, an English non-conformist divine, was the son of Mr. Tobias Allein, and born at the Devizes, in Wiltshire,
, an English non-conformist divine, was the son of Mr. Tobias Allein, and born at the Devizes, in Wiltshire, 1633. He discovered an extraordinary tincture of religion, even in his childhood; at eleven years of age he was much addicted to private prayer; and on the death of his brother Edward, who was a worthy minister of the gospel, he entreated his father that he might be educated for that profession. In four years he acquired a competent knowledge of Greek and Latin, and was declared by his master n't for the university. He was, however, kept some time longer at home, where he was instructed in logic, and at sixteen was sent to Lincoln college, Oxford. In 1651 he was removed to Corpus Christi college, a Wiltshire scholarship being there vacant. While at college he vras remarkably assiduous in his studies, grave in his temper, but cheerfully ready to assist others. He might in a short time have obtained a fellowship, but he declined that for the sake of the office of chaplain, being pleased with the opportunity this gave him of exerting his gift in prayer, the liturgy being then disused. In July 1653, he was admitted bachelor of arts, and became a tutor. In this arduous employment he behaved himself with equal skill and diligence; several of his pupils became very eminent non-conforming ministers, and not a few attained to considerable preferment in the established church. In 1655 he became assistant in the ministry to Mr. G. Newton, of Taunton, in Somersetshire, where he married the same year. His income was small, but was somewhat increased by the profits of a. boarding-school, which Mrs. Allein kept. During seven years that he lived in this manner, he discharged his pastoral duty with incredible diligence; for, besides preaching and catechising in the church, he spent several afternoons in a week in visiting the people of the town, and exhorting them to a religious life. These applications were at first far from being welcome to many families; but his meekness, moderation, and unaffected piety, reconciled them to his advice, and made him by degrees the delight of his parishioners. He was deprived in 1662, for nonconformity. He preached, however, privately, until his zeal and industry in this course brought him into trouble. On the 26th day of May, 1663, he was committed to Ivelchester gaol, and was with seven ministers and fifty quakers confined in one room, where they suffered great hardships; tut they still continued to preach till the assizes. These were held before Mr. justice Foster, and at them Mr. Allein was indicted for preaching on the 17th of May preceding; of which indictment he was found guilty, and sentenced to pay a hundred marks, and to remain in prison till his fine was paid. At the time of his receiving sentence, he said, that he was glad that it had appeared before his country; that whatever he was charged with, he was guikv of nothing but doing his duty; and all that did appear by the evidence was, that he had sung a psalm, and instructed his family, others being there, and both in his own house. He continued in prison a year, which broke his constitution; but, when he was at liberty, he applied himself to his ministry as earnestly as ever, which, brought on him a painful disorder. The five miles act taking place, he retired from Taunton to Wellington, where he continued but a short time, Mr. Mallack, a merchant, inviting him to lodge at a house of his some distance from Taunton. In the summer of 1665, he was advised to drink the waters near the Devizes, for his health. But before he left Mr. Mallack’s house, viz. on the I Oth of July in that year, some friends came to take their leave of him; they were surprised praying together, and for this were sentenced to sixty days imprisonment, which himself, seven ministers, and forty private persons, suffered in the county gaol. This hindered his going to the waters; and his disease returning, he lost another summer. At length, in 1667, he went, but was far from receiving the benefit he expected. After some time he went to Dorchester, where he grew better; but applying himself again to preaching, catechising, and other duties, his distemper returned with such violence, that he lost the use of his limbs. His death was then daily expected; but by degrees he grew somewhat better, and at length went to Bath, where his health altered so much, that his friends were in hopes he would have lived several years; but growing suddenly worse again, he died there, in the month of November, 1668, being somewhat above thirty-five years old. He was a man of great learning, and greater charity; zealous in his own way of worshipping God, but not in thft least bitter towards any Christians who worshipped in another manner. He preserved a great respect for the church, notwithstanding all his sufferings; and was eminently loyal to his prince, notwithstanding the severities of the times. His writings breathe a true spirit of piety, for which they have been always and deservedly esteemed. His body lies in the chancel of the church of St. Magdalen, of Taunton, and on his grave-stone are the following lines
, an ingenious physician and botanist, was the son of Mr. Alston, of Eddlewood, a gentleman of small estate in
, an ingenious physician and botanist, was the son of Mr. Alston, of Eddlewood, a gentleman of small estate in the west of Scotland, and allied to the noble family of Hamilton, who, after having studied physic, and travelled with several gentlemen, declined the practice of his profession, and retired to his patrimony. His son Charles was born in 1683, and at the time of his father’s death was studying at the university of Glasgow. On this event, the duchess of Hamilton took him under her patronage, and recommended to him the profession of the law, but his inclination for botany and the study of medicine superseded all other schemes; and from the year 1716, he entirely devoted himself to medicine. In that year he went over to Leyden, and studied under Boerhaave for three years; and having here formed an acquaintance with the celebrated Dr. Alexander Monro, the first of that name, on their return they projected the revival of medical lectures and studies at Edinburgh. For this purpose they associated themselves with Drs. Rutherford, Sinclair, and Plummer, and laid the foundation of that high character, as a medical school, which Edinburgh has so long enjoyed. Dr. Alston’s department was botany and the materia medica, which he continued to teach with unwearied assiduity until his death, Nov. 22, 1760, in the seventy-seventh year of his age.
holar and follower of Malherbe, and imitated him in the turn of his verse, and was also tutor to the son of Mr. de Chenoise, and afterwards to the son of the count
, Sieur de Porcheres, one of the
first members of the French academy in the seventeenth
century, was born in Provence, and was descended from
the ancient family of Porcheres. He was the scholar and
follower of Malherbe, and imitated him in the turn of his
verse, and was also tutor to the son of Mr. de Chenoise,
and afterwards to the son of the count Saint-Herau. The
abbtj Bois-Robert, who was particularly eminent for the
generous use which he made of his interest with cardinal
Richelieu, procured him a pension of six hundred livres
from that great man. On March 10, 1636, he spoke an
oration in the French academy upon the “Love of the
” He retired at last into Burgundy, where he
married, and died in 1640. He wrote a great number of
verses, which were never printed. But there are others,
which were published, as particularly his “Paraphrase
upon the Psalms
” of Degrees,“to which are added his
” Poems upon divers subjects," Paris, 1633, 8vo. He
had a brother, John, who had likewise a talent for poetry,
and translated several of the Psalms into French verse, two
editions of which have been published, the former at Grenoble in 1651, and the latter more complete at Marseilles
in 1654.
nteenth century, and founder of the noble museum at Oxford, which still bears his name, was the only son of Mr. Simon Ashmole, of the city of Litchfield, in Staffordshire,
, an eminent philosopher, chemist,
and antiquary, of the seventeenth century, and founder
of the noble museum at Oxford, which still bears his name,
was the only son of Mr. Simon Ashmole, of the city of
Litchfield, in Staffordshire, sadler, by Anne, the daughter of
Mr. Anthony Boyer, of Coventry, in Warwickshire, woollen-draper. He was born May 23, 1617, and during his
early r education in grammar, was taught music, in which
he made such proficiency as to become a chorister in the
cathedral at Litchfield. When he had attained the age of
sixteen he was taken into the family of James Paget, esq.
a baron of the exchequer, who had married his mother’s
sister, and as his father died in 1634, leaving little provision for him, he continued for some years in the Paget
family, during which time he made considerable progress
in the law, and spent his leisure hours in perfecting himself in music and other polite accomplishments. In March
1638, he married Eleanor, daughter of Mr. Peter Manwaring, of Smallwood, in the county Palatine of Chester,
and in Michaelmas term the same year, became a solicitor
in Chancery. On February 11, 1641, he was sworn an
attorney of the court of common pleas, and on December
5th, in the same year, his wife died suddenly, of whom
he has left us a very natural and affectionate memorial.
The rebellion coming on, he retired from London, being
always a zealous and steady loyalist, and on May 9, 1645,
became one of the gentlemen of the ordnance in the garrison at Oxford, whence he removed to Worcester, where
he was commissioner, receiver, and register of the excise,
and soon after captain in the lord Ashley’s regiment, and
comptroller of the ordnance. In the midst of all this business he entered himself of Brazen-Nose college, in Oxford, and applied himself vigorously to the sciences, but
especially natural philosophy, mathematics, and astronomy;
and his intimate acquaintance with Mr. (afterwards sir George) Wharton, seduced him into the absurd mysteries
of astrology, which was in those days in great credit. In
the month of July, 1646, he lost his mother, who had
always been a kind parent to him, and for whom he had a
very pious regard. On October 16th, the same year, be
was elected a brother of the ancient and honourable society
of Free and Accepted Masons, which he looked upon as a
high honour, and has therefore given us a particular account of the lodge established at Warrington in Lancashire and in some of his manuscripts, there are very
valuable collections relating to the history of the free
masons. The king’s affairs being now grown desperate,
Mr. Ashmole withdrew himself, after the surrender of the
garrison of Worcester, into Cheshire, where he continued
till the end of October, and then came up to London,
where he became acquainted with Mr. (afterwards sir Jonas)
Moore, William Lilly, and John Booker, esteemed the
greatest astrologers in 'the world, by whom he was caressed, instructed, and received into their fraternity, which
then made a very considerable figure, as appeared by the
great resort of persons of distinction to their annual feast,
of which Mr. Ashmole was afterwards elected steward. Jn
1647 he retired to Englefield, in Berkshire, where he pursued his studies very closely, and having so fair an opportunity, and the advantage of some very able masters,
he cultivated the science of botany. Here, as appears
from his own remarks, he enjoyed in privacy the sweetest
moments of his life, the sensation of which perhaps was
quickened, by his just idea of the melancholy state of the
times. It was in this retreat that he became acquainted
with Mary, sole daughter of sir William Forster, of Aldermarston, in the county of Berks, bart. who was first married to sir Edward Stafford, then to one Mr. Hamlyn, and
lastly to sir Thomas Mainwaring, knt recorder of Reading,
and one of the masters in chancery and an attachment
took place but Mr. Humphrey Stafford, her second son,
had such a dislike to the measure, that when Mr. Ashmole
happened to be very ill, he broke into his chamber, and if
not prevented, would have murdered him. In the latter
end of 1648, lady Mainwaring conveyed to him her estate
at Bradfield, which was soon after sequestered on account
of Mr. Ashmole’s loyalty but the interest he had with
William Lilly, and some others of that party, enabled him
to get that sequestration taken off. On the sixteenth of
November, 1649, he married lady Mainwaring, and settled
in London, where his house became the receptacle of the
most learned and ingenious persons that flourished at that
time. It was by their conversation, that Mr. Ashmole,
who hud been more fortunate in worldly affairs than most
scholars are, and who had been always a curious collector
of manuscripts, was induced to publish a treatise written
by Dr. Arthur Dee, relating to the Philosopher’s stone,
together with another tract on the same subject, by an unknown author. These accordingly appeared in the year
following but Mr. Ashmole was so cautious, or rather
modest, as to publish them by a fictitious name. He at
the same time addressed himself to a work of greater consequence, a complete collection of the works of such English chemists, as had till then remained in ms. which cost
him a great deal of labour, and for the embellishment of
which he spared no expence, causing the cuts that were
necessary, to be engraved at his own house in Black-Friars,
by Mr. Vaughan, who was then the most eminent artist in
that department in England. He imbibed this affection for
chemistry from his intimate acquaintance with Mr. William
Backhouse, of Swallowfield in the county of Berks, who
was reputed an adept, and whom, from his free communication of chemical secrets, Mr. Ashmole was wont to call
father, agreeably to the custom which had long prevailed
among the lovers of that art, improperly, however, called
chemistry for it really was the old superstition of alchemy. He likewise employed a part of his time in acquiring the art of engraving seuls, casting in sand, and
the mystery of a working goldsmith. But all this time,
his great work of publishing the ancient English writers in
chemistry went on and finding that a competent knowlege of the Hebrew was absolutely necessary for understanding and explaining such authors as had written on the
Hermetic science, he had recourse to rabbi Solomon Frank,
by whom he was taught the rudiments of Hebrew, which
he found very useful to him in his studies. At length,
towards the close of the year 1652, his “Theatrum Chymicum Britannicum
” appeared, which gained him great reputation in the learned world, as it shewed him to be a
man of a most studious disposition, indefatigable application, and of wonderful accuracy in his compositions. It
served also to extend his acquaintance considerably, and
among others the celebrated Mr. Seiden took notice of him
in the year 1653, encouraged his studies, and lived in
great friendship with him to the day of his death. He was
likewise very intimate with Mr. Oughtred, the mathematician, and with Dr. Wharton, a physician of great
racter and experience. His marriage with lady -Main-waring, however, involved him in abundance of law-suits
with other people, and at last produced a dispute between
themselves, which came to a hearing on October 8, 1657,
in the court of chancery, where serjeant Maynard having
observed, that in eight hundred sheets of depositions taken
on the part of the lady, there was not so much as a bad
word proved against Mr. Ashrnole, her bill was dismissed,
and she delivered back to her husband. He had now for
some time addicted himself to the study of antiquity and
records, which recommended him to the intimate acquaintance of Mr. (afterwards sir William) Dugdale, whom about
this time he attended in his survey of the Fens, and was
very useful to him in 'that excellent undertaking. Mr.
Ashmole himself soon after took the pains to trace the
Roman road, which in Antoninus’s Itinerary is called Bennevanna, from Weeden to Litchfield, of which he gave
Mr. Dugdale an account, in a letter addressed to him upon
that subject. It is very probable, that after his studies
had thus taken a new turn, he lost somewhat of his relish
for chemistry, since he discontinued the Theatrum Chemicum, which, according to his first design, was to have consisted of several volumes yet he still retained such a remembrance of it, as induced him to part civilly with the
sons of art, by publishing a treatise in prose on the philosopher’s stone, to which he prefixed an admirable preface, in which he wishes to apologize for taking leave of
these fooleries. In the spring of the year 1658, our author began to collect materials for his history of the order
of the garter, which he afterwards lived to finish, and
thereby rendered both the order and himself immortal,
the just reward of the prodigious pains he took in searching
records in the Tower, and elsewhere, comparing them with
each other, and obtaining such lights as were requisite to
render so perplexed a subject clear, and to reduce all the
circumstances of such a vast body of history into their proper order. In September following he made a journey to
Oxford, where he was extremely well received, and where
he undertook to make a full and distinct description of the
coins given to the public library by archbishop Laud, which
was of great use to him in the works which he afterwards
composed. He had lodged and boarded sometimes at a house
in South Lambeth, kept by Mr. John Tradescant, whose
father and himself hud been physic-gardeners there for
many years, and had collected avast number of curiosities,
which, after mature deliberation, Mr. Tradescant and his
wife determined to bestow on Mr. Ashmole, and accordingly sealed and delivered a deed of gift for that purpose,
on December 16, 1659. On the restoration of king Charles
II. Mr. Ashmole was Dearly introduced into the presence
and favour of his majesty, and on June 18, 1660, which was
the second time he had the honour of discoursing with the
king, he graciously bestowed upon him the place of Windsor herald. A few days after, he was appointed by the king
to make a description of his medals, and had them delivered into his hands, and king Henry VHIth’s closet assigned
for his use, being also allowed his diet at court. On August 21st, in the same year, he presented the three books
which he had published, to his majesty, who, as he both
loved and understood chemistry, received them very graciously. On September 3, he had a warrant signed for the
office of commissioner of the excise, in consequence of a
letter written by his majesty’s express command, to the
earl of Southampton, then lord high-treasurer, by Mr. Se^
cretary Morris. About this time, a commission was granted
to him as incidental to the care of the king’s medals, to
examine the famous, or rather infamous, Hugh Peters,
about the contents of the royal library which had fallen
into his hands, and which was very carefully and punctually
executed, but to very little purpose. On November 2d,
he was called to the bar in Middle-Temple hall, and January 15, 1661, he was admitted a fellow of the Royal Society. On February 9th following, the king signed a warrant for constituting him secretary of Surinam in the West
Indies. In the beginning of the year 1662, he was appointed one of the commissioners for recovering the king’s
goods, and about the same time he sent a set of services
and anthems to the cathedral church of Litchfield, in memory of his having been once a chorister there, and he
gave afterwards twenty pounds towards repairing the cathedral. On June 27, 1664, the White Office was opened,
of which he was appointed a commissioner. On Feb. 17,
1665, sir Edward By she sealed his deputation for visiting Berkshire, which visitation he began on the llth
of March following, and on June 9, 1668, he was appointed by the lords commissioners of the treasury, accomptant-general, and country accomptant in the excise.
His second wife, lady Main waring, dying, April 1, in the
same year, he soon after married Mrs. Elizabeth Dugdale,
daughter to his good friend sir William Dugdale, kht. garter king at arms, in Lincoln’s-inn chapel, on Novembers.
The university of Oxford, in consideration of the many
favours they had received from Mr. Ashmole, created him
doctor of physic by diploma, July 19, 1669, which was
presented to him on the 3d of November following, by
Dr. Yates, principal of Brazen-Nose college, in the name
of the university. He was now courted and esteemed by
the greatest people in the kingdom, both in point of title
and merit, who frequently did him the honour to visit him
at his chambers in the Temple, and whenever he went his
summer progress, he had the same respect paid him in the
country, especially at his 'native town of Litchfield, to which
when he came, he was splendidly entertained by the corporation. On May 8, 1672, he presented his laborious
work on the most noble order of the garter, to his most
gracious master king Charles II. who not only received it
with great civility and kindness, but soon after granted to
our author, as a mark of his approbation of the work, and
of his personal esteem for him, a privy seal for 400 pounds
out of the custom of paper. This was his greatest undertaking, and had he published nothing else, would have
preserved his memory, as it certainly is in its kind one of
the most valuable books in our language. On January
29, 1675, he resigned his office of Windsor herald, which
by his procurement, was bestowed on his brother Dugdale,
It was with great reluctancy that the earl marshal parted
with him, and it was not long after, that he bestowed on
him the character of being the best officer in his office. On
the death of sir Edward Walker, garter king at arms, Feb_
20, 1677, the king and the duke of Norfolk, as earl marshal, contested the right of disposing of his place, on which
Mr. Ashmole was consulted, who declared in favour of the
king, but with so much prudence and discretion as not to
give any umbrage to the earl marshal. He afterwards himself refused this high office, which was conferred on his
father-in-law sir -William Dugdale, for whom he employed
his utmost interest. About the close of 1677, a proposal
was made to Mr. Ashmole to become a candidate for the
city of Litchfield, but finding himself poorly supported by
the very persons who would have encouraged him to stand,
he withdrew his pretensions. On the 26th of January,
1679, about ten in the morning, a fire began in the Middle
Temple, in the next chambers to Mr. Aslimole’s,- by which
he lost a library he had been collecting thirty-three years;
but his Mss. escaped, by their being at his house in South
Lambeth. He likewise lost a collection of 9000 coins,
ancient and modern but his more valuable collection of
gold medals were likewise preserved by being at Lambeth
his vast repository of seals, charters, and other antiquities
and curiosities, perished also in the flames. In 1683, the
university of Oxford having finished a noble repository
near the theatre, Mr. Ashmole sent thither that great collection of rarities which he had received from the Tradescants before-mentioned, together with such additions as he
had made to them; and to this valuable benefaction he
afterwards added that of his Mss. and library, which still
remain a monument of his generous love to learning in
general, and to the university of Oxford in particular. In
the beginning of the year 1685, he was invited by the magistrates, and by the dean of Litchfield, to represent that
corporation in parliament but upon king James’s intimating to him, by the lord Dartmouth, that he would take it
kindly if he would resign his interest to Mr. Levvson, he instantly complied.
ilection for theological studies. Her eldest sister, after having been contracted in marriage to the son of Mr. Kyme, of Lincolnshire, died before the nuptials were
, daughter of sir William Askew, of Kelsay, in Lincolnshire, knight, was born in 1529. She received a liberal and learned education, and manifested in early life a predilection for theological studies. Her eldest sister, after having been contracted in marriage to the son of Mr. Kyme, of Lincolnshire, died before the nuptials were completed. Her father, on this event, unwilling to lose a connection which promised pecuniary advantages, compelled his second daughter Anne, notwithstanding her reluctance, to become the wife of Mr. Kyme, a marriage which probably laid the foundation of her future misfortunes. Her husband was a bigoted Roman Catholic, while she, by studying the scriptures and the opinions of the reformers, became a convert, which so disgusted him that he turned her out of doors. Conceiving herself, by this treatment, at liberty to sue for a separation, she came to London, where she was favourably received by some of the ladies of the court, and by the queen, who secretly favoured the reformed religion. But at length she was accused, by her husband and the priests, of holding heretical opinions respecting the sacrament and, in 1545, was apprehended, and repeatedly examined by Christopher Dare, the lord mayor, the bishops, chancellor, and others, to whose questions she replied in a firm, easy, and unconstrained manner, and even with some degree of wit and ridicule. She was then committed to prison for eleven days, and prohibited from any communication with her friends. During this confinement, she employed herself in composing prayers and meditations, and in fortifying her resolution to endure the trial of her principles.
, son of Mr. Assheton, rector of Middleton in Lancashire, was born
, son of Mr. Assheton, rector of Middleton in Lancashire, was born in 1641 and being instructed in grammar-learning at a private country-school, was removed to Brazen-Nose college at Oxford, in 1658 and elected a fellow in 1663. After taking both his degrees in arts, he went into orders, became chaplain to the duke of Ormond, chancellor of that university, and was admitted doctor of divinity in January 1673. In the following month he was nominated to the prebend of Knaresburgh, in the church of York and whilst he attended his patron at London, obtained the living of St. Antholin. In 1670, by the duke’s interest with the family of the St. Johns, he was presented to the rectory of Beckenbam, in Kent and was often unanimously chosen proctor for Rochester in convocation.
, a learned printer, son of Mr. William Baker, a man of amiable character and manners,
, a learned printer, son of Mr. William Baker, a man of amiable character and manners, of
great classical and mathematical learning, and more than
forty years master of an academy at Reading, was born in
1742. Being from his infancy of a studious turn, he passed
so much of his time in his father’s library as to injure his
health. His father, however, intended to have sent him
to the university, but a disappointment in a patron who had
promised to support him, induced him to place him as an
apprentice with Mr. Kippax, a printer, in Cullum- street,
London, where, while he diligently applied to business, he
employed his leisure hours in study, and applied what money he could earn to the purchase of the best editions of
the classics, which collection, at his death, was purchased
by Dr. Lettsom. This constant application, however, to
business and study, again 'endangered his health, but by
the aid of country air and medicine he recovered and on
the death of Mr. Kippax he succeeded to his business, and
removed afterwards to Ingram court, where he had for his
partner Mr. John William Galabin, now principal bridgemaster of the city of London. Among his acquaintance
were some of great eminence in letters Dr. Goldsmith,
Dr. Edmund Barker, the Rev. James Merrick, Hugh Farmer, Caesar de Missy, and others. An elegant correspondence between him and Mr. Robinson, author of the “Indices Tres,
” printed at Oxford, Peregrinations of
the Mind through the most general and interesting subjects
which are usually agitated in life, by the Rationalist,
12mo, Theses
GrifcciE et Latince selectse,
” 8vo,
, an eminent English sculptor, born in 1735, was the son of Mr. William Banks, land-steward to the then duke of Beaufort,
, an eminent English sculptor, born in 1735, was the son of Mr. William Banks, land-steward to the then duke of Beaufort, a situation which he occupied with honour and credit to himself, and from which he derived very handsome emolument. His eldest son Thomas, evincing a strong partiality for the arts, was placed with Mr. Kent, whose name is well known in the architectural annals of that period but, shewing afterwards a preference for sculpture, he studied that art with greater success in the royal academy, then lately instituted, and obtained the geld medal and other prizes for his productions he was also elected to be sent for three years to pursue his studies on the continent, at the expence of that establishment which was one of its regulations previous to the French revolution, when the disturbances in Italy rendered it difficult, if not impossible, for Englishmen to travel in that country. The residence of Mr. Banks was prolonged beyond the limits allowed by the academy for his enthusiastic admiration of the antique, which could then be seen only in perfection in that now despoiled country, and his eager endeavours to imitate the simplicity and elegance of its best specimens, made him unwilling to quit a spot where he could contemplate its beauties with unremitting delight. He met with some patronage from his countrymen who visited Rome and among others of his productions which were sent to this country, was a basso-relievo in marble, representing Caractacus with his family broughtprisoners before Claudius which now ornaments the entrance-hall at Stowe, the seat of the marquis of Buckingham a beautiful little figure of Pysche stealing the golden fleece, in marble also, which was intended as a portrait of the princess Sophia of Gloucester, and is still in her family and an exquisite figure of Cupid catching a butterfly, an emblem of loye tormenting the soul, the size of life, which perhaps for grace, symmetry of form, and accuracy of contour, has scarcely been equalled by a modern hand, and might almost vie with those productions of the ancients, to which his admiration, as well as emulation, had been so constantly directed.
, an English divine, was the son of Mr. John Barnard, of Castor, a market town in Lincolnshire.
, an English divine, was the son of
Mr. John Barnard, of Castor, a market town in Lincolnshire. He had his education in the grammar-school of
that place; from whence he was sent to Cambridge, where
he became a pensioner of Queen’s college. After that he
went to Oxford, to obtain preferment from the visitors appointed by act of parliament, and there took the degree of
B.A.April 15, 1648; and on Sept. 29 following, was, by order
of the said visitors, made fellow of Lincoln college. Feb.
20, 1650, he took the degree of M. A. At length, having
married the daughter of Dr. Peter Heylyn, then living at
Abingdon, he became rector of Wadding-ton, near Lincoln, the perpetual advowson of which he purchased, and
held it for some time, together with the sinecure of
Gedney, in the same county. After the restoration he conformed, and was made prebendary of Asgarby in the
church of Lincoln. July 6, 1669, he took the degree of
B. D. and the same year was created D. D. being then in
good repute for his learning and orthodoxy. He died at
Newark, on a journey to Spa, Aug. 17, 1683, and was
buried in his own church of Waddington. His works
are: 1. “Censura Cleri, against scandalous ministers, not
fit to be restored to the church’s livings, in point of prudence, piety, and fame,
” Lond. TheoJogo-historicus, or the true life of the most reverend divine and excellent historian Peter Heylyn, D. D. subdean of Westminster,
” Lond. An Answer to Mr. Baxter’s
false accusation of Mr. Heylyn.
” 4. “A catechism for
the use of his parish.
” The purpose of the “Censura
” was to prevent some clergymen from being restored to their livings who had been ejected during the
interregnum, but, according to Wood, when affairs took a
different turn, he did not wish to be known as the author.
iscovery of America. The note contained, with other things, the following facts: “Martin Beham, esq. son of Mr. Martin Beham, of Scoperin, lived in the reign of John
Filled with this great idea, in 1459 he paid a visit to
Isabella, daughter of John I. king of Portugal, at that time
regent of the duchy of Burgundy and Flanders; and having
informed her of his designs, he procured a vessel, in
which, sailing westward, he was the first European who is
known to have landed on the island of Fayal. He there
established in 1460 a colony of Flemings, whose descendants yet exist in the Azores, which were for some time
called the Flemish islands. This circumstance is proved,
not only by the writings of contemporary authors, but also
by the manuscripts preserved in the records of Nuremberg; and although this record is contrary to the generally
received opinion, that the Azores were discovered by Gonsalva Velho, a Portuguese, yet its authenticity seems
unquestionable. It is confirmed not only by several contemporary writers, and by Wagenseil, one of the most
learned men of the last century, but likewise by a note
written on parchment in the German language, and sent
from Nuremberg, a few years ago, to M. Otto, who was
then investigating the discovery of America. The note
contained, with other things, the following facts: “Martin Beham, esq. son of Mr. Martin Beham, of Scoperin,
lived in the reign of John II. king of Portugal, in an island
which he discovered, and called the island of Fayal, one
of the Azores, lying in the western ocean.
, an eminent physician in the seventeenth century, was son of Mr. Edward Betts by his wife Dorothy, daughter of Mr. John
, an eminent physician in the seventeenth
century, was son of Mr. Edward Betts by his wife Dorothy,
daughter of Mr. John Venables, of Rapley in Hampshire.
He was born at Winchester, educated there in grammar
learning, afterwards elected a scholar of Corpus Christ!
college in Oxford, in February 1642, and took the degree
of bachelor of arts, February 9, 1646. Being ejected by
the visitors appointed by the parliament in 1648, he aplied himself to the study of physic, and commenced doctor in that faculty, April 11, 1654, having accumulated
the degrees. He practised with great success at London,
but chiefly among the Roman catholics, being himself of
that persuasion. He was afterwards appointed physician
in ordinary to king Charles II. The time of his death is
not certainly known. Dr. Belts wrote two physical treatises, the first, “De ortu et natura Sanguinis,
” Lond. Medicinse cum
Philosophia natural i consensus,
” Lond. De ortu et natura Sanguinis,
” in his
tl True way of preserving the Blood in its integrity,“Dr.
Bett’s second piece is entitled
” Anatotnia Thomse Parri
annum centesimum quinquagesimurn secundum et novem
menses agentis, cum clarissimi viri Gulielmi Harvaei aliorumque adstantium medicorum regiorum observationibus."
This Thomas Parr, of whose anatomy, Dr. Bctts, or rather,
according to Anthony Wood, Dr. Harvey drew up an account, is well known to have been one of the most remarkable instances of longevity which this country has afforded.
He was the son of John Parr of Winnington, in the parish
of Alberbury, in Shropshire, and was born in 1483, in the
reign of king Edward the Fourth. He seems to have been
of very different stamina from the rest of mankind, and
Dr. Fuller tells us that he was thus characterised by an eyewitness,
laborious performance, “Origines ecclesiastic, or the Antiquities of the Christian church,” was the son of Mr. Francis Bingham, a respectable inhabitant of Wakefield
, the writer of several tracts on
theological subjects, and author of that laborious performance, “Origines ecclesiastic, or the Antiquities of the
Christian church,
” was the son of Mr. Francis Bingham, a
respectable inhabitant of Wakefield in Yorkshire, where
our author was born in September, 1668. He learned the
first rudiments of grammar at a school in the same town,
and on the 26th of May 1684, was admitted a member of
University college in Oxford. There he applied with persevering industry to those studies which are generally considered as most laborious. Though he by no means neglected the writers of Greece or Rome, yet he employed
most of his time in studying the writings of the fathers.
How earnestly he devoted himself to these abstruse inquiries, he had an early opportunity of giving an honourable testimony, which will presently be mentioned more
at large. He took the degree of B. A. in 1688, and on the
1st of July 1689 was elected fellow of the above-mentioned college. His election to this fellowship was attended
with some flattering marks of honour and distinction. On
the 23d of June, 1691, he was created M. A. about four
years after which a circumstance occurred which eventually
occasioned him to leave the university. Being called on
to preach before that learned body, he would not let slip
the opportunity it gave him of evincing publicly his intimate acquaintance with the opinions and doctrines of the
fathers, and at the same time of displaying the zeal with
which he was resolved to defend their tenets concerning
the Trinity, in opposition to the attacks of men in much
more conspicuous stations than himself. Having heard
what he conceived to be a very erroneous statement of
that subject delivered by a leading man from the pulpit
at St. Mary’s, he thought it his duty on this occasion to
point out to his hearers what the fathers had asserted to be
the ecclesiastical notion of the term person. In pursuance
of this determination he delivered a very long discourse on
the 28th of October, 1695, from the famous words of the
apostle, “There are three that bear record in heaven,
” This sermon, though containing nothing more than
an elaborate defence of the term person, in opposition to
the explanation which he had lately heard, drew a heavy
censure on the preacher from the ruling members of the
university, charging him with having asserted doctrines
false, impious, and heretical, contrary to those of the
catholic church. This censure was followed by other charges
in the public prints, viz. those of Arianism, Tritheism and
the heresy of Valentinus Gentilis. These matters ran so
high, that he found himself under the necessity of resigning his fellowship, and of withdrawing from the university the former of which took place on the 23d of November 1695. How wholly unmerited these accusations
were, not only appears from the sermon itself, now in the
possession of the writer of this article, but also from the
whole tenor of his life and writings, constantly shewing
himself in both a zealous defender of what- is called the
orthodox notion of the Trinity. However, that such a censure was passed, is most certain, as well from domestic tradition, as from the mention which is repeatedly made of
it in the manuscript papers of our author but we are assured that no traces thereof are now to be found in the
books of the university.
, physician to king William III. and queen Anne, and a very voluminous writer, was son of Mr. Robert Blackmore, an attorney at law. He received the
, physician to king William III. and queen Anne, and a very voluminous writer,
was son of Mr. Robert Blackmore, an attorney at law. He
received the first part of his education at a country school,
from whence he was removed to Westminster in the thirteenth
year of his age. He was afterwards sent to St. Edmund’shall, in the university of Oxford, where he continued
thirteen years. He is said to have been engaged for some
time in the profession of a school -master but it is probable he did not long continue in that situation and, says
Dr. Johnson, to have been once a schoolmaster, is the
only reproach which all the perspicacity of malice, animated
by wit, has ever fixed upon his private life. It appears
that he travelled afterwards into Italy, and took the degree of doctor in physic, at the university of Padua. He
also visited France, Germany, and the Low Countries,
and having spent about a year and a half abroad, he returned again to England. On his arrival in London, he
engaged in the practice of physic there, and was chosen,
fellow of the royal college of physicians. He early discovered his attachment to the principles of the revolution;
and this circumstance, together with the eminence which
he had attained in his profession, recommended him to
the notice and favour of king William. Accordingly, in
1697, he was appointed one of his majesty’s physicians in
ordinary he had also a gold medal and chain bestowed
on him by that prince, and received from him the honour of knighthood. Upon the king’s death, he was one
of the physicians who gave their opinions at the opening
of his majesty’s body. When queen Anne ascended the
throne, he was appointed one of her physicians, and continued in that station for some time. Sir Richard Blackmore was the author of a variety of pieces both in prose
and verse and the generality of his productions had
many admirers in his own time for the third edition
of his “Prince Arthur, an heroic poem in ten books,
was published in King Arthur, an heroic poem, in twelve
” In A Paraphrase on the book of Job as likewise on the songs of
Moses, Deborah, David on four select Psalms some
chapters of Isaiah and the third chapter of Habbakuk.
He appears to have been naturally of a very serious turn,
and therefore took great offence at the licentious and immoral tendency of many of the productions of his contemporary authors. To pass a censure upon these was the
design of his poem, entitled “A Satire upon Wit,
” or
rather the abuse of it, which was first published in 1700.
But this piece was attacked and ridiculed by many different writers, and there seemed to be a kind of confederacy of the wits against him. How much, however,
they felt his reproof, appears from the following circumstance. In Tom Brown’s works are upwards of twenty
different satirical pieces in verse against Blackmore, said
to be written by colonel Codrington, sir Charles Sedley,
colonel Blount, sir Samuel Garth, sir Richard Steele, Dr.
Smith, Mr. William Burnaby, the earl of Anglesea, the
countess of Sandwich, Mr. Manning, Mr. Mildmay, Dr.
Drake, colonel Johnson, Mr. Richard Norton, &c. and
most of these pieces are particularly levelled at our author’s “Satire upon Wit.
” One topic of abuse against
Blackmore was, that he lived in Cheapside. He was
sometimes called the “Cheapside Knight,
” and the “City
” and Garth’s verses, in the collection just cited,
are addressed “to the merry Poetaster at Sadlers Hall in
” In Gibber’s lives we are also told, that “sir
Richard had, by the freedom of his censures on the libertine writers of his age, incurred the heavy displeasure of
Dryden, who takes all opportunities to ridicule him, and
somewhere says, that he wrote to the rumbling of his
chariot-wheels. And as if to be at enmity with Blackmore
had been hereditary to our greatest poets, we find Mr.
Pope taking up the quarrel where Dryden left it, and persecuting this worthy man with yet a severer degree of
satire. Blackmore had been informed by Curl, that Mr.
Pope was the author of a Travestie on the first Psalm,
which he takes occasion to reprehend in his ‘ Essay on PoJite Learning,’ vol. II. p. 270. He ever considered it as
the disgrace of genius, that it should be employed to burlesque any of the sacred compositions, which, as they
speak the language of inspiration, tend to awaken the soul
to virtue, and inspire it with a sublime devotion.
f his father, Mr. Charles Blackstone, a silkman, and citizen and bowyer of London, who was the third son of Mr. John Blackstone, an eminent apothecary, in Newgate-street,
, knight, and LL. D. an illustrious English lawyer, was born July 10, 1723, in Cheapside, in the parish of St. Michael-le-Querne, at the house of his father, Mr. Charles Blackstone, a silkman, and citizen and bowyer of London, who was the third son of Mr. John Blackstone, an eminent apothecary, in Newgate-street, descended from a family of that name in the west of England, at or near Salisbury. His mother was Mary, eldest daughter of Lovelace Bigg, esq. of Chilton Foliot, in Wiltshire. He was the youngest of four children, of whom, John died an infant, Charles, the eldest, and Henry, the third, were educated at Winchester-school, under the care of their uncle Dr. Bigg, warden of that society, and were afterwards both fellows of New college, Oxford. Charles became a fellow of Winchester, and rector of Wimering, in Hampshire; and Henry, after having practised physic for some years, went into holy orders, and died in 1778, rector of Adderbury, in Oxfordshire, a living in the gift of New-college. Their father died some months before the birth of the subject of this article, and their mother died before he was twelve years old. from his birth, the care both of his education and fortune was kindly undertaken by his maternal uncle, Mr. Thomas Bigg, an eminent surgeon in London, and afterwards, on the death of his eldest brothers, owner of the Chilton estate, which, if we mistake not, is still enjoyed by that family. The affectionate care of this uncle, in giving all his nephews a liberal education, supplied the great loss they had so early sustained, and compensated, in a great degree, for their want of more ample fortunes, and it was always remembered by them with the sincerest gratitude. In 1730, being about seven years of age, he was put to school at the Charter-house, and in 1735 was, by the nomination of sir Robert Walpole, on the recommendation of Charles Wither, of Hall, in Hampshire, esq, his cousin by the mother’s side, admitted upon the foundation.
illustrious benefactor to literature, from whom the public library at Oxford takes its name, was the son of Mr. John Bodley, of Exeter, and of his wife Joan, daughter
, that illustrious benefactor to literature, from whom the public library at Oxford takes its name, was the son of Mr. John Bodley, of Exeter, and of his wife Joan, daughter and heiress of Robert Home, esq. of Ottery St. Mary, near Exeter. By his father’s side he descended from the ancient family of the Bodleys, or Bodleighs, of Dunscomb, near Crediton, in Devonshire. He was born at Exeter, March 2, 1544, and was about twelve years of age when his father was obliged to leave England on account of his religion, and settle at Geneva, where he lived during the reign of queen Mary. The English church at Geneva consisted, as he himself informs us, of some hundred persons; and here, the university having been newly erected, he frequented the public lectures of Chevalerius on the Hebrew tongue, of Beroaldus on the Greek, and of Calvin and Beza on divinity, and had also domestic teachers in the house of Philibertus Saracenus, a physician of that city, with whom he boarded, and where Robert Constantine, author of the Greek Lexicon, read Homer to him. Under such masters, we cannot doubt his proficiency, although we have no more particular detail of his early studies upon record. Whatever else he learned, he appears to have imbibed an uncommon love of books, to have studied their history, and to have prepared himself, although unconscious of the result, for that knowledge which, it is evident from his correspondence, he was perpetually increasing, and which at length, when the political prospects which once flattered his ambition were closed, enabled, as well as incited him, to re-found the public library at Oxford.
at the request of Mr. Charlton, of Apley castle, in Shropshire, the education of young Mr. Thompson, son of Mr. Thompson, of Cooley, in Berkshire: but the bad state
While he was engaged in the “Universal History,
” he
undertook, at the request of Mr. Charlton, of Apley castle,
in Shropshire, the education of young Mr. Thompson, son
of Mr. Thompson, of Cooley, in Berkshire: but the bad
state of his health at that time did not allow him to continue more than a twelvemonth in that family; and upon
his recovery, lord Aylmer engaged him to educate two of
his children, one of whom afterwards became a captain in
colonel Lee’s regiment, and the other a prebendary of
nt and honourable family, and distinguished by the title of the great earl of Cork, was the youngest son of Mr. Roger Boyle of Herefordshire, by Joan, daughter of Robert
, a celebrated statesman, descended
from an ancient and honourable family, and distinguished
by the title of the great earl of Cork, was the youngest
son of Mr. Roger Boyle of Herefordshire, by Joan, daughter of Robert Naylor of Canterbury, and born in the city
of Canterbury, Oct. 3, 1566. He was instructed in grammar learning by a clergyman of Kent; and after having
been a scholar in Ben'et college, Cambridge, where he
was remarkable for early rising, indefatigable study, and
great temperance, became student in the Middle Temple.
He lost his father when he was but ten years old, and his
mother at the expiration of other ten years; and being
unable to support himself in the prosecution of his studies,
he entered into the service of sir Richard Manwood, chief
baron of the exchequer, as one of his clerks: but perceiving few advantages from this employment, he resolved
to travel, and landed at Dublin in June 1588, with a very
scanty stock, his whole property amounting, as he himself
informs us, to 271. 3s. in money, two trinkets which his
mother gave him as tokens, and his wearing apparel. He
was then about two-and-twenty, had a graceful person,
and all the accomplishments for a young man to succeed in
a country which was a scene of so much action. Accordingly he made himself very useful to some of the
principal persons employed in the government, by penning
for them memorials, cases, and answers; and thereby acquired a perfect knowledge of the kingdom and the state
of publia affairs, of which he knew well how to avail himself. In 1595 he married at Limeric, Joan, the daughter
and coheiress of William Ansley of Pulborough, in Sussex,
<esq. who had fallen in love with him. This lady died 1599,
in labour of her first child (born dead) leaving her husband an estate of 500l. a year in lands, which was the beginning of his fortune. Some time after, sir Henry Wallop, of Wares, sir Robert Gardiner, chief justice of the
king’s bench, sir Robert Dillam, chief justice of the common pleas, and sir Richard Binghim, chief commissioner
of Connaught, envious at certain purchases he had made in
the province, represented to queen Elizabeth that he was
in the pay of the king of Spain (who had at that time some thoughts of invading Ireland), by whom he had been furnished with money to buy several large estates; and that
he was strongly suspected to be a Roman catholic in his
heart, with many other malicious suggestions equally
groundless. Mr. Boyle, having private notice of this,
determined to come over to England to justify himself:
but, before he could take shipping, the general rebellion
in Minister broke out, all his lands were wasted, and he
had not one penny of certain revenue left. In this distress
he betook himself to his former chamber in the Middle
Temple, intending to renew his studies in the law till the
rebellion should be suppressed. When the earl of Essex
was nominated lord-deputy of Ireland, Mr. Boyle, being
recommended to him by Mr. Anthony Bacon, was received
by his lordship very graciously; and sir Henry Wallop,
treasurer of Ireland, knowing that Mr. Boyle had in his
custody several papers which could detect his roguish
manner of passing his accounts, resolved utterly to depress
him, and for that end renewed his former complaints
against him to the queen. By her majesty’s special directions, Mr. Boyle was suddenly taken up, and committed
close prisoner to the Gatehouse: all his papers were
seized and searched; and although nothing appeared to
his prejudice, yet his confinement lasted till two months
after his new patron the earl of Essex was gone to Ireland,
At length, with much difficulty, he obtained the favour of
the queen to be present at his examination; and having
fully answered whatever was alledged against him, he gave
a short account of his behaviour since he first settled in
Ireland, and concluded with laying open to the queen
and her council the conduct of his chief enemy sir Henry
Wallop. Upon which her majesty exclaimed with, her
usual intemperance of speech, “By God’s death, these are
but inventions against this young man, and all his sufferings are for being able to do us service, and these
complaints urged to forestal him therein. But we find him to
be a man fit to be employed by ourselves; and we will employ him in our service: and Wallop and his adherents
shall know that it shall not be in the power of any of them,
to wrong him. Neither -shall Wallop be our treasurer any
” Accordingly, she gave orders not only for Mr.
Boyle’s present enlargement, but also for paying all the
charges and fees his confinement had brought upon him,
and gave him her hand to kiss before the whole assembly.
A few days after, the queen constituted him clerk of the
council of Munster, and recommended him to sir George
Carew, afterwards earl of Totness, then lord president of
Munster, who became his constant friend; and very soon,
after he was made justice of the peace and of the quorum,
throughout all the province. He attended in that capacity
the lord president in all his employments, and was sent by
his lordship to the queen with the news of the victory
gained in December 1601, near Kinsate, over the Irish,
and their Spanish auxiliaries, who were totally routed,
1200 being slain in the field, and 800 wounded. “I
” says he, “a speedy expedition to the court, for I
left my lord president at Shannon -castle, near Cork, on
the Monday morning about two of the clock; and the next
day, being Tuesday, I delivered my packet, and supped
with sir Robert Cecil, being then principal secretary of
state, at his house in the Strand; who, after supper, held
me in discourse till two of the clock in the morning; and
by seven that morning called upon me to attend him to
the court, where he presented me to her majesty in her
” A journey so rapid as this would be thought,
even in the present more improved modes of travelling,
requires all his lordship’s authority to render it credible.
"I am, Sir, the only son of Mr. Boyse of Dublin, a man whose character and writings are
"I am, Sir, the only son of Mr. Boyse of Dublin, a man whose character and writings are well known. My father died in 1728 in very involved circumstances, so that I had nothing left to trust to, but a liberal education. In 1730 I removed to Edinburgh, where I published a Collection of Poems with a translation of the Tablature of Cebes. After some years stay there, and many disappointments, I came in 1737 to London, where I have done several essays in the literary way [chiefly poetry) with but slender encouragement. Mr. Cave, for whose magazine I have done many things, and at whose desire I removed to this neighbourhood (St. John’s-court, Clerkenwell,) has not used me so kindly as the sense he expressed of my services gave me reason to expect. Learning, however it may be a consolation under affliction, is no security against the common calamities of life. I think myself capable of business in the literary way, but by my late necessities am unhappily reduced to an incapacity of going abroad to seek it. I have reason to believe, could I wait on lord Halifax (which a small matter would enable me to do) I should receive some gratuity for my dedication, so as to make me easy. This is all the hope I have left to save me from the ruin that seems to threaten me if I continue longer in the condition I am in: and as I should be willing most gratefully to repay any assistance I might receive out of my lord’s bounty, so I should ever retain a deep impression of the obligation. I humbly beg you will forgive this liberty, and believe me, with the greatest gratitude and esteem,
eland with many eminent characters. This school has been kept by quakers for near a century; and the son of Mr. Abraham Shackleton, to whom Mr. Burke was a pupil, has
Mr. Burke’s biographers are not agreed as to his birthplace. Some say he was born in the city of Dublin; others, in a little town in the county of Cork; but all are agreed in the date, Jan. 1, 1730. His father was an attorney of considerable practice, who had married into the ancient and respectable family of the Nagles, and besides the results of his practice, possessed a small estate of 150l. or 200l. a year. Edmund was his second son, and at a veryearly age, was sent to Balytore school; a seminary in the North of Ireland, well known for having furnished the bar and the pulpit of Ireland with many eminent characters. This school has been kept by quakers for near a century; and the son of Mr. Abraham Shackleton, to whom Mr. Burke was a pupil, has been for these many years past the head-master. It has been creditable to both parties (viz. the present preceptor and the quondam pupil of his father), that the strictest friendship has always subsisted between them; not only by a constant correspondence, but by occasional visits. At this school young Burke soon distinguished himself by an ardent attachment to study, a prompt command of words, and a good taste. His memory unfolded itself very early, and he soon became distinguished as (what was called) the best capper of verses in the school; but as this phrase is not so generally known in England as in Ireland, it may be necessary to explain it: What is called capping of verses is repeating any one line out of the classics, and following it up by another, beginning with the same letter with which the former line ended; for instance,
, an eminent divine of the church of England, was the son of Mr. Edmund Calamy, minister of Aldermanbury before-mentioned,
, an eminent divine of the church
of England, was the son of Mr. Edmund Calamy, minister
of Aldermanbury before-mentioned, by a second wife, and
received the first tincture of learning at St. Paul’s school,
from whence he was sent, when very young, to the university of Cambridge, and there entered of Catherine-hall.
In 1664-5, he took the degree of bachelor of arts; in
1668, that of master of arts, and became also fellow of that
hall, and a very eminent tutor there. April 25, 1677, he
was chosen in the room of Dr. Simon Ford, minister of St.
Mary Aldermanbury; and soon after appointed one of his
majesty’s chaplains in ordinary. In 1680, he took his degree of doctor in divinity. In 1683, he preached in that
church his famous sermon, which he afterwards published
under the title of “A Discourse about a Scrupulous Conscience,
” than which no piece of its kind or size gamed
more credit to its author, or was more taken notice of by
the public. This sermon he preached a second time at
Bow church with great effect, and this excited a zealous
nonconformist, one Mr. Thomas De Laune, who had been
formerly a schoolmaster, to write against it; which he did
in such a manner as drew upon him a fatal imprisonment,
which he endeavoured by all means to ascribe to Dr. Calamy, though his complaints on this head had little or no
foundation. In 1683, Dr. Calamy was admitted to the
vicarage of St. Lawrence Jewry, with St. Mary Magdalen
Milk-street annexed, to which he was collated by the dean
and chapter of St. Paul’s, in the room of Dr. Benjamin
Whichcot. June 18, 1685, he was, on the decease of Dr.
John Wells, installed into the prebend of Harleston, in the
cathedral church of St. Paul. These preferments are
abundant proofs of his merit, and of his great interest in
the city of London, which he maintained, not by attaching
himself to any party, but by living in great intimacy with
the best men of all parties. He was particularly acquainted
with alderman Cornish, who was his parishioner, and for
whom he had so great a respect, that he gave testimony in
his favour when he was tried for high-treason, October 16,
1685, which was no ordinary mark of friendship in those
times. It is thought, that a sense of public calamities had
a great share in bringing his last illness upon our author,
who fell into a declining state in the autumn of the year
last mentioned, and died of a pleuritic fever in the month
of January 1686. He was a man equally valuable for the
abilities which he possessed, and the uses to which he
applied them. He was a sincere son of the church of England, and very intent on gaining over dissenters of all sorts
to her communion; and had an extensive charity, and a
just aversion to persecution. He was heartily loyal, but
without bitterness or passion; and his loyalty occasioned
his grief, when he saw those steps taken which could end
in nothing but public confusion. His own virtues, however, exempted him in a great measure from envy and
scandal, even in the worst of times; insomuch, that the
greatest men of all sects and all parties readily joined in
paying a just tribute of praise to his memory. Though
few in his situation were either better or more frequent
preachers, yet he left behind him very little in print. Some
sermons of his were after his decease, published by his
brother, which served only to raise a great regret in the
world, as that so many more of his excellent performances
were buried in oblivion. His sermons are still valued as
well for the beauty of their language as the excellent sentiments contained in them.
obligations, was born at Newton, in Warwickshire, Feb. 29, 1691. His father (Joseph) was the younger son of Mr. Edward Cave, of Cave’s in the Hole, a lone house on the
, a printer to whom the literary world owes great obligations, was born at Newton, in Warwickshire, Feb. 29, 1691. His father (Joseph) was the younger son of Mr. Edward Cave, of Cave’s in the Hole, a lone house on the street-road in the same county, which took its name from the occupier; but having concurred with his elder brother in cutting off the entail of a small hereditary estate, by which act it was lost from the family, he was reduced to follow in Rugby the trade of a shoemaker. He was a man of good reputation in his narrow circle, and remarkable for strength and rustic intrepidity. He lived to a great age, and was in his latter years supported by his son.
exalted merit to be passed with a slight notice, was born in 1737, at Newcastle on Tyne, the eldest son of Mr. Robert Chambers, a respectable attorney of that town.
, for several years chief justice of the supreme court of judicature in Bengal, a man of too exalted merit to be passed with a slight notice, was born in 1737, at Newcastle on Tyne, the eldest son of Mr. Robert Chambers, a respectable attorney of that town. He was educated, as well as his brothers, at the school of Mr. Moises in Newcastle, which had also the honour of training his younger friends sir William Scott and the present lord chancellor, whose attachment to him, thus commenced almost in infancy, was continued not only without abatement, but with much increase, to the very end of his life. Mr. Chambers, and the Scotts afterwards, went to Oxford without any other preparation than was afforded by this Newcastle school, but his abilities soon rendered him conspicuous; and in July 1754 he was chosen an exhibitioner of Lincoln college. He afterwards became a fellow of University college, where he was again united with the Scotts, and with other eminent men, among whom it may suffice to mention sir Thomas Plomer and the ]ate sir William Jones. In January 1762, Mr. Chambers was elected by the university Vinerian professor of the laws of England; a public testimony to his abilities, of the strongest and most unequivocal nature. In 1766, the earl of Lichfield, then chancellor of Oxford, gave him the appointment of principal of New-inn hall; which office, as it required no residence or attendance, he continued to hold through life. He was now advancing honourably in the practice of the law, and was employed in many remarkable causes, in which his professional abilities were evinced. About the same period, and probably by the same means, he attracted the notice and lasting friendship of the ablest men of the time, many of whose names have since been absorbed in well-earned titles of nobility. Among these may be mentioned, the earls Bathurst, Mansfield, Liverpool, and Rosslyn, lords Ashburton, Thurlow, Auckland, and Alvanley; to which list we may add the names of Johnson, Burke, Goldsmith, Garrick, and others of that class, whose judgment of mankind was as accurate as their own talents were conspicuous. At Oxford, he enjoyed the intimacy of Thurlow, afterwards bishop of Durham: and his Vinerian lectures were attended by many pupils, who have since done honour to the profession of the law, or to other public situations. It is a strong proof that his knowledge and talents were highly estimated at an early period, that in 1768, when he was only thirty-one years old, he was offered the appointment of attorney-general in Jamaica, which, from various considerations, he thought proper to decline. From this time he continued the career of his profession, and of his academical labours, till, in 1773, another situation of public trust and honour was proposed to him, which he was more easily induced to accept. This was the appointment of second judge to the superior court of judicature in Bengal, then first established. On this occasion, the esteem, and regard of the university of Oxford for their Vinerian professor was fully evinced. The convocation allowed three years for the chance of his return, from ill health or any other cause: during which interval his office was held for him, and his lectures read by a deputy. Immediately before his departure for the East Indies, Mr. Chambers married Miss Wilton, the only daughter of the celebrated statuary of that name, and his mother, Mrs. Chambers, a woman of uncommon virtues, talents, and accomplishments, undertook the voyage with them, and continued an inmate in their family till her death, which happened in 1782. They sailed for India in April, 1774; and the climate not proving unfriendly, the Vinerian professorship was in due time resigned.
, a medical and metaphysical writer, was the son of Mr. William Coward of Winchester, where he was born in the
, a medical and metaphysical
writer, was the son of Mr. William Coward of Winchester,
where he was born in the year 1656 or 1657. It is not
certain where young Coward received his grammatical
education; but it was probably at Winchester-school. In
his eighteenth year he was removed to Oxford, and in May
1674 became a commoner of Hart-hall; the inducement to
which might probably be, that his uncle was at the head of
that seminary. However, he did not long continue there;
for in the year following he was admitted a scholar of
Wadham college. On the 27th of June, 1677, betook
the degree of B. A. and in January 1680 he was chosen
probationer fellow of Merton college. In the year 1681,
was published Mr. Dvyden’s Absalom and Achitophel, a
production on the celebrity of which we need not expatiate.
At Oxford it could not fail to be greatly admired for its
poetical merit; besjde which, it might be the better received
on account of its containing a severe satire on the duke of
Monmouth and the earl of Sbftftesboryj two men who were
certainly no favourites with tnat loyal university. Accordingly, the admiration of the poem produced two Latin
versions of it, both of which were written and printed at Oxford; one by Mr. Francis Atterbury (afterwards the celebrated bishop of Rochester), who was assisted in it by Mr.
Francis Hickman, a student of Christchurch; and the
other by Mr. Coward. These translations were published
in quarto, in 1682. Whatever proof Mr. Coward’s version
of the Absalom and Achitophel might afford oi“his progress
in classical literature, he was not very fortunate in this first
publication. It was compared with Mr. Atterbury’s production, not a little to its disadvantage. According to
Anthony Wood, he was schooled for it in the college; it
was not well received in the university; and Atterbury’s
poem was extolled as greatly superior. To conceal, in
some degree, Mr. Coward’s mortification, a friend of his,
in a public paper, advertised the translation, as written by
a Walter Curie, of Hertford, gentleman; yet Coward’s
version was generally mistaken for Atterbury’s, and a specimen given of it in Stackhouse’s life of that prelate. On
the 13th of December, 1683, Mr. Coward was admitted to
the degree of M.A. Having determined to apply himself
to the practice of medicine, he prosecuted his studies in
that science, and took the degree of bachelor of physic on
the 23d of June 1685, and of doctor on the 2,d of July 1687.
After his quitting Oxford he exercised his profession at
Northampton, from which place he removed to London in 1693
or 1694, and settled in Lombard-street. In 1695 he published
a tract in 8vo, entitled
” De fermento volatili nutritio conjectura rationis, qua ostenditur spiritum volatilemoleosum, e
sanguine suffusurn, esse verum ac genuinum concoctionis ac
nutritionis instrumentum.“For this work he^iad an honourable approbation from the president and censors of the
college of physicians. But it was not to medical studies
only that Dr. Coward confined his attention. Besides being fond of polite learning, he entered deeply into metaphysical speculations, especially with regard to the nature
of the soul, and the natural immortality of man. The result of his inquiries was his publication, in 1702, under the
fictitious name of Estibius Psycalethes, entitled
” Second
Thoughts concerning Human Soul, demonstrating the notion
of human soul, as believed to be a spiritual immortal substance united to a human body, to be a plain heathenish
invention, and not consonant to the principles of philosophy, reason, or religion; but the ground only of many
absurd and superstitious opinions, abominable to the
reformed church, and derogatory in general to true Christianity.“This work was dedicated by the doctor to the
clergy of the church of England; and he professes at his
setting out,
” that the main stress of arguments, either to
confound or support his opinion, must be drawn from those
only credentials of true and orthodox divinity, the lively
oracles of God, the Holy Scriptures.“In another part, in
answer to the question, Does man die like a brute beast?
he says,
” Yes, in respect to their end in this life; both
their deaths consist in a privation of life.“” But then,“he adds,
” man has this prerogative or pre-eminence above
a brute, that he will be raised to life again, and be made
partaker of eternal happiness in the world to come.“Notwithstanding these professions to the authority of the Christian Scriptures, Dr. Coward has commonly been ranked
with those who have been reputed to be the most rancorous
and determined adversaries of Christianity. Swift has
ranked him with Toland, Tindal, and Gildon; and passages to the like purpose are not unfrequent among controversial writers, especially during the former part of the
last century. His denial of the immateriality and natural
immortality of the soul, and of a separate state of existence
between the time of death and the general resurrection, was
so contrary to universal opinion, that it is not very surprising that he should be considered as an enemy to revelation. It might be expected that he would immediately
meet with opponents; and accordingly he was attacked by
various writers of different complexions and abilities;
among whom were Dr. Nichols, Mr. John Broughton, and.
Mr. John Turner. Dr. Nichols took up the argument in
” Conference with a Theist.“Mr. Broughton wrote a
treatise entitled
” Psychologia, or, an Account of the nature of the rational Soul, in two parts;“and Mr. Turner
published a
” Vindication of the separate existence of the
Soul from a late author’s Second Thoughts.“Both these
pieces appeared in 1703. Mr. Turner’s publication was
answered by Dr. Coward, in a pamphlet called
” Farther
Thoughts upon Second Thoughts,“in which he acknowledges, that in Mr. Turner he had a rational and candid
adversary. He had not the same opinion of Mr. Broughton who therefore was treated by him with severity, in
” An Epistolary Reply to Mr. Broughton’s Psychologia;“which reply was not separately printed, but annexed to a
work of the doctor’s, published in the beginning of the
year 1704, and entitled,
” The Grand Essay or, a Vindication of Reason and Religion against the impostures of
Philosophy." In this last production, the idea of the human soul’s being an immaterial substance was again vigorously attacked.
history, was descended, both by his father and mother, from families of great antiquity. He was the son of Mr. Robert Cromwell, who was the second son of sir Henry
, protector of the commonwealth of England, and one of the most remarkable characters in English history, was descended, both by his father and mother, from families of great antiquity. He
was the son of Mr. Robert Cromwell, who was the second
son of sir Henry Cromwell of Hinchinbrooke, in the
county of Huntingdon, knt. whose great grandfather is
conjectured to have been Walter Cromwell, the blacksmith
at Putney, spoken of in the preceding article; and his
grandmother sister to Thomas Cromwell, earl of Essex.
Yet we are told that when Goodman, bishop of Gloucester,
who turned papist, and was very desirous of making his
court to the protector, dedicated a book to him, and presented a printed paper to him, by which he pretended to
claim kindred with him, as being himself someway allied
to Thomas earl of Essex, the protector with some warmth
told him, “that lord was not related to his family in any
” For this story, however, told by Fuller, there
seems little foundation . Robert Cromwell, father of the
protector, was settled at Huntingdon, and had four sons
(including the protector) and seven daughters. Though
by the interest of his brother sir Oliver, he was put into
the commission of the peace for Huntingdonshire, he had
but a slender fortune; most of his support arising from a
brewhouse in Huntingdon, chiefly managed by his wife.
She was Elizabeth, daughter of a Stewart, of Rothseyth in
Fifeshire, and sister of sir Robert Stewart, of the isle of
Ely, knt. who has been reported, and not without some
foundation of truth, to have been descended from the
royal house of Stuart; as appears from a pedigree of her
family still in being. Out of the profits of this trade, and
her own jointure of 60l. per annum, Mrs. Cromwell
provided fortunes for her daughters, sufficient to marry them
into good families. The eldest, or second surviving, was
the wife of Mr. John Desborough, afterwards one of the
protector’s major-generals; another married, first, Roger
Whetstone, esq. and afterwards colonel John Jones, who
was executed for being one of the king’s judges; the third
espoused colonel Valentine Walton, who died in exile;
the fourth, Robina, married first Dr. Peter French, and
then Dr. John Wilkins, a man eminent in the republic of
letters, and after the restoration bishop of Chester. It
may be also added, that an aunt of the protector’s married
Francis Barrington, esq. from whom descended the Barringtons of Essex; another aunt, John Hampden, esq.
of Buckinghamshire, by whom she was mother of the famous John Hampden, who lost his life in Chalgrave field;
a third was the wife of Mr. Whaley, and the mother of
colonel Whaley, in whose custody the king was while he
remained at Hampton-court; the fourth aunt married Mr.
, born Sept. 30, 1714, was the son of Mr. James Cuming, an eminent merchant in Edinburgh. Alter
, born Sept. 30, 1714, was the
son of Mr. James Cuming, an eminent merchant in Edinburgh. Alter a suitable education in the high-school of
that city, and under the particular tuition of Mr. Alexander
Muir, formerly professor of philosophy at Aberdeen, he
applied himself to the study of physic four years in the
university of Edinburgh, and became connected with some
of the most eminent students in that science. In 1735 he
spent nine months at Paris, improving himself in anatomy
and the French language: and he passed some time at
Leyden the following year; but returned immediately
before the death of his father. In 1738 he quitted
Edinburgh for London: and while his friends were meditating
a settlement for him at Lynne in the room of the late sir
William Browne, his friend Dr, Fothergill found out a
more promising situation at Dorchester; where he remained to the last, notwithstanding the most pressing invitations from Dr. Fothergill to succeed Dr. Russel in London. In the space of a few years after his establishment at
Dorchester, he came to be employed in many, and in process of time, with an exception of three or four at most, in
all the families of distinction within the county, and frequently in the adjacent ones. At length his chaste manners, his learning, and his probity, as they were more generally known, rendered him not only the physician, but
the confidential friend of some of the best families into
which he was introduced. His warm and friendly attention to the interests of the late Mr. Hutchins, author of
the History of Dorset, in advancing the publication of that
well written and well arranged work, cannot better be expressed than in the grateful language of its author: “One
of the gentlemen to whom my acknowledgments are eminently due, permitted part of that time which is so beneficially employed to far better purposes, and is so precious
to a gentleman of his extensive practice, to be diverted to
the work in hand; the publication of which he patronised
and promoted with great zeal and assiduity: nor did his
success fall short of his zeal. Without his friendly assistance my papers might yet have remained undelivered to
the press; or, if they had been committed to the public, would
have wanted several advantages and embellishments with
which they now appear.
” The doctor bequeathed his interleaved copy of this work to Mr.Gough, his friend and coadjutor
in its publication. In 1752 he received a diploma from the
university of Edinburgh; and was soon after elected a fellow of the royal college of physicians there, of which he
died senior fellow. He was elected in 1769 fellow of the
society of antiquaries of London; and in 1781 of that of
Scotland. The tenderness of his eyes was, through life,
the greatest misfortune he had to struggle with; and, considering the many obstacles which the complaints in those
organs have occasioned in the pursuit of knowledge, it is
wonderful how he attained the degree of erudition which
he was well known to possess. In his retreat from the
more busy pursuits of this world, the surviving companions
of his youth continued the friends and correspondents of
his advanced years; and he enjoyed to the last the singular satisfaction of being visited by the most respectable
persons in the county for probity, rank, and fortune. We
cannot but regret that the doctor, who lias been the means
of so many valuable performances being laid before the
public, and some of them improved by his pen, had not
himself stood forth, to give that information for which he
was so well qualified, both in point of classical learning
and elegant composition. He died of a dropsy, in the 7 kh
year of his age, March 25, 1788.
, son of Mr. John Davis, of Windsor, was born July II, 1756, and educated
, son of Mr. John Davis, of
Windsor, was born July II, 1756, and educated at Eating, Middlesex; whence he removed to Baliol college,
Oxford, May 17, 1774, where he took his degree of B. A.
about January 177-. In the spring of that year he wrote
an Examination of Gibbon’s “History of the Decline and
Fall of the Roman Empire,
” in which he evinced more
knowledge than is usually found at the age of twenty-one.
This was answered by the historian in a Vindication, which
brougut out a reply by Mr. Davis, who, it is evident, gave
Gibbon no small uneasiness by attacking him on his veracity and fairness of quotation, in which Gibbon fancied
himself impregnable. In 1780, Mr. Davis having taken
his master’s degree, and entered into priest’s orders, was
made a fellow of his college; and, for some time before
his death, had the office of tutor, which he discharged with
a solicitude and constancy too great for the sensibility of
his mind, and the delicacy of his constitution. A lingering illness removed him from the society of his many estimable friends, and deprived the public of his expected
services. Affected by the strongest and tenderest of those
motives, which endear life and subdue fortitude, he sustained the slow approaches of dissolution, not only resigned
but cheerful, supported by the principles he had well
defended. Feb. 10, 1784, without any apparent change,
between a placid slumber and death, he expired. He was
buried at Windsor, the place of his nativity. He had
cultivated a taste for elegant literature, particularly in
poetry. Though his voice was not strong, his elocution
was distinct, animated, unaffected, and pathetic. The
cheerfulness and vivacity of his conversation, the warmth
and benevolence of his heart, fixed by principle, and animated by sentiment, rendered him in his private character, alike amiable and worthy of esteem.
, the late learned bishop of Salisbury, was born in Scotland, in 1721, the son of Mr. Archibald Douglas, a merchant of Fittenween, in Fifeshire.
, the late learned bishop of Salisbury, was born in Scotland, in 1721, the son of Mr. Archibald Douglas, a merchant of Fittenween, in Fifeshire. His grandfather (who was a younger brother of the family of Douglas of Tulliquilly, one of the oldest branches of the house of Douglas now in existence), was an eminent clergyman of the episcopal church of Scotland, and the immediate successor of bishop Burnet in the living of Salten, in East Lothian, from which preferment he was ejected at the revolution, when presbyterianism was established in Scotland. The subject of this memoir was educated for some years at the school of Dunbar, but in 1736 was entered a commoner of St. Mary hall, Oxford, where he remained till 1738, and then removed to Baliolcollege, on being elected an exhibitioner on bishop Warner’s foundation. In 1741 he took his bachelor’s degree; and in 1742, in order to acquire a facility of speaking French, he went abroad, and remained for some time at Montreal, in Picardy, and afterwards at Ghent, in Flanders. On his return to college, in 1743, he took his master’s degree, and having been ordained deacon, in 1744, he was appointed to officiate as chaplain to the third regiment of foot-guards, which he joined when serving with the combined army in Flanders. During the time he tilled this situation, he employed himself chiefly in the study of modern languages. He was not an inactive spectator of the battle of Fontenoy, April 29, 1745, on which occasion he was employed in carrying orders from general Campbell to the English who guarded the village in which he and the other generals were stationed.
, Lord Ashburton, an eminent lawyer, was the second son of Mr. John Dunning, of Ashburton, Co. Devon, attorney at law,
, Lord Ashburton, an eminent lawyer, was the second son of Mr. John Dunning, of Ashburton, Co. Devon, attorney at law, by Agnes, daughter of Henry Judsham, of Old Port, in the parish of Modbury, in the same county. He was born at Ashburton, Oct. 18, 1731. At the age of seven he was sent to the free grammar-school of his native place, where, during five years, he made an astonishing progress in the classic languages. A book in Homer, or in the Æneid of Virgil, he would get by heart in the course of two hours, and on the top of the school-room, which was wainscotted, he drew out the diagrams of the first book of Euclid, and solved them at the age of ten. He has often been heard to say that he owed all his future fortune to Euclid and sir Isaac Newton. When he left school he was taken into his father’s office, where he remained until his attaining the age of nineteen, at which time sir Thomas Clarke, master of the rolls, (to whom his father had been many years steward) took him under his protection, and sent him to the Temple.
serve to be more extensively known than, it is apprehended, they now are, or ever have been, was the son of Mr. Ellis, steward to Dr. Barnaby Potter, bishop of Carlisle,
, an English divine, whose writings, in the opinion of a recent biographer, deserve to be more extensively known than, it is apprehended, they now are, or ever have been, was the son of Mr. Ellis, steward to Dr. Barnaby Potter, bishop of Carlisle, and wasjborn in 1630, near Penrith in Cumberland. He became a servitor of Queen’s college, Oxford, under the tuition of Mr. Thomas Tully, in 1649, and was afterwards a tabarder; and when master of arts, became a fellow of the college.
us writer of some reputation in the last age, and well known to the scholars of that period, was the son of Mr. James Ellis, and was born in the parish of St. Clement
, a miscellaneous writer of some reputation in the last age, and well known to the scholars of that
period, was the son of Mr. James Ellis, and was born in
the parish of St. Clement Danes, March 22, 1698. His
father was a man of an eccentric character, roving, and
unsettled. At one time he was clerk to his uncle and
guardian, serjeant Denn, recorder of Canterbury, and kept
his chambers in Gray’s-inn, on a starving allowance, as
Mr. Ellis used to declare, for board-wages. Leaving his
penurious relation, who spent what his father left him in a
litigious process, he obtained a place in the post-office at
Deal in Kent, from whence he was advanced, to be searcher
of the customs in the Downs, with a boat; but being imposed upon, as he thought, in some way by his patron, he
quitted his employment and came to London. He was represented by his son as particularly skilful in the use of
the sword, to which qualification he was indebted, through
the means of a nobleman, for one of his places. He was
also much famed for his agility, and could at one time
jump the wall of Greenwich park, with the assistance of a
staff. At the trial of Dr. Sacheverel he was employed to
take down the evidence for the doctor’s use. His wife,
Susannah Philpot, our author’s mother, was so strict a
dissenter, that when Dr. Sacheverel presented her husband
with his print, framed and glazed, she dashed it on the
ground, and broke it to pieces, calling him at the same
time a priest of Baal; and at a late period of our author’s
life, it was remembered by him, that she caused him to
undergo the discipline of the school, for only presuming
to look at a top on a Sunday which had been given to him
the day preceding. The qualifications which Mr. Ellis’s
father possessed, it will be perceived, were not those which
lead to riches; and indeed so narrow were his circumstances, that he was unable to give his son the advantages
of a liberal education. He was first sent to a wretched
day-school in Dogwell-court, White Fryars, with a brother and two sisters; and afterwards was removed to another, not much superior, in Wine-office-court, Fleet-street,
where he learned the rudiments of grammar, more by his
own application than by any assistance of his master. He
used, however, to acknowledge the courtesy of the usher,
who behaved well to him. While at this school he translated “Mars ton Moore; sive, de obsidione praelioque Eboracensi carmen. Lib. 6. 1650, 4to. Written by Payne
” which, as it has not been found among his papers, we suppose was afterwards destroyed. At what period, or in what capacity he was originally placed with
Mr. John Taverner, an eminent scrivener in Threadneedlestreet, we have not learned; but in whatever manner the
connexion began, he in due time became clerk or apprentice to him; and during his residence had an opportunity
of improving himself in the Latin tongue, which he availed
himself of with the utmost diligence. The son of his
master, then at Merchant Taylors’ school, was assisted by his
father in his daily school-exercises; which being conducted
in the presence of the clerk, it was soon found that the
advantage derived from the instructions, though missed by
the person for whom it was intended, was not wholly lost.
Mr. Ellis eagerly attended, and young Taverner being of
an indolent disposition, frequently asked his assistance privately; which at length being discovered by the elder Taverner, was probably the means of his first introduction
to the world, though it cannot be said much to his advantage, as old Taverner had the address to retain him in the
capacity of his clerk during his life-time, and at his death
incumbered him with his son as a partner, by whose imprudence Mr. Ellis was a considerable sufferer both in his
peace of mind and his purse, and became involved in difficulties which hung over him a considerable number of
years. His literary acquisitions soon, as it might be expected, introduced him to the acquaintance of those who
had similar pursuits. In 1721, the rev. Mr. Fayting, afterwards of Merchant Taylors’ school, rector of St. Martin
Outwich, and prebendary of Lincoln, being then about to
go to Cambridge, solicited and obtained his correspondence, part of which was carried on in verse. With this
gentleman, who died 22d Feb. 1789, in his eighty-sixth
year, Mr. Ellis lived on terms of the most unreserved
friendship, and on his death received a legacy of 100l. bequeathed to him by his will. At a period rather later, he
became also known to the late Dr. King of Oxford. Young
Taverner, who probably was not at first intended for a
scrivener, was elected from Merchant Taylors’ school to
St. John’s college, Oxford, and by his means Mr. Ellis
was made acquainted with the tory orator. By Dr. King
he was introduced to his pupil lord Orrery; and Mr. Ellis
atone time spent fourteen days in their company at college,
so much to the satisfaction of all parties, that neither the
nobleman nor his tutor ever afterwards came to London
without visiting, and inviting Mr. Ellis to visit them. In,
the years 1742 and 1713, Dr. King published “Templum
” in two books, which Mr. Ellis translated into
verse with the entire approbation of the original author.
This translation still remains in ms. Of his poetical
friends, however, the late Moses Mendez, esq. appears to
have been the most intimate with him. Several marks of
that gentleman’s friendship are to be found scattered
through his printed works; and about 1749 he addressed a
beautiful epistle to him from Ham, never yet published.
In 1744 Mr. Mendez went to Ireland, and on July 5 sent
a poetical account of his journey to Mr. Ellis. This epistle
was afterwards printed in 1767, in -a collection of poems,
and in the same miscellany Mr. Ellis’s answer appeared.
Soon after Mr. Mendez addressed a poetical epistle to his
friend, Mr. S. Tucker, at Dulwich, printed in the sam
ncient family in the bishopric of Durham, was born at Newcastle upon Tyne, Jan. 1, 1673, and was the son of Mr. Ralph Elstob, a merchant of that place. Being intended
, a divine and antiquary, descended
from a very ancient family in the bishopric of Durham,
was born at Newcastle upon Tyne, Jan. 1, 1673, and was
the son of Mr. Ralph Elstob, a merchant of that place.
Being intended for the church, he received his grammatical
education, first at Newcastle, and afterwards at Eton after
which he was admitted of Catharine-hall, in Cambridge
but the air of the country not agreeing with him, he removed to Queen’s college, Oxford. Here his studious turn
acquired him so much reputation, that in 1696 he was
chosen fellow of University college, and was appointed
joint tutor with Dr. C layering, afterwards bishop of Peterborough. At this college Mr. Elstob took the degree of
master of arts, June 8, 1697. In 1701, he translated into
Latin the Saxon homily of Lupus, with notes, for Dr.
Jiickes. About the same time he translated into English
sir John Cheke’s Latin version of Plutarch, “De Superstitione,
” which is printed at the end of Strype’s Life of
Cheke. The copy made use of by Mr. Elstob was a
manuscript in University college, out of which Obadiah
Walker, when master of that college, had cut several
leaves, containing Cheke’s remarks against popery. In
1702, Mr. Elstob was appointed rector of the united
parishes of St. Swithin and St. Mary Bothaw, London,
where be continued to his death, and which appears to be
the only eqclesiastical preferment he ever obtained. In
1703, he published, at Oxford, an edition of Ascham’s
Latin Letters. He was the author, likewise, of an “Essay
on the great affinity and mutual agreement between the
two professions of Law and Divinity,
” printed at London,
with a preface, by Dr. Hickes. This book, in process of
time, became so little known, that Mr. Philip Carteret
Webbe insisted upon it that there was no such work, until
convinced, by an abstract or view of it, which was sent to
Mr. Pegge, from a copy in the library of St. John’s college, Cambridge. It is a thin octavo, and not very scarce.
In 1704, Mr Elstob published two sermons; one, a thanksgiving sermon, from Psalm ciii. 10, for the victory at
Hochstet; and, the other, from 1 Timothy i. 1, 2, on the
anniversary of the queen’s accession. Besides the works
already mentioned, our author, who was a great proficient
in the Latin tongue, compiled an essay on its history and
use collected materials for an account of Newcastle and,
also, the various proper names formerly used in the north
but what is become of these manuscripts is not known. In
1709, he published, in the Saxon language, with a Latin
translation, the homily on St. Gregory’s day. Mr. Elstob
bad formed several literary designs, the execution of which
was prevented by his death, in 1714, when he was only
forty-one years of age. The most considerable of his designs was an edition of the Saxon laws, with great additions, and a new Latin version by Somner, together with
notes of various learned men, and a prefatory history of
the origin and progress of the English laws, down to the
conqueror, and to Magna Charta. This great plan was
completed in 1721, by Dr. David Wilkins, who, in his
preface, thus speaks concerning our author “Hoc Gulielmus Elstob, in literis Anglo-Saxonicis versatissimus
præstare instituerat. Hinc Wheloci vestigia premens, Leges
quas editio ejus exhibet, cum Mss. Cantabrigiensibus,
Bodleiano, Roffensi, et Cottonianis contulerat, versioneque
nova adornare proposuerat, ut sic Leges, antea jam publici
juris factae, ejus opera et studio emendatiores prodiissent.
Veruin morte immatura præreptus, propositum exequi non
” Whilst Mr. Elstob was engaged in this design,
Dr. Hickes recommended him to Mr. Harley, as a man
whose modesty had made him an obscure person, and
which would ever make him so, unless some kind patron
of good learning should bring him into light. The doctor
added his testimony to Mr. Elstob’s literature, his great
diligence and application, and his capacity for the work he
had undertaken. Mr. Harley so far attended to Dr. Hickes’s
recommendation as to grant to Mr. Elstob the use of the
books and manuscripts in his library, which our author
acknowledged in a very humble letter. A specimen of
Mr. Elstob’s design was actually printed at Oxford, in
1699, under the title of “Hormesta Pauli Orosii, &c. ad
exemplar Junianum, &c.
” He intended, also, a translation
with notes, of Alfred’s Paraphrastic Version of Orosins;
his transcript of which, with collations, was in Dr. Pegge’s
hands. Another transcript, by Mr. Ballard, with a large
preface on the use of Anglo-Saxon literature, was left by
Dr. Charles Lyltelton, bishop of Carlisle, to the library of
the Society of Antiquaries. Alfred’s Version of Orosius
has since been given to the public, with an English translation, by the honourable Daines Barrington. In his publication, Mr. Barrington observes, that he has made use of
Mr. Elstob’s transcript, and that he has adopted from it
the whimsical title of Hormesta. When it is considered
that Mr. Elstob died in early life, it will be regretted, by
the lovers of antiquarian learning, that he was prevented
from acquiring that name and value in the literary world,
to which he would otherwise probably have arisen.
even before the building was finished. In the mean while he went into Essex, as tutor to the eldest son of Mr. (afterwards sir) William Ayloff, of Berksted, who himself
, a very learned English divine aud critic, descended from a family of that name at Gatacre-hall, in Shropshire, was born Sept. 4j 1574, in the parsonage-house of St. Edmund the King, in Lombardstreet, London, where his father, an eminent Puritan divine (who died in 1593) was then minister. At sixteen years of age he was sent to St. John’s college in Cambridge; where, in due time, he took both the degrees in arts. He was greatly distinguished by his abilities, learning, and piety; insomuch that the foundation of Sidney college being laid about this time, he was, by archbishop Whitgift, and Dr. Goodman dean of Westminster, the trustees of that foundation, appointed a fellow of that society, even before the building was finished. In the mean while he went into Essex, as tutor to the eldest son of Mr. (afterwards sir) William Ayloff, of Berksted, who himself learned Hebrew of him at the same time. During his residence here, he usually expounded a portion of scripture to the family every morning; in this task, after rendering the text into English from the original language, he explained the sense of it, and concluded with some useful observations. In the space of two years he went through all the prophets in the Old Testament, and all the apostolical epistles in the New. Dr. Stern, then suffragan bishop of Colchester, being nearly related to the mistress of the family, happened in a visit to be present at one of these performances; and, being struck with admiration, instantly exhorted the expounder to enter into the priesthood; and Mr. Gataker was ordained by that suffragan.
, an eminent English physician in the seventeenth century, was born in Northamptonshire, and was son of Mr. William Goulston, rector of Wymondham, in Leicestershire.
, an eminent English physician in the seventeenth century, was born in Northamptonshire, and was son of Mr. William Goulston, rector of Wymondham, in Leicestershire. He became probationer fellow of Merton college, Oxford, in 1596, where he took the degrees of B. and M. A. and afterwards applied himself to the study of physic, which he practised first in Oxford, and afterwards at Wymondham, where he was much resorted to for his advice. On April 30, 1610, he took the degree of doctor of physic, and became candidate of the college of physicians at London, being well approved by the president, censors, and fellows; and the year following he was made a fellow and censor of that college. He was soon introduced into very extensive practice in the city of London, and distinguished him* self likewise to great advantage by his skill in the Latin and Greek languages, and divinity, and by his writings. His affection to the public good and to the advancement of the faculty of physic was such, that by his last will and testament he gave two hundred pounds to purchase a rent-charge for the maintenance of an annual lecture within the college of physicians of London. This lecture was to be read from time to time by one of the foui* youngest doctors in physic of the college, and to be upon two, or three, or more diseases, as the censors should direct; and to be read yearly, at a convenient season betwixt Michaelmas and Easter, upon some dead body (if procurable) on three days successively, in the forenoon and afternoon. He left likewise several books to Merton college, besides several other donations, which legacies were punctually paid by his widow Ellen, who being possessed of the impropriate parsonage of Bardwell in Suffolk, procured leave from the king to annex the same to the vicarage, and gave them both to the college of St. John’s, in Oxford. Our author died at his house within the parish of St. Martin Ludgate, May 4, 1632, and was interred with great solemnity in the church of that parish.
, a well-known biographer, but who has been himself left without any memorial, was the son of Mr. William Granger, by Elizabeth Tutt, daughter of Tracy
, a well-known biographer, but
who has been himself left without any memorial, was the
son of Mr. William Granger, by Elizabeth Tutt, daughter
of Tracy Tutt. Of the condition of his parents, or the
place of his education, we have not been able to recover
any particulars. He studied, however, for some time at
Christ-church, Oxford, which he probably left without
taking a degree; and having entered into holy orders, was
presented to the vicarage of Shiplake, in Oxfordshire, a
living in the gift of the dean and chapter of Windsor. He
informs us, in the dedication of his “Biographical History,
” that his name and person were known to few at the
time of its publication (1769), as he had “the good fortune to retire early to independence, obscurity, and content.
” He adds, that “if he has an ambition for any
thing, it is to be an honest man and a good parish priest,
and in both those characters he was highly esteemed by all
who knew him. To the duties of his sacred office, he attended with the most scrupulous assiduity and zeal, and
died in the performance of the most solemn office of the
church. Such was his pious regard for the day appointed
for religious observances, that he would not read the
proofs of his work while going through the press on that
day; and with such an impression of what was his duty,
found no great difficulty in resisting the arguments of his
bookseller, Tom Davies, who endeavoured to persuade
him that this was a “work of necessity.
” It appears that
some time before his death he was anxious to obtain a
living within a tenable distance of Shiplake, but did not
succeed. In 1773 or 1774 he accompanied lord Mountstuart, now earl of Bute, on a tour to Holland, where his
lordship made an extensive collection of portraits. In
1772 he published a sermon entitled “An Apology for the
Brute Creation, or Abuse of Animals censured.
” This
was preached in his parish^church, Oct. 18, 1772, and, as we
are informed in a postscript, gave almost universal disgust;
“the mention of horses and dogs was censured as a prostitution of the dignity of the pulpit, and considered as a
proof of the author’s growing insanity;
” but more competent judges, and indeed the public at large, applauded
him for exerting his humanity and benevolence in a case
which is so often overlooked, the treatment of the brute
creation. Mr. Granger, who was a man of some humour,
and according to the evidence of his friend and correspondent the rev. Mr. Cole, a frequent retailer of jokes,
dedicated this sermon “To T. B. Drayman,
” for which
he gives as a reason that he had seen this man exercise
the lash with greater rage, and heard him at the same time
swear more roundly and forcibly, than he ever heard or
saw any of his brethren of the whip in London. Mr. Granger appears to have taken some pains with this man, but
to little purpose. He was, however, afterwards killed by
a kick from one of the horses whom he delighted to torment, which gave Mr. Granger an opportunity of strength-.
cning his arguments with his parishioners by a warning
like this, which could not fail, for sorneaime at least, to
make an impression on their minds. In 1773 he printed
another sermon, entitled “The nature and extent of Industry,
” preached before his grace Frederic, archbishop
of Canterbury, July 4, 1775, in the parish church of Shiplake. This was gravely dedicated, “To the inhabitants
of the parish of Shiplake who neglect the service of the
church, and spend the Sabbath in the worst kind of idleness, this plain sermon, which they never heard, and probably will never read, is inscribed by their sincere wellwisher and faithful minister J. G.
” Both these discourses
were favourably received by the public, and many clergymen and others purchased quantities of them for distribution. His memory, however, is best preserved by his
“Biographical History of England from Kgbert the Great
to the Revolution,
” at which he employed himself for
many years, and lived to see two editions sold, and a taste
created for collections of portraits, which is indeed the
principal intention of the author, his biography including
only those persons of whom some engraved portrait is extant. It was first published in 4 thin 4to vols. in 1769, but
the second and subsequent editions have been printed in
8vo. The preparation of such a work could not fail to
yield the author much amusement, and likewise procured
him the correspondence of many eminent scholars and gentlemen who were either collectors of portraits, or conversant in English biography. He had amassed considerable
materials for a continuation of this work, which was prevented by his sudden and much-lamented death. On
Sunday April 14, 1776, he read prayers and preached apparently in good health, but while afterwards at the communion-table, in the act of administering the sacrament,
he was seized with an apoplectic fit, and notwithstanding
immediate medical assistance, died next morning. This
affecting circumstance was happily expressed by a friend
in these lines:
, an eminent English antiquary, was the son of Mr. Francis Grose, of Richmond, jeweller, who died in 1769.
, an eminent English antiquary, was the son of Mr. Francis Grose, of Richmond, jeweller, who died in 1769. He was born in 1731, and having a taste for heraldry and antiquities, his father procured him a place in the college of arms, which, however, he resigned in 1763. By his father he was left an independent fortune, which he was not of a disposition to add to, or even to -reserve. He early entered into the Surrey militia, of which he became adjutant and paymaster; but so much had dissipation taken possession of him, that in a situation which above all others required attention, he was so careless as to have for some time (as he used pleasantly to tell) only two books of accounts, viz. his right and left hand pockets. In the one he received, and from the other paid; and this too with a want of circumspection which may be readily supposed from such a mode of book keeping. His losses on this occasion roused his latent talents: with a good classical education he united a fine taste for drawing, which he now began again to cultivate; and encouraged by his friends, he undertook the work from which be derived both profit and reputation: his Views of Antiquities in England and Wales, which he first began to publish in numbers in 1773, and finished in 1776. The next year he added two more volumes to his English views, in which he included the islands of Guernsey and Jersey, which were completed in 1787. This work, which was executed with accuracy and elegance, soon became a favourite with the public at large, as well as with professed antiquaries, from the neatness of the embellishments, and the succinct manner in which he conveyed his information, and therefore answered his most sanguine expectations; and, from the time he began it to the end of his life, he continued without intermission to publish various works, generally to the advantage of his literary reputation, and almost always to the benefit of his finances. His wit and good-humour were the abundant source of satisfaction to himself and entertainment to his friends. He visited almost every part of the kingdom, and was a welcome guest wherever he went. In the summer of 1789 he set out on a tour in Scotland the result of which he began to communicate to the public in 1790, in numbers. Before he had concluded this work, he proceeded to Ireland, intending to furnish that kingdom with views and descriptions of her antiquities, in the same manner he had executed those of Great Britain; but soon after his arrival in Dublin, being at the house of Mr. Hone there, he suddenly was seized at table with an apoplecticfit, on the 6th May 1791, and died immediately. He was interred in Dublin.
, a learned English prelate, was born at Mansfield in Derbyshire, Jan. 18, 1733. He was the eldest son of Mr. Samuel Hallifax, apothecary, by Hannah, daughter of Mr.
, a learned English prelate, was born at Mansfield in Derbyshire, Jan. 18, 1733. He was the eldest son of Mr. Samuel Hallifax, apothecary, by Hannah, daughter of Mr. Jebb, of Mansfield, by which alliance our author became first cousin of the late sir Richard, and Dr. John Jebb. He was admitted of Jesus college, Cambridge, where he distinguished himself in his academical exercises, and he was in the list of wranglers, as they are called, and obtained the chancellor’s gold medal forclassical learning, and some prize dissertations. He proceeded A. B. in 1744, and A.M. in 1747, and afterwards removed to Trinity Hall (where are only two fellowships in divinity), and proceeded LL.D. in 1761. In Nov. 1765 he was presented to the rectory of Chaddington, in Buckinghamshire, and in 1768 was elected professor of Arabic in the university of Cambridge, which he resigned in 1770 on being made regius professor of civil law. In February 1774 he was appointed chaplain in ordinary to his majesty; in 1775 was created D. D. by royal mandate, and on the death of Dr. Topham succeeded him as master of the faculties in Doctors Commons. From Mrs. Galley, relict of Dr. Galley, prebendary of Gloucester, he received, without any solicitation on his part, but merely as a reward for his eminent services in the cause of religion, the valuable rectory of Warsop, in Nottinghamshire, in 1778. In 1781 he was advanced to the see of Gloucester, and thence was translated to the see of St. Asaph in 1787, being the first English bishop that was translated to that see, and the second that was translated to a bishopric in North Wales. He died of the stone, March 4, 1790, when only fifty-seven years of age. He married one of the daughters of Dr. Cooke, provost of King’s college, Cambridge, who wrote the elegant epitaph on his monument in the church of Warsop, where bishop Hallifax was buried at his own desire, near a favourite son who was interred there. By his wife he left another son and six daughters.
, an enterprising English navigator, was born in 1745; he was the son of Mr. Hearne, secretary to the water-works, London-bridge,
, an enterprising English navigator,
was born in 1745; he was the son of Mr. Hearne, secretary
to the water-works, London-bridge, a very sensible man,
and of a respectable family in Somersetshire; he died of a
fever in his fortieth year, and left Mrs. Hearne with this
son, then but three years of age, and a daughter two years
older. Mrs. H. finding her income too small to admit her
living in town as she had been accustomed, retired to Bimmister, in Dorsetshire (her native place), where she lived
as a gentlewoman, and was much respected. It was her
wish to give her children as good an education as the place
afforded, and accordingly she sent her son to school at a very
early period: but his dislike to reading and writing was so
great, that he made very little progress in either. His
masters, indeed, spared neither threats nor persuasion to
induce him to learn, but their arguments were thrown
away on one who seemed predetermined never to become
a learned man; he had, however, a very quick apprehension, and in his childish sports shewed unusual activity and
ingenuity; he was particularly fond of drawing; and
though he never had the least instruction in the art, copied
with great delicacy and correctness even from nature.
Mrs. Hearne’s friends, finding her son had no taste for
study, advised tier fixing on some business, and proposed
such as they judged most suitable for him; but he declared
himself utterly averse to trade, and begged he might be
sent to sea. His mother very reluctantly complied with
his request, took him to Portsmouth, and remained with
him till he sailed. His captain (now lord Hood) promised
to take care of him, and gave him every indulgence his
youth required. He was then but eleven years of age.
They had a warm engagement soon after he entered, and
took several prizes: the captain told him he should have
his share; but he begged, in a very affectionate manner,
it might be given to his mother, and she would know best
what to do with it. He was a midshipman several years
under the same commander; but on the conclusion of the
war, having no hopes of preferment, he left the navy, and
entered into the service of the Hudson’s Bay company, as
mate of one of their sloops. He was, however, soon distinguished from his associates by his ingenuity, industry,
and a wish to undertake some hazardous enterprize by
which mankind might be benefited. This was represented
to the company, and they immediately applied to him as
a proper person to be sent on an expedition they had long
had in view, viz. to find out the north-west passage: he
gladly accepted the proposal, and how far he succeeded is
shewn to the public in his Journal. On his return he was
advanced to a more lucrative post, and in a few years was
made commander in chief, in which situation he remained
till 1782, when the French unexpectedly landed at Prince
of Wales’ s Fort, took possession of it, and after having
given the governor leave to secure his own property, seized
the stock of furs, &c. &c. and blew up the fort. At the
company’s request Mr. H. went out the year following,
saw it rebuilt, and the new governor settled in his habitation (which they took care to fortify a little better than formerly), and returned to England in 1787. He had
saved a few thousands, the fruits of many years’ industry,
and might, had he been blessed with prudence, have enjoyed
many years of ease and plenty; but he had lived so long
where money was of no use, that he seemed insensible of
its value here, and lent it with little or no security to those
he was scarcely acquainted with by name; sincere and
undesigning himself, he was by no means a match for the
duplicity of others. His disposition, as may be judged by
his writing, was naturally humane; what he wanted in
learning and polite accomplishments, he made up in native simplicity; and was so strictly scrupulous with regard
to the property of others, that he was heard to say, a few
davs before his death, “he could lay his hand on his heart
and say, he had never wronged any man of sixpence.
t painter, was born in the parish of St. James, Garlickhithe, London, June 13, 1692, being the third son of Mr. Edward Hightnore , a coal-merchant in Thames-street.
, an eminent painter, was born
in the parish of St. James, Garlickhithe, London, June 13,
1692, being the third son of Mr. Edward Hightnore , a
coal-merchant in Thames-street. Having such an early
and strong inclination to painting, that he could think of
nothing else with pleasure', his father endeavoured to gratify him in a proposal to his uncle, who was serjeant-painter to king William, and with whom Mr. (afterward Sir James) Thorn hi 11 f had served his apprenticeship. But
this was afterwards for good reasons declined, and he was
articled as clerk to an attorney, July 18, 1707; but so much
against his own declared inclination, that in about three
years he began to form resolutions of indulging his natural
disposition to his favourite art, having continually employed his leisure hours in designing, and in the study of
geometry, perspective, architecture, and anatomy, but
without any instructors except books. He had afterwards
an opportunity of improving himself in anatomy, by attending the lectures of Mr. Cheselden, besides entering
himself at the Painters’ Academy in Great Queen -street,
where he drew ten years, and had the honour to be particularly noticed by sir Godfrey Kneller, who distinguished
him by the name of “the Young Lawyer.
” On June 13,
1714, his clerkship expired; and on March 26, 1715, he
Linear Perspective: or anew method of representing justly all manner of objects as they appear to the eye, in all situations.” On this complete and universal theory our artist grounded his subsequent practice; and it has been generally allowed, that few, if any, of the profession at that time, were so thoroughly masters of that excellent, but intricate system. In 1716, he married miss Susanna Killer, daughter and heiress of Mr. Anthony Hiller, of Em'ngliam, in Surrey; a young lady in every respect worthy of his choice. For Mr. Cheselden’s “
Anatomy of the Human. Body,” published in
The Conscious Lovers,” written by sir Richard Stecle, Mr. Highmore addressed a letter to the author, (puhlished in 1760 in the Gentleman’s Magazine), on the limits of filial obedience, pointing out a material defect in the character of Bevil, with that clearness and precision for which, in conversation and writing, he was always remarkable, as the pencil by no means engrossed his whole attention. His reputation and business increasing, he took a more conspicuous station, by removing to a house in Lincoln’s-innfields, in March 1723-4; and an opportunity soon offered of introducing him advantageously to the nobility, &c. from his being desired, by Mr. Pine the engraver, to make the drawings for his prints of the Knights of the Bath, on the revival of that order in 1725. In consequence of this, several of the knights had their portraits also by the same hand, some of them whole lengths; and the duke of Kichmond, in particular, was attended by l.is three esquiies, with a perspective view of king Henry the Vilth’s chapel. This capital picture is now at Goodwood. The artist was also sent for to St. James’s, by George I. to paint the portrait of William duke of Cumberland, from which Smith scraped a mezzotinto.
nent English mathematician, and one of the most inventive geniuses that the world has ever seen, was son of Mr. John Hooke, rector of Freshwater in the Isle of Wight,
, an eminent English mathematician,
and one of the most inventive geniuses that the world has
ever seen, was son of Mr. John Hooke, rector of Freshwater in the Isle of Wight, and born there July 18, 1635.
He was designed for the church; but being of a weakly
constitution, and very subject to the head-ache, he was left
to follow the bent of his genius, which led him to mechanics, and first appeared in his making little toys, which
he did with wonderful art and dexterity. Seeing, on one
occasion, an old brass clock taken to pieces, he made a
wooden one that would go: he made likewise a small ship
about a yard long, fitly shaped, masted, and rigged, with
a contrivance to make it fire small guns, as it was sailing
across a haven of some breadth. These indications led his
friends to think of some trade for him in which such talents
might be useful; and after his father’s death in 1648, as he
had also a turn for drawing, he was placed with sir Peter
Lely, but the smell of the oil-colours increased his headaches, and he quitted painting in a very short time. Afterwards he was kindly taken by Dr. Busby into his house,
and supported there while he attended Westminster-school.
Here he not only acquired Greek and Latin, together with
some knowledge of Hebrew and other oriental languages,
but also made himself master of a good part of Euclid’s
Elements; and Wood adds, that while he lived with Dr.
Busby he “learned of his own accord to play twenty
lessons on the organ, and invented thirty several ways of
flying as himself and Dr. Wilkins of Wadham- college
have reported.
About 1653 he went to Christ-church, Oxford, and in
1655 was introduced to the philosophical society there;
where, discovering his mechanic genius, he was first employed to assist Dr. Willis in his operations of chemistry,
and afterwards recommended to Mr. Boyle, whom he served
many years in the same capacity. He was also instructed
about this time by Dr. Seth Ward, Savilian professor of
astronomy, in that science; and from henceforward distinguished himself by a greater number of important inventions and improvements of the mechanic kind, than any
one man had ever discovered. Among these were several
astronomical instruments for making observations both at
sea and land; and he was particularly serviceable to Boyle,
in completing the air-pump. Wood tells us, that he also
explained “Euclid’s Elements,
” and “Des Cartes’s Philosophy,
” to Boyle. In Nov. 30l. per annum to sir John Cutler’s
annuity, settled on him
” pro tempore:“and, March folJowing, was elected professor of geometry in Greshamcollege.
In 1665, he published in folio his
” Micrographia, or
some philosophical descriptions of minute bodies, made by
magnifying glasses, with observations and enquiries thereupon:" and the same year, during the recess of the Royal
Society on account of the plague, attended Dr. Wilkins
and other ingenious gentlemen into Surrey, where they
made several experiments. In Sept. 1666, he produced
his plan for rebuilding the city of London, then destroyed
by the great fire; which was approved by the lord -may or
and court of aldermen. According to it, all the chief
streets were to have been built in regular lines; all the
other cross streets to have turned out of them at right
angles; and all the churches, public buildings, marketplacesj &c. to have beetl fixed in proper and convenient
places; but the nature of the property, and the impossibility of raising funds to indemnify the landholders who
would be injured by this scheme, prevented its being carried into execution. The rebuilding of the city, however,
according to the act of parliament, requiring an able person to set out the ground to the several proprietors, Hooke
was appointed one of the city surveyors, and Oliver, a
glass-painter, the other. In this employment he acquired
the greatest part of that estate of which he died possessed;
as appeared sufficiently evident from a large iron chest of
money found after his death, locked down with a key in it,
and a date of the time, which shewed that the contents had
been so shut up for above thirty years, and seldom disturbed, for he almost starved himself and all in his house.
, an eminent professor of botany in the university of Edinburgh, was the son of Mr. Robert Hope, surgeon, and grandson of lord Rankeilar,
, an eminent professor of botany in the university of Edinburgh, was the son of Mr. Robert Hope, surgeon, and grandson of lord Rankeilar, one of the sena tors of the college of justice in Scotland. He was bori May 10, 1725, and educated at the university of Edinburgh, where his attention was first directed to the medical art. He afterwards visited other medical schools, particularly Paris, where he studied his favourite science, botany, under the celebrated Bernard Jussien. On hi; return to Scotland, he obtained the degree of M. D. from the university of Glasgow in 1750, and being a few monthi after admitted a member of the royal college of physicians Edinburgh, entered upon the practice of medicine in that city. On the death of Dr. Alston, in 1761, he was appointed king’s botanist in Scotland, superintendant of the royal garden, and professor of botany and materia medic. The latter, the professorship of materia medica, he resignd in 1768, and by a new commission from his majesty, was nominated regius professor of medicine and botany in the university, and had the offices of king’s botanist and supeintendant of the royal gardens conferred upon him for lit;, which till that time had been always granted during pleasnre only. While he thus enjoyed his honours at horn;, he received the most flattering marks of esteem from t/e learned of other countries, having been elected a member not only of the royal society of London, but also of several celebrated foreign societies, and having been enrolledin the first class of botanists even by Linnæus, who denoiiinated a beautiful shrub by the name of Hopea and a time when he might be justly considered as at the very head of his profession in Edinburgh, holding the distingnished office of president of the royal college of pysicians, he was seized with an alarming illness, which in the space of a few days, put a period to his life, Nov. 10, 1786. This gentleman richly deserves to be remembred as one of the earliest lecturers on the vegetable physiology, as well as an experienced practical botanist. Edinbrgli is indebted to his spirit and perseverance, in establihing and providing suitable funds for its botanic garden, one of the first in the kingdom. Besides some useful manuals for facilitating the acquisition of botany by his students, Dr. Hope was long engaged in the composition of an extensive work, on which he bestowed much study and reflection; the object of which was, to increase the advantages which result from the highly ingenious artificial system of Linnæus, by conjoining with it a system of vegetables distributed according to their great natural orders. He had made very considerable progress in this valuable work; and it is much to be regretted by every lover of botany, that it was left imperfect at his death. Two valuable dissertations were published by him in the Philosophical Transactions, one on the Rheum palmatum, and the other on the Femla Assafoetida, in which he demonstrates the practicability of cultivating these two officinal plants in our own country. The true rhubarb has been since extensively and successfully cultivated; but that of the assafaetida plant has not been equally attended to.
, of Canterbury, the son of Mr. Nicholas Hunt of that city (an intimate and worthy friend
, of Canterbury, the son of Mr. Nicholas Hunt of that city (an intimate and worthy friend of Arch. Tillotson, and to whom, whilst labouring under a cancer, he addressed that most excellent letter of consolation, printed in his life by Birch, p. 135), was admitted a
scholar of C. C. C. Cambridge, Jan. 29, 1693. After taking the degree of M. B. in 1699, he practised physic at
Canterbury, and became a collector of Roman coins, vessels, and utensils, particularly of those about Reculver and
Richborough, after the manner of archdeacon Batteley, in
his “Antiquitates Rutupina?;
” all which, together with
his books and manuscripts, he bequeathed to the library of
that cathedral. He was esteemed a learned antiquary.
The time of his death is uncertain.
, an ingenious philosopher of the sceptical class, was the son of Mr. William Hutton, merchant in Edinburgh, and born in that
, an ingenious philosopher of the sceptical class, was the son of Mr. William Hutton, merchant in Edinburgh, and born in that city on the 3d of June, 1726. He entered the university as a student of humanity, in Nov. 1740. He studied afterwards under the celebrated Maclaurin, but did not prosecute the mathematical sciences to any great extent. The origin of his attachment to the study of chemistry is traced to the accidental mention of a chemical fact by professor Stevenson, in his prelections on logic. The fact was, that aqua regia is the only solvent of gold which requires the united action of two acids, each of which singly is capable of dissolving any of the baser metals. This important phenomenon drew him, as if by a kind of electric attraction, to the study of chemistry, with a force that could never afterwards be overcome. His philosophical career was however interrupted by his engaging, at the request of his friends, as an apprentice to a writer to the signet. But instead of copying writs and deeds, or studying th,e forms of legal proceedings, it was found that his favourite object of pursuit was the experiments of the crucible and retort. He was accordingly released from his engagement as an apprentice, and permitted to direct his attention to studies more congenial to his inclinations. He applied himself to the study of medicine as being the most closely connected with chemistry, and after attending the lectures in the university for some years, repaired, as was then customary, to the continent, to finish his course of study. He took the degree of M. D. at Leyden, in 1749.
, a very learned writer, was son of Mr. Ralph Hyde, minister of Billingsley near Bridgenorth
, a very learned writer, was son
of Mr. Ralph Hyde, minister of Billingsley near Bridgenorth in Shropshire, and born there June 2i), 1636. Having
a strong inclination for the Oriental languages from his
youth, he studied them first under his father; and afterwards, in 1652, being admitted of King’s college, Cambridge, he became acquainted with Mr. Abraham Wheelock, an admirable linguist, who encouraged him to prosecute his study of them in that place. By him, Hyde,
when he had been at Cambridge little more than a year,
was sent to London, and recommended to Walton, afterwards bishop of Chester, as a person very capable of assisting him in the Polyglott Bible, in which work he was
then engaged. Hyde rendered him great services; for,
besides his attendance in the correction of it, he transcribed
the Pentateuch out of the Hebrew characters, in which it
was first printed at Constantinople, into the proper Persian
characters; which by archbishop Usher was then judged
impossible to have been done by a native Persian, because
one Hebrew letter frequently answered to several Persian
letters, which were difficult to be known. He translated
it likewise into Latin. What he did farther in the Polyglott, is specified by the editor in these words: “Nee
praetereundus est D. Thomas Hyde, summae spei juvenis,
cjui in linguis Orientalibus supra aetatem magnos progressuB
fecit, quorum specimina dedit turn in Arabibus, Syriacis,
Persicis, &c. corrigendis, turn in Pentateucho Persico
characteribus Persicis describendo, quia antea soils Hebraicis extitit, ejusque versionem Latinam concinnando.
, eminent for his talents in perspective, was the eldest son of Mr. John Kirby, who was originally a schoolmaster at Orforcl,
, eminent for his talents in perspective, was the eldest son of Mr. John Kirby, who was
originally a schoolmaster at Orforcl, and who is known to
topographers by a map of Suffolk which he published, and
by “The Suffolk Traveller,
” 12mo, a new edition of which
was published in
, a learned English writer, was son of Mr. William Langbaine, and born at Bartcukirke-, in Westmoreland,
, a learned English writer, was son of Mr. William Langbaine, and born at Bartcukirke-, in Westmoreland, about 1608. He had the first part of his education in the free-school at Blencow, in Cumberland, whence he was removed to Queers-college, in Oxford, in 1626; where being admitted a poor servitor, he became afterwards a scholar upon the foundation, and thence a fellow of the college. He became B. A. in 1630, M. A. in 1633, and D. D. in 1646. He had acquired a good reputation in the university some years before he appeared in the literary republic; when his edition of Longinus was printed at Oxford, 1636, in 8vo. This was followed by several other publications, which were so many proofs of his loyalty to Charles I. after the breaking out of the civil wars, and of his zeal for the church of England, in opposition to the covenant. These writings, with his literary merit., made him very popular in that university, so that, in 1644, he was unanimously elected keeper of their archives, and in 1645, provost of his college; both which places he held till his death, Feb. 10, 1657-8. He was interred about the middle of the Inner chapel of dueen’s-college, having a little before settled 24l. per annum on a free-school at the place of his nativity.
, a learned English writer in the seventeenth century, was son of Mr. George Lloyd, minister of Wonson or Wonsington near Winchester,
, a learned English writer in the
seventeenth century, was son of Mr. George Lloyd, minister of Wonson or Wonsington near Winchester, and grandson of Mr. David Lloyd, vicar of Lockford near Stockbridge in Hampshire. He was born at Hoi ton in Flintshire in 1634, and educated at Wykeham’s school near
Winchester, and admitted a scholar of Wadham college,
Oxford, from Hart-hall, October 20, 1653. He afterwards
became a fellow of Wadham, and July 6, 16.58, took the
degree of roaster of arts. In 1665, when Dr. Blandford,
warden of that college, became bishop of Oxford, our
author was appointed chaplain to him, being about that
time rector of St. Martin’s church in Oxford, and continued
with the bishop till he was translated to the see of Worcester in 1671. The year following, the rectory of St. Mary
Newington, in Surrey, falling void, the bishop of Worcester presented Mr. Lloyd to it, who kept it to his death,
which happened Nov. 27, 1680. He was interred in the
chancel of the church there, leaving behind him the character of an harmless quiet man, and an excellent philologist.
His “Dictionarium Historicum,
” &c. although now obsolete, was once reckoned a valuable work. The first edition
was published at Oxford in 1670, folio. The second edition was printed at London in 1686, folio, under the fMlowing title: “Dictionarium Historicum, geographicum,
poeticum, gentium, hominum, deorum gentilium, regionum, insularum, locorum, civitatum, aequorum, fluviorum,
sinuum, portuum, promontoriorum, ac montium, antiqua
recentioraque, ad sacras & profanas historias, poetarumque fabulas intelligendas nccessaria, Nomina, quo decet
erdine, complectens & illustrans. Opus admodum utile &
apprime necessarium; a Carolo Stephano inchoatum; ad
incudem vero revocatum, innumerisque pene locis auctum
& emaculatum per NicolaumV.Lloydium, Collegii Wadhami in celeberrima Academia Oxoniensi Socium. Editio
” He left several unpublished Mss. consisting
principally of commentaries and translations. He had a
younger brother, John, somewhat of a poet, who appears
to have shared the friendship and esteem of Addison.
, a learned English divine, of Welch extraction, was son of Mr. Richard Lucas of Presteign in Radnorshire, and born in
, a learned English divine, of Welch
extraction, was son of Mr. Richard Lucas of Presteign in
Radnorshire, and born in that county in 1648. After a
proper foundation of school learning, he was sent to Oxford, and entered of Jesus college, in 1664. Having taken
both his degrees in arts, he entered into holy orders about
1672, and was for some time master of the free-school at
Abergavenny; but being much esteemed for his talents in
the pulpit, he was chosen vicar of St. Stephen’s, Coiemanstreet, London, and lecturer of St. Olave, Southwark, in,
1683. He took the degree of doctor in divinity afterwards,
and was installed prebendary of Westminster in 1696.
His sight began to tail him in his youth, but he lost it
totally about this time. He died in June 1715, and was
interred in Westminster-abbey; but no stone or monument marks his grave. He was greatly esteemed for his
piety and learning, and his writings will preserve his fame.
He wrote “Practical Christianity;
” “An Enquiry after
” “The Morality of the Gospel;
” “Christian
Thoughts for. every Day of the Week;
” “A Guide to
” “The Duty of Servants;
” and several other
” in five volumes. He also wrote a Latin translation of the “Whole Duty of Man,
” which was published
, an excellent antiquary and topographer, the son of Mr. Owen Manning, of Orlingbury, co. Northampton, was born
, an excellent antiquary and topographer, the son of Mr. Owen Manning, of Orlingbury,
co. Northampton, was born there Aug. 11, 1721. He was
admitted of Queen’s-college, Cambridge, where he proceeded B. A. in 1740; and about this time met with two
extraordinary instances of preservation from untimely death.
Having been seized with the small pox, he was attended
by Dr. Heberden, who thinking he could not survive, desired that his father might be sent for. On his arrival he
found the young man to all appearance dying, and next
day he was supposed to have expired, and was laid out,
as a corpse, in the usual manner. An undertaker was sent
for, and every preparation made for his funeral. His
father, however, who had not left the house, could not
help frequently viewing the seemingly lifeless body; and
in one of his visits, without seeing any cause for hope,
said, “I will give my poor boy another chance,
” and at
the same time raised him up, which almost immediately
produced signs of life. Dr. Heberden was then sent for,
and by the use of proper means, the young man recovered.
As it was customary for the scholars of every college to
make verses on the death of any one of their own college,
which are pinned to the pall at the funeral, like so many
escutcheons, this tribute of respect was prepared for Mr.
Manning, who was much beloved by his fellow students; and it
is said that the verses were presented to him afterwards, and
that he kept them for many years as memoranda of his
youthful friendships. Scarcely had he met with this narrow escape, when, his disorder having made him for some
time subject to epileptic fits, he was seized with one of
these while walking by the river, into which he feJl, and
remained so long that he was thought to be drowned, and
laid out on the grass, until he could be conveyed to the
college, where Dr. Heberden being again called in, the
proper means of recovery were used with success.
, a very ingenious and witty English writer, was the son of Mr. Andrew Marvel!, minister and schoolmaster of Kingston
, a very ingenious and witty
English writer, was the son of Mr. Andrew Marvel!, minister and schoolmaster of Kingston upon -Hull, in Yorkshire,
and was born in that town in 1620, His abilities being
very great, his progress in letters was proportionable; so
that, at thirteen, he was admitted of Trinity-college in
Cambridge. But he had not been long there, when he
fell into the hands of the Jesuits; for those busy agents of
the Romish church, under the connivance of this, as well
as the preceding reign, spared no pains to make proselytes; for which purpose several of them were planted in
or near the universities, in order to make conquests among
the young scholars. Marvell fell into their snares, as ChilJingworth had fallen before him, and was inveigled up to
London; but his father being apprised of it soon after,
pursued him, and finding him in a bookseller’s shop, prevailed with him to return to college. He afterwards applied to his studies with great assiduity, and took a bachelor of arts degree in 1639. About this time he lost his
father, who was unfortunately drowned in crossing the
Humber, as he was attending the daughter of aa intimate
female friend; who by this event becoming childless, sent
for young Marvell, and, by way of making all the return
in her power, added considerably to his fortune. Upon
this the plan of his education was enlarged, and he travelled through most of the polite parts of Europe. It appears that he had been at Rome, from his poem entitled
” an English priest at Rome in which he has
described with great humour that wretched poetaster, Mr.
Richard Flecknoe, from whom Dryden gave the name of
Mac- Flecknoe to his satire against Shadwell. During his
travels, another occasion happened for the exercise of
his wit. In France, he found much talk of Lancelot Joseph de Maniban, an abbot; who pretended to understand
the characters of those he had never seen, and to prognosticate their good or bad fortune, from an inspection of their
band-writing. This artist was handsomely lashed by our
author, in a poem written upon the spot, and addressed to
him. We know no more of Marvell for several years,
only that he spent some time at Constantinople, where he
resided as secretary to the English embassy at that court.
, an English statesman and poet, was born April 16, 1661, at Horton in Northamptonshire. He was the son of Mr. George Montague, a younger son of the earl of Manchester.
, an English statesman and poet, was born April 16, 1661, at Horton in Northamptonshire. He was the son of Mr. George Montague, a younger son of the earl of Manchester. He was educated first in the country, and then removed to Westminster, where, in 1677, he was chosen a king’s scholar, and recommended himself to the celebrated master of the school, Busby, by his felicity in extemporary epigrams. He contracted a very intimate friendship with Mr. Stepney; and, in 1682, when Stepney was elected to Cambridge, the election of Montague not being to proceed till the year following, he was afraid lest by being placed at Oxford, he might be separated from his companion, and therefore solicited to be removed to Cambridge, without waiting for the advantages of another year. He was now in his twenty-first year, and his relation, Dr. Montague, was then master of Trinity college in which he was placed a fellow-commoner, and took him under his particular care. Here he commenced an acquaintance with, the great Newton, which continued through his life, and was at last attested by a legacy.
me of the first musicians of the present day received the whole or part of their education, was tfce son of Mr. Nares, who was, for many years, steward to Montague and
, doctor of music, an eminent composer and teacher in that science, under whom some of the
first musicians of the present day received the whole or
part of their education, was tfce son of Mr. Nares, who
was, for many years, steward to Montague and Willoughby,
earl* of Abingdon. He was born, as well as his brother,
the late Mr. Justice Nares, at Stanwell in Middlesex; the
former in 1715, the latter in 1716. His musical education he commenced under Mr. Gates, then master of the
royal choristers; and completed it under the celebrated
Dr. Pepusch. Thus prepared, he officiated, for some time,
as deputy to Mr. Pigott, organist of Windsor; but, on
the resignation of Mr. Salisbury, organist of York, in
1734, was chosen to succeed him, being then only nineteen. It is related, on undoubted authority, that, when
the old musician first saw his intended successor, he said,
rather angrily, “What! is that child to succeed me?
which being mentioned to the organist-elect, he took an
early opportunity, on a difficult service being appointed,
to play it throughout half a note below the pitch, which
brought it into a key with seven sharps; and went through
it without the slightest error. Being asked why he did so,
he said, that “he only wished to shew Mr. Salisbury what
a child could do.
” His knowledge in all branches of
his profession was equal to his practical skill in this instance; and, during his residence at York, where he
was abundantly employed as a teacher, and where he
married, Mr. Nares, by his good conduct, as well as
professional merit, obtained many powerful friends.
Among the foremost of these was Dr. Fontayne, the
late venerable dean of York; who, when Dr. Green died,
towards the latter end of 1755, exerted his interest so
successfully, that he obtained for him the united places of
organist and composer to his majesty. He removed,
therefore, to London in the beginning of 1756; and,
about the same time, was created doctor in music at Cambridge.
, a learned and pious English gentleman, was born June 22, 1656, at London. He was the son of Mr. John Nelson, a considerable Turkey merchant of that city,
, a learned and pious English gentleman, was born June 22, 1656, at London. He was the son of Mr. John Nelson, a considerable Turkey merchant of that city, by Delicia his wife, sister of sir Gabriel Roberts, also a London merchant. His father dying when he was but two years old, he was committed to the care of his mother, and her brother sir Gabriel, who was appointed his guardian. His first education was at St. Paul’s school, London; but, after some time, his mother wishing to have him more under her eye, took him home to her house at Dryfield, near Cirencester, in Gloucestershire, and procured the learned Dr. George Bull, then rector of Suddington in that neighbourhood, to be his tutor. As soon as he was fit for the university, he was sent to Trinity college, Cambridge, first as pensioner, and afterwards was admitted a fellow commoner. It is not improbable, that Dr. (afterwards archbishop) Tillotson was consulted on this occasion, as he was intimately acquainted with the guardian, sir Gabriel Roberts: however, it is certain that Mr. Nelson was early known to that eminent divine, and very much esteemed by him.
an eminent prelate of the sixteenth century, was born at Guild ford, in Surrey, in 1511, and was the son of Mr. George Parkhurst of that place. He was educated there
, an eminent prelate of the sixteenth century, was born at Guild ford, in Surrey, in 1511,
and was the son of Mr. George Parkhurst of that place.
He was educated there in the grammar school adjoining
to Magdalen college gate, under Thomas Robertson, a
very famous teacher. He was elected fellow of Merton
college in 1529, and three years after, proceeding in arts,
entered into holy orders. Anthony Wood says that he was
at this time better esteemed for poetry and oratory than
divinity. Yet we find him recorded in the life of Jewell,
as the tutor of that excellent prelate, who entered of Merton college in 1535, and as “prudently instilling, together
with his other learning, those excellent principles into this
young gentleman, which afterwards made him the darling
and wonder of his age.
” Among other useful employments, we find him collating Coverdale and Tindal’s translations of the Bible along with his pupil, of whom he
conceived a very high opinion, and on one occasion exclaimed “Surely Paul’s Cross will one day ring of this
” a prophecy which was remarkably fulfilled in Jewell’s
celebrated sermon there in 1560. Parkhurst, it is true,
was a poet and an orator, but he had very early examined
the controversy that was about to end in the reformation,
and imbibed the spirit of the latter. In 1548, according
to a ms note of Baker, he was presented by Thomas lord
Seymour to the rich benefice of Bishop’s Cleve in Gloucestershire, which he held three years in commendam,
and where he did much good by his hospitality and charity;
but the author of Jewell’s life says that he held this living
in 1544, and when in that year Jewell commenced master
of arts, he bore the charges of it. Nor, says Jewell’s biographer, “was this the only instance wherein he (Jewell)
did partake of this good man’s bounty, for he was wont
twice or thrice in a year to invite him to his house, and not
dismiss him without presents, money, and other things that
were necessary for the carrying on his studies. And one
time above the rest, coming into his chamber in the morning, when he was to go back to the university, he seized
upon his and his companions purses, saying, What mo'ney, I
wonder, have these miserable, and beggardly Oxfordians?
And finding them pityfully lean and empty, stuffed them
with money, till they became both fat and weighty.
, a writer of considerable note inhis day, appears to have been the son of Mr. Henry Peacham of Leverton, in Holland, in the county
, a writer of considerable note inhis day, appears to have been the son of Mr. Henry
Peacham of Leverton, in Holland, in the county of Lincoln, and was born in the latter part of the seventeenth
century, unless he was the Henry Peacham who published
“The Garden of Eloquence,
” a treatise on rhetoric, in
Garden of Eloquence
” was a production of his father’s. Very little i&
known with certainty of his history, and that little has
been gleaned from his works, in which he frequently introduces himself. In his “Compleat Gentleman,
” he says
he was born at North Mims, near St. Alban’s, where he
received his education under an ignorant schoolmaster.
He was afterwards of Trinity college, Cambridge, and in
the title to his “Minerva,
” styles himself master of arts.
He speaks of his being well skilled in music, and it appears
that he resided a considerable time in Italy, where he
learnt music of Orazio Vecchi. He was also intimate with
all the great masters of the time at home, and has characterized their several styles, as well as those of many on the
continent. His opinions, says Dr. Burney, concerning
their works are very accurate, and manifest great knowledge of all that was understood at the time respecting
practical music.
, a man of taste in various pursuits, but chiefly known as an engraver, was the son of Mr. Rowland Place, of Dinsdale, in the county of Durham.
, a man of taste in various pursuits, but chiefly known as an engraver, was the son of Mr. Rowland Place, of Dinsdale, in the county of Durham. He was at first intended for the law, and was placed as a clerk to an attorney in London, with whom he resided until 1665, when a house he had taken being shut up on account of the plague, he left London and quitted his profession at the same time. He now turned projector, and expended considerable sums of money in attempting to make porcelaine, which he put in practice at the manor-house of York. In this it is probable he had not due perseverance; for one Clifton, of Pontefract, took the hint from him, and realized a fortune. Who was his teacher as an artist is not known, and his works are very rare, for he painted, drew, etched, and engraved, merely for his own amusement; and as his productions prove him a man of great abilities, it is to be lamented that he had not equal application, and left many valuable designs unfinished. In the reign of Charles II. it is said he was offered a pension of 500l. to draw the royal navy, but he refused this sum, large as it then was, from a dislike of confinement and dependence. He died in 1728, and his widow, on quitting the manor-house at York, disposed of his paintings; among which was an admired picture of fowls, others of fishes and flowers unfinished, together with his own portrait by himself. He left behind him a daughter, who was married to Wadham Wyndham, esq. This lady was living in 1764.
, D. D. who was distantly related to the preceding, but added the e to his name, was the son of Mr. Richard Pococke, sequestrator of the. church of All-saints
, D. D. who was distantly related to the preceding, but added the e to his name, was
the son of Mr. Richard Pococke, sequestrator of the. church
of All-saints in Southampton, and head master of the freeschool there, by the only daughter of the rev. Mr. Isaac
Milles, minister of Highcleer in Hampshire, and was born
at Southampton in 1704. He received his scbool-learning
there, and his academical education at Corpns-Christi college, Oxford, where he took his degree of LL. B. May 5,
1731 and that of LL. D. (being then precentor of Lismore) June 28, 1733 together with Dr. Seeker, then rector of St. James’s, and afterwards archbishop of Canterbury. He began his travels into the East in 1737, and
returned in 1742, and was made precentor of Waterford
in 1744. In 1743, he published the first part of those
travels, under the title of “A Description of the East,
and of some other Countries, vol. I. Observations on
” In Observations on Palestine, or the Holy Land,
Syria, Mesopotamia, Cyprus, and Candia,
” which he dedicated to the earl of Chesterfield, then made lord-lieutenant of Ireland attended his lordship thither as one of his
domestic chaplains, and was soon after appointed by his
lordship archdeacon of Dublin. In March 1756, he was
promoted by the duke of Devonshire (then lord-lieutenant)
to the bishopric of Ossory, vacant by the death of Dr.
Edward Maurice. He was translated by the king’s letter
from Ossory to Elphin, in June 1765, bishop Gore of
Elphin bc'ing then promoted to Meath; but bishop Gore
finding a great sum was to be paid to his predecessor’s
executors for the house at Ardbracean, declined taking out
his patent; and therefore bishop Pococke, in July, was
translated by the duke of Northumberland directly to the
see of Meath, and died in the month of September the
same year, suddenly, of an apoplectic stroke, while he was
in the course of his visitation. An eulogium of his Description of Egypt is given in a work entitled “Pauli Ernestt
Jablonski Pantheon Ægyptiorum, Praetat. ad part, iii.
He penetrated no further up the Nile than to Philse, now
Gieuret Ell Hiereff; whereas Mr. Norden, in 1737, went
as far as Derri, between the two cataracts. The two travellers are supposed to have met on the Nile, in the neighbourhood of Esnay, in Jan. 1738. But the fact, as Dr.
Pococke told some of his friends, was, that being on his
return, not knowing that Mr. Norden was gone up, he
passed by him in the night, without having the pleasure of
seeing him. There was an admirable whole length of the
bishop, in a Turkish dress, painted by Liotard, in the
possession of the late Dr. Milles, dean of Exeter, his first
cousin. He was a great traveller, and visited other places
besides the East His description of a rock on the westside of Dunbar harbour in Scotland, resembling the GiantsCauseway, is in the Philos. Trans, vol. LII. art. 17; and in
Archaeologia,vol. II. p. 32, his account of some antiquities
found in Ireland. When travelling through Scotland
(where he preached several times to crowded congregations), he stopped at Dingwal, and said he was much
struck and pleased with its appearance for the situation
of it brought Jerusalem to his remembrance, and he
pointed out the hill which resembled Calvary. The same
similitude was observed by him in regard to Dartmouth
but a 4to volume of his letters, containing his travels ia
England and Scotland, was lost. He preached a sermon
in 1761 for the benefit of the Magdalen charity in London, and one in 1762 before the incorporated Society in
, an English poet, was son of Mr. Pomfret, rector of Luton in Bedfordshire, and formerly
, an English poet, was son of Mr.
Pomfret, rector of Luton in Bedfordshire, and formerly of
Trinity college, Cambridge. He was born about 1667. He
was educated at a grammar-school in the country, and
thence sent to Queen’s college, Cambridge, where he took
his bachelor’s degree in 1684, and that of master in 1698.
He then went into orders, and was presented to the living
of Malden in Bedfordshire. About 1703, he came up to
London for institution to a larger and very considerable
living but was stopped some time by Compton, then
bishop of London, on account of these four lines of his
poem entitled “The Choice:
, a learned English divine, son of Mr. Richard Potter, a native of Oxfordshire, and vicar of
, a learned English divine, son of
Mr. Richard Potter, a native of Oxfordshire, and vicar of
Meyre in Wiltshire, was born in the vicarage house there
on Trinity Sunday 1594, and educated in grammar learning
in the king’s school at Worcester under Mr. Henry Bright.
He became a commoner of Trinity college, in Oxford, under his elder brother Hannibal Potter, in the latter end of
the year 1609. On July 8, 1613, he took the degree of
B. A. June 26, 1615, that of M. A. and July 8, 1625, that
of B. D. He continued a close student in his college till the
death of his father, in 1637 and then succeeded him in
the rectory of Kilmington, left the university, and retired
to his living, where he lived in a very retired manner till
his death. In 1642 he published at Oxford in 4to, a treatise entitled “An Interpretation of the number 666.
Wherein not onely the manner how this number ought to
be interpreted is clearly proved and demonstrated but it
is also shewed, that this number is an exquisite and perfect
character, truly, exactly, and essentially describing that
state of government, to which all other notes of Antichrist
do agree. With all knowne objections solidly and fully
answered, that can be materially made against it.
” Prefixed
to it is the following opinion of the learned Joseph Mede
“This discourse or tract of the number of the beast is the
happiest that ever yet came into the world, and such as
cannot be read (save of those that perhaps will not beleeve it) without much admiration. The ground hath been harped
on before, namely, that that number was to be explicated by
some avrirrotxla to the number of the Virgin-company and
new Hierusalem, which type the true and Apostolical
Church, whose number is always derived from XII. But
never did any worke this principal to such a wonderfull discovery, as this author hath done, namely, to make this
number not onely to shew the manner and property of that
state, which was to be that beast, but to designe the city
wherein he should reigne; the figure and compasse thereof;
the number of gates, cardinall titles or churches, St. Peter’s altar, and I know not how many more the like. I
read the book at first with as much prejudice against the
numerical speculation as might be, and almost against my
will, having met with so much vanitie formerly in that
kinde. But by the time I had done, it left me possest
with as much admiration, as I came to it with prejudice.
seek his fortune elsewhere. In compliance with this advice, he accepted the place of governor to the son of Mr. Coyet, a Swedish nobleman, who was then ambassador from
, an eminent German civilian and historian, was born in 1631 at Flaeh, a little village near Chemnitz, in Upper Saxony, of which village his father, the descendant of a Lutheran family, Elias Puffendorf, was minister. He discovered an early propensity to letters, when at the provincial school at Grimm, and at a proper age was sent to Leipsic, where he was supported by the generosity of a Saxon nobleman, who was pleased with his promising talents, his father’s circumstances not being equal to the expence. His fajher designed him for the ministry, and directed him to apply himself to divinity; but his inclination led his thoughts to the public law, which, in Germany, consists of the knowledge of the rights of the empire over the states and princes of which it is composed, and of those of the princes and states with respect to each other. He considered this study as a proper method of advancing in some of the courts of Germany, where the. several princes who compose the Germanic body, were accustomed to have no other ministers of state than men of learning, whom they styled counsellors, and whose principal study was the public law of Germany. As these posts were not venal, and no other recommendation necessary to obtain them but real and distinguished merit, Puffendorf resolved to qualify himself for the honours to which he aspired. After he had resided some time at Leipsic, he left that city, and went to Jena, where he joined mathematics and the Cartesian philosophy to the study of the law. He returned to Leipsic in 1658, with a view of seeking an employment fit for him. One of his brothers, named Isaiah, who had been some time in the service of the king of Sweden, and was afterwards his chancellor in the duchies of Bremen and Werden, then wrote to him, and advised him not to fix in his own country, but after his example to seek his fortune elsewhere. In compliance with this advice, he accepted the place of governor to the son of Mr. Coyet, a Swedish nobleman, who was then ambassador from the king of Sweden at the court of Denmark. For this purpose he went to Copenhagen, but the war being renewed some time after between Denmark and Sweden, he was seized with the whole family of the ambassador, who himself escaped in consequence of having a few days before taken a tour into Sweden.
of the Baptist persuasion, was born in October 1735, at Swaffham, in the county of Norfolk, and was son of Mr. Michael Robinson, a native of North Britain, who possessed
, a dissenting divine, of the Baptist persuasion, was born in October 1735, at Swaffham, in the county of Norfolk, and was son of Mr. Michael Robinson, a native of North Britain, who possessed a moderate independence. He was sent to a Latin school at SwalFham, at the age of six years, where he made a considerable proficiency, and discovered an uncommon capacity for learning, and afterwards to an endowed grammar-school at Seaming, where he gained some knowledge of the French, as well as of the classical languages. All this, however, ended in his being put apprentice to a hair-dresser, in Crutched-Friars, London. For tjhis occupation his mind was, as may be supposed, already unfitted by the taste for learning which his education had given him, and which he still endeavoured to improve during some part of the hours devoted to sleep. During his apprenticeship he appears to have imbibed serious impressions of religion, which he encouraged, by attending the most celebrated preachers of the day among the independents, the baptists, and the Calvinistic clergy. Dr. Guyse and Gill among the dissenters, Romaine in the church, and Whitfield, the leader of the Calvinistical methodists, were his chief favourites.
1604. It is said, in the “Segraisiana,” but we know not on what foundation, that he was the natural son of Mr. Fauconnier of Caen, a treasurer of France, by a woman
, a French miscellaneous author, was born at Hermanville, in the neighbourhood of
Caen, about 1604. It is said, in the “Segraisiana,
” but
we know not on what foundation, that he was the natural
son of Mr. Fauconnier of Caen, a treasurer of France, by
a woman of low rank, whom he afterwards married. Sarasin began his studies at Caen, and afterwards went to
Paris, where he became eminent for wit and polite literature, though he was very defective in every thing that
could be called learning. He then made the tour of Germany; and, upon his return to France, was appointed a
kind of secretary to the prince of Conti. He was a man
of a lively imagination and ready wit; and much caressed
by those who thought themselves judges of that article.
He was, however, so frequently invited on this account
that he began to envy matter-of-fact men, from whom nothing of the kind is expected. He was also unfortunate in
his marriage, his wife being a woman of a violent ungovernable temper. It is said that he persuaded the prince
of Conti to marry the niece of cardinal Mazarin, and for
this good office received a great sum; but this being discovered, the prince dismissed him from his service, with
every mark of ignominy, as one who had sold himself to
the cardinal. This treatment is supposed to have occasioned his death, which happened in 1654. Pelisson, passing through the town where Sarasin died, went to the
grave of his old acquaintance, shed some tears, had a mass
said over him, and founded an anniversary, though he himself was at that time a protestant.
, a learned member of the royal society, and of the board of longitude, was the eldest son of Mr. Scott, of Bristow, in Scotland, who married Miss Stewart,
, a learned member of the
royal society, and of the board of longitude, was the eldest
son of Mr. Scott, of Bristow, in Scotland, who married
Miss Stewart, daughter of sir James Stewart, lord advocate of Scotland in the reigns of William III. and queen
Anne. That lady was also his cousin-german, their mothers being sisters, and both daughters of Mr. Robert
Trail, one of the ministers of Edinburgh, of the same family as the rev. Dr. William Trail, the learned author of
the “Life of Dr. Robert Simson, professor of mathematics
at Glasgow.
, a learned English divine, was son of Mr. Thomas Scott, a substantial grazier, and was born in
, a learned English divine, was son
of Mr. Thomas Scott, a substantial grazier, and was born
in the parish of Chippingham, in Wiltshire, in 1638. Not
being intended for a literary profession, he served an apprenticeship in London, much against his will,- for about
three years but, having an inclination as well as talents
for learning, he quitted his trade and went to Oxford.
“He was admitted a commoner of New Inn in 1657, and
made a great progress in logic and philosophy; but left
the university without taking a degree, and being ordained.,
came to London, where he officiated in the perpetual curacy of Trinity in the Minories, and as minister of St.
Thomas’s in Southwark. In 1677 he was presented to the
rectory of St. Peter Le Poor; and was collated to a prebend
in St. Paul’s cathedral in 1684. In 1685 he accumulated
the degrees of bachelor and doctor in divinity, having
before taken no degree in any other faculty. In 1691 he
succeeded Sharp, afterwards archbishop of York, in the
rectory of St. Giles in the Fields; and the same year was
made canon of Windsor. Wood says that*; he might soon
have been a bishop, had not some scruples hindered him;‘.’
and Hickes lias told us that he refused the bishopric of
Chester, because he could not take the oath of homage;
and afterwards another bishopric, the deanery of Worcester, and a prebend of the church of Windsor, because
they were all places of deprived men. This, however,
Dr. Isham attributes entirely to his growing infirmities.
He died in 1694, and was buried in St. Giles’s church: his
funeral sermon was preached by Dr. Isham, and afterwards
printed in 1695. In this sermon we are told that
” he had
many virtues in him of no ordinary growth piety towards
God kindness, friendship, affability, sincerity, towards
men zeal and constancy in the discharge of the pastoral
office and, in a word, all those graces and virtues which
make the good Christian and the good man.“When popery was encroaching under Charles II. and James II. he was
one of those champions who opposed it with great warmth
and courage, particularly in the dedication of a sermon
'preached at Guildhall chapel, Nov. 5, 1683, to sir William Hooker, lord-mayor of London, where he declares
” Domitian and Dioclesian were but puny persecutors and bunglers in cruelty, compared with the infallible cut-throats of the apostolical chair."
, a biographical writer, was the son of Mr. Seward, partner in the brewhouse under the firm of Calvert
, a biographical writer, was the
son of Mr. Seward, partner in the brewhouse under the
firm of Calvert and Seward, and was born in January 1747.
He first went to a small seminary in the neighbourhood of
Cripplegate, and afterwards to the Charter-house school,
where he acquired a competent knowledge of Greek and
Latin, which he improved at Oxford. Having no inclination to engage in business, he relinquished his concern in
the brewhouse at his father’s death; and being possessed
of an easy fortune, did not apply to any profession, but
devoted his time to learned leisure, and, among other
pursuits, amus,ed himself with collecting the materials for
what he called “Drossiana,
” in the European Magazine,
which he began in October 17 89, and continued without
intermission to the end of his life* After he had published
in this manner for some time, he was advised to make a
selection, which, in 1794, he began with two volumes, and
these were followed in the three succeeding years by three
more, under the title of “Anecdotes of some distinguished Persons, chiefly of the present and two preceding
” a work which met with, general approbation, and has been since reprinted. In 1799 he published
two volumes more on the plan of the former work, which
he entitled “Biographiana.
” These were finished a very
short time before his death.
he Sharps of Little Horton near Bradford, in the county of York, a family of great antiquity. He was son of Mr. Thomas Sharp, an eminent tradesman, and was born at Bradford,
, a learned and worthy prelate, was descended from the Sharps of Little Horton near Bradford, in the county of York, a family of great antiquity. He was son of Mr. Thomas Sharp, an eminent tradesman, and was born at Bradford, in Feb. 1644. In April 1660, he was admitted a member of Christ college, Cambridge, where he pursued his studies with unwearied diligence, and obtained the degree of B. A. in Dec. 1663, with considerable reputation. Yet most of the time he had been afflicted with a quartan ague, the long continuance of which had also brought on hypochondriac melancholy. The favourite studies of his youth are said to have been those of botany and chemistry. About 1664, he was desirous to obtain a fellowship in his college, but the fellowships belonging to the county of York being then full, he was excluded by the statutes. At a future vacancy, however, the whole society were unanimous in their offer of it to him; but he had then better views.
, a celebrated traveller, son of Mr. Gabriel Shaw, was born at Kenda!, in Westmorland, about
, a celebrated traveller, son of Mr.
Gabriel Shaw, was born at Kenda!, in Westmorland, about
1692. He received his education at the grammar-school
of that place; was admitted of Queen’s-college, Oxford,
Oct. 5, 1711, where he took the degree of B. A. July 5,
1716; M. A. Jan. 16, 1719; went into orders, and was
appointed chaplain to the English factory at Algiers. In
this station he continued several years, and thence took
opportunities of travelling into several parts. During his
absence he was chosen fellow of his college, March J 6,
1727 and at his return in 1733 took the degree of doctor
in divinity, July 5, 1734, and in the same year was elected
F. R. S. He published the first edition of his “Travels
at Oxford in Marmora Oxoniensia
which he had collected in his travels. On the death of
Dr. Felton in 1740, he was nominated by his college
principal of St. Edmund-hall, which he raised from a ruinous condition by his munificence; and was presented at
the same time to the vicarage of Bramley in Hants. He
was also regius professor of Greek at Oxford till his death,
which happened Aug. 15, 1751. He was buried in Bramley church, where a monument was erected to his memory,
with an inscription written by his friend Dr. Browne, provost of Queen’s-college, Oxford. His “Travels
” were
translated into French, and printed in Travels
” in his “Description of the East,
our author published a supplement, by way of vindication,
in 1746. In the preface, to the “Supplement
” he -says,
the intent and design of it is partly to vindicate the Book
of Travels from some objections that have been raised
against it by the author of “The Description of the East,
” He published <c A farther vindication of the Book of
Travels, and the Supplement to it, in a Letter to the Right
reverend Robert Clayton, D. D. lord bishop of Clogher.“This letter consists of six folio pages, and bears date in
1747. After the doctor’s death, an improved edition of
his book came out in 1757, under the title of
” Travels or
Observations relating to several parts of Barbary and the
Levant, illustrated with cuts. The second edition, with
great improvements. By Thomas Shaw, D. D. F. R. S.
regius professor of Greek, and principal of St. Edmund
Hall, in the university of Oxford." The contents of the
supplement are interwoven in this edition; and the improvements wero made, and the edition prepared for the
press, by the author himself, who expressly presented the
work, with these additions, alterations, and improvements,
to the public, as an essay towards restoring the ancient
geography, and placing in a proper light the natural and
sometimes civil history of those countries where he travelled. The Sliawia in botany received its name in honour
of Dr. Shaw, who has given a catalogue, in alphabetica
order, accompanied with rude plates, of the rarer plants
observed by him in Barbary, Egypt, and Arabia. The
species amount to 632, and the catalogue is enriched witli
several synonyms, as well as occasional descriptions and
remarks. His dried specimens are preserved at Oxford.
The orthography of the name is attended with difficulty to
foreigners, our w being as unmanageable to them, as their
multiplied consonants are to us. Some of them blunder
into Schawia, Shaavia, or Shavia. Perhaps the latter might
be tolerated, were it not for the ludicrous ambiguity of
Shavius itself, applied by facetious Oxonians to the above
famous traveller and his namesakes.
, an eminent mathematician, was the eldest son of Mr. John Simson, of Kirton-hall in Ayrshire, and was born
, an eminent mathematician, was the eldest son of Mr. John Simson, of Kirton-hall in Ayrshire, and was born Oct. 14, 1687. Being intended for the church, he was sent to the university of Glasgow in 1701, where he made great progress in classical learning and the sciences, and also contracted a fondness for the study of geometry, although at this time, from a temporary cause, no mathematical lectures were given in the college. Having procured a copy of Euclid’s Elements, with the aid only of a few preliminary explanations from some more advanced students, he soon came to understand them, and laid the foundation of his future eminence. He did not, however, neglect the other sciences then taught in college, but in proceeding through the regular course of academic study, acquired that variety of knowledge which was visible in his conversation throughout life. In the mean time his reputation as a mathematician became so high, that in 1710, when only twenty-two years of age, themembersof the college voluntarily made him an offer of the mathematical chair, in which a vacancy in a short time was expected to take place. From his natural modesty, however, he felt much reluctance, at so early an age to advance abruptly from the state of a student, to that of a professor in the same college, and therefore solicited permission to spend one year at least in London. Being indulged in this, he proceeded to the metropolis, and there diligently employed himself in improving his mathematical knowledge. He also enjoyed the opportunity of forming an acquaintance with some eminent mathematicians of that day, particularly Mr. Jones, Mr. Caswell, Dr. Jurin, and Mr. Ditton. With the latter, indeed, who was then mathematical master of Christ’s Hospital, and well esteemed for his learning, &c. he was more particularly connected. It appears from Mr. Simson’s own account, in his letter, dated London, Nov. 1710, that he expected to have had an assistant in his studies chosen by Mr. Caswell; but, from some mistake, it was omitted, and Mr. Simson himself applied to Mr. Ditton. He went to him not as a scholar (his own words), but to have general information and advice about his mathematical studies. Mr. Caswell afterwards mentioned to Mr. Simson that he meant to have procured Mr. Jones’s assistance, if he had not been engaged.
ioned with reverence rather for the possession than the exertion of uncommon abilities, was the only son of Mr. Neale, an eminent merchant, by a daughter of the famous
, one of those writers who, without much labour have attained high reputation, and who are mentioned with reverence rather for the possession than the exertion of uncommon abilities, was the only son of Mr. Neale, an eminent merchant, by a daughter of the famous baron Lechmere; and born in 1668. Some misfortunes of his father, which were soon after followed by his death, occasioned the son to be left very young in the hands of Mr. S nith, who had married his father’s sister. This gentleman treated him with as much tenderness as if he had been his own cnild; and placed him at Westminster-school under the care of Dr. Busby. After the death of his generous guardian, young Neale, in gratitude, thought proper to assume the name of Smith. He was elected from Westminster to Cambridge, but, being offered a studentship, voluntarily removed to Christ-church in Oxford; and was there by his aunt handsomely maintained as long as she lived; alter which, he continued a member of that society till within five years of his own death. Some time before he left Christ church, he was sent for by his mother to Worcester, and acknowledged by her as a legitimate son; which his friend Oldisworth mentions, he says, to wipe off the aspersions that some had ignorantly cast on his birth. He passed through the exercises of the college and university with unusual applause; and acquired a great reputation in the schools both for his knowledge and skill in disputation. He had a long and perfect intimacy with all the Greek and Latin classics; with whom he had carefully compared whatever was worth perusing in the French, Spanish, and Italian languages, and in all the celebrated writers of his own country. He considered the ancients and moderns, not as parties or rivals for fame, but as architects upon one and the same plan, the art of poetry.
, a divine of the church of England, but to whom that church was little indebted, was the son of Mr. Arthur Sykes, of Ardely or Yardly in Hertfordshire, and
, a divine of the church of England, but to whom that church was little indebted, was the son of Mr. Arthur Sykes, of Ardely or Yardly in Hertfordshire, and was born in London about 1684. He was educated at St. Paul’s school under the celebrated Mr. Postlethwayte, and was admitted of Corpus Christi college, Cambridge, in 1701, under the care of the rev; Charles Kidman, B. D. tutor of that college. In Feb. 1701-2 he was appointed a scholar of the house. While an undergraduate he wrote some Hebrew verses on the death of king William, which were printed in the Cambridge collection on that occasion. He took the degree of B. A. in 1704-5, and proceeded M. A. in 1708, After leaving college he was employed for some time as one of the assistants at St. Paul’s school, but quitted this situation as inconsistent with the prosecution of his private studies. In 1712-13 he was collated to the vicarage of Godmersham in Kent by archbishop Tenison, who had a great personal regard for him, and was a generous patron to the members of Corpus Christi) of which he had himself been fellow. In April 1714 he was instituted to the rectory of Dry-Dray ton in Cambridgeshire, on the presentation of the duchess dowager of Bedford, and in August following he resigned his vicarage of Godmersham in Kent. In Nov. 1718, he was instituted to the rectory of Rayleigh in Essex, which he retained to his death, but now resigned the living of DryDrayton. In Dec. following, at a meeting of the governors and directors of King-street chapel, Golden-square, he was unanimously appointed afternoon preacher at that place, which is a chapel of ease to St. James’s Westminster, of which his friend Dr. Clarke was then rector. In 1721, on the morning preachership becoming vacant by Dr. Wilcocks’s promotion to the see of Gloucester, Mr. Sykes was unanimously appointed to succeed him. In January 1723-4 he was collated to the prebend of AltonBorealis in the cathedral of Salisbury, by bishop Hoadly, and three years afterwards his lordship appointed him to the pnrcentorship of the same cathedral, vacant by the death of their common friend Dr. Daniel Whitby. In April 1725, upon the nomination of Dr. Clarke, he was appointed assistant preacher at St. James’s church, Westminster. In 1726 he proceeded to take the degree of D. D. in the university of Cambridge. In Feb. 1739 he was advanced to the deanry of St. Burien in Cornwall, which is in the patronage of the crown; and on October 15, 1740, he was collated to a prebend in the cathedral of Winchester, through the friendship of his former patron bishop Hoadly, who had been translated to the see of Winchester in 1734. His ecclesiastical promotions seem to have ended here.
, LL. D. a very ingenious and learned English critic, was the son of Mr. Thirlby, vicar of St. Margaret’s in Leicester, and born
, LL. D. a very ingenious and learned
English critic, was the son of Mr. Thirlby, vicar of St.
Margaret’s in Leicester, and born about 1692. He received his education first at the free-school of Leicester,
under the rev. Mr. Kiiby, then head usher, from which
school he was sent in three years to Jesus college, Cambridge, and shewed early in life great promise of excellence. From his mental abilities no small degree of future
eminence was presaged: but the fond hopes of his friends
were unfortunately defeated by a temper which was naturally indolent and quarrelsome, and by an unhappy addiction to drinking. Among his early productions of ingenuity was a Greek copy of verses on the queen of Sheba’s visit to Solomon. In 1710 he published “The university of Cambridge vindicated from the imputation of disloyalty it lies under on account of not addressing; as also
from the malicious and foul aspersions of Dr. Bentley, late
master of Trinity college, and of a certain officer and pretended reformer in. the said university,
” Lond. An answer to Mr. Whiston’s
seventeen suspicions concerning Athanasius, in his Historical Preface ,
” and by two other pamphlets on the
same subject. He obtained a fellowship of his college by
the express desire of Dr. Charles Ashton, who said“he had
had the honour of studying with him when young;
” though
he afterwards spoke very contemptuously of him as the
editor of “Justin Martyr,
” which appeared in Some
emendations of faulty passages,
” which when Thirlby
he said, slightingly, that “any man who would, might have
made them, and a hundred more.
” Thus far MI. Thirlby
went on in the study of divinity; hut his versatility led
him to try the round of the other learned professions. His
next pursuit was physic, and for a while he was called
” While he was a nominal physician, he lived
some time with the duke of Chandos, as librarian, and is
reported to have affected a perverse and indolent independence, so as capriciously to refuse his company when)
it was desired. It may be supposed they were soon weary
of each other.
, bishop of Worcester, was son of Mr. John Thomas, a linen-draper in the city of Bristol, who
, bishop of Worcester, was son of
Mr. John Thomas, a linen-draper in the city of Bristol, who
lived in a house of his own on the bridge in that town, where
the bishop was born on Thursday, February 2, 1613, and
baptized there in St. Nicholas’s church, on the Friday following. He was of a very ancient and noble family, as
appears by a pedigree taken out of the Heralds’ -office by
William Thomas lord bishop of Worcester in 1688, to
prove his right to the Herbert arms. His mother was Elizabeth Blount, descended from the Blounts of Eldersfield,
in the county of Worcester. His grandfather, William
Thomas, was recorder of Carmarthen, where he and his
family had for a long time lived in great credit; and the
earl of Northampton, then lord president of Wales, gave
him this character, “that he was the wisest and most prudent person he ever knew member of a corporation:
” this
gentleman, after the death of their son, undertook the care
of his grandson; which trust he executed with the greatest
care and attention, placing him under the tuition of Mr.
Morgan Owen, master of the public school at Caermarthen,
afterwards bishop of Landaff: here he continued till he
went to St. John’s college, Oxford, in the sixteenth year
of his age, in Michaelmas term, 1629; from hence he removed to Jesus college, where he tqok his degree of B, A.
1632, and soon after was chosen fellow of the college, and
appointed tutor by the principal. Here, according to the
fashion of the times, he studied much school philosophy
and divinity, epitomizing with his own hand all the works
of Aristotle: he took his degree of M.A. Feb. 12, 1634,
was ordained deacon by John Bancroft, bishop of Oxford,
at Christ Church, June 4, 1637, and priest in the year following at the same place, and by the same bishop. Soon,
after he was appointed vicar of Penbryn, in Cardiganshire,
and chaplain to the earl of Northumberland, who presen ed
him to the vicarage of Laugharn, with the rectory of Lansedurnen annexed. This presentation being disputed, he
determined to give it up; but the earl encouraged him to
persevere, assuring him that he would be at all the expence
and trouble: in consequence of which, the dispute was soon
ended, and Mr. Thomas instituted: here he determined to
reside, having no other thought but how best to perform his
duty; and that he might be more fixed, and avoid the inconveniences of a solitary single life, he resolved to marry.
The person he chose was Blanch Samyne, daughter of Mr.
Peter Samyne, a Dutch merchant in Lime-street, London,
of an ancient and good family, by whom he had eight children; William, who died young, Peter, John, Blanch, Bridget,
William, Sarah, and Elizabeth. Here he religiously
performed every duty of a parish priest, esteeming his employment not a trade, but a trust, till about 1644, a party
of the parliament horse came to Langharn, and inquired
whether that popish priest Mr. Thomas was still there,
and whether he continued reading the liturgy, and praying for the queen; and one of them adding, that he should
go to church next Sunday, and it' Mr. Thomas persevered
in praying for that drab or the whore of Babylon, he would
certainly pistol him. Upon this, Mr. Thomas’s friends earnestly pressed him to absent himself; but he refused, thinking it would be a neglect of duty. He no sooner began
the service, than the soldiers came and placed themselves
in the next pew to him, and when he prayed for the queen,
one of them snatched the book out of his hand, and threw
it at his head, saying, “What do you mean by praying for
a whore and a rogue?
” The preacher bore it with patience
and composure; but the soldier who had committed the
affront was instantly seized with such anxiety and compunction, that his companions were forced to carry him
away. Mr. Thomas continued the service, and delivered
the sermon with his usual emphasis and 'propriety; and
when he returned to his house, he there found the soldiers
ready to beg his pardon, and desiring his prayers to God
for them. When this happened, he was about thirty-three
years old. Soon after, the parliament committee deprived
him of the living of Laugharn; and though a principal
member of that body had been his pupil and particular
friend, yet he refused to shew him any favour, saying, “If
he was his father, he would do him no service unless he
would take the covenant.
” From this time till the restoration, Mr. Thomas endured great hardships, being a sufferer to the amount of above fifteen hundred pounds, and,
for the support of his family, obliged to teach a private
school in the country; and though his friends often made
him liberal presents, yet his wiie and numerous family
were frequently in want of common necessaries.
, S. T. P. was born in East-Kent, the son of Mr. Thomas Tooke, of the family of the Tookes of Beere. His
, S. T. P. was born in East-Kent, the son of Mr. Thomas Tooke, of the family of the Tookes of Beere. His father and grandfather were hearty sufferers in the royal cause. Their enterprising zeal was severely punished by the prevailing party, and acknowledged at the restoration by such rewards as royal hands, tied down by promise and compositions, could afford. His education was first at St. Paul’s school, chiefly under the care of Mr. Fox, to whom he owed many obligations, and to whose family he was a constant and generous benefactor. Thence he went to Corpus-Christi-college, Cambridge; and while bachelor of arts was chosen fellow; the learned Dr. Spencer, and the body, having a just regard to his talents and improvement. It was about this period that he engaged in the school of Bishop-Stortford, whose reputation was then in ruins, and had nothing to recommend it but the name of Leigh, not yet out of mind. At the request of Dr. Tooke, a new school was built by contributions of the gentlemen of Hertfordshire and Essex, and of the young gentlemen who had been educated at Bishop- Stortford. The school was thus raised to a great degree of fame, as the numbers of gentlemen, sent by Dr. Tooke to his own and other colleges, attested; and considerably increased the trade of the town, by such a beneficial concourse. He revived the annual school-feast here, and charged his estate with a yearly present to the preacher on that occasion. Dr. Tooke gave also to this school-library a tegacy of ten pounds for books, which are added to it and procured a great number of valuable authors from gentlemen that were his scholars. By his interest and care the gallery in the church, for the use of the school, was erected. He gave by will to this church a chalice of 20l. value; and died May 4, 1721, after more than thirty years intent and successful labours here. He was buried in the parishchurch of Lamborn in Essex, of which he had been rector from 1707.
education and profession.” This letter was written while he was travelling in France as tutor to the son of Mr. Elwes of Berkshire; and on this expedition he threw off
The die, however, was cast. In 1760, Mr. Tooke received priest’s orders, and was inducted to the chapelry of
New Brentford, which his father had purchased for him.
In what manner he performed the duties of this office, we
have no certain information. What he thought of his profession is less doubtful. In one of his letters to Wilkes,
whom he hoped to gratify by such a declaration, he says,
“It is true I have suffered the infectious hand of a bishop
to be waved over me whose imposition, like the sop given
to Judas, is only a signal for the devil to enter but I hope
I have escaped the contagion and, if I have not, if you
should at any time discover the black spot under the tongue,
pray kindly assist me to conquer the prejudices of education and profession.
” This letter was written while he was
travelling in France as tutor to the son of Mr. Elwes of
Berkshire; and on this expedition he threw off every external appearance of the clerical character, which, however,
he resumed on his return, and for some time continued to
officiate at Brentford.
orn at Axminster, in Devonshire, Dec. 6, 1700. His father was a physician of the same place, and the son of Mr. Matthew Towgood, one of the ministers ejected by the
, a protestant dissenting divine
of considerable eminence, was born at Axminster, in Devonshire, Dec. 6, 1700. His father was a physician of the
same place, and the son of Mr. Matthew Towgood, one of
the ministers ejected by the act of uniformity in 1662.
He had his grammar learning under the rev. Mr. Chadwick of Taunton: and in 1717 entered upon a course of
academical studies in the same place, under the direction
of Mr. Stephen James and Mr. Grove. Soon after he had
commenced a preacher, he settled with a congregation of
dissenters at Moreton-Hampsted in Devonshire, and was
ordained there in August 1722, and the following year
married the daughter of James Hawker, esq. of Luppit.
He removed to Creditor], in the same county, in 1735, and
soon after published, without his name, a pious tract entitled “Recovery from Sickness.
” He likewise published
without his name, a pamphlet entitled “High flown episcopal and priestly claims freely examined, in a dialogue
between a country gentleman and a country vicar,
” The
Dissenters Apology,
” Spanish cruelty and
injustice, a justifiable plea for a vigorous war with Spain.
” 1
In this pamphlet, he encourages Britons to hope for success from the justice of the war on our part: the cruelty
of our enemies towards Pagans, Jews, Mahometans, and
Christians: and from their trusting in false protectors.
He published afterwards several occasional sermons; and
during the rebellion in 1754, a pamphlet against the legitimate birth of the Pretender. The work, however, by
which he is held in highest esteem among his party, is
“The Dissenting Gentleman’s answer to Mr. White,
” a
clergyman of the diocese of Norwich, who had written
against the principles of the dissenters with -so much ability as to demand the exertions of their best writers. Mr.
Towgood’s letters to him appeared separately from 174
to 1748, and have passed through six editions; the last,
in 1787, is accompanied by a portrait of the author, from
a painting by Opie. In 1748 he published a pamphlet
intended to diminish the respect paid to the memory of
king Charles I. It consists principally of extracts from
historians, but is deficient in impartial investigation. He
was more successful in 1750, when settled at Exeter, in
some pamphlets in defence of infant baptism. In 1761 he
became a teacher in an academy at Exeter for the education of dissenting ministers. His office was to lecture on
the New Testament, which he continued till 1769. In
1784 the infirmities of age obliged him to resign his public ministry; he enjoyed, however, a moderate share of
health and spirits until Jan. 31, 179-2, when he died at
Exeter, in the ninety-second year of his age. His private
character is represented as highly amiable, and his learning had a very extensive range. His public character
may be collected from the contents of his publications.
“His religious sentiments,
” we are told, “were such as
were deemed highly heretical when he first entered upon
public life; on which account he found some difficulty
in procuring ordination, and experienced the resentment
of bigots long after: but they would be esteemed what is
termed orthodox, by many in the present day, as he attributed to Christ a high degree of pre-existent dignity,
and considered him as a proper object of religious worship.
” It appears by this account that, in departing from
the creed of his forefathers, Mr. Towgood went farther
than his contemporaries, and not so far as his successors.
, a learned divine of the sixteenth century, was the third son of Mr. William Tooker of Exeter, where he was born. He was educated
, a learned divine of the sixteenth century, was the third son of Mr. William Tooker of Exeter, where he was born. He was educated at Winchester school, whence he went to New college, Oxford, and was admitted perpetual fellow in 1577. He completed his master’s degree in 1583, about which time he distinguished himself as a disputant before some illustrious visitors of the university. In 1585 he gave up his fellowship on being promoted to the archdeaconry of Barnstaple in Devonshire. He was afterwards made chaplain to queen Elizabeth, which, Prince says, was occasioned by his writing and dedicating a book to her majesty on the king’s evil, which we shall presently notice. He became afterwards prebendary of Salisbury, and took his degree of D. D. in 1594. He then became canon of the church of Exeter, and dean of Lichfield, but did not attain the latter preferment in consequence of the death of Dr. Boleyne, as Wood and Prince say, for he succeeded Dr. Montague, and was installed Fei>. 21, 1604. These biographers inform us that king James designed him for the bishopric of Gloucester, and that the conge d'elire was actually issued, but for some reason the king was pleased to revoke it. Dr. Tucker died at Salisbury March 19, 1620, and was buried in the cathedral there.
us writer on historical and miscellaneous subjects, was born at Edinburgh, Oct. 12, 1711. He was the son of Mr. Alexander Tytler, writer (or attorney) in Edinburgh,
, an ingenious writer on historical and miscellaneous subjects, was born at Edinburgh, Oct. 12, 1711. He was the son of Mr. Alexander Tytler, writer (or attorney) in Edinburgh, by Jane, daughter of Mr, William Leslie, merchant in Aberdeen, and grand-daughter of sir Patrick Leslie of Iden, provost of that city. He was educated at the high school, and at the university of Edinburgh, and distinguished himself by an early proficiency in those classical studies, which, to the latest period of his life, were the occupation of his leisure hours, and a principal source of his mental enjoyments. At the age of thirty-one, Mr. Tytler was admitted into the society of writers to his majesty’s signet, and continued the practice of that profession with very good success, and with equal respect from his clients and the public, till his death, which happened Sept 12, 1792.
, a learned physician and medical writer, was born at Powick, in Worcestershire, 1708. He was the son of Mr. John Wall, an opulent tradesman of the city of Worcester,
, a learned physician and medical writer,
was born at Powick, in Worcestershire, 1708. He was the
son of Mr. John Wall, an opulent tradesman of the city of
Worcester, who served the office of mayor in 1703. He
received the early part of his education at a grammar-school
at Leigh-Sinton, and at the college school of Worcester,
whence he was elected scholar of Worcester-college, Oxford, in June 1726. In 1735, he was elected fellow of
Merton -college, soon after which he took the degree of
bachelor of physic, and removed to the city of Worcester,
where he was many years settled in practice. In 1759, he
took the degree of M. D. Besides an ingenious “Treatise
on the virtues of Malvern-waters,
” which he brought into
reputation, he enriched the repositories of medical knowledge with many valuable tracts, which, since his death,
have been collected into an octavo edition, by his son, the
present learned Dr. Martin Wall, F. R. S. clinical-professor of. the university, and were printed at Oxford in
1780. He married Catherine youngest daughter of Martin
Sandys, esq. of the city of Worcester, barrister at law,
and uncle to the first lord Sandys. Dr. Wall was a man of
extraordinary genius, which he improved by early and indefatigable industry in the pursuit of science; but he was
more particularly eminent in those branches of natural
philosophy which have an immediate connexion with the
arts, and with medicine. He was distinguished likewise
through his whole life by an uncommon sweetness of manners, and cheerfulness of disposition, which, still more
than his great abilities, made his acquaintance courted,
and his conversation sought, by persons of all ranks and
ages. His practice, as a physician, was extended far
beyond the common circle of practitioners in the country,
and he was particularly eminent for benevolence, courtesy,
penetration, and success. His native country still boasts
many monuments of the application of his eminent talents
to her interests. To his distinguished skill in chemistry,
and his assiduous researches (in conjunction with some other chemists) to discover materials proper for the china-ware,
the city of Worcester owes the establishment of its porcelain-manufacture. Besides the improvements he suggested
and put in execution for the accommodation of visitors at
Malvern, it was to his zeal and diligence the county of
Worcester is in no small degree indebted for the advantages
of the infirmary, which he regularly attended during his
whole life. His principal amusement was painting; and
it has been said of him, that, if he had not been one of
the best physicians, he would have been the best painter
of his age. This praise is perhaps too high, yet his designs for the two frontispieces to “Hervey’s Meditations,
that for Cambridge’s “Scribleriad,
” and for the East window of the chapel of Oriel-college, Oxford, are very creditable specimens of his talents. He died at Bath, after a
lingering disorder, June 27, 1776, and lies buried in the
abbey-church. The tracts published by his son, are, 1.
“Of the extraordinary effects of Musk in convulsive disorders.
” 2. “Of the use of the Peruvian Bark in the
” 3. “Of the cure of the putrid sore-throat.
4. “Mr. Oram’s account of the Norfolk-boy.
” 5. “Observations on that case, and on the efficacy of oil in wormcases.
” 6. “Experiments and Observations on the Mal* vern- waters.
” 7. “Letters to Sir George Baker, &c. on
the poison of lead, and the impregnation of cyder with
that metal.
” 8. “A Letter to Dr. Heberden on the Angina Pectoris.
” 9. “Supplement; containing an account
of the epidemic fever of 1740, 1741, and 1742.
” The editor has enriched this publication with various notes, which
discover an extensive acquaintance with the subjects in
question, and a candid and liberal turn of mind. To the
treatise on Malvern-waters Dr. Martin Wall has also subjoined an appendix of some length, containing an experimental inquiry into their nature; from which it appears,
that the Holywell-water at Malvern owes its virtues principally to its extreme purity, assisted by the fixed air which
it contains.
, a nonconformist divine, the son of Mr. William Wells, of St. Peter’s East, in Oxford, was born
, a nonconformist divine, the son of Mr. William Wells, of St. Peter’s East,
in Oxford, was born there August 18, 16 J 4, and brought
up in Magdalen college, but is not mentioned by Wood.
He commenced M. A. in 1636; married Mrs. Dorothy Doyley, of Auborn in Wilts, 1637, being the twenty-second
year of his age. He was ordained Dec. 23, 1638, at which
time he kept a school in Wandsworth. He was assistant
to Dr. Temple,* at Battersea, in 1639. In the war-time,
for their security, he removed his family into Fetter-lane,
London, about 1644; and about that time was in the army,
chaplain to Col. Essex. He was fixed minister at Remnam,
in Berks, 1647, where his income is said to be 200l. per
annum, but not above twenty families in the parish. He
was invited to Banbury in Oxfordshire; accepted the offer,
and settled there in 1649, though a place of less profit,
namely, about 100l. per annum. His reason for leaving
Remnam was, that he might do good to more souls. When
the troubles were over, he had the presentation of Brinkworth, said to be about 300l. per annum, but declined it
for the former reason. When the Bartholomew-Act displaced him, he remitted 100l. due from Banbury; and
afterwards would cheerfully profess, “that he had not one
carking thought about the support of his family, though
he had then ten children, and his wife big with another.
The Five-Mile act removed him to Dedington, about five
miles distant from Banbury, but as soon as the times would
permit, he returned to Banbury, and there continued till
his death. There Mr. (afterwards Dr.) White, of Kidderminster, the church minister, was very friendly and familiar with him, frequently paying each other visits; and one
speech of his, when at Mr. Weils’s, is still remembered.
“Mr. Wells,
” said he, “I wonder how you do to live so
comfortably. Methinks you, with your numerous family,
live more plentifully on the providence of God than I can
with the benefits of the parish.
” Mr Wells was of a cheerful disposition, and of a large and liberal heart to all, but
especially to good uses. It was the expression of one who
had often heard him preach, “That his auditory’s ears
were chained to his lips.
” As he used to hear Mr. White
in public, so Mr. White, though secretly, went to hear him
in private; and once, upon his taking leave, he was heard
to say, “Well, I pray God to bless your labours in private,
and mine in public.
” There is a small piece of Mr. Weils’s
printed; the title, “A Spirituall Remembrancer,
” sold by
Cockrell. >
, an English antiquary and physician, was the eldest son of Mr. Richard Wilkes, of Willenhall, in the county of Stafford,
, an English antiquary and physician, was the eldest son of Mr. Richard Wilkes, of
Willenhall, in the county of Stafford, a gentleman who lived upon
his own estate, and where his ancestors had been seated
since the time of Edward IV. His mother was Lucretia,
youngest daughter of Jojias Asteley, of Woodeaton, in Staffordshire, an ancient and respectable family. He was born
March 16, 1690-91, and had his school-education at Trentham. He was entered of St. John’s college, Cambridge,
March 13, 1709- 10, and was admitted scholar in 1710. On
April 6, 1711, he attended Mr. Saunderson’s mathematical
lectures, aud ever after continued a particular friendship
with that gentleman. In the preface to “Saunderson’s
Elements of Algebra,
” the reader is told, that whatever
materials had been got together for publishing Saunderson’s life, had been received, among other gentlemen, from
Mr. Richard Wilkes. He took the degree of B.A. January 1713-14; and was chosen fellow Jan. 21, 1716-17;
and April 11, 1716, was admitted into lady Sadler’s Algetra Lecture, and took the degree of M. A. at the commencement of 1717; also July 4, 1718, he was chosen
Linacre Lecturer. It does not appear that he ever took
any degrees in medicine. He seems to have taken pupils
and taught mathematics in the college from 1715 till tfet
time thathe left it. It is not known when he took deacon’s orders, but a relation of his remembered his having
preached at Wolverhampton. He also preached some time
at Stow, near Chartley. The disgust he took to the ministry has been imputed to his being disappointed in the
hope of preferment in the church, and he thought he could
make his talents turn to better account, and accordingly
began to practise physic at Wolverhampton, Feb. 1720,
and became veryeminent in his profession. On the 24th
June 1,725, he married Miss Rachel Manlove, of Lee’s-hill,
near Abbots Bromley in Staffordshire, with whom he had
a handsome fortune, and from that time he dwelt with his
father at Willenhall. In the beginning of 1747 he had a
severe fit of illness, during which, among other employments, he composed a whimsical epitaph on himself, which
may be seen in Shaw’s History of Staffordshire. His wife
dying in May 1756, he afterwards married in October the
same year, Mrs. Frances Bendish (sister to the late Rev. sir Richard Wrottesley, of WYottesley, bart.) who died Dec.
24, 1798, at Froxfield, Hampshire, at a very advanced age.
Dr. Wilkes died March 6, 1760, of the gout in his stomach,
greatly lamented by his tenants, to whom he had been an
indulgent landlord, and by the poor to whom he had been
a kind and liberal physician and friend.
, an ingenious and learned English bishop, was the son of Mr. Walter Wilkins, citizen and goldsmith of Oxford, and
, an ingenious and learned English
bishop, was the son of Mr. Walter Wilkins, citizen and
goldsmith of Oxford, and was born in 1614, at Fawsley,
near Daventry, in Northanvptonshire, in the house of his
mother’s father, the celebrated dissenter Mr. John Dod.
He was taught Latin and Greek by Edward Sylvester, a
teacher of much reputation, who kept a private school in
the parish of All-Saints in Oxford and his proficiency
was such, that at thirteen he entered a student of New-innhall, in 1627. He made no long stay there, but was removed to Magdalen-hall, under the tuition of Mr. John
Tombes, and there took the degrees in arts. He afterwards entered into orders; and was first chaplain to William lord Say, and then to Charles count Palatine of the
Khine, and prince elector of the empire, with whom he continued some time. To this last patron, his skill in the mathematics was a very great recommendation. Upon the
breaking out of the civil war, he joined with the parliament,
and took the solemn league and covenant. He was afterwards made warden of Wadham-college by the committee
of parliament, appointed for reforming the university; and,
being created bachelor of divinity the 12th of April, 1648,
was the day following put into possession of his wardenship. Next year he was created D. D. and about that time
took the engagement then enjoined by the powers in being.
In 1656, he married Robina, the widow of Peter French,
formerly canon of Christ-church, and sister to Oliver Cromwell, then lord-protector of England: which marriage being
contrary to the statutes of Wadham-college, because they
prohibit the warden from marrying, he procured a dispensation from Oliver, to retain the wardenship notwithstanding. In 1659, he was by Richard Cromwell made master
of Trinity-college in Cambridge; but ejected thence the
year following upon the restoration. Then he became
preacher to the honourable society of Gray’s-inn, and rector of St. Lawrence-Jewry, London, upon the promotion
Dr. Seth Ward to the bishopric of Exeter. About this
time, he became a member of the Royal Society, was
chosen of their council, and proved one of their most eminent members. Soon after this, he was made dean of Rippon; and, in 1668, bishop of Chester, Dr. Tillotson, who
had married his daughter-in-law, preaching his consecration sermon. Wood and Burnet both inform us, that he
obtained this bishopric by the interest of Villiers duke of
Buckingham; and the latter adds, that it was no stnall prejudice against him to be raised by so bad a man. Dr. Walter Pope observes, that Wilkins, for some time after the
restoration, was out of favour both at Whitehall and Lambeth, on account of his marriage with Oliver Cromwell’s
sister; and that archbishop Sheldon, who then disposed of
almost all ecclesiastical preferments, opposed his
promotion; that, however, when bishop Ward introduced him
afterwards to the archbishop, he was very obligingly received, and treated kindly by him ever after. He did not
enjoy his preferment long; for he died of a suppression of
urine, which was mistaken for the stone, at Dr. Tiilotson’s
house, in Chancery-lane, London, Nov. 19, 1672. He was
buried in the chancel of the church of St. Lawrence Jewry;
and his funeral sermon was preached by Dr. William Lloyd,
then dean of Bangor, who, although Wilkins had been
abused and vilified perhaps beyond any man of his time,
thought it no shame to say every thing that was good of
him. Wood also, different as his complexion and principles were from those of Wilkins, has been candid enough
to give him the following character “He was,
” says he,
“a person endowed with rare gifts he was a noted theologist and preacher, a curious critic in several matters, an
excellent mathematician and experimentist, and one as well
seen in mechanisms and new philosophy, of which he was
3 great promoter, as any man of his time. He also highly
advanced the study and perfecting, of astronomy, both at
Oxford while he was warden of Wadham-college, and at
London while he was fellow of the Royal Society; and I
cannot say that there was any thing deficient in him, but a
constant mind and settled principles.
, secretary of state in the reign of James I. was son of Mr. Lewis Winwood, some time secretary to Charles Brandon,
, secretary of state in the
reign of James I. was son of Mr. Lewis Winwood, some
time secretary to Charles Brandon, duke of Suffolk; and
was born about 1565, at Aynho, in Northamptonshire. He
was at first sent to St. John’s college, Oxford, whence he
was elected a probationer-fellow of Magdalen college in
1582. He took both the degrees in arts, and that of bachelor of law; and in 1692, was proctor of the university.
Afterwards he travelled on the continent, and returned a
very accomplished gentleman. In 1599, he attended sir
Henry Neville, ambassador to France, as his secretary;
and, in' the absence of sir Henry, was appointed resident
at Paris: whence he was recalled in 1602-3, and sent that
year to the States of Holland by James I. In 1607, he was
knighted; and the same year appointed ambassador jointly
with sir Richard Spencer to Holland. He was sent there
again in 1609, when he delivered the remonstrance of
James I. against Vorstius (See Vorstius) the Arminian,
to the assembly of the States, to which they seemed to pay
very little attention. Upon this the king proceeded to
threaten them with his pen; and plainly told them, that
if they had the hardiness to “fetch again from hell ancient
heresies long since dead, &c. he should be constrained to
proceed publicly against them.
” It is certain that his majesty wrote a pamphlet against Conr. Vorstius, which was
printed in 1611.
, an English divine of uncommon parts and learning, was the son of Mr. Henry Wotton, rector of Wrentham, in Suffolk, a man of
, an English divine of uncommon
parts and learning, was the son of Mr. Henry Wotton,
rector of Wrentham, in Suffolk, a man of considerable
learning also, and well skilled in the Oriental tongues. He
was born at Wrentham the 13th of August, 1666, and was
educated by his father. He discovered a most extraordinary genius for learning languages; and, though what is
related of him upon this head may appear wonderful, yet
it is so well attested that we know not how to refuse it
credit. Sir Philip Skippon, who lived at Wrentham, in a
letter to Mr. John Ray, Sept. Is, 1671, writes thus of him:
“I shall somewhat surprise you with what I have seen in a
little boy, William Wotton, five years old the last month,
the son of Mr. Wotton, minister of this parish, who hath
instructed his child within the last three quarters of a year
in the reading the Latin, Greek, and Hebrew languages,
which he can read almost as well as English; and that
tongue he could read at four years and three months old
as well as most lads of twice his age. I could send you
many particulars about his rendering chapters and psalms
out of the three learned languages into English,
” &c.
Among sir Philip’s papers was found a draught of a longer
letter to Mr. Ray, in which these farther particulars are
added to the above: “He is not yet able to parse any
language, but what he performs in turning the three
learned tongues into English is done by strength of memory; so that he is ready to mistake when some words of
different signification have near the same sound. His father
hath taught him by no rules, but only uses the child’s memory in remembering words: some other children of his
age seem to have as good a fancy and as quick apprehension.
” He was admitted of Catharine Hall, Cambridge, in
April 1676, some months before he was ten years old; and
upon his admission Dr. John Eachard, then master of the
college, gave him this remarkable testimony: Gulidmns
Wottonus infra decem annos nee Ilammondo nee Grotio secundus. His progress in learning was answerable to the expectations conceived of him; and Dr. Duport, the master
of Magdalen-college, and dean of Peterborough, has
described it in an elegant copy of verses; “In Gulielmum
Wottanum stupendi ingenii et incomparabilis spei puerum
vixdum duodecim annorum.
” He then goes on to celebrate his skill in the languages, not only in the Greek and
Latin, which he understood perfectly, but also in the Hebrew, Arabic, Syriac, Chaldee; his skill too in arts and
sciences, in geography, logic, philosophy, mathematics^
, an eminent dissenting clergyman, was born Jan. 30, 1682-3, being eldest son of Mr. James Wright, a nonconformist minister at Retford, in
, an eminent dissenting clergyman,
was born Jan. 30, 1682-3, being eldest son of Mr. James
Wright, a nonconformist minister at Retford, in the county
of Nottingham, by Mrs. Eleanor Cotton, daughter of Mr
Cotton, a gentleman of Yorkshire, and sister to the rev.
Mr. Thomas Cotton of Westminster, whose funeral-sermon
his nephew preached and published. At eleven years old
he lost his father, being then at school at Attercliffe, in
Yorkshire, whence he removed to Darton, in the same
county, under the care of his grandmother, and his uncle
Cotton. At sixteen he studied under the care of the rev.
Mr. Jollie, at Attercliffe, whom about the age of twentyone he quitted, and went to his uncle’s house at the Haigh,
>!vhere he officiated as his chaplain and after his death he
came to London, having preached only three or four sermons in the country. He lived a little while in his uncle’s
family at St. Giles’s, and thence went to be chaplain to
Jady Susannah Lort, at Turnham-green, and was chosen
10 preach the Sunday evening-lecture at Mr. Cotton’s, at
St. Giles’s. Being soon after invited to assist Dr. Grosvenor at Crosby-square meeting, he quitted lady Lort and
St. Giles’s, and was soon after chosen to carry on the
evening-lecture in Southwark, in conjunction with the rev.
Mr. Haman Hood, who soon quitting it, it devolved on
Mr. Wright, then only twenty-three. On the death of
Mr. Matthew Sylvester, 1708, he was chosen pastor of the
congregation at Blackfriars, which increased considerably
Under his care, and where he continued many years, till
he removed to Carter- lane, which meeting-house was built
for him, and opened by him Dec. 5, 1734, with a sermon
on 2 Chron. vi. 40. His sermons, printed singly, amount
to near forty. But his most considerable work was iris?
“Treatise on the New Birth, or, the being born again,
without which it is impossible to enter into the kingdom of
” which had gone through fifteen editions before his
death. Dr. Wright is traditionally understood to have been
the author of the song, “Happy Hours, all Hours excelling.
” He was remarkable for the melody of his voice and
the beauty of his elocution. Archbishop Herring, when a
young man, frequently attended him as a model of delivery,
not openly in the meeting house, but in a large porch belonging to the old place in Blackfriars. He married, in
1710, the widow of his predecessor, Mr. Sylvester, daughter of the rev. Mr. Obadiah Hughes, minister of the dissenting congregation at Enfield, aunt to the late Dr. Obadiah
Hughes, by whom he had one son, since dead, a tradesman in the city, and one daughter, married to a citizen in
Newgate-street, a most accomplished woman, but who became the victim of her own imprudence. He died April
3, 1746, at Newington-green, which was his residence.
His funeral -sermon was preached at Carter-lane meeting
by Dr. Milner and another at the same place, by Dr.
Obadiah Hughes, who wrote his epitaph.
, a divine and poet, the sixth son of Mr. John Yalden, of Sussex, was born at Exeter in 1671. Having
, a divine and poet, the sixth son
of Mr. John Yalden, of Sussex, was born at Exeter in 1671.
Having been educated in the grammar-school belonging to
Magdalen college, Oxford, he was, in 1690, at the age of
nineteen, admitted commoner of Magdalen Hall, under
the tuition of Josiah Pullen, a man whose name is still remembered in the university. He became next year one
of the scholars of Magdalen college, where he was distinguished by a declamation, which Dr. Hough, the president,
happening to attend, thought too good to be the speaker’s.
Some time after, the doctor, finding him a little irregularly busy in the library, set him an exercise, for punishment; and, that he might not be deceived by any artifice,
locked the door. Yalden, as it happened, had been latelyreading on the subject given, and produced with little difficulty a composition which so pleased the president that
he told him his former suspicions, and promised to favour
him. Among his contemporaries in the college were Addison and Sacheverell, men who were in those times friends,
and who both adopted Yalden to their intimacy. Yalden
continued throughout his life to think, as probably he
thought at first, yet did not lose the friendship of Addison.
When Namur was taken by king William, Yalden made an
ode . He wrote another poem, on the death of the duke
of Gloucester. In 1700 he became fellow of the college,
and next year entering into orders, was presented by the
society with the living of Willoughby, in Warwickshire,
consistent with his fellowship, and chosen lecturer of moral
philosophy, a very honourable office. On the accession of
queen Anne he wrote another poem; and is said, by the
author of the “Biographia,
” to have declared himself one
of the party who had the distinction of high-churchmen.
In 1706 he was received into the family of the duke of
Beaufort. Next year he became D. D. and soon after he
resigned his fellowship and lecture; and, as a token of his
gratitude, gave the college a picture of their founder. The
duke made him rector of Chalton and Cleanville, two adjoining towns and benefices in Hertfordshire; and he had
the prebends, or sinecures, of Deans, Hains, and Pendles,
in Devonshire. In 1713 he was chosen preacher of Bridewell Hospital, upon the resignation of Dr. Atterbury. From
this time he seems to have led a quiet and inoffensive life,
till the clamour was raised about Atterbury’s plot. Every
loyal eye was on the watch for abettors or partakers of the
horrid conspiracy; and Dr. Yalden, having some acquaintance with the bishop, and being familiarly conversant with
Kelly his secretary, fell under suspicion, and was taken
into custody. Upon his examination he was charged with
a dangerous correspondence with Kelly. The correspondence he acknowledged; but maintained that it had no
treasonable tendency. His papers were seized; but nothing was found that could fix a crime upon him, except
two words in his pocket-book, f< thorough- paced doctrine.“This expression the imagination of his examiners had impregnated with treason; and the doctor was enjoined to
explain them. Thus pressed, he told them that the words
had lain unheeded in his pocket-book from the time of
queen Anne, and 'that he was ashamed to give an account
of them; but the truth was, that he had gratified his curiosity one day by hearing Daniel Burgess in the pulpit,
and these words were a memorial hint of a remarkable sentence by which he warned his congregation to
” beware of
thorough-paced doctrine, that doctrine, which, coming in
at one ear, paces through the head, and goes out at the
other.“Nothing worse than this appearing in his papers,
and no evidence arising against him, he was set at liberty.
It will not be supposed that a man of this character attained high dignities in the church; but he still retained
the friendship, and frequented the conversation of a very
numerous and splendid body of acquaintance. He died
July 16, 1736, in the sixty-sixth year of his age. Of his
poems which have been admitted into Dr. Johnson’s collection, his
” Hymn to Darkness“seems to be his best
performance, and is, for the most part, imagined with great
vigour, and expressed with great propriety. His
” Hymn
to Light" is not equal to the other. On his other poems it
is sufficient to say that they deserve perusal, though they
are not always exactly polished, though the rhymes are
sometimes very ill sorted, and though his faults seem rather the omissions of idleness than the negligences of enthusiasm.