, a native of Poland, whose real name was Klonowicz, was born in 1551, and became burgomaster of Lublin, His Latin poem,
, a native of Poland,
whose real name was Klonowicz, was born in 1551, and
became burgomaster of Lublin, His Latin poem, “Victoria Deorum, in qua continetur veri Herois educatio,
on which he spent ten years, procured him the name of
the Sarmatian Ovid. This poem, which was printed at
Ilacow by Sebastian Sternacius, the Socinian printer, in
1600, is become very rare, as the impression was ordered
to be burnt. He wrote also in the Polish language, a
poem on the Navigation of the Dantzickers, 1643; a Memorial of the Dukes and Kings of Poland, and other works,
and “Disticha moralia Catonis, interprete Seb. Fab. Klonowicio,
” Cracow,
, son of the preceding, was born in 1551, and like his father became an accomplished Greek
, son of the preceding, was born in
1551, and like his father became an accomplished Greek
scholar and critic. He taught Greek at Lausanne, and,
as some say, in the university of Heidelberg. He died in
1610. Among his useful labours we may enumerate, 1.
An edition of “Euripides,
” printed at Geneva in Aristophanes,
Geneva, Procli Diadochi commentaria in Platonis theologiam,
” Gr. & Lat. Hamburgh,