ached with applause in four languages, Latin, Butch, French, and English. In 1752, Mr. Columbine, of a French refugee family, which had contributed to found, and habitually
, a Lutheran divine, settled in
England, was born in the small island of Cadsand, near
the Belgic frontier, Dec. 31, 1726, and was educated
with a view to the theological profession, chiefly at the
university of Franeker, whence he passed to Leyden,
There he obtained a pastorship, and profited by the society
of Hemsterhuis, of Valkenäer, and especially of the elder
Schultens. His literary acquirements were eminent; he
read the Hebrew and the Greek; he composed correctly;
and has preached with applause in four languages, Latin,
Butch, French, and English. In 1752, Mr. Columbine,
of a French refugee family, which had contributed to
found, and habitually attended, the Walloon church at
Norwich, was intrusted by that congregation, when he was
on a journey into Holland, to seek out a fit successor to
their late pastor, Mr. Valloton, and applied, after due inquiry, to Mr. Bruckner, who accepted the invitation, and
early in 1753 settled as French preacher at Norwich, where
he officiated during fifty-one years, with undiminished approbation. About the year 1766, Mr. Bruckner succeeded
also to Dr. Van Sarn, as minister of the Dutch church, of
which the duties gradually became rather nominal than
real, in proportion as the Dutch families died oft', and as
the cultivation of their language was neglected by the
trading world for the French. The French tongue Mr.
Bruckner was assiduous to diffuse, and gave public and
private lessons of it for many years. His income was now
convenient and progressive. He kept a horse and a pointer,
for he took great pleasure in shooting. He drew occasionally, and has left a good portrait of his favourite dog.
He cultivated music, and practised much on the organ.
In 1767 was printed at Leyden his “Theorie du Systme
” in the seventh and tenth chapters of which there
is much anticipation of the sentiments lately evolved in
the writings of Mr. Mai thus. This work was well translated into English, under the title “A Philosophical
Survey of the Animal Creation,
” published for Johnson
and Payne in Criticisms on the Diversions of Purley,
” which attracted some hostile flashes from Mr. Home Tooke, in his
subsequent quarto edition. This pamphlet displays a profound and extensive knowledge of the various Gothic dialects, and states that the same theory of prepositions and
conjunctions, so convincingly applied in the “Epea pteroenta
” to the northern languages, had also been taught
concerning the Hebrew and other dead languages by
Schultens. Mr. Wakefield’s pamphlet against Social Worship drew from Mr. Bruckner, in 1792, a learned reply.
In the preface to these “Thoughts on Public Worship,
hopes are given of a continuation still desiderated by the
friends of religion. Mr. Bruckner began a didactic poem
in French verse, which had for its object to popularize in
another form, the principles laid down in. his Theory of
the Aoimal System. A gradual failure rather of spirits
than of health, seems often to have suspended or delayed
the enterprise; to have brought on a restless and fastidious vigilance; and to have prepared that termination of his life, which took place on the morning of Saturday, May 12, 1804. He was buried, according to his
own desire, at Guist, near the kindred of his respected
widow. His society was courted to the last; as his conversation was always distinguished for good sense, for
argument, and for humour. He was beloved for his attentions and affability; esteemed for his probity and prudence; and admired for his understanding and learning.
e then, somewhat new in this country, having been introduced, not many years before, by M. Bussiere, a French refugee, and a surgeon of high note in the reign of queen
, an eminent surgeon and
anatomist, and a celebrated writer, was born Oct. 19, 1688,
at Burrow-on-the-Hill, near Somerby in Leicestershire.
After having received a classical education, and been
instructed in the rudiments of his profession at Leicester, he was placed about 1703, under the immediate
tuition of the celebrated anatomist Cowper, and resided
in his house, and at the same time studied surgery under
Mr. Feme, the head surgeon of St. Thomas’s hospital.
Such was the proficiency he made under these able masters, that he himself began, at the age of twenty-two, to
read lectures in anatomy, a syllabus of which, in 4to, was
first printed in 1711. Lectures of this kind were then,
somewhat new in this country, having been introduced,
not many years before, by M. Bussiere, a French refugee,
and a surgeon of high note in the reign of queen Anne. Till
then, the popular prejudices had run so high against the
practice of dissection, that the civil power found it difficult
to accommodate the lecturers with proper subjects; and
pupils were obliged to attend the universities, or other public
seminaries, where, likewise, the procuring of bodies was no
easy task. It is an extraordinary proof of Mr. Cheselden’s
early reputation, that he had the honour of being chosen a
member of the royal society in 1711, when he could be little
more than twenty- three years of age but he soon justified
their choice, by a variety of curious and useful communications. Nor were his contributions limited to the royal society,
but are to be found in the memoirs of the royal academy of
surgeons at Paris, and in other valuable repositories. In
1713 Mr. Cheselden published in 8vo, his “Anatomy of
the Human Body,
” reprinted in
sts, and their being supported, likewise, by another person of reputed abilities, Maximilian Misson, a French refugee, occasioned a suspicion, though without reason,
, a man of
considerable learning, but unfortunately connected with
the French prophets, was a native of Switzerland, whither
his family, originally Italians, were obliged to take refuge,
for religion’s sake, in the beginning of the reformation.
He was born Feb. 16, 1664. His father intending him for
the study of divinity, he was regularly instructed in Greek
and Latin, philosophy, mathematics, and astronomy; learned a little of the Hebrew tongue, and began to attend the
lectures of the divinity professors of Geneva: but his mother being averse to this, he was left to pursue his own
course, and appears to have produced the first fruits of his
studies in some letters on subjects of astronomy sent to Cassini, the French king’s astronomer. In 1682 he went to
Paris, where Cassini received him very kindly. In the
following year he returned to Geneva, where he became
particularly acquainted with a count Fenil, who formed the
design of seizing, if not assassinating the prince of Orange,
afterwards William III. This design Faccio having learned
from him communicated it to bishop Burnet about 1686,
who of course imparted it to the prince. Bishop Burnet,
in the first letter of his Travels, dated September 1685,
speaks of him as an incomparable mathematician and philosopher, who, though only twenty-one years old, was
already become one of the greatest men of his age, and
seemed born to carry learning some sizes beyond what it
had hitherto attained. Whilst Dr. Calamy studied at the
university of Utrecht, Faccio resided in that city as tutor
to two young gentlemen, Mr. Ellys and Mr. Thornton, and
conversed freely with the English. At this time he was
generally esteemed to be a Spinozist; and his discourse,
says Dr. Calamy, very much looked that way. Afterwards,
it is probable, that he was professor of mathematics at
Geneva. In 1687 he came into England, and was honoured
with the friendship of the most eminent mathematicians of
that age. Sir Isaac Newton, in particular, was intimately
acquainted with him. Dr. Johnstone of Kidderminster had
in his possession a manuscript, written by Faccio, containing
commentaries and illustrations of different parts of sir
Isaac’s Principia. About 1704 he taught mathematics in
Spitafnelds, and obtained about that time a patent fora
species of jewel-watches. When he unfortunately attached
himself to the new prophets, he became their chief secretary, and committed their warnings to writing, many of
which were published. The connexion of such a man with
these enthusiasts, and their being supported, likewise, by
another person of reputed abilities, Maximilian Misson, a
French refugee, occasioned a suspicion, though without
reason, that there was some deep contrivance and design
in the affair. On the second of December, 1707, Faccio
stood in the pillory at Charing-cross, with the following
words affixed to his hat: “Nicolas Fatio, convicted for
abetting and favouring Elias Marion, in his wicked and
counterfeit prophecies, and causing them to be printed and
published, to terrify the queen’s people.
” Nearly at the
same time, alike sentence was executed upon Elias Marion,
one of the pretended prophets, and John d'Ande, another
of their abettors. This mode of treatment did not convince
Faccio of his error; and, indeed, the delusion of a man of
such abilities, and simplicity of manners, was rather an
object of compassion than of public infamy and punishment. Oppressed with the derision and contempt thrown
upon himself and his party, he retired at last into the
country, and spent the remainder of a long life in silence
and obscurity. He died at Worcester in 1753, about eightynine years old. When he became the dupe of fanaticism,
he seems to have given up his philosophical studies and
connections. Faccio, besides being deeply versed in all
branches of mathematical literature, was a great proficient
in the learned and oriental languages. He had read much,
also, in books of alchymy. To the last, he continued a
firm believer in the reality of the inspiration of the French
prophets. Dr. Wall of Worcester, who was well acquainted
with him, communicated many of the above particulars to
Dr. Johnstone, in whose hands were several of Faccio’s fanatical manuscripts and journals; and one of his letters
giving an account of count Fenil’s conspiracy, and some
particulars of the author’s family was communicated to the
late Mr. Seward, and published in the second volume of
his Anecdotes. In the Republic of Letters, vol. I. we find
a Latin poem by Faccio, in honour of sir Isaac Newton; and
in vol. XVIII. a communication on the rules of the ancient
Hebrew poesy, on which subject he appears to have corresponded with Whiston. There are also many of his original papers and letters in the British Museum; and among
them a Latin poem, entitled “N. Facii Duellerii Auriacus
” in which he claims to himself the merit
of having saved king William from the above-mentioned
, a Prussian writer of various talents, originally of a French refugee family, was born at Berlin in 17 1L He was educated
, a Prussian writer of
various talents, originally of a French refugee family, was
born at Berlin in 17 1L He was educated at the royal
French college for the church, and being ordained in his
twentieth year, he was chosen one of the officiating ministers of the French congregation in Berlin. In 1737 he
was appointed professor of eloquence in the French college, and in 1739 succeeded to the philosophical chair of
the same college. On the restoration of the royal academy of sciences and belles lettres at Berlin in 1744, M.
Formey was made secretary to the philosophical class, and
four years afterwards sole and perpetual secretary of -the
academy. His talents and fame procured him admission
into many foreign learned bodies, as those of London,
Petersburg, Haarlem, Mantua, Bologna, and many others
in Germany, and he was personally acquainted with
several of the most eminent and illustrious characters throughout Europe. Besides his academical employments, he rttas
agent or secretary to the dowager princess of Wirtemberg:
he filled several offices in the French colony at Berlin, and
at length became a privy counsellor in its superior directory. He was twice married, and by his second wife had
many children, seven of whom survived him. He died in
the month of March 1797, at the great age of eighty-five
years and eight months. In Thiebault’s “Anecdotes of
Frederic II.
” there are some of Formey, by which it would
appear that he was apt to be very unguarded, and almost
licentious in conversation, but often procured his pardon
by the ingenuity of his excuses. His publications were
extremely numerous, but we have nowhere seen a complete list. The following, however, probably includes the
principal: 1. “Articles des Pacte Conventa, dresses et
conclus entre les etats de Pologne et le roi Frederic-Auguste,
” Le fidele fortifie
par la grace,
” a sermon, Berlin, Ducatianaj
ou remarques de feu M. leDuchat, &c.
” Amst. 2 vols. 8vo.
4. “Bibliotheque Germanique;
” in this journal he wrote
from vol. XXVII. The lives of Duchat, Beausobre, Baratier, &c. are from his pen. 5. “Mercure et Minerve%
ou choix de nouvelles, &c.
” another periodical work, begun in Dec. Amusemens litteraires, moraux, et politiques,
” a continuation of the preceding, as far as July of the last mentioned year. 7. “Correspondence entre deux amis sur la
succession de Juliers et de Bergues,
” Hague, Sermons sur le mystere de la naissance de Jesus Christ,
from the German of lleinbeck, Berlin, Sermons sur divers textes de Tecriture sainte,
” ibid. Remarques historiques sur les medaille* et monnoies,
ibid. Journal de Berlin,
” La Belle Wolfienne,
” Memoires pour servir a Tbistoire de
” Hague, La yie de Jean-Philippe Baratier,
” Berlin,
ifo. 15. ‘ Le iriomphe de i’evidence, ou
refnta.tion du Pyrrhonisme ancien et moderne,“2 vols. 8vo, an
abridgment from Crousaz. 16.
” Traite sur la reformation de la justice en Rrusse,“to which is added a treatise
on dreams. 17.
” Eloges des academicians de Berlin et
de divers autres savans,“Berlin, 1757, 2 vols. 12mo. 18.
” Principes du droit naturel et des gens,“Amst. 3 vols.
12mo, from Wolff’s Latin work. 19.
” Conseils pour former une bibliotheque,“Francfort, 1746, of which the
sixth edition appeared in 1775, 8vo. 20.
” Le systeme
du vrai bonheur,“1761. 21.
” Melanges philosophiques,“Leyden, 1754, 2 vols. 12mo, translated afterwards into
English. 22.
” La comtesse Suedoise,“Berlin, 1754, 8vo,
from the German of Gellert. 23.
” Examen philosophique
de la liaison reelle entre les sciences et les mceurs,“1755,
8vo. 24.
” L'Abeille du Parnasse,“1750 1754, 10 vois.
8vo. 25.
” Le Philosophe Paien, ou pensees de Pline,
avec un commentaire literal et moral,“Leyden, 3 vols.
12mo. 26.
” Principes elementaires des Belles Lettres,“Berlin, 1759. 27.
” Diversite’s historiques,“1764, 8vo f
from ^lian, with notes. 28.
” Abrege de toutes les
sciences a Tusage des adolescens,“Berlin, 1764—1778,
8 vols. 12mo. 9-9.
” Introduction generate aux sciences,
avec des conseils pour former un bibliotheque choisie,“Amst. 1764. 30.
” Discours de Gellert sur la morale,“Berlin, 1766. 31.
” Traduction Franchise de l'Histoire
des Protestans,“by Hansen, Halle, 1767. Some of these
have been published in English, particularly his small work
on the belles lettres, and another not noticed above,
” Histoire abrege*e de la Philosophic," which we can remember a
very popular book in this country. Formey, indeed, if
not one of the most profound, was one of the most pleasing of writers, and all his works were calculated by clearness and precision of style for popular reading. He deserves credit also as one of the defenders of revelation
against Diderot and Rousseau; and for this reason Voltaire endeavoured to prejudice the king of Prussia against
him. Besides the extensive labours we have enumerated,
and the list is by no means complete, Formey wrote many
articles in the French Encyclopaedia, and in that of Yverdun. His correspondence with literary men was most extensive, and almost all the booksellers on the continent
occasionally engaged his services as an editor.
, a French refugee, was born at Bourdeaux in 1583, and educated
, a French refugee, was born at Bourdeaux in 1583, and educated in
the university of Montauban until he took his master’s degree, when he was obliged to leave his country for the sake
of his religion, and came to England, and found a friend in
sir Thomas Leigh. In 1608 he was admitted a member of
Magdalen college, Oxford, and in 1625 was incorporated
master of arts, being then second keeper of the Bodleian
library, in which Wood says, his services were valuable.
He died at Oxford in Sept. 1647, and was buried in the
church of St. Peter in the East, “at which time,
” says
Wood, “our library lost an honest and useful servant, and
his children a good father.
ied in 1701, as his second, Jane, the widow of Mr. Francis Barkstead, and the daughter of one Guill, a French refugee; by her also he had a very considerable fortune,
Some time after the death of his wife, he married in
1701, as his second, Jane, the widow of Mr. Francis Barkstead, and the daughter of one Guill, a French refugee;
by her also he had a very considerable fortune, which he
devoted to the purposes of liberality. Of his political sentiments, we Jearn only, that he was an enemy to the bill
against occasional conformity, and a staunch friend to the
union with Scotland. When on a visit to that country in
1709, he received a diploma for the degree of D. D. from
the university of Edinburgh, and another from Glasgow,
Qne of his biographers gives us the following account of
his conduct on this occasion. “He was so far from seeking or expecting thjs honour, that he was greatly displeased
with the occasion of it, and with great modesty he entreated Mr. Carstairs, the principal of the college at Edinburgh, to prevent it. But the dispatch was made before
that desire of his could reach them. I have often heard
Jiim express his dislike of the thing itself, and much more
his distaste at the pfficious vanity of some who thought
they had much obliged him when they moved for the procuring it; and this, not that he despised the honour of
being a graduate in form in that profession in which he
was now a truly reverend father; nor in the least, that he
refused to receive any favours from the ministers of the
church gf Scotland, for whom he preserved a very great
esteem, and on many occasions gave signal testimonies of
his respect; but he thought it savoured of an extraordinary
franity? that the English presbyterians should accept a
nominal distinction, which the ministers of the church of
Scotland declined for themselves, and did so lest it should
break in upon that parity which they so severely maintained;
which parity among the ministers of the gospel, the presbyterians in England acknowledged also to be agreeable to
that scripture rule, ‘ Whosoever will be greatest among
you let him be as the younger,’ Luke xxii. 26 and Matt,
xxiii. 8, `Be ye not called Rabbi,' of which text a learned
writer says, it should have been translated, `Be ye not
called doctors’ and the Jewish writers and expositors of
their law, are by some authors styled Jewish Rabbins, by
others, and that more frequently, doctors, &c. &c.
” Our
readers need scarcely be told that this is another point on
which Dr. Williams differs much from his successors, who
are as ambitious of the honour of being called doctor, as
he was to avoid it.