, a physician, a native of Scotland, but many years settled at Bath, was afterwards
, a physician, a native of
Scotland, but many years settled at Bath, was afterwards
physician to the commander in chief, and the colonial
troops, of the island of Antigua, and subsequently of the
Leeward islands, and also one of the judges of the court
of King’s Bench and Common pleas in Antigua. His abilities as a physician have never been questioned, and his
private character is said to have been in some respects
amiable; but he possessed an irritability of temper, joined,
as it generally is, with extraordinary self-conceit, which
occasioned his being constantly engaged in disputes, and
often with men, such as Philip Thicknesse, equally
rulous and turbulent. Towards the end of his life, his
writings partook much of his temper, and although read
with some degree of pity, were soon thrown aside. Some
account of one of his last quarrels may be seen in the dedication, to the first volume of Thicknesse' s Memoirs. He
died at a very advanced age, April 24, 1802, at Harrowgate in Yorkshire. His first publications were on Regimen
and the Materia Medica, in vol. VIII and IX of Duncan’s
Medical Commentaries: 2. “Medical Cautions for the consideration of Invalids, those especially who resort to Bath,
8vo, A
philosophical and medical sketch of the Natural History of
the Human Body and Mind,
” 8vo, Unanswerable objections against the Abolition of the Slave-Trade,
8vo, Essays on Fashionable Diseases,
8vo, An essay on a Non-descript, or newlyinvented Disease,
” 8vo, A candid inquiry
into the truth of certain charges of the dangerous consequences of the Suttonian or Cooling regimen, under Inoculation for the Small Pox,
” 8-vo, 1790. 8. “Anecdotes
of the Life, Adventures, and Vindication of a Medical
Character, metaphorically defunct, by Benjamin Goosequill and Peter Paragraph,
” 8vo, Two Sermons; the first addressed to British seamen,
the second to the British West India slaves,
” 8vo,
, a native of Scotland, was brother to the rev. James Anderson,
, a native of Scotland, was brother
to the rev. James Anderson, D.D. editor of the “Royal
” and of “The Constitutions of the Free Masons,
” to whom he was chaplain. He was likewise many
years minister of the Scotch Presbyterian church in Swallowstreet, Piccadilly, and well known among the people of
that persuasion resident in London by the name of bishop
Anderson, a learned but imprudent man, who lost a considerable part of his property in the fatal year 1720. His
brother Adam, the subject of this article, was for 40 years
a. clerk in the South Sea house, and at length was appointed chief clerk of the stock and new annuities, which
office he retained till his death. He was appointed one of
the trustees for establishing the colony of Georgia in
America, by charter dated June 9, 5 Geo. II. He was also
one of the court of assistants of the Scots’ corporation in
London. He published his “Historical and Chronological
deduction of Trade and Commerce,
” a work replete with
useful information, in
, D. D. a native of Scotland, for fifty years minister of Chirnside, where
, D. D. a native of Scotland,
for fifty years minister of Chirnside, where he died at
a very advanced age, July 1800, deserves some notice
in this work as the author of the History of France, which
was published in 1769, under the title of “The History
of France during the reigns of Francis II. and Charles IX.
To which is prefixed, a Review of the General History
of the Monarchy, from its origin to that period,
” 2 vols.
4to. The success of these volumes was very indifferent;
yet in 1775, the author published “The History of
France, from the commencement of the reign of Henry
III. and the rise of the Catholic league to the peace of
Vervins, and the establishment of the famous edict of
Nantes, in the reign of Henry IV.
” 1 vol. 4to. In 1783,
he published two more volumes, containing his history
“From the commencement of the reign of Lewis XIII. to
the general peace of Munster.
” The reception of this
was equally discouraging with that of the former works.
Dr. Anderson displays none of the essential qualities of
historic writing, no research into the secret springs of
action, no discrimination of character, and no industry in
accumulating and examining authorities. Even as a compiler, he is guided only by one set of materials which he
found in the French writers, and may therefore be consulted by the English reader, as a collector of their opinions, while he is highly censurable in not having recourse
to original papers and documents respecting the affairs
occasionally introduced pertaining to his own country.
His style is uniformly tame and defaced by colloquial barbarisms.
ttus, a learned Jesuit, who taught him Greek; and he was taught Hebrew at the same time by John Hay, a native of Scotland, and likewise one of the society of Jesuits.
, a biographer, to whom works of this description are highly indebted, was born Nov. 25, 15.88, at Desschel, a small town in Brabant, from which he has been sometimes called Desselius. He studied polite literature, first in his own country, under Valerius Hontius, a very able teacher, and afterwards for three years at Antwerp, under Andreas Schottus, a learned Jesuit, who taught him Greek; and he was taught Hebrew at the same time by John Hay, a native of Scotland, and likewise one of the society of Jesuits. After having attended a course of philosophy at Douay, he was appointed Hebrew professor at Louvain in 1612. In 1621 he was created LL. D. In 1628 he was appointed regius professor of civil law, and, in 1638, keeper of the newly-founded university library. His life appears to have been principally devoted to the composition of his numerous works, and the care of the press in publishing other works of celebrity. He died at Louvain, 1656, leaving behind him the character of a man of amiable manners and extensive learning.
, M. D. a physician of the fifteenth century, was a native of Scotland, and after being educated in his native country,
, M. D. a physician
of the fifteenth century, was a native of Scotland, and
after being educated in his native country, went to Italy,
where he studied medicine with such reputation as to
be made rector, and afterwards professor of medicine
in the university of Bologne, about the year 1484. In his
theory, he adopted the Galenic system in preference to
the empiric, and wrote “Apologia pro Galeni doctrina
contra Empiricos,” Lyons, 1552, 8vo. Dempster says
that he returned to Scotland before his death, the date of
which is not mentioned. Mackenzie thinks he also wrote
a book published in 1600, 8vo, “De Quantitate Syllabarum Græcarum, et de Dialectis.
, a native of Scotland in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries,
, a native of Scotland in the thirteenth
and fourteenth centuries, applied in youth to the study
of polite literature and philosophy, after which he studied
divinity at Oxford, under Duns Scotus, with whom he
went to Paris, in 1304. After continuing his studies for
some time at that university, he entered into the order of
the Minorites, in 1313. Being sent by the general of the
order to Rheims, he studied medicine, and taught there
for seven or eight years, with much credit, upon “the
Master of the Sentences.
” In Commentaria seu Lecturas in
quatuor Libros Sententiarum,
” Paris, Doctor
” in allusion to his method and perspicuity. In the same volume are “Miscellanea Philosophica
et Medica.
, more generally known by his Latin name of Gulielmus Belendenus, a native of Scotland, was born in the sixteenth century. We find
, more generally known by his
Latin name of Gulielmus Belendenus, a native of Scotland, was born in the sixteenth century. We find him
mentioned by Dempster as humanity professor atParis, in
1602. He is reported by the Scots to have possessed an
eminent degree of favour with James VI. to whom he was
master of requests, and “Magister Supplicum Libellortim,
or reader of private petitions, which, it is conceived, must
have been only a nominal office, as his more constant residence was in France. By the munificence of that monarch, Bellenden was enabled to enjoy at Paris all the conveniences of retirement. While he continued thus free
from other cares, he suffered not his abilities to languish;
but employed his time in the cultivation of useful literature. His first work, entitled “Ciceronis princeps,
” was
printed at Paris in Tractatus de processu et
scriptoribus rei politicae.
” “Ciceronis Consul
” was the
next publication of Bellenden. It appeared also at Paris
in 1612, and both were inscribed to Henry prince of
Wales. In 1616 was published a second edition, to which
was added “Liber de statu prisci orbis,
” with a dedication to prince Charles, the surviving brother of Henry.
While Bellenden was occupied in the composition of these
three treatises, he was so much attracted by the admiration of Cicero, that he projected a larger work, “De Tribus Luminibus Romanorum,
” and what he had already
written concerning Cicero he disposed in a new order.
Death, however, interrupted his pursuit, before he could
collect and arrange the materials which related to Seneca
and Pliny, but of the time of his death we have no account.
The treatises of Bellenden which remain, have been esteemed as highly valuable, and worthy the attention of the
learned. They were extremely scarce, but had been much
admired by all who could gain access to them. At length
they were rescued from their obscure confinement in the
cabinets of the curious, by a new edition which appeared
at London in 1787, in a form of typography and an accuracy of printing which so excellent an author may jusily
be said to merit. It was accompanied with an eloquent
Latin preface in honour of three modern statesmen. Dr.
Samuel Parr, the author of the preface, and to whom literature is indebted for the restoration of such a treasure, has
charged Middleton with having meanly withheld his acknowledgments, after having embellished the life of Cicero
by extracting many useful and valuable materials from the
works of Bellenden. This, if we mistake not, had been
before pointed out by Dr. Warton in the second volume of
his “Essay on Pope.
s of a seal of an ordinary size, he found it a matter of great difficulty to get it executed. Though a native of Scotland himself, the duke never expected to find
Besides the heads above named, he also executed some
full length figures both of men and other animals, in a
style of superior elegance. But that attention to the interests of a numerous family, which a man of sound principles, as Mr. Berry was, could never allow him to lose
sight of, made him forego these amusing exertions, for the
more lucrative, though less pleasing employment, of cutting heraldic seals, which may be said to have been his
constant employment from morning to night, for forty
years together, with an assiduity that has few examples in
modern times. In this department, he was without dispute
the first artist of his time but even here, that modesty
which was so peculiarly his own, and that invariable desire
to give full perfection to every thing he put out of his
hands, prevented him from drawing such emoluments from
his labours as they deserved. Of this the following anecdote will serve as an illustration, and as an additional testimony of his very great skill. A certain noble duke, when
he succeeded to his estate, was desirous of having a seal
cut with his arms, &.c. properly blazoned upon it. But as
there were no less than thirty-two compartments in the
shield, which was of necessity confined to a very small
space, so as to leave room for the supporters, and other
ornaments, within the compass of a seal of an ordinary size,
he found it a matter of great difficulty to get it executed.
Though a native of Scotland himself, the duke never expected to find a man of the first-rate eminence in Edinburgh but applied to the most eminent seal-engravers in
London and Paris, all of whom declined it as a thing beyond their power. At this time Berry, of whom he had
scarcely heard, was mentioned to him in such a manner
that he went to him, accompanied by a friend, and found
him, as usual, sitting at his wheel. Without introducing
the duke, the gentleman showed Berry an impression of a
seal that the duchess dowager had got cut a good many
years before by a Jew in London, who was dead before the
duke thought of his seal, and which had been shewn to the
others as a pattern, asking him if he would ciu a seal the
same with that. After examining it a little, Mr. Berry
answered readily that he would. The duke, pleased and
astonished at the same time, cried out, “Will you, indeed
” Mr. Berry, who thought this implied some sort of
doubt of his abilities, was a little piqued at it; and turning
round to the duke, whom he had never seen before, nor
knew; “Yes (said he,) sir; if I do not make a better seal
than this, I shall take no payment for it.
” The dukej
highly pleased, left the pattern with Mr. Berry, and went
away. The pattern seal contained, indeed, the various
devices on the thirty-two compartments, distinctlyenough
to be seen, but none of the colours were expressed. Mr.
Berry, in a proper time, finished the seal; on which the
figures were not only done with superior elegance, but the
colours on every part so distinctly marked, that a painter
could delineate the whole, or a herald blazon it, with the
most perfect accuracy. For this extraordinary exertion of
talents, he charged no more than thirty- two guineas, though
the pattern seal had cost seventy-five. Thus it was, that,
notwithstanding he possessed talents of the most superior
kind, and assiduity almost unequalled, observing at all
times a strict economy in his family, Mr. Berry died at
last, in circumstances that were not affluent, on the 3d of
June, 1783, in the 53d year of his age, leaving a numerous
family of children. Besides his eminence as an artist, he
was distinguished by the integrity of his moral character,
and the strict principles of honour which on all occasions
influenced his conduct.
, a person of a very celebrated, but dubious character, was a native of Scotland, born on the 17th of January 1686 at or near
, a person of a very celebrated, but dubious character, was a native of Scotland, born on the 17th of January 1686 at or near Dundee, of an ancient family, by his own account, which had been for several hundred years possessed of an estate in the county of Angus in Scotland. In September 1702, at the age of sixteen, he was sent to the Scots college of Douay, where he studied until the year 1706, to the end of his tirst year of philosophy. From thence he was removed to Rome, and on the 9th day of December 1706, was admitted into the order of Jesus. After a noviciate of two years, he went, in the year 1712, to Fano, where he taught humanities during the space of two years. He then removed to Fermo, and resided there three years, until the year 1717, when he was recalled to Rome to study divinity in the Roman college. There he remained until the year 1721, when he was sent to the college of Arezzo, where he staid until the year 1723, and became reader of philosophy, and consultor to the rector of the college. He then was sent to Florence, where he remained but a short time, being in the same year removed to Macerata, at which place he continued until the year 1726. Between the two latter periods it seems probable that he made his last vows, his own account fixing that event in the month of March 1722, at Florence; though, as he certainly was that year at Arezzo, it is most likely to have been a year later.
accomplishments, was born in London, August 16, 1679, the daughter of captain David Trotter, who was a native of Scotland, and a commander in the royal navy, in the
, a lady much distinguished by her literary accomplishments, was born in London, August 16, 1679, the daughter of captain David Trotter, who was a native of Scotland, and a commander in the royal navy, in the reign of king Charles the Second. Her mother was Mrs. Sarah Ballenden, nearly related to the noble lord of that name, and to the illustrious families of Maitland, duke of Lauderdale, and Drumrnond, earl of Perth. She had the misfortune to lose her father when very young; an event which also reduced her mother to narrow circumstances. In her childhood, she surprised a company of her relations and friends with some extemporary verses, on an incident which had happened in the street, and which excited her attention. By her own application and diligence, without any instructor, she learned to write, and also made herself mistress of the French language; but had some assistance in the study of the Latin grammar and logic; and of the latter she drew up an abstract for her own use. She was educated in the protestant religion, but having an early intimacy with several Roman catholic families of distinction, she was led, when very young, to embrace the Romish communion, and continued in it for some years.
, a learned mathematician, was a native of Scotland, in the seventeenth century, and well known
, a learned mathematician, was a native
of Scotland, in the seventeenth century, and well known
for many papers recorded in the Philosophical
Transactions, and in the Acta Eruditorum. He had a controversy
with Bernouilli, in which Leibnitz took the part of Craig.
He made his name, however, famous chiefly by a pamphlet of 36 pages, 4to, entitled “Theologise Christianae
prinfcipia mathematica,
” printed at London in
, a very eminent statesman, and secretary of state in the reign of queen Elizabeth, was, if not a native of Scotland, at least descended from those who were,
, a very eminent statesman, and
secretary of state in the reign of queen Elizabeth, was, if not
a native of Scotland, at least descended from those who were,
as himself professed to sir James Mel vile. At what time he
came into the court of queen Elizabeth, or in what state, is
uncertain. It is most probable, that his parts and learning, together with that extraordinary diligence and wonderful address for which he was always distinguished, recommended
him to Mr. Killigrew, afterwards sir Henry Kiiligrew, with
whom he went in quality of secretary, at the time he was sent
into Scotland, to compliment queen Mary upon the birth of
her son. This was in 1566, and there is a good reason to believe that he remained from that time about the court, and was
employed in several affairs of great consequence. In 1575,
when the states of Brabant and Flanders assumed to themselves the administration of all affairs till his catholic majesty should appoint a new governor of the Low Countries,
Mr. Davison was sent over with a public character from
the queen to those states, under the plausible pretence of
exhorting them to continue in their obedience to his catholic majesty; but, in reality, to see how things actually
stood in that part of the world, that her majesty might be
the better able to know how to proceed in respect to the
several applications made to her from the prince of Orange,
and the people of Holland. He executed this commission
very successfully, and therefore the queen sent him over
as her minister, to pacify the troubles that had arisen at
Ghent; and when his presence was no longer necessary
there, he was commissioned on her behalf to the States of
Holland, in 1579. His conduct there gave equal satisfaction to the queen his mistress, and to those with whom he
negotiated. He gave them great hopes of the queen’s assistance and support, and when a sum of money was desired, as absolutely necessary towards providing for their
defence, he very readily undertook to procure it upon
reasonable security; in consequence of which, a very considerable sum was sent from England, for which all the
valuable jewels and fine plate that had been pledged by
Matthias of Austria to the States of Holland, and which
were the remains of the magnificence of the house of Burgundy, were transported to England. These journies,
and the success attending them, gave Mr. Davison great
reputation at court, insomuch, that in all matters of a nice
and difficult nature, Davison was some way or other continually employed. Thus in 1583, when matters wore a
serious aspect in Scotland, he was sent thither as the
queen’s ambassador, in order to counteract the French
ministers, and to engage the king of Scots and the people,
both to slight the offers made them from that country, and
to depend wholly upon assistance from England. Affairs
in the Low Countries coming at last to a crisis, and the
states resolving to depend upon queen Elizabeth, in the
bold design they had formed of defending their freedom
by force of arms, and rendering themselves independent,
Mr. Davison, at this time clerk of the privy council, was
chosen to manage this delicate business, and to conclude
with them that alliance which was to be the basis of their
future undertakings. In this, which, without question,
was one of the most perplexed transactions in that whole
reign, he conducted things with such a happy dexterity,
as to merit the strongest acknowledgments on the part of
the States, at the same time that he rendered the highest
service to the queen his mistress, and obtained ample security for those expences which that princess thought
necessary in order to keep danger at a distance, and to encourage the flames of war in the dominions of her enemy,
whom at that juncture she knew to be meditating how he
might transfer them into her own. Upon the return of
Mr. Davison into England, after the conclusion of this
treaty, he was declared of the privy-council, and appointed
one of her majesty’s principal secretaries of state, in conjunction with sir Francis Walsingham; so that, at this
time, these offices may be affirmed to have been as well
filled as in any period that can be assigned in our history,
and yet by persons of very different, or rather opposite
dispositions; for Walsingham was a man of great art and
intrigue, one who was not displeased that he was thought
such a person, and whose capacity was still deeper than
'those who understood it best apprehended it to be. Davison, on the other hand, had a just reputation for wisdom
and probity; and, though he had been concerned in many
intricate affairs, yet he preserved a character so unspotted,
that, to the time he came into this office, he had done nothing that could draw upon him the least imputation. It
is an opinion countenanced by Camden, and which has
met with general acceptance, that he was raised in order
to be ruined, and that, when he was made secretary of
state, there was a view of obliging him to go out of his
depth in that matter, which brought upon him all his misfortunes. This conjecture is very plausible, and yet there
is good reason to doubt whether it is well founded. Mr.
Davison had attached himself, during the progress of his fortunes, to the potent earl of Leicester; and it was chiefly to
his favour and interest that he stood indebted for this high
employment, in which, if he was deceived by another great
statesman, it could not be said that he was raised and
ruined by the same hands. But there is nothing more probable than that the bringing about such an event by an
instrument which his rival had raised, and then removing
him, and rendering his parts useless to those who had
raised him, gave a double satisfaction to him who managed
this design. It is an object of great curiosity to trace the
principal steps of this transaction, which was, without
doubt, one of the finest strokes of political management in
that whole reign. When the resolution was taken, in the
beginning of October 1586, to bring the queen of Scots?
to a trial, and a commission was issued for that purpose,
secretary Davison’s name was inserted in that commission;
but it does not appear that he was present when that commission was opened at Fotheringay castle, on the llth of
October, or that he ever assisted there at all. Indeed,
the management of that transaction was very wisely left in
the hands of those who with so much address had conducted the antecedent business for the conviction of Anthony Babington, and his accomplices, upon the truth and
justice of which, the proceedings against the queen of
Scots entirely depended. On the 25th of October the
sentence was declared in the star-chamber, things proceeding still in the same channel, and nothing particularly
done by secretary Davison. On the 29th of the same
month the parliament met, in which Serjeant Puckering
was speaker of the house of commons; and, upon an application from both houses, queen Elizabeth caused the
sentence to be published, which, soon after, was notified
to the queen of Scots; yet hitherto all was transacted by
the other secretary, who was considered by the nation in
general as the person who had led this prosecution from
beginning to end. The true meaning of this long and solemn proceeding was certainly to remove, as far as possible, any reflection upon queen Elizabeth; and, that it
might appear in the most conspicuous manner to the world,
that she was urged, and even constrained to take the life
of the queen of Scots, instead of seeking or desiring it.
This assertion is not founded upon conjecture, but is a
direct matter of fact; for, in her first answer to the parliament, given at Richmond the 12th of November, she
complained that the late act had brought her into a great
strait, by obliging her to give directions for that queen’s
death; and upon the second application, on the 24th of
the same month, the queen enters largely into the consequences that must naturally follow upon her taking that
step, and on the consideration of them, grounds her returning no definitive resolution, even to this second application. The delay which followed after the publication
of the sentence, gave an opportunity for the French king,
and several other princes, to interpose, but more especially
to king James, whose ambassadors, and particularly sir
Robert Melvile, pressed the queen very hard. Camden
says, that his ambassadors unseasonably mixing threatenings with intreaties, they were not very welcome; so that
after a few days the ambassadors were dismissed, with
small hopes of succeeding. But we are elsewhere told,
that, when Melvile requested a respite of execution for
eight days, she answered, “Not an hour.
” This seemed
to be a plain declaration of her majesty’s final
determination, and such in all probability it was, so that her death
being resolved, the only point that remained under debate
was, how she should die, that is, whether by the hand of
an executioner, or otherwise. In respect to this, the two
secretaries seem to have been of different sentiments. Mr.
Davison thought the forms of justice should go on, and
the end of this melancholy transaction correspond with the
rest of the proceedings. Upon this, sir Francis Walsingham pretended sickness, and did not come to court, and
by this means the whole business of drawing and bringing
the warrant to the queen to sign, fell upon Davison, who,
pursuant to the queen’s directions, went through it in the
manner that Camden has related. But it is very remarkable, that, while these judicial steps were taking, the other
method, to which the queen herself seemed to incline,
proceeded also, and secretary Walsingham, notwithstanding
his sickness, wrote the very day the warrant was signed,
which was Wednesday, February 1st, 1586-7, to sir Amiss
Pawlet and sir Drew Drury, to put them in mind of the
association, as a thing that might countenance, at least,
if not justify, this other way of removing the queen of
Scots. It is true, that Mr. Davison subscribed this letter,
and wrote another to the same persons two days after; but
it appears plainly from the anssver, that the keepers of
the queen of Scots considered the motion as coming from
Walsingharn. The warrant being delivered to the lords
of the council, they sent it down by Mr. Beale, their clerk,
a man of sour and stubborn temper, and who had always
shewn a great bitterness against the queen of Scots. The
day of his departure does not appear; but queen Mary
had notice given her on the Monday, to prepare for death
on the Wednesday, which she accordingly suffered. As
soon as queen Elizabeth was informed of it, she expressed
great resentment against her council, forbad them her presence and the court; and caused some of them to be
examined, as if she intended to call them to an account
for the share they had in this transaction. We are not
told particularly who these counsellors were, excepting the
lord treasurer Burleigh, who fell into a temporary disgrace about it, and was actually a witness against Mr. Davison. As for the earl of Leicester and secretary Walsingharn, they had prudently withdrawn themselves at the last
act of the tragedy, and took care to publish so much, by
their letters into Scotland; but secretary Davison, upon whom
it was resolved the whole weight of this business should fall,
v.-deprived of his office, and sent prisoner to the Tower, at
which nobody seerus to have been so much alarmed as the lord
treasurer, who, though himself at that time in disgrace, wrote
to the queen in strong terms, and once intended to have
written in much stronger. This application bad no effect,
for the queen having sent her kinsman Mr. Cary, son to the
lord Hunsdon, into Scotland, to excuse the matter to king
James, charged with a letter to him under her own hand, in
which she in the strongest terms possible asserted her own
innocence, there was a necessity of doing something that
Davison[?] carry an air of evidence, in support of the turn she
had now given to the death of that princess. On the 28th
of March following, Davison, after having undergone various examinations, was brought to his trial in the star
chamber, for the contempt of which he had been guilty,
in revealing the queen’s counsels to her privy counsellors,
and performing what he understood to be the duty of his
office in quality of her secretary. We have several accounts of this trial, which, in a variety of circumstances,
differ from each other. In this, however, they all agree,
that the judges, who fined him ten thousand marks, and
imprisonment during the queen’s pleasure, gave him a very
high character, and declared him to be, in their opinions,
both an able ana an honest man. One thing is very remarkable, that, in the conclusion of this business, sir Christopher Wray, chief justice of the queen’s bench, told the
court, that though the queen had been offended with her
council, and had left them to examination, yet now she
forgave them, being satisfied that they were misled b? this
man’s suggestions. Sir James Melvile, who wrote at that
time, and who seems to have had some prejudice against
Davison, said very candidly and fairly upon this occasion,
that he was deceived by the council. As soon as the proceeding was over, the queen, to put it out of doubt with
the king of Scots, that his mother was put to death without her privity or intention, sent him the judgment given
against Davison, subscribed by those who had given it, and
exemplified under the great seal, together with another
instrument, under the hands of all the judges of England,
that the sentence against his mother could not in the least
prejudice his title to the succession. As for Mr. Davison,
now left to a strange reward for his past services, a long
imprisonment, which reduced him to indigence, he comforted himself with the thoughts of his innocence; and, to
secure his memory from being blasted by that judgment
which had withered his fortune, he had long before written
an apology for his own conduct, which he addressed to
secretary Walsingham, as the man most interested in it,
and who could best testify whether what he affirmed was
truth or not. In this he gave a very clear and natural detail of the transaction which cost him all his sufferings. It
is allowed by all who have written on this subject, and
especially by Camden, that he was a very unhappy, though
at the same time a very capable and honest man. As
such we have seen him recommended to queen Elizabeth
by the treasurer Burleigh, and as such he was strongly
recommended by the earl of Essex to king James I. It
seems, that noble person stuck fast by him under his misfortunes, which plainly shews the party to which he had
always adhered. That lord lost no opportunity of soliciting
the queen in his favour, and never let slip any occasion of
testifying for him the warmest and thesincerest affection. At
length, it seems he was not altogether unsuccessful; for
though, upon the death of secretary Walsingham, the
queen absolutely rejected his motion, that Mr. Davison
should come into his place, yet, afterwards, it seems that
she yielded in some degree, as plainly appears by the earl’s
letter to king James. That we are under an incapacity of
tracing him farther, is owing to the profound silence of the
writers of those times.
n written by bishop Duppa but, as Wood justly observes, that could not be, because it was written by a native of Scotland.
By his will he bequeathed several sums of money to
charitable uses; particularly lands in Pembridge, in Herefordshire, which cost 250l. settled upon an alms-house
there begun by his father; 500l. to be paid to the bishop
of Sarum, to be bestowed upon an organ in that church,
or such other use as the bishop shall think fittest; 500l. to
the dean and chapter of Christ-church, in Oxford, towards
the new buildings; 200l. to be bestowed on the cathedral
church of Chichester, as the bishop and dean and chapter
shall think fit; 200l. to the cathedral church at Winchester; 40l. to the poor of Lewisham, in Kent, where
he was born; 40l. to the poor of Greenwich; 20l. to the
poor of Westham, in Sussex, and 20l. more to provide
communion-plate in that parish, if they want it, otherwise
that 20l. also to the poor; 20l. to the poor of Witham, in
Sussex; 10l. per annum for ten years to William Watts,
to encourage him to continue in his studies; 50l. a-piece
to ten widows of clergyman; 50l. a-piece to ten loyal officers not yet provided for; 200l. to All-souls’ college, in
Oxford; 300l. to the repair of St. Paul’s cathedral; and
above 3000l. in several sums to private friends and servants! so that the character given of him by Burnet, who
represents him as not having made that use of his wealth
that was expected, is not just. He wrote and published a
few pieces: as, 1. “The soul’s soliloquies, and conference
with conscience;
” a sermon before Charles I. at Newport, in the Isle of Wight, on Oct. 25, being the monthly
fast, 1648, 4to. 2. “Angels rejoicing for Sinners repenting;
” a sermon on Luke xv. 10, 1648, 4to. 3. “A
guide for the penitent, or, a model drawn up for the
help of a devout soul wounded with sin,
” Holy rules and helps to devotion, both in prayer and
practice, in two parts,
, a divine of the church of England, but a native of Scotland, was educated and probably born at Edinburgh,
, a divine of the church of England, but a native of Scotland, was educated and probably
born at Edinburgh, where he took the degree of M. A.
and was in July 1671 incorporated in the same at Oxford,
being one of the first four natives of Scotland, who partook
of bishop Warner’s exhibitions intended for Balliol college.
Some demur occurring on the part of the college, these
scholars were first placed in Gloucester-hall (now
Worcester college), but, in 1672, they were removed to Balliol. In 1678 Mr. Geddes went to Lisbon, as chaplain to
the English factory the exercise of which function giving
offence to the inquisition, he was sent for by that court in
1686, and notwithstanding he pleaded a privilege which
had never been called in question, founded on the treaty
between England and Portugal, he was forbid to continue
his ecclesiastical duties. The English merchants resenting
this violation of their privilege, wrote immediately to the
bishop of London, representing their case, and their right
to a chaplain; but before their letter reached his lordship,
he was suspended by the ecclesiastical commission ordered
by king James, who was now endeavouring to establish
popery at home. They were deprived therefore of all
exercise of their religion till the arrival of Mr. Scarborough,
the English envoy, under whose character as a public minister they were obliged to shelter themselves. Mr. Geddes finding matters in this situation, thought proper to return to England in May 1688, where he took the degree
of LL. D. and after the promotion of Dr. Burnet to the
bishopric of Salisbury, who speaks very respectfully of
him in his “History of the Reformation,
” was promoted
by him to be chancellor of his church. He died before
1714, but at what time we have not been able- to discover.
During his residence at Lisbon, he had collected materials of the historical kind from scarce books and Mss. in
the Spanish and Portuguese language^ which he translated and published in various forms after his return to
England. Among these publications are: 1. “The Church
History of Malabar,
” Lond. ibid. 1696, 8vo. 3.
” The Council of Trent plainly discovered not to have been a
free assembly,“ibid. 1697 and 1714, 8vo. 4.
” Miscellaneous Tracts,“of civil and ecclesiastical history, ibid.
1702—5, 8vo, extended afterwards to S vols. 1714, and 1730.
” Several Tracts against Popery," ibid. 1715, 8vo.
, a native of Scotland, was an excellent draughtsman, and a good
, a native of Scotland, was an
excellent draughtsman, and a good Grecian, who resided
many years in Italy, visited most parts of that country, and
had also travelled into France, Germany, &c. In 1736
he was appointed secretary to the society for the encouragement of learning, with an annual salary of 50l. which
he resigned in 1739. In the same year (1736) he succeeded Dr. Stukeley as secretary to the society of antiquaries, which office he resigned in 1741 to Mr. Joseph
Ames, and was for a short time secretary to the Egyptian
club, composed of gentlemen who had visited Egypt, viz.
lord Sandwich, Dr. Shaw, Dr. Pococke, &c. In 1741 he
went to Carolina with governor Glen, where, besides a
grant of land, he had several offices, such as register of
the province, &c. and died about 1750, a justice of the
peace, leaving a handsome estate to his family. He published, 1. “Itinerarium Septentrionale, or a Journey
through most parts of the counties of Scotland, in two
parts, with 66 copper-plates, 1726,
” folio. 2. “Additions and Corrections, by way of supplement, to the Itinerarium Septentrionale; containing several dissertations on,
and descriptions of, Roman antiquities, discovered in Scotland since publishing the said Itinerary. Together with
observations on other ancient monuments found in the
North of England, never before published, 1732,
” folio.
A Latin edition of the “Itinerarium,
” including the Supplement, was printed in Holland, in 1731. 3. “The Lives
of pope Alexander VI. and his son Caesar Borgia, comprehending the wars in the reign of Charles VIII. and Lewis
XII. kings of France; and the chief transactions and revolutions in Italy, from 1492 to 1516. With an appendix of
original pieces referred to in the work, 1729,
” folio. 4.
“A complete History of the ancient Amphitheatres, more
particularly regarding the Architecture of these buildings,
and in particular that of Verona, by the marquis Scipio
Maffei; translated from the Italian, 1730,
” 8vo, afterwards enlarged in a second edition. 5. “An Essay towards explaining the Hieroglyphical Figures on the Coffin of the ancient Mummy belonging to capt. William
Lethieullier, 1737,
” folio, with cuts. 6. “Twenty-five
plates of all the Egyptian Mummies, and other Egyptian
Antiquities in England,
” about
, a native of Scotland, and onc distinguished by his party writings
, a native of Scotland, and onc
distinguished by his party writings on political and religious
subjects, was born at Kircudbright in Galloway, about th
fend of the seventeenth century. He had an university
education, and went through the common course of aca*
demical studies; but whether at Aberdeen or St. Andrew’s
is uncertain. When a young man he came to London,
and at first supported himself by teaching the languages,
but afterwards commenced party writer, and was employed
by the earl of Oxford in queen Anne’s time; but we know
not in what capacity. He first distinguished himself in the
Bangorian controversy by two pamphlets in defence of
Hoadly, which recommended him to Mr. Tjrenchard, an
author of the same stamp, who took him into his house, at
first as his amanuensis, and afterwards into partnership, as
an author. In 1720, they began to publish, in conjunction, a series of letters, under the name of “Cato,
” upon
various and important subjects relating to the public.
About the same time they published another periodical
paper, under the title of “The Independent Whig,
” which
was continued some years after Trenchard’s death by Gordon alone. The same spirit which appears, with more
decent language, in Cato’s letters against the administration in the state, shews itself in this work in much more
glaring colours against the hierarchy in the church. It is,
in truth, a gross and indecent libel on the established religion, which, however, Gordon was admirably qualified
to write, as he had no religion of his own to check his intemperate sallies. After Trenchard’s death, the minister,
sir Robert Walpole, knowing his popular talents, took him
into pay to defend his measures, for which end he wrote
several pamphlets. At the time of his death, July 28, 1750,
he was first commissioner of the wine-licences, an office which he had enjoyed many years, and which diminished his patriotism surprisingly. He was twice married. His second wife was the widow of his friend Trenchard by whom he had children, and who survived him.
Two collections of his tracts have been preserved the
first entitled, “A Cordial for Low-spirits,
” in three volumes;
and the second, “The Pillars of Priestcraft and
Orthodoxy shaken,
” in two volumes. But these, like many other
posthumous pieces, had better have been suppressed. His
translations of Sallust and Tacitus, now, perhaps, contribute more to preserve his name, although without conferring much reputation on it. His Tacitus appeared in 2
vols. fol. in 1728, with discourses taken from foreign commentators and translators of that historian. Sir Robert
Walpole patronised a subscription for the work, which
was very successful; but no classic was perhaps ever so
miserably mangled. His style is extremely vulgar, yet
affected, and abounds with abrupt and inharmonious periods, totally destitute of any resemblance to the original,
while the translator fancied he was giving a correct imitation.
ears to have lived single until the age of forty, when she became the wife of one Bartholomew Keilo, a native of Scotland, by whom she had a son, Samuel Kello, who
, a lady celebrated for her skill in
calligraphy, in queen Elizabeth’s and king James’s time,
appears to have lived single until the age of forty, when
she became the wife of one Bartholomew Keilo, a native
of Scotland, by whom she had a son, Samuel Kello, who
was educated at Christ-church, Oxford, and was minister
of Speckshall in Suffolk. His son was sword-bearer of
Norwich, and died in 1709. All we know besides of her
is, that she was a correspondent of bishop Hall, when he
was dean of Worcester in 1617. Various specimens of her
delicate and beautiful writing are in our public repositories,
and some in Edinburgh-castle. In the library of Christchurch, Oxford, are the Psalrns of David, written in French
by Mrs. Inglis, who presented them in person to queen
Elizabeth, by whom they were given to the library. Two
manuscripts, written by her, were also preserved with care
in the Bodleian library: one of them is entitled “Le six
vingt et six Quatrains de Guy de Tour, sieur de Pybrac,
escrits par Esther Inglis, pour son dernier adieu, ce 21e
jour de Juin, 1617.
” The following address is, in the
second leaf, written in capital letters: “To the right
worshipful my very singular friende, Joseph Hall, doctor of
divinity, and dean of Winchester, Esther Inglis wisheth
all increase of true happiness. Junii xxi. 1617.
” In the
third leaf is pasted the head of the writer, painted upon a
card. The other manuscript is entitled “Les Proverbes de
Salomon; escrites en diverses sortes de lettres, par Esther
Anglois, en Francoise. A Lislehourge en Escosse,
” DC
l'Eternel Je biert, de moi le mal, ou rien.
” A music-book
lies open before her. Under the picture is a Latin epigram by Andrew Melvin, and on the following page a
second by the same author, in praise of Mrs. Inglis. In
the royal library, D. xvi. are “Esther Inglis’s fifty Emblems,
” finely drawn and written: “A Lislebourg en
Escosse, Panne 1624.
, a native of Scotland, who resided some time in Smyrna, and died
, a native of Scotland, who
resided some time in Smyrna, and died at an advanced age,
Jan. 26, 1760, is recorded as an antiquary of some abilities,
although we know very little of his history. He had a collection of about 200 pictures, amongst which were two
heads of himself by Keysing; he had also a very valuable
collection of Greek and Latin coins, which, with the pictures, were sold by auction in 1760. Amongst the Roman
coins were 256 of Carausius, 9 of them silver, and 89 of
Alectus; these coins of Carausius and Alectus were purchased by P. C. Webb, esq. the 256 for 70l. and thp 8$
for 16l. 10s. They were afterwards bought by Dr. Hunter,
who added to the number very considerably. Dr. Kennedy, in his “Dissertation on the Coins of Carausius,
” as-,
serted, that Oriuna was that emperor’s guardian goddess.
Dr. Stukeley, in his “Palæographia Britannica, No. III,
” 4to, affirmed she was his wife; to which Dr. Kennedy replied in “Farther Observations,
” &c. History of Carausius,
, a native of Scotland, the author of a remarkable forgery, was
, a native of Scotland, the author
of a remarkable forgery, was educated at the university of
Edinburgh, where he finished his studies with great reputation, and acquired a considerable knowledge of the
Latin tongue. He afterwards taught with success the
Latin tongue to some students who were recommended to
him by the professors. In 1734, Mr. professor Watt falling ill of that sickness of which he died, Lauder taught for
him the Latin class, in the college of Edinburgh, and
tried, without success, to be appointed professor in his
room. He failed also in his application for the office of
librarian. In Feb. 1739, he stood candidate, with eight
others, for the place of one of the masters of the high
school; but, though the palm of literature was assigned by
the judges to Lauder, the patrons of the school preferred
one of his opponents. In the same year he published at
Edinburgh an edition of “Johnston’s Psalms,
” or rather a
collection of Sacred Latin poetry, in 2 vols, but his hopes
of profit from this were disappointed. In 1742, although
he was recommended by Mr. Patrick Cuming and Mr.
Colin Maclaurin, professors of church history and mathematics, to the mastership of the grammar-school at Dundee, then vacant, we find him, the same year, in London,
contriving to ruin the reputation of Milton; an attempt
which ended in the destruction of his own. His reason for
the attack has been referred to the virulence of violent
party-spirit, which triumphed over every principle of
honour and honesty. He began first to retail part of his
design in “The Gentleman’s Magazine,
” in An Essay on Milton’s Use and Imitation
of the Moderns in his Paradise Lost,
” 8vo. The fidelity
of his quotations had been doubted by several people; and
the falsehood of them was soon after demonstrated by Dr.
Douglas, late bishop of Salisbury, in a pamphlet, entitled
“Milton vindicated from the Charge of Plagiarism brought
against him by Lauder, and Lauder himself convicted of
forgeries and gross impositions on the public. In a letter
humbly addressed to the right honourable the earl of Bath,
Johnston’s Psalms.
” This misfortune he ascribed to a couplet in Mr. Pope’s Dunciad,
book iv. ver. iii. and thence originated his rancour against
Milton. He afterwards imputed his conduct to other motives, abused the few friends who continued to countenance
him; and, finding that his own character was not to be
retrieved, quitted the kingdom, and went to Barbadoes,
where he was for some time master of the free-school in
Bridgetown, but was discharged for misconduct, and passed
the remainder of his life in universal contempt. “He
” says Mr. Nichols, “sometime about the year 1771,
as my friend Mr. Reed was informed by the gentleman
who read the funeral-service over him.
” It may be added,
that notwithstanding Lauder’s pretended regret for his attack on Milton, he returned to the charge in 1754, and
published a pamphlet entitled “The Grand Impostor detected, or Milton convicted of forgery against Charles I.
which was reviewed in the Gent. Mag. of that year, probably by Johnson.
, a physician, appears to have been a native of Scotland, where he was born in 1702, and entered upon
, a physician, appears to have
been a native of Scotland, where he was born in 1702, and
entered upon the study of medicine at Edinburgh in 172O,
whence he went to Leyden; and, after prosecuting the
same study there for some time, was admitted to his degree of M. D in 1725. He then returned to Scotland, and
practised his art at St. Andrew’s. In 1740, while about to
publish his Commentaries on Eustachius, he was r< quested
by lord Cathcart, to accompany him, as physician to the
forces under his command on the American expedition.
The difficulties of the voyage, and the change of climate,
he bore with chearfulness, but the death of that muchloved commander greatly afflicted him. Soon after he was
seized with a bilious fever, which proved fatal in 1743, in
the forty-first year of his age. His first publication was
entitled “Tractatus de similibus animalibus, et animalium
” after which appeared his “Essays Medical and
” Medical Essays,
” and to the
“Philosophical Transactions.
” We find in Dr. Thomson’s
list of the fellows of the royal society the name of George
Martini, M. D. elected in 1740, who was probably our
author. Being possessed, when a student at Edinburgh,
of the earliest edition of “Eustachius’s Tables,
” he applied himself diligently to correct and enlarge Lancisi’s explanation of those tables, and compared the descriptions of
the parts as delivered by authors with these figures, and
carefully registered what he read upon the subject. Being
at length furnished with many rich materials, he considered
of repairing, in some measure, the loss of Eustachius’s
commentaries “De dissentionibus et controversiis anatomicis,
” and was, as we have observed, about to publish his
own Commentaries, when he went abroad. It fell at length
into the hands of the first Dr. Monro of Edinburgh, who
published it in 1755, under the title of “Georgii Martinii,
M. D. in Bartholomaei Eustachii Tabulas anatomicas Coinmentaria,
” 8vo. Notwithstanding Albinus’s explanation,
Dr. Monro considers this work as indispensably necessary
to those who are in possession of Eustachius’s Tables.
, abbot of St. Victor in the twelfth century, was a native of Scotland. After such education as his country afforded,
, abbot of St. Victor in the twelfth century, was a native of Scotland. After such education as his country afforded, in polite literature, the sacred scriptures, and mathematics, which we are told were the objects of his early studies, he went, as was much the custom then, to Paris, Here the fame of Hugh, abbot of St. Victor, induced him to retire into that monastery, that he might pursue his theological studies under so great a master. At the regular periods he took the habit, was admitted into holy orders, and so much acquired the esteem of his brethren, that in 1164, upon the death of Hugh, they unanimously chose him their prior, in which station he remained until his death, March 10, 1173. During this time he composed many treatises on subjects of practical divinity, and on scripture criticism, particularly on the description of Solomon’s temple, Ezekiel’s temple, and on the apparent contradictions in the books of Kings and Chronicles, respecting the reigns of the kings of Judah and Israel. Dupin speaks rather favourably of these treatises. They were all published at Paris in 1518, and 1540, in 2 vols. folio, at Venice in 1592, at Cologne in 1621, and at Rouen in 1650, which is reckoned the best edition.
, a very learned divine, was born in Dublin, Oct. 16, 1705. His father was a native of Scotland, who carried on the linen-manufacture there;
, a very learned divine, was
born in Dublin, Oct. 16, 1705. His father was a native
of Scotland, who carried on the linen-manufacture there;
and his mother, Diana Allen, was of a very reputable family in the bishopric of Durham, and married to his father
in England. From his childhood he was of a very tender
and delicate constitution, with great weakness in his eyes
till he was twelve years of age, at which period he was
sent to school. He had his grammar-education under the
celebrated Dr. Francis Hutcheson, who then taught in
Dublin, but was afterwards professor of philosophy in the
university of Glasgow. He went from Dr. Hutcheson to
that university in 1722, where he remained till 1725, and
took the degree of M. A. He had for his tutor Mr. John
Lowdon, professor of philosophy; and attended the lectures of Mr Ross, professor of humanity; of Mr. Dunlop,
professor of Greek; of Mr. Morthland, professor of the
Oriental languages; of Mr. Simpson, professor of mathematics; and of Dr. John Simpson, professor of divinity.
In the last-mentioned year, a dispute was revived, which
had been often agitated before, between Mr. John Sterling the principal, and the students, about a right to chuse
a rector, whose office and power is somewhat like that of
the vice-chancellor of Oxford or Cambridge. Mr. Robertson took part with his fellow- students, and was appointed
by them, together with William Campbell, esq. son of
Campbell of Mamore, whose family has since succeeded
to the estates and titles of Argyle, to wait upon the principal with a petition signed by more than threescore matriculated students, praying that he would, on the 1st day
of March, according to the statutes, summon an university-meeting for the election of a rector; which petition
he rejected with contempt. On this Mr. Campbell, in his
own name and in the name of all the petitioners, protested
against the principal’s refusal, and all the petitioners went
to the house of Hugh Montgomery, esq. the unlawful rector, where Mr. Robertson read aloud the protest against
him and his- authority. Mr. Robertson, by these proceedings, became the immediate and indeed the only object of
prosecution. He was cited before the faculty, i. e. the
principal and the professors of the university, of wbotn the
principal was sure of a majority, and, after a trial which
lasted several clays, had the sentence of expulsion pronounced against him; of which sentence he demanded a
copy, and was so fully persuaded of the justice of his
cause, and the propriety of his proceedings, that he
openly and strenuously acknowledged and adhered to what
he had done. Upon this, Mr. Lowdon, his tutor, and Mr.
Dunlop, professor of Greek, wrote letters to Mr. Robertson’s father, acquainting him of what had happened, and
assuring him that his son had been expelled, not for any
crime or immorality, but for appearing very zealous in a
dispute about a matter of right between the principal and
the students. These letters Mr. Robertson sent inclosed
hi 'one from himself, relating his proceedings and suffer! ngs
in the cause of what he thought justice and right. Upon
this his father desired him to take every step he might
think proper, to assert and maintain his own and his fellowstudents claims; and accordingly Mr. Robertson went up to
London, and presented a memorial to John duke of Argyle,
containing the claims of the students of the university of
Glasgow, their proceedings in the vindication of them,
and his own particular sufferings in the cause. The duke
received him very graciously, but said, that “he was little
acquainted with things of this sort;
” and advised him “to
apply to his brother Archibald earl of Hay, who was better
versed in such matters than he.
” He then waited on lord
Hay, who, upon reading the representation of the case,
said “he would consider of it.
” And, upon consideration
of it, he was so affected, that he applied to the king for a
commission to visit the university of Glasgow, with full
power to examine into and rectify all abuses therein. In
the summer of 1726, the earl of Hay with the other visitors
repaired to Glasgow, and, upon a full examination into
the several injuries and abuses complained of, they restored to the students the right of electing their rector;
recovered the right of the university to send two gentlemen, upon plentiful exhibitions, to Baliol college in Oxford; took off the expulsion of Mr. Robertson, and ordered
that particularly to be recorded in the proceedings of the
commission; annulled the election uf the rector who had
been named by the principal; and assembled the students,
who immediately chose the master of Ross, son of lord
Ross, to be their rector, &c. These things so affected Mr*
Sterling, that he died soon after; but the university revived, and has since continued in a most flourishing condition.
ry amiable man, was born June 20, 1767, at Chiswick in Middlesex, where his father Dr. William Rose, a native of Scotland, conducted an academy during many years,
, a learned barrister, and a very amiable man, was born June 20, 1767, at Chiswick in Middlesex, where his father Dr. William Rose, a native of Scotland, conducted an academy during many years, with considerable emolument and unblemished reputation. Dr. Rose was known in the literary world as one of the earliest writers in the Monthly Review, and as the author of a very elegant translation of Sallust. He had originally been an assistant to Dr. Doddridge at Northampton, and married a daughter of Dr. Samuel Clark, of St. Alban’s, a divine of talents and eminence among the dissenters. She bore him many children; but Samuel was his only surviving son, and after a successful education under his father, was sent in 1784 to the university of Glasgow. There he resided in the house of the late professor Richardson, a philosopher and poet, between whom and his pupil, a friendship and correspondence commenced which terminated only with the life of the latter. Mr. Rose also gained the esteem of several other learned men in Scotland, with whom he afterwards maintained a correspondence. Nor was this wonderful, for his manners were uncommonly amiable and attractive, and his studies amply justified the respect paid to him. He gained every prize, except one, for which he. contended as a student of the university.
, an English writer, whose history may not be unuseful, was a native of Scotland, and born in, or near, Breadalbane, about
, an English writer, whose history
may not be unuseful, was a native of Scotland, and born in,
or near, Breadalbane, about 1727. He was by business a
comb-maker; but not being successful in trade, and having some talents, some education, and a good memory, he
commenced a hackney writer, and in that capacity produced some works which have been relished by the lower
class of readers. When he came to London is uncertain;
but, having travelled over most of the northern parts of
these kingdoms, he compiled, from his own survey and the
information of books, an itinerary, entitled “The Complete English Traveller,
” folio. It was published in numbers, with the fictitious name of Spencer, professedly on
the plan of Fuller’s Worthies, with biographical notices of
the most eminent men of each county. As the dealers in
this kind of publications thought it too good a thing to be
lost, it has been republished, depriving Mr. Spencer of his
rights, and giving them to three fictitious gentlemen, Mr.
Burlington for England, Mr. Murray for Scotland, and
Mr. Llewellyn for Wales. He also compiled, about 1764,
a work in 5 or 6 vols. 8vo, with cuts, entitled “The Newgate Calendar, or Memoirs of those unfortunate culprits
who fall a sacrifice to the injured laws of their country, and
thereby make their exit at Tyburn.
” He was some time
engaged with lord Lyttelton, in assisting his lordship to
compile his “History of Henry II.;
” and Dr. Johnson, in
his life of that poetical nobleman, introduces this circumstance in no very honourable manner. “When time,
” says
he, “brought the history to a third edition, Reid (the former corrector) was either dead or discharged; and the superintendence of typography and punctuation was committed to a man originally a conjb-maker, but then known
by the style of Doctor Sanders. Something uncommon was
probably expected, and something uncommon was at last
done; for to the doctor’s edition is appended, what the
world had hardly seen before, a list of errors of nineteen
pages. 7 ' His most considerable work was his
” Gaffer
Greybeard,“an illiberal piece, in 4 vols. 12mo, in which
the characters of the most eminent dissenting divines, his
contemporaries, are very freely handled. He had, perhaps
suffered either by the contempt or the reproof of some of
that persuasion, and therefore endeavoured to revenge
himself on the whole, ridiculing, in particular, Dr. Gill
under the name of Dr. Half-pint, and Dr. Gibbons under
that of Dr. Hymn-maker. He was also the author of the
notes to a Bible published weekly under the name of the
rev. Henry Southwell: for this he received about twentyfive or twenty-six shillings per week, while Dr. Southwell,
the pseudo-commentator, received one hundred guineas
for the use of his name, he having no other recommendation to the public, by which he might merit a posthumous
memory, than his livings. Dr. Sanders also compiled
” Letter-writers,“” Histories of England,“and other works
of the paste and scissors kind but his
” Roman History,"
written in a series of letters from a nobleman to his son, in
2 vols. 12mo, has some merit. Towards the latter end of
his days he projected a general chronology of all nations,
and had already printed some sheets of the work, under
the patronage of lord Hawke, when a disorder upon his
lungs put a period to his existence, March 19, 1783. He
was much indebted to the munificence of Mr. Granville
Sharp. More particulars of this man’s history and of the
secrets of Bible-making may be seen in our authority.
rities of that sect. In the seventh year of his age he was put under the tuition of one John Clarke, a native of Scotland, who kept a school in Bermondsey-street,
, a poet of considerable genius, and a very amiable man, was the youngest son of Samuel and Martha Scott, and was born January 9, 1730, in the GrangeWalk, in the parish of St. Mary Magdalen, Bermondsey. His father was a draper and citizen of London, a man of plain and irreproachable manners, and one of the society of the people called quakers, in which persuasion our poet was educated, and continued during the whole of his life, although not with the strictest attention to all the peculiarities of that sect. In the seventh year of his age he was put under the tuition of one John Clarke, a native of Scotland, who kept a school in Bermondsey-street, attended young Scott at his father’s house, and instructed him in the rudiments of the Latin tongue. In his tenth year his father retired with his family, consisting of Mrs. Scott and two sons, to the village of Amwell in Hertfordshire, where, for some time, he carried on the malting trade. Here our poet was sent to a private day-school, in which he is said to have had few opportunities of polite literature, and those few were declined by his father from a dread of the smallpox, which neither he nor his son had yet caught* This terror, perpetually recurring as the disorder made its appearance in one quarter or another, occasioned such frequent removals as prevented his son from the advantages of regular education. The youth, however, did not neglect to cultivate his mind by such means as were in his power. About the age of seventeen he discovered an inclination to the study of poetry, with which he combined a delight in viewing the appearances of rural nature. At this time he derived much assistance from the conversation and opinions of one Charles Frogley, a person in the humble station of a bricklayer, but who had improved a natural taste for poetry, and arrived at a considerable degree of critical discernment. This Mr. Scott thankfully acknowledged when he had himself attained a rank among the writers of his age, and could return with interest the praise by which Frogley had cheered his youthful attempts. The only other adviser of his studies, in this sequestered spot, was a Mr. John Turner, afterwards a dissenting preacher. To him he was introduced in 1753 or 1754, and, on the removal of Mr. Turner to London, and afterwards to Colleton in Devonshire, they carried on a friendly correspondence on matters of general taste.
, M. D. an eminent accoucheur, was a native of Scotland, and after some practice in his country,
, M. D. an eminent accoucheur, was a native of Scotland, and after some practice in his country, settled in the early part of the last century in London. He was principally celebrated as a teacher, having instructed, as he informs us in his practice, nearly a thousand pupils, who assisted, whilst attending his lectures, eleven hundred and fifty poor women. The women were supported, by a subscription among the pupils, during their lying-in. Dr. Smellie was the first writer who considered the shape and size of the female pelvis, as adapted to the head of the foetus, and who ascertained the position of the latter during the period of gestation; and his opinion has been confirmed by later writers, particularly by Dr. Hunter, who had several opportunities of dissecting women who died undelivered, at different periods of their pregnancy. He also introduced many improvements in delivery and in the use of instruments, and abolished many superstitious notions, and erroneous customs, that prevailed in the management of women in labour, and of the children; and he had the satisfaction to see the greater part of his maxims adopted, not only in this island, but by the most respectable practitioners in the greater part of Europe.
, an eminent, though self-taught mathematician, was a native of Scotland, and son of a gardener in the service of
, an eminent, though self-taught mathematician, was a native of Scotland, and son of a gardener in the service of the duke of Argyle. Neither the
time nor place of his birth is exactly known, but from a
ms memorandum in our possession it appears that he died
in March or April 1768. The chief account of him that
is extant is contained in a letter written by the celebrated
chevalier Ramsay to father Castel, a Jesuit at Paris, and
published in the Journal de Trevoux, p. 109. From this
it appears, that when he was about eighteen years of age,
his singular talents were discovered accidentally by the
duke of Argyle, who found that he had been reading Newton’s Principia. The duke was surprised, entered into
conversation with him, and was astonished at the force,
accuracy, and candour of his answers. The instructions
he had received amounted to no more than having been
taught to read by a servant of the duke’s, about ten years
before. “I first learned to read,
” said Stone; “the masons were then at work upon your house: I went near
them one day, and I saw that the architect used a rule
and compasses, and that he made calculations. I inquired
what might be the use of these things; and I was informed,
that there was a science called arithmetic: I purchased
a book of arithmetic, and I learned it. I was told there
was another science called geometry: I bought the books,
and I learned geometry. By reading I found that there
were good books in these two sciences in Latin: I bought
a dictionary, and 1 learnt Latin. I understood that there
were good books of the same kind in French: I bought a
dictionary, and I learned French. And this, my lord, is
what I have done. It seems to me that we may learn every
thing, when we know the twenty-four letters of the aipiuibet.
” Delighted with this account, the duke drew him
from obscurity, and placed him in a situation which enabled him to pursue his favourite objects. Stone was author and translator of several useful works 1 “A new
Mathematical Dictionary, 1726, 8vo. 2.
” Fluxions,“1730,
8vo. The direct method is a translation of L' Hospital’s
Analyse des infiniment petits, from the French; and the
inverse method was supplied by Stone himself. 3.
” The
Elements of Euclid," 1731, 2 vols. 8vo. This is a neat
and useful edition of the Elements of Euclid, with an account of the life and writings of that mathematician, and a
defence of his elements against modern objectors. 4. ' A
paper in the Philosophical Transactions, vol. xli. p. 218,
containing an account of two species of lines of the
third order, not mentioned by sir Isaac Newton, or Mr.
Sterling; and some other small productions.
ndon, in 1713. His parents resided in Creed-lane, Ludgate-street. His father, who was a mariner, was a native of Scotland, and his mother of Wales. Their circumstances
, a celebrated architect and lover of classical antiquity, was born in London, in 1713. His parents resided in Creed-lane, Ludgate-street. His father, who was a mariner, was a native of Scotland, and his mother of Wales. Their circumstances were very narrow; but they were honest and worthy people, and gave their son the best education in their power. Mr. Stuart, who was the eldest of four children, was left utterly unprovided for when his father died. He exhibited, however, at a very early period of life, the dawnings of a strong imagination, splendid talents, and an ardent thirst for knowledge. By whom he was educated we have no account; but drawing and painting were his earliest occupations; and these he pursued with such industry and perseverance, that, while yet a boy, he contributed very essentially to the support of his widowed mother and her little family, by designing and painting fans for a person in the Strand. He placed one of his sisters under the care of this person as his shop-woman; and he continued, for many years, to pursue the same mode of maintaining the rest of his family. Notwithstanding the great pressure of such a charge, and the many temptations to dissipation, which are too apt to attract a young man of lively genius and extensive talents, Mr. Stuart employed the greatest part of his time in such studies as tended to perfect himself in the art he loved. He acquired a very accurate knowledge of anatomy; he became a correct draughtsman, and rendered himself master of geometry, and all the branches of the mathematics, so necessary to form the mind of a good painter: and it is no less extraordinary than true, that necessity and application were his only instructors. He has often confessed, that he was first led into the obligation of studying the Latin language, by a desire to understand what was written under prints, published after pictures of the ancient masters.
remove him to Ley Green, in the parish of Tenterden, under the tuition of one James Movat or Mouat, a native of Scotland, who instructed him in grammar. Mr. Movat,
, an eminent English mathematician,
was born Nov. 2S, 1616, at Ashford in Kent, of which
place his father of the same names was then minister, but
did not survive the birth of this his eldest son above six
years. He was now left to the care of his mother, who
purchased a house at Ashford for the sake of the education
of her children, and placed him at school there, until the
plague, which broke out in 1625, obliged her to remove
him to Ley Green, in the parish of Tenterden, under the
tuition of one James Movat or Mouat, a native of Scotland, who instructed him in grammar. Mr. Movat, says
Dr. Wallis, “was a very good schoolmaster, and his
scholar I continued for divers years, and was by him well
grounded in the technical part of grammar, so as to understand the rules and the grounds and reasons of such rules,
with the use of them in such authors, as are usually read
in grammar schools: for it was always my affectation even
from a child, in all parts of learning or knowledge, not
merely to learn by rote, which is soon forgotten, but to
know the grounds or reasons of what I learn, to inform my
judgment as well as furnish my memory, and thereby make
a better impression on both.
” In 1630 he lost this instructor, who was engaged to attend two young gentlemen
on their travels, and would gladly have taken his pupil
Wallis with them; but his mother not consenting on account
of his youth, he was sent to Felsted school in Essex, of
which the learned Mr. Martin Holbeach was then master.
During the Christmas holidays in 1631, he went home to
his mother at Ashford, where finding that one of his brothers had been learning to cypher, he was inquisitive to
know what that meant, and applying diligently was enabled to go through all the rules with success, and prosecuted this study at spare hours on his return to Felsted,
where also he was instructed in the Latin, Greek, and Hebrew tongues, and in the rudiments of logic, music, and
the French language.