg, where he died of an apoplexy, Oct.
2, 1686. When very young he wrote “Theses Philologicae de re nummaria veterum,
” and “Disputationes
Philologicae de Theologia Gentili ex antiquis nummis
” Wittemberg, Dissertatio de aris et mensis Eucharisticis veterum,
” Strasb. Antiquitates Ecclesise,
” ibid.
Ecclesia Antediluviana vera et falsa,
” ibid. Memorabilia Hist. Ecclesiasticoe recentioris,
” Dresden,
, a native of Justingen, in Suabia, where his father was a labourer, was educated at home, and in 1495 went to Cracow,
, a native of Justingen, in Suabia,
where his father was a labourer, was educated at home,
and in 1495 went to Cracow, where, and at Tubingen,
he studied the languages, jurisprudence, and particularly
poetry. In 1501, the emperor Maximilian I. honoured
him with the poetical crown. Before this, in 1497, he
was professor at Tubingen, and lectured on the ancient
orators and historians, and is said to have been the first
who introduced into Germany a relish for the purity of the
Latin tongue, in which his works show that he had attained
considerable excellence. His Latin dissertations of the
historical kind, relating to Germany, are inserted in the
first volume of Scharde’s Scrip. Her. Germanicarum. Ife
is less to his credit that he wrote some tales of a very licentious kind. He formed, also, a collection of German
proverbs, which with his poems were published at Strasburgh, in 1512, 4to, under the title “Opuscula BebeJiana.
” A posthumous work of his, “De necessitate
linguae Latinae,
” was published at Augsburgh, in
e taught philosophy four years, and divinity twenty-two years, at Mentz, Wirtzburgh, and Vienna, and was reckoned one of the ablest professors of his time. The emperor
, an eminent Jesuit, born in 156J,
at Hilvarenbec, a small village of Brabant, entered the
society of Jesuits in 1583. He taught philosophy four
years, and divinity twenty-two years, at Mentz, Wirtzburgh, and Vienna, and was reckoned one of the ablest
professors of his time. The emperor Matthias maintained
him at Vienna, and he was made confessor to the emperor
Ferdinand II. The popish historians say he was happy in
a clear conception, and could express himself so intelligibly to his scholars, even upon the most intricate points,
that several universities contended which shoiil.l receive
him. He published a tract upon scholastic divinity, which
Dupin says is short and clear, and has been much esteemed,
and several treatises of controversy. He was the friend
and follower of Bellarmin, and supported him in his controversy with king James I. and bishop Andrews (see Andrews). It may supply a small defect in bishop Andrews’s
life, to note here that Becan wrote “Refutatio Apologias et Monitorix prefationis Jacobi regis Anglian,
Mentz, Refutatio Torturae Torti (bishop Andrews’s book. See his life, p. 219.) ibid. 1610, 8vo.
This was answered by Robert Burhill, in
” Responsio pro
Torlura Torti, contra M. Becanum,“Lond. 1611, 8vo.
” Controversia Anglicana de potestate regis et pontificis, contra Lancelotum Andream,“Mentz, 1612, 8vo.
All Becan’s works were published at Mentz, 1630, 2 vols.
fol.; and at Doway, 1641, but in this collection his
” Analogy of the Old and New Testament," one of the most
esteemed of his productions, is omitted. He died at Vienna, Jan. 24, according to Dnpin, but in May, according to others, 1624. The fate of his works has been somewhat singular. In his opposition to king James and the
bishop of Ely, he carried the power of the pope so far,
that Paul V. was obliged to have his book condemned at
Rome, Jan. 3, 1613; and a century and a half after this,
in 1762, the parliament of Paris ordered the whole of his
works to be burnt.
from his native country, Palermo, in Latin Panormus, vvas born 'there in 1394, and at the age of six was sent to the university of Bologna, to study law, after which
, surnamed Panormita, from his native country, Palermo, in
Latin Panormus, vvas born 'there in 1394, and at the age
of six was sent to the university of Bologna, to study law,
after which he was taken into the court of the duke of MiIan, Philip-Maria-Visconti. He vvas afterwards professor
of the belles-lettres at Pavia, but without leaving the court,
in which he enjoyed a revenue of eight hundred crowns of
gold. The emperor Sigismond, when on a tour in Lombardy in 1432, honoured him with the poetic crown at
Parma. Beccadelli then went to the court of Naples,
where he passed the remainder of his life, always accompanying Alphonso, the king, in his expeditions and travels,
who loaded him with favours, gave him a beautiful country
house, enrolled him among the Neapolitan nobility, intrusted him with political commissions of great importance,
and sent him as ambassador to Geneva, Venice, to the
emperor Frederic III. and to some other princes. And
after the death of Alphonso, he was not less a favourite
with king Ferdinand, who made him his secretary, and
admitted him of his council. He died at Naples, in 1471.
While in the service of Alphonso, he wrote his history
“De dictis et factis Alphonsi regis, lib. IV.
” Pisa, 1485,
4to, and often reprinted. He was rewarded by his sovereign with a thousand crowns of gold for this performance.
His five books of letters, orations, poems, tragedies, &c.
were published at Venice, 1553, 4to, under the title
“Epistolarum lib. V. Orationes II. Carmina praeterea
quasdam, &c.
” But the most extraordinary of his productions was his “Hermaphroditus,
” which long remained in
obscurity. This is a collection divided into two books of
small poems, grossly indecent, and yet dedicated to Cosmo
de Medicis, who is not said to have resented the insult.
What renders this production the more extraordinary, is,
that it was written when the author was advanced in life,
and at a time when his character seemed to derive dignity
from the honourable employments he held, and his reputation in the learned world. Of this work, written with
great purity of Latin style, some copies got abroad, and
^excited the just indignation of the age. Filelfo and Laurentius Valla attacked it in their writings; the clergy
preached against it, and caused it to be burnt; and the
author was burnt in effigy at Ferrara and Milan. Valla
even goes so far as to wish that he had been burnt in person. Even Poggio, not the most chaste of Italian writers,
reproached his friend with having gone too far. Beccadelli defended himself by the example of the ancients, and
Guarino of Verona quotes the example of St. Jerome, but
sense and decency went against them, and these poems
were confined to the Laurentian library strictly, as Mr,
Koscoe says, but surely a more certain method might have
been devised to consign them to perpetual oblivion. A copy,
however, was by some means preserved, and printed at
Paris in 1791, when the revolution had brought on a general dissolution of morals and public decency. “The
” says Ginguene, “no doubt thought that our
morals were so confirmed as to have nothing to fear, and
the book is now in every shop.
, was born at Bologna in 1502, of a noble family. Having gone through
, was born at Bologna in 1502,
of a noble family. Having gone through a course of study
at Padua, he applied himself to business, without however entirely quitting literature. He attachedhimself to
cardinal Pole, whom he followed in the legation to Spain,
and was soon appointed himself to those of Venice and
Augsburg, after having assisted at the council of Trent,
and the archbishopric of Ragusa was the reward of his labours. Cosmo I. grand duke of Tuscany, having entrusted him in 1563 with the education of his son, prince
Ferdinand, he gave up his archbishopric, in the hope that
was held out to him of obtaining that of Pisa; but, being
deceived in his expectations, he was obliged to content
himself with the provostship of the cathedral of Prato,
where he ended his days in 1572. His principal works
are: “The life of cardinal Pole,
” in Italian, translated
by Duditius into Latin, and thence by Maucroix into
French; and that of Petrarch, in Italian, more exact than
any that had appeared before. This prelate was in correspondence with almost all the learned, his contemporaries,
Sadolet, Bembo, the Manuciuses, Varchi, &c. It remains
to be noticed that his life of cardinal Pole was published
in 1766, in English, by the Rev. Benjamin Pye, LL. B.
Of this, and other lives of that celebrated cardinal, notice
will be taken in his article.
, a political writer of considerable note, was born at Milan in 1735, and died in the same place in 1793 or
, a political
writer of considerable note, was born at Milan in 1735,
and died in the same place in 1793 or 1794. In his first
publication, which appeared at Lucca in 1762, he pointed
cut several abuses, with their remedies, in the system of
coinage adopted in the state of Milan. A short time after,
some literary gentlemen of Milan projected a periodical
work, which was to contain essays on various subjects of
philosophy, morals, and politics, calculated to enlighten
the public mind. It was accordingly published in the
years 1764 and 1765, under the title of “The Coffeehouse,
” and when collected, the papers formed 2 vols.
4to, of which the most interesting and original were from
the pen of Beccaria. It was likewise in 1764, that he
published his celebrated treatise on “crimes and punishments,
” “Dei Delitti e delle Pene,
” 12mo, a work to
which some objections may he made, and in which there
are some inconsistencies, yet few works were read with
more avidity, or more directly tended to introduce a humane and wise system in the criminal law. Within eighteen
months of its publication, six editions of the Italian were
eagerly bought up, and it is computed that it has since
gone through above fifty editions and translations. The
English translation published in 1766 contained also a
commentary attributed to Voltaire, but contributing more
to amuse than instruct the reader. Much, however, as
the author was applauded by the enlightened part of the
world, he was likely to have been brought into trouble
by the bigotry of his countrymen, had he not met with
very powerful protection. In 1768 the Austrian government founded a professorship of political economy for him,
and his lectures on that subject were published in 1804,
2 vols. 8vo, under the title of “Elemens d'economie publique.
” In Recherches sur la nature du style,
” Milan, 8vo. There are
some shrewd remarks in this, but he appears to have got
into the paradoxical way of writing, and endeavours to
prove that every individual has an equal degree of genius
for poetry and eloquence.
, a very eminent physician, was born in 1682 at Bononia. He received the first rudiments of
, a very eminent
physician, was born in 1682 at Bononia. He received the
first rudiments of education among the Jesuits. He then
proceeded to the study of philosophy, in which he made
great progress; but cultivated that branch of it particularly which consists in the contemplation and investigation
of nature. Having gone through a course of philosophy
and mathematics, he applied himself to medicine. Being
appointed teacher of natural philosophy at an academy in
Bononia, in consequence of his ardent pursuits in
philosophy, his fellow citizens conferred on him the office of
public professor. His first step in this chair was the interpretation of the Dialectics. He kept his house open
to students, who found there a kind 6*f philosophical society. Here it was his practice to deliver his sentiments
on the different branches of science, or to explain such
metaphysical subjects as had been treated of by Descartes, Malebranche, Leibnitz, and others of the moderns.
Among the frequenters of this little Society we find the
names of John Baptist Morgagni, Eustathius Manfred, and
Victorius Franciscus Stancarius, who, in concurrence with
Beccaria, succeeded in shaking oil the old scholastic yoke,
and formed themselves into an academy, adopting a new
and more useful method of reasoning. In this institution
it was thought fit to elect twelve of their body, who were
called ordinarii, to read the several lectures In natural history, chemistry, anatomy, medicine, physics, and mathematics, in which partition the illustration of natural
history fell to the share of Beccaria; who gave such satisfaction, that it was difficult to determine which was most
admired, his diligence or his ingenuity. In 1712 he was
called to give lectures in medicine, in which he acquired
so great a reputation, that he found it scarcely practicable
to answer the desires of the incredible number of those
who applied to him for instruction. At the beginning of
the year 1718, while entirely occupied in this station, and
in collecting numberless anatomical subjects to exhibit
and to explain to his auditors, he was attacked by a putrid
fever, which brought his life in imminent danger, and
from which he did not recover till afte.r a confinement of
eight months; and even then it left him subject to intermitting attacks, and a violent pain in his side. But the
vigour of his mind triumphed over the weakness of his
body. Having undertaken to demonstrate and explain his
anatomical preparations, he would not desist; and went
on patiently instructing the students that frequented his
house. On the death of Antonio Maria Valsalva, who was
president of the institution, Beccaria, already vice-president, was unanimously chosen by the academicians to succeed him, in which post he did the academy much signal
service; and to this day it adheres to the rules prescribed
by Beccaria. He now practised as well as taught the art
of medicine, and in this he acquired an unbounded fame;
for it was not confined to his owa countrymen, but was
spread throughout Europe. He communicated to the
royal society of London several barometrical and meteorological observations; with others on the ignis fatuus,
and on the spots that appear in stones, and in acknowledgement he was chosen a member of that learned body
in 1728. He confesses thai in his constitution he was not
without some igneous sparks, which were easily kindled
into anger and other vehement emotions; yet he was resolved to evince by example what he had constantly taught,
that the medicine of the mind is more to be studied than
that of the body; and that they are truly wise and happy
who have learnt to heal their distorted and bad affections.
He had brought himself to such an equal temper of mind,
that but a few hours before his death he wanted to mark
the heights of the barometer and thermometer, which was
his usual practice three times every day. Thus, after
many and various labours, died this learned and ingenious
man, the 30th of Jan. 1766, and was buried in the church
of St. Maria ad Baracanum, where an inscription is carved
en his monument. He published the following works:
1. “Lettere al cavaliere Tommaso Derham, intorno la
nieteora chiamata fuoco fatuo. Edita primum in societatis
Lond. transact.
” Dissertatio mctheorologicamedica, in qua ae'ris temperies et morbi Bononizegrassantes annis 1729, et sequent! describuntur.
” 3. “Pa re re
intorno al taglio delia macchiadi Viareggio,
” Lucca, De longis jejuniis dissertatio.
” Patavii, De quamplurimis phosphoris nunc primum detectis commentarius,
” Bononia?,“1744, 4to. 6.
” De
quamplurim. &c. commentarius alter.“7.
” De motu
intestino corporum fluidorum.“8.
” De medicatis Recobarii aquis.“9.
” De lacte.“10.
” Epistolrc tres
mediciP ad Franciscum lloncalium Parolinum,“Brixiir,
1747, fol. 11.
” Scriptura medico-legalis," 1749; and
some others. He left behind him several manuscripts.
, a monk of the EcolesPies, or Pious Schools, was born at Mondovi, and died at Turin, May 22, 1781. He was professor
, a monk of the EcolesPies, or Pious Schools, was born at Mondovi, and died at
Turin, May 22, 1781. He was professor of mathematics
and philosophy, first at Palermo, then at Rome; and by
his experiments and discoveries was so successful as to
throw great light on natural knowledge, and especially on
that of electricity. He was afterwards called to Turin to
take upon him the professorship of experimental
philosophy. Being appointed preceptor to the two princes, Benedict duke of Chablais, and Victor Amadscus duke of Ctirignan, neither the life of a court, nor the allurements of
pleasure, were able to draw him aside from study. Loaded
with benefits and honours, he spared nothing to augment
his library, and to procure the instruments necessary for
his philosophical pursuits. His dissertations on electricity
would have been more useful, if he had been less strongly
attached to some particular systems, and especially that of
Mr. Franklin. He published, 1. “Experimenta quibus
Electricitas Vindex late constituitur, &c.
” Turin, Electricismo artificiale,
” Essay on the cause of Storms and Tempests,
” where we meet with nothing more satisfactory than
what has appeared in other works on that subject; several
pieces on the meridian of Turin, and other objects of astronomy and physics. Father Beccaria was no less respectable for his virtues than his knowledge.
, born in 1645,at Spires, was at first professor of medicine, and then first physician to
, born in 1645,at Spires, was
at first professor of medicine, and then first physician to
the elector of Mentz, and afterwards to him of Bavaria.
He went to London, where his reputation had got before
him, and where the malice of his rivals had forced him to
seek an asylum, and here he died in 1685. His works are
various, among which we may distinguish the following:
1. “Physica subterranea,
” Frankfort, Experimentum
Chymicum novum,
” Frankfort, Character pro notitia linguarum universali;
” a universal language, by means whereof all nations might easily understand each other the fanciful idea of a man of genius. 4.
“Institntiones Chymicse, seu manuductio ad pjiilosophiam
” Mentz, Institutiones GhymictE prodromye,
” Frankfort, Experimentum novum ac curiosum de Minera
arenaria perpetua,
” Frankfort, Epistohe
” Amsterdam,
was born at Konigsberg in 1627, the son of a father of the same
was born at Konigsberg in 1627, the
son of a father of the same names, who was doctor and professor of medicine, and first physician to the elector of
Brandenburgh. He also followed his father’s profession,
and took his doctor’s degree at Strasburgh in 1652. Next
year he was appointed public professor at Konigsberg, and
in 1663 the elector of Brandenburgh admitted him a counsellor, and to be his first physician. He died at Konigsberg in 1673, almost in the prime of life. His works were,
1. “Medicus Microcosmus,
” Rostock, Leyden, and Lond.
De Cultrivoro Prussiaco,
” Konigsberg, Hist, morbi academici Regiomontani,
” Leyden, De unguento armario,
” in the
“Theatrum Sympatheticum,
” Nuremberg, Commentarius de Theriaca,
” Konigsberg,
, archbishop of Canterbury in the reign of Henry II. was born in London 1119, the son of Gilbert, a merchant, and Matilda,
, archbishop of Canterbury in the reign of Henry II. was born in London 1119, the son of Gilbert, a merchant, and Matilda, a Saracen lady, who is said to have fallen in love with him, when he was a prisoner to her father in Jerusalem. Thomas received the first part of his education at Merton-abbey in Surrey, whence he went to Oxford, and afterwards studied at Paris. He became in high favour with Theobald archbishop of Canterbury, who sent him to study the civil law at Bononia in Italy, and at his return made him archdeacon of Canterbury, and provost of Beverley. Before this he had discovered such superior talents for negociation, that archbishop Theobald dispatched him as his agent to the pope, on a point he thought of great moment, which was to get the legantine power restored to the see of Canterbury. This commission was performed with such dexterity and success, that the archbishop entrusted to him all his most secret intrigues with the court of Rome, and particularly a matter of the highest importance to England, the soliciting from the pope those prohibitory letters against the crowning of prince Eustace, by which that design was defeated. This service, which raised Becket’s merit not only with the prelate by whom he was employed, but also with king Henry, was the original foundation of his high fortune. It is remarkable, that he was the first Englishman, since the latter years of the reign of William the Conqueror, on whom any great office, either in church or state, had been conferred by the kings of the Norman race; the exclusion of the English from all dignities having been a maxim of policy, which had been delivered down by that monarch to his sons. This maxim Henry the Second wisely and liberally discarded, though the first instance in which he deviated from it happened to be singularly unfortunate.
Theobald also recommended him to king Henry II. in so effectual a manner, that in 1158 he was appointed high chancellor, and preceptor to the prince. Becket
Theobald also recommended him to king Henry II. in so effectual a manner, that in 1158 he was appointed high chancellor, and preceptor to the prince. Becket now laid aside the churchman, and affected the courtier; he conformed himself in every thing to the king’s humour; he partook of all his diversions, and observed the same hours of eating and going to bed. He kept splendid levees, and courted popular applause; and the expences of his table exceeded those of the first nobility. In 1159 he made a campaign with king Henry into Toulouse, having in his own pay 1200 horse, besides a retinue of 700 knights or gentlemen. While here he gave a piece of advice which marked the spirit and fire of his character. This was, to seize the person of Lewis, king of France, who had imprudently thrown himself into the city of Toulouse without an army. But the counsel was deemed too bold. Besides several political reasons against complying with it, it was thought an enormous and criminal violation of the feudal allegiance, for a vassal to take and hold in captivity the person of his lord. We need not inforjn our historical readers, that Henry, though a very powerful monarch, did, by the large possessions he held in France, stand in. the relation of a vassal to the king of that country. In the war against the earl of Toulouse, Becket, besides his other military exploits, engaged, in single combat, Engelvan, de Trie, a French knight, famous for his valour, dismounted him with his lance, and gained his horse, which he led off in great triumph.
In 1160, he was sent by the king to Paris, to treat of a marriage between prince
In 1160, he was sent by the king to Paris, to treat of a marriage between prince Henry and the king of France’s eldest daughter, in which he succeeded, and returned with the young princess to England. He had not enjoyed the chancellorship above four years, when archbishop Theobald died; and the king, who was then in Normandy, immediately sent over some trusty persons to England, who managed matters so well with the monks and clergy, that Becket was almost unanimously elected archbishop.
It has been said that it was with the utmost difficulty Becket could be prevailed upon to
It has been said that it was with the utmost difficulty
Becket could be prevailed upon to accept of this dignity,
and that he even predicted it would be the cause of a
breach between the king and him. But this is greatly
doubted by lord Lyttelton in his History of Henry II. and
it stands contradicted by the affirmation of Foliot, bishop
of London, and ill agrees with the measures which were
taken to procure Becket' s election. His biographers themselves acknowledge, that one reason which induced Henry
to promote him to Canterbury, was, “because he hoped,
that, by his means, he should manage ecclesiastical, as
well as secular affairs, to his own satisfaction.
” Indeed,
no other reasonable motive can be found. Nothing could
incline that prince to make so extraordinary and so exceptionable a choice, but a firm confidence, that he should be
most usefully assisted by Becket, in the important reformation he meant to undertake, of subjecting the clergy
to the authority of the civil government. Nor is it credible
that he should not have revealed his intention, concerning
that affair, to a favourite minister, whom he had accustomed to trust, without reserve, in his most secret counsels.
But if such a declaration had been made by that minister,
as is related by the historians, it is scarcely to be supposed,
that a king so prudent as Henry would have forced him into
a station, in which he certainly might have it in his power
to be exceedingly troublesome, instead of being serviceable
to his royal master. It was by a different language that the
usual sagacity of this prince could have been deceived.
Nor, indeed, could the most jealous and penetrating eye
have discovered in Becket, after he was elected archbishop
of Canterbury, any marks of an enthusiastic or bigotted
zeal. That several indications of a contrary temper, and
different principles, had appeared in his conduct, is shewn
by lord Lyttelton, who produces two remarkable instances
in support of his assertion. The same noble writer hath
brought, likewise, satisfactory evidence, to prove that
Becket was almost as eager for procuring the archbishopric,
as his master could be to raise him to that dignity.
After he had received his pall from pope Alexander III.
then residing in France, he immediately sent messengers
to the king in Normandy, with his resignation of the seal
and office of chancellor. This displeased the king; so that
upon his return to England, when he was met at his landing by the archbishop, he received him in a cold and indifferent manner.
. Pope Alexander III. held a general council of his prelates at Tours in April 1163, at which Becket was present, and was probably animated by the pope in his design
Becket now betook himself to a quite different manner of life, and put on all the gravity and austerity of a monk. He began likewise to exert himself with great zeal, in defence of the rights and privileges of the church of Canterbury; and in many cases proceeded with so much warmth and obstinacy, as raised him many enemies. Pope Alexander III. held a general council of his prelates at Tours in April 1163, at which Becket was present, and was probably animated by the pope in his design of becoming the champion for the liberties of the church and the immunities of the clergy. It is certain that on his return he prosecuted this design with such zeal that the king and he came to an open rupture Henry endeavoured to recall certain privileges of the clergy, who had greatly abused their exemption from the civil courts, concerning which the king had received several complaints; while the archbishop stood up for the immunities of the clergy. The king convened a synod of the bishops at Westminster, and here demanded that the clergy, when accused of any capital offence, might take their trials in the usual courts of justice. The question put to the bishops was, Whether, in consideration of their duty and allegiance to the king, and of the interest and peace of the kingdom, they were willing to promise a submission to the laws of his grandfather, king Henry? To this the archbishop replied, in the name of the whole body, that they were willing to be bound by the ancient laws of the kingdom, as far as the privileges of the order would permit, salvo ordine suo. The king was highly displeased with this answer, and insisted on having an absolute compliance, without any reservation whatever; but the archbishop would by no means submit, and the rest of the bishops adhered for some time to their primate. Several of the bishops being at length gained over, and the pope interposing in the quarrel, Becket was prevailed on to acquiesce; and soon after the king summoned a convention or parliament at Clarendon, in 1164, wheje several laws were passed relating to the privileges of the clergy, called from thence, the Constitutions of Clarendon. But before the meeting of this assembly, Becket had again changed his rnind, and when he appeared before the council, he obstinately refused to obey the laws as he had before agreed. This equally disappointed and enraged the king, and it was not until after some days debate, and the personal entreaties, and even tears, of some of his particular friends, that Becket was again softened, and appearing before the council, solemnly promised and swore, in the words of truth and without any reserve, to obey all the royal laws and customs which had been established in England in the reign of his majesty’s grandfather Henry L The constitutions of Clarendon were then put in writing, read in the council, and one copy of them delivered to the primate, another to the archbishop of York, and a third deposited among the records of the kingdom. By them ecclesiastics of all denominations were reduced to a due subjection to the laws of their country; they also limited the jurisdiction of spiritual courts, guarded against appeals to Rome, and the pronouncing of interdicts and excommunications, without the consent of the king or his judiciary.
As it was with visible reluctance that Becket had sworn to obey these
As it was with visible reluctance that Becket had sworn to obey these constitutions, he soon began to give indications of his repentance, by extraordinary acts of mortification, and by refraining from performing the sacred offices of his function. He also dispatched a special messenger, with an account of what had happened, to the pope, who sent him a bull, releasing him from the obligation of his oath, and enjoining him to resume the duties of his sacred office. But though this bull reconciled his conscience to the breach of his oath, it did not dispel his fears of the royal indignation, to avoid which he determined to retire privately out of the kingdom. Accordingly he went aboard a ship, in order to make his escape beyond sea but before he could reach the coast of France, the wind shifting about, he was driven back to England, and, conscious that he had done amiss, he waited upon the king at Woodstock, who received him without any other expression of displeasure than asking him if he had left England because he thought it too little to contain both? Notwithstanding the mildness of this rebuke, Becket persisted in setting the clergy above the laws; and therefore the king summoned a parliament at Northampton, 1165, where the archbishop having been accused of failure of duty and allegiance to the king, was sentenced to forfeit all his goods and chattels. Becket made an appeal to the pope but this having availed nothing, and finding himself deserted by his brethren, he withdrew privately from Northampton, and went aboard a ship for Graveline in Holland, from whence he retired to the monastery of St. Bertin in Flanders.
g paid him a visit, and offered him his protection. Soon after the archbishop went to Sens; where he was honourably received by the pope, into whose hands he in form
The king seized upon the revenues of the archbishopric, and sent an ambassador to the French king, desiring him not to give shelter to Becket: but the French court espoused his cause, in hopes that the misunderstanding betwixt him and Henry might embarrass the affairs of England; and accordingly when Becket came from St. Bertin to Soissons, the French king paid him a visit, and offered him his protection. Soon after the archbishop went to Sens; where he was honourably received by the pope, into whose hands he in form resigned the archbishopric of Canterbury, and was presently re-instated in his dignity by the pope, who promised to espouse his interest. The archbishop removed from Sens to the abbey of Pontigny in Normandy, from whence he wrote a letter to the bishops of England, informing them, that the pope had annulled the Constitutions of Clarendon. From hence too he issued put excommunications against several persons, who had violated the rights of the church. This conduct of his raised him many enemies. The king was so enraged against him for excommunicating several of his officers of state, that he banished all Becket’s relations, and compelled them to take an oath, that they would travel directly to Pontigny, and shew themselves to the archbishop. An order was likewise published, forbidding all persons to correspond with him by letters, to send him any money, or so much as to pray for him in the churches. He wrote also to the general chapter of the Cistertians, threatening to Seize all their estates in England, if they allowed Becket to continue in the abbey of Pontigny. The archbishop thereupon removed to Sens; and from thence, upon the king of France’s recommendation, to the abbey of St. Columba, where he remained four years. In the mean time, the bishops of the province of Canterbury wrote a letter to the archbishop, entreating him to alter his behaviour, and not to widen the breach, so as to render an accommodation impracticable betwixt him and the king. This, however, no effect on the archbishop. The pope also sent two cardinals to try to reconcile matters but the legates finding both parties inflexible, gave over the attempt, and re*turned to Rome.
The beginning of 1167, Becket was at length so far prevailed upon as to have an interview with
The beginning of 1167, Becket was at length so far prevailed upon as to have an interview with Henry and the
king of France, at Mont-Moral in Champaigne. He made
a speech to Henry in very submissive terms and concluded
with leaving him the umpire of the difference between
them, saving the honour of God. Henry was provoked at
this clause of reservation, and said, that whatever Becket
did not relish, he would pronounce contrary to the honour
of God. “However,
” added the king, “to shew my inclination to accommodate matters, I will make him this
proposition: I have had many predecessors, kings of England, some greater and some inferior to myself; there have
been likewise many great and holy men in the see of Canterbury. Let Becket therefore but pay me the same regard, and own my authority so far, as the greatest of his
predecessors owned that of the least of mine, and I am
satisfied. And, as I never forced him out of England, I
give him leave to return at his pleasure; and am willing he
should enjoy his archbishopric, with as ample privileges as
any of his predecessors.
” All who were present declared
that Henry had shewn sufficient condescension. The king
of France, surprised at the archbishop’s silence, asked him
why he hesitated to accept such reasonable conditions?
Becket replied, he was willing to receive his see upon the
terms his predecessors held it; but as for those customs
which broke in upon the canons, he could not admit them;
for he looked upon this as betraying the cause of religion.
And thus the interview ended without any effect.
his return to England, ordered his son, prince Henry, to be crowned at Westminster, and the ceremony was performed by the archbishop of York: this office belonged to
In 1169, endeavours were again used to accommodate matters, but they proved ineffectual. The archbishop refused to comply, because Henry would not give him the customary salute, or kiss of peace, which his majesty would have granted, had he not once swore in a passion never to salute the archbishop on the cheek; but he declared that he would bear him no ill will for the omission of this ceremony. Henry became at length so irritated against this prelate, that he ordered all his English subjects to take an oath, whereby they renounced the authority of Becket and pope Alexander: most of the laity complied with this order, but few of the clergy acquiesced. The following year king Henry, upon his return to England, ordered his son, prince Henry, to be crowned at Westminster, and the ceremony was performed by the archbishop of York: this office belonged to the see of Canterbury; and Becket complained of it to the pope, who suspended the archbishop of York, and excommunicated the bishops who assisted him.
This year, however, an accommodation was at length concluded betwixt Henry and Becket, upon the confines
This year, however, an accommodation was at length
concluded betwixt Henry and Becket, upon the confines of
Normandy,where the king held the bridle of Becket’s
horse, while he mounted and dismounted twice. Soon
after the archbishop embarked for England; and upon his
arrival, received an order from the young king to absolve
the suspended and excommunicated bishops; but refusing
to comply, the archbishop of York, and the bishops of
London and Salisbury, carried their complaint to the king
in Normandy, who was highly provoked at this fresh instance of obstinacy in Becket, and said on the occasion,
“That he was an unhappy prince, who maintained a great
number of lazy, insignificant persons about him, none of
whom had gratitude or spirit enough to revenge him on a
single, insolent prelate, who gave him so much disturbance,' 7 or as some report his words,
” Shall this fellow,
who came to court on a lame horse, with all his estate in a
wallet behind him, trample upon his king, the royal family,
and the whole kingdom? Will none of all these lazycowardly knights whom I maintain, deliver me from this
turbulent priest?" This passionate exclamation made too
deep an impression on some of those who heard it, particularly on the four following barons, Reginald Fitz-Urse,
William de Tracy, Hugh de Morville, and Richard Breto,
who formed a resolution, either to terrify the archbishop
into submission, or to put him to death.
rehbishop sat conversing with some of his clergy. After their admission a long silence ensued, which was at length broken by Reginald Fitz-Urse, who told the archbishop
Having laid their plan, they left the court at different
times, and took different routes, to prevent suspicion; but
being conducted by the devil, as some monkish historians
tell us, they all arrived at the castle of Ranulph de Broc,
about six miles from Canterbury, on the same day, Dec.
28, 1170, and almost at the same hour. Here they settled
the whole scheme of their proceedings, and next morning
early set out for Canterbury, accompanied by a body of
resolute men, with arms concealed under their clothes.
These men they placed in different parts of the city, to
prevent any interruption from the citizens. The four
barons above-named then went unarmed with twelve of their
company, to the archiepiscopal palace, about eleven o'clock
in the forenoon, and were admitted into the apartment where
the arehbishop sat conversing with some of his clergy. After
their admission a long silence ensued, which was at length
broken by Reginald Fitz-Urse, who told the archbishop
that they were sent by the king to command him to absolve the prelates, and others, whom he had excommunicated; and then to go to Winchester, and make satisfaction to the young king, whom he had endeavoured to dethrone. On this a very long and violent altercation followed, in the course of which they gave several hints, that
his life was in danger if he did not comply. Bat he remained undaunted in his refusal. At their departure they
charged his servants not to allow him to flee; on which he
cried out with great vehemence, “Flee! I will never flee
from any man living; I am not come to flee, but to defy
the rage of impious assassins.
” When they were gone,
his friends blamed him for the roughness of his answers,
which had inflamed the fury of his enemies, and earnestly
pressed him to make his escape but he only answered,
“I have no need of your advice I know what I ought to
” The barons, with their accomplices, finding their
threats were ineffectual, put on their coats of mail; and
taking each a sword in his right hand, and an axe in his
left, returned to the palace, but found the gate shut. When
they were preparing to break it open, Robert de Broc conducted them up a back stair-case, and let them in at a
window. A cry then arose, “they are armed! they are
” on which the clergy hurried the archbishop almost
by force into the church, hoping that the sacredness of the
place would protect him from violence. They would also
have shut the door, but he cried out, “Begone, ye cowards!
I charge you on your obedience, do not shut the door.
What! will you make a castle of a church?
” The conspirators having searched the palace, came to the church, and
one of them crying, “Where is the traitor? where is the
” Becket advanced boldly and said, “Here I
am, an archbishop, but no traitor.
” “Flee,
” cried the
conspirator, “or you are a dead man.
” “I will never
” replied Becket. William de Tracy then took hold
of his robe, and said, “You are my prisoner; come along
with me.
” But Becket seizing him by the collar, shook
him with so much force, that he almost threw him down.
De Tracy, enraged at this resistance, aimed a blow with
his sword, which almost cut off the arm of one Edward
Grim, a priest, and slightly wounded the archbishop on
the head. By three other blows given by the other conspirators, his skull was cloven almost in two, and his brains
scattered about the pavement of the church.
ey were buried at Jerusalem, without the church door belonging to the Templars, and this inscription was put over them:
The assassins, conscious of their crime, and dreading its consequences, durst not return to the king’s court at Normandy, but retired to Knaresburgh in Yorkshire; where every body avoided their company, hardly any person even choosing to eat or drink with them. They at length took a voyage to Home, and being admitted to penance by pope Alexander III. they went to Jerusalem; where, according to the pope’s order, they spent their lives in penitential austerities, and died in the Black Mountain. They were buried at Jerusalem, without the church door belonging to the Templars, and this inscription was put over them:
King Henry was much disturbed at the news of Becket’s death, and immediately
King Henry was much disturbed at the news of Becket’s death, and immediately dispatched an embassy to Rome-to clear himself from the imputation of being the cause of it. Immediately all divine offices ceased in the church of Canterbury; and this for a year, excepting nine days, at the end of which, by order of the pope, it was re-consecrated. Two years after, Becket was canonized; an'd the following year, Henry, returning to England, went to Canterbury, where he did penance as a testimony of his regret for the murder of Becket. When he came within sight of the church, where the archbishop was buried, he alighted off his horse, and walked barefoot, in the habit of a pilgrim, till he came to Becket’s tomb; where, after he had prostrated himself, and prayed for a considerable time, he submitted to be scourged by the monks, and passed all that day and night without any refreshment, and kneeling upon the bare stone. In 1221, Becket’s body was taken up, in the presence of king Henry III. and several nobility, &nd deposited in a rich shrine on the east side of the church. The miracles said to be wrought at his tomb were so numerous, that we are told two large volumes of them were kept in that church. His shrine was visited from all parts, and enriched with the most costly gifts and offerings.
ttelton, who appears to have studied the character of this turbulent prelate with great care, Becket was “a man of great talents, of elevated thoughts, and of invincible
According to lord Lyttelton, who appears to have studied
the character of this turbulent prelate with great care,
Becket was “a man of great talents, of elevated thoughts,
and of invincible courage; but of a most violent and turbulent spirit; excessively passionate, haughty, and vainglorious; in his resolutions inflexible, in his resentments
implacable. It cannot be denied that he was guilty of a
wilful and premeditated perjury; that he opposed the necessary course of public justice, and acted in defiance of
the laws of his country; laws which he had most solemnly
acknowledged and confirmed: nor is it less evident, that,
during the heat of this dispute, he was in the highest degree ungrateful to a very kind master, whose confidence in
him had been boundless, and who from a private condition
had advanced him to be the second man in his kingdom.
On what motives he acted, can be certainly judged of by
Him alone, ‘ to whom all hearts are open.’ He might be
misled by the prejudices of a bigotted age, and think he
was doing an acceptable service to God, in contending,
even to death, for the utmost excess of ecclesiastical and
papal authority. Yet the strength of his understanding,
his conversation in courts and camps, among persons whose
iiotions were more free and enlarged, the different colour
of his former life, and the suddenness of the change which
seemed to be wrought in him upon his election to Canterbury, would make one suspect, as many did in the times
wherein he lived, that he only became the champion of
the church from an ambitious desire of sharing its power;
a power more independent on the favour of the king, and
therefore more agreeable to the haughtiness of his mind,
than that which he had enjoyed as a minister of the crown.
And this suspicion is increased by the marks of cunning
and falseness, which are evidently seen in his conduct on
some occasions. Neither is it impossible, that, when first
he assumed his new character, he might act the part of a,
zealot, merely or principally from motives of arrogance
and ambition; yet, afterwards, being engaged, and inflamed by the contest, work himself up into a real enthusiasm. The continual praises of those with whom he acted,
the honours done him in his exile by all the clergy of
France, and the vanity which appears so predominant in
Ins mind, may have conduced to operate such a change.
He certainly shewed in the latter part of his life a spirit as
fervent as the warmest enthusiast’s; such a spirit indeed
as constitutes heroism, when it exerts itself in a cause beneficial to mankind. Had he defended the established laws
of his country, and the fundamental rules of civil justice,
with as much zeal and intrepidity as he opposed them, he
would have deserved to be ranked with those great men,
whose virtues make one e?sily forget the allay of some natural imperfections: but, unhappily, his good qualities
were so misapplied, that they became no less hurtful to the
public weal of the kingdom, than the worst of his vices.
rer, taken from Leland, Bale, Pits, and others. 1. Herbert Bosenham, or Bosscham, or de Hoscham, who was this archbishop’s secretary, and also present at the slaughter
On the other hand, Mr. Berington, in his “History of
the reign of Henry If.
” has attempted a vindication of
Becket, in which he differs considerably from lord Lyttelton and other protestant historians, but for this w must
refer to the book itself. Few men have had more biographers, if reliance could be placed on them, than Becket,
but unfortunately the greater part of them were his panegyrists, and not his historians, and too much under the
influence of the monkish principles of their days, to deserve much credit. The following list, however, of his
biographers may afford some information to the curious
inquirer, taken from Leland, Bale, Pits, and others.
1. Herbert Bosenham, or Bosscham, or de Hoscham, who
was this archbishop’s secretary, and also present at the
slaughter of him. 2. Edward, a monk, of Canterbury, the
martyr’s most intimate friend. 3. Johannes Sarisburiensis,
who accompanied Becket in his exile, but never countenanced his behaviour towards the king, being as sharp a
writer against the encroachments of the papal see, as any
man of his time. 4. Bartholomseus Iscanus, or Exonensis,
bisiiop of Exeter, where he died in 118k 5. E. a monk
of Eveshatn, who dedicated his book, or wrote it by way
of epistle, to Henry, abbot of Croyland. 6. William Stephens, or Fitz-Stephen, a monk of Canterbury, and, for
at reason, usually called Gulielmus Cantuariensis. He
said to have written three several treatises of the life,
martyrdom, and miracles of St. Thomas Becket; which
are now in the Cotton library: But that, which there carries
his name, seems to have been penned by Johannes Carnotensis, who is the same person with Sarisburiensis above
mentioned, since, in the Quadripartite History, what we
have from him is often to be found, in the same words, in
the life there ascribed to Fitz-Stephen. 7. Benedictus
Petroburgensis, abbot of Peterborough, who died in 1200.
8. Alanus Teukesburiensis, abbot of Tewkesbury, who died
about the same time. 9. Roger, a monk of Croyland, who
lived about 1214. It is observed, that St. Thomas’s miracles were become so numerous in this writer’s time, that
he had matter for seven large volumes, in composing
of which he spent no less than fifteen years. 10. Stephen
Langton, a famous successor of Becket’s in the see of Canterbury, whose work on this subject is said be in the
library of Bene't college. 11. Alexander de Hales, so
called from the monastery of Hales in Gloucestershire,
where he was educated, one of the most eminent schoolmen of his age, and master to Thomas Aquinas, Bonaventure, &c. 12. John Grandison, or Graunston, who died
in 1369. 13. Quadrilogus, or the author of a book, entitled “De vita et processu S.Thomae Cantuariensiset Martyris super Libertate Ecclesiastica.
” It is collected out of
four historians, who were contemporary and conversant
with Becket, viz. Herbert de Hoscham, Johannes Carnotensis, Gulielmus Canterburiensis, and Alanus Teukesburiensis, who are introduced as so many relaters of facts
interchangeably. This book was first printed at Paris in
1495, and is often quoted by our historians, in the reign
of Henry II. by the name of Quadripartita Historia.
14. Thomas Stapleton, the translator of Bede, in whose
book De tribus Thomis, or Of the three Thomas’s, our
saint makes as considerable a figure as either Thomas the
Apostle, or Thomas Aquinas. 15. Laurence Vade, or
Wade, a Benedictine monk of Canterbury, who lived and
died we know not when, or where; unless perhaps he be
the same person with 16. An anonymous writer of Becket’s
life, who appears to have been a monk of that church, and
whose book is said to be in the library at Lambeth. 17.
Richard James, nephew of Dr. Thomas James, some time
keeper of the Bodleian library; a very industrious and
eminent antiquary, who endeavoured to overthrow the
great design of all the above-mentioned authors, in his “Decanonizatio Thomse Cantuariensis et suorum,
” which, with
other manuscript pieces by the same hand, is in the public
library at Oxford. These are the principal writers of our
archbishop’s life besides whom, several other historians
have spoken largely of him as John Bromton, Matthew
Paris, Gervase, &c.
, a dramatic writer, born in 1699, was the son of a linen-draper in Fleet-street, London, and educated
, a dramatic writer, born in
1699, was the son of a linen-draper in Fleet-street, London, and educated at Merchant Taylors’ school, under the
rev. Dr. Smith, where he made very great proficiency in all
his studies, and gave proofs of extraordinary talents. To
dramatic poetry he appears to have been very early attached,
two pieces of his, “Scipio Afriaanus,
” and “Henry IV.
of France,
” both tragedies, being represented on the stage
before he had completed his twentieth year. He wrote
several other poems, but his genius was limited to a short
career, as he died Feb. 19, 1730-1, in the thirty-second
year of his age.
, an English prelate, was born in the parish of Beckington, in Somersetshire, or according
, an English prelate, was born in the parish of Beckington, in Somersetshire, or according to Dr. Chandler at Wallinoford in Berkshire, towards the close of the fourteenth century. He was educated in grammar learning at Wyk chain’s school near Winchester, while that great prelate was living, and proceeded to his college (New College) in Oxford in 1403, the year before Wykeham died, and there became doctor of laws, and continued in his fellowship about twelve years. Within this period, most probably, he was presented to the rectory of St. Leonard’s, near Hastings in Sussex, and to the vicarage of Sutton Courtney in Berkshire. He was also prebendary of Bedwin, York, and Lichfield, archdeacon of Buckingham, and master of St. Catherine’s hospital near the Tower in London. About 1429, he was dean of the court of arches, and a synod being then held in St. Paul’s church, London, which continued above six months, Beckington was one of three appointed to draw up a form of law, according to which the Wickliffites were to be proceeded against. Having been once tutor to Henry VI. and written a book, in which, in opposition to the Salique law, he strenuously asserted the right of the kings of England to the crown of France, he arrived to high favour with that prince, and was made secretary of state, keeper of the privy seal, and bishop of Bath and Wells. On Sunday, Oct. 13, 1443, he was consecrated by the bishop of Lincoln in the old collegiate church of St. Mary of Eton; and after the ceremony, celebrated his first mass in his pontificals in the new church of St. Mary? then erecting, and not half finished, under a pavilion provided for the purpose at the altar, directly over the spot where king Henry had laid the first stone.
Bishop Beckington was well skilled in polite learning and history, and very conversant
Bishop Beckington was well skilled in polite learning and history, and very conversant in the holy Scriptures; a goo-d preacher, and so generous a patron and favourer of all learned and ingenious men, that he was called the Mxcenas of his age. His works of munificence and charity were numerous. He contributed to the completion of Lincolncollege, which had been left imperfect by its founder, Richard Flemming, bishop of Lincoln, and got the manor of Newton-Longueviile settled upon New college, Oxford, in 1440. He also laid out six thousand marks upon the houses belonging to his see; built an edifice, called New-buildings, and the west side of the cloisters at Wells; and erected a conduit in the market-place of that city. By his will, dated Nov. 3, 1464, and procured to be confirmed under the great seal, he left several charitable legacies. He died at Wells, Jan. 14, 1464-5, and was buried in his cathedral, where his monument is still to be seen. His panegyric was written by Thomas Chandler, warden of New college, who had been preferred by him to the chancellorship of Wells. He does not appear to have ever been chancellor of the university of Oxford. His book on the right of the kings of England to the crown of France is in the Cottonian library, with some other of his pieces, and a large collection of his letters is in the Lambeth library.
, an ingenious artist and antiquary, was the son of a respectable attorney in the West Riding of Yorkshire.
, an ingenious artist and antiquary, was the son of a respectable attorney in the West
Riding of Yorkshire. He was early apprenticed as a housepainter to Mr. George Fleming of Wakefield, from whom
he derived his skill in drawing and limning, as well as imbibed a love for the study of antiquities. To these he
added heraldic and genealogical knowledge, to all which
he applied himself, in his leisure hours, with such unwearied diligence, that his collection, together with the
works of his own hands, became at length very considerable. Scarcely any object arrested his curiosity, particucularly if an antique, of which he did not make a drawing,
and scarcely a church or a ruin in the vicinities of the places
of his abode, that he did not preserve either in pencil or
water-colours. Some years before his death he obtained a
patent for a species of hardened crayons, which would
bear the knife, and carry a point like a pencil; and about
the same time he was elected a fellow of the Society of
Antiquaries of London. But what contributed most to make
him known to those who were unacquainted with him in
any other branch, was his extensive information respecting
genealogical subjects, in consequence of which he frequently had the arrangement of the pedigrees of some of
the first families, which he was enabled to execute from
visitation books, and other authentic documents, which
fell into his hands. Few men possessed more intelligence
respecting the antiquity and descents of the principal families in the inland adjacent counties, and of various others
more remote from him. It is much to his credit, likewise,
that his industry in collecting could only be exceeded by
his willingness to impart any information which he had received. Mr. Beck with died Feb. 17, 1786. Previous to
his death, he had compiled “A Walk in and about the
city of York,
” an the plan of Mr. Gostling’s “Walk in and
about the city of Canterbury,
” but we have not heard that
it has been published.
, a native of Paris, where he was born in 1654, became a monk of the Celestine order, and was
, a native of Paris, where he
was born in 1654, became a monk of the Celestine order,
and was for forty years their librarian at Paris. He was a
man of considerable taste, well acquainted with books an.d
authors, and wrote Latin and French with great purity. He
died at Paris, Jan. 20, 1730. His principal work is a history of the congregation of the Celestines, with the lives of
the most distinguished men among them. This work, written in Latin, was published at Paris, 1719, 4to. In 1721
he published in French, a pamphlet, entitled “Supplement
et remarques critiques sur le vingt-troisieme chapitre du vi.
tome de Phistoire des ordres monastiques et militaires, par
le P. Heliot.
” Where he speaks of the Celestines, Becquet
corrects his errors, and throws considerable light on the
history of St. Celestin and the order. In the Trevoux memoirs, where this piece is inserted, Becket wrote also
some remarks on Baillet’s lives of the saints, and on the
abbe Fleuri’s Ecclesiastical History. He is said to have
employed some years on a “Roman Martyrology,
” with
notes biographical, critical, and astronomical, but this has
not been published, nor is it certain it was completed.
, daughter of a gentleman of Dauphine, abbess of St. Honore de Tarascon, where she was honoured with the name of Scholastica, made great progress in
, daughter of a gentleman of Dauphine, abbess of St. Honore de Tarascon, where she was honoured with the name of Scholastica, made great progress in the Latin language, and in several branches o science, under Denys Faucher, monk of Lerins and almoner of his monastery. Francis I. was so charmed with the letters of this abbess, that he carried them, as it is said, about him, and shewed them to the ladies of his court, as models for their imitation. He went from Avignon to Tarascon, with queen Margaret of Navarre, for the sake of conversing with this learned lady. She died in 1547, after having published several works, Latin and French, in verse and in prose. Two Italian writers, Louis Domenichi and Augustin della Chiesa, have published eloges on this lady in their respective works.
s of the English church, whose talents and virtues have procured him the name of the Venerable Bede, was born in the year 672, or according to some in the year 673,
, or Bede, the brightest ornament of the eighth century, and one of the most eminent fathers of the English church, whose talents and virtues have procured him the name of the Venerable Bede, was born in the year 672, or according to some in the year 673, on the estates belonging afterwards to the abbies of St. Peter and St. Paul, in the bishopric of Durham, at Wermouth and Jarrow, near the mouth of the river Tyne. Much difference of opinion prevails among those who have treated of this illustrious character, respecting the place of his birth, some even contending that he was a native of Italy; but we shall confine ourselves to such facts as seem to be clearly ascereertained by the majority of historians. These are indeed but few, for the life of a studious, recluse, and conscientious ecclesiastic, cannot be supposed to admit of many of the striking varieties of biographical narrative. At the age of seven years, or about the year 679, he was brought to the monastery of St. Peter, and committed to the care of abbot Benedict, under whom and his successor Ceolfrid, he was carefully educated for twelve years, a favour which he afterwards repaid by writing the lives of these his preceptors, which were first published by sir James Ware at Dublin in 1664, 8vo. At the age of nineteen he was ordained deacon, and in the year 702, being then thirty, he was ordained priest by John of Beverley, bishop of Hagulstad or Hexham, who had been formerly one of his preceptors. It was probably from Beverley, a person of high character for piety and learning, that JBede imbibed his opinions concerning the monastic state, and the duties of such as embraced it. The bishop thought that in all professions men ought to labour for their own maintenance, and for the benefit of the society. He was consequently averse to the great errors of this institution, ease and indolence. He inculcated upon Beda’s mind, that the duties of this life consisted in a fervent and edifying devotion, a strict adherence to the discipline of the house, an absolute selfdenial with respect to the things of this world, an obedience to the will of his abbot, and a constant prosecution of his studies in such a way as might most conduce to the benefit of his brethren, and the general advantage of the Christian world.
modern writers in the amplitude and facilities they possess for acquiring information. This history was in some respects a new work, for although, as he owns, there
Nor were these lessons thrown away. Beda became so
exemplary for his great diligence and application, and his
extensive and various learning, that his fame reached the
continent, and particularly Rome, where pope Sergius
made earnest applications to the abbot Ceolfrid, that Beda
might be sent to him; but Beda, enamoured of his studies,
remained in his monastery, exerting his pious labours only
in the Northumbrian kingdom, although tradition, and
nothing but tradition, insinuates that he at one time resided at the university of Cambridge, a place which in his
day probably had no existence, or certainly none that deserved the name of university. Remaining thus in his own
country, and improving his knowledge by all the learning
his age afforded, animated at the same time with a wish to
contribute to the improvement of his brethren and countrymen, he concentrated his attentions to that point in which
he could be most useful. The collections he made for his
“Ecclesiastical History
” were the labour of many years, a
labour scarcely conceivable by modern writers in the amplitude and facilities they possess for acquiring information.
This history was in some respects a new work, for although,
as he owns, there were civil histories from which he could
borrow some documents, yet ecclesiastical affairs entered
so little into their plan, that he was obliged to seek for
materials adapted to his object, in the lives of particular
persons, which frequently included contemporary history:
in the annals of their convents, and in such chronicles as
were written before his time. He also availed himself of
the high character in which he stood with many of the prelates, who procured for him such information as they possessed or could command. They foresaw, probably, what
has happened, that this would form a lasting record of
ecclesiastical affairs, and making allowance for the legendary matter it contains, without a mixture of which it
is in vain to look back to the times of Beda, few works
have supported their credit so long, or been so generally
known, and consulted by the learned world. He published
this history in the year 731, when as he informs us, he was
fifty-nine years of age, but before this he had written many
other books on various subjects, a catalogue of which he
subjoined to this history. By these he obtained such reputation as to be consulted by the most eminent churchmen
of his age, and particularly by Egbert bishop of York, who
was himself a very learned man. To him Beda wrote an
epistle, which illustrates the state of the church at that
time. It was one of the last, and indeed probably the very
last of Beda’s writings, and in it he expresses himself with
much freedom, both in the advice he gave to Egbert, and
with respect to the inconveniencies which he wisely foresaw would arise from the multiplication of religious houses,
to the prejudice both of church and state.
of advice, he recommends the finishing St. Gregory’s model to this prelate, by virtue of which York was to have' been a metropolis with twelve Suffragans. He insists
As this epistle throws much light on the state of ecclesiastical affairs at the time, and, what is more important for our present purpose, affords many proofs of the superior wisdom and good sense of Beda, we shall avail ourselves of the following sketch of it. Amongst other heads of advice, he recommends the finishing St. Gregory’s model to this prelate, by virtue of which York was to have' been a metropolis with twelve Suffragans. He insists upon this plan, the rather, because in some woody, and almost impassable, parts of the country, there were seldom any bishops came either to confirm, or any priests to instruct the people; and, therefore, he is of opinion that the erecting new sees would be of great service to the church. For this purpose he suggests the expedient of a synod to form: the project, and adjust the measures; and that an order of court should be procured to pitch upon some monastery, ani turn it into a bishop’s see and to prevent opposition; from the religious of that house, they should be softened with some concessions, and allowed to choose the bishop out of their own society, and that the joint government of the monastery and diocese should be put into his hands. And if the altering the property of the house should make the increasing the revenues necessary, he tells him there are monasteries enough that ought "to spare part of their estates for such uses; and, therefore, he thinks it reasonable that some of their lands should be taken from them, 'and laid to the bishopric, especially since many of them full short of the rules of their institution. And since it is commonly said, that several of these places are neither serviceable to God nor the commonwealth, because neither the exercises of piety and discipline are practised, nor the estates possessed by men in a condition to defend the country; therefore if the houses were some of them turned into bishoprics, it would be a seasonable provision for the church* and prove a very commendable alteration. A little after he intreats Egbert to use his interest with king Ceolwulf, to reverse the charters of former kings for the purposes above-mentioned: For it has sometimes happened, says he, that the piety of princes has been over-lavish, and directed amiss. He complains farther, that the monasteries were frequently filled with people of unsuitable practices; that the country seemed over-stocked with those foundations; that there were scarcely estates enough left /or the laity of condition; and that, if this humour increased, the country would grow disfurnished of troops to defend their frontiers. He mentions another abuse crept in of a higher nature: that some persons of quality of the laity, who had neither fancy nor experience for this way of living, used to purchase some of the crown-lands, under pretence of founding a monastery, and then get a charter of privileges signed by the king, the bishops, and other great men in church and state; and by these expedients they worked up a great estate, and made themselves lords of several villages, And thus getting discharged from the service of the commonwealth, they retired for liberty, took the range of their fancy, seized the character of abbots, and governed the monks without any title to such authority; and, which is still more irregular, they sometimes do not stock these places with religious, properly so called, but rake together a company of strolling monks, expelled for their misbehaviour; and sometimes they persuade their own retinue to take the tonsure, and promise a monastic obedience. And having furnished their religious houses with such ill-chosen company, they live a life perfectly secular under a monastic character, bring their wives into the monasteries, and are husbands and abbots at the same time. Thus for about thirty years, ever since the death of king Alfred, the country has run riot in this manner; insomuch, that there are very few of the lord-lieutenants, or governors of towns, who have not seized the religious jurisdiction of a monastery, and put their ladies in the same post of guilt, by making them abbesses without passing through those stages of discipline and retirement that should qualify them for it; and as ill customs are apt to spread, the king’s menial servants have taken up the same fashion: and thus we find a great many inconsistent offices and titles incorporated; the same persons are abbots and ministers of state, and the court and cloister are unsuitably tacked together; and men are trusted with the government of religious houses, before they have practised any part of obedience to them. To stop the growth of this disorder, Beda advises the convening of a synod; that a visitation might be set on foot, and all such unqualified persons thrown out of their usurpation. In short, he puts the bishop in mind, that it is part of the episcopal office to inspect the monasteries of his diocese, to reform what is amiss both in head and members, and not to suffer a breach of the rules of the institution. It is your province, says he, to take care that the devil does not get the ascendant in places consecrated to God Almighty; that we may not have discord instead of quietness, and libertinism instead of sobriety.
It appears from this epistle that he was very much indisposed when he wrote it, and probably he began
It appears from this epistle that he was very much
indisposed when he wrote it, and probably he began now
to fall into that declining state of health, from which he
never recovered. The last stage of his distemper was an
asthma, which he supported with great firmness of mind,
although in much weakness and pain for six weeks, during
which he continued his usual pious labours among the
youth in the monastery, and occasionally prosecuted some
of his writings, that he might be able to leave them complete. In all the nights of his sickness, in which, from the
nature of the disease, he had little sleep, he sung hymns
and praises. His last days were partly employed on his
translation of the Gospel of St. John into the Saxon language, and some passages he was extracting from the works
of St. Isidore. The day before his death, he passed the
night as usual, and continued dictating to the person who
wrote for him, who observing his weakness, said, “There
remains now only one chapter, but it seems very irksome
for you to speak,
” to which he answered, “It is easy, take
another pen, dip it in the ink, and write as fast as you can.
About nine o'clock he sent for some of his brethren, to divide among them some incense, and other things of little
Value, which were in his chest. While he was speaking to
them, the young man, Wilberch, who wrote for him, said,
“There is now, master, but one sentence wanting,
” upon,
which he bid him write quick, and soon after the young
man said, “It is now done,
” to which he replied, “Well!
thou hast said the truth, it is now done. Take up my head
between your hands, and lift me, because it pleases me
much to sit over against the place where I was wont to
pray, and where now sitting I may yet invoke my Father.
Being thus seated according to his desire, upon the floor
of his cell, he said, “Glory be to the Father, Son, and
Holy Ghost,
” and as he pronounced the last word, expired. This, according to the best opinion, for the date
is contested, happened May 26, 735. His body was interred in the church of his own monastery at Jarrow, but,
long afterwards, was removed to Durham, and placed in the
same coffin or chest with that of St. Cuthbert, as appears
by a very ancient Saxon poem on the relics preserved in
the cathedral of Durham, printed at the end of the “Decem Scriptores.
Mr. Warton justly observes, that Beda’s knowledge, if we consider his age, was extensive and profound: and it is amazing, in so rude a period,
Mr. Warton justly observes, that Beda’s knowledge, if
we consider his age, was extensive and profound: and it is
amazing, in so rude a period, and during a life of no considerable length, he should have made so successful a progress, and such rapid improvements, in scientifical and
philological studies, and have composed so many elaborate
treatises on different subjects. It is diverting to see the
French critics censuring Be da for credulity: they might
as well have accused him of superstition. There is much
perspicuity and facility in his Latin style: but it is void
of elegance, and often of purity; it shews with what grace
and propriety he would have written, had his mind been
formed on better models. Whoever looks for digestion of
materials, disposition of parts, and accuracy of narration,
in this writer’s historical works, expects what could not
exist at that time. He has recorded but few civil transactions: but, besides that his history professedly considers
ecclesiastical affairs, we should remember, that the building of a church, the preferment of an abbot, the canoniza T
tion of a martyr, and the importation into England of the
shin-bone of an apostle, were necessarily matters qf m,uch
more importance in Bede’s conceptions than victories or
revolutions. He is fond of minute description; but particularities are the fault and often the merit of early historians.
The first catalogue of Beda’s works, as vye liare before
observed, we have from himself, at the end of his Ecclesiastical history, which contains all he had written before
the year 731. This we find copied by Leland, who also
mentions some other pieces he had met with of Beda’s, and
points out likewise several that passed under his name,
though in his judgment spurious. John Bale, in the first
edition of his book, which he finished in 1548, mentions
ninety-six treatises written by Beda; and in his last edition
he swells these* to one hundred and forty-five tracts; and
declares at the close of both his catalogues, that there were
numberless pieces of our author’s besides, which he had
not seen. Pits, according to his usual custom, has much
enlarged even this catalogue; though, to do him justice,
he appears to have taken great pains in drawing up this article, and mentions the libraries in which many of these
treatises were to be found. The catalogues given by Trithemius, Dempster, and others, are much inferior to these.
Several of Beda’s books were printed very early, and, for
the most part, very incorrectly; but the first general coU
lection of his works appeared at Paris in 1544, in three volumes in folio. They were printed again in 1554, at the
same place, in eight volumes. They were published in the
same size and number of volumes, at Basil, in 1563, reprinted at Cologne in 1612, and lastly at the same place
in 1688. A very clear and distinct account of the contents of these volumes, the reader may find in the very
learned and useful collection of Casimir Otidin. But the
most exact and satisfactory detail of Beda’s life and writings, we owe to that accurate, judicious, and candid Benedictine, John Mabillon. Neither has any critic exerted
his skill more effectually than he, though largely, and with
copious extracts interspersed. But, perhaps, the easiest,
plainest, and most concise representation of Beda’s writings, occurs in the learned Dr. Cave’s “Hist. Literaria,
which has been followed by the editors of the Biog. Britannica.
and which it seems were at that time become extremely scarce. But at the same time he shews that he was not transported, as some editors are, with such an affection
Those treatises of Beda, which are mentioned in his own
catalogue of his works, were published by the learned and
industrious Mr. Wharton from three Mss. in the famous
library in the archiepiscopal palace at Lambeth, under the
title of “Bedae Venerabilis Opera c|iuedam Theologica,
nunc primum edita, necnon Historicu antea semel edita.
Accesserunt Egberti Archiepiscopi Eboracensis Dialogus
de Ecclesiastica Institutioue, et Adhelmi Episcopi
Seireburnensis Liber tie Virginitate, ex codice antiquiss’uno
” Lond. 1693, 4to. The worthy editor gives
a large account of these (and other pieces added to them)
in an epistolary discourse addressed to the Rev. Mr. archdeacon Batteley, dated Aug. 30, 1693; wherein he takes
notice, amongst other things, that he published these Opuseula of Venerable Bede, to remove the complaint of our
negligence in this respect, and that foreign writers might
not boast, as they had hitherto done, of being the sole
publishers of the works of Beda. He added to these the
small treatises that had been before published by sir James
Ware, and which it seems were at that time become extremely scarce. But at the same time he shews that he
was not transported, as some editors are, with such an affection for his author, as to conceive better of his works
than they deserved; since he confesses that the divines of
the middle ages are by no means to be compared with the
ancient fathers in point of authority, or to the moderns in
respect to acuteness; but nevertheless they have their uses,
and therefore such collections had been well received by
the learned world, and amongst them none better than such
of the works of Beda as had^been before published.
ntury, principal of the college of Montaigu in 1507, and syndic of the faculty of theology at Paris, was born in Picardy. He published a violent attack on the paraphrases
, a French divine of the sixteenth century,
principal of the college of Montaigu in 1507, and syndic
of the faculty of theology at Paris, was born in Picardy.
He published a violent attack on the paraphrases of Erasmus. That illustrious scholar condescended to take the
trouble to refute it with great minuteness, averring that he
had convicted his censurer of having advanced 181 lies,
210 calumnies, and 47 blasphemies. The doctor, having
no reasonable answer to make, took extracts from the works
of Erasmus, denounced him as a heretic to the faculty, and
succeeded in getting him censured. It was he who prevented the Soroonne from deciding in favour of the divorce
of Henry VIII. of England, an opinion not discreditable to
him, although he is said to have carried it by his vehemence. “As Beda (says pere Berthier) could neither
bridle his pen nor his tongue, he dared to preach against
the king himself, under pretext, perhaps, that the court
did not prosecute heretics with as much vigour as his bold
and extravagant temper would have wished. His intolerant
spirit drew upon him twice successively a sentence of banishment. Recalled for the third time, and continuing
incorrigible, he was condemned by the parliament of Paris,
in 1536, to make the amende-honorable before the church
of Notre-Dame, for having spoken against the king, and
against truth.
” He was afterwards ex led to the abbey of
Mont St. Michel, where he died Feb. 8, 15^7, with the
reputation (adds pere Berthier) of being a violent declaimer
and a vexatious adversary. Beda wrote, l.“A treatise
” De unica Magdalena, Paris," 1519, 4to, against the
publications of Faber Stapulensis. 2. Twelve books against
the Commentary of Faber. 3. One against the Paraphrases
of Erasmus, 1526, folio; and several other works, which
are all marked with barbarism and rancour. His Latin is
neither pure nor correct. Henry Stephens has preserved
a circumstance of him, which sufficiently marks his character. He undertook to dissuade Francis I. from employing
professors of languages in the university of Paris, and maintained before that prince, in the presence of Budaeus, that
the Greek tongue was the cause of heresies.
, M. D. a gentleman of Welch extraction, was born at Shiffnall in Shropshire, April 15,1760, where he received
, M. D. a gentleman of Welch extraction, was born at Shiffnall in Shropshire, April 15,1760, where he received the first rudiments of his education, but was soon removed to the school of Brewood in Staffordshire. He very early displayed a thirst for knowledge, and, as is frequently the case, appears to have been determined rather by accident than design to that pursuit in which he was afterwards most distinguished. From Brewood he was removed to the grammar-school at Bridgenorth, which he quitted at the age of thirteen. His manners and habits at school were particular, but study and the desire of knowledge were predominant. He seemed early to give way to deep thought and reflection; and this, added to a natural shyness of disposition, gave him an air of reserve, which distinguished him from his young associates. In May 1773, he was placed under the tuition of the Rev. Sam. Dickenson, rector of Blym-hill in Staffordshire, who supplied his biographer with some particulars of his character highly creditable to him. In 1776 he was entered of Pembroke college, Oxford, where he applied himself with remarkable industry and diligence to the study of modern languages, chemistry, mineralogy, and botany. In 1781, he visited the metropolis, and studied anatomy; and in the course of these studies he undertook to translate the works of Spallanzani, which appeared in 1784. It is also thought that he supplied the notes to Dr. Cullen’s edition of Bergman’s Physical and Chemical Essays. In 1783, he took the degree of M. A. and the following year went to Edinburgh, where he distinguished himself, not only as a member, but for some time as president of the royal medical and natural history societies. In 1786 he returned to Oxford, and took his doctor’s degree; and the same year he visited the continent, on his return from which he was appointed to the chemical lectureship at Oxford, in which situation he distinguished hiuisrlf much, and was generally attended by a numerous auditory. Mineralogy at this time appears to have occupied much of his attention: his theory of the earth being, according to his biographer, conformable to that of Hutton; but at this time he was rather hasty in his conclusions, and would frequently acknowledge that he had been misled in the judgment he had formed of certain, ibssus, especially in regard to the operations of fire. Of this a singular instance has been given. A gentleman had Jbr ught to Oxford, from the summit of one of the mountains surrounding Coniston lake in Lancashire, some specimens which had evidently undergone the operation of fire, but which happened to abound near a hollow on the top of the mountain, which some Italian gentlemen had not long before pronounced to be the crater of an extinct volcano. Upon shewing them to Dr. Beddoes, he was so persuaded of the fact, that he even summoned a particular assembly of the members of ]the university by an extraordinary notice, before whom he delivered a long lecture on the specimens supplied, as indicative of the natural operations of fire in those parts of England. A very short time after, he declared that they were evidently nothing better than mere slags from some old furnace, and that he had since discovered a criterion by which he could distinguish between the productions of natural and artificial fire; but this discovery, and the consequent change of his sentiments, he could not be prevailed on to announce as publicly as he had delivered his former opinions.
r. Strange, long his majesty’s resident at Venice. Dr. Beddoes’s retirement from Oxford, about 1792, was accelerated by his intemperance in politics, occasioned by the
At this time nothing seemed to interest him more than
the account of the two Giants Causeways, or groups of prismatic basaltine columns, in the Venetian states, in Italy, in
the LXVth volume of the Philosophical Transactions,
communicated by Mr. Strange, long his majesty’s resident at
Venice. Dr. Beddoes’s retirement from Oxford, about
1792, was accelerated by his intemperance in politics, occasioned by the remarkable circumstances of the times. In
the following year he removed to Bristol, where he began
that career of medical and physiological researches, experiments, and lectures, which made him so generally conspicuous, and which appear to have continued with the
most striking zeal and perseverance to the last moment of
his short life, varied according to circumstances, but never
wholly abandoned. In 1798, his Pneumatic Institution
was opened, which very much excited the attention of the
puhlic, although its practical effects were not correspondent
to the high expectations entertained. Various publications
came from his pen in rapid succession, until 1808, when
he was seized with a disorder which proved fatal, Dec. 24, of
that year. This, which was a dropsy of the chest, he had
mistaken for a hepatic disorder. His character, as given by
his learned and affectionate biographer, is highly favourable, but it presents two subjects of regret, the one that
he should have thought it necessary to waste so much time
on the fleeting politics of the day; the other, that in his
many schemes and experimental researches, he was precipitate and unsteady. He was undoubtedly capable of
great things, but too hurried, too sanguine, too unconscious of the lapse of time, and too little aware of the want
of opportunity for any one man to accomplish any very
numerous ends, either of invention or reformation. The
learned world had reason to lament his early death, because
age might have corrected those blemishes or eccentricities of
his character, which prevented his doing justice, even to
his own designs and his own powers. Had he been less
impetuous, less sanguine, and more capable of fixing and
concentrating his views, he might have accomplished
much more good, and left the world much more benefited
by his extraordinary labours and indefatigable diligence.
Of this labour and diligence, the reader may form a correct
notion by the following list of his publications. I. “Translation of Spailanzani’s dissertations on Natural History,
Notes to a translation of Bergman’s Physical and Chemical Essays,
” Translation of Bergman’s essay on Elective Attractions,
” Translation of Scheele’s Chemical Essays,
” edited and
corrected by him, Chemical Experiments and
Opinions extracted from a work published in the last century,
” 1790. 6. Three papers in the Philosophical Trail*.
eactions for 1791 and 1792, on “The affinity between Basaltes and Granite the conversion of cast into malleable
i ron and second part to ditto.
” 7. “Memorial addressed
to the curators of the Bodleian Library,
” no date. 8. “A
letter to a Lady on the subject of early Instruction, partiticularly that of the poor,
” Alexander’s Expedition to the Indian Ocean,
” not
published. 10. “Observations on the nature of demonstrative evidence, with reflections on Language,
” Observations on the nature and cure of Calculus,
Sea-scurvy, Catarrh, and Fever,
” History of
Isaac Jenkins,
” a moral fiction, Letters from.
Dr. Withering, Dr. E wart, Dr. Thornton, &c.
” A Guide for self-preservation and parental affection,
A proposal for the improvement of Medicine,
Considerations on the medicinal use, and on
the production of Factitious Airs:
” parts I. and II. 1794,
part III. 1795, and parts IV. and V, 1796. 17. “Brown’s
elements of Medicine, with a preface and notes,
” Translation from the Spanish, of Gimbernat’s new
method of operating on Femoral Hernia,
” Outline of a plan for determining the medicinal powers
of Factitious Airs,
” A word in defence of the
Bill of Rights against Gagging-bills, 1795. 21.
” Where
would be the harm of a Speedy Peace?“1795. 22.
” An
essay on the public merits of Mr. Pitt,“1796. 23.
” A
letter to Mr. Pitt on the Scarcity,“1796. 24.
” Alternatives
compared, or, What shall the Rich do to be safe?“25.
” Suggestions towards setting on foot the projected establishment for Pneumatic Medicine,“1797. 26.
” Reports
relating to Nitrous Acid,“1797. 27.
” A lecture introductory to a popular course of Anatomy,“1797. 28.
” A
suggestion towards an essential improvement in the Bristol
Infirmary,“1798. 29.
” Contributions to medical and
physical knowledge from the West of England,“1799.
” Popular essay on Consumption,“1799. 31.
” Notice of some observations made at the Pneumatic Institution,“1799. 32.
” A second and third Report on Nitrous
Acid,“1799, 1800. 33.
” Essay on the medical and domestic management of the Consumptive on Digitalis and
on Scrophula,“1801. 34.
” Hygeia or Essays, moral
and medical, on the causes affecting the personal state of
the middling and affluent classes,“1801-2. 35.
” Rules
of the institution for the sick and drooping Poor.“An edition on larger paper was entitled
” Instruction for people
of all capacities respecting their own health and that of
their children,“1803. 36.
” The manual of Health, or
the Invalid conducted safely through the Seasons,“1806.
” On Fever as connected with Inflammation,“1807.
” A letter to sir Joseph Banks, on the prevailing discontents, abuse, and imperfections in Medicine,“1808.
” Good advice for the Husbandman in Harvest, and for
all those who labour hard in hot births; as also for others
who will take it in warm weather," 1808. Besides these,
Dr. Beddoes was a considerable contributor to several of
the medical and literary journals.
of Kilmore in Ireland, and one of the most pious and exemplary prelates of the seventeenth century, was descended from a good family, and born in the year 1570, at
, bishop of Kilmore in Ireland, and
one of the most pious and exemplary prelates of the seventeenth century, was descended from a good family, and
born in the year 1570, at Black Notley in Essex, and being designed for the church, was sent to Emanuel college
in Cambridge, where he was matriculated pensioner, March
12, 1584. He was placed under the care of Dr. Cbadderton, who was for many years head of that house, made
great progress in his studies, and went early into holy
orders. In 1593 he was chosen fellow of his college, and
in 1599 took his degree of bachelor in divinity. He then
removed from the university to St. Ednmndsbury in Suffolk, where he had a church, aud by an assiduous application to the duties of his function, was much noticed by
many gentlemen who lived near that place. He continued
there for some years, till an opportunity offered of his
going as chaplain with sir Henry Wotton, whom king James
had appointed his ambassador to the state of Venice, about
the year 1604. While he resided in that city, he became
intimately acquainted with the famous father Paul Sarpi,
who took him into his confidence, taught him the Italian
language, of which he became a perfect master, and translated into that tongue the English Common Prayer Book,
which was extremely well received by many of the clergy
there, especially by the seven divines appointed by the
republic to preach against the pope, during the time of
the interdict, and which they intended for their model, in
case they had broken absolutely with Rome, which was
what they then sincerely desired. In return for the favours he received from father Paul, Mr. Bedell drew up
an English grammar for his use, and in many other respects assisted him in his studies. He continued eight
years in Venice, during which time he greatly improved
himself in the Hebrew language, by the assistance of the
famous rabbi Leo, who taught him the Jewish pronunciation, and other parts of rabbinical learning; and by his
means it was that he purchased a very fair manuscript of
the Old Testament, which he bequeathed, as a mark of
respect, to Emanuel-college, and which, it is said, cost
him its weight in silver. He became acquainted there
likewise, with the celebrated Antonio de Dominis, archbishop of Spalata, who was so well pleased with his conversation, that he communicated to him his secret, and
shewed him his famous book “de Kepublica Ecclesiastica,
which he afterwards printed at London. The original ms.
is, if we mistake not, among bishop Tanner’s collections
in the Bodleian. Bedell took the freedom which he allowed him, and corrected many misapplications of texts
of scripture, and quotations of fathers; for that prelate,
being utterly ignorant of the Greek tongue, committed
many mistakes, both in the one and the other; and some
escaped Bedell’s diligence. De Dorninis took all this in
good part from him, and entered into such familiarity with
him, and found liis assistance so useful, and indeed so necessary to himself, that he used to say, he could do nothing
without him. At Mr. Bedell’s departure from Venice,
father Paul expressed great concern, and assured him, that
himself and many others would most willingly have accompanied him, if it had been in their power. He, likewise,
gave him his picture, a Hebrew Bible without points, and
a small Hebrew Psalter, in which he wrote some sentences
expressing the sincerity of his friendship. He gave him,
also, the manuscript of his famous “History of the Council of Trent,
” with the Histories of the Interdict and Inquisition, all written by himself, with a large collection of
letters, which were written to him weekly from Rome,
during the dispute between the Jesuits and Dominicans,
concerning the efficacy of grace, which it is supposed are
lost. On his return to England, he immediately retired
to his charge at St. Edmundsbury, without aspiring to any
preferment, and went on in his ministerial labours. It was
here he employed himself in translating the Histories of
the Interdict and Inquisition (which he dedicated to the king); as also the two last books of the History of the
Council of Trent into Latin, sir Adam Newton having
translated the two first. At this time, he mixed so seldom
with the world, that he was almost totally forgotten. So
little was he remembered, that, some years after, when the
celebrated Diodati, of Geneva, came over to England, he
could not, though acquainted with many of the clergy, hear
of Mr. Bedell from any person with whom he happened to
converse. Diodati was greatly amazed, that so extraordinary a man, who was so much admired at Venice by the
best judges of merit, should not be known in his own country; and he had given up all hopes of finding him out,
when, to their no small joy, they accidentally met each
other in the streets of London. Upon this occasion, Diodati presented his friend to Morton, the learned and ancient bishop of Durham, and told him how highly he had
been valued by father Paul, which engaged the bishop to
treat Mr. Bedell with very particular respect. At length
sir Thomas Jermyn taking notice of his abilities, presented
him to the living of Horingsheath, A. D. 1615: but he
found difficulties in obtaining institution and induction from
Dr. Jegon, bishop of Norwich, who demanded large fees
upon this account. Mr. Bedell was so nice in his sentiments
of simony, that he looked upon every payment as such,
beyond a competent gratification, for the writing, the wax,
and the parchment; and, refusing to take out his title
upon other terms, left the bishop and went home, but in a
few days the bishop sent for him, and gave him his title
without fees, and he removed to Horingsheath, where he
continued unnoticed twelve years, although he gave a singular evidence of his great capacity, in a book of controversy with the church of Rome, which he published and
dedicated to king Charles I. then prince of Wales, in 1624.
It is now annexed to Burnet’s Life of our author". However neglected he lived in England, yet his fame had reached
Ireland, and he was, in 1627, unanimously elected provost
of Trinity-college in Dublin, but this he declined, until
the king laid his positive commands on him, which he
obeyed, and on August 16th of that year, he was sworn
provost. At his first entrance upon this scene, he resolved
to act nothing until he became perfectly acquainted with
the statutes of the house, and the tempers of the people
whom he was appointed to govern; and, therefore,
carTied himself so abstractedly from all affairs, that he passed
some time for a soft and weak man, and even primate
Usher began to waver in his opinion of him. When he
went to England some few months after, to bring over his
family, he had thoughts of resigning his new preferment,
and returning to his benefice in Suffolk: but an encouraging letter from primate Usher prevented him, and he
applied himself to the government of the college, with
a vigour of mind peculiar to him.
His first business was to compose divisions among the fellows, to rectify disorders,
His first business was to compose divisions among the
fellows, to rectify disorders, and to restore discipline; and
as he was a great promoter of religion, he catechised the
youth once a week, and divided the church catechism into
fifty -two parts, one for every Sunday, and explained it in a
way so mixed with speculative and practical matters, that
his sermons were looked upon as lectures of divinity. He
continued about two years in this employment, when, by
the interest of sir Thomas Jermyn, and the application of
Laud, bishop of London, he was advanced to the sees of
Kilmore and Ardagh, and consecrated on the 13th of September, 1629, at Drogheda, in St. Peter’s church, in the
fifty-ninth year of his age. In the letters for his promotion, the king made honourable mention of the satisfaction
he took in the services he had done, and the reformation he
had wrought in the unirersity. He found his dioceses
tinder vast disorders, the revenues wasted by excessive dilapidations, and all things exposed to sale in a sordid manner. The cathedral of Ardagh, and the bishop’s houses,
were all flat to the ground, the parish churches in ruins, and
the insolence of the Popish clergy insufferable; the oppressions of the ecclesiastical courts excessive; and pluralities and non-residence shamefully prevailing. Yet he had
the courage, notwithstanding these difficulties, to undertake a thorough reformation; and the first step he took
was, to recover part of the lands of which his sees had been
despoiled by his predecessors, that he might be in a condition to subsist, while he laboured to reform other abuses.
In this he met with such success, as encouraged him to
proceed upon his own plan, and to be content with nothing
less than an absolute reformation of those which he esteemed
capital and enormous abuses, particularly with regard to
pluralities, showing an example in his own case by resigning the bishopric of Ardagh, which he had the satisfaction to see followed in instances of a more flagrant
nature. On the arrival of the lord-deputy Wentworth
in 1633, our prelate had the misfortune to fall under
his displeasure, for setting his hand to a petition for redress of grievances and so high and open was the lorddeputy’s testimony of this displeasure, that the bishop
did not think fit to go in person to congratulate him (as others did) upon his entering into his government. It
is, however, very improbable, that he should write over to
sir Thomas Jermyn and his friends in England, or procure,
by their interest, injunctions to the lord-deputy, to receive
him into favour, a report which suits very ill with the character either of the men or of the times. On the contrary,
it appears from his own letter to the lord deputy, that it
was he, not the bishop, who had complained in England;
that he meant to justify himself to the deputy, and expected, on that justification, he should retract his complaints.
One may safely affirm, from the perusal of this single
epistle, that our prelate was as thorough a statesman as the
deputy, and that he knew how to becurne all things to all
men, without doing any thing beneath him, or inconsistent
with his dignity. This conduct had its effect, and in three
weeks it appears that he stood well with the deputy, and
probably without any interposition but his own letter before
mentioned. He then went on cheerfully in doing his duty,
and for the benefit of the church, and was very successful.
His own example did much: he loved the Christian power
of a bishop, without affecting either political authority or
pomp. Whatever he did was so visibly for the good of his
fiock, that he seldom failed of being well supported by his
clergy; and such as opposed him did it with visible reluctance, for he had the esteem of the good men of all parties,
and was as much reverenced as any bishop in Ireland. In
1638 he convened a synod, and made some excellent canons that are yet extant, and when offence was taken at
this, the legality of the meeting questioned, and the bishop
even threatened with the star-chamber, archbishop Usher,
who was consulted, said, “You had better let him alone,
for fear, if he should be provoked, he should say much
more for himself than any of his accusers can say against
” Amongst other extraordinary things he did, there
was none more worthy of remembrance than his removing
his lay-chancellor, sitting in his own courts, hearing causes,
and retrieving thereby the jurisdiction which anciently belonged to a bishop. The chancellor upon this filed his bill
in equity, and obtained a decree in chancery against the
bishop, with one hundred pounds costs. But by this time
the chancellor saw so visibly the difference between the
bishop’s sitting in that seat and his own, that he never
called for his costs, but appointed a surrogate, with orders
to obey the bishop in every thing, and so his lordship went
on in his own way. Our bishop was no persecutor of Papists, and yet the most successful enemy they ever had;
and if the other bishops had followed his example, the Protestant religion must have spread itself through every part
of the country. He laboured to convert the better sort of
the Popish clergy, and in this he had great success. He
procured the Common-prayer, which had been translated
into Irish, and caused it to be read in his cathedral, in his
own presence, every Sunday, having himself learned that
language perfectly, though he never attempted to speak it.
The New Testament had been also translated by William.
Daniel, archbishop of Tuam, but our prelate first procured
the Old Testament to be translated by one King; and because the translator was ignorant of the original tongues,
and did it from the English, the bishop himself revised and
compared it with the Hebrew, and the best translations,
He caused, likewise, some of Chrysostom’s and Leo’s homilies, in commendation of the scriptures, to be rendered
both into English and Irish, that the common people might
see, that in the opinion of the ancient fathers, they had not
only a right to read the scriptures as well as the clergy, but
it was their duty so to do. He met with great opposition
in this work, from a persecution against the translator,
raised without reason, and carried on with much passion by
those from whom he had no cause to expect it. But, however, he got the translation finished, which he would have
printed in his own house, and at his own charge, if the
troubles in Ireland had not prevented it; and as it was, his
labours were not useless, for the translation escaped the
hands of the rebels, and was afterwards printed at the expence of the celebrated Robert Boyle.
The bishop was very moderate in his sentiments, and in. his methods of enforcing
The bishop was very moderate in his sentiments, and in.
his methods of enforcing them; he loved to bring men into
the communion of the church of England, but he did not
like compelling them; and it was his opinion, that Protestants would agree well enough if they could be brought to
understand each other. These principles induced him to
promote Mr. Drury’s design, of endeavouring to reconcile
the Lutherans to the Calvinists, a project which had beea
encouraged by many other worthy persons, and towards
which he subscribed twenty pounds a year, to defray the
expences of Mr. Drury’s negociations. The bishop himself, it must be mentioned, was a Calvinist, which Burnet
thinks was the cause of his having so little preferment in
England. He gave another instance, not only of his charity towards, but his ability in, reconciling those of other
communions, to the churches of England and Ireland.
There were some Lutherans at Dublin, who, for not coming to church and taking the sacrament, were cited into the
archbishop’s consistory, upon which they desired time to
write to their divines in Germany, which was given them,
and when their answers came, they contained some exceptions to the doctrine of the church, as not explaining the
presence of Christ in the sacrament, suitable to their sentiments; to which bishop Bedell gave so full and clear, and
withal so moderate and charitable, an answer, as entirely
satisfied their objections, insomuch that those divines advised their countrymen to join in communion with the
church, which they accordingly did. In this mild and prudent way our prelate conducted his charge, with great reputation to himself, and with the general approbation of all
good men, who were perfectly pleased with his doctrine,
and edified by his example. When the bloody rebellion
broke out in October 1641, the bishop did not at first feel
the violence of its effects; for even those rebels, who in
their conduct testified so little of humanity, professed a
great veneration for him, and openly declared he should be
the last Englishman they would drive out of Ireland. His
was the only English house in the county of Cavan that was
unviolated, notwithstanding that it, and its out-buildings,
the church, and the church-yard, were filled with people
who fled to him for shelter, whom, by his preaching and
prayers, he encouraged to expect and endure the worst
with patience. In the mean time, Dr. Swiney, the Popish
titular bishop of Kilmore, came to Cavan, and pretended
great concern and kindness for bishop Bedell. Our prelate had converted his brother, and kept him in his house
till he could otherwise provide for him; and Dr. Swiney
desired likewise to lodge in his house, assuring him in the
strongest terms of his protection. But this bishop Bedell
declined, in a very civil and well-written Latin letter, urging the smallness of his house, the great number of people
that had taken shelter with him, the sickness of some of his
company, and of his son in particular, but above all, the
difference in their ways of worship, which could not but be
attended with great inconveniency. This had some effect
for a time; but about the middle of December, the rebels,
pursuant, to orders they had received from their council of
state at Kilkenny, required him to dismiss the people that
were with him, which he absolutely refused to do, declaring that he would share the same fate with the rest. They
signified to him upon this, that they had orders to remove
him; to which he answered, in the words of David, “Here
I am, the Lord do unto me as seemeth good to him; the
will of the Lord be done.
” Upon this they seized him, his
two sons, and Mr. Clogy, who had married his step-daughter, and carried them prisoners to the castle of Cloughboughter, surrounded by a deep water, were they put
them all but the bishop in irons. They did not suffer any
of them to carry any thing with them; and the moment the
bishop was gone, Dr. Swiney took possession of his house
and all that belonged to it, and said mass in the church the
Sunday following. After some time the rebels abated of
their severity, took the irons off the prisoners, and suffered
them to be as much at their ease as they could be in so
wretched a place; for the winter was very rigorous, and
the castle being old and ruinous, they would have been exposed to all the severity of the weather, if it had not been
for an honest carpenter who was imprisoned there before
them, and who made use of a few old boards he found there,
to mend a part of the roof, the better to defend them from
the snow and sleet. While thus confined, the bishop, his
sons, and Mr Clogy, preached and prayed continually to
their small and afflicted congregation, and upon Christmas
day his lordship administered the sacrament to them. It is
very remarkable, that.rude and barbarous as the Irish were,
they gave them no disturbance in the performance of divine
service, and often told the bishop they had no personal
quarrel to him, but that the sole cause of their confining
him was, his being an Englishman. After being kept in
this manner for three weeks, the bishop, his two sons, and
Mr. Clogy, were exchanged for two of the O'Rourkes; but
though it was agreed that they should be safely conducted
to Dublin, yet the rebels would never suffer them to be
carried out of the country, but sent them to the house of
Dennis Sheridan, an Irish minister, and convert to the
Protestant religion, to which though he steadily adhered,
and relieved many who fled to him for protection, yet the
Irish suffered him to live quietly among them, on account
of the great family from which he was descended. While
our prelate remained there, and enjoyed some degree of
health, he every Sunday read the prayers and lessons, and
preached himself, though there were three ministers with
him. The last Sunday he officiated was the 30th of Jan.
and the day following he was taken ill. On the second day
it appeared that his disease was an ague; and on the fourth,
apprehending a speedy change, he called for his sons and
his sons’ wives, spoke to them a considerable time, gave
them much spiritual advice, and blessed them, after which
he spoke little, but slumbered out most of his time, only
by intervals he seemed to awake a little, and was then very
cheerful. At length, on the 7th of February, 1641, about
midnight, he breathed his last, in the seventy-first year of
his age, his death being chiefly occasioned by his late imprisonment, and the weight of sorrows which lay upon his
mind. The only care now remaining to his friends was, to
see him buried according to his desire; and since that
could not be obtained but by the new intruding bishop’s
leave, Mr. Clogy and Mr. Sheridan went to ask it, and Mr.
Dillon was prevailed with by his wife, to go and second
their desire. They found the bishop in a state of beastly
intoxication, and a melancholy change in that house, which
was before a house of prayer. The bishop, when he was
awakened out of his drunkenness, excepted a little to their
request, and said the church-yard was holy ground, and
was no more to be defiled with heretics’ bodies; yet he
consented to it at last. Accordingly, February L>, he was
buried next his wife’s coffin. The Irish did him unusual
honours at his burial, for the chief of the rebels gathered
their forces together, and with them accompanied his body
from Mr. Sheridan’s house to the church-yard of Kilmore in
great solemnity, and they desired Mr. Clogy to bury him
according to the office prescribed by the church. But
though the gentlemen were so civil as to offer it, yet it was
not thought advisable to provoke the rabble so much, as
perhaps that might have done; so it was passed over. But
the Irish discharged a volley of shot at his interment, and
cried out in Latin, “Requiescat in pace ultimus Anglorum,
” ‘ May the last of the English rest in peace;’ for
they had often said, that as they esteemed him the best of
the English bishops, so he should be the last that should be
left among them. What came from Edmund Farilly, a Popish priest, at the interment of the bishop, is too remarkable, and is too well attested, to be passed over, who cried
out, “O sit anima mea cum Bedello,
” ‘ I would to God
my soul were with Bedell’s.’ Our prelate had long before
prepared for death, as appears by his will, dated the 15th of
February, 1640, in which there are several legacies, that
shew he had recollected all the memorable passages of his
life before he made it, and seriously considered the several
blessings which God had bestowed upon him. He married
a lady of the ancient and honourable family of L‘Estrange,
who was the widow of the recorder of St. Edmundsbury, a
woman exemplary in her life, humble and modest in her
behaviour, and singular in many excellent qualities, particularly in an extraordinary reverence to him. She bore
him three sons and a daughter. One of the sons and the
daughter died young; only William and Ambrose survived,
for whom he made no provision, but a benefice of eighty
pounds a-year for the eldest and worthy son of such a father, and an estate of sixty pounds a-year for the youngest,
who did not take to learning. This was the only purchase
he made. His wife died three years before the rebellion
broke out, and he preached her funeral sermon himself,
with such a mixture both of tenderness and moderation,
that he drew tears from all his auditors. He was an enemy
to burying in the church, thinking that there was both superstition and pride in it, and believing it was a great annoyance to the living, to have so much of the steam of dead
bodies rising about them. One of the canons in his synod
was against burying in churches, and he often wished that
burying’ places were removed out of all towns. He chose
the least frequented place of the church-yard of Kilmore
for his wife to lie in, and by his will ordered, that he should
be placed next to her, with this inscription:
awn up partly by Burnet, and partly by his son-inlaw Mr. Clogy, is highly interesting. Bishop Bedell was tall and graceful, and had something in his looks and carriage
The character given of this amiable prelate in Burnet’s life, drawn up partly by Burnet, and partly by his son-inlaw Mr. Clogy, is highly interesting. Bishop Bedell was tall and graceful, and had something in his looks and carriage that created a veneration for him. His deportment was grave without affectation; his apparel decent with simplicity he wore no silks, but plain stuffs and had a long and broad beard, and grey and venerable hair. His strength continued firm to the last, so that the week before his last sickness, he walked as vigorously ad nimbly as any of the company, and leaped over a broad ditch, insomuch that his sons, who were amazed at it, had enough to do to follow him. He never used spectacles. By a fall in his childhood he had unhappily contracted a deafness in his left ear. He had great strength and health of body, excepting that a few years before his death he had some severe fits of the stone, occasioned by his sedentary life, which he bore with wonderful patience. The remedy he used for it was to dig in the garden (in which he much delighted) until he heated himself, and that mitigated the pain. His judgment and memory remained with him to the last. He always preached without notes, but often wrote down his meditations after he had preached them. He shewed no other learning in his sermons but in clearing the difficulties of his text, by comparing the originals with the most ancient versions.
His style was clear and full, but plain and simple. He read the Hebrew and
His style was clear and full, but plain and simple. He
read the Hebrew and Septuagint so much, that they were
as familiar to him as the English translation. He had
gathered a vast heap of critical expositions, which, with
a trunk full of other manuscripts, fell into the hands of the
Irish, and were all lost, except his great Hebrew manuscript, which was preserved by a converted Irishman, and
is now in Emanuel college, in Cambridge. Every day
after dinner and supper a chapter of the Bible was read at
his table, whether Papists or Protestants were present;
and Bibles were laid before every one of the company, and
before himself either the Hebrew or the Greek, but in his
last years, the Irish translation; and he usually explained the occurring difficulties. He wrote much in controversy,
occasioned by his engagements to labour the conversion of
those of the Roman communion, which he looked on as
idolatrous and antichristian. He wrote a large treatise on
these two questions: “Where was our religion before
Luther? And what became of our ancestors who died in Popery?
” Archbishop Usher pressed him to have printed it,
and he resolved to have done so; but that and all his other
works were swallowed up in the rebellion. He kept a
great correspondence not only with the divines of England, but with others over Europe. He observed a true
hospitality in house-keeping; and many poor Irish families
about him were maintained out of his kitchen; and in
Christmas the poor always eat with him at his own table,
and he had brought himself to endure both their rags and
rudeness. At public tables he usually sat silent. Once
at the earl of Strafford’s table, one observed, that while
they were all talking, he said nothing. The primate answered, “Broach him, and you will find good liquor in
” Upon which the person proposed a question in
divinity, in answering which the bishop shewed his abilities
so well, and puzzled the other so much, that all, at last,
except the bishop, fell a laughing at the other. The
greatness of his mind, and undauntedness of his spirit,
evidently appeared in many passages of his life, and that
without any mixture of pride, for he lived with his clergy
as if they had been his brethren. In his visitation he would
accept of no invitation from the gentlemen of the country,
but would eat with his clergy in such poor inns, and of
such coarse fare, as the places afforded. He avoided all
affectation of state in his carriage, and, when in Dublin,
always walked on foot, attended by one servant, except
on public occasions, which obliged him to ride in procession among his brethren. He never kept a coach, his
strength suffering him always to ride on horseback. He
avoided the affectation of humility as well as pride; the
former often flowing from the greater pride of the two.
He took an ingenious device to put him in mind of his
obligations to purity: it was a flaming crucible, with this
motto: “Take from me all my Tin,
” the word in Hebrew
signifying Tin, being Bedil, which imported that he thought
every thing in him but base alloy, and therefore prayed
God would cleanse him from it. He never thought of
changing his see, but considered himself as under a tie to
it that could not easily be dissolved; so that when the
translating him to a bishopric in England was proposed to
him, he refused it; and said, he should be as troublesome
a bishop in England as he had been in Ireland. He had
a true and generous notion of religion, and did not look
upon it as a system of opinions, or a set of forms, but as a
divine discipline that reforms the heart and life. It was
not leaves, but fruit that he sought. This was the true
principle of his great zeal against Popery. He considered
the corruptions of that church as an effectual course to
enervate the true design of Christianity. He looked on
the obligation of observing the Sabbath as moral and perpetual, and was most exact in the observation of it.
, a celebrated preacher in the fourteenth century, was a monk of the order of St. Augustin at Clare, and surnamed de
, a celebrated preacher in the fourteenth century, was a monk of the order of St. Augustin
at Clare, and surnamed de Bury, because he was born at St.
Edmund’s Bury, in Suffolk. Having from his youth shewn
a quick capacity, and a great inclination to learning, his
superiors took care to improve these excellent faculties,
by sending him not only to our English, but also to foreign
universities; where closely applying himself to his studies,
and being a constant disputant, he acquired such fame,
that at Paris he became a doctor of the Sorbonne. Not
long after he returned to England, where he was much
followed, and extremely admired for his eloquent way of
preaching. This qualification, joined to his remarkable
integrity, uprightness, and dexterity in the management
of affairs, so recommended him to the esteem of the world,
that he was chosen provincial of his order throughout England, in which station he behaved in a very commendable
manner. He wrote several things, as 1 “Lectures
upon the master of the sentences, i. e. Peter Lombard, in
four books.
” 2. “Theological Questions,
” in one book.
3. “Sermons upon the blessed Virgin.
” 4. " A course of
sermons for the whole year. Besides several other things
of which no account is given. He flourished about the
year 1380, in the reign of Richard II.
clergyman of the church of England, and many years chaplain to the Haberdashers’ hospital at Hoxton, was the son of Richard Bedford, and was born at Tiddenham, in G
, a pious and learned clergyman
of the church of England, and many years chaplain to the
Haberdashers’ hospital at Hoxton, was the son of Richard
Bedford, and was born at Tiddenham, in Gloucestershire,
Sept. 1668. Having received the rudiments of learning
from his father, he was in 1684, at the age of sixteen,
admitted commoner of Brasen-nose college, Oxford, where
he acquired some reputation as an Orientalist. He became B.A. in Feb. 1687, and M.A. July, 1691. In 1688
he received holy orders from Dr. Frampton, bishop of
Gloucester, and about this time removed to Bristol, and
became curate to Dr. Read, rector of St. Nicholas church,
with whom he continued till 1692, when, having taken
priest’s orders from Dr. Hall, bishop of Bristol, the mayor
and corporation of the city presented him to the vicarage
of Temple church. From this he was removed to Newtou
St. Loe, a private living in Somersetshire, soon after
which, as he himself informs us, he was prompted to undertake a work on “Scripture Chronology,
” by reading
over the preface to Abp. Usher’s Annals, in which the primate
gave his opinion concerning a more exact method of “A
chronological system of the sacred Scriptures, by the help
of astronomy and a competent skill in the Jewish learning.
After many difficulties, Mr. Bedford flattered himself that
he had succeeded, and then digested his thoughts into
some method. Soon after this, coming to London, to assist in the correction of the Arabic Psalter and New Testament, for the benefit of the poor Christians in Asia, he
shewed his thoughts to some friends, who advised him to
publish them; with which he complied, with a design not
to have exceeded fourscore or an hundred pages in the
whole. A few sheets were printed off, but the author having
received information that a work of a similar nature was
intended to be published from the papers of sir Isaac
Newton, and being advised by some friends, contrary to
his first intention, to publish the work on a more extensive
plan, he suppressed his papers. In the mean time, in
1724, he was chosen chaplain to Haberdashers hospital,
(founded in 1690, by alderman Aske), and continued to
reside there for the remainder of his life. In 1728 he
published “Animadversions upon sir Isaac Newton’s book
entitled The chronology of Ancient Kingdoms amended,
8vo, in which he attempts to prove that sir Isaac’s system
entirely contradicts the scripture history, and he appeals,
as his supporters in this opinion, to Bochart, Dr. Prideaux,
archbishop Usher, and the bishops Lloyd, Cumberland,
Beveridge, &c.
wo years afterwards, he published a sermon (from 2 Tim. ii. 16.) at St. Botolph’s, Aldgate, where he was afternoon lecturer, against the then newly-erected playhouse
Two years afterwards, he published a sermon (from 2 Tim. ii. 16.) at St. Botolph’s, Aldgate, where he was
afternoon lecturer, against the then newly-erected playhouse in Goodman’s fields. This was a favourite subject
with Mr. Bedford, who, in other of his publications, proved
an able assistant to Mr. Collier, in his attempt to reform
the stage. He began, indeed, in this necessary labour,
many years before coming to London, as will appear by
our list of his works. He continued in his office of chaplain to the hospital, until 1745, when he died, Sept. 15,
and was buried in the ground behind the hospital, profrably at his own desire. Tradition informs us his death
was occasioned by a fall whilst making observations on the
comet of that year, an accident which was very likely to
prove fatal to a man in his severity -seventh year. He furnished the hall of the hospital, where the pensioners assemble, wrh some pious works, chained, in the old library
manner, to the windows, and, as appears by his writings,
was a man or unfeigned piety and zeal. These writings
are: 1. “Serious reflections on the scandalous abuse and
effects of the Stage, a sermon,
” Bristol, A second advertisement concerning the
” ibid. 8vo. 3. “The evil and danger of Stage
” ibid. The temple of
” Lond. The great abuse of
” ibid. Essay on
singing David’s psalms,
” Ævil of Stageplays
” republished under the title of “A serious remonstrance in behalf of the Christian Religion, against the
horrid blasphemies and impieties which are still used in
the English Playhouses, &c.
” In this he has so completely
perused the whole range of the English drama, as to produce “seven thousand instances, taken out of plays of the
present century, and especially of the last five years, in
defiance of all methods hitherto used for their reformation;
and he has also given a catalogue of “above fourteen
hundred texts of scripture, which are mentioned, either
as ridiculed and exposed by the stage, or as opposite to
their present practices.
” 7. “Animadversions on sir
Isaac Newton,
” mentioned above. 8. “Scripture Chronology, demonstrated by astronomical calculations, in
eight books,
” ibid. Eight sermons on the doctrine of the Trinity, at lady
Moyer’s lecture,
” ibid. The doctrine of
Justification by Faith stated according to the articles of the
church of England. Contained in nine questions and
” ibid. Horye Mathematics
Vacua*, or a treatise of the Golden and Ecliptick Numbers,
” ib.
Hilkiah, a mathematical instrument maker in Hosier-lane, near West-Smithfield. In this house (which was afterwards burnt in the great fire of London, 1666), was born
, of Sibsey, in Lincolnshire, a
quaker, came to London, and settled there as a stationer
between the years 1600 and 162.5. He married a daughter
of Mr. William Plat, of Highgate, by whom he had a son,
Hilkiah, a mathematical instrument maker in Hosier-lane,
near West-Smithfield. In this house (which was afterwards burnt in the great fire of London, 1666), was born
the famous Hilkiah, July 23, 1663; who was educated at
Bradley, in Suffolk, and in 1679 was admitted of St. John’s
college, Cambridge, the first scholar on the foundation of
his maternal grandfather, William Plat. Hilkiah was afterwards elected fellow of his college, and patronized by
Heneage Finch earl of Winchelsea, but deprived of his
preferment (which was in Lincolnshire), for refusing to
take the oaths at the revolution, and afterwards kept a
boarding-house for the Westminster scholars. In 1714,
being tried in the court of king’s-bench, he was fined
1000 marks, and imprisoned three years, for writing,
printing, and publishing “The hereditary Right of the
Crown of England asserted,
” An answer to Fontenelle’s History
of Oracles,
” and the translation of the life of Dr. Barvvick,
as noticed in the life of that gentleman. He died Nov. 26,
1724, and was buried in the church-yard of St. Margaret’s
Westminster, with an epitaph.
, second son of Hilkiah, was educated at Westminster-school; and was afterwards admitted
, second son of Hilkiah, was educated at Westminster-school; and was afterwards admitted
of St. John’s college, Cambridge; became master’s sizar
to Dr. Robert Jenkin, the master; and was matriculated
Dec. 9, 1730. Being a nonjuror, he never took a degree;
but going into orders in that party, officiated amongst the
people of that mode of thinking in Derbyshire, fixing his
residence at Compton, near Ashbourne, where he became
much acquainted with Ellis Farueworth; and was reputed
a good scholar. Having some original fortune, and withal
being a very frugal man, and making also the most of his
money for a length of years, Mr. Bedford died rich at
Compton, in Feb. 1773, where he was well respected.
Having a sister married to George Smith, esq. near Durham (who published his father Dr. John Smith’s fine edition of Bede), Mr. Bedford went into the north, and there
prepared his edition of “Symeonis monacal Durihelmensis
libellus de exordio atque procursu Dunhelmensis ecclesiae;
” with a continuation to
g extraordinary but the aforesaid discovery, written by an unknown hand, and published 1681, 8vo. He was an infamous adventurer of low birth, who had travelled over
, better known on account
of his actions than his writings, having been a principal and
useful evidence in the discovery in the popish plot, in the
reign of Charles II. See the Eng. Hist, for that period;
and the “Life of capt. Bedloe,
” which contains nothing
extraordinary but the aforesaid discovery, written by an
unknown hand, and published 1681, 8vo. He was an infamous adventurer of low birth, who had travelled over a
great part of Europe, under different names, as well as
disguises. Encouraged by the success of Gates, he turned
evidence, and gave an account of Godfrey’s murder, to
which he added many circumstances of villainy. A reward
of 500l. was voted to him by the commons. He is said to
have asserted the reality of the plot on his death-bed; but
it abounds with absurdity, contradiction, and perjury
and still remains one of the greatest problems in the British
annals. He died Aug. 20, 1680. Jacob informs us, he
wrote a play called the “Excommunicated Prince,
Barcelona in 1298, is entitled “Bechinat-Olem,” or an examination or appreciation of the world, and was printed at Mantua, in 1476, at Soncino in 1484, at Cracow in
, the rabbi Jedaia, son of Abraham,
called also Happenini Aubonet-Abram, but better known
by the name of Bedraschi, is supposed to have been a
nalive of Languedoc, and flourished in Spain towards the
close of the thirteenth century. He left several Hebrew
works, the principal of which, written at Barcelona in
1298, is entitled “Bechinat-Olem,
” or an examination
or appreciation of the world, and was printed at Mantua,
in 1476, at Soncino in 1484, at Cracow in 1591, at
Prague in 1598, and at Furth in 1807, with a German
translation. Uchtmann also published a Latin translation
at Leyden in 1630, and a French translation was published
at Paris in 162y, by Philip d' Aquino. M. Michel Berr, a
Jew of Nanci, published at Metz in 1708 another translation, on which M. Sylvestre de Sacy wrote many valuable
remarks in the “Magazin Encyclopedique.
” Bedraschi’s
work is a mixture of poetry, theology, philosophy, and
morals. His style is somewhat obscure, but the numerous
editions and translations of his work form no inconsiderable
evidence of its merit.
, an artist, the son of Peter Begyn, a sculptor, was born at Haerlem, in 1620, and was the disciple of Adrian Ostade.
, an artist, the son of Peter Begyn, a sculptor, was born at Haerlem, in 1620, and was the disciple of Adrian Ostade. If he did not equal his master, he was at least the best of his disciples. He set out in his profession with credit, and proceeded in it for some years with sufficient success; but he grew too fond of a dissipated life, and at last his morals were so depraved, that his father, after many ineffectual remonstrances, disowned him. For this reason he cast off his father’s name, and assumed that of Bega; his early pictures being marked with the former, and his latter works with the other. He had a fine pencil, and a transparent colour; and his performances are placed among the works of the best artists. He took the plague from a woman with whom he was deeply enamoured and he shewed so much sincerity of affection, that, notwithstanding the expostulations of all his friends and physicians, he would attend her to the last moments of her life, and imbibed from her the same fatal distemper, of which he died in a few days after her, Aug. 27, 1664. He is also classed among engravers, having etched several drolleries, and a set of thirty-four prints, representing alehouse scenes, &c.
, the son of a tanner, was born at Heidelberg, April 19, 1653, and received an education
, the son of a tanner,
was born at Heidelberg, April 19, 1653, and received an
education suitable to his promising talents. In compliance
with his father’s request, he studied divinity, but after his
death indulged his own inclination, by studying law. In
1677, when he was twenty-four years of age, Charles
Louis, elector palatine, appointed him his librarian, and
keeper of his museum. Beger retained those stations
until 1685, when Charles, the son and successor of Charles
Louis, being dead, the library passed into the hands of the
landgrave of Hesse-Cassel, and the museum went to the
elector of Brandenburgh. The latter, Frederick William,
engaged Beger in his service, gave him the rank of counsellor, and appointed him to the care of his library and
medals, a post which he likewise filled under his successor,
until his death, April 21, 1705. He had been a member
of the society of Berlin from its foundation. He left a
great many works, the principal of which are: 1. “Thesaurus ex Thesauro Palatino selectus, seu Gemmae,
” Heidelberg, Spicilegium antiquitatis,
” Thesaurus, sive Gemmae, Numismata,
” &c.
Regum et Imperatorum
Romanorum Numismata, a, Rubenio edita,
” De nummis Cretensium serpentiferis,
” Lucernae sepulchrales J. P. Bellorii,
” Numismata Pontificum Romanorum,
” Excidium Trojanum,
” Berlin, Considerations on Marriage, by Daphnseus Arcuarius,
” in German, 4to.
, an engraver of Nuremberg, who flourished about the middle of the sixteenth century, was either instructed, or became an imitator of Henry Aldegrever,
, an engraver of Nuremberg, who flourished about the middle of the sixteenth
century, was either instructed, or became an imitator of
Henry Aldegrever, and Albert Durer, and like them, engraved on wood as well as copper, and also etched some
few plates; but these last, by far the most indifferent, are
also the smallest part of his works. If his style of engraving
be not original, it is at least an excellent and spirited imitation of that which was adopted by the preceding masters
of the country in which he resided. His pictures, for he
was a painter, as well as his engravings, were held in such
high estimation, that the poets of that age celebrated him
in their poems, calling him in Latin, Bohemus. He was
certainly a man of much genius, and possessed great fertility of invention. But the Gothic taste which so generally prevailed in Germany at this time, is much too
prevalent in his works. His draperies are stiff, and loaded
with a multiplicity of short, inelegant folds. His drawing
of the naked figure, which he is fond of introducing,
though mannered, is often very correct, and sometimes
masterly. His heads, and the other extremities of his
figures, are carefully determined, and often possess much
merit. Of his numerous works, the following may be
mentioned as specimens; on wood, a set of prints for a
book entitled “Biblicae Histories artinciossissimce depictae,
Francfort, History of the creation
and fall of man:
” “The labours of Hercules:
” “The
virtues and vices,
” &c. He had a brother, Bartholomew
Beham, who resided principally at Rome. He was also
an engraver, and from such of his prints as have been ascertained, which is somewhat difficult, he appears to have
been a very excellent artist, and one of the superior
scholars of Marc Antonio, whose style of engraving he
imitated with great success. His drawing is correct and
masterly; his beads are characteristic, and the other extremities of his figures well marked.
herwise Behaim, Bœhm, or Behenira, an eminent geographer and mathematician of the fifteenth century, was born at Nuremberg, an imperial city in the circle of Franconia,
, otherwise Behaim, Bœhm, or Behenira, an eminent geographer and mathematician of the fifteenth century, was born at Nuremberg, an imperial city in the circle of Franconia, of a noble family, not yet extinct. He had the best education which the darkness of that age permitted, and his early studies were principally directed to geography, astronomy, and navigation. As he advanced in life, he often thought of the existence of the antipodes, and of a western continent, of which he was ambitious to make the discovery.
anders; and having informed her of his designs, he procured a vessel, in which, sailing westward, he was the first European who is known to have landed on the island
Filled with this great idea, in 1459 he paid a visit to
Isabella, daughter of John I. king of Portugal, at that time
regent of the duchy of Burgundy and Flanders; and having
informed her of his designs, he procured a vessel, in
which, sailing westward, he was the first European who is
known to have landed on the island of Fayal. He there
established in 1460 a colony of Flemings, whose descendants yet exist in the Azores, which were for some time
called the Flemish islands. This circumstance is proved,
not only by the writings of contemporary authors, but also
by the manuscripts preserved in the records of Nuremberg; and although this record is contrary to the generally
received opinion, that the Azores were discovered by Gonsalva Velho, a Portuguese, yet its authenticity seems
unquestionable. It is confirmed not only by several contemporary writers, and by Wagenseil, one of the most
learned men of the last century, but likewise by a note
written on parchment in the German language, and sent
from Nuremberg, a few years ago, to M. Otto, who was
then investigating the discovery of America. The note
contained, with other things, the following facts: “Martin Beham, esq. son of Mr. Martin Beham, of Scoperin,
lived in the reign of John II. king of Portugal, in an island
which he discovered, and called the island of Fayal, one
of the Azores, lying in the western ocean.
n conferred on a stranger, could not be meant as a recompense for the discovery of the Azores, which was made twenty years before, but as a reward for the discovery
That Behem rendered some very important services to
the crown of Portugal, is put beyond all controversy by
the recompense bestowed on him by king John, who in.
1485 made him a knight^ and governor of Fayal; he is
said also to have espoused the daughter of a great lord,
“in consideration of the important services he had performed.
” These marks of distinction conferred on a
stranger, could not be meant as a recompense for the discovery of the Azores, which was made twenty years before, but as a reward for the discovery of Congo, from
whence the chevalier Behem had brought gold and different kinds of precious wares. In 1492, crowned with
honours and riches, he undertook a journey to Nuremberg,
to visit his native country and family. He there made a
terrestrial globe, which is looked on as a master-piece for
that time, and which is still preserved in the library of
that city. The outline of his discoveries may there be
seen, under the name of western lands; and from their
situation it cannot be doubted that they are the present
coasts of Brazil, and the environs of the straits of Magellan. This globe was made in the same year that Columbus
set out on his expedition; therefore it is impossible that
Behem could have profited by the works of that navigator,
who, besides, went a much more northerly course.
which have been but very lately brought to light, there can be little doubt, we think, that America was discovered by Martin Behcrn. Dr. Robertson, indeed, is of a
From these circumstantial accounts, which have been but very lately brought to light, there can be little doubt, we think, that America was discovered by Martin Behcrn. Dr. Robertson, indeed, is of a different opinion; but great as we willingly acknowledge his authority to be, we may differ from him without presumption in this case, since he had it not in his power to consult the German documents to which we have appealed, and has himself advanced facts not easily to be reconciled to his own opinion. He allows that Behem was very intimate with Christopher Columbus; that he was the greatest geographer of his time, and scholar of the celebrated John Miiller or Regiomontanus; that he discovered, in 1483, the kingdom of Congo, upon the coast of Africa; that he made a globe which Magellan made use of; that he drew a map at Nuremberg, containing the particulars of his discoveries; and that he placed in this chart land which is found to be in the latitude of Guiana. He adds, indeed, without proof, that this land was a fabulous island; but if authentic records are to give place to bare assertion, there is an end of all historical evidence. If Behem took for an island the first land which he discovered, it was a mistake surely not so gross as to furnish grounds for questioning his veracity, or for withholding from him for ever that justice which has been so long delayed. But this very delay will by some be thought a powerful objection to the truth of Behem’s claim to the discovery of America; for if it was really discovered by him, why did he not leave behind him some writing to confirm the discovery to himself? and why did not the court of Portugal, so jealous of the discovery of the new world, protest against the exclusive claim of the Spaniards?
tinent of America, the only inference which could be drawn from his silence would be, either that ho was a man of great modesty, or that his mind was intent only on
To these objections we may reply, that, however plansible they may at first appear, they do not in the smallest degree invalidate the positive evidence which we have urged for the Chevalier Behem’s being the real discoverer of the new world: for it would surely be very absurd to oppose the difficulty of assigning motives for certain actions performed at a remote period, to the reality of other actions for which we have the testimony of a cloud of contemporary witnesses. Supposing it were true, therefore, that Behem had left behind him no writing claiming to himself the discovery of any part of the continent of America, the only inference which could be drawn from his silence would be, either that ho was a man of great modesty, or that his mind was intent only on the acquisition of knowledge to himself, without feeling the usual impulse to communicate that knowledge to others. But it is not true that he has left behind him no claim of this discovery to himself. The letters to which we have appealed, and which are preserved in the archives of Nuremberg, together with the globe and map, which he certainly made, furnish as complete a confirmation of his claim as could have been furnished by the most elegant account of his voyages.
bus were made so much farther north than those of Behem, that, in an age when geographical knowledge was so very limited, both Spaniards and Portuguese might very naturally
For the silence of the Portuguese, many reasons might be assigned. The discoveries of Columbus were made so much farther north than those of Behem, that, in an age when geographical knowledge was so very limited, both Spaniards and Portuguese might very naturally believe that the country discovered by the former of these navigators had no connexion with that discovered by the latter. At any rate, the Portuguese, whose discoveries proceeded from avarice, were satisfied with scraping together gold wherever they could find it: and finding it in Africa, they thought not of searching for it in a more distant region, till the success of the Spaniards shewed them their mistake. One thing more is worthy of attention. The long stay of Columbus at Madeira makes his interview with Behem more than probable. It is impossible that he should have neglected seeing a man so interesting, and who could give hurt every kind of information for the execution of the plan which he had formed. The mariners who accompanied the Chevalier Behem might also have spread reports at Madeira and the Azores concerning the discovery of which they had been witnesses. What ought to confirm us in this is, that Mariana himself says (book xxvi. chap. 3.) that a certain vessel going to Africa, was thrown by a gaie of wind upon certain unknown lands; and that the sailors at their return to Madeira had communicated to Christopher Columbus the circumstances of their voyage. All authors agree that this learned man had some information respecting the western shores; but they speak in a very vague manner. The expedition of the Chevalier Behem explains the mystery.
, a celebrated English poetess, descended from a good family in the city of Canterbury, was born in the reign of Charles I. but in what year is not certain
, a celebrated English poetess, descended from a good family in the city of Canterbury, was
born in the reign of Charles I. but in what year is not certain her father’s name was Johnson who beino-related
to the lord Willoughby, and by his interest having been
appointed lieutenant general of Surinam, and six-andthirty islands, embarked with his family for the West Indies; at which time Aphara was very young. Mr. Johnson
died in his passage, but his family arrived at Surinam,
where our poetess became acquainted with the American
prince Oroonoko, whose story she has given us in her
celebrated novel of that name. She tells us, “she had
often seen and conversed with that great man, and had been
a witness to many of his mighty actions; and that at one
time, he and Climene (or Imoinda his wife) were scarce an
hour in a day from her lodgings.
” The intimacy betwixt
Oroonoko and our poetess occasioned some reflections on
her conduct, from which the authoress of her life justifies
her in the following manner: “Here,
” says she, “I can
add nothing to what she has given the world already, but
a vindication of her from some unjust aspersions I find are
insinuated about this town, in relation to that prince. I
knew her intimately well, and I believe she would not have
concealed any love affairs from me, being one of her own
sex, whose friendship and secrecy she had experienced,
which makes me assure the world, there was no affair betwixt that prince and Astraea, but what the whole plantation were witnesses of; a generous value for his uncommon
virtues, which every one that but hears them, finds in himself, and his presence gave her no more. Besides, his
heart was too violently set on the everlasting charms of his
Imoinda, to be shook with those more faint (in his eye) of
a white beauty; and Astrsea’s relations, there present, had
too watchful an eye over her, to permit the frailty of her
youth, if that had been powerful enough.
sing her parents and relations, obliged her to return to England; where, soon after her arrival, she was married to Mr. Behn, an eminent merchant of London, of Dutch
The disappointments she met with at Surinam, by losing
her parents and relations, obliged her to return to England; where, soon after her arrival, she was married to
Mr. Behn, an eminent merchant of London, of Dutch extraction. King Charles II. whom she highly pleased by
the entertaining and accurate account she gave him of the
colony of Surinam, thought her a proper person to be intrusted with the management of some affairs during the
Dutch war, in other words to act as a spy; which was the
occasion of her going over to Antwerp. Here she discovered the design formed by the Dutch, of sailing up the
river Thames, in order to burn the English ships; which
she learnt from one Vander Albert, a Dutchman. This
man, who, before the war, had been in love with her in
England, no sooner heard of her arrival at Antwerp, than
he paid her a visit; and, after a repetition of all his former professions of love, pressed her extremely to allow
him by some signal means to give undeniable proofs of his
passion. This proposal was so suitable to her present aim
in the service of her country, that she accepted of it, and
employed her lover in such a manner as* made her very serviceable to the king. The latter end of 1666, Albert sent
her word by a special messenger, that he would be with
her at a day appointed, at which time he revealed to her,
that Cornelius de Witt and De Ruyter had proposed the
above-mentioned expedition to the States. Albert having
mentioned this affair with all the marks of sincerity, Mrs.
Behn coukl not doubt the credibility thereof; and when
the interview was ended, she sent express to the court of
England; but her intelligence (though well grounded, as appeared by the event) being disregarded and ridiculed,
she renounced all state affairs, and amused herself during
her stay at Antwerp with what was more suited to her talents, the gallantries of the city. After some time she
embarked at Dunkirk for England, and in her passage the
ship was driven on the coast four days within sight of land;
but, by the assistance of boats from that shore, the crew
were all saved; and Mrs. Behn arrived safely in -London,
where she dedicated the rest of her life to pleasure and
poetry, neither of the most pure kind. he published
three volumes of miscellany poems; the first in 1684, the
second in 1685, and the third in 1688, consisting of songs
and miscellanies, by the earl of Rochester, sir George
Etherege, Mr. Henry Crisp, and others, with some pieces
of her own. To the second collection is annexed a translation of the duke de Rochefoucauld s moral reflections,
under the title of “Seneca unmasked.
” She wrote also
seventeen plays, some histories and novels, which are extant in two volumes, 12mo, 1735, 8th edition, published
by Mr. Charles Gildon, and dedicated to Simon Scroop,
esq. to which is prefixed the history of the life, and memoirs of Mrs. Behn, written by one of the fair sex. She
translated Fontenolle’s History of oracles, and Plurality of
worlds, to which last she annexed an essay on translation and
translated prose, not very remarkable for critical acumen.
The paraphrase of CEnone’s epistle to Paris, in the English translation of Ovid’s Epistles, is Mrs. Behn’s; and Mr.
Dryden, in the preface to that work, compliments her with
more gallantry than justice, when he adds, “I was desired
to say, that the author, who is of the fair sex, understood
not Latin; but if she does not, I am afraid she has given
us occasion to be ashamed who do.
” She was also the
authoress of the celebrated Letters between a nobleman
and his sister, printed in 1684; and we have extant of hers,
eight love-letters, to a gentleman whom she passionately
loved, and with whom she corresponded under the name of
Lycidas. They are printed in the Life and Memoirs of
Mrs. Behn, prefixed to her histories and novels. She died
between forty and fifty years of age, after a long indisposition, April 16, 1689, and was buried in the cloisters of
Westminster-abbey. Mrs. Behn, upon the whole, cannot
be considered as an ornament either to her sex, or her nation. Her plays abound with obscenity; and her novels
are little better. Mr. Pope speaks thus of her:
. Granger is of opinion she would have literally put them to bed before the spectators; but here she was restrained by the laws of the drama, not by her own delicacy,
The poet means behind the scenes, but Mr. Granger is of opinion she would have literally put them to bed before the spectators; but here she was restrained by the laws of the drama, not by her own delicacy, or the manners of the age. Her works, however, are now deservedly forgotten.
, a German physician of note, was born at Hildesheim in Lower Saxony, Aug. 26, 1660. After studying
, a German physician of
note, was born at Hildesheim in Lower Saxony, Aug. 26,
1660. After studying medicine he was admitted to the
degree of doctor at Helmstadt in 1684. In 1712, he was
appointed court-physician to the duke of Brunswick Lunenburgh. He published many essays and dissertations in
the Memoirs of the German Imperial academy, of which
he was a member, and other works separately, both in
German and Latin. The principal of these, are, 1. “De
constitutione artis medicae,
” Helmstadt, The Legal Physician,
” in German, ibid. 8vo, containing
several medico-legal questions, and the history of sudden
deaths, with the appearances on dissection. 3. “Selecta
medica de medicinæ natura et certitudine,
” Francfort and
Leipsic, 1708, an inquiry into the history of medicine, its
sects, c. 4. “Selecta Disetetica, seu de recta ac convoniente ad sanitatem vivendi ratione tractatus,
” Francfort, Trias casuum memorabilium medicorum,
Guelpherbiti (Wolfenbuttel), De imaginario quodam miraculo in gravi oculorum rnorbo, &c.
Brunopolis (Brunswick), De felicitate
medicorum aucta in terris Brunsvicensis,
” ibid.
, born in the village of Beidhah, was cadi or judge of the city of Schiraz in Persia, from whence
, born in the village of Beidhah, was cadi or judge of the city of Schiraz in Persia, from whence he went to that of Zauris, where he died in the year of the hegira 685 or 692, of the Christian sera 1289, or 1291. He has written a literal commentary in 2 vols, on the Alcoran, which has been explained and commented on by several other authors.
, a native of Jena, where he was born in 1634. In 1658, he was made law professor in that university.
, a native of Jena, where he was born
in 1634. In 1658, he was made law professor in that university. He was the first who wrote systematically, on the
laws, usages, and duties of corporations and wardens of arts
and manufactures, collecting such scattered notices as he
could find on these subjects, and throwing considerable
light on a part of jurisprudence not then well understood.
He died in 1712. His works are, 1. “Tyro prudentiae
juris opificialii praecursorum emissarius,
” Jena, Tractatus de jure prohibendi, quod competit opincibus in opifices,
” Jena, Boethus, peregre redux conspectibus et judice conspicuus,
” Jena,
, an artist, was born at Ravensburgh in Suabia, in 1665, and was taught the first
, an artist, was born at Ravensburgh in Suabia, in 1665, and was taught the first rudiments of his art by his father, who was a mathematician, and practised painting only for his amusement, and explained the principles of it to his son. By an assiduous practice for some years, Beisch proved a good artist, and was employed at the court of Munich, to paint the battles which the elector Maximilian Emanuel had fought in Hungary. While the elector was absent on some of his expeditions, Beisch embraced that opportunity to visit Italy, and took the most effectual methods for his improvement, by studying and copying those celebrated spots which have always claimed general admiration. He had three different manners: his first, before his journey to Italy, was true, but too dark; his second had more clearness and more truth; and his last, still more clear, was likewise weaker than all. The scenes of his landscapes, however, are agreeably chosen, and very picturesque: his touch is light, tender, and full of spirit; and his style of composition frequently resembled that of Gaspar Poussin, or Salvator Rosa. Solimene, a superior artist, did not disdain to copy some of Beisch' s landscapes. This artist died in 1748, aged eighty-three.
, better known under the name of Ebn Beithar, was likewise called Aschab, which signifies, botanist or herbalist.
, better known under the name of Ebn Beithar, was likewise called Aschab, which signifies, botanist
or herbalist. He was an African by birth, and died in the
646th year of the hegira. We have of him the “Giame al
adviat al mofredat,
” in 4 vols. which is a general history of
simples or of plants ranged in alphabetical order. He has
likewise written “Mogni si adviat al Mofredat,
” in which
he treats of the use of simples in the cure of every particular part of the body. Ebn Beithar also answered in a
book which he called Taalik, to a work of Ebn Giazlah,
who accused his works of many imperfections.
, bishop of Durham in the reigns of Edward I. and II. was advanced, with the king’s consent, from the archdeaconry of
, bishop of Durham in the reigns of Edward I. and II. was advanced, with
the king’s consent, from the archdeaconry of Durham and
other preferments to the bishopric. Of his extraction and
education we have no account. He was elected by the
monks on the 9th of July 1283, and consecrated, in the
presence of the king and several of the nobles, by William
Wicwane, archbishop of York, on the 9th of January following. At the time of his consecration, the archbishop,
having had a dispute, during the vacancy of the see, with
the chapter of Durham, obliged the prior to go out of the
church; and the next day enjoined the new bishop, upon
his canonical obedience, to excommunicate the superior
and several of the monks: but Bek refused to obey the
archbishop, saying, “I was yesterday consecrated their
bishop, and shall 1 excommunicate them to-day? 110 obedience shall force me to this.
” He was enthroned on
Christmas eve,
, a famous painter, born at Delft in the Netherlands, May 25, 1621, was trained under Van Dyke, and other celebrated masters. Skill
, a famous painter,
born at Delft in the Netherlands, May 25, 1621, was trained
under Van Dyke, and other celebrated masters. Skill in
his profession, joined to politeness of manners, acquired
him esteem in almost all the courts of Europe. He was
in high favour with Charles I. king of England, and taught
the principles of drawing to his sons, Charles and James.
He was afterwards in the service of the kings of France and
Denmark: he went next into the service of Christina queen
of Sweden, who esteemed him very highly, gave him many
rich presents, and made him first gentleman of her bedchamber. She sent him also to Italy, Spain, France, England, Denmark, and to all the courts of Germany, to take
the portraits of the different kings and princes; and then
presented each of them with their pictures. His manner
of painting was extremely free and quick, so that king
Charles I. told him one day, “he believed he could paint
while he was riding post.
” A very singular adventure happened to this painter, as he travelled through Germany,
which seems not unworthy of being recited. He was suddenly and violently taken ill at the inn where he lodged,
and was laid out as a corpse, seeming to all appearance quite
dead. His valets expressed the strongest marks of grief
for the loss of their master; and while they sat beside his
bed, they drank very freely, by way of consolation. At
last one of them, who grew much intoxicated, said to his
companions, “Our master was fond of his glass while he
was alive; and out of gratitude, let us give him a glass now
he is dead.
” As the rest of the servants assented to the
proposal, he raised up the head of his master, and endeavoured to pour some of the liquor into his mouth. By the
fragrance of the wine, or probably by a small quantity that
imperceptibly got clown his throat, Bek opened his eyes;
and the servant being excessively drunk, and forgetting
that his master was considered as dead, compelled him to
swallow what wine remained in the glass. The painter
gradually revived, and by proper management and care
recovered perfectly, and escaped an interment. How
highly the works of this master were esteemed, may appear from the many marks of distinction and honour which
were shewn him; for he received from different princes, as
an acknowledgment of his singular merit, nine gold chains,
and several medals of gold of a large size. The manner of
his death is represented by the Dutch writers, as implying
a reflection of his royal patroness the queen of Sweden.
He was very desirous of returning to his native country,
permission for which that princess refused, until having
occasion herself to go to France, Bek had the courage to
ask leave to go to Holland. She granted this on condition
he should punctually return within a certain number of
weeks; but he went away with a determination never to
return. She wrote to him to come to Paris, but he gave
her no answer, and remained at the Hague, where he died
suddenly, Dec. 20, 1656, not without suspicion of poison,
as the Dutch writers insinuate.
, author of a book entitled “De Supremo et Absolute Regis Imperio,” was born at Broadchalke in Wiltshire, and educated at Wykeham’s
, author of a book entitled “De
Supremo et Absolute Regis Imperio,
” was born at Broadchalke in Wiltshire, and educated at Wykeham’s school
near Winchester: from whence he was sent very early to
New-college in Oxford; where, having served two years
of probation, he was admitted perpetual fellow in 1520.
In 1526 he took the degree of master of arts, being that
year (as one of the university registers informs us) “about
to take a journey beyond the seas for the sake of study.
In his college he distinguished himself by his extraordinary
skill in the Greek language. In 1538 he resigned his fellowship, and married. What preferment or employment
he had afterwards is uncertain. He was familiarly acquainted with, and highly esteemed by, the most learned
men of the nation, particularly Leland, who has bestowed
an encomium on him. He was also in good esteem with
king Henry VIII. and king Edward VI. When queen
Mary came to the crown, and endeavoured to destroy all
that her father and brother had done towards the reformation of the church, Bekinsau became a zealous Roman catholic. After Queen Elizabeth’s accession, he retired to
an obscure village in Hampshire, called Sherbourne; where
he spent the remainder of his life in great discontent, and
was buried in the church of that place, the 20th of Dec.
1559, aged sixty-three years; leaving behind him this
character among the Roman catholics, that, “as he was
a learned man, so might he have been promoted according
to his deserts, if he had been constant to his principles.
The work abovementioned is a defence of the king’s supremacy against the claims of the church of Rome, and is
dedicated by the author to king Henry VIII. He did not
venture to publish it, till he saw that the pope’s power was
wholly exterminated in England. It was printed at London in 1546, in 8vo, and afterwards in the first volume of
“Monarchia Romani Imperil,
” &c. by Melchior Goldast
Hamensfeldius, at Francfort, 1621, fol.
, a once celebrated Dutch divine, was born in 1634-, at Warthuisen, a village in the province of Groningen.
, a once celebrated Dutch divine, was born in 1634-, at Warthuisen, a village in the
province of Groningen. He learned the Latin tongue at
home under his father, and at sixteen years of age was entered at the university of Groningen, where he applied
iiirnself to the study of the Greek and Hebrew languages,
and made also a considerable proficiency in history and
philosophy. He went afterwards to Franeker, where he
studied divinity for four years and a half, when he was chosen minister at Oosterlingen, a village about six miles from
Franeker. He discharged his duty with great diligence,
and found time to read and examine the writings of the
most eminent philosophers and divines. He kept a constant correspondence with James Alting, under whom he
had studied the Hebrew tongue, and with the famous Cocceius. In 1665 he took his degree of doctor of divinity,
at Franeker, and the next year was chosen one of the ministers of that city. When he was minister at Oosterlingen,
he composed a short catechism for children, and in 1670
he published another for persons of a more advanced age.
This last being strongly objected to by several divines, the
author was prosecuted before the ecclesiastical assemblies;
and notwithstanding many learned divines gave their testimonies in favour of this catechism, yet in the synod held
in 1671, at Bolswart in Friezland, it was voted there, to
contain several strange expressions, unscriptural positions,
and dangerous opinions, which ought not to be printed,
or, being printed, not to be published, but that if revised
and corrected, it might be printed. Bekker appealed to
the next synod, which met at Franeker, in July 1672, who
chose a committee of twelve deputies, to inquire into this
affair, and to finish it in six weeks. They examined Bekker’s catechism very carefully, and at last subscribed an
act in which were the following words: “That they had
altered all such expressions as seemed to be offensive,
strange, or uncommon: that they had examined, sccundum
fidei analogiam, what had been observed by the several
classes as unscriptural; and that they judged Dr. Bekker’s
book, with their corrections, might, for the edification of
God’s church, be printed and published, as it contained
several wholsome and useful instructions.
” This judgement was approved of by the synod held at Harlingen next
year; but such is the constitution of synods in the seven
provinces, that one can annul what another has established,
and Bekker suffered for two years longer much trouble and
In 1674 he was chosen minister at Loenen, a Tillage near Utrecht; but he did
In 1674 he was chosen minister at Loenen, a Tillage near
Utrecht; but he did not continue here long, being about
two years after called to Wesop, and in 1679 chosen minister at Amsterdam. The comet which appeared in 1680
and 1681, gave him an opportunity of publishing a small
book in Low Dutch, entitled “Ondersock over de Konietei,
” that is, “An inquiry concerning Comets,
” wherein he endeavoured to shew, that comets are not the presages or forerunners of any evil. This piece gained him
great reputation, as did likewise his Exposition on the prophet Daniel, wherein he gave many proofs of his learning and
sound judgment; but the work which rendered him most
famous, is his “De betover Wereld,
” or the “World bewitched,
” published in The essence of mind is thought, and
the essence of matter extension. Now, since there is no
sort of conformity or connection between thought and extension, mind cannot act upon matter, unless these two
substances be united, as soul and body are in man; therefore no separate spirits, either good or evil, can act upon
mankind. Such acting is miraculous, anel miracles can be
performed by God alone. It follows, of consequence, that
the scriptural accounts of the actions and operations of
good and evil spirits must be understood in an allegorical
” Such an argument does little honour to Bekker’s
acuteness and sagacity. By proving too much, it proves
nothing at all: for if the want of a connection or conformity between thought and extension renders the mind incapable of acting upon, matter, it is difficult to see how
their union should remove this incapacity, since the want
of conformity and of connection remains, notwithstanding
this union. Besides, according to this reasoning, the supreme being cannot act upon material beings. In vain
does Bekker maintain the affirmative, by having recourse
to a miracle: for this would imply, that the whole course
of nature is a series of miracles, that is to say, that there
are no miracles at all.
ns until his death, which happened June 11, 1698. According to his biographer in the Gen. Dict. " he was a laborious, learned, and ingenious man, always desiring to
This work excited great tumults and divisions, not only in the United Provinces, but also in some parts of Germany, where several divines of the Lutheran church were alarmed at its progress, and arose to oppose it. Bekker, however, although successfully refuted, and publicly deposed from his pastoral charge, obstinately adhered to his opinions until his death, which happened June 11, 1698. According to his biographer in the Gen. Dict. " he was a laborious, learned, and ingenious man, always desiring to improve in nowledge. As he was inclined to think freely, he would
o examine every thing according to the strictest rules of reason, or what appeared reason to him. He was of a very obliging temper, and knew how to make himself acceptable
ver admit any one’s opinion implicitly, but used to examine every thing according to the strictest rules of reason, or what appeared reason to him. He was of a very obliging temper, and knew how to make himself acceptable to those who conversed with him. He had a quick genius, and when he had once imbibed any opinion, it was very difficult to make him change it, and sometimes he trusted too much to his own judgment. He was, like men who use to meditate deeply, more able to raise doubts and difficulties, than
Vol. IV. B B to solve them. He was not endowed with the external gifts of preaching, and though
Vol. IV. B B to solve them. He was not endowed with the external gifts of preaching, and though he was skilled in mathematics, the best logic in the world, yet his sermons were not very methodical; but then they were suited to the capacity of the vulgar, and he was always ready to preach extempore, without preparation. He was of a very facetious temper, and sometimes could not forbear to jest even in the pulpit. It seems he had the vanity of becoming the head of a sect; and has had the pleasure to see that his followers were called from his name Bekkerians. Mr. Bayle calls him a rank rationalist, who, preferring philosophical arguments before the authority of the scripture, put such a sense upon the words and expressions of the holy writers, as favoured his hypothesis." The reader will readily perceive much in this character that applies to free-thinkers of all nations and ages.
, counsellor of the parliament of Bourdeaux, was born there March 21, 1693, and at the age of nine was sent for
, counsellor of the parliament of
Bourdeaux, was born there March 21, 1693, and at the
age of nine was sent for education to the college of the
Oratory at Juilly, in the diocese of Meaux. Although of
a weakly habit, he made great progress in his early studies,
and was liberally encouraged by one of the regent masters,
father de Vize“. In 1711 he returned to his family, where
he continued his studies, deriving some assistance from his
father, a man of talents, but austere and somewhat unsocial. Here, likewise, he found many young men of his
own age who like himself were intended for the bar or for
offices of the magistracy. After five or six years application, M. Bel employed his pen on various subjects of metaphysics and morals, and amused himself occasionally with
perusing the best poets. In 1720, he was received as a
counsellor of parliament, and conducted himself in the
causes entrusted to him, with strict probity and impartiality. In 1731, on the death of his father, he succeeded
him in the office of treasurer of France. During his residence at Paris, he formed an intimacy with the literati of
the metropolis, and projected two considerable works, for
which he had collected materials: the one on taste, its
history, progress and decline; the other on French poetry.
On his return to Bourdeaux in 1736, he was elected a
member of the Bourdeaux academy, and the following year
chosen director, on which occasion he made a speech
which included some part of the work on taste above-mentioned. Some time afterwards he resigned his office of
counsellor, and obtained letters of superannuation (lettres de veteran). In 1737, the academy having proposed
” muscular motion“as the subject of the prize of that year, which
was won by Mr. Alexander Stuart, a Scotchman, and physician to the queen of England, M. Bel, after examining
the various dissertations sent in on this occasion, read one
of his own on the same subject before the academy; and
in order to study this and similar subjects more fully, with
a view to his situation in the academy, he determined to
make another visit to Paris. But from the moment of his
arrival there, he gave himself up so unremittingly to study,
as to bring on a dangerous illness, of which he died August
15, 1738. He left to the academy of Bourdeaux, his
house and a fine and well-chosen library, with a fund for
the maintenance of two librarians. His principal publications were, 1.
” Apologie de M. Houdart de la Motte, de
l'academie Franchise, Paris, 1724,“8vo, a satirical attack on
M. de la Motte’s works, especially his dramas. 2.
” Dictionnaire Neologique," since considerably augmented by
the abbe* Fontaines, a work intended to ridicule the use of
new and affected words. He wrote also a criticism on the
Mariamne of Voltaire, and some similar criticisms inserted
in the Literary Memoirs published by father Moletz of the
and applied himself with success to the history of Hungary. Nicholas Palfi, viceroy of that country, was of great assistance to him in his inquiries, by granting him
, born at Otsova in Hungary, in 1684, studied with great diligence at Halle, where
he made uncommon proficiency in the learned languages.
Being returned to his native country, he excited a love for
the belles-lettres among the students of several protestant
colleges, and applied himself with success to the history of
Hungary. Nicholas Palfi, viceroy of that country, was of
great assistance to him in his inquiries, by granting him access to a variety of archives. He spent the major part of
his life in this study, and died in the year 1749. His principal works are, 1. “De vetere Literatura Hunno-scythica
” Leipsic, Hungariae antiquas et novae prodromus,
” Nuremberg, De
peregrinatione linguae Hungaricce in Europam.
” 4. “
Adparatus ad historram Hungarian; sive, Collectio miscellanea
monumentorum ineditorum partim, partim editorum, sed
” Presburg, several volumes in folio, 1735
1746. This collection of historians of Hungary is adorned
with learned and well-written prefaces. 5. “Amplissimae
historico-criticse Praefationes in scriptores rerum Hungaricarum veter^s ac genuinos,
” 3 vols. in folio. 6. “Notitia
Hungariee novae historico-geographica,
” Vienna,
His son Charles Andrew, who died by his own hand, in 1782, was in 1741 appointed professor extraordinary of philosophy at Leipsic,
His son Charles Andrew, who died by his own hand,
in 1782, was in 1741 appointed professor extraordinary of
philosophy at Leipsic, and in 1756 professor of poetry, and
librarian to the university, with the title of counsellor of
state. He wrote “De vera origine et epocha Hunnorum,
” Acta eruditorum
” from
, was born in the year 1706, at Kingston in Surrey. He received his
, was born in the year 1706, at
Kingston in Surrey. He received his education at Eton;
and discovering an inclination for surgery, was bound apprentice to Mr. Cheselden, by far the most eminent man
of his profession. Under this great master, who used to
say, that of all the apprentices he ever had Mr. Belchier
was the most industrious and assiduous, he soon became an
accurate anatomist. His preparations were esteemed next
to' Dr. NichohVs, and allowed to exceed all others of that
time. Thus qualified, his practice soon became extensive;
and in 1736 he succeeded his fellow-apprentice Mr. Craddock, as surgeon to Guy’s hospital. In this situation, which
afforded such ample opportunity of displaying his abilities,
he, by his remarkably tender and kind attention to his
pauper patients, became as eminent for his humanity as
his superior skill in his profession. Like his master Cheselden, he was very reluctant before an operation, yet quite
as successful as that great operator. He was particularly expert in the reduction of the humerus; which, though a very
simple operation, is frequently productive of great trouble
to the surgeon, as well as excruciating pain to the patient.
Being elected fellow of the royal society, he communicated to that learned body several curious cases that
fell within his cognizance; particularly a remarkable case
of an hydrops ovarii, published in the Philosophical Transactions, No. 423; an account of the miller whose arm was
torn off by a mill, August 15, 1737, No. 449; and a remarkable instance of the bones of animals being turned red by aliment only, No. 442. The greatest discoveries frequently
are owing to trifling and accidental causes. Such was the
ease in the last-mentioned circumstance, Mr. Belchier
being led to make his inquiries on that subject, by the bone
of a boiled leg of pork being discovered to be perfectly red,
though the meat was well-flavoured, and of the usual colour.
On his resignation as surgeon of Guy’s, he was made governor both of that and St. Thomas’s hospital, to which he
was particularly serviceable, having recommended not less
than 140 governors. Mr. Belchier in private life was a
man of strict integrity, warm and zealous in his attachments, sparing neither labour nor time to serve those for
whom he professed a friendship. Of this he gave a strong
proof, in becoming himself a governor of the London hospital, purposely to serve a gentleman who had been his
pupil. Indeed, he on every occasion was particularly desirous of serving those who had been under his care. A
man of such a disposition could not fail of being caressed
and beloved by all that really knew him. In convervation
he was entertaining, and remarkable for bons mots, which
he uttered with a dry laconic bluntness peculiar to himself;
yet under this rough exterior he was possessed of a feeling
and compassionate heart. Of the latter, his constantly
sending a plate of victuals every day, during his confinement, to a man, who, having gained admittance to him, presented a pistol with an intent to rob him, and whom he
seized and secured, is an unquestionable proof, as well as
of his personal courage. Such were his gratitude and
friendship too for those of his acquaintance, that on several sheets he has mentioned their names with some legacy as a token of remembrance, as medals, pictures,
books, &c. trinkets and preparations, and on another paper
says he could not do more, having a family of children.
Whenever he spoke of Mr. Guy, the founder of the hospital, it was in a strain of enthusiasm, which he even carried
so far as to saint him. A gentleman having on one of those
occasions begged leave to relnark, that he had never before
heard of St. Guy, Mr. Belchier, in his sentimental way, replied, “No, sir: perhaps you may not find his name in
'the calendar, but give me leave to tell you, that he has a
better title to canonization than nine-tenths of those whose
names are there; some of them may, perhaps, have given
sight to the blind, or enabled the lame to walk; but can you
quote me an instance of one of them bestowing one hundred and fifty thousand pounds sterling for the purpose of
relieving his fellow creatures?
” Mr. Belchier was a great
admirer of the fine arts, and lived in habits of intimacy
with the principal artists of his time. He enjoyed a great
share of health, though far advanced in years. A friend
of his being some time since attacked with epileptic fits, he
exclaimed, “I am extremely sorry for him, but when I
fall I hope it will be to rise no more;
” and he succeeded
in a great measure in his wish, for being taken with a shivering fit at Batson’s coffee-house, he returned home and
went to bed. The next day he thought himself better,
got up, and attempted to come down stairs, but complained
to those who were assisting him, that they hurried him, and
immediately alter exclaiming, “It is all over!
” fell back
and expired. His body was interred in the chapel at Guy’s
hospiial. He died in 1785.
, an eminent Italian mathematician, was born at Udina, Nov. 16, 1704, and from his infancy afforded
, an eminent Italian mathematician, was born at Udina, Nov. 16, 1704, and from his infancy afforded the promise of being an ornament to his
family and country. At Padua, where he was first educated, his proficiency was extraordinary, and at the age of
nineteen he excited considerable attention by an elegant
Latin oration he delivered in honour of cardinal Barbadici.
He afterwards entered the society of the Jesuits at Udina,
and having completed his noviciate, went to Bologna, and
studied mathematics and theology at Parma, where he was
appointed professor of mathematics and had the direction of
the observatory, and became eminent as an observer of
the phenomena of nature, and a profound antiquary. When
the society of the Jesuits was suppressed, Belgrade went
to Bologna, and was appointed rector of the college of St.
Lucia, where, and in other parts of Italy, he occasionally
resided until his death in 1789. The extent and variety
of his knowledge will be best understood by a list of his
works. 1. “Gratulatio Cardinali J. F. Barbadico, &c.
already noticed, Padua, Ad disciplinam Mechanicam, Nauticam, et Geographicam Acroasis critica et
” Parma, Ad disciplinam Hydrostaticam Acroasis historica et critica,
” ibid. De
altitudine Atmospherae aestimanda critica disquisitio,
” ib.
1743. 5. “De Phialis vitreis ex minimi silicis casa dissilientibusAcroasis,
” Padua, De Gravitatis legibus
Acroasis Physico-mathematica,
” Parma, Devita
B. Torelli Puppiensis commentarius,
” Padua, De
corporis elasticis disquisit. physico-mathem.
” Parma, Observatio Soils defectus et Lunae,
” Parma, I fenomeni Elettrici con i corollari da lor dedotti,
” Parma, Ad Marchionem Scipionem Maphejum
epistolae quatuor,
” Venice, Delia Reflessionc
de Gorpi dall' Acqua,
” &c. Parma, Observatio defectus Lunae habita die 30 Julii in novo observatorio,
” 14. “Dell‘ azione del caso nelle invenzioni, e
dell’ influsso degli Astri ne' corpi terrestri, dissertationi
” Padua, Observatio defectus Lunae,
Parma, De utriusque Analyseos usu in re
” vol.11, ibid. 1761. 17. “Delle senzazioni del
calore, e del freddo, dissertazione,
” ibid. II
Trono di Nettuno illustrate,
” Cesene, 1766. 19. “Theoria Cochleae. Archimedis,
” Parma, Dissertazione sopra i Torrenti,
” ibid. Delia Rapid ita
delle idee dissertazione,
” Modena, Delia
proporzione tra i talenti dell' Uomo, e i loro usi, dissertazione,
” Padua, De Telluris viriditate, dissertatio,
” Udina, Delia Esistenza di Dio da'
Teoremi Geometrici dimostrata, dissert.
” Udina, Dall‘ Esistenza d’una sola specie d‘esseri ragionevoli e liberi si arguisce l’Esistenza di Dio, dissertazione,
ibid. Del Sole bisoguevole d‘alimento, e dell’
Oceano abile a procacciarglielo, dissert. Fisico-matematica,
” Ferrara, Dell' Architettura Egiziana,
” Parma,