lished his “Quæstiones Sex,” which obtained him great reputation. On March 6, 1599, he was installed dean of Winchester, and in 1600 was appointed vice-chancellor of
In 1598 he published his “Quæstiones Sex,
” which obtained him great reputation. On March 6, 1599, he was
installed dean of Winchester, and in 1600 was appointed
vice-chancellor of Oxford, and while in this office decided
a dispute which at that time engaged the attention of the
public, respecting the repairing of the cross in Cheapside,
which was ornamented with Popish images. The citizens
of London requested the advice of both Universities; and
Dr. Abbot, as vice-chancellor of Oxford, gave as his
opinion, that the crucifix with the dove upon it should not
be put up again. Dr. Bancroft, bishop of London, was of
a different opinion; but Dr. Abbot’s advice was followed, as
expressed in a letter printed many years after. He published,
the same year, his Sermons on the Prophet Jonah. In
1693 he was again chosen vice-chancellor; and in 1604,
when king James ordered the new translation of the Bible,
he was one of the eight divines of Oxford to whom the
translation of the historical books of the New Testament
was committed. In 1605 he was a third time vice-chancellor; and, in the succeeding year, he is thought to
have had some share in the censures passed on Laud, on
account of a sermon he preached before the University.
The principles of the two men were continually at variance,
Abbot being at rigid Calvinist, and a foe to every thing
that had the appearance of Popery, and Laud equally
strenuous for the opinions afterwards known by the name
of Arminian, and a friend to the ceremonies and splendour
of public worship.
authority in his own diocese, he restored Mr. Palmer and Mr. Unday to their lectureships, after the dean and archdeacon of Canterbury had suspended them. In other respects
In 1619 he executed a design which he had long formed,
of founding an hospital at Guildford, where, on the 5th of
April, he was present when sir Nicholas Kempe laid the
first stone. The archbishop endowed it with lands to the
value of three hundred pounds per annum: one hundred
of which was to be employed in setting the poor to work,
and the remainder for the maintenance of a master, twelve
brothers, and eight sisters, who were to have blue clothes,
and gowns of the same colour, and half-a-crown a week
each. Oct. 29, being the anniversary of the archbishop’s
birth, is commemorated at Guildford; and the archbishop
of Canterbury for the time being is visitor of the hospital.
Towards the end of this year, the Elector Palatine accepted of the crown of Bohemia, which occasioned great
disputes in king James’s councils. Some were desirous
that his majesty should not interfere in this matter, foreseeing that it would produce a war in Germany; others were
of opinion, that natural affection to his son and daughter,
and a just concern for the Protestant interest, ought to engage him to support the new election. The latter was the
archbishop’s sentiment; and not being able at that time to
attend the privy council, he wrote his mind with great
boldness and freedom to the secretary of state. The
archbishop, now in a declining state of health, used in the
summer to go to Hampshire for the sake of recreation;
and, being invited by lord Zouch to hunt in his park at
Branzill, he met there with the greatest misfortune that
ever befel him; for he accidentally killed that nobleman’s
keeper, by an arrow from a cross-bow, which he shot afc
one of the deer. This accidentthrew him into a deep melancholy; and he ever afterwards kept a monthly fast on
Tuesday, the day on which this fatal mischance happened.
He also settled an annuity of 20l. on the widow. There
were several persons who took advantage of this misfortune,
to lessen him in the king’s favour; but his majesty said,
“An angel might have miscarried in this sort.
” But his
enemies representing, that, having incurred an irregularity,
he was thereby incapacitated for performing the offices of a
primate, the king directed a commission to ten persons, to
inquire into this matter. The points referred to their decision were, 1. Whether the archbishop was irregular by
the fact of involuntary homiciue 2. Whether that act
might tend to scandal in a churchman 3. How his grace
should be restored, in case the commissioners should find
him irregular All agreed, that it could not be otherwise
done, than by restitution from the king; but they varied
in the manner. The bishop of Winchester, the lord chief
justice, and Dr. Steward, thought it should be done by the
king, and by him alone. The lord keeper, and the bishops
of London/ Rochester, Exeter, and St. David’s, were for
a commission from the king directed to some bishops.
Judge Doddridge and sir Henry Martin were desirous it
should be done both ways, by way of caution. The king
accordingly passed a pardon and dispensation; by which he
acquitted the atchbishop of all irregularity, scandal, or infamation, and declared him capable of all the authority of
a primate. From that time an increase of infirmities prevented his assistance at the council. But when, in the
last illness of James I. his attendance was required, he
was attentive to the charge till the 27th of March 1625, the
day on which the king expired. Though very infirm, and
afflicted with the gout, he assisted at the ceremony of the
coronation of Charles I. whose favour, however, he did not
long enjoy. His avowed enemy, the duke of Buckingham,
soon found an opportunity to make him feel the weight of
his displeasure. Dr. Sibthorp had in the Lent assizes 1627
preached before the judges a sermon at Northampton, to
justify a loan which the king had demanded. This sermon,
calculated to reconcile the people to an obnoxious measure,
was transmitted to the archbishop with the king’s direction
to license it; which he refused, and gave his reasons for
it : and it was not licensed by the bishop of London, until
after the passages deemed exceptionable had been erased.
On July 5, lord Conway, who was then secretary of state,
made him a visit; and intimated to him, that the king expected he should withdraw to Canterbury. The archbishop
declined this proposal, because he had then a law-suit with
that city; and desired that he might rather have leave to
retire to his house at Ford, five miles beyond Canterbury.
His request was granted; and, on Oct. 9 following, the
king gave a commission to the bishops of London, Durham,
Rochester, Oxford, and Bath and Wells, to execute the
archiepiscopal authority; the cause assigned being, that
the archbishop could not at that time in his own person attend those services which were otherwise proper for his
cognizance and direction. The archbishop did not remain
long in this situation; for, a parliament being absolutely
necessary, he was recalled about Ciuistmas, and restored
to his authority and jurisdiction. On his arrival at court
he was received by the archbishop of York and the earl of
Dorset, who conducted him to the king, and his regular
attendance was from that time required. He sat in the
succeeding parliament, and continued afterwards in the full
exercise of his office. On the 24th of August 1628, the
archbishop consecrated to the see of Chichester Dr. Richard
Montague, who had before been active in supporting the
pretence of irregularity which had been alleged against
him. Laud, bishop of London, one of his former enemies,
also assisted at the consecration. When the petition of
right was discussed in parhament, the archbishop dehvercd
the opinion of the House of Lords at a conference with the
House of Commons, offering some propositions from the
former, and received the thanks of sir Dudley Digges.
Dr. Manwaring, having preached before the House of Commons two sermons, which he afterwards published, and in
which he maintained the king’s authority in raising subsidies without the consent of parliament, was brought before the bar of the House of Lords, by impeachment of the
Commons. Upon this occasion the archbishop, with the
king’s consent, gave the doctor a severe admonition, in
which he avowed his abhorrence of the principles maintained in the two discourses. The interest of bishop Laud
being now very considerable at court, he drew up instructions, which, having the king’s name, were transmitted to
the archbishop, under the title of “His majesty’s instructions to the most reverend father in God, George, lord
archbishop of Canterbury, containing certain orders to be
observed and put in execution by the several bishops in his
” His grace communicated them to his suffragan bishops; but, to prove that he still intended to exercise his authority in his own diocese, he restored Mr. Palmer and Mr. Unday to their lectureships, after the dean
and archdeacon of Canterbury had suspended them. In
other respects he endeavoured to soften their rigour, as they
were contrived to enforce the particular notions of a prevailing party in the church, which the archbishop thought
too hard for those who made the fundamentals of religion
their study, and were not so zealous for forms. His conduct in this and other respects made his presence unwelcome at court; so that, upon the birth of the prince of
Wales, afterwards Charles H. Laud had the honour to
baptize him, as dean of the chapel. It appears, ho.vever,
from almost the last public act of his life, that Abbot was
not so regardless of the ceremonial parts of religious duty
in the church of England as his enemies have represented
him; for he issued an order, dated the 3d of July 1633,
requiring the parishioners of Crayford in Kent to receive
the sacrament on their knees, at the steps ascending to the
communion table. On the 5th of August, in the same
year, he died at Croydon, worn out with cares and infirmities, at the age of 71, and was according to his own direction buried in the chapel of Our Lady, within the church
dedicated to the Holy Trinity at Guildford. A stately monument was erected over the grave, with the effigies of the
archbishop in his robes. He shewed himself, in most circumstances of his life, a man of great moderation to all
parties; and was desirous that the clergy should attract
the esteem of the laity by the sanctity of their manners,
rather than claim it as due to their function. His notions
and principles, however, not suiting the humour of some
writers, have drawn upon him many severe reflections.
Heylin asserts, “That marks of his benefactions we find
none in places of his breeding and preferment;” an aspersion which is totally groundless. Dr. Wellwood has done
more justice to the merit and abilities of our prelate:
“Archbishop Abbot,” says he, “was a person of wonderful
temper and moderation; and in all his conduct shewed an
unwillingness to stretch the act of uniformity beyond what
was absolutely necessary for the peace of the church, or
the prerogative of the crown, any farther than conduced
to the good of the state. Being not well turned for a
court, though otherwise of considerable learning and genteel education, he either could not, or would not, stoop to
the humour of the times; and now and then, by an unseasonable stiffness, gave occasion to his enemies to represent him as not well inclined to the prerogative, or too
much addicted to a popular interest; and therefore not fit
to be employed in matters of government.”
hfield and Coventry “before he had been parson, vicar, or curate of any parish church in England, or dean or prebendary of any cathedral church in England; and was in
Others of the contemporary historians, besides Heylin, have given unfavourable characters of the archbishop; but their accounts disagree. Lord Clarendon likewise bears hard on his religious principles and general character. “He had,” says his lordship, “been master of one of the poorest colleges in Oxford, and had learning sufficient for that province.” The Editor of the Biog. Britannica has here supplied the name (Balliol), a blunder which lord Clarendon was not likely to have made, as our archbishop was master of University College, and his brother Robert, master of Balliol. It is rather singular, however, that his lordship should undervalue the “learning sufficient for that province.” He also notices, as extraordinary, that he was promoted to the bishoprick of Lichfield and Coventry “before he had been parson, vicar, or curate of any parish church in England, or dean or prebendary of any cathedral church in England; and was in truth totally ignorant of the true constitution of the church of England, and the state and interest of the clergy.” Here again his lordship seems to have forgot, that he was dean of Winchester before he was bishop of Lichfield, and that the chief cause of uis promotion was the service he rendered to his majesty by procuring the establishment of episcopacy in Scotland. Upon the whole of his character as drawn by lord Clarendon, the late right hon. Arthur Onslow, speaker of the House of Commons, offers the following remarks: “That worthy prelate did surely deserve a better representation to posterity. He was a very wise and prudent man, knew well the temper and disposition of the kingdom with respect to the ceremonies and power of the church, and did therefore use a moderation in the point of ecclesiastical discipline, which if it had been followed by his successor, the ruin that soon after fell on the church might very likely have been prevented. His being without any credit at court from the latter end of king James’s reign will bring no dishonour on his memory, if it be considered that his disgrace arose from his dislike of, and opposition to, the imprudent and corrupt measures of the court at that time, and from an honest zeal for the laws and liberties of his country, which seemed then to be in no small danger, and it was a part truly becoming the high station he then bore. His advice upon the affair of the Palatinate and the Spanish match shewed his knowledge of the true interest of England, and how much it was at his heart; and his behaviour and sufferings in the next reign, about the loan and Sibthorp’s sermon, as thoy were the reasons of his disgrace at that time, so ought they to render his memory valuable to all who wish not to see the fatal counsels and oppression of those times revived in this nation. The duke of Buckingham was his enemy, because the archbishop would not be his creature; and the church perhaps might have been thought to have been better governed, if he had stooped to the duke, and given in to the wantonnesses of his power: but he knew the dignity of his character, and loved his country too well to submit to such a meanness, though very few of his brethren had the courage or honesty to join with him in this, and, if the archbishop himseif is to be credited, his successor’s rise was by the practice of those arts this good man could not bend to. As to his learning, we need no better testimony of it than his promotion by king James, who had too much affectation that way to prefer any one to such a station who had not borne the reputation of a scholar; but there are other proofs of his sufficiency in this, even for the high place he held in the church. If he had some narrow notions in divinity, they were rather the faults of the age he had his education in, than his; and the same imputation may be laid on the best and most learned of the Reformers. His warmth against Popery became the office of a Protestant bishop; though even towards Papists there is a remarkable instance of his mildness and charity, which shewed that his zeal against their persons went no farther than the safety of the state required. His parts seem to have been strong and masterly, his preaching grave and eloquent, and his style equal to any of that time. He was eminent for piety and a care for the poor; and his hospitality fully answered the injunction king James laid on him, which was, to carry his house nobly, and live like an archbishop. He had no thoughts of heaping up riches; what he did save was laid out by him in the erecting and endowing of an handsome Hospital for decayed tradesmen and the widows of such, in the town of Guildford, in the county of Surrey, where he was born and had his first education; and here I cannot omit taking notice that the body of statutes drawn by himself for the government of that house, is one of the most judicious works of that kind I ever saw, and under which for near one hundred years that hospital has maintained the best credit of any that I know in England. He was void of all pomp and ostentation, and thought the nearer the church and churchmen came to the simplicity of the first Christians, the better would the true ends of religion be served; and that the purity of the heart was to be preferred to, and ought rather to be the care of a spiritual governor, than the devotion of the hands only. If under this notion some niceties in discipline were given up to goodness of life, and when the peace of the church as well as of the kingdom was preserved by it, 'twas surely no ill piece of prudence, nor is his memory therefore deserving of those slanders it has undergone upon that account. It is easy to see that much of this treatment has been owing to a belief in the admirers and followers of archbishop Laud, that the reputation of the latter was increased by depreciating that of the former. They were indeed men of very different frames, and the parts they took in the affairs both of church and state as disagreeing. In the church, moderation and the ways of peace guided the behaviour of the first, rigour and severity that of the last. In the state they severally carried the like principles and temper. The one made the liberty of the people and the laws of the land the measure of his actions; when the other, to speak softly of it, had the power of the prince and the exalting the prerogative only, for the foundation of his. They were indeed both of them men of courage and resolution; but it was sedate and temperate in Abbot, passionate and unruly in Laud. It is not however to be denied that many rare and excellent virtues were possessed by the latter; but it must be owned too, he seems rather made for the hierarchy of another church and to be the minister of an arbitrary prince, and the other to have had the qualifications of a Protestant bishop and the guardian of a free state .”
fees from those who performed exercises in divinity, and a salary of forty pounds a-year paid by the dean and canons of Christ church. In dislike to Laud, as already
A few paritculars [sic] hitherto unnoticed by his biographers
may be gleaned from Wood’s Annals, published by Mr.
Gutch. It appears that in 1596 the corporation of London
requested the two universities to send them a list of persons properly qualified for the professorships of Gresham
college, just founded. On this occasion Mr. Abbot, then
M. A. of Balliol college, was chosen with three others, but
the election ultimately fell upon a gentleman of Cambridge. In 1612, Dr. John Howson, one of the canons of
Christ church, preaching at St. Mary’s, reflected on the
Annotations to the Geneva translation of the Bible, “as
guilty of misrepresenting the divinity of Christ and his
” For this he was afterwards suspended, or
forced to recant, by Dr. Abbot, then pro-vicechancellor.
Wood thinks this the more hard, because king James had
been known to censure the partiality of these annotations.
While king’s professor of Divinity, he had neither the
canonry of Christ church, nor the rectory of Ewelme
usually annexed; and his only profits were some fees from
those who performed exercises in divinity, and a salary of
forty pounds a-year paid by the dean and canons of Christ
church. In dislike to Laud, as already noticed, he shared
amply with his brother; but Wood’s account of the sermon
he preached against him is more particular than that in the
Biographia, and throws some light on the controversies as
well as the manners of the times. “On Shrove Sunday
towards the latter end of this year (1614), it happened that
Dr. Laud preached at St. Mary’s, and in his sermon insisted on some points which might indifferently be imputed
either to Popery or Arminianism (as about this time they began to call it), though in themselves they were by some
thought to be no other than the true doctrine’s of the
Church of England. And having occasion in th-it sermon
to touch upon the Presbyterians and their proceedings, he
used some words to this etfect, viz. `that the Presbyterians were as bad as the Papists.' Which being directly
contrary to the judgment and opinion of Dr. Robert Abbot,
the king’s professor of Divinity, and knowing how much
Dr. Laud had been distasted by his brother when he lived
in Oxford, conceived he could not better satisfy himself
and oblige his brother, now archbishop of Canterbury,
than by exposing him (on the next occasion) both to shame
and censure, which he did accordingly. For preaching at
St. Peter’s in the East upon Easter-day (1615) in the afternoon, in the turn of the vicechancellor, he pointed at him
so direptly, that none of the auditors were so ignorant as
not to know at whom he aimed. Dr. Laud, being not
present at the first preaching of the sermon, was by hiss
friends persuaded to shew himself at St. Mary’s the Sunday
after, when it should come to be repeated (according to the ancient custom in this university); to whose persuasions
giving an unwilling consent, he heard himself sufficiently
abused for almost an hour together, and that so palpably
and grossly, that he was pointed to as he sate.” It appears that Laud consulted his patron, Dr. Neal, bishop of
Lincoln, who probably dissuaded him from taking any notice of the matter, as we do not find that he wrote any
answer, or vindication.
Dec. 8, 1684, and held it with his deanry in commendam. In the convocation, which met Dec. 4, 1689, dean Addison was one of the committee appointed by the lower house
, son of Lancelot Addison a.
clergyman, born at Mauldismeaburne in the parish of
Crosby Ravens worth in Westmoreland, in 1632, was educated at the grammar school of Appleby, and afterwards
sent to Queen’s college, Oxford, upon the foundation. He
was admitted B. A. Jan. 25, 1654, and M. A. July 4, 1657.
As he now had greatly distinguished himself in the univer?
sity, he was chosen one of the terras filii for the act celebrated in 1658; but, his oration abounding in personal
satire against the ignorance, hypocrisy, and avarice of those
then in power, he was compelled to make a recantation,
and to akk pardon on his knees. Soon after he left Oxford, and retired to Petworth in Sussex, where he resided
till the restoration. The gentlemen of Sussex having recommended him to Dr. King, bishop of Chester, as a man
who had suffered for his loyalty and attachment to th.e constitution of church and state; the bishop received him
kindly, and in all probability would have preferred him,
had he not, contrary to his lordship’s approbation, accepted of the chaplainship at Dunkirk; where he continued till
1662, when, the place being delivered up to the French,
he returned to England. The year following he went
chaplain to the garrison at Tangier, where he resided some
years; and came back to England in 1670, with a resolution to return to Tangier. He was appointed chaplain in
ordinary to his majesty soon after his coming over; but had
no thoughts, however, of quitting his chaplamship at Tangier, until it was conferred upon another, by which Mr.
Addison became poor in his circumstances. In this situation of his affairs, a gentleman in Wiltshire bestowed on
him the rectory of Milston, in Wilts, worth about 120l. per
annum. Soon after he was also made prebendary of Minor
pars altaris, in the cathedral of Sarum; and took the degrees of B. and D. D. at Oxford, July 6, 1675. His preferments, though not very considerable, enabled him to
live in the country with great decency and hospitality; and
he discharged his duty with a most conscientious diligence.
In 1683 the commissioners for ecclesiastical affairs, in consideration of his former service at Tangier, conferred upon
him the deanry of Lichfield, in which he was installed July
3; was collated to the archdeaconry of Coventry Dec. 8,
1684, and held it with his deanry in commendam. In the
convocation, which met Dec. 4, 1689, dean Addison was
one of the committee appointed by the lower house to acquaint the lords, that they had consented to a conference
on the subject of an address to the king. He died April
20, 1703, and was buried in the church-yard of Lichfield,
at the entrance of the west door, with the following epitaph
“Hie jacet Lancelotus Addison, S. T. P. hujus ecclesiae
decanus, necnon archidiaconus Coventrise, qui obiit 20
die Aprilis, ann. Dom. 1703, aetatis suae 71.
” He was
twice married; first to Jane, daughter of Nathaniel Gulston, esq., and sister to Dr. William Gulston, bishop of
Bristol, by whom he had, Jane, who died in her infancy;
Joseph, or whom in thenext article; Gulston, who died governor of Fort St. George in the East Indies; Dorothy,
married first to Dr. Sartre, prebendary of Westminster, secondly to Daniel Combes, esq.; Anne, who died young;
and Lancelot, fellow of Magdalen college, Oxford, an
able classical scholar.
Dean Addison published, 1. “West Barbary, or a short narrative of
Dean Addison published, 1. “West Barbary, or a short
narrative of the revolutions of Fez and Morocco,
” The present State of the Jews (more particularly relating to those in Barbary), wherein is contained an
exact account of their customs secular and religious, &c.
The primitive Institution, or a seasonable discourse of Catechizing.
” 4. “A modest plea for
the Clergy,
” 1677, 8vo. 5. “The first state of Mahometism, or an account of the Author and doctrine of that imposture,
” The Life and Death of Mahomet.
” 6. “An introduction
to the Sacrament,
” The Communicant’s Assistant.
” 7. “A discourse of Tangier, under the government of the earl of
” 4to, Χριστοσ Αυτοθεοσ,
or an historical account of the heresy denying the
Godhead of Christ;
” one of the best books that had then
appeared on the subject. 9. “The Christian’s daily Sacrifice, on Prayer,
” An account of
the Millenium, the genuine use of the two Sacraments,
” And some have attributed to him “The Catechumen;
or an account given by a young Person to a Minister
of his knowledge in Religion, &c.
ncement to the degree of doctor. He became successively a canon of St. Peter, professor of divinity, dean of the church of Louvain, and fastly, vice-chancellor of the
, pope, who deserves some notice on account of his personal merit, was born in Utrecht, 1459, of
parents reputed mean, who procured him a place among
the poor scholars in the college of Louvain, where his application was such as to induce Margaret of England, the
sister of Edward IV. and widow of Charles duke of Burgundy, to bear the expences of his advancement to the degree of doctor. He became successively a canon of St.
Peter, professor of divinity, dean of the church of Louvain,
and fastly, vice-chancellor of the university. Recollecting
his own condition, he generously founded a college at Louvain, which bears his name, for the education of poor students. Afterwards Maximilian I. appointed him preceptor
to his grandson Charles V. and sent him as ambassador to
Ferdinand king of Spain, who gave him the bishoprick of
Tortosa. In 1517 he was made cardinal, and during the
infancy of Charles V. became regent; but the duties of the
office were engrossed by cardinal Ximenes. On the death
of Leo X. Charles V. had so much influence with the cardinals as to procure him to be chosen to the papal chair, in
1522. He was not, however, very acceptable to the college, as he had an aversion to pomp, expence, and pleasure.
He refused to resent, by fire and sword, the complaints
urged by Luther; but endeavoured to reform such abuses
in the church as could neither be concealed or denied. To
this conduct he owed the many satires written against him
during his life, and the unfavourable representations made
by the most learned of the Roman Catholic historians. Perhaps his partiality to the emperor Charles might increase
their dislike, and occasion the suspicion that his death,
which took place Sept. 24, 1523, was a violent one. For
this, however, we know no other foundation, than a pasquinade stuck upon the house of his physician “To the deliverer of his country.
” He is said to have composed an epitaph for himself, expressing, that the greatest misfortune of
his life was his being called to govern. He has left some
writings, as, 1. “Questiones et Expositiones in IV. Sententiarum,
” Paris, 1512 and 1516, fol.; 1527, 8vo. In this
he advanced some bold sentiments against papal infallibility.
Although he wrote the work before he was pope, he reprinted it without any alteration. 2. “Questiones Quodlibeticae,
” Louvain, Analecta Historica de Adriano VI. Trajectino,
Papa Romano,
” Utrecht, 1727, 4to.
ar 1020. This prelate, surnamed the Good, was son of earl Agilmer, and, at the time of his election, dean of Canterbury. After his promotion he went to Rome, and received
, or Egelnoth, or Æthelnoth, in Latin Achelnotus, archbishop
of Canterbury in the reign of
Canute the Great, succeeded to that see in the year 1020.
This prelate, surnamed the Good, was son of earl Agilmer,
and, at the time of his election, dean of Canterbury.
After his promotion he went to Rome, and received his
pall from pope Benedict VIII. In his way thither, as he
passed through Pavia, he purchased, for an hundred talents
of silver and one of gold, St. Augustine’s arm, which was
kept there as a relic; and sent it over to England, as a
present to Leofric, earl of Coventry. Upon his return, he
is said to have raised the see of Coventry to its former
lustre. He was much in favour with king Canute, and
employed his interest with that monarch to good purposes.
It was by his advice the king sent over large sums of money
for the support of the foreign churches: and Malmsbury
observes, that this prince was prompted to acts of piety,
and restrained from excesses, by the regard he had for the
archbishop. King Canute being dead, Agelnoth refused
to crown his son Harold, alleging that the late king had
enjoined him to set the crown upon none but the issue of
queen Emma; that he had given the king a promise upon
this head, and that he was resolved to be true to his engagement. Having declared himself with this freedom, he
iaid the crown upon the altar, with an imprecation against
those bishops who should venture to perform the ceremony.
Harold, who was greatly chagrined at this disappointment,
endeavoured, both by menaces and large offers, to prevail
upon the archbishop, but in vain: and whether he was
afterwards crowned by any other person is uncertain.
Agelnoth, after he had held the see of Canterbury seventeen years, died Oct. 29, 1038. Three works have been
attributed to him “A panegyric on the blessed Virgin
” “A letter to Earl Leofric, concerning St, Augustine;
” and “Letters to several persons.
read in the Fathers, and a distinguished critic in the languages. His son George Aglionby was eighth dean of Canterbury, byappointment of Charles I. but was never installed,
, an eminent divine of a very ancient family in Cumberland (whose name was de Aguilon, corruptly Aglionby), the son of Edward Aglionby, esq. and
Elizabeth Musgrave of Crookdayke, was admitted a student
of Queen’s College, Oxford, in 1583. Being elected fellow, he went into orders, and became an eloquent and
learned preacher. Afterwards he travelled abroad, and
was introduced to the acquaintance of the famous cardinal
Bellarmin. On his return he was made chaplain in ordinary to Queen Elizabeth, and in 1600 took the degree of
D. D. About that time he obtained the rectory of Islip,
near Oxford, and in 1601 was elected principal of St. Edmund’s hall. He was likewise chaplain in ordinary to
king James I. and, according to Wood, had a considerable
share in the translation of the New Testament ordered by
the king in 1604. The Biog. Brit, says, that Wood mentions no authority for this assertion; but Wood, in his
Annals, gives his name among the other Oxford divines
who were to translate the Gospels, Acts, and Apocalypse.
Dr. Aglionby died at Islip, Feb. 6, 1609-10, aged fortythree, and was buried in the chancel of the parish church.
He was eminent for his learning, deeply read in the Fathers,
and a distinguished critic in the languages. His son
George Aglionby was eighth dean of Canterbury, byappointment of Charles I. but was never installed, nor
reaped any advantage by it, as the parliament had then
(1642) seized on the profits of those capitular bodies,
which were within the power of their arms, and he survived his nomination but a few months, dying at Oxford
Nov. 1643, aged forty. From this family probably descended William Aglionby, a gentleman of polite learning, who was envoy from Queen Anne to the Swiss Cantons, and author of a book entitled “Painting illustrated,
in three dialogues, with the lives of the most eminent
painters from Cimabue to Raphael,
” Lond. He has abundance
of wit, and understands most of the languages well knows
how to tell a story to the best advantage; but has an affected manner of conversation is thin, splenetic, and tawny
complexioned, turned of sixty years old;
” to which Swift
added in manuscript, “He had been a Papist.
” In a collection of letters published some years ago, there are several from Dr. William Aglionby, F. R. S. dated from 1685
to 1691, principally written from different parts of the
continent, and probably by the same person, who is styled
Doctor in Swift’s Works.
acquired much reputation both as a philosopher and a poet. When he returned to Krempen, he was made dean of the college, and held that station during five years. After
, son of the preceding, was born at
Krempen in 1600, and first studied there and at Harhburgh.
At the age of nineteen, he went to the academy of Leipsic,
where he entered on a course of theology and political
science. In 1624, he had acquired much reputation both
as a philosopher and a poet. When he returned to Krempen, he was made dean of the college, and held that station during five years. After this, the king of Denmark
appointed him inspector of the schools at Brunswick, and
assessor of the council of Meldorf, In 1643, by order of
the emperor, he was created master of arts, and not being
able, on account of the war, to go into Saxony, he was
made a licentiate in divinity by diploma, or bull, which was
sent to him. He died May 29, 1672. His works are,
1. “Delicia? Atticae,
” Leips. Heraclius Saxonicus, &c.
” ibid. Græcia in
nuce, seu lexicon novurn omnium Græcae lingua primogeniarum,
” Leips. Promptuarium
pathologicum Novi Testamenti,
” Leips. Laurifolia, sive poematum juvenilium apparatus,
on the part of the church. In 1775, he was appointed bishop of Ostia and Velletri, and consequently dean of the sacred college; and in 1779, he succeeded to his uncle
In 1767, when the question of the suppression of the Jesuits was agitated, the cardinal took an active part at the court of Rome in their favour, but without discovering the principles of a very enlightened mind. He dreaded in this suppression the commencement of the downfall of the church, and considered any concession to those monarchs who were for the measure, as a dangerous symptom of servility on the part of the church. In 1775, he was appointed bishop of Ostia and Velletri, and consequently dean of the sacred college; and in 1779, he succeeded to his uncle Alexander in almost all the charges which that prelate had long possessed. He was appointed plenipotentiary of the house of Austria, protector of the kingdom of Poland, of the order of Malta, of the republic of Ragusa, and what was most congenial to his temper, of the college of La Sapienza in Rome. He was also presented with some rich abbeys and priories, both in the Roman and in the Neapolitan state.
” In short, he had rendered himself so conspicuous, that, at the Revolution, when Massey, the popish dean of Christ Church, fled beyond sea, the deanry was conferred
, an eminent scholar and divine,
was son of Henry Aldrich of Westminster, gentleman, and
born there in 1647. He was educated at Westminster
under the celebrated Busby, and admitted of Christ Church,
Oxford, in 1662. Having been elected student, he took the
degree of M. A. in April 1669; and, entering soon after into
orders, he became an eminent tutor in his college. Feb.
1681, he was installed canon of Christ Church; and in
May accumulated the degrees of B. and D. D. In the
controversy with the papists under James II. he bore a
considerable part; and Burnet ranks him among those
eminent clergj T men who “examined all the points of popery with a solidity of judgment, a clearness of arguing, a
depth of learning, and a vivacity of writing, far beyond
any thing which had before that time appeared in our language.
” In short, he had rendered himself so conspicuous,
that, at the Revolution, when Massey, the popish dean of
Christ Church, fled beyond sea, the deanry was conferred
upon him, and he was installed in it June 17, 1689. In
this station he behaved in a most exemplary manner, zealously promoting learning, religion, and virtue in the college where he presided. In imitation of his predecessor
bishop Fell, he published generally every year some Greek
classic, or portion of one, as a gift to the students of his
house. He wrote also a system of logic, entitled “Artis
Logicae compendium;
” and many other things. The
publication of Clarendon’s History was committed to him
and bishop Sprat; and they were charged by Oldmixon
with having altered and interpolated that work; but the
charge was sufficiently refuted by Atterbury. In the same
year that he became dean of Christ Church he was appointed one of the ecclesiastical commissioners who were
to prepare matters for introducing an alteration in some
parts of the church service, and a comprehension of the
dissenters. But he, in conjunction with Dr. Mew, bishop
of Winchester, Dr. Sprat, bishop of Rochester, and Dr.
Jane, regius professor of divinity in the university of Oxford, either did not appear at the meetings of the committee, or soon withdrew from them. They excepted to
the manner of preparing matters by a special commission,
as limiting the convocation, and imposing upon it, and
they were against all alterations whatever. Besides attainments in polite literature, classical learning, and an elegant turn for Latin poetry, of which some specimens are in
the Musae Anghcanae, he possessed also great skill in architecture and music; so great, that, as the connoisseurs
say, his excellence in either would alone have made him
famous to posterity. The three siues of the quadrangle
of Christ Church, Oxford, called Peck water-square, were
designed by him; as was also the elegant chapel of Trinity
college, and the church of All-Saints in the High-street;
to the erection of which Dr. Ratcliff, at his solicitation,
was a liberal contributor. He cultivated also music, that
branch of it particularly which related both to his profession and his office. To this end he made a noble collection of church music, and formed also a design of writing
a history of the science; having collected materials, which
are still extant in the library of his own college. His
abilities indeed as a musician have caused him to be
ranked among the greatest masters of the science: he
composed many services for the church, which are well
known; as are also his anthems, to the number of near 20.
In the “Pleasant Musical Companion,
” printed Hark the bonny Christ
Church Bells,
” the other entitled “A Smoking Catch;
for he himself was, it seems, a great smoaker. Besides
the preferments already mentioned, he was rector of Wem
in Shropshire. He was elected prolocutor of the convocation in February 1702, on the death of Dr. Woodward,
dean of Sarum. He died at Christ Church, December
14, 1710. The tracts he published in the popish controversy were two, “Upon the Adoration of our Saviour in
the Eucharist,
” in answer to O. Walker’s discourses on the
same subject, printed in 1687, and 1688, 4to. We have
not been able to get an account of the Greek authors he
published, except these following: 1. Xenophontis Memorabilium, lib. 4, 1690, 8vo. 2. Xenophontis Sermo de
Agesilao, 1691, 8vo. 3. Aristese Historia 72 Interpretum,
1692, 8vo. 4. Xenophon, de re equestri, 1693, 8vo. 5.Epictetus etTheophrastus, 1707, 8vo. 6. Platonis, Xenopliontis,
Plutarchi, Luciani, Symposia, 1711, 8vo. This last was
published in Greek only, the rest in Greek and Latin, and
all printed at Oxford. His logic is already mentioned.
He printed also Elements of Architecture, which was elegantly translated and published in 1789, 8vo. with architectural plates, by the rev. Philip Smyth, LL. B. fellow
of New College, and now rector of Worthing, Shropshire.
He had a hand in Gregory’s Greek Testament, printed at
Oxford in 1703, folio; and some of his notes are printed
in Havercamp’s edition of Josephus.
fterwards master of Westminster school. Six months after his settlement in the university, Dr. Fell, dean of Christ-church, having observed the parts and industry of
, an eminent
English divine, was born in March 1619, at Uppington
near the YVrekin in Shropshire. He was at first educated
at a free-school in that neighbourhood, and afterwards removed to one at Coventry, taught by Philemon Holland
the translator. In 1636, he was sent to Oxford, and entered a commoner in Christ-church, under the tuition of
Mr. Richard Busby, afterwards master of Westminster
school. Six months after his settlement in the university,
Dr. Fell, dean of Christ-church, having observed the parts
and industry of young Allestry, made him a student of that
college, where he applied himself to his books with great
assiduity and success. When he had taken the degree of
bachelor of arts, he was chosen moderator in philosophy,
in which office he continued till the disturbances of the
kingdom interrupted the studies and repose of the university. In 1641, Mr. Allestry, amongst other of the Oxford
students, took ar;ns for the king, under sir John Biron,
and continued therein till that gentleman withdrew from
Oxford, when he returned to his studies. Soon after, a
party of the parliament forces having entered Oxford and
plundered the colleges, Mr. Allestry narrowly escaped being severely handled by them. Some of them having
attempted to break into the treasury of Christ-church, and
having forced a passage into it, met with nothing but a
single groat and a halter, at the bottom of a large iron
chest. Enraged at their disappointment, they went to the
deanry, where having plundered as much as they thought
fit, they put it all together in a chamber, locked it up, and
retired to their quarters, intending next day to return and
dispose of their prize; but, when they came, they found
themselves disappointed, and every thing removed out of
the chamber. Upon examination it was discovered, that
Mr. Allestry had a key to the lodgings, and that this key
had been made use of. Upon this he was seized, and would
probably have suffered severely, had not the earl of Essex
called away the forces on a sudden, and by that means rescued him from their fury. In October following, he took
arms again, and was at the battle fought betwixt the king
and the parliament’s forces under the command of the earl
of Essex upon Keinton-field in Warwickshire; after which,
understanding that the king designed immediately to march
to Oxford, and take up his residence at the deanry of
Christ-church, he hastened thither to make preparations
for his majesty’s reception; but in his way was taken
prisoner by a party of horse from Boughton-house, which
was garrisoned by lord Say for the parliament: his confinement, however, was but short, as the garrison surrendered to the king. And now Mr. Allestry returned again
to his studies, and the spring following took his degree of
master of arts. The same year he was in extreme danger
of his life by a pestilential distemper, which raged in the
garrison at Oxford; but as soon as he recovered, he entered
once more into his majesty’s service, and carried a musquet in a regiment formed out of the Oxford scholars.
Nor did he in the mean time neglect his studies, “but
frequently (as the author of the preface to Dr. Allestry’s Sermons expresses it) held the musquet in one hand and
the book in the other, unitinEf the watchfulness of a soldier
with the lucubrations of a student.
” In this service he
continued till the end of the war; then went into holy orders, and was chosen censor of his college. He had a
considerable share in that test of loyalty, which the university of Oxford gave in their decree and judgment against
the Solemn League and Covenant. In 1648, the parliament sent visitors to Oxford, to demand the submission of
that body to their authority: those who refused to comply
were immediately proscribed; which was done by writing
their names on a paper, and affixing it on the door of St.
Mary’s church, signifying that such persons were, by the
authority of the visitors, banished the university, and required to depart the precincts within three days, upon pain
of bein,; taken for spies of war, and proceeded against as
such. Mr. Allestry, amongst many others, was accordingly
expelled the university. He now retired into Shropshire,
and was entertained as chaplain to the honourable Francis
Newport, esq. and upon the death of Richard lord Newport, that gentleman’s father, in France, whither he had
Hed to avoid the violence of the prevailing party, was sent
over to France to take care of his effects. Having dispatched this affair with success, he returned to his employment, in which he continued till the defeat of king Charles
II, at Worcester. At this time the royalists wanting an intelligent and faithful person to send over to his majesty,
Mr. Allestry was solicited to undertake the journey, which
he accordingly did; and having attended the king at Roan,
and received his dispatches, returned to England. In 1659,
he went over again to his majesty in Flanders; and upon
his return was seized at Dover by a party of soldiers, but
he had the address to secure his letters, by conveying them
to a faithful hand. The soldiers guarded him to London,
and after being examined by a committee of the council of
safety, he was sent prisoner to Larnbeth-house, where he
contracted a dangerous sickness. About six or eight weeks
after, he was set at liberty; and this enlargement was perhaps owing to the prospect of an approaching revolution;
for some of the heads of the republican party, seeing every
thing tend towards his majesty’s restoration, were willingby kindnesses to recommend themselves to the royal
ve these instances convinced other eminent men that the roads are impassable, since the very learned dean Prideaux, and the sagacious sir Isaac Newton, have devoted many
Dr. Allix enjoyed a very uncommon share of health and spirits, as appears by his latest writings, in which there is not only all the erudition, but all the quickness and vivacity that appeared in his earliest pieces. Those who knew him, derived the same pleasure from his conversation, that the learned found in his productions; for, with an extensive share of learning, he had a remarkable liveliness of temper, and expressed himself on the driest subjects with much sprightliness, and in a manner out of the common road. He was consulted by the greatest men of his age, on the deepest and most intricate parts of learning, and received the praise of the ablest critics of his time. It was not any single branch of literature, or a few related to each other, that could occupy his thoughts, but the whole circle of sciences which fall under the cognizance of a general scholar and sound divine. His sermons shew him to have been an admirable orator, and at the same time a profound scholar, and the several ancient authors whose writings he published, testify his skill in criticism, and his perfect acquaintance with antiquity. His treatises on ecclesiastical history discover a vast fund of reading, and an exact comprehension of his subject, with a warm zeal for the Protestant religion. He laboured also to serve it by the tracts he rescued froro oblivion, to shew, which they did effectually, that the charge of novelty on which the Papists insisted so loudly, was not only unreasonable, but entirely groundless. His thorough acquaintance with Hebrew and Rabbinical learning was displayed in his laborious performance in defence of the doctrine of the Trinity, in which his sincerity is as conspicuous as his learning. If in the prosecution of those deep and recondite studies, he sometimes mistook his way, and erred in his computations, as when he fixed the year of Christ’s second coming at 1720, it was no more than had befallen the greatest men who have travelled this road before him, particularly Joseph Mede and bishop Lloyd; neither have these instances convinced other eminent men that the roads are impassable, since the very learned dean Prideaux, and the sagacious sir Isaac Newton, have devoted many of their hours to the like inquiries. Dr. Allix continued his application to the last, and died at London, Feb. 21, 1717, in the seventy-sixth year of his age, leaving behind him the reputation of a man, equally assiduous in the right discharge of all the offices of public and private life, and every way as amiable for his virtues and social qualities, as venerable from his uprightness and integrity, and celebrated for his various and profound learning.
1696, and of B. D. Dec. 12, 1706. On his coming to the university, he was very soon distinguished by dean Aldrich, and published “Fabularum Æsopicarurn delectus,” Oxon.
, a poetical and miscellaneous English writer, was educated at Westminster school, and thence
elected to Christ-church, Oxford, where he took the degree
of M.A. March 23, 1696, and of B. D. Dec. 12, 1706. On
his coming to the university, he was very soon distinguished
by dean Aldrich, and published “Fabularum Æsopicarurn
” Oxon. a powerful cabal gave
it a surprising turn.
” Alsop passed through the usual
offices in his college to that of censor, with considerable
reputation; and for some years had the principal noblemen and gentlemen belonging to the society committed to
his care. In this useful employment he continued till his
merit recommended him to sir Jonathan Trelawny, bishop
of Winchester, who appointed him his chaplain, and soon
after gave him a prebend in his own cathedral, together
with the rectory of Brightwell, in the county of Berks,
which afforded him ample provision for a learned retirement, from which he could not be drawn by the repeated
solicitations of those who thought him qualified for a more
public character and a higher station. In 1717 an action
was brought against him by Mrs. Elizabeth Astrey of Oxford, for a breach of a marriage contract; and a verdict
obtained against him for 2,000l. which probably occasioned
him to leave the kingdom for some time. How long this
exile lasted is unknown; but his death happened, June 10,
1726, and was occasioned by his falling into a ditch that
led to his garden-door, the path being narrow, and part of
it giving way. A quarto volume of his was published in.
1752, by the late sir Francis Bernard, under the title of
“Antonii Alsopi, sedis Christi olim alumni, Odarum libri
” Four English poems of his are in Dodsley’s collection, one in Pearch’s, several in the early volumes of the
Gentleman’s Magazine, and some in the “Student.
” He
seems to have been a pleasant and facetious companion,
not rigidly bound by the trammels of his profession, and
does not appear to have published any sermons. Mr. Alsop is respectfully mentioned by the facetious Dr. King of
the Commons (vol. I. p. 236.) as having enriched the commonwealth of learning, by “Translations of fables from
Greek, Hebrew, and Arabic 5
” and not less detractingly by
Dr. Bentley, under the name of “Tony Alsop, a late editor of the Alisopean Fables.
” Sir Francis Bernard, his
editor, says, that among the various branches of philological
learning for which he was eminent, his singularly delicate
taste for the classic poets was the chief. This induced him
to make use of the Sapphic numbers in his familiar correspondence with his most intimate friends, in which he
shewed a facility so uncommon, and a style so natural and
easy, that he has been, not unjustly, esteemed not inferior,
to his nic;ter Horace.
ce his lordship, if he has a mind open to conviction, that the tritheistic discourse preached by the dean of St. Patrick’s, is so far from being that masterpiece my lord
“Soon will be published, A Letter to lord Orrery, in answer to what his lordship says in his late remarks in praise of
Swift’s sermon on the Trinity; being an attempt to vindicate the divinity of God, the Father Almighty; and to convince his lordship, if he has a mind open to conviction,
that the tritheistic discourse preached by the dean of St.
Patrick’s, is so far from being that masterpiece my lord
Orrery calls it, that it is ija reafity the most senseless and
despicable performance that ever was produced by orthodoxy to corrupt the divine religion of the blessed Jesus.
By Thomas Amory, esq.
o the second volume of this work, the reader will find an account of two very extraordinary persons, dean Swift, and Mrs. Constahtiu Grierson, of Dublin.
“N. B. In an appendix to the second volume of this work, the reader will find an account of two very extraordinary persons, dean Swift, and Mrs. Constahtiu Grierson, of Dublin.
“As to the dean, we have four histories of him, lately published: to wit, by
“As to the dean, we have four histories of him, lately published: to wit, by lord Orrery, the Observer on lord Orrery, Deane Swift, esq. and Mrs. Pilkington; but after all the man is not described. The ingenious female writer comes nearest to his character, so far as she relates; but her relation is an imperfect piece. My lord and the remarker on his lordship have given us mere critiques on his writings, and not so satisfactory as one could wish. They are not painters. And as to Mr. Swift, the dean’s cousin, his essay is an odd kind of history of the doctor’s family, and vindication of the dean’s high birth, pride, and proceedings. His true character is not attempted by this writer. He says it never can be drawn up with any degree of accuracy, so exceedingly strange, various, and perplexed it was; and yet the materials are to be gathered from his writings. All this I deny. I think I can draw his character; not from his writings, but from my own near observations on the man. I knew him well, though I never was within-side of his house; because I could not flatter, cringe, or meanly humour the extravagancies of any man. I am sure I knew him better than any of those friends he entertained twice a week at the deanery, Stella excepted. I had him often to myself in his rides and walks, and have studied his soul when he little thought what I was about. As I lodged for a year within a few doors of him, I knew his times of going out to a minute, and generally nicked the opportunity. He was fond of company upon these occasions; and glad to have any rational person to talk to: for, whatever was the meaning of it, he rarely had any of his friends attending him at his exercises. One servant only and no companion he had with him, as often as I have met him, or came up with him. What gave me the easier access to him, was my being tolerably well acquainted with our politics and history, and knowing many places, things, people and parties, civil and religious, of his beloved England. Upon this account he was glad I joined him. We talked generally of factions and religion, states and revolutions, leaders and parties. Sometimes we had other subjects. Who I was he never knew; nor did I seem to know he was the dean for a long time; not till one Sunday evening that his verger put me into his seat at St. Patrick’s prayers, without my knowing the doctor sat there. Then I was obliged to recognize the great man, and seemed in a very great surprise. This pretended ignorance of mine as to the person of the dean had giverr me an opportunity of discoursing more freely with, and of receiving more information from the doctor than otherwise I could have enjoyed. The dean was proud beyond all other mortals I have seen, and quite another man when he was known.
e been in the power of any person of consideration to get me there. What I wanted in relation to the dean I had. This was enough for me. I desired no more of him. I was
“This may appear strange to many; but it must be to those who are not acquainted with me. I was so far from having a vanity to be known to Dr. Swift, or to be seen among the fortunate at his house (as I have heard those who met there called), that I am sure it would not have been in the power of any person of consideration to get me there. What I wanted in relation to the dean I had. This was enough for me. I desired no more of him. I was enabled by the means related to know the excellencies and the defects of his understanding; and the picture I have drawn of his mind, you shall see in the appendix aforenamed; with some remarks on his writings, and on the cases of Vanessa and Stella.
ry of Westminster, in the room of Dr. Richard Bancroft promoted to the see of London; and afterwards dean of that church, in the room of Dr. Gabriel Goodman deceased.
, an eminent divine, and bishop
of Winchester in the reigns of James I. and Charles I. was
born at London, in 1555, in the parish of Allhallows
Barking, being descended from the ancient family of the
Andrews in Suffolk. He had his education in grammarlearning, first in the Coopers’ free-school at Ratcliff under
Mr. Ward, and afterwards in Merchant Taylors’ school at
London, under Mr. Muleaster. Here he made such a proficiency in the learned languages, that Dr. Watts, residentiary of St. Paul’s, and archdeacon of Middlesex, who about
that time had founded some scholarships at Pembroke hall
in Cambridge, sent him to that college, and bestowed on
him the first of those exhibitions. After he had been
three years in the university, his custom was to come up
to London once a year, about Easter, to visit his father
and mother, with whom he usually stayed a month; during
which time, with the assistance of a master, he applied
himself to the attaining some language or art, to which he
was before a stranger: and by this means, in a few years,
he had laid the foundation of all the arts and sciences, and
acquired a competent skill in most of the modern languages. Having taken the degree of bachelor of arts, he
was, upon a vacancy, chosen fellow of his college, in preference upon trial to Mr. Dove, afterwards bishop of Peterborough. In the mean time Hugh Price, having founded
Jesus college in Oxford, and hearing much of the fame of
young Mr. Andrews, appointed him one of his, first, orhonorary fellows on that foundation. Having taken the
degree of master of arts, he applied himself to the study
of divinity, in the knowledge of which he so greatly excelled, that being chosen catechist in the college, and having undertaken to read a lecture on the Ten Commandments every Saturday and Sunday at three o'clock in the
afternoon, great numbers out of the other colleges of the
university, and even out of the country, duly resorted to
Pembroke chapel, as to a divinity lecture. At the same
time, he was esteemed so profound a casuist, that he was
often consulted in the nicest and most difficult cases of
conscience; and his reputation being established, Henry,
earl of Huntington, prevailed upon him to accompany him
into the North, of which he was president; where, by his
diligent preaching, and private conferences, in which he
used a due mixture of zeal and moderation, he converted
several recusants, priests, as well as others, to the protestant religion. From that time he began to be taken notice
of by sir Francis Walsingham, secretary of state to queen
Elizabeth. That minister, who was unwilling so fine a
genius should be buried in the obscurity of a country benefice, his intent being to make him reader of controversies
in the university of Cambridge, assigned him for his maintenance the lease of the parsonage of Alton in Hampshire,
and afterwards procured for him the vicarage of St. Giles’s,
Cripplegate, in London. Afterwards he was chosen a prebendary and residentiary of St. Paul’s, as also prebendary
of the collegiate church of Southwell. Being thus preferred to his own contentment, he distinguished himself as
a diligent and excellent preacher, and read divinity lectures
three times a week at St. Paul’s, in term time. Upon the
death of Dr. Fulke, he was chosen master of Pembrokehall, of which he had been scholar and fellow, a place of
more honour than profit, as he spent more upon it than he
received from it, and was a considerable benefactor to that
college. He was appointed one of the chaplains in ordinary to queen Elizabeth, who took such delight in his
preaching, that she first made him a prebendary of Westminster, in the room of Dr. Richard Bancroft promoted to
the see of London; and afterwards dean of that church, in
the room of Dr. Gabriel Goodman deceased. But he refused to accept of any bishopric in this reign, because he
would not basely submit to an alienation of the episcopal
revenue . Dr. Andrews soon grew into far greater esteem
with her successor king James I. who not only gave him
the preference to all other divines as a preacher, but likewise made choice of him to vindicate his sovereignty
against the virulent pens of his enemies. His majesty
having, in his “Defence of the rights of Kings,
” asserted
the authority of Christian princes over causes and persons
ecclesiastical, cardinal Bellarmin, under the name of Matthew Tortus, attacked him with great vehemence. The
king requested bishop Andrews to answer the cardinal,
which he did with great spirit and judgment, in a piece
entitled “Tortura Torti: sive, ad Matthaei Torti librutn
responsio, qui nuper editus contra Apologiam serenissimi
potentissimique principis Jacobi, Dei gratia Magnae Britannias, Franciae, & Hiberniae Regis, pro juramento fidelitatis.
” It was printed at London by Roger Barker, the
king’s printer, in 1609, in quarto, containing 402 pages,
and dedicated to the king. The substance of what the
bishop advances in this treatise, with great strength of reason and evidence, is, that kings have power both to call
synods and confirm them; and to do all other things, which
the emperors heretofore diligently performed, and which
the bishops of those times willingly acknowledged of rio-ht
to belong to them. Casaubon gives this work the character of being written with great accuracy and research. That
king next promoted him to the bishopric of Chichester, to
which he was consecrated, November 3, 1605. At the
same time he made him his lord almoner, in which place
of great trust he behaved with singular fidelity, disposing
of the royal benevolence in the most disinterested manner,
and not availing himself even of those advantages that he
might legally and fairly have taken. Upon the vacancy of
the bishopric of Ely, he was advanced to that see, and
consecrated September 22, 1609. He was also nominated
one of his majesty’s privy counsellors of England; and
afterwards of Scotland, when he attended the king in his
journey to that kingdom. After he had sat nine years in
that see, he wus advanced to the bishopric of Winchester,
and deanery of the king’s chapel, February 18, 1618;
which two last preferments he held till his death. This
great prelate was in no less reputation and esteem with
king Charles I. than he had been with his predecessors.
At length he departed this life, at Winchester-house in
Southwark, September 25, 1626, in the seventy-first year
of his age; and was buried in the parish church of St. Saviour’s, Southwark; where his executors erected to him a
very fair monument of marble and alabaster, on which is
an elegant Latin inscription, written by one of his chaplains .
lesiastical preferments, particularly the vicaragehouse of St. Giles, Cripplegate, the prebend’s and dean’s houses of Westminster, and the residentiary' s house of St.
The character of bishop Andrews, both in public and
private life, was in every respect great and singular. His
contemporaries and biographers celebrate, in particular,
his ardent zeal and piety, demonstrated not only in his
private and secret devotions between God and himself, in
which those, who attended him, perceived, that he daily
spent many hours; but likewise in his public prayers with
his family in his chapel, wherein he behaved so humbly,
devoutlv, and reverently, that it could not but excite others
to follow his example. His charity was remarkable even
before he came to great preferments; for, while he continued in a private station of life, he relieved his poor
parishioners, and assisted the prisoners, besides his constant Sunday alms at his parish of St. Giles, Cdpplegate.
But when his fortune increased, his charity increased in proportion, and he released many prisoners of all sorts, who were
detained either for small debts or the keeper’s fees. In all
his charities, he gave strict charge to his servants, whom
he intrusted with the distribution of them, that they should
not acknowledge whence this relief came; but directed,
that the acquittance, which they took from the persons
who received such relief, should be taken in the name of
a benefactor unknown. Other large sums he bestowed
yearly, and oftener, in clothing the poor and naked, in
relieving the necessitous, and assisting families in the time
of the infection, besides his alms to poor housekeepers at
his gate. So that his private alms in his last six years, over
and above his public, amounted to above thirteen hundred
pounds. He left in his will four thousand pounds to purchase two hundred pounds per annum in land for ever, to
be distributed by fifjy pounds quarterly in the following
manner: To aged poor men, fifty pounds; to poor widows,
the wives of one husband, fifty pounds; to the binding of
poor orphans apprentices, fifty pounds; and to the relief
of poor prisoners, fifty pounds. Besides he left to be distributed immediately alter his decease among maid-servants of a good character, and who had served one master
or mistress seven years, two hundred pounds; and a great
part of his estate, after his funeral and legacies were discharged, among his poor servants. To this virtue of his
we may add his hospitality. From the first time of his
preferment to the last moments of his life, he was always
most liberal in the. entertainment of persons who deserved
respect, especially scholars and strangers, his table being
constantly furnished with provisions and attendance answerable. He shewed himself so generous in his entertainments, and so gravely facetious, that his guests would often
profess, that they never came to any man’s table, where
they received more satisfaction in all respects. He was at
a prodigious expence in entertaining all sorts of people in
Scotland, when he attended king James thither; and it
cost him three thousand pounds in the space of three days,
when that king came to visit him at Farnham castle, the
principal seat belonging to the bishopric of Winchester.
He was unblemished both in his ordinary transactions, and
in the discharge of his spiritual and temporal offices. He
was always careful to keep in good repair the houses of all
his ecclesiastical preferments, particularly the vicaragehouse of St. Giles, Cripplegate, the prebend’s and dean’s
houses of Westminster, and the residentiary' s house of
St. Paul’s. He spent four hundred and twenty pounds
upon the palaces belonging to the bishopric of Chichester;
above two thousand four hundred and forty pounds upon
that of Ely; and two thousand pounds upon those of Winchester, besides a pension of four hundred pounds per annum from which he freed that see at his own charge.
With regard to his pastoral and episcopal charge, he was
the most exact in the execution of it, promoting, as far as
he could judge, none but men of character and abilities to
the livings and preferments within his gift. For which
purpose he took care beforehand to enquire what promising
young men there were in the university; and directed his
chaplains to inform him of such persons, whom he encouraged in the most liberal manner. He used to send for
men of eminent learning, who wanted preferment, though
they had no dependance upon him, nor interest in him,
and entertain them in his house, and confer preferment
upon them, and likewise defray their charges of a dispensation or faculty, and even of their journey. If we consider
him in those temporal affairs, with which he was intrusted,
we shall find him no less faithful and just. He disposed of
very considerable sums, which were sent him to be distributed among poor scholars and others at his discretion,
with the utmost care, and exactly agreeable to the donor’s
intent. Of his integrity in managing those places, in,
which he was intrusted for others jointly with himself,
Pembroke-hall, and the church of Westminster, were sufficient evidences. For when he became master of the
former, he found it in debt, having then but a small endowment; but by his care he left above eleven hundred
pounds in the treasury of that college. And when h
dean of the latter, he left it free from all debts and encroachments; and took such care of the school, that the
scholars were much improved not only by his direction and
superintendance, but even by his personal labours among
them. And as by virtue of his deanery of Westminster,
his mastership of Pembroke-hall, and his bishopric of Ely,
the election of scholars into Westminster-school, and from
thence into the two universities, and of many scholars and
fellows into Pembroke-hall, some in Peter-house, and some
in Jesus college, were in his power and disposal, he was
always so just, that he waved all letters from great personages for insufficient scholars, and divested himself of all
partiality, and chose only such as he thought had most
merit. Being likewise often desired to assist at the election of scholars from the Free -schools of Merchant Taylors, St. Paul’s, and the Mercer’s, and perceiving favour
and interest sometimes overbalancing merit with those to
whom the choice belonged, and that divers good scholars
were omitted, and others preferred, he frequently took
care of such as were neglected, and sent them to the university, where he bestowed preferment upon them. Nor
was he less distinguished for his fidelity in that great place
of trust, the almonership. He never would suffer any part
of what arose to him from that place to be mingled with
his own rents or revenues, and was extremely exact in disposing of it. When he found a surplus over and above the
ordinary charges, he distributed it in the relief of the indigent and distressed; though it was in his power to have
applied this to his own use (his patent being sine compute), and no person could have questioned him concerning it. He gave a great many noble instances of his gratitude to those who had befriended him when young. He
bestowed upon Dr. Ward, son to his first schoolmaster,
the living of Waltham in Hampshire. He shewed the
greatest regard for Mr. Mulcaster, his other school-master,
in all companies, and always placed him at the upper end
of his table, and after his death caused his picture (though he had but few others in his house) to be set over his study
door. Besides these external marks of gratitude he supplied his necessities privately in a very liberal manner, and
left his son a valuable legacy. He inquired very carefully
after the kindred of Dr. Watts, who, as already noticed,
had sent him to Pembroke-hall, and having found out one,
he conferred upon him preferments in that college. Nor
did he forget his patron Dr. Watts in his will; for he ordered there, that out of the scholarships of his foundation,
the two fellowships, which himself had founded in that
college, should be supplied, if the candidates should be
fit for them. To omit the legacies which he left to the
parish of St. Giles, Cripplegate, St. Martin, Ludgate, where
he had lived, St. Andrew’s, Holborn, St. Saviour’s, Southwark, Allhallows, Barking, where he was born, and others;
he gave to Pembroke-hall one thousand pounds to purchase lands for two fellowships, and for other uses in that
college, expressed in his will; besides three hundred such
folio books of his own as were not in the library there,
with several other valuable gifts. His humanity extended
to every person who conversed with him; so that he was
admired not only by the men of learning and others in this
kingdom, but even by foreigners of the greatest eminence,
particularly Casaubon, Cluverius, Vossius, who corresponded with him by letters, Grotius, Peter du Moulin, Barclay,
the author of the Argenis, and Erpenius, to whom he offered an annual stipend to read lectures at Cambridge in
the oriental tongues, the professors of which he encouraged
very liberally, and particularly Mr. Bedvvell, to whom he
gave the vicarage of Tottenham in Middlesex. His modesty was so remarkable, that though the whole Christian
world admired his profound learning, and particularly his
knowledge of the eastern languages, Greek, Latin, and
many modern languages, he was so far from being elated
with the opinion of it, that he often complained of his defects; and when he was preferred to the bishopric of Chichester, and urged his own insufficiency for such a charge,
he caused these words of St. Paul, Et ad hac quis idoneus?
i. e. “And who is sufficient for these things?
” to be engraven about his episcopal seal. One instance of his modesty mixed with his humanity may be added, that after
his chaplains had preached in his chapel before him, he
would sometimes privately request them, that he might
have a sight of their notes, and encourage them in the
kindest terms imaginable.
ed. His other works were, his “Manual of Devotions,” Gr. and Lat. often reprinted, and translated by dean Stanhope, 12mo; and several Concidnes ad Clerum, or other occasional
The works of this learned prelate, which are now best
known, are, 1. “A volume of Sermons,
” London, The Moral Law expounded, or Lectures on
the Ten Commandments, with nineteen Sermons on
” Collection of posthumous and
orphan Lectures delivered at St. Paul’s and St. Giles’s,
London, Manual of Devotions,
” Gr. and Lat. often reprinted,
and translated by dean Stanhope, 12mo; and several Concidnes ad Clerum, or other occasional sermons preached
before the university, and at court “Responsio ad Apologiam Cardinalis Beliannini, &c.
” Theological determinations on Usury, Tythes.
” “Responsiones ad
Petri Molinsei Epistolas tres.
” “Stricturae, or a brief
Answer to the eighteenth chapter of the first booke of cardinal! Perron’s Reply, written in French to king James his
Answer written by Mr. Casaubon in Latine.
” “An Answer to
the twentieth chapter of the fifth book of cardinal Perron’s
Reply, written in French to king James his Answer, written by Mr. Casaubon to the cardinal! in Latine.
” “A Speech
delivered in the Starr-chamber against the two Judaicall opinions of Mr. Traske.
” The two Judaical opinions advanced
by Mr. Traske were, 1. That Christians are bound to abstain from those meats, which the Jews were forbidden in
Leviticus. 2. That they are bound to observe the Jewish
Sabbath. “A Speech delivered in the Starr-Chamber concerning Vowes, in thecountesseof Shrewesburiescase.
” This
lady was convicted of disobedience, for refusing to answer
or be examined, (though she had promised to do it before),
alleging, that she had made a solemn vow to the contrary.
The design of the bishop’s speech is to shew, that such
vows were unlawful, and consequently of no force or obligation upon her. These pieces were printed after the
author’s death at London by Felix Kyngston, in 1629, 4to,
and dedicated to king Charles I. by Dr. William Laud
bishop of London, and Dr. John Buckridge bishop of Ely.
trived to rise; and his satirical humour, which spared neither friend or foe, he was in 1724, chosen dean of the faculty. His first measures in this office were entitled
, surnamed Bois-Regard,a French
physician and medical writer, was born at Lyons in 1658,
and came to Paris without any provision, but defrayed the
expences of his philosophical studies in the college of
the Grassins by teaching a few pupils. He was at length
a professor in that college; and, in 1687, became first
known to the literary world by a translation of Pacatus’
panegyric on Theodosius the Great. Quitting theology,
however, to which he had hitherto applied, he turned to
the study of medicine, received his doctor’s degree at
Rheims, and in 1697 was admitted of the faculty at Paris.
Some share of merit, and a turn for intrigue, contributed
greatly to his success, and he became professor of the
Royal College, censor, and a contributor to the Journal
des Savants; and, although there were strong prejudices
against him on account of the manner in which he contrived
to rise; and his satirical humour, which spared neither
friend or foe, he was in 1724, chosen dean of the faculty.
His first measures in this office were entitled to praise;
convinced of the superiority of talent which the practice of
physic requires, he reserved to the faculty that right of
inspecting the practice of surgery, which they had always
enjoyed, and made a law that no surgeon should perform
the operation of lithotomy, unless in the presence of a
physician. After this he wished to domineer over the faculty itself, and endeavoured to appoint his friend Helvetius to be first physician to the king, and protector of
the faculty. But these and other ambitious attempts were
defeated in 1726, when it was decided, that all the decrees
of the faculty should be signed by a majority, and not be
liable to any alteration by the dean. After this he was
perpetually engaged in disputes with some of the members,
particularly Hecquet, Lemery, and Petit, and many abusive
pamphlets arose from these contests. Andry, however,
was not re-elected dean, and had only to comfort himself
Vy some libels against his successor Geoffroy, for which,
and his general turbulent character, cardinal* Fleury
would no longer listen to him, but took the part of the
university and the faculty. Andry died May 13, 1742,
aged eighty-four. His works were very numerous, and
many of them valuable: 1. “Traite de la generation des
Vers dans le corps de I'homme,
” Traite des Aliments;
” and by
Valisnieri, who fixed on him the nickname of Homo venniculosus, as he pretended to find worms at the bottom of
every disorder. Andry answered these attacks in a publication entitled “Eclaircissements sur le livre de generation, &c.
” 2. “Remarques de medicine sur differents
sujets, principalement sur ce qui regard e la Saignee et la
” Paris, Le Regime du
” Paris, 1710, 12mo, reprinted 1713, 2 vols. and
afterwards in three, in answer to the opinions of Hecqnet.
4. “Thé de l'Europe, ou les proprietes de la veronique,
Paris, Examen de difFerents points
d' Anatomic, &c,
” Paris, Remarques de chemie touchant la preparation de certains remedes,
” Paris, Chimie medicale.
7. “Cleon a Eudoxe, touchant la pre-eminence de la
Medicine sur la Chirurgie.
” Paris, Orthopedic; ou l'art de prevenir et de corriger, dans les
enfants, les Difformites du corps,
” Paris,
and popular preacher. In 1630 he preached a lecture at Leicester; but, in 1634, was suspended by the dean of the arches for preaching without a licence. In 1650, the
, an English clergyman and nonconformist, was born about the latter end of the sixteenth century, in Gloucestershire, and admitted of Magdalen hall,
Oxford, in 1610. After taking his degrees in arts, he went
into the church, and became a frequent and popular
preacher. In 1630 he preached a lecture at Leicester;
but, in 1634, was suspended by the dean of the arches for
preaching without a licence. In 1650, the Independents,
who then were predominant, obliged him to leave Leicester,
because he refused to subscribe to their engagement. On
this the Mercers’ company chose him lecturer of Grantham
in Lincolnshire, where he remained until his death in 1655,
an event which was deeply lamented by his flock. He
wrote “The right government of the Thoughts,
” London,
Four Sermons,
” ibid. 8vo.
, dean of Edinburgh in Scotland, the son of William Annand, minister
, dean of Edinburgh in Scotland, the son of William Annand, minister of Air, in Airshire, was born in that town in 1633. Five years after, his father was obliged to quit Scotland with his family, on account of their loyalty to the king, and adherence to the episcopal government established by law in that country. In 1651, young Annand was admitted a scholar in University -college, Oxford; and though he was put under the care of a Presbyterian tutor, yet he took all occasions to be present at the sermons preached by the loyal divines in and near Oxford. In 1656, being then bachelor of arts, he received holy orders from the hands of Dr. Thomas Fulwar, bishop of Ardfert, or Kerry in Ireland; and was appointed preacher at Weston on the Green, near Bicester, in Oxfordshire; where he met with great encouragement from sir Francis Norris, lord of that manor. After he had taken his degree of M. A. he was presented to the vicarage of Leighton-Buzzard, in Bedfordshire; where he distinguished himself by his edifying manner of preaching, till 1662, when he went into Scotland, as chaplain to John earl of Middleton, the king’s high commissioner to the church of that kingdom. In the latter end of 1663, he was instituted to the Tolbooth church, at Edinburgh; and from thence was removed some years after to the Trone church of that city, which was likewise a prebend. In April 1676, he was nominated by the king to the deanery of Edinburgh; and in 1685 he commenced D. D. in the university of St. Andrews. He died June 13, 1689, and was honourably interred in the Grey-friars church at Edinburgh. As his life was pious and devout, so his sickness and death afforded great consolation to those who attended him in his last moments.
thers, one was, to seize the revenues of a church, upon the death of a bishop or abbot; allowing the dean and chapter, or convent, but a slender pension for maintenance.
, archbishop of Canterbury in the reigns of
William Rufus and Henry I was an Italian by birth, and
born in 1033 at Aost, or Augusta, a town at the foot of the
Alps, belonging to the duke of Savoy. He was descended
of a considerable family: his father’s name was Gundulphus, and his mother’s Hemeberga. From early life his
religious cast of mind was so prevalent, that, at the age of
fifteen, he offered himself to a monastery, but was refused,
lest his father should have been displeased. After, however, he had gone through a course of study, and travelled
for some time in France and Burgundy, he took the monastic habit in the abbey of Bee in Normandy, of which
Lanfranc, afterwards archbishop of Canterbury, was then
prior. This was in 1060, when he was twenty-seven years
old. Three years after, when Lanfranc was made abbot of
Caen, Anselm succeeded him in the priory of Bee, and on
the death of the abbot, was raised to that office. About
the year 1092, Anselm came over into England, by the
inritation of Hugh, earl of Chester, who requested his assistance in his sickness. Soon after his arrival, William
Rufus, falling sick at Gloucester, was much pressed to fill
up the see of Canterbury. The king, it seems, at that
time, was much influenced by one Kanulph, a clergyman,
who, though a Norman and of mean extraction, had a great
share in the king’s favour, and at last rose to the post of
prime minister. This man, having gained the king’s ear
by flattering his vices, misled him in the administration,
and put him upon several arbitrary and oppressive expedients. Among others, one was, to seize the revenues of
a church, upon the death of a bishop or abbot; allowing
the dean and chapter, or convent, but a slender pension
for maintenance. But the king now falling sick, began to
be touched with remorse of conscience, and among other
oppressions, was particularly afflicted for the injury he had
done the church and kingdom in keeping the see of Canterbury, and some others, vacant. The bishops and other
great men therefore took this opportunity to entreat the
king to fill up the vacant sees; and Anselm, who then
lived in the neighbourhood of Gloucester, being sent for
to court, to assist the king in his illness, was considered
by the king as a proper person, and accordingly nominated
to the see of Canterbury, which had been four years vacant,
and was formerly filled by his old friend and preceptor Lanfranc. Anselm was with much difficulty prevailed upon to
accept this dignity, and evidently foresaw the difficulties of
executing his duties conscientiously under such a sovereign
as William Rufus. Before his consecration, however, he gained a promise from the king for the restitution of all the lands
which were in the possession of that see in Lanfranc’s time.
And thus having secured the temporalities of the archbishopric, and done homage to the king, he was consecrated with great solemnity on the 4th of December, 1093.
Soon after his consecration, the king intending to wrest
the duchy of Normandy from his brother Robert, and endeavouring to raise what money he could for that purpose,
Anselm made him an offer of five hundred pounds; which
the king thinking too little, refused to accept, and the archbishop thereby fell under the king’s displeasure. About
that time, he had a dispute with the bishop of London,
touching the right of consecrating churches in a foreign
diocese. The next year, the king being ready to embark
for Normandy, Anseim waited upon him, and desired his
leave to convene a national synod, in which the disorders
of the church and state, and the general dissolution of
manners, might be remedied: but the king refused his
request, and even treated him so roughly, that the archbishop and his retinue withdrew from the court, the licentious manners of which, Anselm, who was a man of inflexible piety, had censured with great freedom. Another
cause of discontent between him and the archbishop, was
Anselm’s desiring leave to go to Rome, to receive the pall
from pope Urban II. whom the king of England did not
acknowledge as pope, being more inclined to favour the
party of his competitor Guibert. To put an end to this
misunderstanding, a council, or convention, was held at
Rockingham castle, March 11, 1095. In this assembly,
Anselm, opening his cause, told them with what reluctancy he had accepted the archbishopric; that he had
made an express reserve of his obedience to pope Urban;
and that he was now brought under difficulties upon that
score. He therefore desired their advice how to act in
such a manner, as neither to fail in his allegiance to the
king, nor in his duty to the holy see. The bishops were
of opinion, that he ought to resign himself wholly to the
king’s pleasure. They told him, there was a general
complaint against him, for intrenching upon the king’s
prerogative; and that it would be prudence in him to wave
his regard for Urban; that bishop (for they would not call him pope) being in no condition to do him either good or
harm. To this Anselm returned, that he was engaged to
be no farther the king’s subject than the laws of Christianity would give him leave; that as he was willing “to
render unto Cassar the things that were Caesar’s,
” so he
must likewise take in the other part of the precept, and
“give unto God that which was God’s.
” Upon this William, bishop of Durham, a court prelate, who had inflamed
the difference, and managed the argument for the king,
insisted, that the nomination of the pope to the subject
was the principal jewel of the crown, and that by this privilege the kings of England were distinguished from the
rest of the princes of Christendom. This is sound doctrine, if that had really been the question; but, whatever
may be now thought of it, Anselm held an opinion in
which succeeding kings and prelates acquiesced, and in the
present instance, there is reason to think that William
Rufus’s objection was not to the pope, but to a pope. Be
this as it may, the result of this council was that the majority of the bishops, under the influence of the court,
withdrew their canonical obedience, and renounced Anselm for their archbishop, and the king would have even
had them to try and depose him, but this they refused. In
consequence of this proceeding, Anselm desired a passport to go to the continent, which the king refused, and
would permit only of a suspension of the affair from March
to Whitsuntide; but long before the expiration of the
term, he broke through the agreement, banished several
clergymen who were Anselm’s favourites, and miserably
harrassed the tenants of his see. Whitsuntide being at
length come, and the bishops having in vain endeavoured
to soften Anselm into a compliance, the king consented to
receive him into favour upon his own terms; and, because
Anselm persisted in refusing to receive the pall from the
king’s hands, it was at last agreed that the pope’s nuncio,
who had brought the pall into England, should carry it
clown to Canterbury, and lay it upon the altar of the cathedral, from whence Anselm was to receive it, as if it had
been put into his hands by St. Peter himself.
, an English divine, dean of Chester, was a native of Cheshire, and descended from an
, an English divine, dean of Chester, was a native of Cheshire, and descended from an ancient family of the same name in that county. He was
educated in Christ’s college, Cambridge, and in 1673, he
became a fellow-commoner of Brazen-nose college,
Oxford, partly for the sake of the public library, and partly to
enjoy the conversation of the divines of this university.
He held the living of St. Botolph Aldgate in London from
1666 to 1682, when king Charles Ij. to whom he was
chaplain in ordinary, bestowed on him the deanery of Chester. He attached himself afterwards to the cause of
James II. and suffered much in his popularity at Chester,
where he died Sept. 18, 1691, and was buried in the cathedral church. By will he bequeathed his books and the
principal part of his estate to provide and maintain a public library in the said cathedral of Chester for the use of
the city and clergy. His writings were, “Directions concerning the matter and style of Sermons,
” Conjectura circa Enw/tw D. dementis Itomani, cui subjiciuntur castigationes in Epiphanium et Petavium de Eucharistia, de Ccelibatu Ciericorum, et de orationibus pro
vita functis,
” Lond.
eath of Gournay, bishop of Toul, the chapter of that city tin; mously elected the abbé Arnauld, then dean of that cathedral, his successor. The kinsr confirmed his nomination,
, brother of Robert and Anthony,
was born at Paris in 1597. After the death of Gournay,
bishop of Toul, the chapter of that city tin; mously
elected the abbé Arnauld, then dean of that cathedral, his
successor. The kinsr confirmed his nomination, at the entreaty of the famous capuchin, pere Joseph; but a dispute
about the right of election prevented him from accepting it. In 1645, he was sent on an extraordinary embassy from France to Rome, for quieting the disputes that
had arisen between the Barbarini and Innocent X. On
his return to France he was made bishop of Angers in
1649. He never quitted his diocese but once, and that
vas to give advice to the prince of Tarento, in order to a
reconciliation with the duke de la Tremouille his father.
The city of Angers having revolted in 1652, this prelate
appeased the queen-mother, who was advancing with an
army to take vengeance on it, by saying to her, as he administered the sacrament: “Take, madam, the body of
him who forgave his enemies, as he was dying on the
” This sentiment was as much in his heart as it was
on his lips. He was the father of the poor, and the comforter of the afflicted. His time was divided between
prayer, reading, and the duties of his episcopal function.
One of his intimates telling him that he ought to take one
day in the week for some recreation from fatigue, “Yes,
said he, “that I will do with all my heart, if you will
point me out one day in which I am not a bishop.
” He
died at Angers, June 8, 1692, at the age of 95. His negotiations at the court of Rome, and in various courts of
Italy, were published at Paris in 5 vols, 12 mo. a long
time after his death (in 1748). They are interspersed with,
a great number of curious anecdotes and interesting particulars related in the style peculiar to all the Arnaulds.
nteresting articles are taken from the manuscript history of the French poets by the late abbé Brun, dean of S. Agricola at Avignon. This history existed in ms. in the
, canon of the cathedral church at Vienna, was born in that metropolis, the
th of March 1704. He shewed an early inclination for
literature and bibliographical inquiries, and wrote some
verses, which he afterwards judiciously suppressed. His
first publication, in 1739, was a piece entitled “Relation,
d'une assemblee tenue au bas de Parnasse, pour la reforme
des Belles Lettres,
” 12mo. Mr. Sabathier, with more
spleen than reason, observes that the place for this assembly was very happily chosen. But Artigni is more
advantageously known by his “Memoires d'histoire, de
critique & de litterature,
” Paris,
hold the intended favours from Arundel, but likewise, at the king’s request^ to promote Roger Walden dean of York and lord treasurer of England, to the see of Canterbury.
, archbishop of Canterbury in the
reigns of Richard II. Henry IV. and Henry V. was the
second son of Robert Fitz-Alan, earl of Arundel and Warren, and brother of Richard earl of Arundel, who was afterwards beheaded. He was but twenty-two years of age
when, from being archdeacon of Taunton, he was promoted to the bishopric of Ely, by the pope’s provision,
and consecrated April 9, 1374, at Otteford. He was a
considerable benefactor to the church and palace of that
see. He almost rebuilt the episcopal palace in Holborn,
and, among other donations, he presented the cathedral
with a very curious table of massy gold, enriched with
precious stones which had been given to prince Edward
by the king of Spain, and sold by the latter to bishop
Arundel for three hundred marks. In the year 1386, the
tenth of Richard II. he was made lord high chancellor of
England but resigned it in 1389 was again appointed in
1391, and resigned it finally, upon his advancement to the
see of Canterbury. After he had sat about fourteen years
in the see of Ely, he was translated to the archbishopric of
York, April 3, 1388, where he expended a very large
sum of money in building a palace for the archbishops,
and, besides other rich ornaments, gave to the church
several pieces of silver-gilt plate. In 1393, being then
chancellor, he removed the courts of justice from London
to York and, as a precedent for this unpopular step, he
alledged the example of archbishop Corbridge, eighty
years before. The see of Canterbury being vacant by the
death of Dr. William Courtney, archbishop Arundel was
translated thither, January 1396. The crosier was delivered into his hands by Henry Chellenden, prior of Canterbury, in the presence of the king, and a great number
of the nobility, and on the 19th of February 1397, he was
enthroned with great pomp at Canterbury, the first instance of the translation of an archbishop of York to the
see of Canterbury. Soon after he had a contest with the
university of Oxford about the right of visitation, which
was determined by King Richard, to whom the decision
was referred, in favour of the archbishop. At his visitation in London, he revived an old constitution, first set
on foot by Simon Niger, bishop of London, by which the
inhabitants of the respective parishes were obliged to pay
to their rector one halfpenny in the pound out of the rent
of their houses. In the second year of his translation, a
parliament was held at London, in which the commons,
with the king’s leave, impeached the archbishop, together
with his brother the earl of Arundel, and the duke of
Gloucester, of high-treason, for compelling the king, in
the tenth year of his reign, to grant them a commission to
govern the kingdom. The archbishop was sentenced to
be banished, and had forty days allowed him to prepare
for his exile, within which time he was to depart the kingdom on pain of death. Upon this he retired first into
France, and then to Rome, where pope Boniface IX. gave
him a very friendly reception, and wrote a letter to king
Richard, desiring him to receive the archbishop again into
favour. But not meeting with success, his holiness resolved to interpose his authority in favour of Arundel.
Accordingly he nominated him to the archbishopric of
St. Andrews, and declared his intention of giving him
several other preferments in England, by way of provision.
The king, upon this, wrote an expostulatory letter to the
pope, which induced him not only to withhold the intended
favours from Arundel, but likewise, at the king’s request^
to promote Roger Walden dean of York and lord treasurer
of England, to the see of Canterbury. That prelate, however, was soon obliged to quit his new dignity for, next
year, Arundel returned into England with the duke of
Lancaster, afterwards king Henry IV. upon whose accession to the throne, the pope revoked the bull granted to
Walden, and restored Arundel and among the articles of
mis government brought against king Richard, one was his
usage and banishment of this prelate. The throne being
vacant by Richard’s resignation, and the duke of Lancaster’s title being allowed in parliament, Arundel had the
honour to crown the new king and, at the coronationdinner, sat at his right hand; the archbishop of York
being placed at his left. In the first year of king Henry’s
reign, Arundel summoned a synod, which sat at St. Paul’s.
Harpsfield, and the councils from him, have mistaken this
synod for one held during the vacancy of the see. He
also by his courage and resolution, preserved several of
the bishops, who were in king Henry’s army, from being
plundered of their equipages and money. The next year,
the commons having moved, that the revenues of the church
might be applied to the service of the public, Arundel opposed the motion so vigorously, that the king and lords
promised him, the church should never be plundered in
their time. After this, he visited the university of Cambridge, where he made several statutes, suppressed several bad customs, and punished the students for their misbehaviour. And, when the visitation was ended, at the
request of the university, he reserved all those matters
and causes, which had been laid before him, to his own
cognizance and jurisdiction. In the year 1408, Arundel
began to exert himself with vigour against the Lollards or
Wickliffites. To this end, he summoned the bishops and
clergy at Oxford, to check the progress of this new sect,
and prevent that university’s being farther tinctured with
their opinions. But the doctrines of Wickliff still gaining
ground, the archbishop resolved to visit the university,
attended by the earl of Arundel, his nephew, and a splendid
retinue. When he came near the town, he was met by
the principal members of the university, who told him,
that, if he came only to see the town, he was very welcome, but if he came in the character of a visitor, they
refused to acknowledge his jurisdiction. The archbishop,
resenting this treatment, left Oxford in a day or two, and
wrote to the king on accpunt of his disappointment. After
a warm contest between the university and the archbishop,
both parties agreed to refer the dispute to the king’s decision who, governing himself by the example of his predecessors, gave sentence in favour of the archbishop. Soon
after this controversy was ended, a convocation being held
at St. Paul’s in London, the bishops and clergy complained of the growth of Wicklevitism at Oxford, and
pressed the archbishop to visit that university. He accordingly wrote to the chancellor and others, giving them
notice, that he intended to hold a visitation in St. Mary’s
church. His delegates for this purpose were sent down
soon after, and admitted by the university, who, to make
some satisfaction for their backwardness in censuring
Wickliff’s opinions, “wrote to the archbishop, and asked
his pardon: after which they appointed a committee of
twelve persons, to examine heretical books, particularly
those of Wicklitf. These inquisitors into heretical pravity,
having censured some conclusions extracted out o'f WicklitPs books, sent an account of their proceedings to the
archbishop, who confirmed their censures, and sent an
authority in writing to some eminent members of the university, empowering them to inquire into persons suspected of heterodoxy, and oblige them to declare their opinions. These rigorous proceedings made Arundel extremely hated by the Wickliffites, and certainly form the
deepest stain on his character. However he went on with
the prosecution, and not only solicited the pope to condemn the abovementioned conclusions, but desired likewise a bull for the digging up Wickliff’s bones. The pope
granted the first of these requests, but refused the other,
not thinking it any useful part of discipline to disturb the
ashes of the dead. Arundel’s warm zeal for suppressing
the Lollards, or Wickliffites, carried him to several unjustifiable severities against the heads of that sect, particularly against sir John Oldcastle, lord Cobham and induced him to procure a synodical constitution, which
forbad the translation of the scriptures into the vulgar
tongue. This prelate died at Canterbury, after having sat
seventeen years, the 20th of February, 1413. The Lollardsofthose times asserted the immediate hand of heaven in the manner of his death. He died of an inflammation in his throat, and it is said that he was struck with
this disease, as he was pronouncing sentence of excommunication and condemnation on the lord Cobham; and
from that time, notwithstanding all the assistance of medicine, he could swallow neither meat nor drink, and was
starved to death. The Lollards imputed this lamentable
end to the just judgment of God upon him, both for his
severity towards that sect, and forbidding the scriptures
to be translated into English; and bishop Godwin seems to
lean to the same opinion. He was buried in the cathedral
of Canterbury, near the west end, under a monument erected by himself in his life-time. He was a considerable benefactor to that church, having built the Lanthorn Tower,
and great part of the Nave and he gave a ring of five
bells, called from him
” Arundel’s Ring," several rich
vestments, a mitre enchased with jewels, a silver gilt
crosier, a golden chalice for the high altar, and another
to be used only on St. Thomas Becket’s day. He bestowed also the church of Godmersham, out of the income of which, he ordered six shillings and eight pence
to be given annually to every monk of the convent, on the
aforesaid festival. Lastly, he gave several valuable books,
particularly two Missals, and a collection in one volume of
St. Gregory’s works, with anathema to any person who
should remove it out of the church. He appears to have
possessed a great natural capacity, and was a splendid
benefactor to many of our ecclesiastical structures. As a
politician, he took a very active share in the principal
measures of very turbulent times, and it is perhaps now
difficult to appreciate his character in any other particulars than what are most prominent, his zeal for the catholic religion, and his munificence in the various offices he
ch threatened him with immediate death. He was visited in his last sickness by Dr. Alexander Nowell, dean of St. ’Paul’s, and Graves, vicar of St. Sepulchre’s, who found
The master of St. John’s college at this time, Nicholas
Medcalf, was a great encourager of learning, and his tutor,
Mr. Hugh Fitzherbert, had not only much knowledge, but
also a graceful and insinuating method of imparting it to his
pupils. To a genius naturally prone to learning, Mr. Ascham
added a spirit of emulation, which induced him to study so
hard, that, while a mere boy, he made a great progress in polite learning, and became exceedingly distinguished amongst
the most eminent wits in the university. He took his degree of B. A. on the twenty-eighth of February, 1534,
when eighteen years* of age; and on the twenty-third of
March following, was elected fellow of his college by the
interest of the master, though Mr. Ascham’s propensity to
the reformed religion had made it difficult for Dr. Medcalf,
who, according to Ascham' s account, was a man of uncommon liberality, to carry his good intention into act. These
honours served only to excite him to still greater vigilance
in his studies, particularly in that of the Greek tongue,
wherein he attained an excellency peculiar to himself, and
read therein, both publicly for the university, and privately
in his college, with universal applause. At the commencement held after the feast of St. Peter and St. Paul, in
1536, he was inaugurated M. A. being then twenty-one
years old. By this time many of his pupils came to be
taken notice of for their extraordinary proficiency, and
William Grindall, one of them, at the recommendation of
Mr. Ascham, was chosen by sir John Cheke, to be tutor to
the lady Elizabeth. As he did not accept this honour
himself, he probably was delighted with an academical life,
and was not very desirous of changing it for one at court.
His affection for his friends, though it filled him with a
deep concern for their interests, and a tender regard for
their persons, yet could not induce him to give up his
understanding, especially in points of learning. For this
reason he did not assent to the new pronunciation of the
Greek, which his intimate friend, sir John Cheke, laboured, by his authority, to introduce throughout the
university; yet when he had thoroughly examined, he
came over to his opinion, and defended the new pronunciation with that zeal and vivacity which gave a peculiar
liveliness to all his writings. In July 1542, he supplicated
the university of Oxford to be incorporated M. A. but it &
doubtful whether this was granted. To divert him after
the fatigue of severer studies, he addicted himself to archcry, which innocent amusement drew upon him the censure
of some persons, against whose opinion he wrote a small
treatise, entitled “Toxophilus,
” published in Schoolmaster,
” which he lived to finish, but not to publish. His
application to study rendered him infirm throughout his
whole life, and at last he became so weak, that he was unable to read in the evenings or at night; to make amends
for which, he rose very early in the morning. The year
before his death he was seized with a hectic, which brought
him very low and then, contrary to his former custom,
relapsing into night-studies, in order to complete a Latin
poem with which he designed to present the queen on the
new year, he, on the 23d of December 1568, was attacked
by an aguish ‘distemper, which threatened him with immediate death. He was visited in his last sickness by Dr.
Alexander Nowell, dean of St. ’Paul’s, and Graves, vicar
of St. Sepulchre’s, who found him perfectly calm and
chearful, in which disposition he continued to the 30th of
the same month, when he expired. On the 4th of January
following, he was interred according to his own directions,
in the most private manner, in St. Sepulchre’s church, his
funeral sermon being preached by the before-mentioned
Dr. Nowell. He was universally lamented, and even the
queen herself not only shewed great concern, but was also
pleased to say, that phg had rather have lost ten thousand
pounds than her tutor Ascham. His only failing was too
great a propensity to dice and cock-fighting, which the
learned bishop Nicolson would persuade us to be an unfounded calumny; but as it is mentioned by Camden, as
well as some other contemporary writers, it seems impossible to deny it. It is certain that he died in very indifferent circumstances, as may appear from the address of his
widow to sir William Cecil, in her dedication of his
” wherein she says expressly, that Mr.
Ascham left her a poor widow with many orphans; and Dr.
Grant, in his dedication of Ascham’s letters to queen Elizabeth, pathetically recommends to her his pupil, Giles
Ascham, the son of our author, representing, that be had
lost his father, who should have taken care of his education, and that he was left poor and without friends. Besides
this son he had two others, Dudley and Sturmur, of whom
we know little. Lord Burleigh took Giles Ascham under
his protection, by whose interest he was recommended to
a scholarship of St. John’s, and afterwards by the queen’s
mandate, to a fellowship of Trinity college in Cambridge,
and was celebrated, as well as his father, for his admirable
Latin style in epistolary writings.
ford in particular. In the beginning of the year 1685, he was invited by the magistrates, and by the dean of Litchfield, to represent that corporation in parliament but
, an eminent philosopher, chemist,
and antiquary, of the seventeenth century, and founder
of the noble museum at Oxford, which still bears his name,
was the only son of Mr. Simon Ashmole, of the city of
Litchfield, in Staffordshire, sadler, by Anne, the daughter of
Mr. Anthony Boyer, of Coventry, in Warwickshire, woollen-draper. He was born May 23, 1617, and during his
early r education in grammar, was taught music, in which
he made such proficiency as to become a chorister in the
cathedral at Litchfield. When he had attained the age of
sixteen he was taken into the family of James Paget, esq.
a baron of the exchequer, who had married his mother’s
sister, and as his father died in 1634, leaving little provision for him, he continued for some years in the Paget
family, during which time he made considerable progress
in the law, and spent his leisure hours in perfecting himself in music and other polite accomplishments. In March
1638, he married Eleanor, daughter of Mr. Peter Manwaring, of Smallwood, in the county Palatine of Chester,
and in Michaelmas term the same year, became a solicitor
in Chancery. On February 11, 1641, he was sworn an
attorney of the court of common pleas, and on December
5th, in the same year, his wife died suddenly, of whom
he has left us a very natural and affectionate memorial.
The rebellion coming on, he retired from London, being
always a zealous and steady loyalist, and on May 9, 1645,
became one of the gentlemen of the ordnance in the garrison at Oxford, whence he removed to Worcester, where
he was commissioner, receiver, and register of the excise,
and soon after captain in the lord Ashley’s regiment, and
comptroller of the ordnance. In the midst of all this business he entered himself of Brazen-Nose college, in Oxford, and applied himself vigorously to the sciences, but
especially natural philosophy, mathematics, and astronomy;
and his intimate acquaintance with Mr. (afterwards sir George) Wharton, seduced him into the absurd mysteries
of astrology, which was in those days in great credit. In
the month of July, 1646, he lost his mother, who had
always been a kind parent to him, and for whom he had a
very pious regard. On October 16th, the same year, be
was elected a brother of the ancient and honourable society
of Free and Accepted Masons, which he looked upon as a
high honour, and has therefore given us a particular account of the lodge established at Warrington in Lancashire and in some of his manuscripts, there are very
valuable collections relating to the history of the free
masons. The king’s affairs being now grown desperate,
Mr. Ashmole withdrew himself, after the surrender of the
garrison of Worcester, into Cheshire, where he continued
till the end of October, and then came up to London,
where he became acquainted with Mr. (afterwards sir Jonas)
Moore, William Lilly, and John Booker, esteemed the
greatest astrologers in 'the world, by whom he was caressed, instructed, and received into their fraternity, which
then made a very considerable figure, as appeared by the
great resort of persons of distinction to their annual feast,
of which Mr. Ashmole was afterwards elected steward. Jn
1647 he retired to Englefield, in Berkshire, where he pursued his studies very closely, and having so fair an opportunity, and the advantage of some very able masters,
he cultivated the science of botany. Here, as appears
from his own remarks, he enjoyed in privacy the sweetest
moments of his life, the sensation of which perhaps was
quickened, by his just idea of the melancholy state of the
times. It was in this retreat that he became acquainted
with Mary, sole daughter of sir William Forster, of Aldermarston, in the county of Berks, bart. who was first married to sir Edward Stafford, then to one Mr. Hamlyn, and
lastly to sir Thomas Mainwaring, knt recorder of Reading,
and one of the masters in chancery and an attachment
took place but Mr. Humphrey Stafford, her second son,
had such a dislike to the measure, that when Mr. Ashmole
happened to be very ill, he broke into his chamber, and if
not prevented, would have murdered him. In the latter
end of 1648, lady Mainwaring conveyed to him her estate
at Bradfield, which was soon after sequestered on account
of Mr. Ashmole’s loyalty but the interest he had with
William Lilly, and some others of that party, enabled him
to get that sequestration taken off. On the sixteenth of
November, 1649, he married lady Mainwaring, and settled
in London, where his house became the receptacle of the
most learned and ingenious persons that flourished at that
time. It was by their conversation, that Mr. Ashmole,
who hud been more fortunate in worldly affairs than most
scholars are, and who had been always a curious collector
of manuscripts, was induced to publish a treatise written
by Dr. Arthur Dee, relating to the Philosopher’s stone,
together with another tract on the same subject, by an unknown author. These accordingly appeared in the year
following but Mr. Ashmole was so cautious, or rather
modest, as to publish them by a fictitious name. He at
the same time addressed himself to a work of greater consequence, a complete collection of the works of such English chemists, as had till then remained in ms. which cost
him a great deal of labour, and for the embellishment of
which he spared no expence, causing the cuts that were
necessary, to be engraved at his own house in Black-Friars,
by Mr. Vaughan, who was then the most eminent artist in
that department in England. He imbibed this affection for
chemistry from his intimate acquaintance with Mr. William
Backhouse, of Swallowfield in the county of Berks, who
was reputed an adept, and whom, from his free communication of chemical secrets, Mr. Ashmole was wont to call
father, agreeably to the custom which had long prevailed
among the lovers of that art, improperly, however, called
chemistry for it really was the old superstition of alchemy. He likewise employed a part of his time in acquiring the art of engraving seuls, casting in sand, and
the mystery of a working goldsmith. But all this time,
his great work of publishing the ancient English writers in
chemistry went on and finding that a competent knowlege of the Hebrew was absolutely necessary for understanding and explaining such authors as had written on the
Hermetic science, he had recourse to rabbi Solomon Frank,
by whom he was taught the rudiments of Hebrew, which
he found very useful to him in his studies. At length,
towards the close of the year 1652, his “Theatrum Chymicum Britannicum
” appeared, which gained him great reputation in the learned world, as it shewed him to be a
man of a most studious disposition, indefatigable application, and of wonderful accuracy in his compositions. It
served also to extend his acquaintance considerably, and
among others the celebrated Mr. Seiden took notice of him
in the year 1653, encouraged his studies, and lived in
great friendship with him to the day of his death. He was
likewise very intimate with Mr. Oughtred, the mathematician, and with Dr. Wharton, a physician of great
racter and experience. His marriage with lady -Main-waring, however, involved him in abundance of law-suits
with other people, and at last produced a dispute between
themselves, which came to a hearing on October 8, 1657,
in the court of chancery, where serjeant Maynard having
observed, that in eight hundred sheets of depositions taken
on the part of the lady, there was not so much as a bad
word proved against Mr. Ashrnole, her bill was dismissed,
and she delivered back to her husband. He had now for
some time addicted himself to the study of antiquity and
records, which recommended him to the intimate acquaintance of Mr. (afterwards sir William) Dugdale, whom about
this time he attended in his survey of the Fens, and was
very useful to him in 'that excellent undertaking. Mr.
Ashmole himself soon after took the pains to trace the
Roman road, which in Antoninus’s Itinerary is called Bennevanna, from Weeden to Litchfield, of which he gave
Mr. Dugdale an account, in a letter addressed to him upon
that subject. It is very probable, that after his studies
had thus taken a new turn, he lost somewhat of his relish
for chemistry, since he discontinued the Theatrum Chemicum, which, according to his first design, was to have consisted of several volumes yet he still retained such a remembrance of it, as induced him to part civilly with the
sons of art, by publishing a treatise in prose on the philosopher’s stone, to which he prefixed an admirable preface, in which he wishes to apologize for taking leave of
these fooleries. In the spring of the year 1658, our author began to collect materials for his history of the order
of the garter, which he afterwards lived to finish, and
thereby rendered both the order and himself immortal,
the just reward of the prodigious pains he took in searching
records in the Tower, and elsewhere, comparing them with
each other, and obtaining such lights as were requisite to
render so perplexed a subject clear, and to reduce all the
circumstances of such a vast body of history into their proper order. In September following he made a journey to
Oxford, where he was extremely well received, and where
he undertook to make a full and distinct description of the
coins given to the public library by archbishop Laud, which
was of great use to him in the works which he afterwards
composed. He had lodged and boarded sometimes at a house
in South Lambeth, kept by Mr. John Tradescant, whose
father and himself hud been physic-gardeners there for
many years, and had collected avast number of curiosities,
which, after mature deliberation, Mr. Tradescant and his
wife determined to bestow on Mr. Ashmole, and accordingly sealed and delivered a deed of gift for that purpose,
on December 16, 1659. On the restoration of king Charles
II. Mr. Ashmole was Dearly introduced into the presence
and favour of his majesty, and on June 18, 1660, which was
the second time he had the honour of discoursing with the
king, he graciously bestowed upon him the place of Windsor herald. A few days after, he was appointed by the king
to make a description of his medals, and had them delivered into his hands, and king Henry VHIth’s closet assigned
for his use, being also allowed his diet at court. On August 21st, in the same year, he presented the three books
which he had published, to his majesty, who, as he both
loved and understood chemistry, received them very graciously. On September 3, he had a warrant signed for the
office of commissioner of the excise, in consequence of a
letter written by his majesty’s express command, to the
earl of Southampton, then lord high-treasurer, by Mr. Se^
cretary Morris. About this time, a commission was granted
to him as incidental to the care of the king’s medals, to
examine the famous, or rather infamous, Hugh Peters,
about the contents of the royal library which had fallen
into his hands, and which was very carefully and punctually
executed, but to very little purpose. On November 2d,
he was called to the bar in Middle-Temple hall, and January 15, 1661, he was admitted a fellow of the Royal Society. On February 9th following, the king signed a warrant for constituting him secretary of Surinam in the West
Indies. In the beginning of the year 1662, he was appointed one of the commissioners for recovering the king’s
goods, and about the same time he sent a set of services
and anthems to the cathedral church of Litchfield, in memory of his having been once a chorister there, and he
gave afterwards twenty pounds towards repairing the cathedral. On June 27, 1664, the White Office was opened,
of which he was appointed a commissioner. On Feb. 17,
1665, sir Edward By she sealed his deputation for visiting Berkshire, which visitation he began on the llth
of March following, and on June 9, 1668, he was appointed by the lords commissioners of the treasury, accomptant-general, and country accomptant in the excise.
His second wife, lady Main waring, dying, April 1, in the
same year, he soon after married Mrs. Elizabeth Dugdale,
daughter to his good friend sir William Dugdale, kht. garter king at arms, in Lincoln’s-inn chapel, on Novembers.
The university of Oxford, in consideration of the many
favours they had received from Mr. Ashmole, created him
doctor of physic by diploma, July 19, 1669, which was
presented to him on the 3d of November following, by
Dr. Yates, principal of Brazen-Nose college, in the name
of the university. He was now courted and esteemed by
the greatest people in the kingdom, both in point of title
and merit, who frequently did him the honour to visit him
at his chambers in the Temple, and whenever he went his
summer progress, he had the same respect paid him in the
country, especially at his 'native town of Litchfield, to which
when he came, he was splendidly entertained by the corporation. On May 8, 1672, he presented his laborious
work on the most noble order of the garter, to his most
gracious master king Charles II. who not only received it
with great civility and kindness, but soon after granted to
our author, as a mark of his approbation of the work, and
of his personal esteem for him, a privy seal for 400 pounds
out of the custom of paper. This was his greatest undertaking, and had he published nothing else, would have
preserved his memory, as it certainly is in its kind one of
the most valuable books in our language. On January
29, 1675, he resigned his office of Windsor herald, which
by his procurement, was bestowed on his brother Dugdale,
It was with great reluctancy that the earl marshal parted
with him, and it was not long after, that he bestowed on
him the character of being the best officer in his office. On
the death of sir Edward Walker, garter king at arms, Feb_
20, 1677, the king and the duke of Norfolk, as earl marshal, contested the right of disposing of his place, on which
Mr. Ashmole was consulted, who declared in favour of the
king, but with so much prudence and discretion as not to
give any umbrage to the earl marshal. He afterwards himself refused this high office, which was conferred on his
father-in-law sir -William Dugdale, for whom he employed
his utmost interest. About the close of 1677, a proposal
was made to Mr. Ashmole to become a candidate for the
city of Litchfield, but finding himself poorly supported by
the very persons who would have encouraged him to stand,
he withdrew his pretensions. On the 26th of January,
1679, about ten in the morning, a fire began in the Middle
Temple, in the next chambers to Mr. Aslimole’s,- by which
he lost a library he had been collecting thirty-three years;
but his Mss. escaped, by their being at his house in South
Lambeth. He likewise lost a collection of 9000 coins,
ancient and modern but his more valuable collection of
gold medals were likewise preserved by being at Lambeth
his vast repository of seals, charters, and other antiquities
and curiosities, perished also in the flames. In 1683, the
university of Oxford having finished a noble repository
near the theatre, Mr. Ashmole sent thither that great collection of rarities which he had received from the Tradescants before-mentioned, together with such additions as he
had made to them; and to this valuable benefaction he
afterwards added that of his Mss. and library, which still
remain a monument of his generous love to learning in
general, and to the university of Oxford in particular. In
the beginning of the year 1685, he was invited by the magistrates, and by the dean of Litchfield, to represent that
corporation in parliament but upon king James’s intimating to him, by the lord Dartmouth, that he would take it
kindly if he would resign his interest to Mr. Levvson, he instantly complied.
ose who had the charge of bringing him to court, conducted him from St. David’s to the town of Dene ( Dean) in Wiltshire, where the king received him with great civility,
, or Asser, or Asker (called, by Pitts, John,) a learned monk of St. David’s, and
historian, was of British extraction, probably of that part
of South Wales called Pembrokeshire, and was bred up in
the learning of those times, in the monastery of St. David’s
(in Latin Menevia), whence he derived his surname of
Menevensis. There he is said to have had for his tutor
Johannes Patricius, one of the most celebrated scholars of
his age, and had also the countenance of Nobis, or Novis,
archbishop of that see, who was his relation but it does
not appear that he was either his secretary or his chancellor, as some writers would have us believe. From St.
David’s he was invited to the court of Alfred the Great,
merely from the reputation of his learning, probably about
the year 880, or somewhat earlier. Those who had the charge
of bringing him to court, conducted him from St. David’s
to the town of Dene (Dean) in Wiltshire, where the king
received him with great civility, and shewed him in a little
time the strongest marks of favour and affection, insomuch
that he condescended to persuade him not to think any
more of returning to St. David’s, but rather to continue
with him as his domestic chaplain and assistant in his studies.
Asserius, however, modestly declined this proposal, alledging, that it did not become him to desert that holy
place where he had been educated, and received the order
of priesthood, for the sake of any other preferment. King
Alfred then desired that he would divide his time between
the court and the monastery, spending six months at court,
and six at St. David’s. Asserius would not lightly comply
even with this request, but desired leave to return to St.
David’s, to ask the advice of his brethren, which he obtained, but in his journey falling ill at Winchester of a fever, he lay there sick about a year and as soon as he recovered he went to St. David’s, where, consulting with his
brethren on the king’s proposal, they unanimously agreed
that he should accept it, promising themselves great advantages from his favour with the king, of which, at that
time, they appear to have had need, to relieve them from
the oppressions of one Hemeid, a petty prince of South
Wales. But they requested of Asserius, that he would
prevail on the king to allow him to reside quarterly at
court and at St. David’s, rather than that he should remain
absent six months together. When he came back he found
the king at Leoneforde, who received him with every mark
of distinction. He remained with him then eight months
at once, reading and explaining to him whatever books
were in his library, and grew into so great credit with that
generous prince, that on Christmas-eve following, he gave
him the monasteries of Anigresbyri, and Banuwille, that
is, Ambrosbury in Wiltshire, and Banwell in Somersetshire,
with a silk pall of great value, and as much incense as a
strong man could carry, sending together with them this
compliment, “That these were but small things, and by
way of earnest of better which should follow them.
” Soon
after, he had Exeter bestowed upon him, and not long
after that, the bishopric of Sherburn, which, however, he
seems to have quitted in the year 883, though he always
retained the title, as Wilfred archbishop of York was constantly so styled, though he accepted of another bishopric.
Thenceforward he constantly attended the court, in the
manner before stipulated, and is named as a person, in
whom he had particular confidence, by king Alfred, in his
testament, which must have been written some time before the year 885; since mention is made there of Esna
bishop of Hereford, who died that year. He is also mentioned by the king, in his prefatory epistle placed before
his translation of Gregory’s Pastoral, addressed to Wulfsig
bishop of London and there the king does not call him
bishop of Sherburn, but “my bishop,
” acknowledging the
help received from him and others in that translation. It
appears to have been the near resemblance, which the
genius of Asserius bore to that of the king, that gained
him so great a share in his confidence and very probably,
it was on this account, that Asserius drew up those memoirs of the life of Alfred which we still have, and which
he dedicated and presented to the king in the year 893. la
this work we have a curious account of the manner in
which that prince and our author spent their time together.
Asserius tells us, that having one day, being the feast of
St. Martin, cited in conversation a passage of some famous
author, the king was mightily pleased with it, and would
have him write it down in the margin of a book he carried
in his breast; but Asserius finding no room to write it
there, and yet being desirous to gratify his master, he
asked king Alfred whether he should not provide a few
leaves, in which to set dawn such remarkable things as
occurred either in reading or conversation the king was
delighted with this hint, and directed Asserius to put it
immediately in execution. Pursuing this method constantly, their collection began to swell, till at length it
became of the size of an ordinary Psalter and this was
what the king called his “Hand-book, or Manual.
” Asserius, however, calls it Enchiridion. In all probability,
Asserius continued at court during the whole reign of Alfred, and, probably, several years after but where, or
when he died is doubtful, though the Saxon Chronicle positively fixes it to the year 910. The editor of his life in
the Biog. Brit, takes Asser the monk, and Asser bishop of
Sherburnj for one and the same person, which some however have denied, and asserts him to have been also archbishop of Sk David’s, upon very plausible authority. He
admits, however, i that if there was such a reader in the
public schools at Oxford as Asser the monk, he must have
been some other person of the same name, and not our author but this point rests almost wholly on the authority
of Harpsfiekl nor is the account consistent with itself in
several other respects,as sir John S'pelman has justly observed. There is no less controversy about the works of
Asserius, than about his preferments for some alledge
that he never wrote any thing but the Annals of king Alfred whereas, Pitts gives us the titles of no less than five
other books of his writing, and adds, that he wrote many
more. The first of these is a “Commentary on Boetius,
which is mentioned by Leland, on the authority of the
Chronicle of St. Neot’s but he probably only explained
this author to king Alfred when he made his Saxon translation. The second piece mentioned by Pitts, is the Anjials of Alfred’s life and reign. The third he styles “Annales Britannia;,
” or the Annals of Britain, in one book,
mentioned also by Leland and Bale, and which has been
since published by the learned Dr. Gale. The fourth piece,
he calls “Aurearum Sententiarum Enchiridion, lib. 1
which is without question the Manual or common-placebook made for king Alfred, and reckoned among his works
by Pitts himself. Leland has also spoken of this Enchiridion, as an instance of the learning and diligence of Asser,
which it certainly was and though the collections he made
concerning this author, are much better and larger than
those of Bale and Pitts, yet he modestly, upon this subject,
apologizes for speaking so little and so obscurely of so great
a man. The next in Pitts’ s catalogue, is a “Book of Homilies,
” and the last, “A Book of Epistles
” but the existence of these seems unsupported by any authority; nor
is it known where he was interred. He appears to have
been one of the most pious and learned prelates of the age
in which he lived.
d in drawing up “A Representation of the present State of Religion.” In 1712, Dr. Atterbury was made dean of Christ Church, notwithstanding the strong interest and warm
In 1710 came on the celebrated trial of Dr. Sacheverell,
whose remarkable speech on that occasion was generally
supposed to have been drawn up by our author, to whom
Sacheverell, in his last will, bequeathed 500l. in conjunction
with Smalridge and Freind. The same year Dr. Atterbury
was unanimously chosen prolocutor of the lower house of
convocation, and had the chief management of affairs in
that house. This we learn from bishop Burnet.In his
account of this convocation, having observed, that the
queen, in appointing a committee of bishops to be present,
and consenting to their resolutions, not only passed over all
the bishops made in king William’s reign, but a great many
of those named by herself, and set the bishops of Bristol
and St. David’s, then newly consecrated, in a distinction
above all their brethren, by adding them to the committee,
upon the indisposition of the archbishop and others, he adds
“All this was directed by Dr. Atterbury, who had the confidence of the chief minister and because the other bishops
had maintained a good correspondence with the former
ministry, it was thought fit to put the marks of the queen’s
distrust upon them, that it might appear with whom her
royal favour and trust wa^ lodged.
” May 11, 1711, he was
appointed, by the convocation, one of the committee for
comparing Mr. Whiston’s doctrines with those of the
church of England and, in June following, he had the
chief hand in drawing up “A Representation of the present State of Religion.
” In no sooner was he settled
” says Stackhouse, “than all ran into disorder and confusion. The canons had been long accustomed to the mild and
gentle government of a dean, who had every thing in him
that was endearing to mankind, and could not therefore
brook the wide difference that they perceived in Dr. Atterbury. That imperious and despotic manner, in which he
seemed resolved to carry every thing, made them more
tenacious of their rights, and inclinable to make fewer
concessions, the more he endeavoured to grasp at power,
and tyrannize. This opposition raised the ferment, and,
in a short time, there ensued such strife and contention,
such bitter words and scandalous quarrels among them, that
it was thought adviseable to remove him, on purpose to
restore peace and tranquillity to that learned body, and that
tether colleges might not take the infection a new method
of obtaining preferment, by indulging such a temper, and
pursuing such practices, as least of all deserve it In a
” adds this writer, “wherever he came, under one pretence or other, but chiefly under the notion of asserting his
rights and privileges, he had a rare talent of fomenting
discord, and blowing the coals of contention which made
a learned successor (Dr. Smalridge) in two of his preferments complain of his hard fate, in being forced to carry
water after him, to extinguish the flames, which his litigiousness had every where occasioned.
” The next year
saw him at the top of his preferment, as well as of his reputation for, in the beginning of June 1713, the queen,
at the recommendation of lord chancellor Harcourt, advanced him to the bishopric of Rochester, with the deanery
of Westminster in commendam he was confirmed July 4,
and consecrated at Lambeth next day.
, of standing better in his favour) with the chair of state and royal canopy, his own perquisites as dean of Westminster, the offer was rejected, not without some evident
At the beginning of the succeeding reign, his tide of
prosperity began to turn and he received a sensible mortification presently after the coronation of king George I.
Oct. 20, 1714, when, upon his offering to present his majesty (with a view, no doubt, of standing better in his favour) with the chair of state and royal canopy, his own
perquisites as dean of Westminster, the offer was rejected,
not without some evident marks of dislike to his person.
At the close of this year he is supposed to have written a
pamphlet, deemed a libel by government, “English Advice
to the Freeholders of England.
” Bolingbroke and Swift
were also supposed to have had a hand in it. During the
rebellion in Scotland, which broke out in the first year of
this reign, Atterbury gave an instance of his growing disaffection to the established government, in refusing to sign
the “Declaration
” of the bishops. In that juncture of
affairs, when the Pretender’s declaration was posted up in
most market towns, and, in some places, his title proclaimed, it^was thought proper, by most bodies of men, to
give the government all possible assurance of their fidelity
iand allegiance and accordingly there was published “A
Declaration of the archbishop of Canterbury, and the
bishops in and near London, testifying their abhorrence of
the present rebellion and an exhortation to the clergy,
and people under their care, to be zealous in the discharge
of their duties to his majesty king George.
” This paper
both Atterbury and Smalridge refused to sign, on pretence
of a just offence taken at some unbecoming reflections cast
on a party, not inferior to any, they said, in point of loyalty. But Atterbury' s refusal of signing the declaration of
his episcopal brethren, during the rebellion in Scotland,
was not the only testimony he at that time afforded of his
disaffection to government. Another remarkable proof of
it was his conduct to an ingenious and learned clergyman,
Mr. Gibbin, curate of Gravesend. When the Dutch troops,
which came over to assist in subduing the rebellion, were
quartered at that place, the officers requested of Mr. Gibbin
the use of his church one Sunday morning for their chaplain to preach to their soldiers, alleging that the like favour
had been granted them in other parishes, and promising
that the service should begin at six in the morning, that it
might not interfere with that of the town. The request was
granted, the chaplain preached, and his congregation was
dismissed by nine o'clock. But Dr. Atterbury was so in^
censed at this transaction, that he suspended Mr. Gibbiu
for three years. The suspension, however, was deemed
so injurious by the inhabitants of Gravesend, that they
subscribed a sum to Mr. Gibbin more than double the
income of his church and the affair being represented
to the king, his majesty* gave him the rectory of NorthFleet in Kent, which living he afterwards exchanged for
Birch, near Colchester in Essex, where he died July 29,
1752. He was a very ingenious, learned, and worthy
clergyman, who had greatly improved and enlarged his
mind, by his travels into France, Italy, and other countries, with Mr. Addison. A farther striking instance (if true) of bishop Atterbury’s attachment to the Pretender,
is related, by the author of the “Memoirs of lord Chesterfield,
” from Dr. Birch’s manuscript papers, and was
often mentioned by the late bishop Pearce (who appears to have been always severe on the memory of Atterbury)
“Lord Harcourt leaving the old ministry, provoked Atterbury’s abusive tongue. He, in return, declared, that
on the queen’s death, the bishop came to him and to lord
Bolingbroke, and said, nothing remained but immediately
to proclaim king James. He further offered, if they would
give him a guard, to put on his lawn sleeves, and head
the procession.
” Whatever may be in this, it is certain
that from the time he perceived himself slighted by tile
king he constantly opposed the measures of the court in
the House of Lords, and drew up some of the most violent
protests with his own hand. In 1716, we find him advising dean Swift in the management of a refractory
to his palace on Sunday, September 27, 1579, at one o'clock. On this summons forty appeared and the dean being likewise present, the bishop cautioned them of two things,
After the accession of queen Elizabeth, Aylmer returned
home, and was one of the eight divines appointed to dispute with as many popish bishops at Westminster, in the
presence of a great assembly. In 1562, he obtained the
archdeaconry of Lincoln, by the favour of Mr. secretary
Cecil and in right of this dignity, sat in the famous synod held the same year, wherein the doctrine and discipline of the church, and its reformation from the abuses of
popery, were carefully examined and settled. In this
situation he continued for many years, and discharged the
duty of a good subject to the government under which he
lived, in church and state being one of the -queen’s justices of the peace, as also an ecclesiastical commissioner.
In October, 1573, he accumulated the degrees of bachelor
and doctor in divinity, in the university of Oxford. The
next year the archbishop of Canterbury made choice of
him, to answer a book written in Latin against the government of the church of England but after thoroughly considering it, Dr. Aylmer declined the task, which some in
those days (perhaps unjustly) attributed to discontent, because he was not made a bishop. To this dignity he had
been often named by Parker, then archbishop of Canterbury, but always prevented either by the interest of the
archbishop’s enemies, or his own, the latter never failing
to suggest, that in the same book where Aylmer had made
his court to the queen, he had also shewn his spleen
against episcopacy. At last, in the year 1576, on Dr.
Edwin Sandys being promoted to the archbishopric of York/
Dr. Ayltner was made bishop of London, not without the
furtherance of his predecessor, who was his intimate friend,
and had beeii his fellow-exile. Yet, immediately after his
promotion, bishop Aylmer found, or thought he found,
cause to complain of the archbishop and although his
grace assisted at his consecration, on the 24th of March,
3576, bishop Aylmer sued him for dilapidations, which
after some years prosecution he recovered. In 1577, our
bishop began his first visitation, wherein he urged subscriptions, which some ministers refused, and reviled such
as complied, calling them dissemblers, and comparing
them to Arians and Anabaptists, he was also extremely
assiduous in public preaching, took much pains in examining such as came to him for ordination, and kept a
strict eye over the Papists and Puritans in which he acted
not only to the extent of episcopal authority, but wrote
freely to the treasurer Burleigh, as to what he thought
farther necessary. When the plague rageed in London, in
the year 1578, our bishop shewed a paternal care of his
clergy and people, and without exposing the former to
needless perils, took care that these last should not be
without spiritual comforts. In 1581 came out Campion’s
book, shewing the reasons why he had deserted the reformed, and returned to the popish communion. It was
written in very elegant Latin, and dedicated to the scholars of both universities and the treasurer Burleigh thought
that it should be answered, and referred the care thereof
to our bishop, who though he gave his opinion freely upon
the subject, as to the mode in which it should be done, yet
declined the task himself on account of the great business
he had upon his hands, and it was undertaken and ably
executed by Dr. Whitaker. Aylmer was indeed no great
friend to controversy, which he thought turned the minds
of the people too much from the essence of religion, made
them quarrelsome and captious, indifferent subjects, and
not very good Christians. On this account, he was more
severe with the Puritans than the Papists, imprison ing one
Woodcock, a stationer or bookseller, for vending a treatise, entitled “An Admonition to Parliament,
” which
tended to subvert the church as it was then constituted.
He had likewise some disputes with one Mr. Welden, a
person of a good estate and interest, in Berkshire, whom
he procured to be committed by the ecclesiastical
imssioners. These proceedings roused the Puritans, who
treated him as a persecutor, and an enemy to true religion but this did not discourage the bishop, who thought
the peace of the church was to be secured by the authority
of its fathers, and therefore he executed his episcopal
power, as far and as often as he thought necessary. Thus
he suddenly summoned the clergy of London to his palace on Sunday, September 27, 1579, at one o'clock. On
this summons forty appeared and the dean being likewise
present, the bishop cautioned them of two things, one was,
not to meddle with the Ubiquitarian controversy the
other, to avoid meddling with the points treated in Stubb’s
book, entitled “The Dfscovery of a gaping Gulph,
” &c.
written against the queen’s marriage with Monsieur, the
French king’s brother, and in which it was suggested, that
the queen wavered in her religion. This method being
found very effectual, he summoned his clergy often, and
made strict inquiries into their conduct, a practice as
much approved by some, as censured by others and his
unpopularity, perhaps, might occasion, in some measure,
that violence with which he was prosecuted before the
council, in May 1579, for cutting down his woods, when
he was severely checked by the lord treasurer but notwithstanding his angry letters to that great nobleman, and
his long and laboured defence of himself, he was, at
length, by the queen’s command, forbidden to fell any
only son of the rev. Dr. Francis Ayscough (who was tutor to lord Lyttelton at Oxford, and at length dean of Bristol) by Anne, fifth sister to his lordship, who addressed
, esq. a lieutenant in
the first regiment of foot-guards, only son of the rev. Dr.
Francis Ayscough (who was tutor to lord Lyttelton at Oxford, and at length dean of Bristol) by Anne, fifth sister to
his lordship, who addressed a poem to the doctor from Paris, in 1728, printed in Dodsley’s second volume. And
there are some verses to captain Ayscough in the second
lord Lyttelton’s poems, 1780. Captain Ayscough was also
author of Semiramis, a tragedy, 1777, and the editor of the
great lord Lyttelton' s works. In September, 1777, he
went to the continent for the recovery of his health, and
wrote an account of his journey, which, on his return, he
published under the title of “Letters from an Officer in
the Guards to his Friend in England, containing some accounts of France and Italy, 1778,
” 8vo. He received,
however, but a temporary relief from the air of the continent. After lingering for a short time, he died Oct. 14,
1779, a few weeks only before his cousin, the second lord
Lyttelton, whose family owes little to his character, or that
of the subject of this short article. Two young men of
more profligate morals have seldom insulted public decency, by calling the public attention to their many licentious amours and adventures.
, a native of Angers, born in 1651, was canon, grand vicar, and dean, of the faculty of theology in that city, and much noted for
, a native of Angers, born in 1651,
was canon, grand vicar, and dean, of the faculty of theology in that city, and much noted for his learning and virtues. He arranged and transcribed, into 18 vols. the
” of the diocese of Angers, a work much
esteemed in France. His style is clear, neat, and methodical, without any of the jargon of the schools. La Blandiniere, who continued this work by adding ten volumes, does
not deserve so much praise. Babin published also, in
1679, but without his name, “An account of the proceedings of the university of Angers, respecting Jansenism and
” 4to. He died Dec. 19, 1734, in his eightythird year.
her bust, intended as a present to the university of Got tin gen. He was -soon after employed by the dean and scholars of Christ Church to form several busts for them,
About the year 1763, he first attempted working in marble, and having never seen that operation performed, he was led to invent an instrument for transferring the form of the model to the marble (technically called, getting out the points), which instrument, from its superior effect, has since been adopted by many other sculptors in England and France. His first regular instructions, however, in his favourite pursuit, were received at the lloyal Academy in 1768, the year of its institution, and such were their effect on a mind already so well prepared by nature, that the first gold medal for sculpture given by the academy, was decreed to him and two years after, he was elected an associate. His fame was at this time well known by his statue of Mars, which induced the late archbishop of York, Dr. Markham, to employ him to execute a bust of his Majesty for the hall of Christ Church college, Oxford. His majesty not only condescended to sit to him upon this occasion, but honoured him with his patronage, and ordered another bust, intended as a present to the university of Got tin gen. He was -soon after employed by the dean and scholars of Christ Church to form several busts for them, particularly those of general Guise, the bishop of Durham, and the primate of Ireland.
he archbishop. One of these, entitled “a letter of Mr. Nicholas Bacon, counsellor at law, to Parker, dean of Stoke college, in answer to certain cases put to him relating
Bishop Tanner has enrolled sir Nicholas Bacon among
the writers of this country, on account of the following
pieces, preserved in different manuscript collections. “An
oration to the queen, exhorting her to Marriage;
” “a
speech to the lord mayor of London
” “a speech to the
serjeant called to a judge
” “an oration touching the
queen’s Marriage and Succession to the Crown
” “his
speech to the queen, when she made him lord keeper
“his speech in the star-chamber, 1568
” “his speech to
sir Thomas Gargrave, elected speaker for the commons
house of parliament;
” “his speech at the council table,
concerning aid required by the Scots to expel the French
out of Scotland
” “his speech concerning an Interview
between queen Elizabeth and the Scottish queen, 1572;
“his speech to the lords and commons in parliament, in
the beginning
” “his speech to Mr. Bell when he was
called to be judge.
” All these are in the Norwich manuscripts of More, 228 and are, we suppose, at present, in
the public library of Cambridge. “Several speeches of
lord keeper sir Nicholas Bacon, from 1558 to 1571 inclusive,
” in Mr. Ralph Thoresby’s collection “a discourse
upon certain points touching the Inheritance of the Crown,
conceived by sir Anthony Brown, and answered by sir
Nicholas Bacon,
” published in 1723. “Three letters to
Dr. Parker,
” in Corpus Christi college, Cambridge
mentioned by Strype, in his life of the archbishop. One of
these, entitled “a letter of Mr. Nicholas Bacon, counsellor
at law, to Parker, dean of Stoke college, in answer to certain cases put to him relating to the said college,
” Mr.
Strype has published at length. Holinshed, at the end of
his second volume, p. 1589, ranks sir Nicholas Bacon in
the catalogue of those who have written something concerning the history of England. Mr. Masters refers to a
comment of sir Nicholas’s on the twelve minor prophets,
dedicated to his son Anthony. And Mr. Strype has printed
an excellent letter of advice, which was written by the lord
keeper, a little before his death, to the queen, on the situation of her affairs. Many of his apophthegms are among
those of lord Verulam, and many of his speeches are in
the Parliamentary History.
reat interest at court. Bagger, however, filled this high office with reputation, as well as that of dean of theology, which is attached to the bishopric of Copenhagen.
, bishop of Copenhagen, was born at Lunden in 1646. His father Olaus Bagger taught theology in the school of Lunden, but sent his son to Copenhagen for education. He afterwards travelled to Germany, the Netherlands, and England, studying under the most able masters in divinity and the oriental languages, and then returned to Copenhagen. When Lunden became a part of the Swedish dominions, the king established an academy there, and Bagger was appointed to teach the oriental languages. He had scarcely begun to give lessons, however, when by the advice of his friends of Copenhagen, he solicited and obtained, in 1674, the office of first pastor of the church of the Holy Virgin in that metropolis. In 1675, after the usual disputation, he got the degree of doctor, and on the death of John Wandalin, bishop of Zealand or Copenhagen, he was appointed to succeed him, at the very early age of twenty-nine. His promotion is said to have been in part owing to his wife Margaret Schumacher, the widow of Jacob Fabri, his predecessor, in the church of the Holy Virgin at Copenhagen, and to the brother of this lady, the count de Griffenfeld, who had great interest at court. Bagger, however, filled this high office with reputation, as well as that of dean of theology, which is attached to the bishopric of Copenhagen. He revised the ecclesiastical rites which Christian V. had passed into a law, as well as the liturgy, epistles, and gospels, collects, &c. to which he prefixed a preface. He also composed and published several discourses, very learned and eloquent, some in Latin, and others in the Danish tongue. He died in 1693, at the age of 47. By his second wife, he left a son Christian Bagger, who became an eminent lawyer, and in 1737 rose to be grand bailly of Bergen, and a counsellor of justice.
Canterbury, and the same year he married Miss M. Hay, niece to the earl of Kinnoul. He was installed dean of Christ- church, Jan. 25, 1777, on the translation of Dr.
, an English prelate, son of sir Walter Bagot, bart. and brother to the first lord Bagot, was born Jan. 1, 1740. He was educated at Westminster school, and chosen thence student of Christ-church, took the degree of M.A. May 23, 1764, and LL.D. Feb. 29, 1772. In In 1771 he was made canon of Christ-church in the room of Dr. Moore, the late archbishop of Canterbury, and the same year he married Miss M. Hay, niece to the earl of Kinnoul. He was installed dean of Christ- church, Jan. 25, 1777, on the translation of Dr. Markham to the see of York, about which time he resigned the livings of Jevington and Eastbourne in Sussex, in favour of his nephew, the Rev. Ralph Sneyd. In 1782 he was promoted to the see of Bristol, translated to Norwich the year following, and thence to St. Asaph in 1790, where he rebuilt the palace on an uncommon plan, but necessary for the situation, where, among the mountains, and in the vicinity of the sea, storms are often violent. The palace, therefore, is low; and being on the assent of a hill, the vestibule, dining-room, and drawing-room, which occupy the whole front of the building, are on a level with the first floor in the other apartments, two of which, on the ground-floor, are a neat domestic chapel and a library.
ate, was so able and victorious in the disputations, as to be named the Scourge of Bachelors. he was dean of the faculty in 1580, and his high reputation influenced Henry
, or Ballonius, an eminent
French physician and writer, was born about 1538, of a
considerable family in Perche, and studied at Paris, where
he received his doctor’s degree, in 1570, and during the
course of his licentiate, was so able and victorious in the
disputations, as to be named the Scourge of Bachelors.
he was dean of the faculty in 1580, and his high reputation influenced Henry the Great to choose him first physician for his son, the dauphin, in 1601 But he preferred
the sweets of domestic life to the honours of the court,
and employed such leisure as his practice allowed, in
writing several treatises on medical subjects, and was not
more distinguished for knowledge in his profession, than
for true piety and extensive charity. He died in 1616,
His works were published after his death 1. “Consiliorum Medicinalium lib. II.
” Paris, 1635, 4to, edited by
his nephew Thevart. 2. “Consiliorum Med. lib. tertius,
ibid. Epidemiorum et Ephemeridum lib.
” ibid. 1640, 4to, and in 1734, dedicated to sir Hans
Sloane. 4. “Adversaria Medicinalia,
” 4to, ibid, or, according to Haller, the same as “Paradigimata et historic
morborum ob raritatem observatione dignissimse,
” ibid.
Definition tun Medicarum liber,
” ibid.
Commentarius in libellum Theophrasti
de Vertigine,
” ibid. De Convulsionibus
” ibid. De Virginum et Mulierium morbis,
” ibid. Opuscula Medica,
ibid. Liber de Rheumatismo et Pleuritide dorsali,
” ibid.
enance the performance. When all was over, the bishop (as penance I presume) ordered me to go to the dean to require him to make a return to court of the names of all
, a very ingenious and learned antiquary, was descended from a family ancient and wellesteemed, distinguished by its loyalty and affection for the
crown. His grandfather, sir George Baker, knt. to whom
our author erected a monument in the great church at
Hull, almost ruined his family by his exertions for Charles I.
Being recorder of Newcastle, he kept that town, 1639,
against the Scots (as they themselves wrote to the parliament) with a “noble opposition.
” He borrowed large
sums upon his own credit, and sent the money to the king,
or laid it out in his service. His father was George Baker,
esq. of Crook, in the parish of Lanchester, in the county
of Durham, who married Margaret, daughter of Thomas
Forster of Edderston, in the county of Northumberland,
csq. Mr. Baker was born at Crook, September 14, 1656.
He was educated at the free-school at Durham, under Mr.
Battersby, many years master, and thence removed with
his elder brother George, to St. John’s college, Cambridge, and admitted, the former as pensioner, the latter
as fellow-commoner, under the tuition of Mr. Sanderson, July 9, 1674. He proceeded, B. A. 1677; M. A.
1681; was elected fellow, March 1680; ordained deacon by bishop Compton of London, December 20, 1685;
priest by bishop Barlow of Lincoln, December 19, 1686.
Dr. Watson, tutor of the college, who was nominated, but
not yet consecrated, bishop of St. David’s, offered to take
him for his chaplain, which he declined, probably on the
prospect of a like offer from Crew, lord bishop of Durham,
which he soon after accepted. His lordship collated him to
the rectory of Long- Newton in his diocese, and the same
county, June 1687; and, as Dr. Grey was informed by
some of the bishop’s family, intended to have given him
that of Sedgefieid, worth six or seven hundred pounds ayear, with a golden prebend, had he not incurred his displeasure, and left his family, for refusing to read king
James the Second’s declaration for liberty of conscience.
Mr. Baker himself gives the following account of this affair:
“When the king’s declaration was appointed to be read,
the most condescending thing the bishop ever did was coming to my chambers (remote from his) to prevail with me
to read it in his chapel at Auckland, which I could not do,
having wrote to my curate not to read it at my living at
Long-Newton. But he did prevail with the curate at Auckland to read it in his church, when the bishop was present
to countenance the performance. When all was over, the
bishop (as penance I presume) ordered me to go to the
dean to require him to make a return to court of the names
of all such as did not read it, which I did, though I was one
of the number.
” But this bishop, who disgraced Mr. Baker
for this refusal, and was excepted out of king William’s
pardon, took the oaths to that king, and kept his bishopric
till his death. Mr. Baker resigned Long-Newton August
1, 1690, refusing to take the oaths; and retired to his fellowship at St. John’s, in which he was protected till January
20, 1717, when, with one-and-twenty others, he was dispossessed of it. This hurt him most of all, not for the
profit he received from it but that some whom he thought
his sincerest friends came so readily into the new measures.
particularly Dr. Robert Jenkin the master, who wrote a defence of the profession of Dr. Lake, bishop of Chichester,
concerning the new oaths and passive obedience, and resigned his precentorship of Chichester, and vicarage of Waterbeach, in the county of Cambridge. Mr. Baker could
not persuade himself but he might have shewn the same
indulgence to his scruples on that occasion, as he had done
before while himself was of that way of thinking. Of all
his sufferings none therefore gave him so much uneasiness.
In a letter from Dr. Jenkin, addressed to Mr. Baker, fellow
of St. John’s, he made the following remark on the superscription “I was so then I little thought it should be by
him that I am now no fellow; but God is just, and I am a
” After the passing the registering act, I thank you for your kind
concern for me; and yet I was very well apprized of the
late act, but do not think it worth while at this age, and
under these infirmities, to give myself and friends so much
trouble about it. I do not think that any living besides
myself knows surely that my annuity is charged upon any
part of my cousin Baker’s estate or if they do, I can
hardly believe that any one, for so poor and uncertain a reward, will turn informer or if any one be found so poorly
mean and base, I am so much acquainted with the hardships of the world, that I can bear it. I doubt not I shall
live under the severest treatment of my enemies or, if I
cannot live, I am sure I shall die, and that’s comfort enough
to me. If a conveyance will secure us against the act, I
am willing to make such a conveyance to them, not fraudulent or in trust, but in as full and absolute a manner as
words can make it and if that shall be thought good security, I desire you will have such a conveyance drawn and
sent me by the post, and I'll sign it and leave it with any
friend you shall appoint till it can be sent to you.
” He retained a lively resentment of his deprivations and wrote
himself in all his books, as well as in those which he gave
to the college library, “socius ejectus,
” and in some
“ejectus rector.
” He continued to reside in the college
as commoner-master till his death, which happened July 2,
1740, of a paralytic stroke, being found on the floor of his
chamber. In the afternoon of June 29, being alone in his
chamber, he was struck with a slight apoplectic fit, which
abating a little, he recovered his senses, and knew all about
him, who were his nephew Burton, Drs. Bedford and Heberden. He seemed perfectly satisfied and resigned and
when Dr. Bedford desired him to take some medicine then
ordered, he declined it, saying, he would only take his
usual sustenance, which his bedmaker knew the times and
quantities of giving he was thankful for the affection and
care his friends shewed him, but, hoping the time of his
dissolution was at hand, would by no means endeavour to
retard it. His disorder increased, and the third day from
this seizure he departed. He was buried in St. John’s outer
chapel, near the monument of Mr. Ash ton, who founded
his fellowship. No memorial has yet been erected over
him, he having forbidden it in his will. Being appointed
one of the executors of his elder brother’s will, by which a
large sum was bequeathed to pious uses, he prevailed on
the other two executors, who were his other brother Francis
and the hon. Charles Montague, to layout 1310l. of the
money upon an estate to be settled upon St. John’s college
for six exhibitioners. Mr. Masters gives a singular instance
f his unbiassed integrity in the disposal of these exhibitions. His friend Mr. Williams, rector of Doddington, had
applied to Mr. Baker for one of them for his son, and received the following answer
d I. and II. was educated at Merton college in Oxford, became archdeacon of Middlesex, and, in 1294, dean of St. Paul’s. The see of London being vacant by the death of
, bishop of London in the reigns
of Edward I. and II. was educated at Merton college in
Oxford, became archdeacon of Middlesex, and, in 1294,
dean of St. Paul’s. The see of London being vacant by
the death of Richard de Gravesend, Baldock was unanimously chosen, Sept. 20, 1304. But, his election being
controverted, he was obliged to repair to Rome and,
having obtained the pope’s confirmation, was consecrated
at Lyons by Peter Hispanus, cardinal of Alba, Jan. 30,
1306. Being returned into England, he made profession of canonical obedience to the archbishop in the
church of Canterbury, March 22, 1306. The same
year he was appointed by the pope one of the commissioners for the examination of the articles alleged
against the knights templars, and in that year also
he was made lord high chancellor of England but Edward I. dying soon after, he held that post little more than
a year. Dec. 2, 1308, this prelate, with the approbation
of the chapter, settled a stipend on the chancellor of St.
Paul’s for reading lectures in divinity in that church, according to a constitution of his predecessor, Richard de
Gravesend. He contributed 200 marks towards building
the chapel of St. Mary, on the east side of St. Paul’s. He
founded also a chantry of two priests in the said church,
near the altar of St. Erkenwald. He was a person of a very
amiable character, both for morals and learning, and deserved well of his country by his writings, which were,
1. “Historia Anglica, or a history of the British affairs
down to his own time.
” It is not now extant, though Leland says he saw it at London. 2. “A collection of the
statutes and constitutions of the church of St. Paul’s,
” extant in the library of that cathedral in
, he was installed in the deanery of that church, in the room of the said Blyth. In 1505 he was made dean of Windsor, and the same year master of the rolls, and one of
, archbishop of York, and cardinal-priest of the Roman church, was born at Hilton near Appleby in Westmorland, and educated at Queen’s college in Oxford. Having taken holy orders, he became rector of Aller in the diocese of Bath and Wells. He enjoyed three prebends successively in the cathedral church of Salisbury that of South-Grantham in 14&5, that of Chardstock the same year, and that of Horton in 1486i He was elected provost of Queen’s college in 1495, and about the same time created doctor of laws. On September 28, 1503, he was admitted prebendary of Strenshall in the cathedral church of York, void by the consecration of Jeoffrey Blyth to the see of Litchfield and Coventry and on the 2 1st of December following, he was installed in the deanery of that church, in the room of the said Blyth. In 1505 he was made dean of Windsor, and the same year master of the rolls, and one of the king’s privy council. In 1507, he was advanced to the see of Durham, and received the temporalities the 1.7th of November. The next year he was translated to the archbishopric of York, and received the temporalities the 12th of December. Pits assures us, that Bambridge had been very intimate with Morton archbishop of Canterbury, and shared in that prelate’s sufferings during the usurpation of Richard III. after whose death, his affairs took a more prosperous turn, as he was appointed almoner to king Henry VII. and employed by that prince on several embassies to the emperor Maximilian, Charles VIII. king of France, and other potentates of Europe. But he distinguished himself chiefly by his embassy from king Henry VIII. to pope Julius II. who created him a cardinal, with the title of St. Praxede, in March 1511, and, eight days after, appointed him legate of the ecclesiastical army, which had been sent into the Ferrarese, and were then besieging the fort of Bastia. In return for which marks of honour, our new cardinal and legate prevailed with the king his master, to take part with his holiness against the king of France, nor was he less zealous in the service of that pontiff during his life, than in honouring and defending his memory after his death. There are extant in Rymer’s Fœdera, &c, two letters; one from cardinal Barnbridge, during his residence at Home, to king Henry VIII. concerning the pope’s bull giving him the title of mostChristian king and another from the cardinal de Sinigallia, to the king, acquainting his highness that he had delivered that instrument to cardinal Bamhridge. This prelate died at Rome July 14, 1514, being poisoned by one of his domestics, whom he had chastised, and was buried there in the English church of St. Thomas. Pits commends him for his extensive learning, and adds, that he wrote some treatises on subjects of civil law, but that biographer erroneously calls him Urswic, which was the name of his predecessor in the deanery of.Windsor.
604, he was nominated to succeed the archbishop in that high dignity, to which he was elected by the dean and chapter, Nov. 17, and confirmedin Lambeth chapel, Dec. 10.
, archbishop of Canterbury in,
the reign of king James I. the son of John Bancroft, gentleman, and Mary daughter of Mr. John Curvvyn, brother of
Dr. Hugh Curvvyn, archbishop of Dublin, was born at Farnworth in Lancashire, in September 1544. After being
taught grammar, he became a student of Christ college,
Cambridge, where, in 1566-7, he took the degree of B. A.
and thence he removed to Jesus’ college, where, in 1570,
he commenced M. A. Soon after, he was made chaplain to
Dr. Cox, bishop of Ely, who, in 1575, gave him the rectory of Teversham in Cambridgeshire. The year following he was licensed one of the university preachers, and in
1580 was admitted B. D. September 14th, 1584, he was
instituted to the rectory of St. Andrew, Holborn, at the
presentation of the executors of Henry earl of Southampton. In 1585 he commenced D. D. and the same year was
made treasurer of St. Paul’s cathedral in London. The
year following he became rector of Cottingham in Northamptonshire, at the presentation of sir Christopher Hatton, lord chancellor, whose chaplain he then was. Feb.
25th, 1589, he was made a prebendary of St. Paul’s, in
1592 advanced to the same dignity in the collegiate church
of Westminster, and in 1594 promoted to a stall in the
cathedral of Canterbury. Not long before, he had distinguished his zeal for the church of England by a learned and
argumentative sermon against the ambition of the Puritans,
preached at St. Paul’s cross. In 1597, Dr. Bancroft, being
then chaplain to the archbishop of Canterbury, Whitgift, was
advanced to the see of London, in the room of Dr. Richard
Fletcher, and consecrated at Lambeth the 8th of May.
From this time he had, in effect, the archiepiscopal power:
for the archbishop, being declined in years, and unfit for
business, committed the sole management of ecclesiastical
affairs to bishop Bancroft. Soon after his being made
bishop, he expended one thousand marks in the repair of
his house in London. In 1600, he, with others, was sent
by queen Elizabeth to Embden, to put an end to a difference between the English and Danes but the embassy had
no effect. This prelate interposed in the disputes between
the secular priests and the Jesuits, and furnished some of
the former with materials to write against their adversaries.
In the beginning of king James’s reign^ he was present at
the conference held at Hampton court, between the bishops
and the Presbyterian ministers. The same year, 1603, he
was appointed one of the commissioners for regulating the
affairs of the church, and for perusing and suppressing
books, printed in England, or brought into the realm without public authority. A convocation being summoned to
meet, March 20, 1603-4, and archbishop Whitgift dying in
the mean time, Bancroft was. by the king’s writ, appointed
president of that assembly. October 9tb, 1604, he was
nominated to succeed the archbishop in that high dignity,
to which he was elected by the dean and chapter, Nov. 17,
and confirmedin Lambeth chapel, Dec. 10. Sept. 5, 1605,
he was sworn one of his majesty’s most honourable privy
council. This year, in Michaelmas term, he exhibited
certain articles, to the lords of the council, against the
judges. This was a complaint of encroachment, and a
contest for jurisdiction between the temporal and ecclesiastical judges, and as Collier has well observed, ought
to be decided by neither side but the decision was against
him. In 1608 he was elected chancellor of the university
of Oxford, in the room of the earl of Dorset. In ] 6 10 thisarchbishop offered to the parliament a project for the better providing a maintenance for the clergy, but without
success. One of our historians pretends, that archbishop
Bancroft set on foot the building a college near Chelsea,
for the reception of students, who should answer all Popish
and other controversial writings against the church of England. This prelate died Nov. 2, 1610, of the stone, in his
palace at Lambeth. By his will he ordered his body to be
interred in the chancel of Lambeth church, and besides
other legacies, left all the books in his library to the archbishops his successors for ever. He was a rigid disciplinarian, a learned controversialist, an excellent preacher, a
great statesman, and a vigilant governor of the church, and
filled the see of Canterbury with great reputation but as
he was most rigid in his treatment of the Puritans, it is not
surprising that the nonconformist writers and their successors have spoken of him with much severity; but whatever
may be thought of his general temper and character, his
abilities appear to have been very considerable. In his famous sermon against the Puritans, there is a clearness,
freedom, and manliness of style, which shew him to have
been a great master of composition. It was printed with a,
tract of his, entitled “Survey of the pretended Holy Discipline.
” He wrote also another tract, entitled “Dangerous Positions,
” and there is extant, in the Advocates’
library at Edinburgh, an original letter from him to king
James I. containing an express vindication of pluralities.
This letter has been printed by sir David Dalrymple, in
the first volume of his Memorials. Dr. Bancroft is also the
person meant as the chief overseer of the last translation of
the Bible, in that paragraph of the preface to it beginning
with “But it is high time to leave them,
” &c. towards the
county of Essex and diocese of London, by Mr. John Pascal, on the death of Mr. John Clowes; and the dean and chapter of London, upon the resignation of William Jennings,
, was an elegant writer in the sixteenth century but whether he was English or Scotch by birth is disputed. It seems most probable that he was Scotch, but others have contended that he was born in Somersetshire, where there is both a village called Barcley, and an ancient family of the same name, yet there is no such village, except in Gloucestershire, and Mr. Warton thinks he was either a Gloucestershire or Devonshire man. But of whatever country he was, we know nothing of him, before his coming to Oriel college in Oxford, about 1495, when Thomas Cornish was provost of that house. 'Having distinguished himself there, by the quickness of his parts, and his attachment to learning, he went into Holland, and thence into Germany, Italy, and France, where he applied himself assiduously to the* languages spoken in those countries, and to the study of the best authors in them, and made a wonderful proficiency, as appeared after his return home, by many excellent translations which he published. His patron was now become bishop of Tyne, and suftragan under the bishop of Wells, who first made him his chaplain, and afterwards appointed him one of the priests of St. Mary, at Ottery in Devonshire, a college founded by John Grandison bishop of Exeter. After the death of this patron, he became a monk of the order of St. Benedict, and afterwards, as some say, a Franciscan. He was also a monk of Ely, and upon the dissolution of that monastery in 1539, he was left to be provided for by his patrons, of which his works had gained him many. He seems to have had, first, the vicarage of St. Matthew at Wokey, in Somersetshire, on the death of Thomas Eryngton, and afterwards was removed from that small living to a better, if indeed he received not both at the same time. It is more certain, that in Feb. 1546, being then doctor of divinity, he was presented to the vicarage of Much-Badew, or, as it is commonly called, Baddow-Magna, in the county of Essex and diocese of London, by Mr. John Pascal, on the death of Mr. John Clowes; and the dean and chapter of London, upon the resignation of William Jennings, rector of Allhallows, Lombard-street, on the 30th of April 1552, presented him to that living, which he did not however enjoy above the space of six weeks. He was admired in his lite-time for his wit and eloquence, and for a fluency of style not common in that age. This recommended him to many noble patrons though it does not appear that he was any great gainer by their favour, otherwise than in his reputation. He lived to a very advanced age, and died at Croydon in Surrey, in month of June, 15-52, and was interred in the church there. Bale has treated his memory with great indignity he says, he remained a scandalous adulterer under colour of leading a single life but Pits assures us, that he employed all his study in favour of religion, and in reading and writing the lives of the saints. There is probably partiality in both these characters but that he was a polite writer, a great refiner of the English tongue, and left behind him many testimonies of his wit and learning, cannot be denied.
, dean of Canterbury, was the sixth son of Robert Bargrave, of Bridge,
, dean of Canterbury, was the
sixth son of Robert Bargrave, of Bridge, in Kent, esq. by
Joan, the daughter or John Gilbert, of Sandwich, esq. and
was born in 1586. He was entered early at Clare-hall,
in Cambridge, of which society he was probably a fellow,
where he took his degrees in arts. He was incorporated
M. A. at Oxford, in 16*11, and in 1612 he undertook the
office of taxor in the university of Cambridge. In March
1614-15, when king James visited Cambridge, Bargrave
was one of those who performed a part in the celebrated
comedy of “Ignoramus,
” written by Ruggle, his fellowcollegian, in order to entertain his majesty. He was at
this time a beneficed clergyman, having been inducted to
the rectory of Eythorne, in Kent, in October preceding.
He became soon afterwards minister of St. Margaret’s,
Westminster, and chaplain to Charles prince of Wales,
whom he served in the same quality after his accession to
the throne. In his church of St. Margaret’s, he often
preached before the house of commons, and with much approbation. In 1622, at which time he was D. D. he was
promoted by the crown to the fifth prebend in the church
of Canterbury. In Feb. 1623, in a sermon before the
house of commons, he inveighed with honest warmth
against the influence of popery, bad counsellors, and corruption, which displeased king James, but Charles I. soon
after his accession, nominated him to the deanery of Canterbury. Other promotions followed, some of which he
exchanged, and in 1629 he was commissioned by archbishop Abbot, together with archdeacon Kingsley, to enforce the instructions from the king concerning the regularity of lecturers in the diocese, and the due attendance
at divine worship. When the rebellion broke out, he
shared the sufferings of the rest of the loyal clergy, and,
jn 1641 was fined a thousand pounds by the house of
commons, for being a member of a convocation of the
clergy in the preceding year. In 1642, when the parliamentary colonel Sandys came to Canterbury, he and
his troops treated the dean and his family with the most
brutal behaviour, without regard to age or sex his son
was then sent prisoner to Dover, and himself to the Fleet
prison, London. It does not appear, however, that the
dean was either examined or called before the house, nor
did his confinement last above three weeks, yet what he
bad suffered so much affected him, that he died in January following, (1643). It is worthy of notice, although
shocking to relate, that this Sandys owed his escape from
an* ignominious death, when he was indicted at Maidstone
for a rape, to the interest of dean Bargrave. The dean
had been a great traveller, and his connexions ii> foreign
countries were such as prove his discernment as well as
testify his merit. He attended sir Henry Wotton in one
of his embassies, as his chaplain, and sir Henry appointed
him one of the supervisors of his will, with a legacy of
books: during his residence at Venice, he enjoyed the
intimate acquaintance of the celebrated father Paul, who
once said to him that he thought the hierarchy of the
church of England the most excellent piece of discipline
in the whole Christian world. Bargrave was a firm defender of our civil and religious rights. He published
only three sermons, printed at London in 1624 and 1627.
He was interred in the dean’s chapel, Canterbury, and a
monument was erected in the same place by Dr. John Bargrave, in 1679.
a prebendary of St. Paul’s. He was installed prebendary of Westminster, in 1601, and the next year, dean of Chester, and in 1605, a prebendary of Canterbury. In the
, bishop of Rochester and Lincoln, was a native of Lancashire, and became fellow of Trinity hall, Cambridge. He was afterwards chaplain to queen Elizabeth, and to archbishop Whitgift, who collated him to the rectory of St. Dunstan’s in the East, and he occurs likewise as a prebendary of St. Paul’s. He was installed prebendary of Westminster, in 1601, and the next year, dean of Chester, and in 1605, a prebendary of Canterbury. In the same year, May 23, he was elected bishop of Rochester, which he held for three years, and was translated to Lincoln, May 21, 1608. He died suddenly at his palace at Buckden, Sept. 7, 1613, where he was buried. In his will he appointed to be buried in Lincoln cathedral, or Westminster abbey, if he died near them, and gave several charities, and was, according to Wood, a benefactor to St. John’s college, Cambridge, where he founded the London fellowships and scholarships, but his will, in this respect, being only conditional, St. John’s college never derived any benefit from it. He was reputed a learned and excellent preacher, and when dean of Chester, was employed by archbishop Whitgift to draw up an authentic relation of the famous conference between the bishop and the Puritans, held at Hampton court, Jan. 14, 15, 16, 1603, before king James, which was published at London, 1604, 4to, and 1638, and reprinted in the Phoenix, vol. I. He published also some controversial tracts, and a life of Dr. Richard Cosin, an eminent civilian, in whose house he had been brought up in his youth.
idge, anc| afterwards to Herbert Westphaling, bishop of Hereford, 2. Elizabeth, wife of William Day, dean of Windsor, afterwards bishop of Winchester. 3. Margaret, wife
, a learned bishop in the sixteenth century, descended of the ancient family of the Barlowes in Wales, and was born in the county of Essex. He was at first a monk in the Augustin monastery of St. Osith in Essex, and was educated there, and at Oxford, where the religious of that order had an abbey and a priory and, arriving to a competent knowledge of divinity, Was made doctor in that faculty. He was afterwards prior of the canons of his order at Bisham in Berkshire, and by that title was sent on an embassy to Scotland, in 1535. At the dissolution of the monasteries, he readily resigned his house, and prevailed upon many abbots and priors to do the same. Having by this means ingratiated himself with the king, he was appointed bishop of St. Asaph and the temporalities being delivered to him on February 2, 1535, he was consecrated the 22d of the same month. Thence he was translated to St. David’s, in April 1536, where he formed the project of removing the episcopal see to Caerniardhyn, as being more in the midst of the diocese, but without success. In 1547, he was translated to Bath and Wells, of which he alienated most of the revenues; but being a zealous professor and preacher of the Protestant religion, he was, in 1553, upon queen Mary’s accession to the throne, deprived of his bishopric, on pretence of his being married. He was, likewise, committed to the Fleet, where he continued prisoner for some time at length, finding means to escape, he retired, with many others, into Germany, and there lived in a poor condition, till queen Elizabeth’s happy inauguration. Tanner says that he went early in life to Germany, and heard Luther, and some other of the reformers. On his return now to his native country, he was not restored to his see, but advanced to the bishopric of Chichester, in December 1559; and, the next year, was made the first prebendary of the first stall in the collegiate church of Westminster, founded by queen Elizabeth which dignity he held five years with his bishopric. He died in August, 1568, and was buried in Chichester cathedral. What is most particularly remarkable concerning him is, that by his wife Agatha Wellesbourne, he had five daughters, who were all married to bishops, namely, 1. Anne, married first to Austin Bradbridge, anc| afterwards to Herbert Westphaling, bishop of Hereford, 2. Elizabeth, wife of William Day, dean of Windsor, afterwards bishop of Winchester. 3. Margaret, wife of William Overtoil, bishop of Lichfield and Coventry. 4. Frances, married first to Matthew Parker, younger son of Matthew Parker, archbishop of Canterbury, and afterwards to Toby Matthew, archbishop of York. 5. Antonia, wife of William Wick ham, bishop of Winchester. He had also a son, of whom we shall give an account in the next article; and five more, of whom nothing memorable is recorded.
, ancient professor and dean of the faculty of medicine at Paris, the place of his birth,
, ancient professor and
dean of the faculty of medicine at Paris, the place of his
birth, died July 29, 1758, at about the age of 72. He had
a great share in the Pharmacopoeia of Paris, for 1732, 4to;
and in 1739, gave an academical dissertation in Latin on
chocolate, “An senibus Chocolate potas?
” which has
been often reprinted. His son, of the same name, war
also dean of the faculty at Paris, where he died in 1787, at
the age of eighty. He was long a surgeon in the armies of
Italy and Germany, and published some medical works.
There was a Theodore Baron before these, probably their
ancestor, who, in 1609, published a curious work entitled
“De operationis meiendi triplici lacsione et curatione,
” of
which Haller gives a brief analysis.
the press, he was enabled to have it printed by the liberality of sir Thomas Smith, and Dr. Nowell, dean of St. Paul’s, whose assistance he gratefully acknowledges.
, a scholar of Cambridge
of the sixteenth century, who had travelled various countries for languages and learning, is known now principally
as the author of a triple dictionary in English, Latin, and
French, which he entitled an “Alvearie,
” as the materials were collected by his pupils in their daily exercise, like
so many diligent bees gathering honey to their hive.
When ready for the press, he was enabled to have it printed
by the liberality of sir Thomas Smith, and Dr. Nowell,
dean of St. Paul’s, whose assistance he gratefully acknowledges. It was first printed by Denham in 1573, with a
Latin dedication to the universal Maecenas, lord Burghlev,
and various recommendatory verses, among which the Latin of Cook and Grant, the celebrated masters of St. Paul’s
and Westminster schools, and the English of Arthur Golding, the translator of Ovid’s Metamorphoses, have chief
merit. This book was more commodious in size than in
form, for as there is only one alphabet, the Latin and French
words are to be traced back by means of tables at the end
of the volume. In the then scarcity of dictionaries, however, this must have been an useful help, and we find that
y, second and improved edition, with the title of a “Quadruple Dictionarie,
” (the Greek, thinly scattered in the first impression, being now added) came out after the decease of the author in 1580, and is the only edition of which
Ames and Herbert take any notice, nor does Ainsworth,
who speaks of it in the preface to his dictionary, seem to
be aware of a prior edition. Of Baret’s life we have not
been able to discover any particulars. In the Ashmole
Museum is his patent by queen Elizabeth, for printing this
dictionary for fourteen years.
as called from these cares, in which he would willingly have spent his whole life, by his being made dean of St. Paul’s, a preferment less in value, and attended with
, an eminent English divine, was
born at Wetherslack, in Westmoreland, April 20, 1612.
His parents were not considerable either for rank or riches;
but were otherwise persons of great merit, and happy in
their family. John, the third son, was intended for the
church, but being sent to school in the neighbourhood,
he lost much time under masters deficient in diligence
and learning. At length he was sent to Sedberg school,
in Yorkshire, where, under the care of a tolerable master,
he gave early marks both of genius and piety. In the
year 1631, and the eighteenth of his age, he was admitted
of St. John’s college, at Cambridge, under the tuition of
Mr. Thomas Fothergill, who proved at once a guardian
and a preceptor, supplying his necessities, as well as instructing him in learning. By this help Mr. Barwick
quickly so distinguished himself, that when a dispute arose
about the election of a master, which at last came to be
heard before the privy-council, the college chose Mr.
Barwick, then little above twenty, to manage for them,
by which he not only became conspicuous in the university, but was also taken notice of at court, and by the
ministry. In 1635 he became B. A. while these affairs
were still depending. April the 5th, 1636, he was created
Fellow, without opposition, and in 1638 he took the degree of M. A. When the civil war broke out, and the
king wrote a letter to the university, acquainting them
that he was in extreme want, Mr. Barwick concurred with
those loyal persons, who first sent him a small supply in
money, and afterwards their college-plate, and upon information that Cromwell, afterwards the protector, lay
with a party of foot at a place called Lower Hedges, between Cambridge and Huntington, in order to make himself master of this small treasure, Mr. Barwick made one
of the party of horse which conveyed it through by-roads
safely to Nottingham, where his majesty had set up his
standard. By this act of loyalty the parliament was so
provoked, that they sent Cromwell with a body of troops
to quarter in the university, where they committed the
most brutal outrages. Mr. Barwick also published a piece
against the covenant, entitled “Certain Disquisitions and
Considerations, representing to the conscience the unlawfuluess of the oath entitled A Solemn League and Covenant for Reformation, &c. as also the insufficiency of
the urgiiments used in the exhortation for taking the said
covenant. Published by command,
” Oxford, distemper, so that
in November, 1662, he was confined to his chamber: he
heightened his disease by officiating at the sacrament the
Christmas-day following, after which he was seized with
a violent vomiting of blood. Upon this he was advised to a change of air, and retired to Therfield in Hertfordshire, of which he was rector, but finding himself
there too far from London, he returned to Chiswick, where
he in some measure recovered his health. As soon as he
found he had a little strength, he applied himself there to
the putting in order the archives of St. Paul’s church, but
this return of active employment was followed by an extraordinary flux of blood, which rendered him very weak,
and defeated his favourite design of retiring to Therfield.
When he first found his health declining, he made choice
of and procured this living, intending to have resigned
his deanery and office of prolocutor, to those who had
vigour enough to discharge them, and to spend the remainder of his days in the discharge of his pastoral office,
to which he thought himself bound by his taking orders.
But coming upon some extraordinary occasion to London,
he was seized with a pleurisy, which carried him off in
three days. He was attended in his last moments by Dr.
Peter Gunning, afterwards bishop of Ely, and as he lived,
so he died, with all the marks of an exemplary piety, on
the 22d of October, 1664, after he had struggled almost
twelve years with this grievous distemper. By hrs will he
bequeathed the greatest part of his estate to charitable
uses, and this with a judgment equal to his piety. His
body was interred in the cathedral of St. Paul’s, with an
epitaph composed by Mr. Samuel Howlet. The character
of Mr. Barwick may be easily collected from the preceding
sketch, but is more fully illustrated in his life published by
Dr. Peter Barwick, a work of great interest and amusement. His printed works are very few. Besides the tract
on the covenant, before mentioned, we have only his
” Life of Thomas Morton, bishop of Durham, and a funeral sermon,“1660, 4to; and
” Deceivers deceived,“a
sermon at St. Paul’s, Oct. 20, 1661,
” 1661, 4to. Many
of his letters to chancellor Hyde are among Thurloe’s State
cts. In. 1671, he drew up in Latin, which he wrote with unusual elegance and purity, the life of the dean his brother, and took care to deposit it, and the original papers
, physician in ordinary to king Charles II. was brother to the preceding, and born in 1619, at Wetherslack in Westmoreland. From the same grammar-school as his elder brother, he removed to St. John’s college in Cambridge in 1637, and continued there about six years. In 1642, being then in the twenty-fourth year of his age, he took his degree of bachelor of arts. In 1644, he was nominated by the bishop of Ely, to a fellowship of St. John’s, in his gift, but the usurper being then in power, he never availed himself of it. Probably, indeed, he had left the college before he obtained this presentation, and perhaps about the same time his brother did, which was in the foregoing year. It is uncertain, whether, at that time, he had made any choice of a profession; so that being invited into Leicestershire, in order to become tutor to Ferdinando Sacheverell, esq. of Old Hayes in that county, a young gentleman of great hopes, he readily accepted the proposal, and continued with him for some time. In 1647, he returned to Cambridge, and took his degree of master of arts, applying himself then assiduously to the study of physic, and ahout the same time, Mr. Sacheverell died, and bequeathed our author an annuity of twenty pounds. How he disposed of himself for some years, does not very clearly appear, because he who so elegantly recorded the loyal services of his brother, has studiously concealed his own. It is, however, more than probable, that he was engaged in the service of his sovereign, since it is certain that he was at Worcester in 1651, where he had access to his royal master king Charles II. who testified to him a very kind sense of the fidelity of his family. In 1655, he was created doctor of physic, and two years afterwards, he took a house in St. Paul’s church-yard, and much about the same time, married the widow of Mr. Sayon, an eminent merchant. Being thus settled, he soon gained a very great repute in the city, for his skill in his profession, and among the learned, by his judicious defence of Dr. Harvey’s discovery of the Circulation of the Blood, which was then, and is still, admired as one of the best pieces written upon that subject. At this house he entertained his brother Dr. John Barwick, who repaired at his own expence an oratory he found there, and daily read the service of the established church, and with a few steadyroyalists, prayed for his exiled master. After the restoration in 1660, he was made one of the king’s physicians in ordinary, and in the year following, received a still stronger proof of his majesty’s kind sense of his own and his brother’s services by a grant of arms expressive of their loyalty. In 1666, being compelled by the dreadful fire to remove from St. Paul’s church yard, where, much to his honour, he was one of the few physicians who remained all the time of the plague, and was very active and serviceable in his profession, he took another house near Westminster-abbey, for the sake of being near that cathedral, to which he constantly resorted every morning at six o'clock prayers. He was a very diligent physicum, and remarkably successful in the small-pox, and in most kinds of fevers. Yet he was far from making money the main object of his care; for during the many years that he practised, he not only gave advice and medicines gratis to the poor, but likewise charitably administered to their wants in other respects. In. 1671, he drew up in Latin, which he wrote with unusual elegance and purity, the life of the dean his brother, and took care to deposit it, and the original papers serving to support the facts mentioned, in the library in St. John’s college at Cambridge. Another ms. he gave to Dr. Woodward, and one he left to his family. Twenty years after this, when our author was in the seventy-fourth year of his age, and his eye-sight so much decayed, that he was forced to make use of the hand of a friend, he added an appendix in defence of the Ewwv BacrimKti, against Dr. Walker, who was very well known to him, and of whom in that treatise he has given a very copious account. This piece of his is written with a good deal of asperity, occasioned chiefly by the frequency of scurrilous libels against the memory of Charles I. In 1694, being quite blind, and frequently afflicted with fits of the stone, he gave over practice, and dedicated the remainder of his life to the service of God, and the conversation of a few intimate friends, amongst whom was Dr. Busby, the celebrated master of Westminster-school. He died Sept. 4, the same year, in the eighty-sixth year of his age, and by his own. direction, was interred without any monument, as well as with great privacy, near the body of his dear wife, in the parish church of St. Faith’s, under St. Paul’s. He was a man of a very comely person, equally remarkable for the solidity of his learning, and for a wonderful readiness as well as elegance in expressing it. His piety was sincere, his reputation unspotted, his loyalty and his modesty most exemplary. In all stations of life he was admired and beloved, and of a chearful and serene mind in all situations. He was happy in the universal approbation of all parties, as he was himself charitable to all, and never vehement but in the cause of truth. He left behind him an only daughter, Mary, who married sir Ralph Dutton of Sherbounie in Dorsetshire, bart. The life of his brother was published, in Latin, 1721, 8vo, and in English, with an account of the writer, 1724. Mr. Hilkiah Bedford was editor of both.
icture by West; portraits of the Rev. John Watson, and sir George Warren’s family; portraits also of dean Swift, and Dr. Parnell, 1774; sir James Burrow, 1780; Mr. Bowyer,
, an eminent English engraver, son of
Isaac Basire, who was an engraver and printer, was born
Oct. 6, 1730; and bred from infancy to his father’s profession, which he practised with great reputation for sixty years.
He studied under the direction of Mr. Richard Dalton; was
with him at Rome made several drawings from the pictures
of Raphael, &c. at the time that Mr. Stuart, Mr. Brand
Hollis, and sir Joshua Reynolds, were there. He was appointed engraver to the society of antiquaries about 1760;
and to the royal society about 1770. As a specimen of his
numerous works, it may be sufficient to refer to the beautiful plates of the “Vetusta Monumenta,
” published by the
society of antiquaries, and to Mr. Cough’s truly valuable
“Sepulchral Monuments.
” With the author of that splendid work he was most deservedly a favourite. When he
had formed the plan, and hesitated on actually committing
it to the press, Mr. Gough says, “Mr. Basire’s specimens
of drawing and engraving gave me so much satisfaction,
that it was impossible to resist the impulse of carrying such
a design into execution.
” The royal portraits and other
beautiful plates in the “Sepulchral Monuments
” fully
justified the idea which the author had entertained of his
engraver’s talents; and are handsomely acknowledged by
Mr. Gough. The Plate of “Le Champ de Drap d'Or
” was
finished in antiquarian paper. Besides the numerous plates which he
engraved for the societies, he was engaged in a great number of public and private works, which bear witness to the
fidelity of his burin. He engraved the portraits of Fielding
and Hogarth in 1762; earl Camden, in 1766, after sir
Joshua Reynolds; Pylades and Orestes, 1770, from a picture by West; portraits of the Rev. John Watson, and sir
George Warren’s family; portraits also of dean Swift, and
Dr. Parnell, 1774; sir James Burrow, 1780; Mr. Bowyer,
1782; portraits also of Dr. Munro, Mr. Gray, Mr.
Thonxpson, Lady Stanhope, Sir George Savile, Bishop Hoadly,
Rev. Dr. Pegge, Mr. Price, AlgernonSydney, Andrew
Marvell, William Camden, William Brereton,1790,&c. &c.;
Captain Cook’s portrait, and other plates, for his First and
Second Voyages a great number of plates for Stuart’s
Athens (which are well drawn). In another branch of his art,
the Maps for general Roy’s
” Roman Antiquities in Britain“are particularly excellent. He married, first, Anne
Beaupuy; and, secondly, Isabella Turner. He died Sept.
6, 1802, in his seventy-third year, and was buried in the
vault under Pentonville chapel. The ingenuity and integrity of this able artist are inherited by his eldest son, of
whose works it may be enough to mention only the
” Cathedrals," published by the society of antiquaries, from the
exquisite drawings by Mr. John Carter. A third James Basirc, born in 1796, has already given several proofs of superior excellence in the arts of drawing and engraving.
success, that he was afterwards entrusted with several important commissions. Cardinal de Bouillon, dean of the Sacred College, who was then in Holland, imparted to
de Franquener, son of the preceding, and the most celebrated of his family, was born at Roan in Normandy, Aug. 8, 1653, and received an education suitable to the talents which his father discovered in him. He first studied under the celebrated Tanaquil Faber, who made him his favourite scholar, but endeavoured to dissuade him from engaging in the ministry. At seventeen years of age, after he had made the Greek and Latin authors familiar to him, and learned the English., Italian, and Spanish languages, he went to Geneva, where he passed through a course of philosophy under Mr. Chouet. He began his divinity studies there under Mestrezat, Turretin, and Tronchin, and finished them at Sedan under the professors Juricu and Le Blanc de Beaulieu. But disliking Mr. Jurieu’s less tolerant sentiments, he applied himself more particularfy to the latter, who was a divine of a moderate and pacific temper. He returned afterwards to Roan; and the learned Mr. Le Moine having been called to the professorship of divinity at Leyden, Mr. Basnage succeeded him, as pastor of the church of Roan in 1676, though he was then but twenty three years of age, and here studied ecclesiastical history and the fathers, and went on with the collections which he had begun at Geneva and Sedan. In 1684 he married Susanna du Moulin, daughter of Cyrus du Moulin, first cousin of Charles du Moulin, the Papinian of France, and grand-daughter of the famous Peter du Moulin. The exercise of the protestant religion being suppressed at Roan in 1685, and Mr. Basnage being no longer allowed to perform the functions of his ministry, hedesired leave of the king to retire into Holland, and obtained it for himself, his wife, and a nurse; but upon condition, that the nurse should return into France at the end of two years. He settled at‘Rotterdam, where he was a minister pensionary till 1691, when he was made pastor of the Walloon church of that city. The works which he wrote raised him a great reputation over all Europe and he kept a correspondence with a great many learned men both in the United Provinces, and in foreign countries. His studies employed the greater part of his time, and his only relaxation was a select society of men of learning-, who met once a week at each other’s houses. The principal members of this little society were Messrs. Paatz, Basnage, De Beauval, his brother, Bayle, Lufneu, and Leers. Their contests were sometimes sharp, but friendly, and there was that candid interchange of sentiment from which Basnage confessed that he had derived great advantage. He had frequent disputes with Mr. Jurieu, his brother-in-law, particularly on the subject of the revolt of the Cevennois, which Jurieu approved and Basnage condemned. The author of his life mentions a conference which they had upon that subject, in 1703, in which Jurieu was obliged by the reasons of his antagonist to condemn the cruelties of the Camisars, and he only urged in their justification, that they had been used with rigour, and had lost patience. In 1709 pensionary Heinsius, who had a great regard for him, procured him to be chosen one of the pastors of the Walloon church at the Hague. He was then employed to manage a secret negotiation with mareschal D’Uxelles, plenipotentiary of France at the congress of Utrecht; and he executed it with so much success, that he was afterwards entrusted with several important commissions. Cardinal de Bouillon, dean of the Sacred College, who was then in Holland, imparted to him all his concerns with the States. The abbe Du Bois, who was afterwards cardinal and first minister of France, having arrived at the Hague in 1716, with the character of ambassador plenipotentiary, to negotiate a defensive alliance between France, England, and the States General, was ordered by the duke of Orleans, regent of France, to apply to Mr. Basnage for his advice, the consequence of which was, that they acted in concert, and the alliance was concluded Jan. 14, As a reward for this service, he obtained the restitution of his estate in France. He corresponded with several princes, nohlemen, and statesmen, both catholic and protestant, and with a great many learned men in France, Italy, Germany, and England, upon subjects of a political or literary nature. The catholics appear to have confided as much in his opinion as the protestants, of which we have a remarkable instance in a French archbishop. This prelate, perplexed to know what step to take respecting the bull Unigenitus, the rigours of which put an end to the last hopes of reconciliation between the catholic and protestant churches, consulted Basnage, and requested to know how he would himself act, if in his place. Basnage replied, that it did not perhaps become him to give advice in a case of so much difficulty: but suggested that the archbishop ought to examine himself whether he acknowledged the pope’s authority, or not: that in the first case he was obliged to admit the constitution; that in the second case he might reject it; but he should consider, that if he argued consequentially, this would carry him farther than he would go. Basnage was a man of great sincerity and candour, and had a politeness seldom to be met with among learned men. He was affable and -easy in his behaviour, and always ready to use his interest in favour of the unfortunate. He answered every person who consulted him with the utmost affability and kindness. He was a good friend, a man of great probity, and though he confuted errors with zeal and spirit, yet he treated the persons themselves with peculiar moderation. His constitution, which before had been very firm, began to decline in 1722; and after a lingering illness he died with exemplary piety, Dec. 22, 1723, in the seventy-first year of his age. He left only one daughter, who was married to Mr. de la Sarraz, privy counsellor to the king of Poland.
to Fulk. In 1225, he was made provost of the collegiate church of St. John of Beverly, and in 1230, dean of York. In December 1241, he was elected by the chapter of
, bishop of London in the reign of king Henry III, was brother of Gilbert Basset, one of the barons, who died by a fall from his horse, leaving behind him one only son, an infant, by whose death soon alter, the inheritance devolved to Fulk. In 1225, he was made provost of the collegiate church of St. John of Beverly, and in 1230, dean of York. In December 1241, he was elected by the chapter of London, bishop of that see, in the room of Roger Niger, both in regard of his family and his great virtues, and notwithstanding the king’s recommendation of Peter de Egueblanche, bishop of Hereford. The see of Canterbury being vacant at the time of this prelate’s election, he was not consecrated till the 9th of October, 1244, at which time the solemnity was performed at London in the church of the Holy Trinity. In the year 1250, bishop Basset began to have a warm dispute with archbishop Boniface, concerning the right of metropolitical visitation. The see of Canterbury had from the beginning an undoubted authority over all the churches of that province, received appeals, censured offenders, and occasionally exercised a jurisdiction over the bishops and canons of the cathedral churches. But hitherto solemn metropolitical visitations at stated times were not in use. Boniface was the first who introduced them, and loaded the bishops and chapters with a prodigious expence, under the name of procurations. On the 12th of May, 1250, be visited the bishop of London, and, being intolerably insolent, as well as avaricious, treated the good prelate with the grossest indignities, and most opprobrious language. Designing to visit the chapter of St. Paul’s, and the priory of St. Bartholomew, he was opposed by the canons of both places, alleging that they had a learned and diligent bishop, who was their proper visitor, and that they neither ought, nor would submit to any other visitatorial power. The archbishop on hearing this, excommunicated the canons, and involved the bishop, as favouring their obstinacy, in the same sentence. Both sides appealed to Rome, where the archbishop, supported by money and the royal favour, pleaded his cause in person; and, notwithstanding the English clergy, by their proctors, offered the pope four thousand marks to be exempted from the archiepiscopal visitation, he obtained a confirmation of his visitatorial power, with this restriction only, that he should be moderate in his demand of procurations.
al education, he was entered, at the age of fifteen, in Trinity college, Oxford; of which his uncle, dean Bathurst, was president. In 1705, when just of age, he was chosen
, earl, an English nobleman of distinguished abilities, was son of sir Benjamin Bathurst of Pauler’s Perry, Northamptonshire, and born in St. James’s square, Westminster, Nov. 16, 1684. His mother was Frances, daughter of sir Allen Apsley, in Sussex, knt. After a grammatical education, he was entered, at the age of fifteen, in Trinity college, Oxford; of which his uncle, dean Bathurst, was president. In 1705, when just of age, he was chosen for Cirencester in Gloucestershire, which borough he represented for two parliaments. He acted, in the great opposition to the duke of Maryborough and the Whigs, under Mr. Harley and Mr. St. John; and, in Dec. 1711, at that memorable period, in which the administration, to obtain a majority in the upper house, introduced twelve new lords in one day, was made a peer. On the accession of George I. when his political friends were in disgrace, and some of them exposed to persecution, he continued firm in his attachment to them: he united, particularly, in the protests against the acts of the attainder against lord Bolingbroke and the duke of Ormond. We have no speech of his recorded, till on Feb. 21, 1718 from which period, for the space of twenty-five years, we find that he took an active and distinguished part in every important matter which came before the upper house; and that he was one of the most eminent opposers of the measures of the court, and particularly of sir Robert Waipole’s administration. For an account of these, however, we refer to history, and especially to the history and proceedings of the house of lords.
, warden of All Souls college, a woman of admirable accomplishments. June 28, 1670, he was installed dean of Wells, procured, as before mentioned, by the interest of
, a distinguished wit, and Latin
poet, was descended of an ancient family, and was born at
Howthorpe, a small hamlet in Northamptonshire, in the parish of Thedingworth, near Market-Harborough in Leicestershire, in 1620. He received the first part of his education at the free-school in Coventry, where his father
seems to have resided in the latter part of his life. His
mother was Elizabeth Villiers, daughter and coheir of Edward Villiers, esq. of the same place. They had issue
thirteen sons, and four daughters. Six of the sons lost
their lives in the service of king Charles I. during the grand
rebellion: the rest, besides one who died young, were
Ralph (of whom we now treat), Villiers, Edward, Moses,
Henry, and Benjamin, father of the late earl Bathurst, the
subject of the preceding article. At Coventry school our
author made so quick a progress in the classics, that at the
age of fourteen he was sent to Oxford, and entered October 10, 1634, in Gloucester hall, now Worcester college;
but was removed in a few days to Trinity college, and probably placed under the immediate tuition of his grandfather Dr. Kettel, then president, in whose lodging he
resided (still known by the name of Kettel-hall), and at
whose table he had his diet, for two years. He was elected
scholar of the house, June 5., 1637, and having taken the
degree of A. B. January 27th following, he was appointed
fellow June 4, 1640. He commenced A. M.April 17, 1641,
and on March 2, 1644, conformably to the statutes of his
college, he was ordained priest by Robert Skinner, bishop
of Oxford, and read some theological lectures in the college hall in 1649. These, which he called “Diatribae
theologicEc, philosophies, et philological,
” are said to discover a spirit of theological research, and an extensive
knowledge of the writings of the most learned divines. He
likewise kept his exercise for the degree of B. D. but did
not take it. The confusion of the times promising little
support or encouragement to the ministerial function, like
his friend, the famous Dr. Willis, he applied himself to
the study of physic, and accumulated the degrees in that
faculty, June 21, 1654. Before this time he had sufficiently recommended himself in his new profession, and
had not been long engaged in it, when he was employed
as physician to the sick and wounded of the navy, which
office he executed with equal diligence and dexterity, to
the full satisfaction of the sea-commanders, and the commissioners of the admiralty. We find him soon after settled at Oxford, and practising physic in concert with his
friend Dr. Willis, with whom he regularly attended Abingdon market every Monday. He likewise cultivated every
branch of philosophical knowledge: he attended the lectures of Peter Sthael, a chymist and rosicrucian, who had
been invited to Oxford by Mr. R. Boyle, and was afterwards operator to the royal society about 1662. About the
same time he had also a share in the foundation of that society; and when it was established, he was elected fellow,
and admitted August 19, 1663. While this society was at
Gresham college in London, a branch of it was continued
at Oxford, and the original society books of this Oxford
department are still preserved there in the Ashmolean Museum, where their assemblies were held. Their latter Oxford meetings were subject to regulations made among
themselves; according to which Dr. Bathurst was elected
president April 23, 1688, having been before nominated
one of the members for drawing up articles, February
29, 1683-4. Nor was he less admired as a classical scholar;
at the university a.cts, in the collections of Oxford verses,
and on every public occasion, when the ingenious were
invited to a rival display of their abilities, he appears to
have been one of the principal and most popular performers. Upon the publication of Hobbes’s treatise of “Human Nature,
” &c. Splendid Shilling
” was a piece of solemn ridicule suited to his
taste. Among his harmless whims, he delighted to surprize the scholars, when walking in the grove at unseasonable hours; on which occasions he frequently carried a
whip in his hand, an instrument of academical correction,
then not entirely laid aside. But this he practised, on account of the pleasure he took in giving so odd an alarm,
rather than from any principle of reproving, or intention
of applying an illiberal punishment. In Latin poetry, Ovid
was his favourite classic. One of his pupils having asked
him what book among all others he chose to recommend
he answered, “Ovid’s Metamorphoses.
” The pupil, in
consequence of this advice, having carefully perused the
Metamorphoses, desired to be informed what other proper
book it wouldbe necessary to read after Ovid, and Dr.
Bathurst advised him to read “Ovid’s Metamorphoses
” a
second time. He had so mean an opinion of his performances in divinity, that in his will he enjoins his executors
entirely to suppress all his papers relating to that subject,
and not to permit them to be perused by any, excepting
a very few such friends as were likely to read them with
candour. We are told, however, that on Sunday, March
20, 1680, he preached before the house of commons at St.
Mary’s, the university church, and gave much satisfaction.
His manner was nearly that of Dr. South, but with more
elegance and felicity of allusion. His Life, written by
Mr. Thomas Warton, is perhaps one of the most correct
of that author’s performances, and contains Dr. Bathurst’s
miscellaneous works, which, though they have great merit
in their particular way, and may be read with much pleasure, are not written in such a taste as entitles them to
imitation. This is acknowledged by Mr. Warton. “His
Latin orations,
” says that ingenious Biographer, “are wonderful specimens of wit and antithesis, which were the delight of his age. They want upon the whole the purity
and simplicity of Tully’s eloquence, but even exceed the
sententious smartness of Seneca, and the surprising turns
of Pliny. They are perpetually spirited, and discover an
uncommon quickness of thought. His manner is concise
and abrupt, but yet perspicuous and easy. His allusions
are delicate, and his observations sensible and animated.
His sentiments of congratulation or indignation are equally
forcible: his compliments are most elegantly turned, and
his satire is most ingeniously severe. These compositions
are extremely agreeable to read, but in the present improwriiient of classical taste, not so proper to be imitated.
They are moreover entertaining, as a picture of the times,
and a history of the state of academical literature. This
smartness does not desert our author even on philosophical
” Among Dr. Bathurst’s Oratiuncuhe, his address to the convocation, about forming the barbers of Oxford into a company, is a most admirable specimen of his
humour, and of that facetious invention, with which few
vice-chancellors would have ventured to enforce and
eiiliven such a subject. We doubt, indeed, whether a parallel to this exquisite piece of humour can be found. With
regard to the doctor’s Latin poetry, though his hexameters
have an admirable facility, an harmonious versification,
much terseness and happiness of expression, and a certain
original air, they will be thought, nevertheless, too pointed
and ingenious by the lovers of Virgil’s simple beauties.
The two poems which he hath left in iambics make it to
be wished tiiat he had written more in that measure. “That
pregnant brevity,
” says Mr. Warton, “/which constitutes
the dignity and energy of the iambic, seems to have been
his talent.
” Dr. Bathurst’s English poetry has that roughness of versification which was, in a great degree, the fault
of the times.
corrector of the Froben press. He then resumed his profession, and was made assessor, and afterwards dean of the faculty. He died in 1582, leaving two sons, the subjects
, the first of a family of men of learning and fame, was born at Amiens, Aug. 24, 1511, and educated in the profession of medicine and surgery. In his eighteenth year he began practice as a surgeon, and acquired such reputation as to be frequently consulted by persons of the first rank; and queen Catherine of Navarre bestowed on him the title of her physician. His connections with the ct new heretics," as Moreri calls the Protestants, induced him to adopt their opinions. In 1532 he went to England, we are not told why, and practised there, for three years, after which he returned to Paris, and married; but having avowed his principles with boldness, and afforded assistance and protection to those of the reformed religion, he was thrown into prison in the reign of Francis I. and condemned to be burnt; but queen Margaret, who was sister to that prince, obtained his pardon and release, and appointed him her physician and surgeon in ordinary. Some time after, not thinking himself secure, even under her protection, he went to Antwerp and practised medicine, but even here the dread of the Spanish inquisition obliged him to retire to Germany, and at length he obtained an asylum at Basil, and for some time was corrector of the Froben press. He then resumed his profession, and was made assessor, and afterwards dean of the faculty. He died in 1582, leaving two sons, the subjects of the following articles.
l city physician, and in the course of his life four times rector of the university, and eight times dean of the faculty of medicine. He died Dec. 5, 1624, after establishing
, brother of the preceding, was
born at Basil, Jan. 17, 1.560, and at the early age of sixteen
began to study medicine. In 1577 he went to Padua,
where he was instructed in botany and anatomy, and afterwards visited the university of Montpellier, and the most
celebrated schools of Germany. On his return to Basil in
1580, he took his doctor’s degree, and was appointed
by the faculty to lecture on anatomy and botany. In
1582 he was elected professor of Greek; and in 1588
professor of anatomy and botany. In 1596, Frederick
duke of Wirtemberg gave him the title of his physician, which he had before conferred on his brother. He
was also, in 1614, principal city physician, and in the
course of his life four times rector of the university, and
eight times dean of the faculty of medicine. He died Dec.
5, 1624, after establishing a very high reputation for his
knowledge in botany and anatomy, in both which he published some valuable works. The principal were his representations of plants, and especially what he called the exhibition of the botanical theatre “Phytopinax,
” Basil,
Pinax Theatri Botanici,
” ib.
There is great reason to believe that he wrote the celebrated Archaeological epistle to Dr. Milles, dean of Exeter. It is certain this excellent performance was transmitted
, was born in April 1758, at Middleham, in Yorkshire where his father, who afterwards retired from business, then followed the profession of the
Jaw. Mr. Baynes received his education at Richmond,
under the rev. Mr. A. Temple, author of three discourses,
printed in 1772; of “Remarks on the Layman’s Scriptural
Confutation; and letters to the rev. Thomas Randolph,
D. D. containing a defence of Remarks on the Layman’s
Scriptural Confutation,
onk of Canterbury. In 1399 Beaufort was chancellor of the university of Oxford, and at the same time dean of Wells. He was lord high chancellor of England in 1404, and
, bishop of Winchester, and
cardinal priest of the church of Rome, was the son of
John of Gaunt, duke of Lancaster, by his third wife, Catherine S win ford. He studied for some years both at Cambridge and at Oxford, in the latter in Queen’s college, and
was afterwards a benefactor to University and Lincoln colleges, but he received the principal part of his education at
Aix la Chapelle, where he was instructed in civil and common law. Being of royal extraction, he was very young when
advanced to the prelacy, and was made bishop of Lincoln
in 1397, by an arbitrary act of Boniface IX. John Beckingham, bishop of that see, being, contrary to his wishes,
translated to Lichfield, to make room for Beaufort, but Beckingham, with becoming spirit, refused the proffered diocese, and chose to become a private monk of Canterbury.
In 1399 Beaufort was chancellor of the university of Oxford, and at the same time dean of Wells. He was lord
high chancellor of England in 1404, and in some years afterwards. The following year, upon the death of the celebrated Wykeham, he was, at the recommendation of the
king, translated to the see of Winchester. In 1414, the
second of his nephew Henry V. he went to France, as one
of the royal ambassadors, to demand in marriage Catherine,
daughter of Charles VI. In 1417 he lent the king twenty
thousand pounds (a prodigious sum in those days), towards
carrying on his expedition against France, but had the
crown in pawn as a security for the money. This year also
he took a journey to the Holy Land and in his way, being
arrived at Constance, where a general council was held, he
exhorted the prelates to union and agreement in the election of a pope; and his remonstrances contributed not a
little to hasten the preparations for the conclave, in which
Martin III. was elected. We have no farther account of
what happened to our prelate in this expedition. In 1421,
he had the honour to be godfather, jointly with John duke
of Bedford, and Jacqueline, countess of Holland, to prince
Henry, eldest son of his nephew Henry V. and Catherine
of France, afterwards Henry VI. M. Aubery pretends,
that James, king of Scots, who had been several years a
prisoner in England, owed his deliverance to the bishop of
Winchester, who prevailed with the government to set him
free, on condition of his marrying his niece, the granddaughter of Thomas Beaufort, earl of Somerset. This prelate
was one of king Henry Vlth’s guardians during his minority; and in 1424, the third of the young king’s reign, he
was a fourth time lord-chancellor of England. There were
perpetual jealousies and quarrels, the cause of which is not
very clearly explained, between the bishop of Winchester,
and the protector, Humphrey duke of Gloucester, which
ended in the ruin and death of the latter. Their dissensions
began to appear publicly in 1425, and to such a height,
that Beaufort thought it necessary to write a letter to his
nephew the duke of Bedford, regent of France, which is
extant in Holinshed, desiring his presence in England,
to accommodate matters between them. The regent accordingly arriving in England the 20th of December, was
met by the bishop of Winchester with a numerous train,
and soon after convoked an assembly of the nobility at St.
Alban’s, to hear and determine the affair. But the animosity on this occasion was so great on both sides, that it
was thought proper to refer the decision to the parliament,
which was to be held at Leicester, March 25, following.
The parliament being met, the duke of Gloucester produced six articles of accusation against the bishop, who
answered them severally, and a committee appointed for
the purpose, having examined the allegations, he was acquitted. The duke of Bedford, however, to give some satisfaction to the protector, took away the great seal from
his uncle. Two years after, the duke of Bedford, returning into France, was accompanied to Calais by the bishop
of Winchester, who, on the 25th of March, received there
with great solemnity, in the church of Our Lady, the cardinal’s hat, with the title of St. Eusebius, sent him by pope
Martin V. In September 1428, the new cardinal returned
into England, with the character of the pope’s legate lately
conferred on him; and in his way to London, he was met
by the lord-mayor, aldermen, and the principal citizens
on horseback, who conducted him with great honour and respect to his lodgings in Southwark; but he was forced, for
the present, to wave his legatine power, being forbidden
the exercise of it by a proclamation published in the king’s
name. Cardinal Beaufort was appointed, by the pope’s
bull, bearing date March 25, 1427-8, his holiness’s legate
in Germany, and general of the crusade against the Hussites, or Heretics of Bohemia. Having communicated the
pope’s intentions to the parliament, he obtained a grant of
money, and a considerable body of forces, under certain
restrictions; but just as he was preparing to embark, the
duke of Bedford having sent to demand a supply of men
for the French war, it was resolved in council, that cardinal Beaufort should serve under the regent, with the
troops of the crusade, to the end of the month of December,
on condition that they should not be employed in any siege.
The cardinal complied, though not without reluctance, and
accordingly joined the duke of Bedford at Paris. After a
stay of forty-five days in France, he marched into Bohemia, where he conducted the crusade till he was recalled
by the pope, and cardinal Julian sent in his place with a
larger army. The next year, 1430, the cardinal accompanied king Henry into France, being invested with the
title of the king’s principal counsellor, and bad the honour
to perform the ceremony of crowning the young monarch
irt the church of Notre Dame at Paris; where he had some
dispute with James du Chastellier, the archbishop, who
claimed the right of officiating on that occasion. During
his stay in France he was present at the congress of Arras
for concluding a peace between the kings of England and
France, and had a conference for that purpose with the
dutchess of Burgundy, between Calais and Gravelines,
which had no effect, and was remarkable only for the cardinal’s magnificence, who came thither with a most splendid train. In the mean time the duke of Gloucester took
advantage in England of the cardinal’s absence to give him
fresh mortification. For, first, having represented to the
council, that the bishop of Winchester intended to leave
the king, and come back into England to resume his seat
in council, in order to excite new troubles in the kingdom,
and that his intentions were the more criminal, as he made
use of the pope’s authority to free himself from the obligations of assisting the king in France; he procured an order
of council forbidding all the king’s subjects, of what condition soever, to accompany the cardinal, if he should leave
the king, without express permission. The next step the
protector took against him, was an attempt to deprive him
of his bishopric, as inconsistent with the dignity of cardinal; but the affair having been a long time debated in
council, it was resolved that the cardinal should be heard,
and the judges consulted, before any decision. Being returned into England, he thought it necessary to take some
precaution against these repeated attacks, and prevailed
with the king, through the' intercession of the commons,
to grant him letters of pardon for all offences by him committed contrary to the statute of provisors, and other acts
of prsemunire. This pardon is dated at Westminster, July
19, 1432. Five years after, he procured another pardon
under the great-seal for all sorts of crimes whatever, from
the creation of the world to the 26th of July 1437. Notwithstanding these precautions, the duke of Gloucester, in
1442, drew up articles of impeachment against the cardinal, and presented them with his own hands to the king,
but the council appointed to examine them deferred their
report so long that rhe protector discontinued the prosecution. The cardinal died June 14, 1447, having survived
the duke of Gloucester not above a mouth, of whose
murder he was suspected to have been one of the contrivers,
and it is said that he expressed great uneasiness at the approach of death, and died in despair; but for this there does
not appear much foundation, and we suspect the commonlyreceived character of Beaufort is mostly credited by those
who have considered Shakspeare as an authentic historian.
We rather agree with the historian of Winchester, that
there is no solid ground for representing him as that ambitious, covetous, and reprobate character which Shakspeare
has represented, and who has robbed his memory, in order
to enrich that of his adversary, popularly termed the “good
duke Humphrey
” of Gloucester. Being involved in the
vortex of worldly politics, it is true, that he gave too much
scope to the passions of the great, and did not allow himself sufficient leisure to attend to the spiritual concerns of
his diocese. He possessed, however, that munificent spirit,
which has cast a lustre on the characters of many persons
of past times, whom it would be difficult otherwise to present as objects of admiration. It he was rich, it must be
admitted that he did not squander away his money upon
unworthy pursuits, but chiefly employed it in the public
service, to the great relief of the subjects, with whom, and
with the commons’ house of parliament, he was popular.
He employed his wealth also in finishing the magnificent
cathedral of Winchester, which was left incomplete by his
predecessor, in repairing Hyde-abbey, relieving prisoners,
and other works of charity. But what, Dr. Milner says, has
chiefly redeemed the injured character of cardinal Beaufort, in Winchester and its neighbourhood, is the new foundation which he made of the celebrated hospital of St. Cross.
Far the greater part of the present building was raised by
him, and he added to the establishment of his predecessor,
Henry de Blois, funds for the support of thirty-five more
brethren, two chaplains, and three women, who appear to
have been hospital nuns. It appears also, says the same
writer, that he prepared himself with resignation and contrition for his last end; and the collected, judicious, and
pious dispositions made in his testament, the codicil of
which was signed but two days before his dissolution, may
justly bring into discredit the opinion that he died in despair. He was buried at Winchester in the most eleg-ant
and finished chantry in the kingdom.
n of Buckingham, and master of St. Catherine’s hospital near the Tower in London. About 1429, he was dean of the court of arches, and a synod being then held in St. Paul’s
, an English prelate, was born in the parish of Beckington, in Somersetshire, or according to Dr. Chandler at Wallinoford in Berkshire, towards the close of the fourteenth century. He was educated in grammar learning at Wyk chain’s school near Winchester, while that great prelate was living, and proceeded to his college (New College) in Oxford in 1403, the year before Wykeham died, and there became doctor of laws, and continued in his fellowship about twelve years. Within this period, most probably, he was presented to the rectory of St. Leonard’s, near Hastings in Sussex, and to the vicarage of Sutton Courtney in Berkshire. He was also prebendary of Bedwin, York, and Lichfield, archdeacon of Buckingham, and master of St. Catherine’s hospital near the Tower in London. About 1429, he was dean of the court of arches, and a synod being then held in St. Paul’s church, London, which continued above six months, Beckington was one of three appointed to draw up a form of law, according to which the Wickliffites were to be proceeded against. Having been once tutor to Henry VI. and written a book, in which, in opposition to the Salique law, he strenuously asserted the right of the kings of England to the crown of France, he arrived to high favour with that prince, and was made secretary of state, keeper of the privy seal, and bishop of Bath and Wells. On Sunday, Oct. 13, 1443, he was consecrated by the bishop of Lincoln in the old collegiate church of St. Mary of Eton; and after the ceremony, celebrated his first mass in his pontificals in the new church of St. Mary? then erecting, and not half finished, under a pavilion provided for the purpose at the altar, directly over the spot where king Henry had laid the first stone.
e dissolution, was valued at 141l. 15s. per annum. He founded, likewise, a collegiate church, with a dean and seven prebendaries, at Chesterupon-the-street, and at Lanchester,
, bishop of Durham in the reigns of Edward I. and II. was advanced, with
the king’s consent, from the archdeaconry of Durham and
other preferments to the bishopric. Of his extraction and
education we have no account. He was elected by the
monks on the 9th of July 1283, and consecrated, in the
presence of the king and several of the nobles, by William
Wicwane, archbishop of York, on the 9th of January following. At the time of his consecration, the archbishop,
having had a dispute, during the vacancy of the see, with
the chapter of Durham, obliged the prior to go out of the
church; and the next day enjoined the new bishop, upon
his canonical obedience, to excommunicate the superior
and several of the monks: but Bek refused to obey the
archbishop, saying, “I was yesterday consecrated their
bishop, and shall 1 excommunicate them to-day? 110 obedience shall force me to this.
” He was enthroned on
Christmas eve,
er to retire to Rome, where the quality of bishop of Ostia procured him, under Paul IV. the title of dean of the sacred college, and where his riches enabled him to build
, cardinal, was born in 1492, and made early proficiency in learning. Francis I. who highly esteemed him, bestowed many preferments on him. He owed this favour to an accidental circumstance: The night before the pope made his public entrance into Marseilles, to meet the French king, it was discovered that the president of the parliament, who had been appointed to receive him with a Latin oration, had unluckily chosen a subject which would certainly give the pontiff offence; and yet there was no tune for a new composition. In this extremity, when the whole business of the ceremonial was deranged, Bellay offered his services to speak extempore, and did it with such uncommon propriety and elegance, that he was marked, from that time, as a man of the first genius in France. He was first bishop of Bayonne, and afterwards of Paris in 1532. The year following, Henry VIII. of England having raised just apprehensions of a schism on account of a quarrel with his queen, du Bellay, who had been sent to him in 1527, in quality of ambassador, and who is said to have managed his boisterous temper with great address, was dispatched to him a second time. He obtained of that prince that he would not yet break with Rome, provided time was granted him to make his defence by proxy. Du Bellay set out immediately, to ask a respite of pope Clement VII. which he obtained, and sent a courier to the king of England for his procuration, but the courier not returning, Clement VII. fulminated the bull of excommunication against Henry VIII. and laid an interdict on his dominions. It was this bull that furnished Henry with an opportunity, fortunately for England, of withdrawing that nation from the church of Rome, and a great source of revenue from the coffers of the pope. Du Bellay continued to be entrusted with the affairs of France under the pontificate of Paul III. who made him cardinal in 1535. The year afterwards, Charles V. having entered Provence with a numerous army, Francis I. in order to appose so formidable an enemy, quitted Paris, whither du Bellay was just returned, and the king appointed him his lieutenant-general, that he might have a watchful eye over Picardy and Champagne. The cardinal, no less intelligent in matters of war than in the intrigues of the cabinet, undertook to defend Paris, which was then in confusion, and fortified it accordingly with a rampart and boulevards, which are still to be seen. He provided with equal promptitude for the security of the other towns, which important services procured him new benefices, and the friendship and confidence of Francis I. After the death of that prince, the cardinal de Lorraine became the channel of favour at the court of Henry II., but du Bellay, too little of a philosopher, and too much affected by the loss of his influence, could no longer endure to remain at Paris. He chose rather to retire to Rome, where the quality of bishop of Ostia procured him, under Paul IV. the title of dean of the sacred college, and where his riches enabled him to build a sumptuous palace; but by some means he took care to keep the bishopric of Paris in his family, obtaining that see for Eustache du Bellay, his cousin, who was already provided with several benefices, and president of the parliament. The cardinal lived nine years after his demission; and, whether from patriotism or from the habit of business, he continued to make himself necessary to the king. He died at Rome, Feb. 16, 1560, at the age of 68, with the reputation of a dexterous courtier, an able negociator, and a great wit. Literature owed much to him. He concurred with his friend Budæus in engaging Francis I. to institute the college royal. Rabelais had been his physician. Of his writing are Several harangues, An apology for Francis I. Elegies, epigrams, and odes, collected in 8vo, and printed by Robert Stephens in 1546.
he was appointed by his uncle archdeacon of Middlesex: but the bishop was prevailed upon by William, dean of London, his nephew by his sister Adelina, and by the prior
II. bishop of
London in the reign of king Stephen, was nephew to the
preceding, and son of Walter de Belmeis. Before he
came of age, he was appointed by his uncle archdeacon of
Middlesex: but the bishop was prevailed upon by William,
dean of London, his nephew by his sister Adelina, and by
the prior of Chich, to commit the administration of the
archdeaconry, during Richard’s minority, to Hugh, one
of his chaplains. It was with no small difficulty that
Richard afterwards recovered his archdeaconry out of the
hands of this faithless guardian. In the beginning of October 1151, he was advanced to the see of London, in the
room of Robert de Sigillo, and consecrated at Canterbury
by archbishop Theobald, in the presence of all the bishops
of England, excepting Henry of Winchester, who excused his absence, but warmly approved the choice of
Richard, in a letter to the archbishop. This prelate died
4th May, 1162, leaving behind him a reputation for singular eloquence. According to Dr. Richardson, whose authority is a manuscript of the late Roger Gale, esq. our
prelate was the writer of the “Codex niger,
” or Black
Book of the Exchequer.
ing, and St. Olave’s, Southwark, in the afternoon,” London, 8vo. Soon after, he was presented by the dean and chapter of St. Paul’s, to the vicarage of St. Giles’s,
, an eminent divine in the
eighteenth century, was born at Salisbury, May 7, 1673,
and educated in the free-school there; where he made so
great a progress in learning, that he was sent to St. John’s
college, Cambridge, in the beginning of 1688, before he
was full fifteen years of age. He regularly took the degrees of bachelor and master of arts; the latter in 1694,
when but twenty-one years old; and was chosen fellow of
his college. In 1695, he wrote a copy of Hebrew verses
on the death of queen Mary, printed in the collection of
poems of the university of Cambridge upon that occasion.
The first of his publications was “An answer to the dissenters pleas for Separation, or an abridgment of the London cases; wherein the substance of those books is digested into one short and plain discourse,
” Lond. A confutation of Popery, in three parts,
Canibr. 8vo. About the same time, he was engaged in
a controversy with some dissenters, which produced
the following book of his, “A discourse of Schism
shewing, 1 What is meant by schism. 2. That schism is
a damnable sin. 3. That there is a schism between the
established church of England and the dissenters. 4. That
this schism is to be charged on the dissenters’ side. 5. That
the modern pretences of toleration, agreement in fundamentals, &c. will m;t excuse the dissenters from being
guilty of schism. Written by way of letter to three
dissenting ministers in Essex, viz. Mr. Gilson and Mr. Gledhili ol Colchester, and Mr. Shepherd of Brain tree. To
which is annexed, an answer to a book entitled
” Thomas
against Bennet, or the Protestant dissenters vindicated from
the charge of schism,“Cambr. 1702, 8vo. This book
being animadverted upon by Mr. Shepherd, our author
” A defence of the discourse of Schism; in
answer to those objections which Mr. Shepherd has made in
his three sermons of Separation, &c.“Cambr. 1703, 8vo.
And, towards the end of the same year,
” An answer to
Mr. Shepherd’s considerations on the defence of the discourse of Scnism,“Cambr. 8vo. As also a treatise entitled
” Devotions, viz. Confessions, Petitions, Intercessions, and
Thanksgivings, for every day in the week and also before,
at, and after, the Sacrament with occasional prayers for
all persons whatsoever,“8vo. In 1705, he published
” A
confutation of Quakerism; or a plain proof of the falsehood of what the principal Quaker writers (especially Mr. R. Barclay, in his Apology and other works) do
teach concerning the necessity of immediate revelation
in order to a saving Christian faith, &c.“Cambr. 8vo.
In 1707 he caused to be printed in a small pamphlet,
” A discourse on the necessity of being baptized
with Water and receiving the Lord’s Supper, taken out of
the confutation of Quakerism,“Cambr. For the sake of
those who wanted either money to purchase, or time to peruse, the Confutation of Quakerism, the year following he
” A brief history of -the joint use of precomposed set forms of Prayer,“Cambr. 8vo. The same year
he published likewise
” A discourse of joint Prayer,“Cambr. 8vo. Towards the end of the same year he published
” A paraphrase with annotations upon the book of
Common Prayer, wherein the text is explained, objections
are answered, and advice is humbly offered, both to the
clergy and the laity, for promoting true devotion in the use
of it,“Lond. 8vo. The next thing he printed was
” Charity Schools recommended, in a sermon preached in St.
James’s church in Colchester, on Sunday, March 26, 1710,“8vo. The same year he wrote
” A letter to Mr. B. Robinson, occasioned by iiis * Review of the case of Liturgies,
and their imposition';“and
” A second letter to Mr. B.
Robinson, &c. on the same subject,“Lond. 1710, 8vo. In
17 11 he published
” The rights of the Clergy of the Christian church; or, a discourse shewing that God has given and
appropriated to the clergy, authority to ordain, baptize,
preach, preside in church-prayer, and consecrate the Lord’s
supper. Wherein also the pretended divine right of the
laity to elect either the persons to be ordained, or their own
particular pastors, is examined and disproved,“London,
1711, 8vo. He had begun a second part of this work, but
it was never published, in which he intended to shew, that
the clergy are, under Christ, the sole spiritual governors of
the Christian church, and that God has given and appropriated to them authority to enact laws, determine controversies, inflict censures, and absolve from them. The pre^tended divine institution of lay elders was also disproved,
and the succession of the present clergy of the established
church vindicated. And to this was annexed a
” Discourse
of the Independency of the Church on the State, with an
account of the sense of our English laws, and the judgment
of archbishop Cranmer touching that point.“About this
time he took the degree of D. D. In 1714 he published
<c Directions for studying, I. A general system or body of
divinity; II. The thirty-nine articles of religion. To which
is added St. Jerom’s epistle to Nepotianus,
” London, 8vo.
The year following was published his “Essay on the thirty-nine articles of Religion, agreed on in 1562, and revised
in 1571, wherein (the text being first exhibited in Latin and English, and the minutest variations of eighteen the most ancient and authentic copies carefully noted) an account is given of the proceedings of convocation in framing
and settling the text of the articles, the controverted clause
of the twentieth article is demonstrated to be genuine, and
the case of subscription to the articles is considered in point
of law, history, and conscience; with a prefatory epistle to
Anthony Collins, esq. wherein the egregious falsehoods and
calumnies of the author of ‘Priestcraft in perfection’ are
” London, The Non juror’s separation
from the public assemblies of the church of England examined, and proved to be schismatical upon their own
” London, 8vo. And “The case of the Reformed Episcopal Churches in Great Poland and Polish
Prussia, considered in a sermon preached on Sunday, November 18, 1716, at St. Lawrence-Jewry, London, in the
morning, and St. Olave’s, Southwark, in the afternoon,
London, 8vo. Soon after, he was presented by the dean
and chapter of St. Paul’s, to the vicarage of St. Giles’s,
Cripplegate, London, which afforded him a plentiful income of nearly five hundred pounds a-year. But he had
little quiet enjoyment of it; for, endeavouring to recover
some dues that unquestionably belonged to that church,
he was obliged to engage in tedious law-suits, which, hesides the immense charges they were attended withal, gave
him a great deal of vexation and uneasiness, and very much
embittered his spirits; however, he recovered a hundred
and fifty pounds a-year to that living. After he was settled
in it, in 1717, he married Mrs. Elizabeth Hunt of Salisbury,
a gentlewoman of great merit, and by her he had three
daughters. The same year he published “A Spital sermon preached before the lord mayor, aldermen. &c. of
London, in St. Bridget’s church, on April 24, 1717,
” London, 8vo; and in A discourse of the ever-blessed
Trinity in Unity, with an examination of Dr. Clarke’s Scripture doctrine of the Trinity,
” London, 8vo. But, from this
time, the care of his large parish, and other affairs, so engrossed his thoughts, that he had no time to undertake any
new work, except an Hebrew grammar, which was published at London in 1726, 8vo, a,ud is reckoned one of the
best of the kind. He mentions, indeed, in one of his books
written about 1716, that he had then “several tasks
” in
his hands, “which would find him full employment for
many years;
” but whatever they might be, none of them
were ever finished or made public. He died of an apoplexy at London, October 9th, 1728, aged fifty-live years,
five months, and two days, and was buried in his own
ear that city; who having a numerous family, his son Edward, on the recommendation of Dr. Smalridge, dean of Christ-church, was sent in 1717 to the school of that college.
, canon of Christ-church, Oxford, and king’s professor of divinity in that university,
was born in the college at Ely, July 23, 1707. His father,
Mr. Samuel Bentham, was a very worthy clergyman, and
vicar of Witchford, a small living near that city; who having a numerous family, his son Edward, on the recommendation of Dr. Smalridge, dean of Christ-church, was
sent in 1717 to the school of that college. Having there
received the rudiments of classical education, he was in
Lent term 1723, when nearly 16 years of age, admitted of
the university of Oxford, and placed at Corpus-Christi
college under his relation Dr. John Burton. In this situation, his serious and regular deportment, and his great
proficiency in all kinds of academical learning, recommended him to the notice of several eminent men; and,
among others, to the favour of Dr. Tanner, canon of
Christ-church, by whose death he was disappointed of a
nomination to a studentship in that society. At CorpusChristi college he formed a strict friendship with Robert
Hoblyn, esq. of Nanswydden in Cornwall, afterwards representative for the city of Bristol, whose character, as
a scholar and a member of parliament, rendered him deservedly esteemed by the lovers of literature and of their
country. In company with this gentleman and another
intimate friend, Dr. Ratcliff, afterwards master of Pembroke college, Mr. Bentham made, at different times, the
tour of part of France, and other countries. Having taken
the degree of B. A. he was invited by Dr. Cotes, principal
of Magdalen-hall, to be his vice-principal; and was accordingly admitted to that society, March 6, 1730. Here
he continued only a short time, for, on the 23d of April
in the year following, he was elected fellow of Oriel college. In act term, 1732, he proceeded to the degree of
M. A. and, about the same time, was appointed tutor in
the college; in which capacity he discharged his duty, in
the most laborious and conscientious manner, for more
than twenty years. March 26, 1743, Mr. Bentham took
the degree of B. D.; and April 22, in the same year, was
collated to the prebend of Hundreton, in the cathedral
church of Hereford. July 8, 1749, he proceeded to the
degree of D. D.; and in April 1754 was promoted to the
fifth stall in that cathedral. Here he continued the same
active and useful course of life for which he had always
been distinguished. He served the offices of sub-dean
and treasurer, for himself and others, above twelve years.
The affairs of the treasury, which Dr. Bentham found in
great confusion, he entirely new modelled, and put into a
train of business in which they have continued ever since,
to the great ease of his successors, and benefit of the society. 80 intent was he upon the regulation and management of the concerns of the college, that he refused several preferments which were offered him, from a conscientious persuasion that the avocations they would produce
were incompatible with the proper discharge of the offices
he had voluntarily undertaken. Being appointed by the
king to fill the divinity chair, vacant by the death of Dr.
Fanshavve, Dr. Bentham was, with much reluctance, and
after having repeatedly declined it, persuaded, by archbishop Seeker and his other learned friends, to accept of
it; and, on the 9th of May, 1763, he was removed to the
8th stall in the cathedral. His unwillingness to appear in
this station was increased by the business he had to transact in his former situation, and which he was afraid would
be impeded by the accession of new duties: not to say
that a life spent in his laborious and sedentary manner had
produced some unfavourable effects on his constitution,
and rendered a greater attention than he had hitherto shewn
to private ease and health, absolutely necessary. Besides,
as the duties, when properly discharged, were great and
interesting, so the station itself was of that elevated and
public nature to which his ambition never inclined him:
66 latere maluit atque prodesse.“The diffidence he had of
his abilities had ever taught him to suspect his own sufficiency; and his inauguratory lecture breathed the same
spirit, the text of which was,
” Who is sufficient for these
things?" But whatever objections Dr. Bentham might have
to the professorship before he entered upon it, when once
he had accepted of it, he never suffered them to discourage
him in the least from exerting hi* most sincere endeavours
to render it both useful and honourable to the university.
He set himself immediately to draw out a course of lectures for the benefit of young students in divinity, which
he constantly read at his house at Christ-church, gratis-^
three times a week during term-time, till his decease. The
course took up a year; and he not only exhibited in it a
complete system of divinity, but recommended proper
books, some of which he generously distributed to his auditors. His intense application to the pursuit of the plan
he had laid clown, together with those concerns in which
his affection for his friends, and his zeal for the public
good in every shape, involved him, proved more than a
counterbalance for all the advantages of health and vigour
that a strict and uniform temperance could procure. Jt is
certain that he sunk under the rigorous exercise of that
conduct he had proposed to himself: for though 6-; years
are a considerable proportion in the strongest men’s lives,
yet his remarkable abstemiousness and self-denial, added to
a disposition of body naturally strong, promised, in the
ordinary course of things, a longer period. Dr. Bentham
was a very early riser, and had transacted half a day’s
business before many others begin their day. His countenance was uncommonly mild and engaging, being strongly
characteristic of the piety and benevolence of his mind;
and at the same time it by no means wanted expression,
but, upon proper occasions, could assume a very becoming and affecting authority. In his attendance upon the
public duties of religion, he was exceedingly strict and
constant; not suffering himself ever to be diverted from it
by any motives, either of interest or pleasure. Whilst he
was thus diligent in the discharge of his own duty, he was
not severe upon those who were not equally so in theirs.
He could scarcely ever be prevailed upon to deliver his
opinion upon subjects that were to the disadvantage of
other men; and when he could not avoid doing it, his sentiments were expressed with the utmost delicacy and candour. No one was more ready to discover, commend, and
reward every meritorious endeavour. Of himself he never
was he? rd to speak and if his own merits were touched
upon in the slightest manner, he felt a real uneasiness.
Though he was not fond of the formalities of visiting, he
entered into the spirit of friendly society and intercourse
with great pleasure. His constant engagements, indeed,
of one kind or other, left him not much time to be devoted
to company; and the greater part of his leisure hours he
spent in the enjoyment of domestic pleasures, for which
his amiable and peaceable disposition seemed most calculated.
cellent collection of “Essays on Gothic Architecture,” published by Mr. Taylor, of Holborn. When the dean and chapter of Ely had determined upon the general repair of
In the introduction the authorthought it might be useful
to give some account of Saxon, Norman, and what is usually
called Gothic architecture. The many novel and ingenious
remarks, which occurred in this part of the work, soon attracted the attention of those who had turned their thoughts
to the subject. This short essay was favourably received
by the public, and has been frequently cited and referred
to by most writers on Gothic architecture. By a strange
mist-ike, these observations were hastily attributed to the
celebrated Mr. Gray, merely because Mr. Bentham has
mentioned his name among that of others to whom he conceived himself indebted for communications and hints. Mr.
Bentham was never informed of this extraordinary circumstance till the year 1783, when he accidentally met with it
in the Gentleman’s Magazine for the month of February
in that year; upon which he immediately thought it necessary to rectify the mistake, and to vindicate his own
character and reputation as an author from the charge of
having been obliged to Mr. Gray for that treatise, when
he had published it as his own; and this he was enabled to
do satisfactorily, having fortunately preserved the only letter which he had received from Mr. Gray on the subject.
The truth was, that Mr. Bentham had written the treatise
long before he had the honour of any acquaintance with
Mr. Gray, and it was that which first introduced him to
Mr. Gray. What his obligations were will appear by reference to a copy of that letter, which he received from
Mr. Gray when he returned the six sheets which Mr. Bentham had submitted to him at his own request. It happened
that the two last sheets, though composed, were not worked off, which gave Mr. Bentham an opportunity of inserting some additions alluded to in Mr. Gray’s letter. In the
Magazine for July 1784, may be seen the full and handsome apology which this explanation produced from a correspondent, who, under the signature of S. E. had inadvertently ascribed these remarks to Mr. Gray. These remarks have been since printed in an excellent collection
of “Essays on Gothic Architecture,
” published by Mr.
Taylor, of Holborn. When the dean and chapter of Ely
had determined upon the general repair of the fabric of
their church, and the judicious removal of the choir from
the dome to the presbytery at the east end, Mr. Bentham
was requested to superintend that concern as clerk of the
works. With what indefatigable industry and attention he
acquitted himself in that station, and how much he contributed to the improvement and success of the publ.c works
then carrying on, appears as well by the minutes of those
transactions, as by the satisfaction with which the body
recognized his services. This employment gave him a
thorough insight into the principles and peculiarities of
these antient buildings, and suggested to him the idea of
a general history of antient architecture in this kingdom,
which he justly considered a desideratum of the learned
and inquisitive antiquary. He was still intent upon this
subject, and during the amusement of his leisure hours
continued almost to the last to make collections with a view
to some further illustration of this curious point, though his
avocations of one kind or another prevented him from reducing them to any regular form or series. But he did
not suffer these pursuits to call him off from the professional duties of his station, or from contributing his endeavours towards promoting works of general utility to the
neighbourhood. To a laudable spirit of this latter kind,
animated by a zeal for his native place, truly patriotic, is
to be referred his steady perseverance in recommending
to his countrymen, under all the discouragements of obloquy and prejudice, the plans suggested for the improvement of their fens by draining, and the practicability of
increasing their intercourse with the neighbouring counties by means of turnpike roads; a measure till then unattempted, and for a long time treated with a contempt
and ridicule due only to the most wild and visionary projects, the merit of which he was at last forced to rest upon
the result of an experiment made by himself. With this
view, in 1757, he published his sentiments under the title
of “Queries offered to the consideration of the principal
inhabitants of the city of Ely, and towns adjacent, &c.
” and
had at length the satisfaction to see the attention of the
public directed to the favourite object of those with whom
he was associated. Several gentlemen of property and
consideration in the county generously engaged in contributing donations towards setting on foot a scheme to establish turnpike roads. By the liberal example of lord-chancellor Hardwicke, lord Royston, and bishop Mawson, and
the seasonable bequest of 200l. by Geo. Riste, esq. of
Cambridge, others were incited to additional subscriptions.
In a short time these amounted to upwards of 1000l. and
nearly to double that sum on interest. The scheme being
thus invigorated by these helps, and by the increasing
loans of those whose prejudices began now to wear away,
an act was obtained in 1763 for improving the road from
Cambridge to Ely. Similar powers and provisions were in
a few years obtained by subsequent acts, and the benefit
extended to other parts of the isle in all directions, the success of which hath answered the most sanguine expectations
of its advocates. With the same beneficent disposition,
Mr. Bentham in 1773 submitted a plan for inclosing and
draining a large tract of common in the vicinity of Ely,
called Gruntiten, containing near 1300 acres, under the
title of “Considerations and Reflections upon the present
state of the fens near Ely,
” &c. Cambridge, Finis hie officii
atque laboris.
” A fourth brother, the Rev. Jeffery Bentham, precentor of the church of Ely, &c. died in 1792,
aged seventy two. A fifth, the Rev. Edmund Bentham, B.D.
rector of Wootton-Courtnay, Somersetshire, died in Oct.
1781, at Moulsey Grove, near Hampton. Mr. Cole, who
in his ms Athenae, gives some account of the Benthams,
with a mixture of spleen and respect, remarks that this Edmund died in a parish in which he was not buried, was
buried in a parish with which he had no connexion, and
has a monument in a church (Sutton) where he was not
buried, but of which he had been curate for near forty
the deanery of St. Paul’s, on the 25th of April, 1683. He had been recommended by his college to the dean, as preceptor to his son and Dr. Stillingfleet gave Mr. Bentley
, regius professor of divinity, and
master of Trinity college, Cambridge, a very eminent critic
of*he last age, was born January 27, 1661-2, at Oulton, in
the parish of Wakefield, in the West Riding of Yorkshire.
His ancestors, who were of some consideration, possessed
an estate, and had a seat at Hepenstall, in the parish of Halifax. His grandfather, James Bentley, was a captain in
king Charles I.'s army, at the time of the civil wars, and being involved in the fate of his party, had his house plundered, his estate confiscated, and was himself carried prisoner to Pomfret castle, where he died. Thomas Bentley,
the son of James, and father of Dr. Bentley, married the
daughter of Richard Willis of Oulton, who had been a major in the royal army. This lady, who was a woman of exceeding good understanding, taught her son Richard his
accidence. To his grandfather Willis, who was left his
guardian, he was, in part, indebted for his education; and
having gone through the grammar-school at Wakefield with
singular reputation, both for his proficiency and his exact
and regular behaviour, he was admitted of St. John’s college, Cambridge, under the tuition of Mr. Johnson, on the
24th of May, 1676, being then only four months above
fourteen years of age. On the 22d of March, 1681-2, he
stood candidate for a fellowship, and would have been unanimously elected, had he not been excluded by the statutes, on account of his being too young for priest’s orders.
He was then a junior bachelor, and but little more than
nineteen years old. It was soon after this that he became
a schoolmaster at Spalding. But that he did not continue
Jong in this situation is certain from a letter of his
grandfather Willis’s, still preserved in the family, from which it
appears that he was with Dr. Stillingfleet, at the deanery of
St. Paul’s, on the 25th of April, 1683. He had been recommended by his college to the dean, as preceptor to his
son and Dr. Stillingfleet gave Mr. Bentley his choice,
whether he would carry his pupil to Cambridge or Oxford.
He fixed upon the latter university, on account of the Bodleian library, to the consulting of the manuscripts of which
he applied with the closest attention. Being now of age,
he made over a small estate, which he derived from his family, to his elder brother, and immediately laid out the
money he obtained for it in the purchase of books. It is
recorded of him, that having, at a very early age, made
surprising progress in the learned languages, his capacity
for critical learning soon began to display itself. Before
the age of twenty-four, he had written with his own hand
a sort of Hexapla, a thick volume in 4to, in the first column
of which was every word of the Hebrew bible, alphabetically
disposed, and in five other columns all the various interpretations of those words, in the Chalclee, Syriac, Vulgate Latin, Septuagint, and Aquila, Symmachus, and Theodosian,
that occur in the whole Bible. This he made for his own
private use, to know the Hebrew, not from the late rabbins,
but the ancient versions, when, excepting Arabic, Persic,
and Ethiopic, he must then have read over the whole Polyglott. He had also at that time made, for his own private
use, another volume in 4 to, of the various lections and
emendations of the Hebrew text, drawn out of those ancient
versions, which, though done at such an early age, would
have made a second part to the famous Capellus’s “Critica Sacra.
osophers and astronomers of that age; and in many parts he has evidently directed the plan which the dean of St. Patrick’s has pursued.” This opinion was first quoted
The earl of.Orrery, in his “Remarks on the life and
writings of Swift,
” has taken occasion to speak of him in
the following manner “Cyrano de Bergerac is a French
author of a singular character, who had a very peculiar turn
of wit and humour, in many respects resembling that of
Swift. He wanted the advantages of learning and a regular education; his imagination was less guarded and correct, but more agreeably extravagant. He has introduced
into his philosophical romance the system of des Cartes,
which was then much admired, intermixed with several fine
strokes of just satire on the wild and immechanical inquiries of the philosophers and astronomers of that age; and
in many parts he has evidently directed the plan which the
dean of St. Patrick’s has pursued.
” This opinion was first
quoted in the Monthly Review (vol. X), when Derrick
translated a. id published Bergerac’s “Voyage to tha
” Plurality
of Worlds,
” and Voltaire, in his “Micromegas,
” have taken
many hints and sketches from this eccentric writer. There
have been various editions of his works at Paris, Amsterdam, Trevoux, &c. the last was printed at Paris, 1741, 3
vols. 12 mo.
ny use, rather than the best use, of the money destined for, and promised to St. Paul’s college, the dean of Derry took a reluctant leave of a country, where the name
In 1725 he published, and it has since been re-printed
in his miscellaneous tracts, “A proposal for converting
the savage Americans to Christianity, by a college to be
erected in the Summer Islands, otherwise called the Isles
of Bermuda
” a scheme which had employed his thoughts
for three or four years past; and for which he was disposed
to make many personal sacrifices. As what he deemed
necessary steps he offered to resign all his preferment, and
to dedicate the remainder of his life to instructing the
American youth, on a stipend of 100l. yearly; he prevailed with three junior fellows of Trinity college, Dublin,
to give up all their prospects at home, and to exchange
their fellowships for a settlement in the Atlantic ocean at
40l. a year he procured his plan to be laid before George I.
who commanded sir Robert Walpole to lay it before the commons and further granted him a charter for erecting a college in Bermuda, to consist of a president and nine fellow?:,
who were obliged to maintain and educate Indian scholars
atlO/. a year each he obtained a grant from the commons of
a sum, to be determined by the king and accordingly 20,000l.
was promised by the minister, for the purchase of lands,
and erecting the college. Trusting to these promising appearances, he married the daughter of John Forster, esq.
speaker of the Irish house of commons, the 1st of August
3728; and actually set sail in September following for
Rhode Island, which lay nearest to Bermuda, taking with
him his wife, a single lady, and two gentlemen of fortune.
Yet the scheme entirely failed, and Berkeley was obliged
to return, after residing near two years at Newport. The
reason given is, that the minister never heartily embraced
the project, and the money was turned into another channel. During his residence in America, when he was not
employed as an itinerant preacher, which business could
not be discharged in the winter, he preached every Sunday at Newport, where was the nearest episcopal church,
and to that church he gave an organ. When the season
and his health permitted, he visited the continent, not only
in its outward skirts, but penetrated far into its recesses.
The same generous desire of advancing the best interests
of mankind which induced him to cross the Atlantic, uniformly actuated him whilst America was the scene of his
ministry. The missionaries from thfe English society, who
resided within about a hundred miles of Rhode Island,
agreed among themselves to hold a sort of synod at Dr.
Berkeley’s house there, twice in a year, in order to enjor
the advantages of his advice and exhortations. Four of
these meetings were accordingly held. One of the principal points which the doctor then pressed upon his fellowlabourers, was the absolute necessity of conciliating, by
all innocent means, the affection of their hearers, and also
of their dissenting neighbours. His own example, indeed,
very eminently enforced his precepts upon this head for
it is scarcely possible to conceive a conduct more uniformly kind, tender, beneficent, and liberal than his xvas.
He seemed to have only one wish in his heart, which was
to alleviate misery, and to diffuse happiness. Finding, at
length, that the fear of offending the dissenters at home,
and of inclining the colonies to assert independency, had
determined the minister to make any use, rather than the
best use, of the money destined for, and promised to St.
Paul’s college, the dean of Derry took a reluctant leave of
a country, where the name of Berkeley was long and justly
revered more than that of any European whatever. At his
departure, he gave a farm of a hundred acres, which 1,-jy
round his house, and his house itself, as a benefaction to
Yale and Harvard colleges: and the value of that land,
then not insignificant because cultivated, became afterwards very considerable. He gave, of his own property,
to one of these colleges, and to several missionaries, books
to the amount of five hundred pounds. To the other college he made a large donation of books purchased by
others, and trusted to his disposal.
jesty to determine, whether such a work could be the production of a disordered understanding. After dean Berkeley’s return from Rhode Island, the queen often commanded
We have already related by what means, and upon what
occasion, Dr. Berkeley had first the honour of being known
to queen Caroline. This princess delighted much in attending to philosophical conversations between learned
and ingenious men for which purpose she had, when
princess of Wales, appointed a particular day in the week,
when the most eminent for literary abilities at that time in
England were invited to attend her royal highness in the
evening a practice which she continued after her accession to the throne. Of this company were doctors Clarke,Hoadly, Berkeley, and Sherlock.- Clarke and Berkeley
were generally considered as principals in the debates that
arose upon those occasions; and Hoadly adhered to the
former, as Sherlock did to the latter. Hoadly was no friend
to our author: he affected to consider his philosophy and
his Bermuda project as the reveries of a visionary. Sherlock
(who was afterwards bishop of London) on the other hand
warmly espoused his cause and particularly, when the
“Minute Philosopher
” came out, he carried a copy of it
to the queen, and left it to her majesty to determine, whether such a work could be the production of a disordered
understanding. After dean Berkeley’s return from Rhode
Island, the queen often commanded his attendance to discourse with him on what he had observed worthy of notice
in America. His agreeable and instructive conversation,
engaged that discerning princess so much in his favour,
that the rich deanery of Down in Ireland falling vacant,
he was at her desire named to it, and the king’s letter
actually came over fqr his appointment. But his friend
lord Burlington having neglected to notify the royal intentions in proper time to the duke of Dorset, then lord
lieutenant of Ireland, his excellency was so offended at
this disposal of the richest deanery in Ireland, without his
concurrence, that it was thought proper not to press the
matter any farther. Her -majesty upon this declared, that
since they would not suffer Dr. Berkeley to be a dean in
Ireland, he should be a bishop and accordingly, in 1733,the bishopric of Cioyne becoming vacant, he was by letters patent, dated March 17, promoted to that see, and
was consecrated at St. Paul’s church in Dublin, on the
19th of May following, byTheophilus archbishop of Cashel,
assisted by the bishops of Raphoe and Killaloe. His lordship repaired immediately to his manse-house at Cioyne,
where he constantly resided (except one winter that he attended the business of parliament in Dublin) and applied
himself with vigour to the faithful discharge of all episcopal duties. He revived in his diocese the useful office of
rural dean, which had gone into disuse visited frequently
parochially and confirmed in several parts of his see.
nter a gentleman commoner, either at Christ church or St. John’s college. But bishop Conybeare, then dean of Christ church, on his arrival offering him a studentship
, second son of the preceding, by Anne, eldest daughter of the right hon. John Forster, a privy-counsellor and speaker of the Irish house of commons, by Anne, daughter to the right hon. John Monck, brother to the duke of Albemarle, was born on the 28th of September 1733, old style, in Grosvenor-street, Grosvenor-square. In his infancy he was removed with the family to Ireland, where he was instructed in the classics by his father only, the bishop taking that part of the education of his sons on himself. Instructed in every elegant and useful accomplishment, Mr. Berkeley was, at the age of nineteen, sent over to Oxford his father leaving it to his own choice to enter a gentleman commoner, either at Christ church or St. John’s college. But bishop Conybeare, then dean of Christ church, on his arrival offering him a studentship in that society, he accepted it, finding many of the students to be gentlemen of the first character for learning and rank in the kingdom. His first tutor was the late learned archbishop of York, Dr. Markham; on whose removal to Westminsterschool, he put himself under the tuition of Dr. Smallwell, afterwards bishop of Oxford. Having taken the degree of B. A. he served the office of collector in the university, and as he was allowed by his contemporaries to be an excellent Latin scholar, his collector’s speech was universally admired and applauded. In 1758 he took a small living from his society, the vicarage of East Garston, Berks, from which he was removed, in 1759, by archbishop Seeker, his sole patron, to the vicarage of Bray, Berks of which he was only the fifth vicar since the reformation. In 1759, also, he took the degree of M. A. The kindness of archbishop Seeker (who testified the highest respect for bishop Berkeley’s memory by his attention to his deserving son) did not rest here he gave him also the chancellorship of Brecknock, the rectory of Acton, Middlesex, and the sixth prebendal stall in the church of Canterbury. In 1768 he had taken the degree of LL. D. for which he went out grand compounder, and soon afterwards resigned the rectory of Acton. Some time after he had obtained the chancellorship of Brecknock, he put himself to very considerable expence in order to render permanent two ten pounds per annum, issuing out of the estate, to two poor Welch curacies. The vicarage of Bray he exchanged for that of Cookham near Maidenhead, and had afterwards from the church of Canterbury the vicarage of East-Peckham, Kent, which he relinquished on obtaining the rectory of St. Clement’s Danes which with the vicarage of Tyshurst, Sussex (to which he was presented by the church of Canterbury in 1792, when he vacated Cookham), and with the chancellorship of Brecknock, he; held till his death. His illness had been long and painful, but borne with exemplary resignation and his death was so calm and easy that no pang was observed, no groan was heard, by his attending wife and relations. He died Jan. 6, 1795, and was interred in his father’s vault in Christ church, Oxford. Not long before his death, he expressed his warmest gratitude to Mrs. Berkeley, of whose affection he was truly sensible, and of whom he took a most tender farewell. Dr. Berkeley’s qualifications and attainments were such as occasioned his death to be lamented by many. He was the charitable divine, the affectionate and active friend, the elegant scholar, the accomplished gentleman. He possessed an exquisite sensibility. To alleviate the sufferings of the sick and needy, and to patronize the friendless, were employments in which his heart and his hand ever co-operated. In the pulpit his manner was animated, and his matter forcible. His conversation always enlivened the social meetings where he was present; for he was equalled by few in affability of temper and address, in the happy recital of agreeable anecdote, in the ingenious discussion of literary subjects, or in the brilliant display of a lively imagination.
, a priest, of the same family with the preceding, doctor of the Sorbonne, and dean of the church of Mans, was born in 1546 at Bernieresle-Patry,
, a priest, of the same
family with the preceding, doctor of the Sorbonne, and
dean of the church of Mans, was born in 1546 at Bernieresle-Patry, and studied at the college of Caen. He published in 1575 a “Bibliotheca patrum,
” 3 vols. folio, which
he re-published in 1589, 9 vols. being the first that undertook a work of that kind. The most copious edition we have
of it is in 27 vols. folio, Lyons, 1677. There is also one in
16 vols. folio, of 1644, which is much esteemed, as containing the lesser Greek fathers. Another was published
at Cologne in 1-694, and Pere Philip de St. Jacques
gave an abridgment of it in 1719, 2 vols. fol. To the
Bibiioth. pp. are generally added, “Index locorum scripture sacra,
” Genoa, Apparatus of
” Paris,
rmined to devote his time and fortune to the study and advancement of polite literature. His father, dean of the court of aids in Normandy, left him a library of six
, an eminent patron of literature, was born at Rouen in 1626, of an ancient family,
and having no inclination to rise in the offices of magistracy, as many of his ancestors had done, nor to enter
into the church, he determined to devote his time and
fortune to the study and advancement of polite literature.
His father, dean of the court of aids in Normandy, left
him a library of six thousand volumes, including upwards
of five hundred manuscripts, to which he made so many
additions, that at his death it was valued at forty thousand
franks and that it might not be scattered, he entailed it
on his family, with handsome funds for the support and
enlargement of it. It was, however, sold in July 1706,
and the catalogue, which was printed, is in considerable
request among bibliographers. During his life-time this
library was the resort of a number of men of letters, who
held frequent meetings here, in which Bigot presided.
His travels in Holland, England, Germany, and Italy, procured him the acquaintance and correspondence of most of
the literati of Europe, who frequently consulted him, and
paid great regard to his opinions. His sole passion was to
contribute by his wealth and studies to the perfection and
illustration of the best Greek and Latin authors, and he
employed these advantages with the utmost liberality and
modesty. Having discovered in the library at Florence,
the Greek text of the “Life of St. Chrysostom by Palladius, he published it at Paris in 1680, 4to, with some
other ancient Greek remains, hitherto in manuscript, the
whole accompanied with a Latin translation by Ambrose of
Camaldoli. To this he added St. Chrysostom’s epistle to
Cesarius, but it being discovered that this was an attack
on the doctrine of transubstantiation, the licensers refused
its being published, and caused the leaves on which it was
printed to be cut out. A copy of these leaves, however,
having fallen into the hands of Mr. (afterwards archbishop)
Wake, was published by him in his
” Defence of the Exposition of the Doctrine of the Church of England against
the exceptions of M. de Meaux, &c.“Lond. 1686, 4to.
In this Wake has given a curious account not only of the
suppression of this letter, but of the controversy to which
it gave rise in archbishop Cranmer’s time. Du Pin says,
that after Bigot’s death, some of his literary correspondence
was published but this appears a mistake, if we except a
letter of his written, in 1672, to the bishop of Trulle
against the abbé de St. Cyran’s book
” Le Cas Royal," and
printed at Basil in 1690. Menage and Heinsius were
among his most intimate friends, and such was his general
knowledge and communicative disposition, that he was
consulted by every one fond of literary history and anecdote. He died Oct. 18, 1689.
ne, who published the posthumous works of Claridge. It is farther said, that he went to Ireland with dean Smedley; but in what year he passed over to that country, and
, a late valuable historical and biographical writer, was born in the parish of St. John’s Clerkenwell, on the 23d of November, 1705. His parents were both of them quakers, and his father, Joseph Birch, was a coffee-mill maker by trade. Mr. Joseph Birch endeavoured to bring up his son Thomas to his own business; but so ardent was the youth’s passion for reading, that he solicited his father to be indulged in his inclination, promising, in that case, to provide for himself. The first school he went to was at Hemel-hempsted in Hertfordshire, kept by John Owen, a rigid quaker, for whom Mr. Birch afterwards officiated, some little while, as an usher, but at present he made very little progress. The next school in which he received his education was taught by one Welby, who lived near Turnbull-street, Clerkenwell, a man who never had above eight or ten scholars at a time, whom he professed to instruct in the Latin tongue in the short space of a year and a half, and had great success with Mr. Birch, who afterwards lived with him as an usher; as he also afterwards was to Mr. Besse, the famous quaker in George’s court near St. John’s lane, who published the posthumous works of Claridge. It is farther said, that he went to Ireland with dean Smedley; but in what year he passed over to that country, and how long he resided with the dean, cannot now be ascertained. In his removals as an usher, he always took care to get into a still better school, and where he might have the greatest opportunity of studying the most valuable books, in which he was indefatigable, and stole many hours from sleep to increase his stock of knowledge. By this unremitting diligence, though he had not the happiness of an university education, he soon became qualified to take holy orders in the church of England; and as his early connections were of a different kind, his being ordained was a matter of no small surprise to his old acquaintance. In 1728, he married the daughter of one Mr. Cox, a clergyman to whom he was afterwards curate and in this union he was singularly happy but his felicity was of a short duration, Mrs. Birch dying in less than twelve months after their marriage. The disorder which carried her off was a consumption accelerated by childbearing, and almost in the very article of her death she wrote to her husband the following letter:
culars to this. This publication drew him into a short controversy with the late Dr. Lyttelton, then dean of Exeter, and afterwards bishop of Carlisle. The dean, to assist
In November 1759, he published a new edition of the
Great Charter, and Charter of the Forest; which added
much to his former reputation, not only as 'a great lawyer,
but as an accurate antiquary, and an able historian. It
must also be added, that the external beauties in the printing, the types, &c. reflected no small honour on him, as
the principal reformer of the Clarendon press, from whence
no work had ever before issued, equal in those particulars
to this. This publication drew him into a short controversy with the late Dr. Lyttelton, then dean of Exeter,
and afterwards bishop of Carlisle. The dean, to assist Mr.
Blackstone in his publication, had favoured him with the
collation of a very curious ancient roll, containing both the
Great Charter, and that of the Forest, of the 9th of Henry
III. which he and many of his friends judged to be an
original. The editor of the Charters, however, thought otherwise, and excused himself (in a note in hjs introduction)
for having made no use of its various readings, “as the
plan of his edition was confined to charters which had
passed the great seal, or else to authentic entries and enrolments of record, under neither of which classes the roll in
question could be ranked.
” The dean, upon this, concerned for the credit of his roll, presented to the Society
of Antiquaries a vindication of its authenticity, dated June
the 8th, 1761 and Mr. Blackstone delivered in an answer
to the same learned body, dated May the 28th, 1762, alleging, as an excuse for the trouble he gave them,
“that he should think himself wanting in that respect
which he owed to the society, and Dr. Lyttelton, if he did
not either own and correct his mistakes, in the octavo edition then preparing for the press, or subijiit to the society’s
judgment the reasons at large upon which his suspicions
were founded.
” These reasons, we may suppose, were
convincing, for here the dispute ended .
obedience to his authority,” dated May the 29th, 1600. This was replied to by John Dorel, or Darrel, dean of Agen the same year. “A treatise against lying and fraudulent
He was the author of “A letter to cardinal Cajetane io.
commendation of the English Jesuits,
” written in Answers upon sundry examinations whilst he was a prisoner,
” London, Approbation of the Oath
of Allegiance letters to the Romish priests touching the
lawfulness of taking the Oath of Allegiance,
” and another
to the same purpose, all of which were printed with the
“Answers upon sundry examinations,
” &c. “Epistolae
ad Anglos Pontificios,
” London, Epistolae
ad Robertum cardinalem Bellarminum.
” See the third
volume of the Collections of Melchior Goldast, Francfort,
1613, fol. “Answer to the Censure of Paris in suspending
the secular priests obedience to his authority,
” dated May
the 29th, 1600. This was replied to by John Dorel, or
Darrel, dean of Agen the same year. “A treatise against
lying and fraudulent dissimulations,
” in manuscript, among
those given to the Bodleian library by archbishop Laud.
At the end of it is the approbation of the book written by
Blackwell, and recommended by him as fit for the press;
so that no other name being put to it, it has been ascribed
to him whereas it is more justly supposed to have been
written by Francis Tresham, esq. an English Catholic.
ning to fall vacant six days after, by the death of Dr. Moires, Dr. Blair was presented to it by the dean and chapter of Westminster and in August that year he obtained
, was educated at Edinburgh, and was,
as already noticed, related to Dr. Hugh Blair. He came
to London in company with Andrew Henderson, a voluminous writer, who, in his title-pages styled himself A. M.
and for some years kept a bookseller’s shop in Westminster-hall. Henderson’s first employment was that of an
usher at a school in Hedge-lane, in which he was succeeded by his friend Blair, who, in 1754, obliged' the
world with a valuable publication under the title of “The
chronology and history of the world, from the creation to
the year of Christ 1753. Illustrated in fifty-six tables; of
which four are introductory, and contain the centuries
prior to the first olympiad; and each of the remaining
fifty-two contain in one expanded view fifty years, or half
a century. By the rev. John Blair, LL. D.
” This volume, which is dedicated to lord chancellor Hardwicke,
was published by subscription, on account of the great
expence of the plates, for which the author apologized in
his preface, where he acknowledged great obligations to
the earl of Bath, and announced some chronological dissertations, in which he proposed to illustrate the disputed
points, to explain the prevailing systems of chronology,
and to establish the authorities upon which some of the
particular seras depend. In Dr. Hugh Blair’s life, it has
been noticed that this work was partly projected by him.
In January 1755, Dr. John Blair was elected F. R. S. and
in 1761, F. A. S. In 1756 he published a second edition
of his Chronological Tables. In Sept. 1757, he was appointed chaplain to the princess dowager of Wales, and
mathematical tutor to the duke of York; and, on Dr.
Townshend’s promotion to the deanry of Norwich, the services of Dr. Blair were rewarded, March 10, 1761, with
a prebendal stall at Westminster. The vicarage of Hinckley happening to fall vacant six days after, by the death
of Dr. Moires, Dr. Blair was presented to it by the dean
and chapter of Westminster and in August that year he
obtained a dispensation to hold with it the rectory of Burton Goggles, in Lincolnshire. In September 1763, he
attended his royal pupil the duke of York in a tour to the
continent; had the satisfaction of visiting Lisbon, Gibraltar, Minorca, most of the principal cities in Italy, and
several parts of France and returned with the duke in
August 1764. In 1768 he published an improved edition
of his Chronological Tables, which he dedicated to the
princess of Wales, who had expressed her early approbation of the former edition. To the edition were annexed fourteen maps of ancient and modern geography,
for illustrating the tables of chronology and history. To
which is prefixed a dissertation on the progress of geography. In March 1771 he was presented by the dean
and chapter of Westminster to the vicarage of St. Bride’s,
in the city of London which made it necessary for him
to resign Hinckley, where he had never resided for any
length of time. On the death of Mr. Sims, in April 1776,
he resigned St. Bride’s, and was presented to the rectorjr
of St. John the Evangelist in Westminster and in June
that year obtained a dispensation to hold the rectory of St.
John with that of Horton, near Colebrooke, Bucks. His
brother, captain Blair *, falling gloriously in the service
of his country in the memorable sea-fight of April 12, 1782,
the shock accelerated the doctor’s death. He had at the
same time the influenza in a severe degree, which put a
period to his life June 24, 1782. His library was sold by
auction December 1113, 1781; and a course of his
“Lectures on the canons of the Old Testament,
” has since
ke the restoration of it at his own expence, wrote a letter, dated at London, Jan. 23, to Dr. Ravis, dean of Christ church, then vice-chancellor, to be communicated to
In the same year (1597) he began the munificent work
of restoring, or rather founding anew, the public library
at Oxford, which was completed in 1599. In his memoirs
he has admirably displayed his first thoughts, his first feelings, and his first precautions on this important undertaking. After adverting to the motives which induced him to
retire from court and chuse a private life, he goes on thus
“Only this I must truly confess of myself, that though I
did never yet repent me of those, and some other my often
refusals of honourable offers, in respect of emiching my
private estate yet somewhat more of late I have blamed
myself and my nicety that way, for the love that I bear to
my reverend mother the university of Oxon, and to the
advancement of her good, by such kind of means, as I
have since undertaken. For thus I fell to discourse and
debate in my mind tiiat although I might find it fittest
for me to keep out of the throng of court contentions, and
address my thoughts and deeds to such ends altogether, as
I myself could best affect yet withal I was to think, that
my duty towards God, the expectation of the world, and
my natural inclination, and very morality did require, that
I should not wholly so hide those little abilities that 1 had,
but that in some measure, in one kind or other, I should
do the true part of a profitable member of the state.
Whereupon examining exactly for the rest of my life what
course I might take, and having sought (as I thought) all
the ways to the wood, to select the most proper, I concluded at the last to set up my staff at the library door in
Oxon, being thoroughly persuaded, that in my solitude
and surcease from the commonwealth affairs, 1 could not
busy myself to better purpose, than by reducing that place
(which then in every part lay ruined and waste) to the
public use of students. For the effecting whereof I found
myself furnished, in a competent proportion, of such four
kinds of aids, as, unless I had them all, there was no hope
of good success. For without some kind of knowledge, as
well in the learned and modern tongues, as in sundry other
sorts of scholastical literature without some purse-ability
to go through with the charge without great store of honourable friends, to further the design and without special good leisure to follow such a work, it could but have
proved a vain attempt and inconsiderate. But how well I
have sped in all my endeavours, and how full provision I
have made for the benefit and ease of all frequenters of the
library, that which I have already performed in sight, that
which besides I have given for the maintenance of it, and
that which hereafter I purpose to add, by way of enlargement of that place (for the project is cast, an. I, whether I live or die, it shall be, God willing, put in full execution),
will testify so truly and abundantly for me, as I need not be
the publisher of the dignity and worth of my own institution.
” Camden, under the year 1598, tells us, that Bodley, being at present unengaged from affairs of state, set
himself a task, which would have suited the character of a
crowned head, the promotion and encouragement of
learning for he began to repair the public library at Oxford,
and furnished it with new books. It was set up, he adds,
by Humphrey duke of Gloucester, but through the iniquity
of the times was, in the reign of Edward VI. stripped of all
the books but he (Bodley) having made the choicest collection from all parts of the world of the most valuable
books, partly at his own cost, and partly by contributions
from others, he first stocked, and afterwards left it so well
endowed at his death, that his memory deserves to bear
a very lasting date amongst men of worth and letters.“The same author, in his
” Britannia,“tells us, duke
Humphrey’s library consisted of one hundred and twentynine volumes, procured from Italy at a great expence.
His translator adds, that they were valued at above a thousand pounds, and that the duke in 1440 gave one hundred
and twenty-six volumes more, and in 1443 a much greater
number, besides considerable additions at his death three
years after. But, before duke Humphrey’s time, Richard
de Bury, alias Aungervil, bishop of Durham, in 1295, gave
a great number of books to the university, which were kept
in a place for that purpose in the college, now Trinity college, which the monks of Durham had founded in the north
suburbs of Oxford; an account whereof may be gathered
from a book written by himself, called
” Philobiblos, sive
de amore librorum, et institutione Bibliothecae.“And
after him, in 1320, Thomas Cobham, bishop of Worcester, built another over the old Congregation-house in the
north coemetery of St. Mary’s. In 1597, sir Thomas Bodley, taking into his consideration the ruinous condition of
duke Humphrey’s library, and resolving to undertake the
restoration of it at his own expence, wrote a letter, dated
at London, Jan. 23, to Dr. Ravis, dean of Christ church,
then vice-chancellor, to be communicated to the university; offering therein to restore the fabric of the said
library, and to settle an annual income for the purchase of
books, and the support of such officers as might be necessary to take care of it. This letter was received with the
greatest satisfaction by the university, and an answer returned, testifying their most grateful acknowledgment and
acceptance of his noble offer. On this, sir Thomas immediately set about the work, and in two years time brought
it to a good degree of perfection. In 1601, the university
had such a sense of his services that he was voted a public
benefactor, and his name ordered to be included among
the other benefactors repeated in the public prayers. He
furnished it with a large collection of books, purchased in
foreign countries at a great expence and thi.-, collection
in a short time became so greatly enlarged by the generous
benefactions of several noblemen, bishops, and others, that
neither the shelves nor the room could contain them. &ir
Thomas then offering to make a considerable addition to
the building, the motion was readily embraced, and, on
July 19, 1610, the first stone of the new foundation was
laid with great solemnity, the vice-chancellor, Doctors,
masters of arts, &c. attending in their proper habits, a
speech being made upon the occasion. But sir Thomas
Bodley did not live to see this part of his design completed,
though he left sufficient means in trust, as he bestowed his.
whole estate (his debts, legacies, and funeral charges defrayed) to the noble purposes of this foundation. By this,
and the help of other benefactions, in procuring which sir
Thomas was very serviceable by his great interest with
many eminent persons, the university was enabled to add
three other sides to what was already built, forming a noble
quadrangle, and spacious rooms for schools of arts. By
sir Thomas’s’ will 200l. per annum was settled on the library
for ever out of whichhe appointed near forty pounds for
the head librarian, ten pounds for the sub-librarian, and
eight for the junior. He drew up likewise a body of excellent statutes for the government of the library. In this
library is a statue erected to the memory of sir Thomas
Bodley, by the earl of Dorset, chancellor of the university,
with the following inscription:
” Thomas Sackvillus Dorsettia? Comes, Summus Angliae Thesaurarius, et hujus
Academise Cancellarius, Thomse Bodleio Equiti Aurato,
qui Bibliothecam hanc instituit, honoris causa pie posuit
i. e. Thi.mas Sackvile, earl of Dorset, lord high treasurer of
England, and chancellor of this university, piously erected
this monument to the honour of sir Thomas Bodley, knt.
who founded this library.“King James I. we are told,
when he came to Oxford in 1605, and, among other edifices, took a view of this famous library, at his departure,
in imitation of Alexander, broke out into this speech
” If
I were not a king, I would be an university man and if it
were so that I must be a prisoner, if I might have my wish,
1 would have no other prison than that library, and be
chained together with so many good authors." A catalogue of the printed books in the Bodleian library was
published in 1674 by Dr. Thomas Hyde, then chief librarian
another of the manuscripts was printed in 1697; and a
more ample catalogue of the books was printed at Oxford,
in 1738, in two volumes, folio.
rounded by three heralds at arms, the relations of the deceased, his executors, the vice-chancellor, dean of Christ church, the proctors and bedels, and the whole society
After king James’s accession to the throne, sir Thomas
received the honour of knighthood and from this time, it
appears by the Cabala (p. 95), he lived mostly at Parsons’
Green, Middlesex. His town house was in the parish of
St. Bartholomew the Less, near Smithfield, London, where
his wife died and was buried June 1611, and here likewise
sir Thomas died, Jan. 28, 1612. It is probable he had
been for some time indisposed, as we find by Wood’s Annals, that the vice-chancellor, heads of houses and proctors sent to him letters of condolence, dated Jan. 17. We
learn from the same author, that as soon as his death was
announced, the university assembled to consider of the
most honourable testimony of respect for his memory, on
which it was agreed that a distant day should be appointed
for his interment in Merton college chapel, which he had
himself desired. The ceremony was accordingly performed with a solemnity and pomp becoming the university
which he had so amply enriched. The body lay in state
for some days in the hall of Merton college, surrounded
by three heralds at arms, the relations of the deceased,
his executors, the vice-chancellor, dean of Christ church,
the proctors and bedels, and the whole society of Merton.
On the day of the funeral, March 27, a procession was
formed of the heads of the several houses, all the distinguished members of the university, and sixty-seven poor
scholars (the number of his years) chosen by the heads of
houses: the body was removed from Merton college
through Christ church, and thence through the high street
to the divinity school, where it was deposited while an
oration was delivered by Richard Corbet, afterwards bishop
of Oxford. It was then removed to St. Mary’s church,
where a funeral sermon was preached by Dr. William Goodwyn, dean of Christ church and these ceremonies being
over, the corpse was conveyed to Merton college, and,
after another speech by John Hales, fellow of Merton,
“the ever memorable,
” was interred at the upper end of
the choir, under the north wall. In 1615 Stone the
statuary was employed to erect a monument of black and white
marble, on which is placed his effigies, in a scholar’s gown,
surrounded with books and at the four corners stand
grammar, rhetoric, music, and arithmetic. On each hand
of his effigies stands an angel that on the left holds out
to him a crown and that on the right a book open, in
which are these words Non delebo nomen ejus de libro
vitae I. e. “I will not blot his name out of the book of
” Underneath is the figure of a woman, sitting before
the stairs of the old library, holding in one hand a key,
and in the other a book, wherein the greatest part of the
alphabet appears; and behind are seen three small books
shut, inscribed with the names of Priscianus, Diomedes,
and Donatus. Beneath all are engraven these words Memoriae Thomae Bodley Militis, Publicae Bibliothecae fundatoris, sacrum. Obiit 28 Jan. 1612.
master of arts in praise of sir Thomas Bodley; the person who made the speech to be nominated by the dean of Christ-church, and confirmed by the vice-chancelor for the
Dr. John Morris, canon of Christ- church, bequeathed by
his will to the university five pounds per annum, for a
speech to be made by a master of arts in praise of sir Thomas Bodley; the person who made the speech to be nominated by the dean of Christ-church, and confirmed by
the vice-chancelor for the time being. But this gift was
not to take place till the death of Dr. Morris’s widow;
which happening in November, 1681, the annuity then
fell to the university, and the year following, Dr. John
Fell, dean of Christ-church, nominated Thomas Sparke,
A. M. of his college who, being approved by the vicechancellor, made a solemn speech in the schools, the 8th
of November, 1682. This is continued annually on the
day when the visitation of the library is made. His
statutes for the regulation of the library were translated
out of English into Latin by Dr. John Budden, principal of
Broadgate-hall (now Pembroke college), and incorporated
with the university statutes. Sir Thomas wrote his own
life to the year 1609, which, together with the first draught of
his statutes, and a collection of his letters, were published
from the originals in the Bodleian library, by Hearne, under
the title of “Reliquiae Bodleianse, or, some genuine remains of sir Thomas Bodley,
” London,
, first librarian Herbert Westphaling, bishop of Hereford sir John Fortescue, knt. Alexander Nowell, dean of St. Paul’s John Crooke, recorder of London, and chief justice
It would requirea volume to enumerate the many important additions made to the Bodleian library by its numerous benefactors, or to give even a superficial sketch of its ample contents in every branch of science. Among the earliest benefactors were, Robert Devereux, earl of Essex Thomas Sackville, lord Buckhurst and earl of Dorset Robert Sidney, lord Sidney of Penshurst viscount Lisle and earl of Leicester; George Carey,- lord Hunsdon William Gent, esq. Anthony Browne, viscount Montacute John lord Lumley Philip Scudamore, of London, esq. and Lawrence Bodley, younger brother to the founder. All these contributions were made before the year 16 Oo. In 1601, collections of books and manuscripts were presented by Thomas Allen, some time fellow of Trinity college Thomas James, first librarian Herbert Westphaling, bishop of Hereford sir John Fortescue, knt. Alexander Nowell, dean of St. Paul’s John Crooke, recorder of London, and chief justice of the Common Pleas and Nicholas Bond, D. D. president of Magdalen college. The most extensive and prominent collections, however, are those of the earl of Pembroke, Mr. Selden, archbishop Laud, sir Thomas Roe, sir Kenelm Digby, general Fairfax, Dr. Marshall, Dr. Barlow, Dr. Rawlinson, Mr. St. Amand, Dr. Tanner, Mr. Browne Willis, T. Hearne, and Mr. Godwin. The last collection bequeathed, that of the late eminent and learned antiquary, Richard Gough, esq. is perhaps the most perfect series of topographical science ever formed, and is particularly rich in topographical manuscripts, prints, drawings, and books illustrated by the manuscript notes of eminent antiquaries. Since 1780, a fund of more than 4001. a year has been esablished for the purchase of books. This arises from a small addition to the matriculation fees, and a moderate contribution annually from such members of the university as are admitted to the use of the library, or on their taking their first degree.
sun,” in 1612 which book was immediately carried to the magistrates of Gorlitz by George Richterus, dean of the ministers of that place, who complained of its containing
In the mean time, being naturally of a religious turn
of mind, he was a constant frequenter of sermons from his
youth, and took all opportunities of reading books of divinity, but, not being able to satisfy himself about the differences and controversies in religion, he grew very uneasy, till, happening one day to hear from the pulpit that
speech of our Saviour, “Your heavenly Father will give
the holy spirit to them that ask it
” he was presently so
affected, that from this moment, as he tells us, he never
ceased asking, that he might know the truth. Upon this,
he says, by the divine drawing and will, he was in spirit
rapt into the holy sabbath, where he remained seven whole
days, in the highest joy; after which, coming to himself,
he laid aside all the follies of youth, and was driven by
divine zeal earnestly to reprehend impudent, scandalous,
and blasphemous speeches, and in all his actions forbore
the least appearance of evil, continuing to earn a comfortable livelihood by diligent application to his trade. la
1600, he was a second time possessed with a divine light,
and by the sight of a sudden object brought to the inward
ground or centre of the hidden nature yet somewhat
doubting, he went out hi to an open field, and there beheld
the miraculous works of the Creator in the signatures,
figures, or shapes of all created things very clearly and
manifestly laid open; whereupon he was taken with exceeding joy, yet held his peace, in silence praising God.
But ten years after, in 1610, through the overshadowing
of the holy spirit, he was a third time touched by God,
and became so enlightened, that, lest so great grace bestowed upon him should slip out of his memory ^ and he
resist his God, he began to write privately for his own use
(without the help of any books except the holy scripture),
the truths which had been thus revealed to him. In this
spirit he first published his treatise, entitled “Aurora, or
the rising of the sun,
” in
and disinterested spirit, and of a pleasing and agreeable manner. He died at Paris, March Is, 1754, dean of the academy of architecture, first engineer and inspectorgeneral
, a celebrated French architect,
was the son of a sculptor, and of a sister of the famous
Quinault, and born at Nantes in Bretagne, May 7, 1667.
He was trained under Harduin Mansard, who trusted him
with conducting his greatest works. Boffrand was admitted
into the French academy of architecture in 1709: many
princes of Germany chose him for their architect, and
raised considerable edifices upon his plans. His manner of
building approached that of Palladio and there was much
of grandeur in all his designs. As engineer and inspectorgeneral of the bridges and highways, he caused to be constructed a number of canals, sluices, bridges, and other
mechanical works. There is of this illustrious architect a
curious and useful, book, which contains the general principles of his art to which is added an account of the plans,
profiles, and elevations of the principal works which he
executed in France and other countries, entitled “Livre
d' Architecture, &c.
” fol. Description de ce qui a etc
” pratique pour
fondre en bronze, &c." 1743, fol. with plates. In his
private character, Boffrand is represented as of a noble
and disinterested spirit, and of a pleasing and agreeable
manner. He died at Paris, March Is, 1754, dean of the
academy of architecture, first engineer and inspectorgeneral of the bridges and highways, architect and administrator of the general hospital.
psic. In 1691 he was appointed city-physician, and in 1691 professor of therapeutics. In 1700 he was dean of the faculty, and after a prosperous career, both as a physician
, a physician of considerable reputation in the seventeenth century, was born at
Leipsic in 1640, and began his studies there, and at Jena.
In 1663 he travelled in Denmark, Holland, England, and
France, and returned by the way of Swisserland in 1665.
The following year he took his degree of M. D. and in 1668
was promoted to the anatomical chair at Leipsic. In 1691
he was appointed city-physician, and in 1691 professor of
therapeutics. In 1700 he was dean of the faculty, and
after a prosperous career, both as a physician and writer,
died in 1718. His principal works are, 1. “De Alkali et
Acidi insuificientia pro principiorum corporum naturalium.
munere gerendo,
” Leipsic, Dissertations
” ibid. Meditationes physico-cheuiicte de aerisin sublunaria infiuxu,
ibid. De duumviratu hypocliondrioium,
” ibid. Observatio atque experimenta circa usum spiritns vini externum in hainorragiis
” sistendis,“Leipsic, loS.'i, 4to. 6.
” Exercitatioues
physiologicæ, ibid. De
officio medici duplici, clinini nimirum ac forensis,
” Leipsic, De
renunciatione vulnerum lethalium examen,
” ibid.
35, studied in the university of Paris, took his degree of doctor in theology in 1662, was appointed dean of Sens, and vicar of the archbishop Gondoin, in 1667; and in
, one of the brothers of the preceding, a doctor of the Sorbonne, was born in 1635, studied in the university of Paris, took his degree of doctor in theology in 1662, was appointed dean of Sens, and vicar of the archbishop Gondoin, in 1667; and in 1694, was presented by the king with a canonry in the holy chapel of Paris. He died dean of the faculty of theology in 1716.
brother; and he described them as “men who lengthened the creed, and shortened the commandments.” As dean of the chapter of Sens, he was appointed to harangue the celebrated
He is well known by a number of works in a peculiar style,
some of which were not remarkable for decency; but these
he wrote in Latin, “lest the bishops,
” he said, “should
condemn them.
” He was not more a friend to the Jesuits
than his brother; and he described them as “men who
lengthened the creed, and shortened the commandments.
As dean of the chapter of Sens, he was appointed to
harangue the celebrated prince of Conde, when he 'passed
through the city. This great commander took particular
pleasure on these occasions in disconcerting his panegyrists; but the doctor, perceiving his intention, counterfeited great confusion, and addressed him in the following
manner: “Your highness will not be surprised, I trust,
at seeing me tremble in your presence at the head of a
company of peaceful priests; I should tremble still more,
if I was at the head of 30,000 soldiers.
” He manifested a
contempt of fanaticism, as well as of decorum, by his
“Historia Flagellantium, &c.
” or, an account of the extravagant, and often indecent, practice of discipline by
flagellation, in the popish church. It was translated
into French; and not many years ago (viz. 1777, 4to. and again in 1782, 8vo.) by M. de Lolme, into English. In
his treatise “De antiquo jure presbyterorum in regimine
” he endeavours to shew, that in the primitive times the priests participated with the bishops in the
government of the church. He was also the author of several other publications, displaying much curious learning
and a satirical turn, which are now consigned to oblivion.
, dean of Carlisle, was born in London in April 1697, and was the only
, dean of Carlisle, was born in London in April 1697, and was the only surviving child of Mr. John Bolton, a merchant in that city, whom he lost when he was but three years old. He was first educated in a school at Kensington, and was admitted a commoner at Wadham college, Oxford, April 12, 1712. He was afterwards elected a scholar of that house, where he took his degree of B. A. in 1715, and of M. A. June 13, 1718, expecting to be elected fellow in his turn; but in this he was disappointed, and appealed, without success, to the bishop of Bath and Wells, the visitor. In July 1719 he removed to Hart Hall; and on the 20th December following, was ordained a deacon, in the cathedral church of St. Paul, by Dr. John Robinson, bishop of London. He then went to reside at Fulham, and seems to have passed two years there: for he was ordained priest by the same bishop in the chapel of Fulham palace, April 11, 1721. While at Fulham he became acquainted with Mrs. Grace Butler of Rowdell in Sussex, on whose daughter Elizabeth he wrote an epitaph, which is placed in Twickenham church-yard, where she was buried. This epitaph gave occasion to some verses by Pope, which appear in Uuff'head’s life of that poet, and were communicated to the author by the hon. Mr. Yorke, who probably did not know that they first appeared in the Prompter, a periodical paper, No. VIII. and afterwards in the works of Aaron Hill, who by mistake ascribes the character of Mrs. Butler to Pope.
p Ridley, sir William Petre, and sir Thomas Smith, secretaries of state, and William May, LL. D. and dean of St. Paul’s, were appointed commissioners to proceed against
At the time of the king’s death in 1547, Bonner was ambassador with the emperor Charles V.; and though during Henry’s reign he appeared zealous against the pope, and had concurred in all the measures taken to abrogate his supremacy, yet these steps he appears to have taken merely as the readiest way to preferment; for his principles, as far as such a man can be said to have any, were those of popery, as became evident from his subsequent conduct. On the 1st of September 1547, not many months after the accession of Edward VI. he scrupled to take an oath, to renounce and deny the bishop of Rome, and to swear obedience to the king, and entered a protestation against the king’s injunction and homilies. For this behaviour he was committed to the Fleet; but having submitted, and recanted his protestation, was released, and for sometime complied outwardly with the steps taken to advance the reformation, while he used privately all means in his power to obstruct it. After the lord Thomas Seymour’s death, he appeared so remiss in putting the court orders in execution, particularly that relating to the use of the common prayer book, that he was severely reproved by the privy council. He then affected to redouble his diligence: but still, through his remissness in preaching, and his connivance at the mass in several places, many people in his diocese being observed to withdraw from the divine service and communion, he was accused of neglect in the execution of the king’s orders. He was summoned before the privy council on the llth of August, when, after a reproof for his negligence, he was enjoined to preach the Sunday three weeks after at Paul’s cross, on certain articles delivered to him; and also to preach there once a quarter for the future, and be present at every sermon preached there, and to celebrate the communion in that church on all the principal feasts: and to abide and keep residence in his house in London, till he had licence from the council to depart elsewhere. On the day appointed for his preaching, he delivered a sermon to a crowded audience on the points assigned to him. But he entirely omitted the last article, the king’s royal power in his youth; for which contempt he was complained of to the king by John Hooper, afterwards bishop of Worcester: and archbishop Cranmer, bishop Ridley, sir William Petre, and sir Thomas Smith, secretaries of state, and William May, LL. D. and dean of St. Paul’s, were appointed commissioners to proceed against him. Appearing before them several days in September, he was, after a long trial, committed to the Marshalsea; and towards the end of October deprived of his bishopric.
1653, 4to. 3. “A Panegyrick and Sermon at the funeral of Dr. Comber, master of Trinity college, and dean of Carlisle,” 1654, 4to. 4. “Life and death of Freeman Sonds,
, D. D. a pious and learned divine of the seventeenth century, and brother to sir William
Boreman, clerk of the green cloth to Charles II. was fellow of Trinity college, Cambridge, S. T. P. per literas
regias, 1661, and afterwards rector of St. Giles’s in the
Fields, London. He died in November, 1675, at Greenwich, where he was buried. He published, I. “The
Churchman’s Catechism: or the Church’s plea for Tithes,
Lond. The Triumphs of learning over
ignorance, and of truth over falsehood; being an answer
to four queries, first, whether there be any need of universities,
” &c. ibid. A Panegyrick and
Sermon at the funeral of Dr. Comber, master of Trinity
college, and dean of Carlisle,
” Life and
death of Freeman Sonds, esq.
” and “Relation of sir
George Sonds’ narrative of the passages on the death of
his two sons,
” ibid. 4to. This Freeman Sonds was executed for the murder of his brother. 5. “Life and death
of Alice dutchess Dudley,
” ibid.
ate bishop of Carlisle, then come to be installed into the deanry, and the Rev. Dr. Milles, the late dean, two eminent antiquaries, who, in succession, have so ably presided
When Mr. Borlase was fixed at Ludgvan, which was a
retired, but delightful situation, he soon recommended
himself as a pastor, a gentleman, and a man of learning.
The duties of his profession he discharged with the most
rigid punctuality and exemplary dignity. He was esteemed
and respected by the principal gentry of Cornwall, and
lived on the most friendly and social terms with those of
his neighbourhood. In the pursuit of general knowledge
he was active and vigorous; and his mind being of an inquisitive turn, he could not survey with inattention or
indifference the peculiar objects which his situation pointed
to his view. There were in the parish of Ludgvan rich
copper works, belonging to the late earl of Godolphin.
These abounded with mineral and metallic fossils, which
Mr. Borlase collected from time to time; and his collection increasing by degrees, he was encouraged to study
at large the natural history of his native county. While
he was engaged in this design, he could not avoid being
struck with the numerous m'onuments of remote antiquity
that are to be met with in several parts of Cornwall; and
which had hitherto been passed over with far less examination than they deserved. Enlarging, therefore, his plan,
he determined to gain as accurate an acquaintance as possible with the Druid learning, and with the religion and
customs of the ancient Britons, before their conversion to
Christianity. To this undertaking he was encouraged by
several gentlemen of his neighbourhood, who were men of
literature and lovers of British antiquities; and particularly by sir John St. Aubyn, ancestor of the present baronet of that family, and the late rev. Edward Collins,
vicar of St. Earth. In the year 1748, Mr. Borlase, happening to attend the ordination of his eldest son at Exeter,
commenced an acquaintance with the Rev. Dr. Charles
Lyttelton, late bishop of Carlisle, then come to be installed into the deanry, and the Rev. Dr. Milles, the late
dean, two eminent antiquaries, who, in succession, have
so ably presided over the society of antiquaries in London.
Our author’s correspondence with these gentlemen was a
great encouragement to the prosecution of his studies; and
he has acknowledged his obligations to them, in several
parts of his works. In 1750, being at London, he was
admitted a fellow of the royal society, into which he had
been chosen the year before, after having communicated
an ingenious Essay on the Cornish Crystals. Mr. Borlase
having completed, in 1753, his manuscript of the Antiof Cornwall, carried it to Oxford, where he finished
the whole impression, in folio, in the February following.
A second edition of it, in the same form, was published
at London, in 1769. Our author’s next publication was,
“Observations on the ancient and present state of the
Islands of Scilly, and their importance to the trade of
Great Britain, in a letter to the reverend Charles Lyttelton, LL. D. dean of Exeter, and F. R. S.
” This work,
which was printed likewise at Oxford, and appeared in
1756, in quarto, was an extension of a paper that had
been read before the royal society, on the 8th of February
1753, entitled, “An Account of the great Alterations
which the Islands of Scilly have undergone, since the time
of the ancients, who mention them, as to their number,
extent, and position.
” It was at the request of Dr. Lyttelton, that this account was enlarged into a distinct
treatise. In 1757, Mr. Borlase again employed the Oxford press, in printing his “Natural History of Cornwall,
” for which he had been many years making collections, and which was published in April 1758. After this,
he sent a variety of fossils, and remains of antiquity, which
he 'had described in his works, to be placed in the Ashmolean museum; and to the same repository he continued
to send every thing curious which fell into his hands.
For these benefactions he received the thanks of the university, in a letter from the vice-chancellor, dated November 18, 1758; and in March, 1766, that learned body conferred on him the degree of doctor of laws, by diploma,
the highest academical honour.
able progress in an edition of Josephus, and some of the Byzantine historians. For five years he was dean, and, in 1661, rector of the college, and in 1672 he founded
, an eminent philologer and
historian, was born at Leipsic, June 17, 1626, and succeeded so rapidly in his first studies, that he was admitted
to his bachelor’s degree in the college of his native city
when he had scarcely attained his fifteenth year; and afterwards wrote and defended some theses, as is the custom
at Leipsic. In 1643 he went to study at Wittemberg,
lodging first with Balthasar Cellarius, and afterwards with
J. C. Seldius, two learned men, by whose assistance he
was enabled to improve what he heard from the public
lecturers. In 1645 he returned to Leipsic, and again attended some of the able professors under whom he was
first educated, particularly Muller and Rivinus; and the
following year, after a public disputation, in which he acquitted himself with great applause, he was admitted to
his master’s degree. In 1647 he went to Strasburgh, and
studied divinity and ecclesiastical history, and the modern
languages, until he was recalled to Leipsic, where, after
two disputations on the solar spots, he was, in 1655, admitted assessor of philosophy. The following year he was
invited to be professor of history at Jena, and acquired
the greatest reputation as a teacher, while he employed
his leisure ho-.irs in composing his own works, or editing
some of those of the ancients, making considerable progress in an edition of Josephus, and some of the Byzantine
historians. For five years he was dean, and, in 1661, rector of the college, and in 1672 he founded the society of
inquirers, “Societas disquirentium,
” at Jena. He died of
repeated attacks of the gout, which had undermined his
constitution, on April 29, 1674. Bosius was the particular
friend of Heinsius and Graevius, both of whom speak highly
of his talents. Among his works may be enumerated, 1.
“Dissertatio de veterum adoratione,
” Leipsic, Cornelius Nepos,
” Dissertatio de Pontificatu Maximo Imperatorum præcipue Christianorum,
Jena, De ara ignoti Dei ad Act. 17,
” Jena,
De Tiberio,
” ibid. Exercitatio historica de Clinicis Ecclesiae Teteris,
” ibid. De Vita Agricolae, Jena,
1664, 8vo. 8.
” Schediasma de comparanda notitia Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum,“ibid, 1673, 4to, reprinted by
Crenius in his
” Tractatus de eruditibne comparanda,“Leyden, 1699, 4to, and by J. G. Walch, Jena, 1723, 8vo.
After his death were published, 9.
” Introductio in notitiam rerum publicarum,“with his Essay on the stale of
Europe, Jena, 1676, 4to. 10.
” Dissertatio Isagogica de
comparanda prudentia civili, deque scriptoribus et libris
ad earn rem maxime aptis,“ibid. 1679, 4to, and reprinted
by Crenius. 11.
” Ejusdem et Reinesii Epistolae mutuse,“ibid. 1700, 12mo. 12.
” Petronii Satyriconpuritatedonatum
cum fragmento Traguriensi et Albas Graecas, &c.“ibid.
1701, 8vo. 13.
” Hispaniæ, Ducatus Mediolanensis, et
Regni Neapolitani Notitia," Helmstadt, 1702, 4to.
ncollege, with the celebrated Mr. Addison, and Dr. Joseph Wilcox, afterwards bishop of Rochester and dean of Westminster, from whose merit and learning Dr. Hough, who
, D. D. archbishop of Armagh, primate and metropolitan of all Ireland, was born in or near London, Jan. 4, 1671, of a reputable and opulent family, received his first rudiments] of learning at Merchant-Taylor’s school, and was admitted from thence a commoner of Christ-church, Oxford, some time before the Revolution. His merit became so conspicuous there, that immediately after that great event, he was elected a demi of Magdalencollege, with the celebrated Mr. Addison, and Dr. Joseph Wilcox, afterwards bishop of Rochester and dean of Westminster, from whose merit and learning Dr. Hough, who was then restored to the presidentship of that college (from which he had been unwarrantably ejected in the reign of king James II.) used to call this election by the name of the golden election, and the same respectful appellation was long after made use of in common conversation in the college*, Mr. Boulter was afterwards made fellow of Magdalen-college. He continued in the university till he was called to London, by the invitation of sir Charles Hedges, principal secretary of state in 1700, who made him his chaplain;
ry last day of his life,” It is much to be regretted that in some of his measures, he was opposed by dean Swift, particularly in that of diminishing the gold coin, as
* Dr. Welsted, a physician, was also The primate maintained a son of the
of this golden election, and when he doctor’s, as a commoner, at Hart-halt
became poor in the latter part of his in Oxford; and would effectually have
life, the archbishop, though he was no provided for him, if the young gentlerelation, gave him, at the least, two man had not died before he had taken
hundred pounds a year, till his death, a degree. Dr. Welsted was one of the
Nor did his grace’s kindness to the editors of the Oxford Pindar, and
doctor’s family end with his decease-, esteemed an excellent Greek scholar.
and some time after he was preferred to the same honour
by Dr. Thomas Tenison, archbishop of Canterbury. In
these stations he was under a necessity of appearing often
at court, where his merit obtained him the patronage of
Charles Spencer, earl of Sunderland, principal secretary
of state, by whose interest he was advanced to the rectory
of St. Olave in Southwark, and to the archdeaconry of
Surrey. The parish of St. Olave was very populous, and
for the most part poor, and required such a liberal and vigilant pastor as Dr. Boulter, who relieved their wants,
and gave them instruction, correction, and reproof. When
king George I. passed over to Hanover in 1719, Dr. Boulter was recommended to attend him in quality of his chaplain, and also was appointed tutor to prince Frederic, to
instruct him in the English tongue; and for that purpose
drew up for his use “A set of Instructions.
” This so recommended him to the king, that during his abode at
Hanover, the bishopric of Bristol, and deanery of Christchurch, Oxford, becoming vacant, the king granted to
him that see and deanery, and he was consecrated bishop
of Bristol, on the fifteenth of November, 1719. In this
last station he was more than ordinarily assiduous in the
visitation of his diocese, and the discharge of his pastoral
duty; and during one of these visitations, he received a
letter by a messenger from the secretary of state, acquainting him, that his majesty had nominated him to the archbishopric of Armagh, and primacy of Ireland, then vacant
by the death of Dr. Thomas Lindsay, on the 13th of July,
1724-, and desiring him to repair to London as soon as
possible, to kiss the king’s hand for his promotion. After
some, consultation on this affair, to which he felt great repugnance, he sent an answer by the messenger, refusing
the honour the king intended him, and requesting the secretary to use his good offices with his majesty, in making
his excuse, but the messenger was dispatched back to him.
by the secretary, with the king’s absolute commands that
he should accept of the post, to which he submitted,
though not without some reluctance, and soon after addressed himself to his journey to court. Ireland was at
that juncture not a little inflamed, by the copper-coin
project of one Wood, and it was thought by the king and
ministry, that the judgment, moderation, and wisdom of
the bishop of Bristol would tend much to allay the ferment.
He arrived in Ireland on the third of November, 1724,
had no sooner passed patent for the primacy, than he
appeared at all the public boards, and gave a weight and
vigour to them; and, in every respect, was indefatigable
in promoting the real happiness of the people. Among
his other wise measures, in seasons of great scarcity in,
Ireland, he was more than once instrumental in averting a
pestilence and famine, which threatened the nation. When
the scheme was set on foot for making a navigation, by a
canal to be drawn from Lough -Neagh to Newry, not only
for bringing coal to Dublin, but to carry on more effectually an inland trade in the several counties of the north
of Ireland, he greatlv encouraged and promoted the design, not only with his counsel but his purse. Drogheda
is a large and populous town within the diocese of Armagh,
and his grace finding that the ecclesiastical appointments
were not sufficient to support two clergymen there, and
the cure over-burthensome for one effectually to discharge,
he allotted out of his own pocket a maintenance for a second curate, whom he obliged to give public service every
Sunday in the afternoon, and prayers twice every day.
He had great compassion for the poor clergy of his diocese, who were disabled from giving their children a proper education, and maintained several of the sons of
such in the university, in order to qualify them for future
preferment, He erected four houses at Drogheda for the
reception of clergymen’s widows, and purchased an estate
for the endowment of them, after the model of primate
Marsh’s charity; which he enlarged in one particular: for
as the estate he purchased for the maintenance of the
widows, amounted to twenty-four pounds a year more than
he had set apart for that use, he appointed that the surplus
should be a fund for setting out the children of such,
widows apprentices, or otherwise to be disposed of for the
benefit of such children, as his trustees should think proper.
He also by his will directed, which has since been performed, that four houses should be built for clergymen’s
widows at Armagh, and endowed with fifty pounds a year.
During his life, he contracted for the building of a stately
market-house at Armagh, which was finished by his executors, at upwards of eight hundred pounds expence. He
was a benefactor also to Dr. Stevens’s hospital in the city
of Dublin, erected for the maintenance and cure of the
poor. His charities for augmenting small livings, and
buying of glebes, amounted to upwards of thirty thousand
pourids, besides what he devised by his will for the like
purposes in England. Though the plan of the incorporated society for promoting English protestant working
schools, cannot be imputed to primate Boulter, yet he
was the chief instrument in forwarding the undertaking,
which he lived to see carried into execution with consider,
able success. His private charities were not less munificent, but so secretly conducted, that it is impossible to
give any particular account of them: it is affirmed by
those who were in trust about him, that he never suffered
an object to leave his house unsupplied, and he often sent
them away with considerable sums, according to the judgment he made of their merits and necessities. With respect
to his political virtues, and the arts of government, when
his health would permit him he was constant in his attendance at the council-table, and it is well known what weight
and dignity he gave to the debates of that board. As he
always studied the true interest of Ireland, so he judged,
that the diminishing the value of the gold coin would be a
means of increasing silver in the country, a thing very
much wanted in order to effect which, he supported a
scheme at the council- table, which raised the clamours of
unthinking people, although experience soon demonstrated
its wisdom. He was thirteen times one of the lords justices,
or chief governors of Ireland; which office he administered
oftener than any other chief governor on record. He embarked for England June 2, 1742, and after two days illness died at his house in St. James’s place, Sept. 27, and
was buried in Westminster-abbey, where a stately monument has been erected to his memory. His deportment
was grave, his aspect venerable, and his temper meek and
humble. He was always open and easy of access both to
rich and poor. He was steady to the principles of liberty,
both in religion and politics. His learning was universal,
yet more in substance than shew; nor would his modesty
permit him to make any ostentation of it. He always preserved such an equal temper of mind that hardly any thing
could ruffle, and amidst obloquy and opposition, steadily
maintained a resolution of serving his country, embraced
every thing proposed for the good of it, though by persons
remarkable for their opposition to him: and when the most
public-spirited schemes were introduced by him, and did
not meet with the reception they deserved, he never took
offence, but was glad when any part of his advice for the
public good was pursued, and was always willing to drop
some points, that he might not lose all; often saying,
“he would do all the good to Ireland he could, though
they did not suffer him to do all he would.
” His life was
mostly spent in action, and therefore it is not to be expected that he should have left many remains of his learning behind him nor do we know of any thing he bath
written, excepting a few Charges to his clergy at his visitations, which are grave, solid, and instructive, and eleven
Occasional Sermons, printed separately. In 1769, however,
were published, at Oxford, in two volumes 8vo, “Letters
written by his excellency Hugh Boulter, D. D. lord primate of all Ireland, &c. to several ministers of state in
England, and some others. Containing an account of the
most interesting transactions which passed in Ireland from
1724 to 1738.
” The originals, which are deposited in the
library of Christ church, in Oxford, were collected by
Ambrose Philips, esq. who was secretary to his grace, and
lived in his house during that space of time in which they
bear date. They are entirely letters of business, and are
all of them in Dr. Boulter’s hand-writing, excepting some
few, which are fair copies by his secretary. The editor
justly remarks, that these letters, which could not be intended for publication, have been fortunately preserved,
as they contain the most authentic history of Ireland, for
the period in which they were written: “a period,
” he
adds, “which will ever do honour to his grace’s memory,
and to those most excellent princes George the first and
second, who had the wisdom to place confidence in so
worthy, so able, and so successful a minister; a minister
who had the rare and peculiar felicity of growing still
more and more into the favour both of the king and of the
people, until the very last day of his life,
” It is much to
be regretted that in some of his measures, he was opposed
by dean Swift, particularly in that of diminishing the gold
coin, as it is probable that they both were actuated by an
earnest desire of serving the country. In one affair, that
of Wood’s halfpence, they appear to have coincided, and
in that they both happened to encourage a public clamour
which had little solid foundation. The writer of archbishop'
Boulter’s Life in the Biog. Brit, seems to doubt whether
he assisted Ambrose Philips in the paper called the
” but of this we apprehend there can be no
doubt. It was published while he held the living of St.
hree years standing should be elected into the said exhibitions. Fie vested the said election in the dean and canons of that house, and directed that the exhibitioners
His widow died March 3, 1754. On the contingency of his having no issue by her, which was the case, he had bequeathed five hundred pounds to Magdalen- college in Oxford, to be applied towards rebuilding the same; and a thousand pounds to Christ-church in the same university, to be applied to the purchase of an estate for founding five exhibitions of equal value, to be distributed among five of the poorest and most deserving of the commoners of that college, to be enjoyed by them for four years from the time of their election; and directed, that no commoner of above three years standing should be elected into the said exhibitions. Fie vested the said election in the dean and canons of that house, and directed that the exhibitioners should be chosen upon a public examination in the hall, and recommended the sons of clergymen to be in the first place, cesteris paribus, considered. He also bequeath* d the further sum of five hundred pounds to the last mentioned college, to buy an estate, to be distributed in equal exhibitions to five servitors of the said college, of whom none were to be capable of election who were of above two years standing, nor to enjoy the exhibition longer than for three years and he vested the right of election in the dean and chapter.
or of that university three ears viz. from 1433 to 1437. His first dignity in the church was that of dean of the collegiate church of St. Martin’s in London; from which,
, archbishop of Canterbury in the successi^eio-ns of
Henry VI. Edward IV. Edward V. Richard III. tf Henry
VII. was son of William Bourchier earl of Ewe in Normandy, and the countess of Stafford, and brother of Henry
earl of Essex, and, consequently, related to the preceding
lord Berners. He had his education in Neville’s-inn at
Oxford, and was chancellor of that university three ears
viz. from 1433 to 1437. His first dignity in the church
was that of dean of the collegiate church of St. Martin’s in
London; from which, in 1433, he was advanced, by pope
Eugenius IV. to the see of Worcester but his consecration
was deferred to May 15, 1436, by reason (as is supposed)
of a defect in age. He had not sat a full year, before he
was elected by the monks of Ely bishop of that see, and
confirmed by the pope: but, the king refusing his consent,
Bourchier did not dare to comply with the election,' for
fear of incurriig the censure of the laws, which forbad,
under very sevtfe penalties, the receiving the pope’s bull
without the khg’s leave. Nevertheless, seven or eight
years after, the see of Ely still continuing vacant, and the
king consenting, he was translated thither, the 20th of
December 1443. The author of the “Historia Eliensis
speaks very disadvantageously of him, as an oppressor,
and neglectfi of his duty during his residence on that see,
which was ten years twenty-three weeks and five days. At
last he was elected archbishop of Canterbury, in the
room of John Kemp, the 23d of April 1454. This election
was the irre remarkable, as the monks were left entirely to trir liberty of choice, without any interposition
either frc the crown or the papal chair. On the contrary, pof Nicolas Vth’s concurrence being readily obtained, t> archbishop was installed with great solemnity.
In the m^th of December following, he received the red
hat from vome, being created cardinal-priest of St. Cyriacus in Ttemis, but Bentham thinks this was not till 1464,
The next ear, he was made lord high chancellor of England, but‘esigned that office in October the year following. So’ after his advancement to the see of Canterbury,
he be^aia visitation in Kent, and made several regulations fothe government of his diocese. He likewise
publish* 3 - constitution for restraining the excessive abuse
of papa'rovisions, but deserved most highly of the learned
world, r being the principal instrument in introducing
the no 2 art of printing into England. Wood’s account^
althou not quite correct, is worth transcribing. Bourchier being informed that the inventor, Tossan^ alias
John -ithenberg, had set up a press at Harlem, was extremely desirous that the English might be made masters
of s^ 6116 ^ ^ an art. To this purpose he persuaded
fcino Henry VI. to dispatch one Robert Tournour, belong to the wardrobe, privately to Harlem. This man,
f ur ed with a thousand marks, of which the archbishop
suried three hundred, embarked for Holland, and, to
disise the matter, went in company with one Caxton, a,
nnhant of London, pretending himself to be of the same
profession. Thus concealing his name and his business, he
went first to Amsterdam, then to Leyden, and at last settled
at Harlem where having spent a -great deal of time and
money, he sent to the king for a fresh supply, giving his
Highness to understand, that he had almost compassed the
enterprize. In short, he persuaded Frederic Corselli, one
of the compositors, to carry off a set of letters, and embark
with him in the night for London. When they arrived, the
archbishop, thinking Oxford a more convenient place for
printing than London, sent Corselli down thither. And,
lest he should slip away before he had discovered the whole
secret, a guard was set upon the press. And thus the mystery of printing appeared ten years sooner in the university
of Oxford than at any other place in Europe, Harlem and
Mentz excepted. Not long after, there were presses set up
at Westminster, St. Alhan’s, Worcester, and other monasteries of note. After this manner printing was introduced
into England, by the care of archbishop Bourchier, in the
year of Christ 1464, and the third of king Edward IV."
. After several conferences with these gentlemen, and some with Berkeley, the bishop of Cloyne, then dean of Londonderry, added to his own reading and reasoning, he obtained,
This is the narrative which, after thirty years, Mr. Bower gave the public as a genuine account. Whether owing to the inaccuracy of those who had formerly heard it, to the variations to which a tale frequently repeated is always liable, or to the neglect of veracity in the writer, it certainly differed from accounts which had been orally given by him too much not to furnish some suspicions of the author. On his arrival in England it appears to have been his first object to procure att introduction to some persons of respectability in the country destined for his’ future residence. He had heard of Dr. Aspinwall soon after his arrival; and that divine having formerly belonged to the order of Jesuits, he waited on him, and was kindly received. By this gentleman he was introduced to Dr. Clarke; and to them both he opened, as he says, his mind, without disguise, respecting his doubts relative to his faith. After several conferences with these gentlemen, and some with Berkeley, the bishop of Cloyne, then dean of Londonderry, added to his own reading and reasoning, he obtained, as he says, the fullest conviction that many of the favourite doctrines of Rome were not only evidently repugnant to scripture and reason, but wicked, blasphemous, and utterly inconsistent with the attributes of the supreme and infinite being. He therefore withdrew himself from the communion of the church without further delay, took leave of the provincial, quitted the order, and broke off all connection with those of the communion. This happened in the month of November, 1726.
s where profit could be no material object, as he did in more important instances. Dr. Squire, then, dean of Bristol, not having appointed him to print a sermon which
Though it is not our intention to notice the works printed by Mr. Bowyer, excepting when he himself contributed to them by prefaces, notes, or other additions, yet
we shall mention his having been the printer, in 1742, of
the additional book of the Dunciad; as he received, on this
occasion, testimonies of regard both from the great poet
and his learned commentator. Among other friendly expressions of Dr. Warburton, he says, “I have never more
pleasure when there (in London), than when I loll and
talk with you at my ease, de qualibet ente, in your diningroom:
” And again, “The Greek I know will be well
printed in your edition, notwithstanding the absence of Senblerus
” The same celebrated writer had long before told
Mr. Bowyer, “No one’s thoughts will have greater weight
with me than your own, in whom I have experienced so
much candour, goodness, and learning.
” It is not, however, to be concealed, that a difference afterwards arose
between them, in which, as is commonly the case, each
party was confident that he was right. Mr. Bowyer, who
thought himself slighted, used often to remark, that, “after
the death of the English Homer, the letters of his learned
friend wore a different complexion.
” “But, perhaps,
as Mr, Nichols candidly and judiciously observes, “this
may be one of the many instances, which occur through,
life, of the impropriety of judging for ourselves in cases
which affect our interest or our feelings.
” Mr. Bowyer,
indeed, had a great sensibility of temper with regard to
any neglects which were shewed him by his literary friends,
in the way of his business. This did not proceed from a
principle of avarice, but from a consciousness of the respect
which was due to him from his acquaintance, as the first
of his profession: for he expressed his resentment as
strongly in cases where profit could be no material object,
as he did in more important instances. Dr. Squire, then,
dean of Bristol, not having appointed him to print a sermon
which had been preached before the house of commons,
on the general fast day, Feb. 13, 1761, Mr. Bowyer wrote
to the doctor, upon the occasion, an expostulatory letter.
Nor was this the only evidence he gave how much he was
offended, when he thought that a slight had been put upon
him from a quarter where he imagined he had a natural
claim to favour.
hop Pearce, bishop Lowth, bishop Barrington, bishop Hurd, bishop Percy, lord Lyttelton, lord Sandys, dean Prideaux, doctors Robert and John Freind, dean Freind, dean
Mr. Bowyer had always been subject to a bilious colic;
and during the last ten years of his life, he was afflicted
with the palsy and the stone. But, notwithstanding these
infirmities, he preserved, in general, a remarkable cheerfulness of disposition; and received great satisfaction from
the conversation of a few literary friends, by whom he continued to be visited. The faculties of his mind, though
somewhat impaired, were strong enough to support the labour of almost incessant reading, which had ever been his
principal amusement; and he regularly corrected the
learned works, and especially the Greek books, which came
from his press. This he did till within a very few weeks of
his death; which happened on the 18th of November,
1777, when he had nearly completed his 78th year. The
publications of Mr. Bowyer are an incontrovertible evidence
of his abilities and learning; to which may be added that
he was honoured with the friendship and patronage of many
of the most distinguished ornaments of his age. We already have had occasion to mention the earls of Macclesfield and Marchmont, Dr. Wotton, Mr. Pope, Mr. Chishull,
Mr. Clarke, Mr. Markland, bishop Warburton, the right
honourable Arthur Onslow, Mr. Hollis, Dr. Salter, Mr,
De Missy, Dr. Owen, and Dr. Heberden. To these, among
other respectable names, might be added those of archbishop Seeker, bishop Kennett, bishop Tanner, bishop Sherlock, bishop Hoadly, bishop Lyttelton, bishop Pearce, bishop Lowth, bishop Barrington, bishop Hurd, bishop
Percy, lord Lyttelton, lord Sandys, dean Prideaux, doctors
Robert and John Freind, dean Freind, dean Milles, the very
learned Dr. Taylor, chancellor of Lincoln, Dr. Barnard, Dr.
Powell, Dr. Wilkins, Mr. Maittaire, Messrs. R. and S.
Gale, Mr. Browne Willis, Mr. Spelman, Mr. Morant, Dr.
Ducarel, Dr. Pegge, Mr. Garrick, and most of the distinguished scholars and antiquaries of his time. His connec^
tion with the late eminent and excellent Richard Gough,
esq. so well known by his acquaintance with British topography and antiquities, is apparent from his last will;
where his obligations to Dr. Jenkin, dean Stanhope, and
Mr. Nelson, are acknowledged. The late excellent Dr.
Robert Clayton, bishop of Clogher, so highly esteemed his
friendship, that he not only honoured him by a regular
epistolary intercourse, but presented him with the copy-right
of all his valuable writings. Mr. Bowyer stood unrivalled,
for more than half a century, as a learned printer; and
some of the most masterly productions of this kingdom have
undoubtedly appeared from his press. To his literary and
professional abilities, he added an excellent moral character.
His regard to religion was displayed in his publications, and
in the course of his life and studies; and he was particularly
distinguished by his inflexible probity, and an uncommon
alacrity in assisting the necessitous. His liberality in relieving every species of distress, and his endeavours to conceal
his benefactions, reflect great honour on his memory.
Though he was naturally fond of retirement, and seldom
entered into company, excepting with men of letters, he
was, perhaps, excelled by few in the talent of justly discriminating the real characters of mankind. He judged of the
persons he saw by a sort of intuition; and his judgments
were generally right. From a consciousness of literary superiority, he did not always pay that particular attention tQ
the booksellers which was expedient in the way of his business. Too proud to solicit the favours in that way which he
believed to be his due, he was often disappointed in his expectations. On the other hand, he' frequently experienced
friendships in cases where he had much less reason to have
hoped for them so that, agreeably to his own expression,
“in what he had received, and what he had fyeen denied,
he thankfully acknowledged the will of Heaven.
” The two
great objects of Mr. Bowyer’s view, in the decline of his
life, were to repay the benefactions his father had met
with, and to be himself a benefactor to the meritorious of
his own profession. These purposes are fully displayed in
his last will: for which reason, and because it illustrates
the turn of his mind in other respects, we shall insert it at
large. After a liberal provision for his son, among other
legacies are these “I likewise give to my son all my plate;
except the small silver cup which was given to my father
(after his loss by fire) by Mrs. James, and which I give to
the Company of Stationers in London, hoping they will
preserve it as a memorial. Having committed my body to
the earth, I would testify my duty and gratitude to my few
relations and numerous benefactors after my father’s loss by
fire. I give and bequeath to my cousin Scott, lately of
Westminster, brewer, and to his sister, fifty pounds each.
I give and bequeath to my relations Mr. Thomas Linley and
his wife one thousand pounds four per cent, consolidated annuities, to be transferred to them, or to the survivor of them;
and which I hope they will take care to settle, at their
deaths, for the benefit of their son and daughter. I give
to the two sons and one daughter of the late reverend Mr.
Maurice of Gothenburgh iuSweden, who married the only
daughter of Mr. Richard Williamson, bookseller (in return for her father’s friendship to mine), one thousand pounds
four per cent, consolidated annuities, to be divided equally
between them. Among my father’s numerous benefactors,
there is not, that I can hear of, one alive: to several of
them I made an acknowledgement. But one respectable
body I am still indebted to, the University of Cambridge;
to whom I give, or rather restore, the sum of fifty pounds,
in return for the donation of forty pounds made to my father
at the motion of the learned and pious master of Saint John’s
college, doctor Robert Jenkin: to a nephew of his I have
already given another fifty pounds, as appears by his receipt
of the thirty-first of May, one thousand seven hundred and
seventy. The benefactions which my father received from
Oxford I can only repay with gratiiude; as he received
them, not from the university as a body, but from particular members. I give thirty pounds to the dean and chapter
of Canterbury, in gratitude for the kindness of the worthy
doctor Stanhope (sometime dean of Canterbury) to my father; the remembrance of which amongst the proprietors of
his works I have long out-lived, as I have experienced by not
being employed to print them: the like I might say of the
works of Mr. Nelson, another respectable friend and patron of
my father’s, and of many others. I give to doctor William
Heberden my little cabinet of coins, with H ickes’s Thesau rus,
Tristan, and the odd volume, Spanheim’s Numismata, Harduin’s Opera Selecta, in folio, Nummi Populorum et Urbium, in quarto, and any other of my books he chooses to
accept: to the reverend doctor Henry Owen, such of my
Hebrew books and critical books on the New Testament,
as he pleases to take: to Richard Gough, esq. in like manner, my books on topographical subjects: to Mr. John
Nichols, all books that relate to Cicero, Livy, and the Roman
history, particularly the * Cenotaphia' of Noris and Pighius, my grammars and dictionaries, with Swift’s and
Pope’s works: to my son, whatever books (not described above) he thinks proper to take. And now I hope I may
be allowed to leave somewhat for the benefit of printing.
To this end, I give to the master and keepers or wardens
and commonalty of the mystery or art of a stationer of the
city of London, such a sum of money as will purchase two
thousand pounds three per cent, reduced Bank annuities,
upon trust, to pay the dividends and yearly produce thereof,
to be divided for ever equally amongst three printers, compositors or pressmen, to be elected from time to time by
the master, wardens, and assistants, of the said company,
and who at the time of such election shall be sixty-three
years old or upwards, for their respective lives, to be paid
half-yearly; hoping that such as sha.ll be most deserving
will be preferred. And whereas I have herein before given
to my son the sum of three thousand pounds four per cent,
consolidated annuities, in case he marries with the consent
of my executors: Now, I do hereby give and bequeath the
dividends and interest of that sum, till such marriage take
place, to the said company of stationers to be divided
equally between six other printers, compositors or pressmen, as aforesaid, in manner as aforesaid; and, if my said
son shall die unmarried, or married without such consent as
aforesaid, then I give and bequeath the said capital sum of
three thousand pounds to the company of stationers, the
dividends and yearly produce thereof to be divided for ever
equally amongst six other such old printers, compositors or
pressmen, for their respective lives, to be qualified, chosen,
and paid in manner as aforesaid. It has long been to me
matter of concern, that such numbers are put apprentices
as compositors without any share of school-learning, who
ought to have the greatest: in hopes of remedying this,
I give and bequeath to the said company of stationers such
a sum of money as will purchase one thousand pounds three
per cent, reduced bank annuities, for the use of one journeyman compositor, such as shall hereafter be described; with
this special trust, that the master, wardens, and assistants,
shall pay the dividends and produce thereof half-yearly to
such compositor: the said master, wardens, and assistants
of the said company, shall nominate for this purpose a compositor who is a man of good life and conversation, who shall
usually frequent some place of public worship every Sunday unless prevented by sickness, and shall not have worked
on a newspaper or magazine for four years at least before
such nomination, nor shall ever afterwards whilst he holds
this annuity, which may be for life, if he continues a journeyman; he shall be able to read and construe Latin, and at
least to read Greek fluently with accents; f which he shall
bring a testimonial from the rector of St. Martin’s Ludgate
for the time being: I could wish that he shall have been
brought up piously and virtuously, if it be possible, at Merchant Taylors, or some other public school, from seven
years of age till he is full seventeen, and then to serve seven years faithfully as a compositor, and work seven years
more as a journeyman, as I would not have this annuity bestowed on any one under thirty -one years of age: if after
he is chosen he should behave ill, let him be turned out,
and another be chosen in his stead. And whereas it may
be many years before a compositor may be found that shall
exactly answer the above description, and it may at some
times happen that such a one cannot be found; I would
have the dividends in the mean time applied to such person
as the master, wardens, and assistants, shall think approaches
nearest to what I have described. And whereas the above
trusts will occasion some trouble: I give to the said company, in case they think proper to accept the trusts, two
hundred and fifty pounds.
” It is almost superfluous to add,
that the trust was accepted, and is properly executed.
cly solemnized on the llth of March following; soon after which$ the earl of Cork purchased from the dean and chapter of St. Patrick’s church, the inheritance of the
It is much to be regretted that so faithful a servant of
the public should have lived at variance with the earl
of Strafford, himself a man of virtue, talents, and patriotism, and afterwards a sacrifice to the fury of the republican party in England; yet it cannot be denied that
the earl of Strafford behaved in a very arrogant and
haughty manner to the earl of Cork; and that the conduct
of the lord deputy was such, as it could not reasonably be expected any man of spirit would patiently submit to, and especially a man of so much worth and
merit as the noble subject of this article. His lordship
gave evidence at Strafford’s trial, that when he had commenced a suit at law, in a case in which he apprehended
himself to be aggrieved, the earl of Strafford, in the
most arbitrary manner, forbad his prosecuting his suit,
saying to him, “Call in your writs, or if you will not,
I will clap you in the castle; for I tell you, I will not have
my orders disputed by law, nor lawyers.
” We have,
however, already seen that lord Cork had other enemies,
who took various opportunities of displaying their jealousy
of his power and talents. One singular opportunity was
taken on the death of his second lady, which we shall detail, as including some traits of the taste and prejudices of
the times. This lady was privately interred on the 27th of
February 1629-30, but her funeral was publicly solemnized
on the llth of March following; soon after which$ the
earl of Cork purchased from the dean and chapter of St.
Patrick’s church, the inheritance of the upper part of the
chancel where the vault was, in which the bodies of her
grandfather by the mother’s side, the lord chancellor Weston, and of her father sir Geoffry Fenton, were laid, over
which the earl her husband caused a fine marble tomb to
be erected. This presently gave offence to some people,
who suggested that it stood where the altar ought to stand,
of which they complained to the king, who mentioned it
to Dr. Laud, then bishop of London; who after the lord
Wentworth was made lord deputy of Ireland, and himself
archbishop of Canterbury, moved him that it might be
inquired into, as it was, and this affair made afterwards a
very great noise. The earl of Cork procured a letter from
Dr. Usher, then lord primate of Ireland, and also from Dr.
Launcelot Bulkeiey, then archbishop of Dublin, justifying,
that the tomb did not stand in the place of the altaf, and
that instead of being an inconvenience, it was a great ornament to the church; which letters archbishop Laud
transmitted to the lord deputy, and at the same time acquainted^ him that they did not give himself any satisfaction. The postscript to this letter, dated Lambeth, March
11, 1634, is very remarkable, and shews both the rise and
the falsehood of the common opinion, that it was the lord
deputy, afterwards earl of Strafford, who set this matter on
foot out of prejudice to the earl of Cork. “I had almost
forgot to tell you, that all this business about demolishing
my lord of Cork’s tomb is charged upon you, as if it were
done only because he will not marry his son to my lord
Clifford’s daughter, and that I do it to join with you;
whereas the complaint came against it to me out of Ireland,
and was presented by me to the king before I knew that
your lordship was named for deputy there. But jealousies
know no end.
” The archbishop afterwards wrote in very
strong terms to the earl of Cork himself, in which he affirms the same thing, and deals very roundly with his lordship upon that and other subjects, advising him to leave
the whole to the lord deputy and the archbishops. As to
the issue of the affair, it appears clearly from a letter of
the lord deputy Wentworth’s, dated August 23, 1634, to
the archbishop, in which he delivers himself thus: “I
have issued a commission, according to my warrant, for
viewing the earl of Cork’s tomb: the two archbishops and
himself, with four bishops, and the two deans and chapters, were present when we met, and made them all so
ashamed, that the earl desires he may have leave to pull it
down without reporting further into England; so as I am
content if the miracle be done, though Mohammed do it,
and there is an end of the tomb before it come to be entombed indeed. And for me that my lord treasurer do
what he please; I shall ever wish his ways may be those of
honour to himself, and dispatch to my master’s affairs; but
go it as it shall please God with me, believe me, my lord,
I will be still tlwrow and thorowout one and the same, and
with comfort be it spoken by myself, and your grace’s
” It may be added that though the tomb
has been taken away above a century, yet the inscription
that was upon it is still extant.
ly severe censure that ever was passed upon him, and that too from no less a man than the celebrated dean Swift; who, to ridicule these discourses, wrote “A pious meditation
In 1664 he was elected into the company of the royal
mines; and was all this year taken up in the prosecution
of various good designs, which probably was the reason
why he did not send abroad any treatises either of religion
or philosophy. The year following, however, appeared,
8. “Occasional Reflections upon several subjects; whereto
is prefixed a discourse about such kind of thoughts,
A pious meditation upon a Broomstick, in the style of the honourable Mr. Boyle.
” A certain
writer, by way of making reprisals upon Swift for his treatment of Mr. Boyle, which he affirms to be as cruel and
unjust as it is trivial and indecent, has observed, that, from
this very treatise, which he has thus turned into ridicule,
he borrowed the first hint of his Gulliver’s Travels. He
grounds his conjecture upon the following passage, to be
found in the Occasional Reflections: “You put me in
mind of a fancy of your friend Mr. Boyle, who was saying,
that he had thoughts of making a short romantic story,
where the scene should be laid in some island of the
southern ocean, governed by some such rational laws and
customs as those of the Utopia or the New Atalantis. And
in this country he would introduce an observing native,
that, upon his return home from his travels made in Europe, should give an account of our countries and manners
under feigned names; and frequently intimate in his relations, or in his answers to questions that should be made
him, the reasons of his wondering to fi-nd our customs so
extravagant, and differing from those of his own country.
For your friend imagined that, by such a way of exposing
many of our practices, we should ourselves be brought
unawares to condemn, or perhaps to laugh at them; aikl
should at least cease to wonder, to find other nations think
them as extravagant as we think the manners of the Dutch
and Spaniards, as they are represented in our travellers’
” The same year Mr. Boyle published an important
work, entitled, 9. “INew experiments and observations
upon Cold; or, an experimental history of cold begun:
with several pieces thereunto annexed,
ion is given to one Lemau, a Cambridge man. His first appearance as an author, was when Dr. Aldrich, dean of Christ- church, finding him to be a good Grecian, put him
Lord Orford, in enumerating his works, attributes to him
a translation of the life of Lysander from Plutarch, which
he says is published in the English edition of that author;
but the life of Lysander in that edition is given to one
Lemau, a Cambridge man. His first appearance as an
author, was when Dr. Aldrich, dean of Christ- church,
finding him to be a good Grecian, put him upon publishing
a new edition of the epistles of Phalaris, which appeared
in the beginning of 1695, under the title of “Phalaridis
Agrigentinorum tyranni epistolae. Ex Mss. recensuit,
versione, annotationibus, &. vita insuper auctoris donavit
Car. Boyle, ex aede Christi, Oxon,
” 8vo. In this edition
he was supposed to have been assisted by Aldrich and Atterbury. The authenticity of these epistles being called
in question by Dr. Bentley, Mr. Boyle wrote an answer,
entitled “Dr. Bentley’s Dissertation on the epistles of Phalaris examined.
” In laying the design of this work, in reviewing a good part of the rest, in transcribing the whole,
and attending the press, half a year of Atterbu-ry’s life
was employed, as he declares in his “Epistolary Correspondence,
” As you find it,
” printed in the second volume of
the works of Roger earl of Orrery. He was also author
of a copy of verses to Dr. Garth, upon his Dispensary, and
of a prologue to Mr. Southerne’s play, called “The Siege
of Capua.
rd, in a letter to Dr. Swift, written in the same year, mentions with pleasure a character which the dean had given of the earl of Orrery, and says, that he was extremely
In a few months lord Orrery so far recovered his health and spirits as to be able to attend his public duty as an English baron. He took his seat in the house of peers in the session of parliament which opened on the 13th of January, 1731-2, and soon distinguished himself by a speech in opposition to the ministry, against the mutiny-bill; the inconsistency of a standing army with the liberties of a free people being at that period the topic constantly insisted upon by the patriotic party. Though no notice is taken of his lordship’s speech in Timberland’s Debates, it is certain that he acquired considerable credit on this occasion. Mr. Budgell, in the dedication to his Memoirs of the Family of the Boyles, published in 1732, celebrates our noble lord as having displayed the united forces of reason and eloquence; and Mr. Ford, in a letter to Dr. Swift, written in the same year, mentions with pleasure a character which the dean had given of the earl of Orrery, and says, that he was extremely applauded for a speech he made against the army- bill. The approbation which his lordship received in this lirst exertion of his parliamentary talents, did not encourage him to become a public speaker; and we meet with only another instance in which he took any active part in a debate/ on the 13th of February, 1733-4, in favour of the duke of Marlborough’s bill for preventing the officers of the land forces from being deprived of their commissions, otherwise than by judgment of a court martial to be held for that purpose, or by address of either house of parliament. The delicacy of lord Orrery’s health, his passion for private life, and the occasions he had of sometimes residing in Ireland, seem to have precluded him from a very constant and regular attendance in the English house of peers. However, he did not fail to go thither when he apprehended himself to be called to it by particular duty; and we find his name to a considerable number of the protests which were so frequent during the grand opposition to sir Robert Waipole’s administration.
Whilst our noble lord resided in Ireland, he commenced a friendship with dean Swift, which produced also that of Mr. Pope. The earl having
Whilst our noble lord resided in Ireland, he commenced
a friendship with dean Swift, which produced also that of
Mr. Pope. The earl having sent a copy of verses to the
dean on his birth-day, they were so pleasing to that celebrated genius, that he begged the author “to accept his
most humble thanks for the honour done him by so excellent a performance on so barren a subject.
” “In spite,
says the dean, “of those who love me not, it will be said
in future ages, that one of lord Orrery’s first essays in
poetry was these verses on Dr. Swift.
” There are, indeed, several evidences in Pope’s and Swift’s letters, of
the sincere esteem they entertained for his lordship.
Swift is to be credited, Ireland was about that time in a wretched condition. As a proof of it, the dean asserted in a letter to Mr. Pope, that lord Orrery had 3000l.
In October 1733, lord Orrery returned to England, and
having now no attachment to London, he disposed of his
house in Downing-street, Westminster, as likewise of his
seat at Britwell, near Windsor, and retired to his seat at
Marston, in Somersetshire. As this place had been much
neglected by his ancestors, and was little more than a shell
of a large old house, he amused himself in building offices,
in fitting out and furnishing apartments, and laying out
gardens and other plantations. Study and retirement
being his principal pleasures, he took care to supply the
loss he had sustained from his father’s will, by furnishing
his library anew with the best authors. In the summer of
1734, probably in his way to France, where he sometimes
went, he visited the tomb of his ancestors, Roger Boyle,
esq, and Joan his wife, in Preston church, near Feversham.
This monument, when the title of earl of Cork devolved
upon him, he intended to have repaired, if his life had been
prolonged. In the middle of the year 1735, we find him
again in Ireland. On the 31st of October, in the same
year, an amiable relation, and a most promising youth,
Edmund duke of Buckingham, died at Rome, upon which
melancholy event, lord Orrery paid a just tribute to the
memory of the young nobleman, in an elegiac poem. It
was printed in 1736, and is one of the most pleasing specimens which our author has afforded of his poetical abilities. In the winter of 1735-6, the duke of Dorset being
then lord lieutenant of Ireland, the eail of Orrery neglected no opportunity of endeavouring to render his administration easy. If Dr. Swift is to be credited, Ireland
was about that time in a wretched condition. As a proof
of it, the dean asserted in a letter to Mr. Pope, that lord
Orrery had 3000l. a year in the neighbourhood of Cork,
and that more than three years rent was unpaid. In
April 1737, his lordship, who was then at Cork, earnestly
pressed Dr. Swift to accompany him to England; but the
doctor, who never saw Marston, did not accept the invitation. Lord Orrery took over with him to Mr. Pope all
the letters of that great poet to Swift, which the dean had
preserved or could find, which were not more in number
than twenty-five. About this time, our noble author,
that his sons might be educated under his own eye, and
also have the benefit of attending Westminster-school,
took a small house in Duke-street, Westminster. On the
30th of June, 1738, the earl of Orrery, after having been
six years a widower, married, in Ireland, Mrs. Margaret
Hamilton, only daughter and heiress of John Hamilton,
esq. of Caledon, in the county of Tyrone, grand-daughter
of Dr. Dopping, bishop of Meath, and niece of Dr. Dopping, bishop of Ossory. Swift, in a letter to Miss Hamilton, on her intended nuptials, after pretending a prior
claim, as she had made so many advances to him, and
confessed “herself to be nobody’s goddess but his,
” archly
waves it, and politely “permits lord Orrery to make himself the happiest man in the world; as I know not,
he adds, “any lady in this kingdom of so good sense or
so many accomplishments.
” He gives a great character
of her, likewise, in his last printed letter to Mr. Pope.
In this lady, the earl of Orrery, with gratitude to Heaven,
acknowledged that the loss of his former countess was repaired. In 1739 he published a new edition, 2 vols. 8vo,
of the dramatic works of his great-grandfather. Though
these volumes cannot be particularly valuable, they are
now become exceedingly scarce. In 1741 he published
separately, in folio, “The first Ode of the first book of
Horace imitated, and inscribed to the earl of Chesterfield;
and “Pyrrha, an imitation of the fifth Ode of the first
book of Horace.
” In the preface to the last, lord Orrery
characterises Dacier’s and Sanadon’s translations, and
makes some observations on Horace, which shew that he
entered with taste and spirit into the peculiar excellencies
of that poet. In 1742 he published in one volume, folio,
the “State Letters
” of his great-grandfather, the first
earl; to which were prefixed Morrice’s memoirs of that
eminent statesman. On the 25th of August, 1743, his lordship was presented by the university of Oxford to the
honorary degree of D. C. L.; and he was, likewise, F.R. S.
Lord Boyle, in 1746, being settled at Oxford, and Mr.
Boyle in the college at Westminster, their father quitted
London, and fixed his residence at Caledon, in Ireland.
During one of his occasional visits to England, after the
publication of the second volume of the Biographia Britannica, he thanked Dr. Campbell, “in the name of all the
Boyles, for the honour he had done to them, and to his
own judgment, by placing the family in such a light as to
give a spirit of emulation to those who were hereafter to
inherit the title.
” Lord Orrery resided in Ireland, with
very little intermission, from 1746 to 1750; happy in that
domestic tranquillity, that studious retirement and inactivity, from which, as he himself expressed it, he was
scarcely ever drawn, but with the utmost reluctance.
” as he observed in a private letter, “we step
out of domestic life in search of felicity, we come back
again disappointed, tired, and chagrined. One day passed
under our own roof, with our friends and our family, is
worth a thousand in any other place. The noise and
bustle, or, as they are foolishly called, the diversions of
life, are despicable and tasteless, when once we have experienced the real delight of a fire-side.
” These sentiments, which do so much honour to the rectitude of his
lordship’s understanding, and the goodness of his heart,
reflect, at the same time, a just reproach on the absurd and
criminal dissipation that prevails for the most part among
persons of rank and fortune. During the earl of Orrery’s
residence in Ireland, he employed his leisure in laying out
gardens and plantations at Caledon, and in improving and
adorning its fine situation. On his return to Marston, he
continued his alterations and improvements in the house
and gardens at that place, many of the plans for which
were designed by lord Boyle, who had a taste for architecture. In the mean while, the amusement of our noble
author’s winter evenings was his translation of “The Letters of Pliny the Younger, with observations on each letter,
and an Essay on Pliny’s life, addressed to Charles lord
” The essay is dated Leicester-fields, January 27,
1750-1; and, together with the translation, was published
at London, in the following April, in 2 vols. 4to. This
work met with so good a reception from the public, that
three editions of it in octavo have since been printed. In
the summer of the same year, lord Orrery addressed
to his second son Hamilton a series of letters, containing
“Remarks on the Life and Writings of Dr. Swift, dean of
St. Patrick’s, Dublin.
” This work gave rise to many strictures and censures on his lordship for having professed
himself Swift’s friend while he was exposing his weaknesses. Subsequent inquiries into Swift’s character have
proved that the portrait he drew was not unfaithful. To
this, however, we shall have occasion to recur in our account of Swift.
, a learned clergyman of the seventeenth century, and nephew to the dean of Canterbury, hereafter mentioned, was of a good family in
, a learned clergyman of the seventeenth century, and nephew to the dean of Canterbury,
hereafter mentioned, was of a good family in Kent, and
was educated at Eton school, from which he was admitted
a scholar of Corpus Christi college, Cambridge, in May
1620. Here he took the degree of A. B. in 1623, of A. M.
1627, and was elected fellow in 1651. He proceeded
B. D. and was appointed one of the university preachers in
1634; and in 1640, was presented to the rectory of Mautboy in Norfolk, upon the death of Mr. Thomas D'Engayne;
but before he left college, he gave to its library a fine set
of Binnius’s Councils. His patron was William Paston,
esq. his friend and contemporary at college, to whose sou
sir Robert Paston, bart. of Oxnead in that county, a volume
of his “Sermons,
” Lond. Sermons,
” informs us that it
was with difficulty he obtained leave of the dying author to
make them public, and obtained it only upon condition that
he should say nothing of him. He has, however, given a
short, but excellent character of him.
, dean of Canterbury, descended from John de Bosco, who entered England
, dean of Canterbury, descended from John de Bosco, who entered England with theConqueror, and allied to a family so opulent and extensive as to be divided into eight branches, each residing in their respective seats in the county of Kent, was born in 1571. He was the fourth son of Thomas Boys of Eythorne in that county, esq. hy Christian, daughter and co-heiress of John Seajles, of Wye, esq. Having most probably received the earlier part of his education at the king’s school in Canterbury, he went to Cambridge in 1586, where he became a scholar of Corpus Christi college, and proceeded to the degree of M. A. in 1593> He was about this time elected to a fellowship of Clare-hall, which is appropriated to a native of Kent.
, the daughter of Robert Bargrave of Bridge, in the county of Kent, esq. and sister to his successor dean Bargrave. She survived him many years, and was rudely treated
He married Angela, the daughter of Robert Bargrave of Bridge, in the county of Kent, esq. and sister to his successor dean Bargrave. She survived him many years, and was rudely treated by the rebels in 1642, at the age of eighty. To his memory a very fine monument was placed by her, in the dean’s chapel, in Canterbury cathedral, where he was buried.
death, which happened in 1628, and managed most of the affairs of that church, in the quality of sub- dean. He had great political influence, especially in elections,
, an eminent prelate, was descended from the antient family of the Bramhalls, of Cheshire, and born at Pontefract, in Yorkshire, about 1593. He received his school education at the place of his birth, and was removed from thence to Sidney-college, Cambridge, in 1608. After taking the degrees of B A. and M. A. he quitted the university; and, entering into orders, had a living given him in the city of York. About the same time he married a clergyman’s widow of the Hally’s family, with whom he received a good fortune, and a valuable library, left by her former husband. In 1623 he had two public disputations, at North-Allerton, with a secular priest and a Jesuit. The match between prince Charles and the infanta of Spain was then depending; and the papists expected great advantages and countenance to their religion from it. These two, therefore, by way of preparing the way for them, sent a public challenge to all the protestant clergy in the county of York; and when none durst accept it, our author, though then but a stripling in the school of controversy, undertook the combat. His success in this dispute gained him. so much reputation, and so recommended him in particular to Matthews, archbishop of York, that he made him his chaplain, and took him into his confidence. He was afterwards made a prebendary of York , and then pf Rippon; at which last place he went and resided after the archbishop’s death, which happened in 1628, and managed most of the affairs of that church, in the quality of sub-dean. He had great political influence, especially in elections, in the town of Rippon, and was also appointed one of his majesty’s high commissioners, in the administration of which office he was by some accounted severe, although far less so than some of his brethren.
, in Latin Braunius, Bruinus, or Brunus, was archdeacon of Dortmund, and dean of Notre Dame at Cologne, and flourished about the beginning
, in Latin Braunius, Bruinus, or Brunus, was
archdeacon of Dortmund, and dean of Notre
Dame at Cologne, and flourished about the beginning of
the seventeenth century. He wrote a “Latin oration
against the Fornicating Priests,
” Civitates orbis terrarum
in aes incisse et excusce, et descriptione topographica, morali, politica, illustrate,
” 6 vols. large fol. with five coloured plates by Hohenberg and Hoeft'nagel, 1572, &c.
reprinted in 5 vols. 1612. He died in 1622.
und, which by other appearances also was judged to be that of sir Reginald, and was, by order of the dean, immediately arcned over with great decency. He was of great
, was second son of sir Richard
Bray, one of the privy council to king Henry VI. who lies
buried in the north aile of Worcester cathedral, in which
county sir Reginald was born. One of this family (which were lords of Braie, or Bray, in Normandy) came with
William the Conqueror into England, where they flourished
in the counties of Northampton and Warwick; but Edmond, the father of sir Richard, is styled of Eton Bray, in
the county of Bedford, which county they had represented
in parliament in 18 Ed. I. and 6 Ed. II. In 1 Rich. III.
this Reginald had a general pardon granted to him, probably on account of his having taken part with Henry VI.
to whose cause he had a personal as well as hereditary
attachment being receiver- general to sir Henry Stafford,
who married Margaret, countess of Richmond, mother to
the earl of Richmond, afterward king Henry VII. and
continued in her service after the death of sir Henry, and
was put in trust for her dowry, on her marriage to Thomas,
earl of Derby. When the duke of Buckingham had concerted with Morton, bishop of Ely (then his prisoner at Brecknock in Wales), the marriage of the earl of Richmond with the princess Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Edward I V. and the earl’s advancement to the throne, the
bishop recommended sir Reginald for the transaction of
the affair with the countess, telling the duke he had an old
friend with her, a man sober, secret, and well-witted,
called Reginald Bray, whose prudent policy he had known
to have compassed matters of great importance; and accordingly wrote to him in Lancashire, where he then was
with the countess, to come to Brecknock with all speed. He
readily obeyed the summons, entered heartily into the
design, and was very active in carrying it on; and soon
engaged sir Giles Daubeney (afterwards lord Daubeney),
sir John Ciieney, Richard GuiUbrd, esq. and many other
gentlemen of note, to take part with Henry. After the
success at Bosworth, he gradually rose into great favour
with the king, who eminently distinguished and liberally
rewarded his services. His attachment to that prince was
sincere and uriremitted; and such were his ptudence and
abilities, that he never forfeited the confidence he had
acquired, during an attendance of seventeen years on the
most suspicious monarch of his time. He was made a
knight banneret, probably at the battle of Bosworth; a
knight of the bath at the king’s coronation, and afterwards
a kni“ht of the garter. In the first year of the kind’s reign
he had a grant of the constableship of the castle of Oakham in Rutlandshire, and was appointed joint chie‘ justice,
with the lord Fitzwalter, of all the forests south of Trent,
and chosen of the privy council. After this he was appointed high-treasurer, chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster, and nigh steward of the university of Oxford. At
the queen’s coronation, the ducliess of Norfolk, &c. sat at
one side-table at the other, lady Ferrars, v>f Chartley,
lady Bray, &c. At the christening of prince Arthur, sir
Reginald bore a rich salt of gold which was given by the
earl of Derby. He was amongst the knights bannerets
when Henry, the king’s second son, was created duke of
York in 1494. In the 7th year of the king, he by indenture covenanted to serve him in his wars beyond sea a
whole year, with twelve men, himself accompted, each
having his custrell and page, twenty-four demy lances,
seventy-seven archers on horseback, two hundred and
thirty-one archers, and bil’.es on foot twenty-four. In the
10th year he had a grant for life of the Isle of Wight,
castle of Carisbrook, and the manors of Swainston, Brixton,
Thorley, and Welow, in that isle, at th^ rent of 308l. 6s. 8rf.
Camden mentions the grant of the Isle of Wight at the
rent of 300 marks. In June 1497 he was at the battle of
Blackheath, when the lord Audley, having joined the
Cornish rebels, was taken prisoner; on whose execution
and attainder, his manor of Shire Vachery and Crap ley in
Surry, with a large estate there, was given to sir Reginald.
He received many other marks of the king’s bounty and
favour, and died 5th August 1503, possessed of a very
great estate; notwithstanding which, and his activity as
a minister, under a monarch whose love of, money was the
cause of great and just complaints amongst the people,
historians call him the father of his country, a sage and
grave person, a fervent lover of jusuce, and one who
would often admonish the king when he did any thing contrary to justice or equity. That he should do this, and
the king still continue his favour, is an ample proof of the
sense which his sovereign entertained of his services and
abilities. He appears to have taken great delight in architecture, and to have had no small skill in it, as he had
a principal concern and direction in building Henry Vllth’s
chapel in Westminster-abbey, and in the finishing and
bringing to perfection the chapel of St. George at Windsor, to which he was a liberal benefactor in his life-time,
and for the completion of which he made farther provision
by his will. His arms, crest, and device (R. B.) are exhibited on the cieling of the chapel at Windsor in many
places; and in the middle of the south aile is a spacious
chapel erected by him, and still called by his name, in
which also, by his own particular direction, he was interred, though his executors neglected to erect a tomb for
him, as he desired. Perhaps they thought his merit would
be the most lasting monument. It is supposed that he
is buried under the stone which covers Dr. Waterland;
for, on opening the vault for that gentleman, who died in
1740, a leaden coffin, of ancient form and make, was
found, which by other appearances also was judged to be
that of sir Reginald, and was, by order of the dean, immediately arcned over with great decency. He was of
great devotion, according to the piety of the times, and a
bountiful friend, in his life-time, to many churches. In
one of the letters of the dean and chapter of Westminster, John, abbot of Newminster in Northumberland, addresses him as founder of the monastery of Pipwell (in Northamptonshire); but this must be on account of some
donations, as that house was founded by William Boutevileyr in 1143. In 1494, being then high steward of Oxford, he gave 40 marks to repair the church of St. Mary’s,
in a window of which were the figures of him and his wife
kneeling, their coats of arms on their backs, remaining in
1584. The dean and chapter of Lincoln, in recompence
for his services to them, receive him and my lady his wife
to be brother and sister of their chapter, and to be partakers of all suffrages, prayers, masses, fastings, almsdeeds, and other good deeds, whatever they be, done in
the said church, both in their lives and after their deceases. The prior of the cathedral church of Durham
receives him in like manner. In a south window of the
priory church of Great Malvern in Worcestershire, were
the portraits of Henry VII. Elizabeth his queen, prince
Arthur, sir Reginald Bray, John Savage, and Thomas
LoveJ), esquires, with their coats of arms on their armour,
and the following words underneath:
” Orate pro bono
statu nobilissimi et excellentissimi Regis Henrici Septimi
et Elizabeths Reginse, ac Domini Arthuri Principis filii
eorundem, nee not) praedilectissimae consortis suoe, ac suorum trium militum." The portraits of the king and sir
Reginald remained in 1774, and are engraved in Mr.
Strutt’s View of the Arms and Habits of the English, vol. II,
plate 60. The others have been broken and destroyed.
He had no issue, and his elder brother John having only
one daughter, married to sir William Sandes, afterwards
lord Sandes of the Vine, he left the bulk of his fortune to
Edmund, eldest son of his younger brother John (for he had two brothers of that name). This Edmund was summoned to parliament in 1530, as baron of Eaton Bray;
but his son John lord Bray dying without issue in 1557,
the estate was divided amongst six daughters of Edmund.
Sir Reginald left very considerable estates to Edward and
Reginald, younger brothers of Edmund. From Edward
the manor of Shire Vachery and Cranley, above mentioned,
has descended to the rev. George Bray, who was owner in
1778. Reginald settled at Barrington in Gloucestershire,
where the male line of that branch became extinct about
sixty years ago.
e of thirteen and a half. Having resided there three or four years, he attended his uncle Hall, then dean of Worcester, as his amanuensis, to the synod of Dort, and after
, a non-conformist divine, was born at Ashby-de-la-Zouch, in Leicestershire, in 1600. His father was also a divine of the puritan kind, and master of the school at Ashby. The noted astrologer William Lilly, was at his school in 1613. His mother was sister to bishop Hall. After being educated by his father, he was admitted of Emanuel college, Cambridge, at the age of thirteen and a half. Having resided there three or four years, he attended his uncle Hall, then dean of Worcester, as his amanuensis, to the synod of Dort, and after his return, resumed his studies at Cambridge, and being elected schoJar of the house, resided there until he took his degrees. When ordained he preached first at Preston, near Chelmsford, then at Somerieyton in Suffolk, and lastly was called to Yarmouth, on the election of the township, but his principles being objected to by Dr. Harsnet, bishop of Norwich, he could only preach on the week days at a country village adjoining, whither the people of Yarmouth followed him, until the township applied to the king for his licence for Mr. Brinsley to preach in Yarmouth. This being granted by his majesty, he remained there until the restoration, when he was ejected with his numerous brethren, who refused the terms of conformity. Although a man of moderate sentiments, he appears to have been inflexible in the points which divided so large a tody of clergymen from the church, and is said to have refused considerable preferment to induce him to remain in it. He is praised by his biographer for piety, and extensive learning in theology. He died Jan. 22, 1665. He wrote several treatises enumerated by Calamy, none of which, we believe, are now much known. He had a son, Robert, who was ejected from the university, and afterwards studied and took his degree of M. D. at Leyden, and practised at Yarmouth.
1, the king having converted the priory of the Holy Trinity into a cathedral church, consisting of a dean and chapter, our archbishop founded three prebends in the same
, the first bishop that embraced
and promoted the Reformation in Ireland, was originally
an Austin friar of London. He received his academical
education in the house of his order, near Halywell, in
Oxford, and becoming eminent for his learning and other
good qualities, was made provincial of the Austin monks
in England. In 1523 he supplicated the university for the
degree of B. D. but it does not appear that he was then
admitted. He took afterwards the degree of D. D. in some
university beyond sea, and was incorporated in the same
degree at Oxford, in 1534, and soon after at Cambridge.
Before that time, having read some of Luther’s writings,
he took a liking to his doctrine; and, among other things,
was wont to inculcate into the people, “That they should
make their applications solely to Christ, and not to the
Virgin Mary, or the saints.
” King Henry VIII. being informed of this, took him into his favour, and promoted
him to the archbishopric of Dublin, to which he was consecrated March 19, 1534-5, by Cranmer, archbishop of
Canterbury, assisted by the bishops of Rochester and Salisbury. A few months after his arrival in Ireland, the
lord privy-seal, Cromwell, signified to him that his majesty having renounced the Papal supremacy in England,
it was his highness’ s pleasure that his subjects of Ireland
should obey his commands in that respect as in England,
and nominated him one of the commissioners for the execution thereof. On November 28, 1535, he acquainted
the lord Cromwell with his success; telling him that he
had “endeavoured, almost to the danger and hazard of
his life, to procure the nobility and gentry of the Irish
nation to due obedience, in owning the king their supreme
head, as-well spiritual as temporal.
” In the parliament
which met at Dublin, May l, 1536, he was very instrumental in having the Act for the king’s supremacy over
the church of Ireland passed; but he met with many obstacles in the execution of it; and the court of Rome used
every effort to prevent any alterations in Ireland with regard
to religious matters; for this purpose the pope sent over a
bull of excommunication against all such as had ownedj or
should own, the king’s supremacy within that kingdom, and
the form of an oath of obedience to be taken to his holiness,
at confessions. Endeavours were even used to raise a rebellion there; for one Thady é Birne, a Franciscan friar,
being seized by archbishop Browne’s order, letters were
found about him, from the pope and cardinals to O'Neal;
in which, after commending his own and his father’s faithfulness to the church of Rome, he was exhorted “for the
glory of the mother church, the honour of St. Peter, and
his own security, to suppress heresie, and his holiness’s
” And the council of cardinals thought fit to encourage his country, as a sacred island, being certain
while mother church had a son of worth as himself, and
those that should succour him and join therein, she would
never fall, but have more or less a holding in Britain in
spite of fate. In pursuance of this letter, O'Neal began
to declare himself the champion of Popery; and having
entered into a confederacy with others, they jointly invaded the Pale, and committed several ravages, but were
soon after quelled. About the time that king Henry VIII.
began to suppress the monasteries in England and Ireland,
archbishop Browne completed his design of removing all
superstitious reliques and images out of the two cathedrals
of St. Patrick’s and the Holy Trinity, in Dublin, and out
of the rest of the churches within his diocese, and in their
room placed the Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, and the Ten
Commandments in gold letters. And in 1541, the king
having converted the priory of the Holy Trinity into a
cathedral church, consisting of a dean and chapter, our
archbishop founded three prebends in the same in 1544,
namely, St. Michael’s, St. John’s, and St. Michan’s, from
which time it has generally been known by the name of
Christ-church. King Edward VI. having caused the Liturgy to be published in English, sent an order to sir Anthony St. Leger, governor of Ireland, dated February 6,
1550-1, to notify to all the clergy of that kingdom, that
they should use this book in all their churches, and the
Bible in the vulgar tongue. When sir Anthony imparted
this order to the clergy (on the 1st of March), it was vehemently opposed by the Popish party, especially by
George Dowdall, primate of Armagh, but archbishop
Browne received it with the utmost satisfaction; and on
Easter-day following the Liturgy was read, for the first time
within Ireland, in Christ -church, Dublin, in presence of the
mayor and bailiffs of that city, the lord deputy St. Leger,
archbishop Browne, &c. On this occasion the archbishop
preached a sermon against keeping the Scriptures in the
Latin tongue, and the worship of images, which is printed
at the end of his life, and is the only part of his writings
extant, except the letters mentioned above . But Dowdall, in consequence of his violent and unseasonable opposition to the king’s order, was deprived of the title of
primate of all Ireland, which, by letters patent bearing
date the 20th of October, 1551, was conferred on archbishop Browne, and his successors in the see of Dublin
for ever. However, he did not long enjoy this dignity,
for he was deprived both of it and his archbishopric in
1*554, the first of queen Mary I. under pretence that he
was married, but in truth because he had zealously promoted the Reformation; and archbishop Dowdall, who had
lived in exile during part of the reign of king Edward VI.
recovered the title of primate, and also the archbishopric
of Armagh, which had been given to Hugh Goodacre.
While archbishop Browne enjoyed the see of Dublin, the
cathedral of St. Patrick’s was suppressed for about the
space of eight years; but queen Mary restored it to its
ancient dignity, towards the end of the year 1554. The
exact time of archbishop Browne’s death is not recorded;
only we are told that he died about the year 1556. He
was a man, says Usher, of a cheerful countenance; meek
and peaceable: in his acts and deeds plain and downright;
of good parts, and very stirring in what he judged to be
for the interest of religion, or the service of his king; merciful and compassionate to the poor and miserable; and
adorned with every good and valuable qualification.
the son of David Bruce, esq. of Kinnaird, by Marion Graham, daughter of James Graham, esq. of Airth, dean of the faculty of advocates, and judge of the high court of
, a celebrated modern traveller, descended of an ancient and honourable family, was the son of David Bruce, esq. of Kinnaird, by Marion Graham, daughter of James Graham, esq. of Airth, dean of the faculty of advocates, and judge of the high court of admiralty in Scotland. He was born at the family residence of Kinnaird, in the county of Stirling, Dec. 14, 1730. Of his first years few particulars are recorded of much consequence, except that his temper, contrary to the character which it afterwards assumed, was gentle and quiet; but as he advanced in life, became bold, hasty, and impetuous, accompanied, however, with a manly openness, that shewed the usual concomitant, a warm and generous heart. It having been determined to give him an English education, he was sent to London to the house of William Hamilton, esq. a barrister, and his uncle, with whom he remained for some time, and in 1742 he was placed at Harrow school, where he made great proficiency in classical learning. After leaving Harrow in May 1746, he lived about a year in the academy of a Mr. Gordon till April 1747, where he prosecuted his classical education, and studied French, arithmetic, and geometry. In May of that year he returned to Scotland in order to commence a course of study at the university of Edinburgh, preparatory to his following the profession of the law; but it does not appear that he made much progress, or indeed had much inclination for this study, and the precarious state of his health at this time rendered much study of any kind dangerous. His own expectations of success in the law became gradually abated, and various other circumstances determined him to relinquish it for ever.
in that university by John Major, or Mair, a professor in St. Saviour’s college, and assessor to the dean, of Arts, whom he soon after accompanied to Paris. After struggling
, a Scottish historian, and Latin poet, of great eminence, and uncommon abilities and
learning, was descended from an ancient family, and was
born at Killairn, in the shire of Lenox, in Scotland, in the
month of February 1506. His father died of the stone in
the prime of life, whilst his grandfather was yet living; by
whose extravagance the family, which before was but in
low circumstances, was now nearly reduced to the extremity of want. He had, however, the happiness of a very
prudent mother, Agnes, the daughter of James Heriot of
Trabrown, who, though she, was left a widow with five sons
and three daughters, brought them all up in a decent manner, by judicious management. She had a brother, Mr.
James Heriot, who, observing the marks of genius which
young George Buchanan discovered when at school, sent
him to Paris in 1520 for his education. There he closely
applied himself to his studies, and particularly cultivated
his poetical talents but before he had been there quite
two years, the death of his uncle, and his own ill state of
health, and want of money, obliged him to return home.
Having arrived in his native country, he spent almost a
year in endeavouring to re-escablish his health; and in
1523, in order to acquire some knowledge of military affairs, he made a campaign with the French auxiliaries,
who came over into Scotland with John duke of Albany.
But in this new course of life he encountered so many
hardships, that he was confined to his bed by sickness all
the ensuing winter. He had probably much more propensity to his books, than to the sword; for early in the following spring he went to St. Andrews, and attended the
lectures on logic, or rather, as he says, on sophistry, which
were read in that university by John Major, or Mair, a
professor in St. Saviour’s college, and assessor to the dean,
of Arts, whom he soon after accompanied to Paris. After
struggling for about two years with indigence and ill fortune, he was admitted, in 1526, being then not more than
twenty years of age, in the college of St. Barbe, where he
took the degree of B. A. in 1527, and M. A. in 1528, and
in 1529 was chosen procurator nationis, and began then to
teach grammar, which he continued for about three years.
But Gilbert Kennedy, earl of Cassils, a young Scottish
nobleman, being then in France, and happening to fall
into the company of Buchanan, was so delighted with his
wit, and the agreeableness of his manners, that he prevailed upon him to continue with him five years. According to Mackenzie, he acted as a kind of tutor to this young
nobleman; and, during his stay with him, translated Linacre’s Rudiments of grammar out of English into Latin;
which was printed at Paris, by Robert Stephens, in 1533,
and dedicated to the earl of Cassils. He returned to Scotland with that nobleman, whose death happened about two
years after; and Buchanan had then an inclination to return to France: but James V. king of Scotland prevented
him, by appointing him preceptor to his natural son,
James, afterwards the abbot of Kelso, who died in 1548,
and not, as some say, the earl of Murray, regent of that
kingdom. About this time, he wrote a satirical poem
against the Franciscan friars, entitled, “Somnium;
which irritated them to exclaim against him as a heretic.
Their clamours, however, only increased the dislike which
he hud conceived against them on account of their disorderly and licentious lives; and inclined him the more
towards Lutheranism, to which he seems to have had before
no inconsiderable propensity. About the year 1538, the
king having discovered a conspiracy against himself, in
which he suspected that some of the Franciscans were concerned, commanded Buchanan to write a poem against
that order. But he had probably already experienced the
inconveniency of exasperating so formidable a body; for
he only wrote a few verses which were susceptible of a
double interpretation, and he pleased neither party. The
king was dissatisfied, that the satire was not more poignant; and the friars considered it as a heinous offence, to
mention them in any way that was not honourable. But
the king gave Buchanan a second command, to write
against them with more seventy; which he accordingly
did in the poem, entitled, “Franciscanus;
” by which he
pleased the king, and rendered the friars his irreconcileable enemies. He soon found, that the animosity of these
ecclesiastics was of a more durable nature than royal favour: for the king had the meanness to suffer him to feel
the weight of their resentment, though it had been chiefly
excited by obedience to his commands. It was not the
Franciscans only, but the clergy in general, who were incensed against Buchanan: they appear to have made a
common cause of it, and they left no stone unturned till
they had prevailed with the king that he should be tried
for heresy. He was accordingly imprisoned at the beginning of 1539, but found means to make his escape, as he
says himself, out of his chamber-window, while his guards
were asleep. He fled into England, where he found king
Henry the Eighth persecuting both protestants and papists.
Not thinking that kingdom, therefore, a place of safety,
he again went over into France, to which he was the more
inclined because he had there some literary friends, and
was pleased with the politeness of French manners. But
when he came to Paris, he had the mortification to find
there cardinal Beaton, who was his great enemy, and who
appeared there as ambassador from Scotland. Expecting,
therefore, to receive some ill offices from him, if he continued at Paris, he withdrew himself privately to Bourdeaux, at the invitation of Andrew Govea, a learned Portuguese, who was principal of a new college in that city.
Buchanan taught in the public schools there three years; in
which time he composed two tragedies, the one entitled,
“Baptistes, sive Calurania,
” and the other “Jephthes,
” and also translated the Medea and Alcestig
of Euripides. These were all afterwards published;-but
they were originally written in compliance with the rules
of the school, which every year required some new dramatic exhibition; and his view in choosing these subjects
was, to draw off the youth of France as much as possible
from the allegories, which were then greatly in vogue, to
a just imitation of the ancients; in which he succeeded beyond his hopes. During his residence at Bourdeaux, the
emperor Charles V. passed through that city; upon which
Buchanan presented his imperial majesty with an elegant
Latin poem, in which the emperor was highly complimented, and at which he expressed great satisfaction. But
the animosity of cardinal Beaton still pursued our poet:
for that haughty prelate wrote letters to the archbishop of
Bourdeaux, in which he informed him, that Buchanan had
fled his country for heresy; that he had lampooned the
church in most virulent satires; and that if he would put
him to the trial, he would find him a most pestilentious
heretic. Fortunately for Buchanan, these letters fell into
the hands of some of his friends, who found means to prevent their effects: and the state of public affairs in Scotland, in consequence of the death of king James V. gave
the cardinal so much employment, as to prevent any farther prosecution of his rancour against Buchanan.
o be one of the four (Dr. Andrews, bishop of Chichester, Dr. Barlow of Rochester, and Dr. John King, dean of Christ-church, Oxford, being the other three) who were appointed
, an eminent English prelate, was the son of William Buckeridge, by Elizabeth his wife, daughter of Thomas Keblewhyte of Basilden in Berks, son of John Keblewhyte, uncle to sir Thomas White, founder of St. John’s college, Oxford. He was educated in Merchant Taylors’ school, and thence sent to St. John’s college, Oxon, in 1578, where he was chosen fellow, and proceeded, through other degrees, to D. D. in the latter end of 1596. After leaving the university, he became chaplain to Robert earl of Essex, and was rector of North Fambridge in Essex, and of North Kiiworth in Leicestershire, and was afterwards one of archbishop Whitgii't’s chaplains, and made prebendary of Hereford, and of Rochester. In 1604, he was preferred to the archdeaconry of Northampton; and the same year, Nov. 5, was presented by king James to the vicarage of St. Giles’s, Cripplegate, in which he succeeded Dr. Andrews, then made bishop of Chichester. About the same time he was chaplain to the king; was elected president of St. John’s college, 1605, and installed canon of Windsor, April 15, 1606. His eminent abilities in the pulpit were greatly esteemed at court; insomuch that he was chosen to be one of the four (Dr. Andrews, bishop of Chichester, Dr. Barlow of Rochester, and Dr. John King, dean of Christ-church, Oxford, being the other three) who were appointed to preach before the king at Hampton-court in September 1606, in order to bring the two Melvins and other presbyterians of Scotland to a right understanding of the church of England. He took his text out of Romans xiii. 1. and managed the discourse (as archbishop Spotswood, who was present, relates), both soundly and learnedly, to the satisfaction of all the hearers, only it grieved the Scotch ministers to hear the pope and presbytery so often equalled in their opposition to sovereign princes.
mother, Mary, was only daughter of Dr. William Gulston, bishop of Bristol, whose sister Jane married dean Addison, and was mother to the famous Addison. After some years
, esq. a very ingenious but unfortunate writer, was born at St. Thomas, near Exeter,
about 1685, and educated at Christ-church, Oxford. His
father, Gilbert Budgell, D. D. descended of an ancient
family in Devonshire; his mother, Mary, was only
daughter of Dr. William Gulston, bishop of Bristol, whose
sister Jane married dean Addison, and was mother to the
famous Addison. After some years stay in the university,
Mr. Budgell went to London, and was entered of the Inner Temple, in order to study law, for which his father
always intended him; but his inclinations led him more to
study polite literature, and keep company with the genteelest persons in town. During his stay at the Temple,
he contracted a strict intimacy and friendship with Addison, who was first cousin to his mother; and when Addison was appointed secretary to lord Wharton,
lord-lieutenant of Ireland, he offered to make his friend Eustace one of the clerks of his office, which Mr. Budgell
readily accepted. This was in April 1710, when he was
about twenty-five years of age. He had by this time read
the classics, the most reputed historian^ and the best
French, English, and Italian writers, and became concerned with Steele and Addison, not in writing the Tatler,
as has been asserted, but the Spectator, which was begun
in 1711. Ail the papers marked with an X were written
by him, and the whole eighth volume is attributed to Addison and himself, without the assistance of Steele. Several little epigrams and songs, which have a good deal of
wit in them, together with the epilogue to the “Distressed
” which had a greater run than any thing of the
kind before, were also written by Mr. Budgell near this
time; all which, together with the known affection of Addison for him, raised his character so much as to give him
considerable consequence in the literary and political
world. Upon the laying down of the Spectator, the
Guardian was set up; and to this work our author contributed, along with Addison and Steele. In the preface it
is said, that those papers marked with an asterisk were
written by Mr. Budgell.
he first volume, and rewarded with the deanery of Christ-church for his pains; saying, “he hoped Mr. Dean would live a little longer, that he might have the pleasure
It was thought he had some hand in publishing Dr.
Tindal’s “Christianity as old as the Creation,
” for he often
talked of another additional volume on the same subject,
but never published it. However, he used to inquire very
frequently after Dr. Conybeare’s health, who had been
employed by queen Anne to answer the first volume, and
rewarded with the deanery of Christ-church for his pains;
saying, “he hoped Mr. Dean would live a little longer,
that he might have the pleasure of making him a bishop;
for he intended very soon to publish the pther volume of
Tindal, which would certainly do the business.
1699, and was professor of divinity in the university of Besangon from the year 1728; and afterwards dean. He had a surprising memory, and although devoted to controversial
, a learned French writer,
member of the academies of Besanc, on, Lyons, and Dijon,
and a corresponding member of the academy of inscriptions, was born in 1699, and was professor of divinity in
the university of Besangon from the year 1728; and afterwards dean. He had a surprising memory, and although
devoted to controversial -studies, was of a mild and affable
disposition. His works are of two kinds; some turning
on religious matters, and others on literary inquiry. They
are all accurate and solid; but we are not to look in them
for elegance of style. The principal of them are: 1 “History of the establishment of Christianity, taken from Jewish
and Pagan authors alone,
” The existence of God demonstrated by nature,
” 2 vols. 8vo. 3.
“Answer to some objections of unbelievers to the Bible,
3 vols. 12mo. 4. “De apostolica ecclesise Gallicanae origiue,
” Memoirs on the Celtic tongue,
Researches into the history of
” A dissertation on the history of
1674, a “Treatise on the precedence of the Kings of France over those of Spain,” 1764, 4to. He died, dean of the king’s secretaries, in 1710.
, a learned French author, was born
at Rouen in 1615, and succeeded his uncle, as king’s secretary, which office he occupied for fourteen years, at
the end of which he withdrew to study and religious retirement among the Benedictines of St. Maur, with whom
he passed the remainder of his days. His principal works
were “An Essay on the monastic History of the East,
Abridgment of the History of
the Order of St. Benedict, as far as the tenth century,
Translation of the Dialogues of Gregory the Great,
” with notes, Treatise on the
precedence of the Kings of France over those of Spain,
” 1764,
4to. He died, dean of the king’s secretaries, in 1710.
r “who are averse to the author’s religious opinions. Of this latter, we have a striking instance in dean Swift. In his celebrated Letter to a yeung Clergyman he says,”
Of late years many imitations have been attempted, and
many rivals have appeared to Bunyan, but while candour
obliges us to allow, in some instances, the goodness of the
intention, and that they are written in a style which promises to be useful, it is at the same time justice to our
author to say, that they fall very short of his performance
in almost every requisite: in simplicity, in the preservation of the allegorical characters, and in that regular and
uniform progress which conducts the hero through every
scene, and renders every scene and every episode subservient to the main purpose. How well this has been executed, the constant and increasing popularity of the “Pilgrim’s Progress
” is sufficient to demonstrate. What pleases
all, and pleases long, must have extraordinary merit: and
that there is a peculiar fascination about the Pilgrim has
never been denied either by those who do not read to be
instructed, or “who are averse to the author’s religious
opinions. Of this latter, we have a striking instance in
dean Swift. In his celebrated Letter to a yeung Clergyman
he says,
” I have been better entertained, and more informed, by a few pages in the Pilgrim’s Progress, than
by a long discourse upon the will, and the intellect, and
simple and complex ideas." It must be allowed to be no
small merit to have fixed the attention of such a man as
Swift, and to have conciliated the esteem of men of critical
taste, on account of the powers of invention, and the exercise of a rich and fertile imagination.
ul’s cathedral might be opened, and himself appointed lecturer there, with a salary of 400l. and the dean’s house to reside in. Enriched by this and similar advantages,
, D. D. another Nonconformist, but of a very different stamp, was descended from the Burgesses of Batcomb, in Somersetshire. In 1611 he was entered at Oxford, but in what college is uncertain. He translated himself, however, to Wadham, and afterwards to Lincoln. When he took orders, he had the rectory of St. Magnus, London-bridge, the date of which promotion is not mentioned, and the living of Watford, in Hertfordshire, in 1618. In the beginning of Charles the First’s reign he became one of his chaplains in ordinary, and in 1627 took both degrees in divinity, at which time Dr. Prideaux, the regius professor, told him he was a sorry disputant, but might make a good preacher. At this time and for several years after he was a zealous friend to the church of England, but either from being disappointed in certain expected preferments, as Wood insinuates, or from being vexed, as Calamy says, for opposing archbishop Laud’s party, he became a powerful advocate for the principles which soon overthrew church and state; and particularly directed his attacks against the revenues of deans and chapters, and bishops. He procured, however, that St. Paul’s cathedral might be opened, and himself appointed lecturer there, with a salary of 400l. and the dean’s house to reside in. Enriched by this and similar advantages, he not only purchased church lands, but even wrote a book in vindication of such purchases. On the restoration, however, he lost all this plunder, to the amount of many thousand pounds, and died in extreme poverty, June 9, 1665. Calamy, his continuator, and Mr. Neal, find great difficulty in refuting Wood’s account of this Dr. Burgess. Their strongest plea is, that he was against the king’s murder, and drew up the paper signed by the London ministers to prevent that act. At his death, although he had been obliged from poverty to dispose of his library, he left some curious editions of the Prayer-book to the university of Oxford. He wrote some devotional tracts, enumerated by Calamy, and several of the controversial kind.
venteenth and eighteenth centuries, a wit himself, and “the cause of wit in other men,” particularly dean Swift and his contemporaries, was born in 1645 at Staines in
, a dissenting divine of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, a wit himself, and “the
cause of wit in other men,
” particularly dean Swift and
his contemporaries, was born in 1645 at Staines in Middlesex, where his father then was minister, but was afterwards, at the restoration, ejected for nonconformity from
the living of Collingbourne Ducis, in Wiltshire. Daniel
was educated at Westminster school, and in 1660 went to
Magdalen-hall, Oxford, but having some scruples of the
nonconformist stamp, he left the university without a
degree. It would appear, however, that he had taken orders, as we are told that immediately after he was invited
to be chaplain to a gentleman of Chute in Wiltshire, and
afterwards to a Mr. Smith of Tedworth, where he was
tutor to that gentleman’s son. In 1667, the earl of Orrery,
lord president of Munster, took Mr. Burgess over to Ireland, and appointed him master of a school which he had
established at Charleville for the purpose of strengthening
the protestant interest in that kingdom, and Mr. Burgess,
while here, superintended the education of the sons of
some of the Irish nobility and gentry. After leaving this
school, he was chaplain to lady Mervin, near Dublin; but
about this time, we are told, he was ordained in Dublin as
a presbyterian minister, and married a Mrs. Briscoe in that
city, by whom he had a son and two daughters.
day or two before ordination, he submitted all those whom he had accepted to the examination of the dean and prebendaries. As the qualification of clergymen for the
As he had always looked upon Confirmation as the likeliest means of reviving a spirit of Christianity, he wrote a
short “Directory,
” for preparing the youth upon such
occasions, and sent copies of it, some months beforehand, to the minister of every parish where he intended to
confirm. Every summer, he made a tour, for six weeks
or two months, through some district of his bishopric, daily
preaching and confirming from church to church, so as, in
the compass of three years (besides his triennial visitation),
to go through all the principal livings of his diocese. In
these circuits he entertained all the clergy that attended
upon him, at his own expence, and held conferences with
them upon the chief heads of divinity. During his residence at Salisbury, he constantly preached a Thursday’s
lecture, founded at St. Thomas’s church: he likewise
preached and confirmed, every Sunday morning, in some
church of that city, or of the neighbourhood round about
it; and, in the evening, he had a lecture in his own
chapel, wherein he explained some portion of scripture.
Every week, during the season of Lent, he catechised the
youth of the two great schools in the cathedral church, and
instructed them in order for confirmation. He
endeavoured, as much as possible, to reform the abuses of the bishop’s
consistorial court.' No part of the episcopal office was
more strictly attended to by him, than the examination of
candidates for holy orders. He examined them himself
as to the proofs of the Christian religion, the authority of
the scriptures, and the nature of the gospel covenant; and,
a day or two before ordination, he submitted all those whom
he had accepted to the examination of the dean and prebendaries. As the qualification of clergymen for the pastoral care was always uppermost in his thoughts, he instituted at Salisbury a little nursery of students in divinity,
being ten in number, to each of whom he allowed a salary
of thirty pounds a year. Once every day he examined their
progress in learning, and gave them a lecture on some
speculative or practical point of divinity, or some part of
the pastoral function. But this foundation being considered as reflecting upon the method of education at the
universities, he was prevailed upon, after some years, to
lay it wholly aside. He was a warm and constant enemy
to pluralities, where non-residence was the consequence of
them, and in some cases hazarded a suspension, rather
than give institution. In the point of residence, he was
so strict, that he immediately dismissed his own chaplains,
upon their preferment to a cure of souls. He exerted the
principle of toleration, which was deeply rooted in him, in
favour of a nonjuring meeting-house at Salisbury, which
he obtained the royal permission to conAive at; and this
spirit of moderation brought over several dissenting families
of his diocese to the commnnion of the church.
pulous attendance on public worship. Mr. Burnet' s first lady was a daughter of Dr. George Stanhope, dean of Canterbury, and was a woman equally distinguished for her
, eldest son of the preceding, was
educated privately at first, and when perfected in the
learned languages, was removed to the university of Cambridge, where he was admitted a gentleman commoner of
Trinity college. In 1706 he was sent with his two younger
brothers abroad, to finish his studies at Leyden; from
whence he appears to have made a tour through Germany,
Switzerland, and Italy. By his own choice he was bred
to the law; but it is uncertain whether he practised at the
bar. In 1720 he was one of the unhappy persons who
suffered greatly in the infatuation of the South-Sea scheme.
He had, however, a place in the revenue, of twelve hundred pounds a year; but, being desirous of retrieving his
fortune, he quitted that post, and was appointed governor
of New York and the Jerseys. In this station his conduct
in general was very acceptable to those colonies, and approved of in England. After the accession of king George
the Second, in order to provide for a gentleman who was
understood to be in particular esteem with his majesty,
Mr. Burnet was removed from the governments of New
York and the Jerseys to those of the Massachusets and
New Hampshire. This change was highly disagreeable,
and he considered it as a great hardship to be obliged to
part with posts that were very profitable, for such. as would
afford him, at best, only a decent support; and to leave
an easy administration for one which he foresaw would be
extremely troublesome. Of this he complained to his
friends, and it had a visible effect upon his spirits. On the
13th of July, 1728, he arrived at Boston, and was received
with unusual pomp. Having been instructed from England to insist on a fixed salary’s being settled upon him as
governor, he adhered to his instructions with such unabated
vigour and perseverance, as involved him in the warmest
disputes with the general assembly of the province. A
large detail of these contests may be seen in Mr. Hutchinson’s History of Massachusets’ Bay, from which Mr. Burnet’s abilities, firmness, and spirit will appear in a striking
light. Being deprived of his salary, by refusing to receive
it in the mode proposed by the assembly, and having by
that means been driven to such straits as obliged him to
apply to the assistance of his friends for the support of his
family, he thought he might be justified in establishing a
fee and perquisite which had never been known in the
province before. At New York, all vessels took from the
governor a pass, or permission for sailing out of the harbour, which, though it had no foundation in law, was submitted to without complaint. The same disposition did
not prevail in the inhabitants of Boston. The fee which
Mr. Burnet imposed on the ships, for their passes, being
complained of to the king and council as illegal and oppressive, it was immediately disapproved. In all other
respects his administration was unexceptionable, but this
controversy with the general assembly made a great impression upon his mind. In the latter end of August, 1729,
he was seized, at Boston, with a fever, which carried him
off on the 7th of September, and the assembly ordered
him a very honourable funeral at the public expence.
Though he had been steady and inflexible in his adherence
to his instructions, he discovered nothing of a grasping
avaricious temper. His superior talents, and free and
easy manner of communicating his sentiments, rendered
him the delight of men of sense and learning; and his
right of precedence in all companies, facilitated his natural
disposition to take a great lead in conversation. His own
account of his genius was, that it was late before it budded;
and that, until he was nearly twenty years of age, his father despaired of his ever making any figure in life. This,
perhaps, might proceed from the exact discipline of the
bishop’s family, not calculated alike for every temper. To
long and frequent religious services at home in his youth,
Mr. Burnet would sometimes pleasantly attribute his indisposition to a scrupulous attendance on public worship.
Mr. Burnet' s first lady was a daughter of Dr. George Stanhope, dean of Canterbury, and was a woman equally distinguished for her beauty, wit, good-humour, singing, and
various accomplishments. Her sense will appear from the
following anecdote: When she was dying, being worn
out with a long and painful sickness, as they rubbed her
temples with Hungary water, in her last faintings, she
begged them not to do it, for “that it would make her
hair gray.
” Mr. William Burnet was the author of a tract
entitled “A View of Scripture Prophecy.
d Lectorem,” prefixed to Dr. Cumberland’s treatise “De Legibus Naturae.” After Dr. Burton’s decease, dean Tillotson published two volumes of his discourses, which reflect
, a divine of distinguished abilities, was educated in Magdalen college, Cambridge, of
which he became a fellow, and where he was an eminent
tutor. He was ordained priest by bishop Sanderson; and,
in 1667, was appointed chaplain to lord keeper Bridgeman, by whom he was presented to a prebend of Norwich,
and to the rectory of St. George’s in Southwark. In 1668,
he was engaged, with Dr. Stiliingfleet and Dr. Tillotson,
in the treaty proposed by sir Orlando Bridgeman, and
countenanced by lord chief baron Hale, for a comprehension;vith the Dissenters. About a year before his death,
Oct. 19, 1680, Dr. Burton, by the interest of his friend
Tillotson with the Chapter of St. Paul’s, obtained the rectory of Barnes in Surry, at which place he died, of a malignant fever, in 1681. The only thing of his that appeared during his life, was the short “Alloquium ad Lectorem,
” prefixed to Dr. Cumberland’s treatise “De Legibus Naturae.
” After Dr. Burton’s decease, dean Tillotson published two volumes of his discourses, which reflect
great credit on his memory, from the piety and just sentiments they abound with on the nature and end of religion.
egree of B. D. in 16 14, and was in that year admitted to the reading of the sentences. In 1616, the dean and chapter of Christ church presented him to the Vicarage of
, author of the “Anatomy of Melancholy,
” the younger brother of William Burton, the
antiquary, the subject of the next article but one, was born
at Lindley, Feb. 8, 1576, and had his grammatical education
at Sutton-Colfield; after which, in 1593, he was admitted
a commoner of Brazen-nose college, and elected a student
of Christ church, in 1599, under the tuition (though only for form’s sake) of Dr. John Bancroft, afterwards bishop of
Oxford. He took the degree of B. D. in 16 14, and was
in that year admitted to the reading of the sentences. In
1616, the dean and chapter of Christ church presented
him to the Vicarage of St. Thomas in Oxford, in which
parish he always gave the sacrament in wafers; and George
lord Berkeley bestowed upon him the rectory of Segrave
in Leicestershire. Both these preferments he held till his
decease, which happened at Christ church, January 25,
1639—4O. He was a curious calculator of nativities, and
among others, of his own; and the time of his death answering exactly to his own predictions, it was whispered in the
college, that (to use Anthony Wood’s language), rather
than there should be any mistake in the calculation, he
sent up his soul to heaven through a slip about his neck; but
for this insinuation there appears little foundation. He was
a general scholar and severe student, of a melancholy yet
humourous disposition, and appears to have been a man of
extensive learning, which his memory enabled him to produce upon every subject. In his moral character, he was a
man of great integrity, plain-dealing, and chanty. He
was principally known as the author of a very celebrated
and popular work, entitled “The Anatomy of Melancholy,
published first in quarto, and which afterwards went through
several editions in folio, so that the bookseller acquired an
estate by it. This book was compiled by our learned writer
with a view of relieving his own melancholy; but it encreased to such a degree, that nothing could divert him
but going to the bridge foot, and hearing the ribaldry of
the bargemen, which seldom failed to throw him into a
violent fit of laughter. In the intervals of his vapours, he
was one of the most facetious companions in the university.
The “Anatomy of Melancholy
” is for the greater part a
cento, though a very ingenious one. The quotations,
which abound in every page, are pertinent; but if the
author had made freer use of his invention, and less of his
common -place book, his work, perhaps, would have been
more valuable. However, he generally avoids the affected
language, and ridiculous metaphors, which were common
in that age. On Mr. Burton’s monument in Christ church
is his bust, with his nativity, and this description by himself, put up by his brother: “Faucis notus, paucioribus
ignotus, hie jacet Democritusjunior, cui vitam dedit et mortem Melancholia. Obiit viii. Id. Jan. A. C. MDCXXXIX.
He left behind him a choice collection of books, many of
which he bequeathed to the Bodleian library, and that of
Brazen-nose college. He left also a hundred pounds, for
a fund to purchase five pounds’ worth of books, every year,
for the library of Christ church.
of Westminster in the second stall, in September 1609, which he resigned the latter end of 1625; and dean of Ely in 1614. He died at Ely the 27th of June, 1636, aged
Besides sir Julius, Cæsar Adelmar had two sons that were eminent in their way. His second son, sir Thomas Cæsar, was one of the barons of the exchequer. And his third son, Henry Cæsar, educated in Baliol college, and St Edmund Hall, Oxon, became prebendary of Westminster in the second stall, in September 1609, which he resigned the latter end of 1625; and dean of Ely in 1614. He died at Ely the 27th of June, 1636, aged seventytwo, and was buried on the north side of the presbytery of the cathedral. He founded two scholarships and two fellowships in Jesus college, Cambridge, to be elected from the king’s free-school at Ely, and gave a noble benefaction to the choir. &c. of Ely cathedral, but his nephew and executor having been prevailed upon to lend the principal money of these benefactions, the whole was lost both to the cathedral and the college.
e of St. Lawrence Jewry, with St. Mary Magdalen Milk-street annexed, to which he was collated by the dean and chapter of St. Paul’s, in the room of Dr. Benjamin Whichcot.
, an eminent divine of the church
of England, was the son of Mr. Edmund Calamy, minister
of Aldermanbury before-mentioned, by a second wife, and
received the first tincture of learning at St. Paul’s school,
from whence he was sent, when very young, to the university of Cambridge, and there entered of Catherine-hall.
In 1664-5, he took the degree of bachelor of arts; in
1668, that of master of arts, and became also fellow of that
hall, and a very eminent tutor there. April 25, 1677, he
was chosen in the room of Dr. Simon Ford, minister of St.
Mary Aldermanbury; and soon after appointed one of his
majesty’s chaplains in ordinary. In 1680, he took his degree of doctor in divinity. In 1683, he preached in that
church his famous sermon, which he afterwards published
under the title of “A Discourse about a Scrupulous Conscience,
” than which no piece of its kind or size gamed
more credit to its author, or was more taken notice of by
the public. This sermon he preached a second time at
Bow church with great effect, and this excited a zealous
nonconformist, one Mr. Thomas De Laune, who had been
formerly a schoolmaster, to write against it; which he did
in such a manner as drew upon him a fatal imprisonment,
which he endeavoured by all means to ascribe to Dr. Calamy, though his complaints on this head had little or no
foundation. In 1683, Dr. Calamy was admitted to the
vicarage of St. Lawrence Jewry, with St. Mary Magdalen
Milk-street annexed, to which he was collated by the dean
and chapter of St. Paul’s, in the room of Dr. Benjamin
Whichcot. June 18, 1685, he was, on the decease of Dr.
John Wells, installed into the prebend of Harleston, in the
cathedral church of St. Paul. These preferments are
abundant proofs of his merit, and of his great interest in
the city of London, which he maintained, not by attaching
himself to any party, but by living in great intimacy with
the best men of all parties. He was particularly acquainted
with alderman Cornish, who was his parishioner, and for
whom he had so great a respect, that he gave testimony in
his favour when he was tried for high-treason, October 16,
1685, which was no ordinary mark of friendship in those
times. It is thought, that a sense of public calamities had
a great share in bringing his last illness upon our author,
who fell into a declining state in the autumn of the year
last mentioned, and died of a pleuritic fever in the month
of January 1686. He was a man equally valuable for the
abilities which he possessed, and the uses to which he
applied them. He was a sincere son of the church of England, and very intent on gaining over dissenters of all sorts
to her communion; and had an extensive charity, and a
just aversion to persecution. He was heartily loyal, but
without bitterness or passion; and his loyalty occasioned
his grief, when he saw those steps taken which could end
in nothing but public confusion. His own virtues, however, exempted him in a great measure from envy and
scandal, even in the worst of times; insomuch, that the
greatest men of all sects and all parties readily joined in
paying a just tribute of praise to his memory. Though
few in his situation were either better or more frequent
preachers, yet he left behind him very little in print. Some
sermons of his were after his decease, published by his
brother, which served only to raise a great regret in the
world, as that so many more of his excellent performances
were buried in oblivion. His sermons are still valued as
well for the beauty of their language as the excellent sentiments contained in them.
, and in queen Mary’s reign were dug up and buried in the dunghill near the stables belonging to the dean; but on the accession of queen Elizabeth, an order was given
, a learned divine of
the sixteenth century, otherwise named Calfield, Cawfield,
Chalfhill, or Calfed, was born in Shropshire, in 1530.
Strype, however, says he was a Scotchman, and cousin to
Toby Malhew, afterwards archbishop of York. He received his education at Eton school, and from thence was
sent, in 1545, to King’s college in Cambridge, from which
he was removed, with many Other Cambridge men, in 1548,
to Christ Church in Oxford, newly founded by king Henry
VIII. Here be shewed himself to be a person of quick
wit and great capacity; being an excellent poet and author of a tragedy, with other theatrical performances. In
1549, he took his degree of bachelor of arts; and that of
master in 1552, being junior of the act celebrated in St.
Mary’s church, July 18. He was made, in 1560, canon of
the second canonry in Christ Church cathedral, Oxon; and,
On the 12th of December 1561, took the degree of bachelor
of divinity. In 1562 he was proctor for the clergy of London and the chapter of Oxford in the convocation that
made the XXXIX Articles and on the 16th of May, the
same year, was admitted to the rectory of St. Andrew
Wardrobe, London. The 4th of October following, he
was presented by the crown to the prebend of St. Pancras,
in the cathedral church of St. Paul; and May 4, 1565, was
collated by Matthew Parker, archbishop of Canterbury, to
the rectory of Booking, in Essex; and on July 16th following, to the archdeaconry of Colchester in Essex, by
Edmund Grindal, bishop of London. The same year, December 17th, he took the degree of doctor in divinity. In
1568, he preached two sermpns in Bristol cathedral, on purpose to confute Dr. Cheney, who held that see in commendam, and who had spoken disrespectfully of certain opinions of Luther and Calvin. In 1569 he made application
to secretary Cecil, chancellor of the university of Cambridge, for the provostship of king’s college, but Dr.
Goad’s interest prevailed. Upon the translation of.Dr. Edwin Sandys from the bishopric of Worcester to that of
London in 1570, Dr. Calfhiil was nominated by queen
Elizabeth to succeed him 3 but before his consecration he
died, about the beginning of August (having a little before resigned his canonry of Christ Church, and rectory of St. Andrew Wardrobe), and was buried in the chancel of
Bocking church. His works were, 1. “Querela Oxoniensis Academise ad Cantabrigiam,
” Lond. Historia de exhumatione Catherines nuper
uxoris Pet. Martyris;
” or, The History of the digging up
the body of Catherine late wife of Peter Martyr, Lond.
1562, 8vo. The remains of this lady had been deposited
in the cathedral of Christ Church, near to the relics of St.
Frideswide, and in queen Mary’s reign were dug up and
buried in the dunghill near the stables belonging to the
dean; but on the accession of queen Elizabeth, an order
was given to replace them with suitable solemnity. This
order our author partly executed, and the remains of
Martyr’s wife were on this occasion purposely mixed with
those of St. Frideswide, that the superstitious worshippers
of the latter might never be able to distinguish or separate
them. 3. Answer to John Martiall’s “Treatise of the Cross,
gathered out of the Scriptures, Councils, and ancient Fathers of the primitive Church,
” Lond. Progne,
” a tragedy, in Latin; whichprobably was never
printed. It was acted before que^n Elizabeth at Oxford
in 1566, in Christ Church hall; but, says Wood, “it did
not take half so well as the much admired play of Palsemon
and Arcyte,
” written by Edwards. 5. “Poemata varia.
As to his character, we are informed, that he was in his
younger days a noted poet and comedian and in his elder,
an exact disputant, and had an excellent faculty in speaking and preaching. One who had heard him preach, gives
this account of him: “His excellent tongue, and rhetorical tale, tilled with good and wholesome doctrine, so
ravished the minds of the hearers, that they were all in
admiration of his eloquence.
” One John Calfhill, chaplain to Dr. Matthew, archbishop of York, a prebendary of
Durham, &c. who died in 1619, was probably son to our
e the tour of great part of England; and in 1575, by the interest of his friend Dr. Gabriel Goodman, dean of Westnii nster, he obtained the place of second master of
Upon leaving the university, he seems to have made the
tour of great part of England; and in 1575, by the interest of his friend Dr. Gabriel Goodman, dean of Westnii nster, he obtained the place of second master of Westminster school. The little leisure he could spare from this
important charge he devoted to his favourite study. He
was not content with pursuing it in his closet, but made
excursions over the kingdom every vacation. In 1582, for
example, he took a journey through Suffolk into Yorkshire, and returned by Lancaster. When at home he
searched into the manuscript collections of our own writers, and the published writings of foreigners respecting
us. At this time too, he meditated his great work, the
” and as his reputation engaged him in an extensive correspondence both at home and abroad, Ortelius, whom he terms the great restorer of geography, happening to come over into England, applied himself to Mr.
Camden for information respecting this country. His solicitations, and the regard our author had for his native
country, prevailed on him to improve and digest the collections, which he seems to have made at first only for private satisfaction and curiosity. He entered upon this task
with every difficulty and disadvantage. It was a new
science, which was to amuse and inform an age which had
just began to recover itself from the heat and perplexity of
philosophy and school divinity. The study of geography
had been first attended to in Italy for the facilitating the
reading of Roman history. The names of places there, and
even in the rest of Europe, where the Romans had so long
kept possession, were not greatly altered; but in Britain,
which they subdued so late, and held so precariously, a
great degree of obscurity prevailed. The Roman orthography and terminations had obscured in some instances
the British names; but the Saxons, who succeeded the
Romans here, as they gained a firmer possession, made an
almost total change in these as in every thing else. Upon
their expulsion by the Normans, their language ceased to
be a living one, while that of the Britons was preserved in
a corner of the island. Very soon after the coiiquesj there
were few who could read the Saxon characters. In tracing
the Roman geography of Britain, Mr. Camden might he
assisted by Ptolemy, Antoninus’s Itinerary, and the Notitia; but before he could become acquainted with the
Saxon geography, it was necessary for him to make himself master of a language which had ceased for above 400
years. The few written remains of it were almost divided
between three collections; that of archbishop Parker, now
at Bene't college, Cambridge; that of archbishop Laud,
now at Oxford; and that of sir Robert Cotton, now in the
British Museum.
learned men, who were to be employed in writing against popery, on a plan proposed by Dr. Sutcliffe, dean of Westminster, consisting of a dean or provost, seventeen fellows
Not, however, to neglect the leisure he now enjoyed, he
began in 1608 to digest the matter which he had been
years collecting towards a history of the reign of queen
Elizabeth, to which he had been first incited by his old
patron the lord treasurer in 1597, ten years before, and
solicited by other great personages. But the death of
Burleigh next year, the queen’s decease soon after, and
the difficulty of the task, obliged him to defer it. While he
was meditating this great work, he was seized on his birthday, 1609, with a dangerous illness, and the plague breaking out in his neighbourhood, he was removed to his friend
Heather’s house, and by the care of his physician Dr. Giffard, he, though slowly, recovered his health, retired to
Chiselhurst Aug. 15 of that year, and returned Oct. 23.
This year upon the passing of the act to erect a college at
Chelsea, for a certain number of learned men, who were
to be employed in writing against popery, on a plan proposed by Dr. Sutcliffe, dean of Westminster, consisting of
a dean or provost, seventeen fellows and two historians,
Mr. Camden was appointed one of the latter. But this
design failing, as we have more than once had occasion to
notice, he received from it only the honour of being
thought qualified to fill such a department. From this time
his history of Elizabeth employed his whole attention, and
when the first part was ready, which reached to the year
1589, he obtained the king’s warrant to sir Robert Cotton
and himself to print and publish it. It was accordingly
published in 1615, folio, under the title of “Annales
rerum Anglicarum et Hibernicarum regnante Elizabetha ad
ann. salutis 1589,
” Lond.
of gift by the hands of his friend Mr. William Heather, dated March 5, 1621-2. On May 17, Dr. Piers, dean of Peterborough, and vice-chancellor of the university, declared
On the last day of August the same year, he was seized with a return of his old disorder, but happily recovered. This, added to his advanced age, determined him to put in execution his intention of founding an history lecture at Oxford. Accordingly in May 1622, he sent down his deed of gift by the hands of his friend Mr. William Heather, dated March 5, 1621-2. On May 17, Dr. Piers, dean of Peterborough, and vice-chancellor of the university, declared the foundation in full convocation, and its endowment with the manor of Bexley in Kent, which he had bought of sir Henry Spihnan, jeweller to James I.; the rents and profits of which, valued at about 400l. per annum, were to be enjoyed by Mr. Heather, his heirs and executors, for ninety-nine years from the death of Mr. Camden, the said Mr. Heather paying the professor of this new foundation 140l. per annum; and at the expiration of the said term the whole to be vested in the university. They expressed their acknowledgments in a letter of thanks, and conferred the degree of doctor of music on Mr. Heather, organist of the chapel royal, and on Mr. Orlando Gibbons, another of Mr. Camden’s intimate acquaintance. In return for this compliment, Mr. Heather founded a music lecture at Oxford, and endowed it with the annual revenue of 16l. 6s. Sd. Mr. Camden himself, at the recommendation of his friend Thomas Allen, appointed his first professor Degory Wheare, A. M. fellow of Exeter college, assigned him 20l. for the first year, 40l. for the second, and after the third he was to enjoy the full stipend. Thus Camden fulfilled the vow with which he closes his Britannia, to dedicate some votive tablet to God and antiquity.
his successor. But notwithstanding this disposition of his books and papers, Dr. John Williams, then dean of Westminster, and bishop of Lincoln, afterwards archbishop
In his last testament, after a devout introduction, and bequeathing eight pounds to the poor of the parish in which
he should happen to die, he bequeaths to sir Fulke Grevile,
lord Brooke, who preferred him gratis to his office, a piece
of plate of ten pounds; to the company of painter stainers
of London, he gave sixteen pounds to buy them a piece of
plate, upon which he directed this inscription, “Gul. Camdenus Clarenceux filius Sampsonjs, Pictoris Londinensis,
dono dedit;
” he bestowed the sum of twelve pounds on the
company of cordwainers, or shoemakers of London, to
purchase them a piece of plate, on which the same inscription was to be engraved. Then follow the legacies to his
private friends. As to his books and papers, he directs
that sir Robert Cotton of Conington, should take out such
as he had borrowed of him, and then he bequeaths to him
all his printed books and manuscripts, excepting such as
concern arms and heraldry, which, with his ancient seals,
he bequeaths to his successor in the office of Clarenceux,
provided, because they cost him a considerable sum of
money, he gave to his cousin John Wyat, what the kings
at arms Garter and Norroy for the time being should
think fit, and agreed also to leave them to his successor.
But notwithstanding this disposition of his books and papers,
Dr. John Williams, then dean of Westminster, and bishop
of Lincoln, afterwards archbishop of York, procured all
the printed books for the new library erected in the church
of Westminster. It is understood, that his collections in
support of his History, with respect to civil affairs, were
before this time deposited in the Cotton library; for as to
those that related to ecclesiastical matters, when asked for
them by Dr. Goodman, son to his great benefactor, he declared he stood engaged to Dr. Bancroft, archbishop of Canterbury. They came afterwards to archbishop Laud, and are
supposed to have been destroyed when his papers fell into the
hands of Mr. Prynne, Mr. Scot, and Hugh Peters; for upon
a diligent search made by Dr. Sancroft, soon after his promotion to that see, there was not a line of them to be found,
as we have already mentioned. His body was removed to
his house in London, and on the 19th of November, carried
in great pomp to Westminster abbey, and after a sermon
preached by Dr. Christopher Sutton, was deposited in the
south aile, near the learned Casaubon, and over against
Chaucer. Near the spot was erected a handsome monument of white marble, with an inscription, erroneous as to
his age, which is stated to be seventy-four, whereas he
wanted almost six months of seventy-three. At Oxford,
Zouch Townley, of Christ Church, who was esteemed a
perfect master of the Latin tongue in all its purity and elegance, was appointed to pronounce his funeral oration in
public, which is printed by Dr. Smith. The verses written
on his death were collected and printed in a thin quarto,
entitled “Insignia Camdeni,
” Ox.
, Rutgersius, Schottus, Sweertius, Liinier, with many others of inferior note. Among his countrymen, dean Goodman and his brother, lord Burleigh, sir Robert Cotton, Dr.
Carnden’s personal character is drawn by bishop Gibson
in few words: that he was “easy and innocent in his conversation, and in his whole life even and exemplary.
” We
have seen him unruffled by the attacks of envy, which his merit and good fortune drew upon him. He seems to have studied that tranquillity of temper which the love of letters generally superinduces, and to which one may, perhaps, rationally ascribe his extended life. The point of view in
which we are to set him, is as a writer; and here he stands
foremost among British antiquaries. Varro, Strabo, and
Pausanias, among the ancients, fall short in the comparison; and however we may be obliged to the two latter for
their descriptions of the world, or a small portion of it, Camden’s description of Britain must be allowed the pre-eminence, even though we should admit that Leland marked
out the plan, of which he filled up the outlines. A crowd
of contemporaries, all admirable judges of literary merit,
and his correspondents, bear testimony to his merit. Among
these may be reckoned Ortelius, Lipsius, Scaliger, Casaubon, Merula, De Thou, Du Chesne, Peiresc, Bignon,
Jaque Godefre, Gruter, Hottoman, Du Laet, Chytraeus,
Gevartius, Lindenbrogius, Mercator, Pontanus, Du Puy,
Rutgersius, Schottus, Sweertius, Liinier, with many others
of inferior note. Among his countrymen, dean Goodman
and his brother, lord Burleigh, sir Robert Cotton, Dr.
(afterwards archbishop) Usher, sir Philip Sidney, and archbishop Parker, were the patrons of his literary pursuits, as
the first two had befriended him in earliest life: and if
to these we add the names of Allen, Carleton, Saville,
Stradling, Carew, Johnston, Lambarde, Mathews, Spelroan, Twyne, Wheare, Owen, Spenser, Stowe, Thomas
James, Henry Parry, afterwards bishop of Worcester,
Miles Smith, afterwards bishop of Gloucester, Richard
Hackluyt, Henry Cuff, Albericus Gentilis, John Hanmer,
sir William Beecher, Dr. Budden, Dr. Case, sir Christopher Hey don, bishop Godwin, Richard Parker, Thomas
Ryves, besides others whose assistance he acknowledges
in the course of his Britannia, we shall find no inconsiderable bede-roll of associates, every one of them more or
less eminent in the very study in which they assisted Mr.
Camden, or were assisted by him.
ate inheritor of his father’s fame. In 1592, he founded a medical college, of which he was appointed dean or president, and continued to direct its affairs for the remainder
, son of the preceding, was
born at Nuremberg, in 1534, and there first educated.
As his mind was early turned to the study of botany and
medicine, with the view of improving himself he visited
the principal seminaries in Germany, and thence went to
Padua, and afterwards to Bologna, where he took the degree
of doctor in 1562. Two years after he returned to Nuremberg, and by his superior skill and ability, seemed the
legitimate inheritor of his father’s fame. In 1592, he
founded a medical college, of which he was appointed dean
or president, and continued to direct its affairs for the remainder of his life. He formed an extensive garden, stored
with the choicest plants, the cultivation of which he superintended with great assiduity, and assisted the landgrave of Hesse in forming a botanical garden; and with a
view of disseminating the knowledge of plants, he purchased the collections of Gesner and Wolfe, which he
methodised, and corrected, and with considerable additions from his own stores, together with the works of
Matthiolus, he published them in 1586, under the title of
“De Plantis Epitome utilissima Petri Andrew Matthioli
novis Iconibus et Descriptionibus plurimis diligenter
” 4to. “Hortus Medicus et Philosophicus, in quo
piurimarum Stirpium breves Descriptiones, novae Icones
non paucae, continentur,
” Opercula de Re
Rustica, quibus, praeter alia, Catalogus Rei Botanicac et
Rusticae Scriptorum veterum et recentiorum insertus est,
De recta et necessaria Ratione preservandi a Pestis Contagione,
ttle, the doctor immediately exclaimed, “And God said, Let there be light, and there was light!” The dean and chapter of St. Paul’s having, in a letter to the president,
The next communication of our ingenious author to the
royal society, which we shall take notice of in this place,
was on Dec. 22, 1768, being “An easy method of making a phosphorus, that will imhibe and emit light like the
Bolognian stone; with experiments and observations.
When he first shewed to Dr. Franklin the instantaneous
light acquired by some of this phosphorus from the near
discharge of an electrified bottle, the doctor immediately
exclaimed, “And God said, Let there be light, and there
was light!
” The dean and chapter of St. Paul’s having,
in a letter to the president, dated March 6, 1769, requested
the opinion of the royal society relative to the best and
most effectual method of fixing electrical conductors to
preserve that cathedral from damage by lightning, Mr.
Canton was one of the committee appointed to take the
letter into consideration, and to report their opinion upon
it. The gentlemen joined with him in this business were
Dr. Watson, Dr. Franklin, Mr. Delaval, and Mr. Wilson.
Their report was made on the 8th of June following; and
the mode recommended by them has been carried into execution. This will probably contribute, in the most effectual manner, to preserve the noble fabric of St. Paul’s
from being injured by lightning. The last paper of our
author’s, which was read before the Royal Society, was on
Dec. 21, 1769; and contained experiments to prove that
the luminousness of the sea arises from the putrefaction of
its animal substances. In the account now given of his
communications to the public, we have chietiy confined
ourselves to such as were the most important, and which
threw new and distinguished light on various objects in the
philosophical world. Besides these, he wrote a number
of papers, both in earlier and in later life, which appeared
in several different publications, and particularly in the
Gentleman’s Magazine, of which a list is given in the
note. We may add, that he was very particular with
regard to the neatness and elegance of his apparatus and
that his address in conducting his experiments was remarkably conspicuous.
hter of sir Nicolas Harvey, kiTight, and his father, George, archdeacon of Totness, and successively dean of Bristol, of the queen’s chapel, of Windsor, of Christ Church,
, afterwards earl of Totness (descended from an ancient family in the West of England, originally so named from Carew-castle in Pembrokeshire) was born in 1557. His mother was Anne, daughter of sir Nicolas Harvey, kiTight, and his father, George, archdeacon of Totness, and successively dean of Bristol, of the queen’s chapel, of Windsor, of Christ Church, Oxon, and of Exeter; besides several other preferments, most of which he resigned before his decease, which occurred in 1585. George Carew in 1572 was admitted gentleman commoner of Broadgate-hall (now Pembroke college) in Oxford; where he made a good proficiency in learning, particularly in the study of antiquitie’s, but being of an active temper, he left the university without a degree; and applying himself to military affairs, went and served in Ireland against the earl of Desmond. In 1580 he was made governor of Asketten-castle, and in 1589 was created master of arts at Oxford, being then a knight. Some time after, being constituted lieutenant-general of the artillery, or master of the ordnance in Ireland, he was one of the commanders at the expedition to Cadiz, in 1596; and again, the next year, in the intended expedition against Spain. Having in 1599 been appointed president of Munster, he was in 1600 made treasurer of the army, and one of the lords justices of Ireland. When he entered upon his government, he found every thing in a deplorable condition; all the country being in open and actual rebellion, excepting a few of the better sort, and himself having for his defence but three thousand foot and two hundred and fifty horse; yet he behaved with so much conduct and bravery, that he reduced many castles and forts, took James Fitz Thomas, the titular earl of Desmond, and O'Connor, prisoners; and brought the Bourkes, Obriens, and many other Irish rebels, to submission. He also bravely resisted the six thousand Spaniards, who landed at Kinsale, October 1, 1601, and had so well established the province of which he was president, by apprehending the chief of those he mistrusted, and taking pledges of the rest, that no person of consideration joined the Spaniards. In 1602 he made himself master of the castle of Donboy, which was a very difficult undertaking, and reckoned almost impracticable; and by this means prevented the arrival of an army of Spaniards, which were ready to sail for Ireland. He had for some time been desirous of quitting his burdensome office of president of Minister, but he could not obtain permission till the beginning of 1603, when, leaving that province in perfect peace, he arrived in England the 21st of March, three days before queen Elizabeth’s death. His merit was so great, that he was taken notice of by the nevr king, and made by him, in the first year of his reign, governor of the isle of Guernsey, and Castle Cornet: and having married Joyce*, the daughter and heir of William Clopton, of Clopton, co. Warwick, esq. he was June 4, J 605, advanced to the degree of a baron, by the title of lord Carew, of Clopton. Afterwards he was made vice-chamberlain and treasurer to king James’s queen; and in 1608 constituted master of the ordnance throughout England for life; and sworn of the privy-council to the king, as he had before been to queen Elizabeth. Upon king Charles Ist’s accession to the crown, he was created, Feb. 1, 1625, earl of Totness. At length, full of years and honours, he departed this life at the Savoy in London, March 27, 1629, aged seventy- three years and ten months and was buried at Stratford upon Avon, near Clopton leaving behind him the character of a faahful subject, a valiant and prudent commander, an honest counsellor, a genteel scholar, a lover of antiquities, and a great patron of learning. A stately monument was erected to his memory, by his widow, with a long inscription reciting his actions.
rd, master of Sidney-college, Cambridge, and one from Scotland, Dr. W T alter Balcanqual, afterwards dean of Durham, to the synod of Dort; where he stood up in favour
, a learned bishop in the seventeenth century, son of Guy, second son of Thomas Carleton, of Carleton-hall, in Cumberland, was born at Norham,
in Northumberland, of whose important castle his father
was then governor. By the care of the eminent Bernard
Giipin, he was educated in grammar-learning and when
tit for the university, sent by the same generous person to
Edmund-hall in Oxford, in the beginning of the year
1576, and was by him chiefly maintained in his studies.
On the 12th of February 1579-80, he took his degree of
B. A. at the completing of which, he exceeded all that
performed their exercises at that time. The same year
he was elected probationer fellow of Merton-college, and
remained in that society above five years before he proceeded in his faculty, not taking the degree of M. A. till
June the 14th, 1585. While he remained in college, he
was esteemed a great orator and poet, and in process of
time became a better disputant in divinity, than he had before been in philosophy. What preferments he had, is not
mentioned, nor does it appear that he was possessed of anv
dignity in the church till he became a bishop. After
having continued many years in the university, and taken,
the degree of B. D. May 16, 1594, and that of Doctor,
December 1, 1613, he was advanced to the bishopric of
Landaff, to which he was confirmed July 11, 1613, and
consecrated at Lambeth the next day. The same year he
was sent by king James T. with three other English divine*,
Dr. Hail, afterwards bishop of Exeter, Dr. Davenant, afterwards bishop of Salisbury, and Dr. Ward, master of
Sidney-college, Cambridge, and one from Scotland, Dr.
W T alter Balcanqual, afterwards dean of Durham, to the
synod of Dort; where he stood up in favour of episcopacy,
and behaved so well in every respect to the credit of our
nation, that after his return he was, upon the translation,
of Dr. Harsnet to Norwich, elected to succeed him in
the see of Chichester, September 8, 16 19, and confirmed
the 20th of the same month. He departed this life in May
1628, and was buried the 27th of that month in the choir
of his cathedral church at Chichester, near the altar. He
was a person uf solid judgment, and of various reading;
well versed in the fathers and schoolmen; wanting nothing
that could render him a complete divine; a bitter enemy
to the Papists, and in the point of Predestination a rigid
Calvinist. “I have loved him,
” says Mr. Camden, “for
his excellent proficiency in divinity, and other polite parts
of learning.
” Echard and Fuller also characterize him in
very high terms.
and was appointed professor of the same, and held a canonry and archdeaconry. In 1512, while he was dean of the college, Luther was admitted to his doctor’s degree,
, one of the reformers, was born at Carlolostadt, a town in Franconia, founded by Charles the Bald in the year 875. The time of his birth is not stated. He was partly educated at home, but studied afterwards in various celebrated schools, and after going through his divinity course at Rome, was admitted doctor of divinity at Wittemberg in 1502, and was appointed professor of the same, and held a canonry and archdeaconry. In 1512, while he was dean of the college, Luther was admitted to his doctor’s degree, which appears to have led to their intimacy, as in 1517, we find Carolostadt one of Luther’s most zealous adherents in opposing the corruptions of popery. In 1519, he held a disputation at Leipsic with Eckius, on free will, in the presence of George duke of Saxony, Luther, and Melancthon, and acquitted himself with so much credit, that Eckius could think of no other retaliation than by applying to the court of Rome, which suspended Carolostadt from all communion with the church.
fe of the duke of Ormonde, he had availed himself of some instructions which he had derived from the dean . In the same letter he mentions his design of composing a general
In 1712 be made the tour of Europe with a nobleman,
and on his return entered into orders, and was appointed
render of the Abbey-church at Bath; where he preached
a sermon on Jan. 30, 171 J-, in which he took occasion to
vindicate Charles I. from aspersions cast upon his memory
with regard to the Irish rebellion. This drew Mr. Carte
into a controversy with Mr. (afterwards the celebrated Dr.)
Chandler, and gave rise to our historian’s first publication,
entitled “The Irish Massacre sot in a clear light,
” &c.
which is inserted in lord Sotners’s Tracts. ‘ Upon the accession of George I. Mr. Carte’s principles not permitting
him to take the oaths to the new government, he assumed a
lay-habit, and at one time assisted the celebrated Jeremiah
Collier, who preached to a non’} tiring congregation in a
house in Broad-street, London, and on a Sunday he used
to put on his gown and cassock, and perform divine service
in his own family. What particular concern he had in the
rebellion of 1715 does not appear; but that he had some
degree of guilt in this respect, or, at least, that he was
strongly suspected of it by administration, is evident, from
the king’s troops having orders to discover and apprehend
him. He had the good fortune to elude their search, by
concealing himself at Coleshili, Warwickshire, in the house
of Mr. Badger, then curate of that town. Mr. Carte himself officiated for a time as curate of the same place;
after which, he was some time secretary to bishop Atterbury. This connexion threw him into fresh difficulties:
so deeply was he thought to he engaged in the conspiracy
ascribed to that eminent prelate, that a charge of high
treason was brought against him; and a proclamation was
issued, Aug. 13, 1722, offering a reward of 1000l. for
seizing his person. He was again successful in making his
escape, and fled into France, where he resided several
years, under the borrowed name of Philips. Whilst Mr.
Carte continued in that country, he was introduced to the
principal men of learning and family, and gained access to
the most eminent libraries, public and private, by which
means he was enabled to collect large materials for illustrating an English edition of Thuanus. The collection was
in such forwardness in 1724, that he consulted Dr. Mead r
at that time the great patron of literary undertakings, on the
mode of publication. The doctor, who perceived that the
plan might he rendered more extensively useful, obtained
Mr. Carte’s materials at a very considerable price, and engaged Mr. Buckley in the noble edition completed in 17^3,
in 7 vols. fol. Mr. Carte would probably himself have
been the principal editor, if he had not been an exile
at the time the undertaking commenced, but we find that
the Latin address to Dr. Mead, prefixed to that work, and
dated from the Inner-temple, Jan. 1733, is signed Thomas
Carte. Whilst this grand work was carrying on, queen
Caroline, whose regard to men of letters is well known,
received such favourable impressions of Mr. Carte, that
she obtained permission for his returning to England in
security; which he did some time between the years 1728
and 1730. He had not long been restored to his own country
before he engaged in one of the most important of his
works, “The history of the life of James duke of Ormonde,
from his birth, in 1610, to his death, in 1688,
” 3 vols. fol.
The third volume, which was published first, came out in
1735, and the first and second volumes in 1736. From a
letter of Mr. Carte’s to Dr. Swift, dated Aug. 11, 1736, it
appears, that in writing the life of the duke of Ormonde,
he had availed himself of some instructions which he had
derived from the dean . In the same letter he mentions
his design of composing a general history of England and
finds great fault, not only with Rapin, but with Ilymer’s
Fcedera; but his accusations of that noble collection are in
several respects erroneous and groundless.
by your Grace} and I am sure I have however, is told by dean Swift, of
by your Grace} and I am sure I have however, is told by dean Swift, of
rs, he became first vicar ofTachbroke, in the county of Warwick, and was afterwards promoted, by the dean and chapter of Westminster, to the vicarage of Hinckley, in
Mr. John Carte was entered at Trinity-hall, Cambridge, Jan. 9, 1707, where he was admitted to the degree of LL. B. Having taken holy orders, he became first vicar ofTachbroke, in the county of Warwick, and was afterwards promoted, by the dean and chapter of Westminster, to the vicarage of Hinckley, in Leicestershire, with the rectory of Stoke annexed. At this place he resided, from the year 1720, till his death, which was on the 17th of December, 1735. Mr. John Carte was very remarkable for his absence of mind. Some years before his decease, he paid his addresses to Miss Dugdale, a descendant of the illustrious antiquary, and the wedding-day was fixed. But he forgot to go to the place appointed for the celebration of the marriage, till the day after the time agreed upon; which the lady, as might justly be expected, resented so much, that she absolutely refused him her hand. Being perpetually absorbed in thought, he was careless in his dress, and destitute of oeconomy. His inattention to money matters he carried to such an excess, that, when the inhabitants of Stoke have brought to him the tithes, which he never took the trouble to ask for, it was not unusual with him, if he chanced to be engaged with a book, to request that they would come at a future time, though perhaps he was the next hour obliged to borrow a guinea for his subsistence. The parsonage-house adjoins to the churchyard; and yet he was frequently so engaged in study, that the sermon -bell used to ring till the congregation were weary of waiting, and the clerk was obliged to remind him of his duty. During the fifteen years in which he was vicar of Hinckley, he neglected to make any demand for tithes of the hamlet of The Hide, belonging to that parish, which afterwards involved the parish in a tedious law-suit. Mr. John Carte’s unaffected piety, his learning, his integrity, his simplicity of manners, and we may probably add, his avoiding to insist upon his legal dues, are still remembered with veneration by his surviving parishioners. He was a most zealous assertor of the rites and ceremonies of the church of England, which, he justly observed, were equally remote from the extremes of popery and fanaticism, and his opinions were founded on the firm basis of scripture, with which he was so intimately acquainted, as to be, able to repeat the greater part of the Bible.
Lord Carteret lived at that very time in great friendship with the dean; and, therefore, if he suspected the real author, could have
Lord Carteret lived at that very time in great friendship
with the dean; and, therefore, if he suspected the real
author, could have no sincere wish that he might be discovered. Notwithstanding the measures his lordship was
obliged officially to pursue, he was sensible that Wood’s
patent ought not to be supported; and, accordingly, procured its being revoked; by which means, one of the most
universal and remarkable ferments 1 ever raised in Ireland
speedily subsided. The lord-lieutenant used sometimes to
converse with Dr. Swift on public affairs. The deau, on
some occasion, happening to dispute with him concerning
the grievances suffered by the Irish, and the folly and nonsense of the English government in the management of
Ireland, his excellency replied with such mastery and
strength of reason, that Swift was incapable of supporting
his argument. Being displeased at this, he cried out in a
violent passion, “What the vengeance brought you among
us; get you gone, get you gone; pray God Almighty
us our boobies back again.
” At another tune, Dr. Suiit
having written two lines on a window of the castle, in
which his pride affected an absolute independence, lord
Carteret gently rebuked his haughtiness, by inscribing
under them the following couplet:
"My very good Dean, none ever comes here,
conferring preferment on Dr. Sheridan, and others of his friends. Even in the Drapier’s Letters, the dean expressed a very high opinion of the lord- lieutenant. Besides
His lordship, however, kept on good terms with Swift,
and obliged him by conferring preferment on Dr. Sheridan,
and others of his friends. Even in the Drapier’s Letters,
the dean expressed a very high opinion of the lord- lieutenant. Besides revoking Wood’s patent, lord Carteret’s
administration was, in other respects, very acceptable and
beneficial to the Irish. He discharged the duties of his
high station, in general, with wisdom and fidelity, and the
people were happy under his government. After the close
of the session in March, 1725-6, his lordship having constituted lords justices during his absence, embarked for
England, where he arrived in May, 1726, and received
his majesty’s approbation of his prudent conduct. On the
24th of January, 1726-7, lord Carteret ably defended
the king’s speech, which had been warmly animadverted
upon by the opposition. On the 31st of May, 1727, he
was appointed one of the chief justices during his majesty’s
absence, and upon the decease of George I. who died
suddenly at Osnabrug, in his way to Hanover, on the
llth of June, 1727, lord Carteret was one of the old
privy council who assembled at Leicester house, where the
new king was proclaimed. This was on the 14th of June,
and the same day he was sworn of his majesty’s privy
council. On the 29th of July following, he was again appointed lord lieutenant and chief governor of the kingdom
of Ireland, and having arrived there, the parliament was
opened, by his excellency, Nov. 28, and the session continued till the 6th of May, 1728, when he gave the royal
assent to twenty public acts, and concluded with a speech,
expressive of his high regard for the welfare of the kingdom. After this, he embarked for England, but in 1729,
returned again to Ireland, and held another session of parliament, which began on the 23d of September, and
on the 15th of April, 1730. His lordship’s second
vicegerency over the Irish nation was as popular, if not
more so, as the first. His polite and sociable manners
were highly acceptable to all ranks of people. What particularly recommended him was, his being above the little
distinctions of party. He maintained a good correspondence with several of those who were called or reputed
tories, and occasionally distributed a few preferments, of
no great significance, in that line. This having excited
the complaint of some of the bigotted whigs, gave occasion to a facetious and sensible tract of Dr. Swift’s, entitled, “A Vindication of his excellency John lord Carteret,
from the charge of favouring none but Tories, Highchurch-men, and Jacobites.
” With Dr. Swift the lordlieutenant appears to have maintained a strict friendship;
and he was solicitous to act agreeably to the dean’s views
of the interest of the kingdom. In one of his letters,
written to the dean some years afterwards, he thus expresses himself; “When people ask me how I governed
Ireland? I say, that I pleased Dr. Swift.
” The preferments which his excellency bestowed, at the instance of
the dean of St. Patrick’s, were conferred on learned and
worthy men, who did not disgrace their recommender;
and whatever may be thought of the pride, petulance, and
peculiarities of Swift} it cannot rationally be denied, that
he was sincerely devoted to the welfare of the Irish nation.
His lordship, having continued the usual time allotted to
his high office, quitted it in 1730, and was succeeded by
the duke of Dorset.
patronized learned men and learned undertakings. His regard for Dr. Swift, and his attention to the dean’s recommendations, we have already mentioned. He assisted and
The late duke of Newcastle used to say of lord Granville, that he was a man who never doubted. From his lordship’s acknowledged literature, it may naturally be supposed that he patronized learned men and learned undertakings. His regard for Dr. Swift, and his attention to the dean’s recommendations, we have already mentioned. He assisted and encouraged Mr. Lye, in his edition of Junius’s Etymologicon, and the learned Mrs. Grierson of Dublin, when he was lord lieutenant of Ireland. Of Dr. Taylor, the celebrated Grecian, he was the particular patron. The doctor owed his principal preferments to lord Granville; and has testified his gratitude, in the dedication of his Demosthenes, by warmly celebrating his lordship’s excellencies, and especially his eloquence, and his eminent skill in the ancient and modern languages. Our learned peer engaged Dr. Bentley to undertake an edition of Homer, and was very active in procuring the doctor the use of manuscripts, and- other necessary aids, for that purpose. Dr, Bentley, when he came to town, was accustomed, in his visits to lord Carteret, sometimes to spend the evenings with his lordship. One day ojjl lady Granville reproached her son with keeping the country tler^yman, who was with him the night before, till he was intoxicated. Lord Carteret denied the charge; upon which the lady replied, that the clergyman could not have sung in so ridiculous a manner, unless he had been in liquor. The truth was, that the singing thus mistaken by her ladyship, was Dr. Bentley’s endeavour to instruct and entertain his noble friend, by reciting Terence according to the? true cantilena of the ancients.
h not of standing for it. To these, in 1672, was added a prebend of Durham; and in 1677, he was made dean of Rippon. He had likewise a hard struggle with Dr. Womack for
, bishop of Chester, and
supposed to be grandson to the preceding, was born at
Northampton, Sept. 1, 1634. His father was for some
time master of the endowed school of Brentwood, in Essex,
and he appears to have been educated in the religious principles which prevailed among the anti-episcopal party.
He was entered of Magdalen hall, Oxford, but was soon
removed to Queen’s college by the power of the parliamentary visitors in 1649; and after taking orders, became
chaplain of that college, and vicar of Walthamstow in
Essex. In 1659, he was preacher at St. Mary Magdalen’s,
Fish-street. After the restoration, he recommended himself so powerfully by professions of loyalty, as to be made
domestic chaplain to Henry duke of Gloucester, prebendary of Twyford, in the church of St. Paul; of Chalford,
in the church of Wells; a chaplain in ordinary to the
king, and rector of St. Thomas Apostle, London, and was
created D. D. although not of standing for it. To these,
in 1672, was added a prebend of Durham; and in 1677,
he was made dean of Rippon. He had likewise a hard
struggle with Dr. Womack for the bishopric of St. David’s;
but in the reign of James II. in 1686, he succeeded to
that of Chester, for boldly asserting in one of his sermons,
that the king’s promises to parliament were not binding.
The most remarkable event of his life, was his acting as
one of the commissioners in the memorable attempt which
his infatuated master made to controul the president and
fellows of Magdalen college, Oxford, when they rejected
a popish president intruded upon them by the king. Upon
the revolution he fled to France, where he officiated as
minister to the protestant part of the king’s household;
and upon the death of Dr. Seth Ward, became titular
bishop of Salisbury. He afterwards accompanied the abdicated monarch to Ireland, where he died of a dysentery,
April 15, 1689, and was sumptuously interred in the choir
of Christ-church, Dublin. The report by Richardson, in
his edition of Godwin, of his having died in the communion of the church of Rome, seems doubtful; but on his
death-bed his expressions were certainly equivocal. His
“Speech spoken to the society of Magdalen college,
” his
examination of Dr. Hough, and several occasional sermons,
enumerated by Wood, are in print. He appears to have
been a man too subservient to the will of James, to act
with more prudence or principle than his master, who, it
is said, looked upon him as neither protestant nor papist,
and had little or no esteem for him.
or tells us in the preface, was a strange report that in St. Mary’s church in Oxford, Dr. John Owen, dean of Christ-church, who had the chief government of that university
1659, 8vo. 18. “A true and faithful relation of what
passed for many years between Dr. John Dee and some
” &c. And put in the beginning a long preface,
to confirm the truth of what is said in that relation concerning Spirits, Lond. Io59, fol. 19. He was author of,
44 A Vindication of the Lord’s Prayer as a formal prayer,
and by Christ’s institution to be used by Christians as a
prayer. Against the antichristian practice and opinion of
some men. Wherein also their private and ungrounded
zeal is discovered, who are so strict for the observation of
the Lord’s-day, and make so light of the Lord’s- prayer,“Lond. 1660. The first occasion of this treatise, as the
author tells us in the preface, was a strange report that in
St. Mary’s church in Oxford, Dr. John Owen, dean of
Christ-church, who had the chief government of that university from 1652 to 1657, put on his hat when the Lord’s
prayer was repeating by the preacher. This Dr. Owen
denied afterwards. 20.
” A King and his Subjects unhappily fallen out, and happily reconciled, in a sermon
preached at Canterbury,“on Hosea iii. ver. 4, 5,
” Lond.
, one of the ablest generals under Louis XIV. the son of the dean of the counsellors of parliament, was born at Paris, Sept. 1,
, one of the ablest generals under Louis XIV. the son of the dean of the counsellors of
parliament, was born at Paris, Sept. 1, 1637, and began
his career at the bar; but having lost a cause that had
justice on its side, he renounced the profession for that of
arms. He first served in the cavalry, where he never
omitted an opportunity of distinguishing himself. In 1667,
in the presence of Louis XIV. at the attack on the counterscarpe of Lisle, he performed an action so honourable
both to his judgment and his courage, that it procured
him a lieutenantcy in the regiment of guards. Gradually
rising to the first dignities in the army, he signalized himself at Maestricht, at Besangon, at Senef, at Cambray, at
Valenciennes, at St. Omer’s, at Ghent, and at Ypres.
The great Comic“set a proper value on his merit, and
wrote to him, after the hattle of Senef, where Catinat had
been wounded:
” No one takes a greater interest in your
wound than I do; there are so few men like you, that in
losing you our loss would be too great.' 7 Having attained
to the rank of lieutenant-general, in 1688, he beat the
duke of Savoy at Staffarde and at the Marsaille, made himself master of all Savoy and a part of Piedmont; marched
from Italy to Flanders, besieged and took the fortress of
Ath in 1697. He had been marechal of France from 1693,
and the king, reading the list of the marechals in his cabinet, exclaimed, on coming to his name: “Here valour has
met with its deserts!
” The war breaking out again in
If Villeroi has the command,
” said Eugene, “I shall beat him; if
Vendome be appointed, we shall have a stout struggle; if
it be Catinat, 1 shall be beaten.
” The bad state of the
army, the want of money for its subsistence, the little harmony there was between him and the duke of Savoy,
whose sincerity he suspected, prevented him from fulfilling
the prediction of prince Eugene. He was wounded in the
atfair of Chiari, and forced to retreat as far as behind the
Oglio. This retreat, occasioned by the prohibition he had
received from the court to oppose the passage of prince
Eugene, was the source of his subsequent mistakes and misfortunes. Catinat, notwithstanding his victories and his
negociations, was obliged to serve under Villeroi; and the
last disciple of Turenne and Conde was no longer allowed
to act but as second in command.' He bore this injustice
like a man superior to fortune. “I strive to forget my
” he says in a letter to one of his friends,
“that my mind may be more at ease in executing the
orders of the marechal de Villeroi.
” In 1705 the king
named him to be a chevalier; but he refused the honour
intended him. His family testifying their displeasure at
this procedure, “Well, then,
” said he to his relations,
“strike me out of your genealogy
” He increased as little
as possible the crowd of courtiers. Louis XIV. once asking him why he was never seen at Marli; and whether it
was some business that prevented his coming? “None at
” returned the marechal; “but the court is very numerous, and I keep away in order to let others have room
to pay their respects to you.
” He died at his estate of St.
Gratian, Feb. 25, 1712, at the age of 74, with the same
sedateness of mind that had accompanied him through life.
Numberless anecdotes are related of him, which shew that
this calmness of temper never forsook him. After an ineffectual attack at the unfortunate affair of Chiari, rallying
his troops, an officer said to him: “Whither would you
have us to go? to death?
” “It is true,
” replied Catinat,
“death is before us; but shame is behind.
” He had
qualities yet more estimable than bravery. He was humane and modest. The part of his labours most interesting
to humanity, was a regular correspondence with marechal
Vauban, on the administration of the revenues of the various countries which they had visited during their military
expeditions. They did not seek for means of increasing
the revenues of their sovereign beyond measure; but they
endeavoured to find the most equitable repartition of the
taxes, and the cheapest way of collecting them. Catinat,
on account of his cautiousness and judgment, was, by the
soldiers under his command, significantly called Pere la
Pensee, “Father Thought,
” a sirname which he appears
to have deserved in his peaceable retreat, not less than in
his military expeditions.
* This lady was wonderfully learn- be bought in the name of the dean of ed, especially in the Greek tongue, as Westminster, and by
* This lady was wonderfully learn- be bought in the name of the dean of ed, especially in the Greek tongue, as Westminster, and by him assigned to appears from the testimony of the the college. She likewise gave the lord Burleigh himself, and of several Haberdashers’ company in London, a other great men, and of which she left sum to enable them to lend to six poor clear evidence, in a letter penned by men twenty pounds a-piece every tw her in thai language to the university years and a charity of the like kind of Cambridge, upon her sending thi- of twenty marks, to six poor people ther a Hebrew Bible, by way of pre- at Waltham and Cheshunt in Hertfordsent to the library. She had read most shire. Four times every year she reof the Greek fathers with great dili- lieved all the poor prisoners in Longence and criticalaccuracy, and was den, and many other acts of benevoone of the greatest patronesses of her lence she did, with as great secrecy as time, maintaining for many years two generosity so that she seems to have scholars at St. John’s college in Cam- well deserved all the praises that have bridge and before her death rendered ben by different writers bestowed this perpetual, by procuring lands to upon her memory. half their days." At length worn out with age, and more than forty years’ uninterrupted and unexampled labours in the state, on the 4th of August, 1598, about four in the morning, in the presence of twenty children, friends and servants, he yielded up the ghost with wonderful serenity, being upwards of seventy-seven years old.
l church of Sarum. In 1525 he was elected warden of Merton college; and about the same time was made dean of the royal chapel and college adjoining to Westminster- hall,
Dr. Chamber, being in holy orders, became in 1510 canon of Windsor, and in 1524 archdeacon of Bedford, and was likewise prebendary of Comb and Harnham in the cathedral church of Sarum. In 1525 he was elected warden of Merton college; and about the same time was made dean of the royal chapel and college adjoining to Westminster- hall, dedicated to the Virgin Mary and St. Stephen. He built to it a very curious cloister, at the expence of 11,000 marks, and gave the canons of that chapel some lands, which he saw, upon the dissolution of the monasteries, taken into the king’s hands. Afterwards he was made treasurer of Wells cathedral, beneficed in Somersetshire and Yorkshire, and probably had other dignities and preferments. October 29, 1531, he was incorporated doctor of physic at Oxford. In May 1543, he resigned his treasurership of Wells; and his wardenship of Merton college in 1545. He died in 1549. He never published any thing.
ince of Brie, and flourished in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. After studying law under Ansehn, dean of the cathedral church of Melun, he was ordained archdeacon
, in Latin Campellensis,
was a native of the village of Champeaux near Melun, in
the province of Brie, and flourished in the eleventh and
twelfth centuries. After studying law under Ansehn, dean
of the cathedral church of Melun, he was ordained
archdeacon of Paris, and appointed to read lectures on logic in
the schools of that church. Some time after he retired
with some of his pupils to a monastery, in which was St.
Victor’s chapel, near Paris, and there founded the abbey
of regular canons. He continued to teach in that convent,
and, as generally supposed, was the first public professor of
scholastic divinity. He was made bishop of Chalons in
1113, and died in Jan. 1121. None of his works are extant, for the “Dialogue between a Christian and a Jew,
printed under his name in the “Bibliotheca Patrum,
belongs to Gilbert of Westminster. It is thought that he
wrote a book of sentences before Peter Lombard, of which
a ms copy was in the library of Notre-dame at Paris. He
maintained the doctrine of the Realists, who held that all
individual things partake of the one essence of their species, and are only modified by accident. He had the appellation of the Venerable Doctor. Brucker has given a
Jong account of his disputes with Abelard, who was one of
his scholars, and who ventured to question the opinions of
his master, and leaving him, opened a school of his own at
Melun, where the splendour of his superior talents in disputation attracted general admiration, and eclipsed the fame
of Champeaux.
the king to a prebendal stall in the cathedral of Durham; and in 1758, was appointed official to the dean and chapter. He died at Cambridge, June 9, 1760, in his forty-third
, D. D. the son of John Chapman, of Billingham, in the county of Durham, was born at
that place in 1717, and educated at Richmond school in
Yorkshire. He afterwards entered of Christ college,
Cambridge, where he took his degrees of A. B. 1737, A.M.
174-J, and obtained a fellowship. In 1746 he was chosen
master of Magdalen college, and had the degree of LL. D.
conferred on him in 1748, and that of D. D. in 1749. In
1748 he served the office of vice-chancellor, and was appointed one of his majesty’s chaplains. In 1749, he was
rector of Kirby-over-blower in Yorkshire. In 1750 he was
presented by the king to a prebendal stall in the cathedral
of Durham; and in 1758, was appointed official to the
dean and chapter. He died at Cambridge, June 9, 1760,
in his forty-third year, and was interred in the chapel of
Magdalen college. “He died,
” says bishop Hurd, “in the
flower of his life and fortune; I knew him formerly very well.
He was in his nature a vain and busy man.
” Dr. Chapman is now known only by his “Essay on the Roman Senate,
” Observations, &c.
” published in
good a subject. Many years after this, sir William St. Leger riding to Cork with the popish titular dean of that city, Chappel, then dean of Cashel, and provost of Dublin,
, a very learned and pious divine,
bishop of Cork, Cloyne, and Ross, in Ireland, was descended, as he himself tells us, from parents in narrow
circumstances, and was born at Lexington, in Nottinghamshire, Dec. 10, 1512. He was sent to a grammar-school at Mansfield, in the same county; and thence, at
the age of seventeen, removed to Christ’s-college, in Cambridge; of which, after having taken his degrees of B. and
M. A. he was elected fellow in 1607. He became a very
eminent tutor, and was also remarkable for his abilities as
a disputant, concerning which the following anecdotes are
recorded. In 1624 king James visited the university of
Cambridge, lodged in Trinity-college, and was entertained with a philosophical act, and other academical performances. At these exercises Dr. Roberts of Trinity-college was respondent at St. Mary’s, where Chappel as
opponent pushed him so hard, that, finding himself unable
to keep up the dispute, he fainted. Upon this, the king,
who valued himself much upon his skill in such matters,
undertook to maintain the question, but with no better
success than the doctor; for Chappel was so much his superior at these logical weapons, that his majesty openly
professed his joy to find a man of great talents so good a
subject. Many years after this, sir William St. Leger
riding to Cork with the popish titular dean of that city,
Chappel, then dean of Cashel, and provost of Dublin, accidentally overtook them; upon which sir William, who
was then president of Munster, proposed that the two
deans should dispute, which, though Chappel was not
forward to accept, yet he did not decline. But the
popish dean, with great dexterity and address, extricated himself from this difficulty, saying, “Excuse me,
sir; I don't care to dispute with one who is wont to kill
his man.
, dean of the French academy, was born at Paris, Feb. 1620. His early
, dean of the French academy, was born at Paris, Feb. 1620. His early discovery of
great acuteness made his friends design him for the bar:
but his taste led him to prefer the repose and stillness of
the closet, and he became more delighted with languages
and antiquity, than with the study of the law. He was
made a member of the French academy in 1651, and had
the advantage of the best conversation for his improvement.
When Colbert became minister of state, he projected the
setting up a French East-India company; and to recommend the design more effectually, he thought it proper
that a discourse should be published upon this subject.
Accordingly he ordered Charpentier to draw one up, and
was so pleased with his performance, published in 1664,
that he kept him in his family, with a design to place him
in another academy which was then founding, and which
was afterwards known by the name of “Inscriptions and
” The learned languages, in which Charpentier
was a considerable master, his great knowledge of antiquity, and his exact and critical judgment, made him
very serviceable in carrying on the business of this newacademy; and it is agreed on all hands, that no person of
that learned society contributed more than himself towards
that noble series of medals, which were struck of the most
considerable events that happened in the reign of Lewis
XIV. but his adulation of the king exceeded that of all
his contemporaries.
very hostile to revealed religion, but so artfully disguised as to impose on so orthodox a divine as dean Stanhope.
, was born at Paris in 1541. Though
his parents were in narrow circumstances, yet discovering
their son’s capacity, they were particularly attentive to his
education. After making a considerable proficiency in
grammar-learning, he applied to logic, metaphysics, moral
and natural philosophy, and afterwards studied civil and
common law at the universities of Orleans and Bourges,
and commenced doctor in that faculty. Upon his return
to Paris, he was admitted an advocate in the court of parliament. He always declared the bar to be the best and
most improving school in the world; and accordingly attended at all the public hearings for five or six years: but
foreseeing that preferment in this way, if ever attained at
all, was like to come very slow, as he had neither private
interest, nor relations among the solicitors and proctors of
the court, he gave over that employment, and closely applied to the study of divinity. By his superior pulpit
eloquence, he soon came into high reputation with the
greatest and most learned men of his time, insomuch that
the bishops seemed to strive which of them should get him
into his diocese; making him an offer of being theological
canon or divinity lecturer in their churches, and of other
dignities and benefices, besides giving him noble presents.
He was successively theologal of Bazas, Aqcs, Lethoure,
Agen, Cahors, and Condom, canon and schoolmaster in
the church of Bourdeaux, and chanter in the church of
Condom. Queen Margaret, duchess of Bulois, entertained him for her preacher in ordinary; and the king,
though at that time a protestant, frequently did him the
honour to be one of his audience. He was also retained
by the cardinal d'Armagnac, the pope’s legate at Avignon,
who had a great value for him; yet amidst all these promotions, he never took any degree or title in divinity, but
satisfied himself with deserving and being capable of the
highest. After about eighteen years absence from Paris,
he resolved to end his days there; and being a lover of
retirement, vowed to become a Carthusian. On his arrival
at Paris, he communicated his intention to the prior of the
order, but was rejected, notwithstanding his most pressing
entreaties. They told him that he could not be received
on account of his age, then about forty-eight, and that the
order required all the vigour of youth to support its austerities. He next addressed himself to the Celestines at
Paris, but with the same success, and for the same reasons:
in this embarrassment, he was assured by three learned
casuists, that as he was no ways accessary to the non -performance of his vow, it was no longer binding; and that
he might, with a very safe conscience, continue in the
world as a secular. He preached, however, a course of
Lent sermons at Angers in 1589. Going afterwards to
Bourdeaux, he contracted a very intimate friendship with
Michael de Montagne, author of the well known Essays,
from whom he received all possible testimonies of regard;
for, among other things, Montagne ordered by his last
will, that in case he should leave no issue-male of his own,
M. Charron should, after his decease, be entitled to bear
the coat of arms plain, as they belonged to his noble
family, and Charron, in return, made Montagne’s brotherin-law his residuary legatee. He staid at Bourdeaux from
1589 to 1593; and in that interval composed his book,
entitled, “Les Trois Verge’s,
” which he published in
books of Wisdom.
” Whilst he was thus
employed, the bishop of Condom, to draw him into his
diocese, presented him with the chaptership in his church;
and the theologal chair falling vacant about the same time,
made him an offer of that too, which -Charron accepted,
and resolved to settle there. In 1601 he printed at Bourdeaux his books “of Wisdom,
” which gave him a great
reputation, and made his character generally known.
October 1603, he made a journey to Paris, to thank the
Bishop of Boulogne; who, in order to have him near himself, had oifered him the place of theologal canon. This
he was disposed to accept of; but the moisture and coldness of the air at Boulogne, and its nearness to the sea,
not only made it, he said to a friend, a melancholy and
unpleasant place, but very unwholesome too; adding, that
the sun was his visible god, as God was his invisible sun.
At Paris he began a new edition of his books “of Wisdom,
of which he lived to see but three or four sheets printed,
dying Nov. 16, 1603, of an apoplexy. The impression of
the new edition of his book “of Wisdom,
” with alterations
by the author, occasioned by the offence taken at some
passages in the former, was completed in 1604, by the
care of a friend; but as the Bourdeaux edition contained
some things that were either suppressed or softened in the
subsequent one, it was much sought after by the curious.
Hence the booksellers of several cities reprinted the book
after that edition; and this induced a Paris bookseller to
print an edition, to which he subjoined all the passages of
the first edition which had been struck out or corrected,
and all those which the president Jeannin, who was employed by the chancellor to examine the book, judged
necessary to be changed. This edition appeared in 1707.
There have been two translations of it into English, the
last by George Stanhope, D. D. printed in 1697. Dr.
Stanhope says, that M. Charron “was a person that feared
God, led a pious and good life, was charitably disposed,
a person of wisdom and conduct, serious and considerate;
a great philosopher, an eloquent orator, a famous and
powerful preacher, richly furnished and adorned with the
most excellent virtues and graces both moral and divine;
such as made him very remarkable and singular, and deservedly gave him the character of a good man and a good
Christian; such as preserve a great honour and esteem for
his memory among persons of worth and virtue, and will
continue to do so as long as the world shall last.
” From
this high praise considerable deductions may surely be
made. Charron’s fame has scarcely outlived his century;
his book on “Wisdom
” certainly abounds in ingenious
and original observations on moral topics, but gives a
gloomy picture of human nature and society. Neither is
it free from sentiments very hostile to revealed religion,
but so artfully disguised as to impose on so orthodox a divine as dean Stanhope.
ndeed, confirmed by the testimony of his mother and sister. Mrs. Chatterton informed a friend of the dean of Exeter (Dr. Milles), that on her removal from Pyle-street,
“Over the north porch of St. Mary Redcliffe church,
which was founded, or at least rebuilt, by Mr. W. Canynge
(an eminent merchant of Bristol, in the fifteenth century, and in the reign of Edward the Fourth), there is a kind of
muniment room, in which were deposited six v or seven
chests, one of which in particular was called Mr. Canynge’s
cofre: this chest, it is said, was secured by six keys,- two
of which were entrusted to the minister and procurator of
the church, two to the mayor, and one to each of the
church-wardens. In process of time, however, the six
keys appear to have been lost: and about the year 1727, a
notion prevailed that some title deeds, and other vyrjtings
of value, wtrje contained in Mr. Ciniynge’s cofre. In
consequence of this opinion an order of vestry was made, that
the chest should be opened under the inspection of an
attorney; and that those writings which appeared of consequence should be removed to the south porch of the
church. The locks were therefore forced, and not only
the principal chest, but the others, which were also supposed to contain writings, were all broken open. The
deeds immediately relating to the church were removed,
and the other manuscripts were left exposed as of no value.
Considerable depredations had, from time to time, been
committed upon them by different persons: but the most
insatiate of these plunderers was the father of Chatterton.
His uncle being sexton of St. Mary Redcliffe gave him
free access to the church. He carried off, from time to
time, parcels of the parchments, and one time alone, with
the assistance of his boys, is known to have filled a large
basket with them. They were deposited in a cupboard in
the school and employed for different purposes, such as the
covering of copy-books, &c. in particular, Mr. Gibbs, the
minister of the parish, having presented the boys with
twenty Bibles, Mr. Chatterton, in order to preserve these
books from being damaged, covered them with some of
the parchments. At his death, the widow being under a
necessity of removing, carried the remainder of them to
her own habitation. Of the discovery of their value by the
younger Chatterton, the account of Mr. Smith, a very
intimate acquaintance, which he gave to Dr. Glynn of
Cambridge, is too interesting to be omitted. When young
Chatterton was first articled to Mr. Lambert, he used frequently to come home to his mother, by way of a short
visit. There one day his eye was caught by one of these
parchments, which had been converted into a thread-paper.
He found not only the writing to be very old, the characters very different from common characters, but that the
subject therein treated was different from common subjects.
Being naturally of an inquisitive and curious turn, he was
very much struck with their appearance, and, as might be
expected, began to question his mother what those threadpapers were, how she got them, and whence they came.
Upon further inquiry, he was led to a full discovery of all
the parchments which remained; the bulk of them consisted of poetical and other compositions, by Mr. Canynge,
and a particular friend of his, Thomas Rowley, whom
Chatterton at first called a monk, and afterwards a secular
priest of the fifteenth century. Such, at least, appears to
be the account which. Chatterton thought proper to give,
and which he wished to be believed. It is, indeed, confirmed by the testimony of his mother and sister. Mrs.
Chatterton informed a friend of the dean of Exeter (Dr. Milles), that on her removal from Pyle-street, she emptied
the cupboard of its contents, partly into a large long deal
box, where her husband used to keep his clothes, and
partly into a square oak box of a smaller size; carrying
both with their contents to her lodgings, where, according
to her account, they continued neglected and undisturbed
till her son first discovered their value; who having examined their contents, told his mother ‘ that he had found
a treasure, and was so glad nothing could be like it.’ That
he then removed all these parchments out of the large long
deal box in which his father used to keep his clothes, into
the square oak box: that he was perpetually ransacking
every corner of the house for more parchments; and from
time to time, carried away those he had already found by
pockets full. That one day happening to see Clarke’s
History of the Bible covered with one of those parchments,
he swore a great oath, and stripping the book, put the
cover into his pocket, and carried it away; at the same
time stripping a common little Bible, but finding no writing upon the cover, replaced it again very leisurely. Upon
being informed of the manner in which his father had procured the parchments, he went himself to the place, and
picked up four more.
. If we go farther, and consider Rowley’s poems as the most perfect productions of any age; if, with dean Milles, we prefer him to Homer, Virgil, Spenser, and Shakspeare,
As to his genius, it must ever be the subject of admiration, whether he was, or was not, the author of the poems
ascribed to Rowley. If we look at the poems avowedly
his own, together with his productions in prose, where
shall we find such and so many indubitable proofs of genius at an early age, struggling against many difficulties?
Let us contemplate him as a young man, without classical
education, and who knew nothing of literary society, but
during the few months of his residence in London; and if to
this we add what has been most decidedly proved, that he was
not only the author of the poems attributed to Rowley, but
consumed his early days in the laborious task of disguising
them in the garb of antiquity, perpetually harassed by
suspicion and in dread of discovery; if likewise we reflect
that the whole of his career closed before he had completed
his eighteenth year, we must surely allow that he was one
of the most extraordinary young men of modern times, and
deserves to be placed high among those instances of premature talents recorded by Kleferus in his “Bibliotheca
Eruditorurn Praecocium,
” and by Baillet in his “Enfans
” Still our admiration should be chastened by
confining it to the single point of ChtUterton’s extreme
youth. If we go farther, and consider Rowley’s poems as
the most perfect productions of any age; if, with dean
Milles, we prefer him to Homer, Virgil, Spenser, and
Shakspeare, we go far beyond the bounds of sober criticism, or rather we defy its laws. Wonderful as those
poems are, when considered as the productions of a boy,
many heavy deductions must be made from them, if we
consider them as the productions of a man, of one who has
bestowed labour as well as contributed genius, and who
has learned to polish and correct, who would not have admitted such a number of palpable imitations and plagiarisms, and would have altered or expunged a multitude of
tame, prosaic, and bald lines and metres.
principal advocates for the existence of Rowley, and the authenticity of his poems, were Mr. Bryant, Dean Milles, Dr. Glynn, Mr. (now Dr.) Henley, Dr. Langhorn (in the
With regard to the controversy occasioned by the publications attributed to Rowley, it is unnecessary to enter upon it, although it has lately been attempted to be revived, but without exciting much interest. Whether the object of this controversy was not disproportioned to the warmth it excited, and the length of time it consumed, the reader may judge from a perusal of the whole of Chatterton’s productions. The principal advocates for the existence of Rowley, and the authenticity of his poems, were Mr. Bryant, Dean Milles, Dr. Glynn, Mr. (now Dr.) Henley, Dr. Langhorn (in the Monthly Review), and Mr. James Harris. Their opponents were Mr. Tyrwhitt, Horace Walpole, the two Wartons, Dr. Johnson, Mr. Steevens, Dr. Percy (bishop of Dromore), Mr. Gibbon, Mr. Jones, Dr. Farmer, Mr. Colman, Mr. Sheridan, Dr. Lort, Mr. Astle, Mr. (sir Herbert) Croft, Mr. Hayley, lord Camden, Mr. Gough, Mr. Mason, the writer of the Critical Review, Mr. Badcock (in the Monthly Review), the Reviewers in the Gentleman’s Magazine, and various Correspondents in the same Miscellany. To these may be added, Mr. Malone, who lived to detect another forgery by a very young impostor, in the history of which the reader will probably recollect many corresponding circumstances; and will be inclined to prefer the shame of Chatterton, fatal as it was, to the unblushing impudence and unnatural fraud of one who brought disgrace and ruin on a parent.
e. In the Harleian collection is a copy of an agreement between William Brome, executor to Urry, the dean and chapter of Christ Church, and Bernard Lintot the bookseller.
There is an interleaved copy of Urry’s edition in the British Museum, presented by Mr. William Thomas, a brother of Dr. T. Thomas, who furnished the preface and glossary, and upon whom the charge of publishing devolved after Mr. Urry’s death. This copy has many manuscript notes and corrections. From one of them we learn that the life of Chaucer was very incorrectly drawn up by Mr. Dart, and corrected and enlarged by Mr. William Thomas; and from another, that bishop Atterbury prompted Urry to this undertaking, but “did by no means judge rightly of Mr. Urry’s talents in this case, who though in many respects a most worthy person, was not qualified for a work of this nature.” Dr. Thomas undertook to publish it, at the request of bishop Smalridge. In the Harleian collection is a copy of an agreement between William Brome, executor to Urry, the dean and chapter of Christ Church, and Bernard Lintot the bookseller. By this it appears that it was Urry’s intention to apply part of the profits towards building Peckwater quadrangle. Lintot was to print a thousand copies on small paper at 1l. 10s. and two hundred and fifty on large paper at 2l. 10s. It does not appear that this speculation succeeded. Yet the edition, from its having been printed in the Roman letter, the copiousness of the glossary, and the ornaments, &c. continued to be the only one consulted, until the publication of the “Canterbury Tales” by Mr. Tyrwhitt, in 1775. This very acute critic was the first who endeavoured to restore a pure text by the collation of Mss. a labour of vast extent, but which must be undertaken even to greater extent, before the other works of Chaucer can be published in a manner worthy of their author. Mr Warton laments that Chaucer has been so frequently considered as an old, rather than a good poet; and recommends the study of his works. Mr. Tyrwhitt, since this advice was given, has undoubtedly introduced Chaucer to a nearer intimacy with the learned public, but it is not probable that he can ever be restored to popularity. His language will still remain an insurmountable obstacle with that numerous class of readers to whom poets must look for universal reputation. Poetry is the art of pleasing; but pleasure, as generally understood, admits of very little that deserves the name of study.
d, in the second conference. The popish disputants for the real presence were, Feckenham, afterwards dean of St. Paul’s, and Yong; and at the second disputation, Watson.
, a learned writer of the sixteenth
century, descended from an ancient family in the Isle of
Wight, was born at Cambridge, June 16, 1514, being the
son of Peter Cheke, gent, and Agnes, daughter of Mr.
Dufford of Cambridgeshire. After receiving his grammatical education under Mr. John Morgan, he was admitted
into St. John’s college, Cambridge, in 1531, where he
became very eminent for his knowledge in the learned
languages, particularly the Greek tongue, which was then
almost universally neglected. Being recommended as such,
by Dr. Butts, to king Henry VIII. he was soon after made
kind’s scholar, and supplied by his majesty with money
for his education, and for his charges in travelling into
foreign countries. While he continued in college he introduced a more substantial and useful kind of learning
than what had been received for some years; and encouraged especially the study of the Greek and Latin languages, and of divinity. After having taken his degrees
in arts he was chosen Greek lecturer of the university.
There was no salary belonging to tnat place: but king
Henry having founded, about the year 1540, a professorship of the Greek tongue in the university of Cambridge,
with a stipend oi forty pounds a year, Mr. Cheke, though
but twenty-six years of age, was chosen the first professor.
This place he held long after he left the university, namely,
till October 1551, and was highly instrumental in bringing
the Greek language into repute. He endeavoured
particularly to reform and restore the original pronunciation of
it, but met with great opposition from Stephen Gardiner,
bishop of Winchester, chancellor of the university, and
their correspondence on the subject was published. Cheke,
however, in the course of his lectures,- went through all
Homer, all Euripides, part of Herodotus, and through
Sophocles twice, to the advantage of his hearers and his
own credit. He was also at the same time universityorator. About the year 1543 he was incorporated master
of arts at Oxford, where he had studied some time. On
the 10th of July 1544 he was sent for to court, in order to
be school- master, or tutor, for the Latin tongue, jointly
with sir Anthony Cooke, to prince Edward and, about
the same time, as an encouragement, the king granted
him, being then, as it is supposed, in orders, one of the
canonries in his new- founded college at Oxford, now Christ
Church but that college being dissolved in the beginning
of 1545, a pension was allowed him in the room of his
canonry. While he was entrusted with the prince’s education, he made use of all the interest he had in promoting
men of learning and probity. He seems also to have
sometimes had the lady Elizabeth under his care. In
1547, he married Mary, daughter of Richard Hill, serjeant of the wine-cellar to king Henry VIII. When his
royal pupil, king Edward VI. came to the crown, he rewarded him for his care and pains with an annuity of one
hundred marks; and also made him a grant of several
lands and manors . He likewise caused him, by a mandamus, to be elected provost of King’s college, Cambridge,
vacant by the deprivation of George Day, bishop of Chichester. In May 1549, he retired to Cambridge, upon
some disgust he had taken at the court, but was the same
Summer appointed one of the king’s commissioners for
visiting that university. The October following, he was one
of the thirty-two commissioners appointed to examine the
old ecclesiastical law books, and to compile from thence a
body of ecclesiastical laws for the government of the
church; and again, three years after, he was put in a new
commission issued out for the same purpose. He returned
to court in the winter of 1549, but met there with great
uneasiness on account of some offence given by his wife
to Anne, duchess of Somerset, whose dependent she was.
Mr. Cheke himself was not exempt from trouble, being of
the number of those who were charged with having suggested bad counsels to the duke of Somerset, and afterwards betrayed him. But having recovered from these
imputations, his interest and authority daily increased, and
he became the liberal patron of religious and learned men,
both English and foreigners. In 1550 he was made chief
gentleman of the king’s privy -chamber, whose tutor he
still continued to be, and who made a wonderful progress
through his instructions. Mr. Cheke, to ground him well
in morality, read to him Cicero’s philosophical works, and
Aristotle’s Ethics; but what was of greater importance, instructed him in the general history, the state and interest,
the laws and customs of England. He likewise directed
him to keep a diary of all the remarkable occurrences that
happened, to which, probably, we are indebted for the
king’s Journal (printed from the original in the Cottonian library) in Burnett’s History of the Reformation. In October, 1551, his majesty conferred on him the honour of
knighthood; and to enuhle him the better to support that
rank, made him a grant, or gift in fee simple (upon consideration of his surrender of the hundred marks abovementioned), of the whole manor of Stoke, near Clare, exclusively of the college before granted him, and the appurtenances in Suffolk and Essex, with divers other lands,
tenements, &c. all to the yearly value of 145l. 19$. 3d.
And a pasture, with other premises, in Spalding; and the
rectory, and other premises, in Sandon. The same year
he held two private conferences with some other learned
persons upon the subject of the sacrament, or transubstantiation. The first on November the 25th, in -secretary
Cecil’s house, and the second December 3d the same year,
at sir Richard Morison’s. The auditors were, the lord
Russel, sir Thomas Wroth of the bed-chamber, sir Anthony Cooke, one of the king’s tutors, Throgmorton,
chamberlain of the exchequer, Mr. Knolles, and Mr. Harrington, with whom were joined the marquis of Northampton, and the earl of Rutland, in the second conference.
The popish disputants for the real presence were, Feckenham, afterwards dean of St. Paul’s, and Yong; and at the
second disputation, Watson. The disputants on the other
side were, sir John Cheke, sir William Cecil, Horn, dean
of Durham, Whitehead, and Grindal. Some account of
these disputations is still extant in Latin, in the library of
Mss. belonging to Bene't college, Cambridge and from
thence published in English by Mr. Strypein his interesting
Life of sir John Cheke. Sir John also procured Bucer’s
Mss. and the illustrious Leland’s valuable, collections for
the king’s library but either owing to sir John’s misfortunes, or through some other accident, they never reached
their destination. Four volumes of these collections were
given by his son Henry Cheke, to Humphrey Purefoy, esq.
one of queen Elizabeth’s council in the north, whose son,
Thomas Purefoy, of Barvvell in Leicestershire, gave them
to the famous antiquary, William Burton, in 1612 and he
made use of them in his description of Leicestershire.
Many years after, he presented them to the Bodleian library at Oxford, where they now are. Some other of these
collections, after Cheke’s death, came into the hands of
William lord Paget, and sir William Cecil. The original
of the “Itinerary,
” in five volumes, 4to, is in the Bodleian library; and two volumes of collections, relating to
Britain, are in the Cottonian.
t success. But the desire of gaining so great a man, induced the queen to send to him Dr. Feckenham, dean of St. Paul’s, a man of a moderate temper, and with whom he
In the beginning of the year 1556, his wife being come
to Brussels, he resolved, chiefly upon a treacherous invitation he received from the lord Paget and sir John Mason,
to go thither. But first he consulted astrology, in which
he was very credulous, to know whether he might safely
undertake that journey; and being deceived by that delusive art, he fell into a fatal snare between Brussels and Antwerp. For, by order of king Philip II. being way- laid there
by the provost-marshal, he was suddenly seized on the 15th
of May, unhorsed, blindfolded, bound, and thrown into a
waggon; conveyed to the nearest harbour, put on board a
ship under hatches, and brought to the Tower of London,
where he was committed close prisoner. He soon -found
that this was on account of his religion; for two of the
queen’s chaplains were sent to the Tower to endeavour to
reconcile him to the church of Rome, though without success. But the desire of gaining so great a man, induced
the queen to send to him Dr. Feckenham, dean of St. Paul’s,
a man of a moderate temper, and with whom he had been
acquainted in the late reign. This man’s arguments being
inforced by the dreadful alternative, “either comply, or
” sir John’s frailty was not able to withstand them.
He was, therefore, at his own desire, carried before cardinal Pole, who gravely advised him to return to the unity
of the church: and in this dilemma of fear and perplexity,
he endeavoured to escape by drawing up a paper, consisting of quotations out of the fathers that seemed to
countenance transubstantiation, representing them as his own
opinion, and hoping that would suffice to procure him his
liberty, without any other public declarations of his change.
This paper he sent to cardinal Pole, with a letter dated
July 15, in which he desired him to spare him from making
an open recantation but that being refused, he wrote a
letter to the queen the same day, in which he declared his
readiness to obey her laws, and other orders of religion.
After this, he made his solemn submission before the cardinal, suing to be absolved, and received into the bosom
of the Roman catholic church; which was granted him as
a great favour. But still he was forced to make a public
recantation before the queen, on the 4th of October, and
another long one before the whole court; and submitted to
whatever penances should be enjoined him by the pope’s
legate, i. e. the cardinal. After all these mortifications,
his lands were restored to him, but upon condition of an
exchange with the queen for others*. The papists, by
way of triumph over him and the protestants, obliged him
to keep company generally with catholics, and even to be
present at the examinations and convictions of those they
called heretics. But his remorse, and extreme vexation
for what he had done, sat so heavy upon his mind, that
pining away with shame and regret, he died September 13,
1557, aged forty-three, at his friend Mr. Peter Osborne’s
house, in Wood-street, London, and was buried in St. Alban’s church there, in the north chapel of the choir, the
16th of September. A stone was set afterwards over his
grave, with an inscriptionf. He left three sons; John and
Edward, the two youngest, died without issue; Henry,
the eldest, was secretary to the council in the north, and
knighted by queen Elizabeth: he died about the year
1586. Thomas, his eldest son and heir, was knighted by
II. but soon after his nomination, the king’s abdication took place. In April 1707, he was installed dean of Gloucester, which preferment he enjoyed till his death, which
Jacob mentions that Dr. Chetwood had a claim to an
ancient English barony, which was fruitlessly prosecuted
by his son, and which accounts for his being styled “a
person of honour,
” in a translation which he published of
some of St. Evremont’s pieces. By the favour probably
of the earl of Dartmouth, he was nominated to the see of
Bristol by king James II. but soon after his nomination,
the king’s abdication took place. In April 1707, he was
installed dean of Gloucester, which preferment he enjoyed
till his death, which happened April 11, 1720, at Tempsford, in Bedfordshire, where he had an estate, and where
he was buried. He married a daughter of the celebrated
Samuel Shute, esq. sheriff of London in the time of
Charles II. by whom he left a son, John, who, was fellow
of Trinity-hall, Cambridge, and died in 1735. Two copies of verses by Dr. Chetwood, one in English, and the
other in Latin, are prefixed to lord Roscommon’s “Essay
on translated Verse,
” A Speech to the
Lower House of Convocation, May 20, 1715, against the
late riots.
all the English forces [sent] into Holland under the earl of Marlborough 1689; commenced D.D. 1691; dean of Gloucester.”
The following particulars concerning Dr. Chetwood
are found in one of Baker’s Mss. in the British Museum,
(ms. Harl. 7038), “Knightley Chetwode, extraordinarie
electus, born at Coventry, came into the place of Tho.
Brinley [as fellow of King’s-college] chaplain to the lord
Dartmouth, to the princess of Denmark, and to king
James II. prebend of Wells rector of Broad Rissington,
Gloucestershire archdeacon of York nominated bishop
of Bristol by king James, just before his abdication; went
afterwards chaplain to all the English forces [sent] into
Holland under the earl of Marlborough 1689; commenced
D.D. 1691; dean of Gloucester.
, was the son of Dr. Edward Chetwynd, dean of Bristol, who published some single sermons, enumerated by
, was the son of Dr. Edward Chetwynd, dean of Bristol, who published some single sermons,
enumerated by \Vood, and died in 1639. His mother was
Helena, daughter of the celebrated sir John Harrington,
author of the “Nugae Antiques.
” He was born in Sermons
” already noticed, he published a curious and scarce book, entitled
“Anthologia Historica containing fourteen centuries of
memorable passages, and remarkable occurrences, &c.
Lond. Collections Historical, Political, Theological, &c.
” He
was also editor of his grandfather sir John Harrington’s
“Briefe View of the State of the Church of England, &c.
being a character and history of the Bishops,
, dean of the cathedral at Bayeux, and one of the members of the French
, dean of the cathedral
at Bayeux, and one of the members of the French academy, was born April 16, 1644, at Paris. He was sent to
the king of Siam, with the chevalier de Chaumont in 1685,
and ordained priest in the Indies by the apostolical vicar.
He died October 2, 1724, at Paris, aged 81. Although his
life in our authorities is very prolix, he seems entitled to
very little notice or respect. His youth was very irregular.
Disguised as a woman, under the name of comtesse des
Barres, he abandoned himself to the libertinism which such
a disguise encouraged; but we are told that he did not act
thus at the time of writing his ecclesiastical history; though
such a report might probably arise from his having been so
accustomed from his youth to dress in woman’s clothes, to
please Monsieur, brother of Louis XIV. who liked such
amusements, that he wore petticoats at his house as long as
he lived, equally a disgrace to himself and his patron. The
principal of his works are, 1. “Quatre Dialogues sur l‘Immortalite de I’Ame,
” &c which he wrote with M. Dangeau, 12mo. 2. “Relation du Voyage de Siam,
” 12mo.
3. “Histoires de Piett- et de Morale,
” 2 vols. 12mo. 4.
“Hist. Ecclesiastique,
” 11 vols. in 4to, and in 12mo. 5.
“La Vie de David, avec une Interpretation des Pseaumes,
4to. 6. “The Lives of Solomon 3 of St. Louis, 4to 'of
Philip de Valois, and of king John, 4to of Charles V. 4to;
of Charles VI. 4to and of Mad. de Miramion, 12mo his
Memoirs, 12mo. These are all superficial works, and have
found readers only from their being written in that free and
natural style which amuses the attention. What he wrote
on the French history has been printed in 4 vols. 12mo.
His life was published at Geneva, 1748, 8vo, supposed to
be written by the abbe tT Olivet, who has inserted in it the
History of la comtesse des Barres, 1736, small 12mo, written
by t)ie abbe
” Choisi himself.
yal academy of sciences, who elected him one of their members. He was also chosen, in November 1738, dean of the faculty of medicine, and the following year was reelected,
, a French physician, was
the son of Noel Chomel, an agriculturist, and the author of
the “DictionTiaire œconomique,
” of which we have an
English translation by Bradley, 1725, 2 vols. folio. He was
born at Paris towards the end of the seventeenth century,
and studied medicine at Montpellier, where he took his
degree of doctor, in 1708. Returning to his native city,
he was appointed physician and counsellor to the king.
The following year he published “Universal Medicince
Theoricse pars prima, seu Physiologia, ad usum scholae accommodata,
” Montpellier, Traite des Eaux Minerales, Baines et Douches de Vichi,
sent to the academy of sciences, and his “Defence of
” published in the Journal des Savans, he published “Abrege de L'Histoire des Pi antes usuelles,
” Paris,
1712, 12mo. This was in 1715 increased to two, and in
1730, to three volumes in 12mo, and is esteemed an useful
manual. His son, John Baptiste Lewis, was educated also
at Paris, and took his degree of doctor in medicine in
1732. He was several years physician in ordinary to the
king, and in November 1754 was chosen dean of the
faculty. He died in 1765. He published in 1745, 1. “An
account of the disease then epidemic among cattle,
” and
boasts of great success in the cure, which was effected, he
says, by using setons, imbued with white hellebore. 2.
“Dissertation historique sur la Mai de Gorge Gangreneaux, qui a regne parmi les enfans, en 1748:
” the malignant sore throat, first treated of in this country by Dr.
Fothergill, about ten years later than this period. 3. “Essai historique sur la Medicine en France,
” Vie de M. Morin,
” and “Eloge historique
de M. Louis Duret,
r its foundation by Henry VIII. in 1546, and shortly after became master of it; and in 1554 was made dean of Norwich. In the reign of Edward VI. he lived abroad in a
, a learned English bishop,
was a Lancashire man by birth, and educated in St. John’s
college, Cambridge. He was one of the first fellows of
Trinity college after its foundation by Henry VIII. in 1546,
and shortly after became master of it; and in 1554 was
made dean of Norwich. In the reign of Edward VI. he
lived abroad in a state of banishment, in which, as he tells
us in the preface to his translation of Philo Judxus, he
was all the while supported by his college; but upon
queen Mary’s succeeding to the crown, returned, and was
made bishop of Chichester. He is said to have died a
little before this queen in 1558. He translated Philo Judaeiis into Latin, Antwerp, 1553, 4to, and also the ecclesiastical histories of Eusebius, Socrates, Sozomen, Evagrius,
and Theodoret, Louvain, 1570, 8vo; Cologn, 1570, fol.
hut his translations are very defective. Valesius, in his
preface to Eusebius, says, that compared with Rufinus and
Musculus, who had translated these historians before him,
he may be reckoned a diligent and learned man; but yet
that he is very far from deserving the character of a good
translator: that his style is impure, and full of barbarism;
that his periods are long and perplexed: that he has frequently acted the commentator, rather than the translator;
that he has enlarged and retrenched at pleasure; that he
has transposed the sense oftimes, and has not always preserved the distinction even of chapters. The learned Huet
has passed the same censure on him, in his book “De Interpretatione.
” Hence it is that all those who have followed
Christopherson as their guide in ecclesiastical antiquity,
and depended implicitly upon his versions, have often
been led to commit great faults; and this has happened
not seldom to Baronius among others.
it might have had the protection of his name. He wrote also “The Conclave,” a satire levelled at the dean and chapter of Westminster, which his friends prevailed upon
At what period he made the first experiment of his poetical talents is not known. He had, in conjunction with
Lloyd, the care of the poetical department in the “The
” a kind of magazine, of which Dr. Kippis was
editor, and he probably wrote some small pieces in that
work, but they cannot now be distinguished. About the
year 1759 or 1760, he wrote a poem of some length, entitled “The Bard,
” which was rejected by an eminent
bookseller, perhaps justly, as the author did not publish it
afterwards, when it might have had the protection of his
name. He wrote also “The Conclave,
” a satire levelled
at the dean and chapter of Westminster, which his friends
prevailed upon him to suppress. Thus disappointed in
his first two productions, his constant attendance at the
theatres suggested a third, levelled at the players. This
was his celebrated “Hosciad,
” in which the professional
characters of the performers of Drury Lane and Co vent
Garden theatres were examined with a severity, yet with
an acuteness of criticism, and easy flow of humour and
sarcasm, which rendered what he probably considered as a
temporary trifle, a publication of uncommon popularity;
He had, however, so little encouragement in bringing this
poem forward, that five guineas were refused as the price
he valued it at; and he printed it at his own risk when he
had scarcely ready money enough to pay for the necessary
advertisements. It was published in March 1761, and its
sale exceeded all expectation, but as his name did not
appear to the first edition, and Lloyd had not long before
published “The Actor,
” a poem on the same subject, the
Rosciad was generally supposed to be the production of
the same writer; while, by others, it was attributed to
those confederate wits, Colman and Thornton. Churchill,
however, soon avowed a poem which promised so much
fame and profit, and as it had been not only severely
handled in the Critical Review, but positively attributed to
another pen, he published “The Apology: addressed to
the Critical Reviewers,
rgyman, had long shocked his parishioners, and incurred at length the displeasure of Dr. Pearce, the dean of Westminster, who remonstrated as became his station. But
The success of the Rosciad,“and of
” The Apology,"
opened new prospects to their author. He saw in his
genius a source of plentiful emolument, but unfortunately
also he contemplated it as an object of terror, which might
be employed against the friends of virtue, with whom he
no longer thought it necessary to keep any terms. While
insulting public decency by the grossest immorality, he
aimed his vengeance on those who censured him, with a
sprightliness of malignity and force of ridicule which he
deemed irresistible. His conduct, as a clergyman, had
long shocked his parishioners, and incurred at length the
displeasure of Dr. Pearce, the dean of Westminster, who
remonstrated as became his station. But Churchill was
now too far gone in profligacy, and being, as his friends
have been pleased to say, too honest to dissemble, he resigned his curacy and lectureship *, and with this acknowledged sacrifice to depravity, threw off all the external
restraints which his former character might be thought to
impose. That his contempt for the clerical dress might be
more notorious, he was seen at all public places habited
in a blue coat with metal buttons, a gold-laced waistcoat,
a gold-laced hat, and rufHes.
A Reply to a pamphlet called The Mischief of Impositions, by Mr. Alsop, which pretends to answer the dean of St. Paul’s (Dr. Stillingfleet’s) Sermon concerning the Mischief
, eldest son of the preceding,
was born at St. Edmundsbury, in Suffolk, September 14,
1646, and educated in the free-school there, under the
care of Dr. Thomas Stephens, author of the notes on Statius’s Sylvse, who took very early notice of the promising
parts of his scholar. Before he was full thirteen years of
age, he was admitted a pensioner in Emanuel-college, in
Cambridge, September 5, 1659, under the tuition of Mr.
Thomas Jackson, where he took his degree of A. B. 1663,
A.M. 1667, and commenced D. D. in 1683. He was
then chosen one of the preachers of St. Edmundsbury,
which office he discharged for seven years with universal
reputation. From thence, at the instance of some considerable men of the long robe, whose business at the assizes there gave them opportunities of being acquainted
with his great worth and abilities, he was thought worthy
by the society of Gray’s-inn, to succeed the eminent Dr.
Cradock, as their preacher, which he continued to be all
the remaining part of his life, much to the satisfaction of
the society. He was also presented by the lord keeper
North (who was his wife’s kinsman) to the rectory of Farnham-royal, in Buckinghamshire, into which he was instituted May 14, 1683; but what he most valued next to his
preacher’s place at Gray’s-inn, was the lectureship of St.
Michael Bassishaw, to which he was elected by that parish
about two years before his death. He was also chaplain in
ordinary to his majesty. He was cut off, however, in the
prime of life. He was seized with the small-pox on a
Sunday evening, March the 16th, after having preached
at St. Martin in the Fields, in his Lent course there; and
died March 28, 1638. He was buried in a vault under part
of the church of St. Michael Bassishaw, in the grave
with his wife, Mrs. Thornasin North, a most virtuous and
accomplished woman, who died eighteen days after him,
of the same disease. We are assured by the testimony of
Dr. Sharp, that no man of a private condition, in the last
age, died more lamented, and his private virtuesand
public services are spoken of by all his contemporaries in
the highest terms. Bishop Burnet ranks him among those
worthy and eminent men whose lives and labours in a great
measure rescued the church from those reproaches that
the follies of others drew upon it; nor ought it to be forgotten, that he was one of those excellent divines who
made that noble stand against popery in the reign of king
James II. which will redound to their immortal honour.
The several things published by Dr. Clagett, are as follows: 1. “A Discourse concerning the Operations of the
Holy Spirit; with a confutation of some part of Dr. Owen’s
book upon that subject,
” Part I. Lond. A Reply to a pamphlet called
The Mischief of Impositions, by Mr. Alsop, which pretends to answer the dean of St. Paul’s (Dr. Stillingfleet’s)
Sermon concerning the Mischief of Separation,
” Lond.
An Answer to the Dissenters’ Objections
against the Common Prayers, and some other parts of the
divine service prescribed in the Liturgy of the Church of
” Lond. The Difference of the
Case between the Separation of Protestants fromthe
Church of Rome, and the Separation of Dissenters from
the Church of England,
” Lond. The
State of the Church of Rome when the Reformation began, as it appears by the advices given to pope Paul III.
and Julius III. by creatures of their own.
” 6. “A Discourse concerning the Invocation of the Blessed Virgin
and the Saints,
” Lond. A Paraphrase,
with notes, upon the sixth Chapter of St. John, shewing
that there is neither good reason, nor sufficient authority
to suppose that the Eucharist is discoursed of in that
chapter, much less to infer the doctrine of Transubstantiation from it.
” Lond. 1686, 4to. Reprinted in 1689,
8vo, at the end of his second volume of sermons. 8. “Of
the Humanity and Chanty of Christians. A Sermon
preached at the Suffolk Feast, at St. Michael, Cornhill,
London, November 30, 1686.
” 9. “A Discourse concerning the pretended Sacrament of Extreme Unction,
” in three parts. “With a letter to the Vindicator of
the bishop of Condom,
” Lond. A second letter to the Vindicator of the bishop of Condom,
Lond. Authority of Councils, and the
Rule of Faith, with an answer to the Eight Theses laid
down for the Trial of the English Reformation.
” The first
part, about Councils, by Hutchinson, esq. the rest
by Dr. Clagett, 4to. 12. “Notion of Idolatry considered
and confuted,
” Lond. Cardinal Bellarmine’s
seventh note, of the Union of the Members among themselves, and with the Head.
” 14. “His twelfth note, Of
the Light of Prophecy, examined and confuted.
” 15. “A
View of the whole Controversy between the Representer
and the Answerer; in which are laid open some of the
methods by which Protestants are misrepresented by Papists,
” Lond. An Answer to the Representer’s Reflections upon the State and View of the Controversy. With a Reply to the Vindicator’s full Answer;
shewing that the Vindicator has utterly ruined the new
design of expounding and representing Popery,
” London,
Several captious Queries concerning
the English Reformation, first in Latin, and afterwards by
T. W. in English, briefly and fully answered,
” Lond.
A Preface concerning the Testimony of
Miracles, prefixed to The School of the Eucharist established upon the miraculous respects and acknowledgements,
which Beasts, Birds, and Insects, upon several occasions,
have rendered to the Sacrament of the Altar.
” Translated
by another hand, from the original French of F. Toussain
Bridoul, a Jesuit," Lond. 1687, 4to. Besides these, after
his decease, his brother, Mr. Nicolas Clagett, published
four volumes of his sermons: the first in 1689, contained seventeen sermons; one of which was greatly admired by
queen Mary, who desired to have it read more than once
during her last illness: Text, Job ii. 10. The second
volume, printed in 1693, contained eleven sermons; a Paraphrase and Notes upon the first, second, third, fourth, fifth,
seventh, and eighth Chapters of the Gospel of St. John.
The Paraphrase, and Notes on the sixth Chapter, which had
been published before: A Discourse of Church- Unity, with
Directions now, in this divided State of Christendom, to keep
within the Unity of the Church A Discourse of Humanity
and Charity And a Letter concerning Protestants Charity
to Papists published by Dr. Clagett. The third and fourth
volumes did not come out till 1720, at so great a distance
of tune from the two former volumes, that the booksellers
would not call them the third and fourth volumes, but the
first and second volumes, as well as the former; only notice was given, that they were never before published.
sition of the Church Catechism,” and ten volumes of sermons, in 8vo, by his brother Dr. John Clarke, dean of Sarum. His “Exposition” is made up of those lectures he read
While Clarke was thus employed in finishing the remaining books of Homer, he was interrupted with an illness which ended in his death. Though not robust, he
had all his life long enjoyed a firm state of health, without
any indisposition severe enough to confine him, except the
small-pox in his youth; till, on Sunday May 11, 1729,
going out in the morning to preach before the judges at
Serjeants’-inn, he was there seized with a pain in his side,
which quickly became so violent, that he was obliged to be
carried home. He went to bed, and thought himself so
much better in the afternoon, that he would not suffer
himself to be blooded; against which remedy he had strong
prejudices. But the pain returning violently about two
the next morning, made bleeding absolutely necessary:
he appeared to be out of danger, and continued to think
himself so, till the Saturday morning following; when, to
the inexpressible surprise of all about him, the pain removed from his side to his head; and, after a very short
interval, took away his senses, in which state he continued breathing till between seven and eight of the evening
of that day, May 17, 1729, and then died, in his 54th year.
The same year was printed his “Exposition of the Church
” and ten volumes of sermons, in 8vo, by his
brother Dr. John Clarke, dean of Sarum. His “Exposition
” is made up of those lectures he read every Thursday
morning for some months in the year at St. James’s church.
In the latter part of his time he revised them with great
care, and left them completely prepared for the press.
This performance was immediately animadverted upon
by Dr. Waterland, and defended by Dr. Sykes, in a controversy which produced some pamphlets.
ssessed of, by right of inheritance. His father, Dr. Clayton, minister of St. Michael’s, Dublin, and dean of Kildare, sent him to Westminster-school, under the private
, bishop of Clogher, was born at Dublin in 1695, a descendant of the Claytons of Fulwood, in Lancashire, whose estate he became possessed of, by right of inheritance. His father, Dr. Clayton, minister of St. Michael’s, Dublin, and dean of Kildare, sent him to Westminster-school, under the private tuition of Zachary Pearce, afterwards bishop of Rochester, with whom he held a lasting friendship. From Westminster school Dr. Clayton removed his son to Trinity college, Dublin, of which, in due time, he became a fellow, and afterwards made the tour of Italy and France. From whom Mr. Clayton received holy orders, what preferments he had before he was raised to the episcopacy, and when he took his degrees, we are not informed; only we find that he was become D. D. in 1729. In 1728, having come into the possession of an affluent estate, in consequence of his father’s decease, he married Catharine, daughter of lord chief baron Donnellan, and gave her fortune, which was not considerable, to her sister. He behaved with the same generosity to his own three sisters, and gave to each of them the double of what had been bequeathed to them by their father’s will.
prelate left behind him several works in manuscript in the possession of his executor, Dr. Barnard, dean of Derry, but these have not been thought worthy of publication.
Our prelate left behind him several works in manuscript in the possession of his executor, Dr. Barnard, dean of Derry, but these have not been thought worthy of publication. Dr. Clayton was a member of the royal society, and of the society of antiquaries. He maintained a regular correspondence with several gentlemen of eminent literature in this country; and, among the rest, with the learned printer, Mr. Bowyer, to whom he made a present of the copy-right of all his works published in England. His Lancashire estate he bequeathed to his nearest male heir, Richard Clayton, esq. chief justice of the common pleas in Ireland; but the greatest share of his fortune fell to Dr. Barnard, who married his niece. Some interesting' anecdotes of the bishop are given in Burdy’s Lite of the rev. Philip Skelton, to whom he was neither a liberal nor impartial patron.
ecution. He was appointed one of the commissioners to visit the university of Cambridge; was elected dean of St. Paul’s the llth of December, 1556; made (August 8, 1557)
, a person of considerable learning in
the sixteenth century, was born at Godshill in the Isle of
Wight, and educated in Wykeham’s school near Winchester. From thence he was chosen to New college, Oxford,
of which he became perpetual fellow in 1523, and studying
the civil law, took the degree of bachelor in that faculty,
March 3, 1529-30. He then travelled into Italy, and improved himself in his studies at Padua, being a zealous
Roman catholic, but upon his return to England, he acknowledged king Henry VIII. to be the supreme head of
the church of England. In 1540, he took the degree of
doctor of the civil law; and the same year resigned his fellowship, being then settled in London, an advocate in the
court of arches, prebendary of Yatminster Secunda in the
church of Sarum, and about the same time was made archdeacon of Ely. In September, 1540, he was admitted to
the rectory of Chelmsford in Essex; and in October following, collated to the prebend of Holbora, which he resigned April 19, 1541; and was the same day collated to
that of Sneating, which he voiding by cession in March
ensuing, was collated to the prebend of Wenlakesbarne.
In 1542 he was elected warden of New College; and in
1545 made rector of Newton Longville in Buckinghamshire. Soon after, when king Edward VI. came to the
crown, Dr. Cole outwardly embraced, and preached up
the reformation, but altering his mind, he resigned his
rectory of Chelmsford in 1547; and in 1551 his wardenship of New College; and the year following, his rectory
of Newton Longville. After queen Mary’s accession to
the crown, he became again a zealous Roman catholic
and in 1554 was made provost of Eton college, of which
he had been fellow. The same year, June 20, he had
the degree of D. D. conferred on him, and was one of
the divines that disputed publicly at Oxford with archbishop Cranmer, and bishop Ridley. He also preached
the funeral sermon before archbishop Cranmer' s execution.
He was appointed one of the commissioners to visit the
university of Cambridge; was elected dean of St. Paul’s
the llth of December, 1556; made (August 8, 1557) vicar-general of the spiritualities under cardinal Pole, archbishop of Canterbury; and the first of October following,
official of the arches, and dean of the peculiars; and in
November ensuing, judge of the court of audience. In
1558 he was appointed one of the overseers of that cardinal’s will. In the first year of queen Elizabeth’s reign
he was one of the eight catholic divines who disputed
publicly at Westminster with the same number of protestants, and distinguished himself then and afterwards,
by his writings in favour of popery, for which he was deprived of his deanery, fined five hundred marks, and imprisoned. He died in or near Wood -street compter, in
London, in December, 1579. Leland has noticed him
among other learned men of our nation. He is called by
Strype “a person more earnest than wise,
” but Ascham
highly commends him for his learning and humanity. It
is evident, however, that he accommodated his changes of
opinions to the times, although in his heart he was among
the most bigotted and implacable opponents of the reformed religion. His writings were, 1. “Disputation with
archbishop Cranmer and bishop Ridley at Oxford,
” in
Funeral Sermon at the Burning of Dr. Thomas Cranmer, archbishop of Canterbury.
” Both these are
in Fox’s Acts and Monuments. 3. “Letters to John Jewell,
bishop of Salisbury, upon occasion of a Sermon that the said
bishop preached before the queen’s majesty and her honourable council, anno 1560,
” Lond.Letters to bishop
Jewell, upon occasion of a Sermon of his preached at Paul’s
Cross on the second Sunday before Easter, in 1560.
” 5.
“An Answer to the first proposition of the Protestants, at
the Disputation before the lords at Westminster.
” These
last are in Burnet’s History of the Reformation.
05, was instituted to the prebend of Mora in St. Paul’s, London. The same year and month he was made dean of that church, without the least application of his own; and
Here he read public lectures on St. Paul’s epistles, without stipend or reward; which, being a new thing, drew a vast crowd of hearers, who admired him greatly. And here he strengthened his memorable friendship with Erasmus, who came to Oxford in 1497, which remained unshaken and inviolable to the day of their deaths. He continued these lectures three years; and in 1501 was admitted to proceed in divinity, or to the reading of the sentences. In 1502 he became prebendary of Durnesford, in the churcfa of Sarum, and in Jan. 1504, resigned his prebend of Good Easter. In the same year he commenced D. D. and in May 1505, was instituted to the prebend of Mora in St. Paul’s, London. The same year and month he was made dean of that church, without the least application of his own; and being raised to this high station, he began to reform the decayed discipline of his cathedral. He introduced a new practice of preaching himself upon Sundays and great festivals, and called to his assistance other learned persons, such as Grocyn, and Sowle, whom he appointed to read divinity-lectures. These lectures raised in the nation a spirit of inquiry after the holy scriptures, which had long been laid aside for the school divinity; and eventually prepared for the reformation, which soon after ensued. Colet was unquestionably in some measure instrumental towards it, though he did not live to see it effected; for he expressed a great contempt of religious houses, exposed the abuses that prevailed in them, and set forth the danger of imposing celibacy on the clergy. This way of thinking, together with his free and public manner of communicating his thoughts, which were then looked upon as impious and heretical, made him obnoxious to the clergy, and exposed him to persecution from the bishop of London, Dr. Fitzjames; who, being a rigid bigot, could not bear to have the corruptions in his church spoken against, and therefore accused him to archbishop Warham as a dangerous man, preferring at the same time some articles against him. But Warham, well knowing the worth and integrity of Colet, dismissed him, without giving him the trouble of putting in any formal answer. The bishop, however, not satisfied with that fruitless attempt, endeavoured afterwards to stir up the king and the court against him; nay, we are told in bishop Latimer’s sermons, that he was not only in trouble, but would have been burnt, if God had not turned the king’s heart to the contrary.
ion of it is preserved in sir William Dugdale’s “History of St. Paul’s,” and in Knight’s life of the dean. On the two sides of the bust was this inscription: “John Colet,
These troubles and persecutions made him weary of the
world, so that he began to think of disposing of his effects,
and of retiring. Having therefore a very plentiful estate
without any near relations (for, numerous as his brethren were, he had outlived them all), he resolved, in the midst
of life and health, to consecrate the whole property of it
to some standing and perpetual benefaction. And this he
performed by founding St. Paul’s school, in London, of
which he appointed William Lilly first master in 1512. He
ordained, that there should be in this school an high master,
a surmaster, and a chaplain, who should teach gratis 153
children, divided into eight classes and he endowed it
with lands and houses, amounting then to 122l. 4s. 7½d
per annum, of which endowment he made the company of
mercers trustees. To further his scheme of retiring, he
built a convenient and handsome house near Richmond palace in Surrey, in which he intended to reside, but having
been seized by the sweating sickness twice, and relapsing
into it a third time, a consumption ensued, which proved
fatal September 16, 1519, in his fifty-third year. He was
buried in St. Paul’s choir, with an humble monument prepared for him several years before, and only inscribed with
his bare name. Afterwards a nobler was erected to his
honour by the company of mercers, which was destroyed
with the cathedral in 1666; but the representation of it
is preserved in sir William Dugdale’s “History of St.
” and in Knight’s life of the dean. On the two
sides of the bust was this inscription: “John Colet, doctor
of divinity, dean of Paul’s, and the only founder of Paul’sschocrf, departed this life, anno 1519, the son of sir Henry Colet, knt. twise mayor of the cyty of London, and
free of the company and mistery of mercers.
” Lower,
there were other inscriptions in Latin. About 1680, when
the church was taking down in order to be rebuilt, his
leaden coffin was found inclosed in the wall, about two feet
and a half above the floor. At the top of it was a leaden
plate fastened, whereon was engraved the dean’s name,
his dignity, his benefactions, &c. Besides his dignities
and preferments already mentioned, he was rector of the
fraternity or gild of Jesus in St. Paul’s church, for which
he procured new statutes; and was chaplain and preacher
in ordinary-to Henry VIII; and, if Erasmus is not mistaken, one of the privy-council.
nd, be compared with his dying declarations. In addition to the answerers of Collins, we may mention dean Swift, in an excellent piece of irony, entitled” Mr. Collins’s
His health began to decline several years before his
death: and he was extremely afflicted with the stone, which
at last put an end to his life, Dec. 13, 1729; he was interred in Oxford chapel. It is remarkable that notwithstanding the accusation of being an enemy to religion, he
declared, just before his last minutes, “That as he had
always endeavoured, to the best of his abilities, to serve
God, his king, and his country, so he was persuaded he
was going to that place which God had designed for them
that love him.
” Presently after, he said, that “the catholic religion is to love God, and to love man;
” and he
advised such as were about him to have a constant regard
to those principles. His library, which was very large and
curious, was sold by T. Ballard in 1730-1. The catalogue was drawn up by Dr. Sykes. We are told, that
“the corruption among Christians, and the persecuting
spirit of the clergy, had given him a prejudice against the
Christian religion; and at last induced him to think, that,
upon the foot on which it is at present, it is pernicious to
” He has indeed given us himself an unequivocal
intimation, that he had actually renounced Christianity,
Thus, in answer to Rogers, who had supposed that it was
men’s lusts and passions, and not their reason, which
made them depart from the gospel, he acknowledges, that
<c it may be, and is undoubtedly, the case of many, who
reject the gospel, to be influenced therein by their vices
and immoralities. It would be very strange,“says he,
” if
Christianity, which teaches so much good morality, and
so justly condemns divers vices, to which men are prone,
was not rejected by some libertines on that account; as
the several pretended revelations, which are established
throughout the world, are by libertines on that very account also. But this cannot be the case of all who reject the gospel. Some of them who reject the gospel
lead as good lives as those who receive it. And I suppose
there is no difference to the advantage of Christians,
in point of morality, between them and the Jews, Mahometans, heathens, or others, who reject Christianity.“But we ought not to conclude this article without remarking, that whatever Mr. Collins’s character in private life,
he was, at the same time, a most unfair writer. He
seemed, with all his morality, to have very little conscience
in his quotations, adapting them, without scruple, to his
own purposes, however contrary they might be to the genuine meaning of the authors cited, or to the connection
in which the passages referred to stood. So many facts of
this kind were undeniably proved against him by his adversaries, that he must ever be recorded as a flagrant instance of literary disingenuity. Let these facts, which are
clearly proved by Leland, be compared with his dying declarations. In addition to the answerers of Collins, we
may mention dean Swift, in an excellent piece of irony,
” Mr. Collins’s Discourse of Freethinking, put
into plain English, by way of abstract, for the use of the
poor,“1713, reprinted in Mr. Nichols’s edition of his
Works, vol. X. The twelfth chapter also of the
” Memoirs of Martinus Scriblerus," in Pope’s Works, is an
inimitable ridicule on Collins’s arguments against Clarke,
to prove the soul to be only a quality.
, dean of Durham, the son of James Comber, and Mary Burton, who, when
, dean of Durham, the son of James Comber, and Mary Burton, who, when she married his father was the widow of Mr. Edward Hampden of Westerham in Kent, was born at Westerham March 19, 1644, and was the last child baptised in that parish church according to the rites of the church of England, before those rites were prohibited by the usurping powers. His father was so persecuted in that tumultuous period, for his loyalty, as to be compelled to take refuge in Flanders, leaving his son entirely under the care of jiis mother. His early education he received at the school of Westerham, under the rev. Thomas Walter, a teacher of piety as well as learning. Here his progress was so rapid that he could read and write Greek before he was ten years old, and in other respects was accounted a pupil of great promise. From this place he removed in 1653 to London, and passed some time under a schoolmaster, a distant relation, but without adding much to his stock of knowledge, and in 1656 returned to his first master at Westerham, and on his death, read Greek and Latin, for a year, assisted by the rev. William Holland.
an interesting volume, entitled “Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Thomas Comber, D. D. some time dean of Durham; in which is introduced a candid view of the scope
Besides the works already noticed, Dr. Comber wrote,
1. “A Scholastical History of the primitive and general
use of Liturgies in the Christian Church; together with an
Answer to Mr. David Clarkson’s late Discourse concerning
” Lond. 1690, dedicated to king William and
queen Mary. 2. “A Companion to the Altar; or, an
Help to the worthy Receiving of the Lord’s Supper, by
Discourses and Meditations upon the whole Communionoffice.
” 3. “A brief Discourse upon the Offices of Baptism, Catechism, and Confirmation,
” printed at the end of
the Companion to the Altar.“4.
” A Discourse on the
occasional Offices in the Common Prayer, viz. Matrimony, Visitation of the Sick, Burial of the Dead, Churching of Women, and the Commination.“5.
” A Discourse
upon the Manner and Form of making Bishops, Priests,
and Deacons,“London, 1699, 8vo, dedicated to archbishop
Tenison. 6.
” Short Discourses upon the whole Common
Prayer, designed to inform the judgment, and excite the
devotion of such as daily use the same;“chiefly byway of
paraphrase, London, 1684, 8vo, dedicated to Anne, princess of Denmark, to whom the author was chaplain. 7.
f Roman Forgeries in the Councils during the first four
Centuries; together with an Appendix, concerning the
forgeries and errors in the annals of Baronius,
” ibid. 1689,
4to. It seems doubtful whether the edition of Fox’s
“Christus Triumphans,
” which appeared in Memoirs
of the Life and Writings of Thomas Comber, D. D.
some time dean of Durham; in which is introduced a
candid view of the scope and execution of the -several
works of Dr. Comber, as well printed as ms.; also a fair
account of his literary correspondence.
” Of this we have
availed ourselves as to the preceding facts, and must still
refer to it for a more satisfactory detail of Dr. Comber’s
public services and private character. He was unquestionably a pious, learned, and indefatigable supporter of
the doctrine and discipline of the church of England; and
his private character added a very striking lustre to his
public professions. His principal works, not of the controversial kind, are those he wrote on the various parts of
the liturgy, which, although in less reputation now than
formerly, unquestionably were the first of the kind, and
rendered the labours of his successors Nichols, Wheatley,
&c. more easy. His style is in general perspicuous, although void of ornament, and the phraseology, somewhat
peculiar; but these liturgical commentaries are chiefly
valuable for the accumulation of learned references and
authorities. As to his private character, his biographer
assures us, that “his modesty and inambition were singularly remarkable. Content with a moderate fortune, he
was desirous of continuing in a private station, though
possessed of abilities and integrity capable of adorning the
most exalted and splendid rank. Insensible equally to the
calls of ambition and the allurements of wealth, we behold
him declining situations of honour and emolument, to obtain which thousands have made shipwreck of their honour
and conscience. When the importunity of his friends had
at last prevailed on him to lay aside his thoughts of continuing in obscurity, and induced him to step forward into
a more public life, we see him respected by all the great
and good men of his time, and frequently receiving public
marks of esteem from the lips of royalty itself. The same
modesty which had made him desirous of continuing in a
private station, still adhered to him when preferred to an
eminent dignity in the church: unassuming and humble in
private life, in public he was dignified without pride, and
generous without ostentation.
correct the mistakes of the Biog. Britannica, Wood’s Athenas, &c. in which he is confounded with the dean of Durham, and said to have entered into a controversy with
There was also another Thomas Comber, D. D. who lived in the same century, and was of Trinity college in Cambridge. He was born -in Sussex, Jan. 1, 1575 5 admitted scholar of Trinity college, May 1593; chosen fellow of the same, October 1597; preferred to the deanery of Carlisle, August 1630; and sworn in master of Trinity college, Oct. 1631. In 1642, he was imprisoned, plundered, and deprived of all his preferments; and died February 1653, at Cambridge. He was a man of very extensive learning, particularly in the classical and oriental languages; and Neal, the historian of his persecutors, bears testimony to the excellence of his character in this and other respects. He is here however noticed, chiefly to correct the mistakes of the Biog. Britannica, Wood’s Athenas, &c. in which he is confounded with the dean of Durham, and said to have entered into a controversy with Selden on the subject of tithes. He was, however, related to him, the dean’s grandfather John Comber, esq. being his uncle.
, LL. D. grandson to the preceding Dr. Comber, dean of Durham, was educated at Jesus college, Cambridge, where he
, LL. D. grandson to the preceding
Dr. Comber, dean of Durham, was educated at Jesus
college, Cambridge, where he took his degrees of B. A. 1744,
M. A. 1770, and LL. D. 1777. He was rector of Kirkby
Misperton, Yorkshire, and afterwards rector of Morborne
and Buckworth in Huntingdonshire. He was a man of
considerable parts and learning, and the author of several
controversial tracts, among which are: 1. “The Heathen
rejection of Christianity in the first ages considered/' 1747,
8vo. 2.
” An Examination of a late introductory Discourse concerning Miraculous Power,“by Dr. Middleton, a
pamphlet in which Warburton discovered marks of genius
and sense, but with some puerilities. 3.
” A Vindication
of the great Revolution in England in 1688, &c.“1758,
8vo. 4.
” A Free and Candid Correspondence on the
Farmer’s Letter to the people of England, &c. with the
Author,“1770, 8vo. 5.
” A Treatise of Laws, from the
Greek of Sylburgius’s edition of Theodoret, bishop of Cyprus, &c.“177G, 8vo. 6.
” Memoirs of the Life and
Death of the right hon. the Lord Deputy Wandesforde,“Cambridge, 1778, 12mo. Dr. Comber was great great
grandson to this nobleman. This last is a very curious and
a very scarce performance. It is marked on the title-page,
vol. II. and was to be considered as the second volume of a
work published by our author in 1777, entitled
” A Book
of Instructions, written by sir Christopher Wandesforde to
his son, but they are seldom found together." Dr. Comber died in 1778.
itted canon-commoner of that college, in the beginning of 1666, by the advice of Dr. John Fell, then dean of the same. In April of the same year, he was incorporated
, an eminent prelate of the church of England, was the youngest son of the preceding Spencer second earl of Northampton, and born at Compton in 1632. Though he was but ten years old when his father was killed, yet he received an education suitable to his quality; and when he had gone through the grammarschools, was entered a nobleman of Queen’s college, Oxford, in 1649. He continued there till about 1652; and after having lived some little time with his mother, travelled into foreign countries. Upon the restoration of Charles II. he returned to England; and became a cornet in a regiment of horse, raised about that time for the king’s guard: but soon quitting that post, he dedicated himself to the service of the church; and accordingly went to Cambridge, where he was created M, A. Then entering into orders, when about thirty years of age, and obtaining a grant of the next vacant canonry of Christ church in Oxford, he was admitted canon-commoner of that college, in the beginning of 1666, by the advice of Dr. John Fell, then dean of the same. In April of the same year, he was incorporated M. A. at Oxford, and possessed at that time the rectory of Cottenham in Cambridgeshire, worth about 500l. per annum. In 1667, he was made master of St. Crosse’s hospital near Winchester. On May 24, 1669, he was installed canon of Christ church, in the room of Dr. Heylin deceased; and two days after took the degree of B. D. to which, June 28 following, he added that of doctor. He was preferred to the bishopric of Oxford in December 1674; and about a year after was made dean of the chapel royal, and was also translated to the see of London.
opish fury, being immediately dismissed from the council-table; and on December 16, 1685, from being dean of the royal chapel. Means were also devised to entrap him into
King Charles now caused him to be sworn one of his
privy council; and committed to his care the educating
of his two nieces, the princesses Mary and Anne, which
important trust he. discharged to the nation’s satisfaction.
They were both confirmed by him upon January 23>
1676; and it is somewhat remarkable that they were
both likewise married by him: the eldest, Mary, with
William prince of Orange, November 4, 1677; the
youngest, Anne, with George prince of Denmark, July 28,
1683. The attachment of these two princesses to the
protestant religion was owing, in a great measure, to their tutor Compton; which afterwards, when popery came to prevail at the court of England, was imputed to him as an unpardonable crime. In the mean time he indulged the
hopeless project of bringing dissenters to a sense of
the necessity of an union among protestants; to promote which, he held several conferences with his own
clergy, the substance of which he published in July 16SO.
He further hoped, that dissenters might be the more easily
reconciled to the church, if the judgment of foreign divines should be produced against their needless separation:
and for that purpose he wrote to M. le Moyne, professor
ef divinity at Leyden, to M. de PAngle, one of the
preachers of the protestant church at Charenton near Paris, and to M. Claude, another eminent French divine.
Their answers are published at the end of bishop Stillingfleet’s “Unreasonableness of Separation,
” requiring and commanding him forthwith to suspend Dr. Sharp from further
preaching in any parish church or chapel within his diocese, until he had given the king satisfaction.
” In order
to understand how Sharp had offended the king, it must
be remembered, that king James had caused the directions
concerning preachers, published in 1662, to be now reprinted; and reinforced them by a letter directed to the
archbishops of Canterbury and York, given at Whitehall,
March 5, 1686, to prohibit the preaching upon controversial points; that was, in effect, to forbid the preaching
against popery, which Sharp had done. The bishop refusing to suspend Dr. Sharp, because, as he truly alleged,
he could not do it according to law, was cited to appear,
August y, before the new ecclesiastical commission: when
he was charged with not having observed his majesty’s
command in the case of Sharp, whom he was ordered to
suspend. The bishop, after expressing some surprise,
humbly begged a copy of the commission, and a copy of
his charge; but was answered by chancellor Jefferies,
“That he should neither have a copy of, nor see, the commission neither would they give him a copy of the
” His lordship then desired time to advise with
counsel; and time was given him to the 16th, and afterwards to the 3 1st of August. Then his lordship offered his
plea to their jurisdiction: which being overruled, he protested to his right in that or any other plea that might be
made for his advantage; and observed, “that as a bishop
he had a right, by the most authentic and universal ecclesiastical laws, to be tried before his metropolitan, precedently to any other court whatsoever.
” But the ecclesiastical commissioners would not upon any account suffer
their jurisdiction to be called in question; and therefore,
in spite of all that his lordship or his counsel could allege,
he was suspended on Sept. 6 following, for his disobedience, from the function and execution of his episcopal
office, and from all episcopal and other ecclesiastical jurisdiction, during his majesty’s pleasure; and the bishops of
Durham, Rochester, and Peterborough, were appointed
commissioners to exercise ecclesiastical jurisdiction within,
the diocese of London. But the court did not think fit to
meddle with his revenues. For the lawyers had settled
that benefices were of the nature of freeholds; therefore, if
the sentence had gone to the temporalities, the bishop
would have had the matter tried over again in the king’s
bench, where he was likely to find justice.
lling up the throne by a king. On February 14, he was again appointed of the privy-council, and made dean of the royal chapel; from both which places king James had removed
* We learn from Mr. Ray and Plu- fore in England. This repository was
kenet, that he jwined to his taste for ever open to the inspection of the cugardening, a real and scientific know- rious and scientific and we find Ray,
led^e of plants; an attainment not Petiver, and Plukenet, in numerous
usual among the great in those days, instances, acknowledging the assistHe collected a greater variety of green- ance they received from the free cornhouse rarities, and planted a greater munication of rare and new plants out
variety of hardy exotic trees and shrubs, of the garden at FulUam. Pulteaey'5
than had been seen in any garden be* Sketches.
At his return to London, he discovered his zeal for the
revolution, and first set his hand to the association begun
at Exeter. He waited on the prince of Orange, Dec. 21,
at the head of his clergy; and, in their names and his own,
thanked his highness fur his very great and hazardous undertaking for their deliverance, and the preservation of
the protcstant religion, with the anc; ent laws and liberties
of this nation. He gave his royal highness the sacrament,
Dec. 30; and upon Jan. 29 following, when the house of
lords, in a grand committee, debated the important question, “Whether the throne, being vacant, ou^ht to be
filled by a regent or a king?
” Compton was one of the
two bisiiops, sir Jonathan Trelawny bishop of Bristol being
the other, who made the majority for filling up the throne
by a king. On February 14, he was again appointed of
the privy-council, and made dean of the royal chapel;
from both which places king James had removed him: and
was afterwards chosen by king William, to perform the
ceremony of his and queen Mary’s coronation, upon April
11, 1689. The same year he was constituted one of the
commissioners for revising the liturgy, in which he laboured with much zeal to reconcile the dissenters to the
church; and also in the convocation, that met Nov. 21,
1689, of which he was president. But the intended comprehension met with insuperable difficulties, the majority
of the lower house being resolved not to enter into any
terms of accommodation with the dissenters; and his lordship’s not complying so far as the dissenters liked, is supposed to have been the reason of Burnet’s calling him
“a weak man, wilful, and strangely wedded to a party.
This however must seem extraordinary to those who consider, that those who are usually called high churchmen
have spoken very coolly of him ever since, on that very
account: and that even his opposing, as he did, the prosecution against Sacheverell in 1710, declaring him not
guilty, and also protesting against several steps taken in
that affair, has not been sufficient to reconcile them to his
complying so far with the dissenters as he did. The fact
appears to have been that the bishop endeavoured to act
with moderation, for which no allowance is made in times
of violent party- spirit.
This the good prelate so effectually did, that on the death of Dr. Bradshaw, bishop of Bristol, and dean Of Christ church, Oxford, in December, 1732, Dr. Conybeare was
Though Dr. Conybeare, by his promotion to the headship of Exeter college, had obtained a considerable rank in the university, he did not, by the change of his situation, make any addition to his fortune. Indeed, the emoluments of his new place were so small, that he was much richer as a private fellow and tutor, than as the governor of his college. It may be presumed that this circumstance in part, and still more the reputation he had acquired by his answer to Tindal, induced the bishop of London, who at that time had great influence in the disposal of ecclesiastical preferments, to exert himself more vigorously in our author’s behalf. This the good prelate so effectually did, that on the death of Dr. Bradshaw, bishop of Bristol, and dean Of Christ church, Oxford, in December, 1732, Dr. Conybeare was appointed to succeed him in the latter dignity. Accordingly the doctor was installed dean of that cathedral in the month of January following. On this occasion, he resigned the headship of Exeter college; and not long after, he gave up likewise the rectory of St. Clement’s, in favour of a friend, the rev. Mr. Webber, one of the fellows of Exeter. On the 6th of June, 1733, dean Conybeare married Miss Jemima Juckes, daughter of Mr. William Juckes, of Hoxton-square, near London; and in the same year he published a sermon, which he had preached in the cathedral of St. Peter, Exon, in August 1732, from 2 Peter iii. 16, on the subject of scripturedifficulties. In the beginning of the next year, he had the honour of entertaining the prince of Orange at the deanery of Christ church. The prince, who had come into England to marry the princess royal, being desirous of visiting Oxford, and some of the places adjacent, took up his residence at Dr. Conybeare’s apartments; and how solicitous the dean was to treat his illustrious guest with a proper splendour and dignity, appears from his having received, by the hands of one of her servants, the especial thanks of queen Caroline on the occasion.
When in 1737, Morgan had published his “Moral Philosopher,” the dean had it in contemplation to answer that work, so far as the general
When in 1737, Morgan had published his “Moral Philosopher,
” the dean had it in contemplation to answer that
work, so far as the general scheme of the writer might be
thought to deserve it; and he had prepared many materials
for this purpose. The design, for what reason we know
not, was never carried into execution; and the omission
may be regretted, though it must at the same time be acknowledged, that Dr. Morgan was encountered by a number
of very able and successful antagonists. It is to the honour of dean Conybeare’s temper, that he expressed his
hope, that none of the animadverters on the “Moral Philosopher
” would be provoked to imitate his scurrilities. In
1738, the dean was requested to preach the sermon at the
annual meeting of the several charity-schools in London,
which he did from Galatians vi. 9; and the discourse was
published. In 1747, he met with a great domestic affliction, in the loss of his lady, who departed this life on the
29th of Octoher, after their union had subsisted not much
longer than fourteen years. When, on the 25th of April,
1749, a day of solemn thanksgiving was held, on account
of the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, which had been signed
on the 18th of October in the preceding year, Dr. Conybeare was fixed upon to preach before the honourable house
of commons on this occasion. The subject was, “True
o his former study of divinity. March 156,7, he took the degree of D.D. and about that time was made dean of Christ-church. In 1569 he was made dean of Gloucester, and
, a learned English
bishop, was born at Oxford about 1517, and educated in
the school adjoining to Magdalen college; and, having
made great progress in grammar learning, and gained high
reputation, he was there elected first demy, then probationer in 1539, and perpetual fellow the year after. He
quitted his fellowship in 1546, being then married, as it is
supposed; and when queen Mary came to the crown, applied himself to the study of physic, and, faking a bachelor’s degree, practised it at Oxford, because he was secretly
inclined to the Protestant religion; but upon the death of
that queen, he returned to his former study of divinity.
March 156,7, he took the degree of D.D. and about that
time was made dean of Christ-church. In 1569 he was
made dean of Gloucester, and the year after bishop of Lincoln. July 1572, he preached a sermon at St. Paul’s cross,
in vindication of the church of England and its liturgy; to
which an answer was sent him by a disaffected person, which
answer Strype has printed at length in his “Annals of
the Reformation.
” In Ye may all prophesy one by one, that
all may learn, and all may be comforted.
” They were set
on foot in several parts of the kingdom about 1571; and
consisted of conferences among the clergy, for the better improving of themselves, and one another, in the knowledge
of scripture and divinity; but in 1577 were generally suppressed, on account of their being thought seminaries of
puritanism. In 1584 he was translated to the bishopric of
Winchester; which diocese abounding greatly with papists,
he petitioned the privy-council to suppress them; and
among other methods proposed, “that an hundred or two
of obstinate recusants, lusty men, well able to labour,
might by some convenient commission be taken up, and
be sent into Flanders as pioneers and labourers, whereby
the country should be disburdened of a company of dangerous people, and the rest that remained be put in some
ry favourites, made him one of his chaplains in ordinary, and in 1627 advanced him to the dignity of dean, of Christ Church. At this time he was doctor in divinity, vicar
, an English prelate, but better
known and perhaps more respected as a poet, was the son
of Vincent Corbet, and was born at Ewell in Surrey, in
1582. His father, who attained the age of eighty, appears
to have been a man of excellent character, and is celebrated in one of his son’s poems with filial ardour. For
some reason he assumed the name of Pointer, or, perhaps,
relinquished that for Corbet, which seems more probable:
his usual residence was at Whitton in the county of
Middlesex, where he was noted for his skill in horticulture,
and amassed considerable property in houses and land,
which he bequeathed to his son at his death in 1619. Our
poet was educated at Westminster school, and in Lenu
term, 1597-8, entered in Broadgate hall (afterwards Pembroke college), and the year following was admitted a student of Christ Church, Oxford, where he soon became
noted among men of wit and vivacity. In 1605 he took
his master’s degree, and entered into holy orders. In
3612 he pronounced a funeral oration in St. Mary’s church,
Oxford, on the death of Henry, prince of Wales; and the
following year, another on the interment of that eminent
benefactor to learning, sir Thomas Bodley. In 1618 he
took a journey to France, from which he wrote the epistle
to sir Thomas Aylesbury. His “Journey to Fiance,
” one
of his most humorous poems, is remarkable for giving some
traits of the French character that are visible in the present
day. King James, who showed no weakness in the choice
of his literary favourites, made him one of his chaplains in
ordinary, and in 1627 advanced him to the dignity of dean,
of Christ Church. At this time he was doctor in divinity,
vicar of Cassington near Woodstock, in Oxfordshire, and
prebendary of Bedminster Secunda in the church of Sarum.
iece would not succeed. In 1647 he was chosen a member of the French academy; and was what they call dean of that society at the time of his death, which happened in
, one of the most celebrated
French poets, and called by his countrymen the Shakspeare of France, was born at Roan, June 6, 1606, of considerable parents, his father having been ennobled for his
services by Louis XIII. He was brought up to the bar,
which he attended some little time; but having no turn for
business, he soon deserted it. At this time he had given
the public no specimen of his talents for poetry, nor appears to have been conscious of possessing any such: and
they tell us, that it was purely a trifling affair of gallantry,
which gave occasion to his first comedy, called “Melite.
The drama was then extremely low among the French;
their tragedy fiat and languid, their comedy more barbarous than the lowest of the vulgar would now tolerate.
Corneille was astonished to find himself the author of a
piece entirely new, and at the prodigious success with
which his “Melite
” was acted. The French theatre
seemed to be raised, and to flourish at once; and though
deserted in a manner before, was now filled on a sudden
with a new company of actors. After so happy an essay,
he continued to produce several other pieces of the same
kind; all of them, indeed, inferior to what he afterwards
wrote, but much superior to any thing which the French
had hitherto seen. His “Medea
” came forth next, a tragedy, borrowed in part from Seneca, which succeeded, as
indeed it deserved, bul indifferently; but in 1637 he presented the “Cid,
” another tragedy, in which he shewed
the world how high his genius was capable of rising, and
seems to confirm Du Bos’s assertion, that the age of thirty,
or a few years more or less, is that at which poets and
painters arrive at as high a pitch of perfection as their geniuses will permit. All Europe has seen the Cid: it has
been translated into almost all languages: but the reputation which he acquired by this play, drew all the wits of his
time into a confederacy against it. Some treated it contemptuously, others wrote against it. Cardinal de Richelieu himself is said to have been one of this cabal; for, not
content with passing for a great minister of state, he affected to pass for a wit and a critic; and, therefore, though
he had settled a pension upon the poet, could not abstain
from secret attempts against his play . It was supposed
to be under his influence that the French Academy drew
up that critique upon it, entitled, “Sentiments of the
French academy upon the tragi-comedy of Cid:
” in which,
however, while they censured some parts, they did not
scruple to praise it very highly in others. Corneille now
endeavoured to support the vast reputation he had gained,
by many admirable performances in succession, which, as
Bayle observes, “carried the French theatre to its highest
pitch of glory, and assuredly much higher than the ancient
one at Athens;
” yet still, at this time, he had to contend
with the bad taste of the most fashionable wits. When he
read his “Polyeucte,
” one of his best tragedies, before a
company of these, where Voiture presided, it was very
coldly received; and Voiture afterwards told him, it was
the opinion of his friends that the piece would not succeed.
In 1647 he was chosen a member of the French academy;
and was what they call dean of that society at the time of
his death, which happened in 1684, in his 79th year.
e in the prosecution. In 163 4 Cosin was elected master of Peterhouse in Cambridge; and in 1640 made dean of Peterborough by Charles I, whose chaplain he then was; but
About 1628 he took the degree of D. D. and the same
year was concerned, with his brethren of the church of
Durham, in a prosecution against Peter Smart, a prebeiidary there, for a seditious sermon preached in that cathedral, npon Psalm xxxi. 7. “I hate them that hold of superstitious vanities.
” Smart was degraded, and dispossessed of his preferments; but, as we shall perceive, afterwards amply revenged of Cosin for his share in the prosecution. In 163 4 Cosin was elected master of Peterhouse
in Cambridge; and in 1640 made dean of Peterborough
by Charles I, whose chaplain he then was; but on Nov. 10,
three days after his installation into that deanry, a petition
from Peter Smart against him was read in the house of
commons; wherein complaint was made of his superstition,
innovations in the church of Durham, and severe prosecution of himself in the high commission-court. This
ended in his being, Jan. 22, 1642, sequestered by a vote
of the whole house from his ecclesiastical benefices; and
he is remarkable for having been the first clergyman in
those times who was treated in that manner. March 15th
ensuing, the commons sent twenty -one articles of impeachment against him to the house of lords, tending to prove
him popishly affected; and about the same time he was
put under restraint, upon a surmise that he had enticed a
young scholar to popery: of all which charges he fully
cleared himself, and was indeed acquitted; but in those
days of tyrannical oppression, this availed him little, nor
was any recompense made him for his expences. In 1642,
being concerned with others in sending the plate of the
university of Cambridge to the king, who was then at York,
he was ejected from his mastership of Peter-house; so that,
as he was the first who was sequestered from his ecclesiastical benefices, he was also the first that was displaced in
the university. Thus deprived of all his preferments, and
not without fears of something worse, he resolved to leave
the kingdom, and retire to Paris; which accordingly he
did in 1643.
e service of king William; and one of his sisters was married to the celebrated Dr. George Stanhope, dean of Canterbury,
At what time his first wife died, is not recorded. His
second was Mary, countess dowager of Ardglass, widow of
Wingfield lord Cromwell, second earl of Ardglass, who
died in 1649. She must therefore have been considerably
older than our poet, but she had a jointure of 1500l. a
year, which, although it probably afforded him many comforts, was secured from his imprudent management. He
died in the parish of St. James’s, Westminster, in 1687,
and, it would appear, in a state of insolvency, as Elizabeth
Bludworth, his principal creditor, administered to his effects, his widow and children having previously renounced
the administration. These children were by the first wife,
One of them, Mr. Beresford Cotton, published in 1694- the
“Memoirs of the Sieur de Pontis,
” translated by his father;
and perhaps assisted in the collection of his poems which
appeared in 1689. This gentleman had a company given
him in a regiment of foot raised by the earl of Derby, for
the service of king William; and one of his sisters was
married to the celebrated Dr. George Stanhope, dean of
now of our own country: witness the works of sir H. Spelman, sir W. Dugdale, the “Decem Scriptores,” dean Gale, Burnet’s History of the Reformation, Strype’s works, Rymer’s
It is almost incredible how much we are indebted to this
library for what we know of our own country: witness the
works of sir H. Spelman, sir W. Dugdale, the “Decem
” dean Gale, Burnet’s History of the Reformation, Strype’s works, Rymer’s F cetera, several pieces published by Hearne, and almost every book that has appeared
since, relating to the history and antiquities of Great
Britain and Ireland. Nor was sir Robert Cotton less communicative of his library and other collections in his lifetime. Speed’s History of England is said to owe most of
its value and ornaments to it; and Camden acknowledges,
that he received the coins in the Britannia from this collection. To Knolles, author of the “Turkish History,
he communicated authentic letters of the masters of the
knights of Rhodes, and the dispatches of Edward Barton,
ambassador from queen Elizabeth to the Porte; to sir Walter Raleigh, books and materials for the second volume of
his history, never published; and the same to sir K. Bacon,
lord Vernlam, for his History of Henry VII. Selden was
highly indebted to the books and instructions of sir Robert
Cotton, as he thankfully acknowledges in more places
than one. In a word, this great and worthy man was the
generous patron of all lovers of antiquities, and his house
and library were always open to ingenious and inquisitive
e in 1654, and died at Paris October 18, 1721, in the abbey of St. Germain des Pres, of which he was dean. He employed much of his time, as was the case with other learned
, a learned Benedictine of the
congregation of St. Maure, was born at Compiegne in
1654, and died at Paris October 18, 1721, in the abbey of
St. Germain des Pres, of which he was dean. He employed much of his time, as was the case with other learned
men of his order, in preparing editions of the fathers. In
1693, he published an edition of St. Hilary, folio, and in
1706 undertook the defence of Mabillon on the subject of
establishing rules for distinguishing genuine from fictitious
writings, and wrote against Mabillon’s antagonist, father
Germon$ a Jesuit, “Vindicise ms. codicum a R. P. Barth.
Germon impugnatorum, cum appendice in qua S. Hilarii
quidam loci ab anonymo (the abbe Faydit) obscurati et depravati illustrantur et explicantur.
” In 1715 he published
“Vindiciae veterum codicum confirmatae,
” against another
work of the same Germon’s, “De veteribus hrcreticis ecclesiasticorum codicum corruptoribus.
” He also assisted
in the Benedictine edition of St. Augustin’s works, and
published “The Letters of the Popes,
” at Paris, folio, with
a preface and notes,
hop of Galloway, in which see he continned until his death, Feb. 15, 1619, at which time he was also dean of the Chapel Royal. His works were afterwards collected and
, bishop of Galloway, was born at Edinburgh in 1566, and at eight years old was sent by his father to the school of Dunbar, where he made great proficiency in grammar-learning, and evinced a pious disposition, which adhered to him throughout life. Five years after he studied at the university of St. Andrew’s, but made less progress in philosophy than in divinity, to which he was particularly attached. On his return home in 1582, his parents recommended various pursuits, hut his inclination still being to that of divinity, he resolved to go to England, in which, as he informs us, lie arrived but scantily provided; yet just as he had spent the little money he brought with him, he was engaged as an assistant teacher with a Mr. Guthrie, who kept a school at Hoddesden, in Hertfordshire. There he remained three quarters of a year, and having occasion to go to London, was hospitably received by the famous Hugh Broughton, who assisted him for the space of a year and a half in his theological studies. At the age of nineteen he returned to Edinburgh, was admitted into the church, and appointed to preach at the parish of Bothkenner in Stirlingshire. When he arrived at this his first charge, he found a church almost in ruins, without roof, doors, pulpit, pews, of windows, yet such was the effect of his labours, that in less than half a year, the parishioners bestowed a complete repair on the church, with suitable ornaments. From this place, in about eight years, he was removed to Perth, where he continued to preach for nineteen years, not only on the Sundays, but every Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday evening. About the close of this period he was appointed by king James, on the recommendation of some prelates whom his majesty consulted, to be bishop of Galloway, in which see he continned until his death, Feb. 15, 1619, at which time he was also dean of the Chapel Royal. His works were afterwards collected and published at London in one volume folio, 1629, consisting of treatises on various parts of scripture, many of which were originally delivered as sermons, and left by him in a fit state for the press They breathe, says a recent writer, a spirit of cordial piety, and if we consider the time and country of the writer, the simplicity and strength of his style maybe thought peculiarly worthy of commendation. He introduces several of his religious treatises with a variety of dedicatory epistles, which shew that his ardent devotion was united to great elegance of manners. He appears to have been familiar with many illustrious persons of his time, and there is a sonnet prefixed to his commentary on the Revelation, by that adjrurable Scotch poet, Drummond of Hawthornden.