The historie of tvvelve Cæsars emperours of Rome:

Page 253

THE HISTORIE OF Titus Flavius Vespasianus Augustus,

written by Caius Suetonius Tranquillus.

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Titus, surnamed as his Father was, Vespasianus, the1 lovely dearling and delightfull ioy of Mankinde (so fully was he, either endued with good nature and disposition, or enriched with skilfull cunning, or else graced with fortunes favour; and that (which is hardest of all) in his Imperiall State; considering that whiles hee lived as a private person under the Emperour his Father, he could not avoid the very hatred and much lesse the reproofe of the world.) This Titus, I say, was borne the (*) * 30 of December. third day before the Calends of Ianuarie: in that yeere which was remarkeable for the death of Caius the Emperour, neere unto the (a) Septizonium, A, V, C. 794 within a poore ill favoured house, in a very little Chamber and darke withall: For it remaineth yet to bee seene. His Education hee had in the Court together with Britannicus, trained up in the like Arts and Disciplines, under Page 254 the same teachers. At which time verily, men say, that a (*) * Metoposcop [•…] . (b) Fortune-teller, whom Narcissus the freed man of Claudius brought to see Brittannicus, after Inspection affirmed most constantl [•…] , that by no meanes (*) * Britannicus. Hee, but Titus who then stoode hard by, should surely bee Emperour. Now were these two so familiar, that (as it is verily thought) of the same cup of poison whereof Britannicus drank and died, Titus also sitting neere unto him, tasted: whereupon he fell into a grievous disease, that held him long and put him to great paine. In memoriall of all which premisses, he erected afterwards for (*) * Britannicus. him one Statue of gold in the Palatium; as also another of Ivorie on horsebacke (which at the Circeian Games is even at this day caried before in the Solemne pomp) he dedicated, and accompanied accordingly.

At the very first, even in his child-hood, there shone forth in him, the gifts both2 of body and minde: and the same more and more still by degrees as hee grew in yeeres: A goodly presence and countenance, wherein was seated no lesse (*) * Aucthor [•…] atis, which Tac [•…] tus cal [•…] eth maiesiat [•…] m. maiestie than favour and beauty: A speciall cleane strength, albeit his stature was not tall: but his belly bare out somewhat with the most. A singular memorie: and aptnesse to learne all the Arts, in manner, as well of warre as of peace. Most skilfull he was in handling his weapon, and withall a passing good horsman: For his Latine and Greeke tongue, whether it were in making Orations or composing Poemes, prompt and ready even to the performance thereof ex tempore. Neither was he un [•…] eene in Musick as who could both sing and also play upon instruments sweetly and with knowledge. I have heard also many men say, That he was wont to write with Cyphers and Characters most swiftly, striving by way of sport and mirth with his owne Clerks, whether he or they could write fastest? to expresse likewise and imitate what hand so ever hee had seene: yea, and to professe many a time, that he would have made a notable forger and counterfaiter of writings.

In quality of Tribune Militare, he served in the warres both in Germanie and also3 in Britaine, with exceeding commendation for his industrie and no lesse report of (*) * Temperate behaviour. modestie, as appeareth by a number of his images and (a) titles to them annexed, throughout both Provinces. After this warfare of his, hee pleaded causes in Court, which he did rather to winne credite and (*) * In undertaking causes of greatest [•…] mportance reputation, than to make it an ordinarie (*) * In entertaining al matters what [•…] oever. practise. At which very time, he wedded Arricidia, the daughter of Tertullus a Gentleman of Rome, but Capitaine sometime of the P [•…] aetorian Bands: and in the roome of her deceased, he tooke to wife Martia Flavia: and from her when she had borne unto him a daughter, he divorsed himselfe. After this, upon his Questureship, being Colonell and Commaunder of a wholeA V. C. 820 Legion, he brought under his subiection (*) * Neere to t [•…] e Lake Genezar [•…] th. Tarichea and Gamala two most puissant Cities of Iurie: Where, in a certaine battaile having lost his horse under him (by a deadly wound) within his flankes, hee mounted another whose rider in fight against him had beene flaine and was fallen.

Afterwards, when Galba was possessed of the State, being sent to congratulate4 his advauncement: What way so ever he went, he turned all mens eyes uponA, V, C. 821. him, as if he had beene singled forth to be adopted. But so soone as he perceived all to be full of troubles againe, hee returned back out of his very iourney, and visited the Oracle of Venus (*) * In Pap [•…] a citie [•…] ithin the Isle Cyprus. Paphia: Where, whilst he asked counsell, about his passage at sea, hee was confirmed withall in his hope of the Empire. Having attained thereto within short time, & being left behind to subdue Iurie throughly Page 255 in the last assault of Hierusalem, hee slew twelue enemies that defended t [•…] e wall, with iust so many arrowes shot: and wonne the Citie upon the very birth-day (*) * 12 [〈◊〉] natores. of his daughter, with so great ioy and favourable applause of all his Souldiours: that in their gratulation they saluted him Emperour: and soone after, when he was to depart out of that Province, deteined him: in humble manner, yea and [•…] ft-soones in threatning wise instantly calling upon him, To stay, or else to take them all away together with him. Whereupon arose the first suspition, That he revolted from his father, and had attempted to chalenge the kingdome of the East parts for him selfe. Which surmise himselfe made the more, after that in his way to Alexandrea, as he consecrated at Memphis the Ox Apis, he wore a (a) Diademe: Which he did in deed according to the custome & rites of the auncient religion there. But there wanted not some, who construed it otherwise. Making hast therefore into Italie; after hee was arrived first at Rhegium and from thence at Puteoli, embarqued in a Merchants ship of burden; to Rome he goes directly with all speed & most lightly appointed: and unto his father looking for nothing lesse, I am c [•…] me quoth he, father, I am come: checking thereby the rash and inconsiderate rumors raised of him.

5 From that time forward hee ceased not to carie himselfe as partner with his Father, yea and Protectour also of the Empire: With him hee triumphed: with himA, V, C, 824 825, 824 hee iointly administred the Censureship: His Colleague hee was in the Tribunes authority: his Companion likewise in seven Consulships. And having taken toA, V, C, 823 825. 827, 828 829, 830, 832 himselfe the charge well-neere of all Offices, whiles hee both endited letters and penned Edicts in his Fathers name: yea, and read (*) * Missives Orations in Senate, and that in the Questours turne, he assumed also the Captainship of the Guard, an Office never to that time executed but by a Gentleman of Rome. In this place hee demeaned himselfe nothing civilly, but proceeded with much violence: For ever as he had any in most ielousie and suspition, he, by sending secretly and under-hand certaine of purpose, who in the Theaters and Campe should require for to have them punished (as it were with his Fathers consent) made no more a doe but brought them all to their end. As for example, among these, hee commaunded Aulus Caecina, a man of Consular Degree, and a guest by him invited to supper, when hee was scarce gone out of the Banquetting parlor to bee stabbed. I must needes say, that driven he was to this violent proceeding upon an extremity of daunger: considering that he had found out his hand-writing bearing evidence of a conspiracie that he plotted with the Souldiours. By which courses, as he provided well and sufficiently for his owne security another day: so, for the present time he incurred very much displeasure and hatred of the world: In so much, as no man lightly, when so adverse a rumor was on foote, and that which more is, against the wills of all men, would have stepped to the Imperiall throne.

6 Beside his cruelty, suspected he was also for roiotous life: in that he continued banquetting untill midnight with the most profuse and wastfull spend-thrifts of his familiar minions: For wanto͏̄ lust likewise, by reason of a sort of stale Catamites & guelded Eunuchs that he kept about him: and the affectionate love that hee was noted to beare to (*) * The sister as some thinke of Agrippa, & wise for a wh [•…] e of Polemon King of Lyci [•…] , others [•…] ay. she was the wife first of Aristo [•…] ulus after wards of A [•…] ipater. Queene Berenice, unto who͏̄ also, as it was said he promised mariage. Suspition there was moreover of his pilling & polling. For certain it was, that in the (*) * [〈◊〉] , co͏̄missio͏̄s & hearing of causes which his father held, he was wont to sel Page 256 the decision of matters, and to make a gaine thereby. After this, men both reputed and also reported him to be even another Nero. But this name that went of him proved good for him and turned to his greatest commendation: considering that no grosse vice could bee found in him, but contrariwise many excellent vertues. The feasts that he made were pleasant meriments, rather than lavish and sumpteous. He chose for his friends such, as in whom the Emperours also his successours reposed themselves, and whom they used especially as necessarie members both for them and also for the Common-wealth. As for Queene Berenice, he sent her quickly away from the Citie of Rome; but full loath they were both of them to part a sunder. Certaine of his minions and dearlings whom hee favoured and fansied most, albeit they were such artificiall Dauncers, that within a while after they caried the greatest praise and prise upon the stage, he forbare quite not onely to huggle and embrace long together, but to behold so much as once in any publick meeting and assembly. From no Citizen tooke he ought: and from aliens goods he abstained, if ever any did. Nay, he received not the very contributions graunted and usually paied. And yet, being inferiour to none of his predecessours in munificence, as having dedicated an (*) * At which solemnity 5000 wilde beasts were killed. A [•…] Eusebius Chronograph [•…] s and Eutropi [•…] s write Amphitheatre, and built the Baines hard-by, with (a) great (*) * C [•…] liriter. expedition, he exhibited a Spectacle of Sword-fencers, with all kindes of furniture thereto belonging in most plentifull manner. Hee represented also a navall fight in the old Naumachia; In which very place he brought forth likewise his sword-fencers to play their prises: and in that one day he put out to be baited 5000 wilde beasts of all sorts.

7 Furthermore, being of his owne nature most kinde and gracious; whereas by a constitution and order that Tiberius began, all the Cæsars his Successours held not the Benefits graunted by former Princes good and in force, unlesse they also themselves made new graunts of the same againe: hee was the first, that by vertue of one sole edict, ratified and confirmed all that had passed before: neither suffred he any petition to be made unto him for them. In all other Suits and Requests, hee ever more held most constantly mens mindes at this passe, that hee would send none away without hope. And when his Domesticall Ministers about his person, would seeme to tell him, That he promised more than he was able to performe: What! quoth he, there ought no man to depart from the speech of a Prince, sad and discontented. Calling to minde one time as he sat at supper, That he had done nothing for any man that day, hee uttered this memorable and praise-worthy Apophthegme, My friends, I have lost a day. The people especially in generall he intreated in all occasions, with so great courtesie, that having proposed a solemne Sword-fight, he made open profession, that he would set it forth, not to please him selfe but to content the beholders. And verily, even so hee did: for, neither denied he ought to them that would call for it: and of his owne accord, willed them to aske what their mindes stoode to. Moreover, shewing plainly, that hee stoode well affected to the manner of the Thracian- (*) * Who were opposite to the Mirmillones, y were armed after the french fashion. swordfencers fight and their Armature, hee would many times even with the rest of the people both in word and gesture (as a favourer of that kinde) iest and make sport: yet so, as hee kept still the maiestie of an Emperour: and withall iudged with equitie indifferently. And because hee would pretermit no point of popularity, sometime as hee bathed in his Page 257 owne baines hee admitted the Commons thither unto him. There fell out in his daies certaine mischaunces and heavie accidents: as, the burning of the mountaine Vesaev [•…] s in Campania: A Skar-fire at Rome, which lasted three daies and three nights; as also a (*) * Wherin there died ten thousand a day, E [•…] ses. pestilence, the like whereof had not lightly beene knowne else where at any other time. In these calamities so many and so grievous, he shewed not onely a Princely care, but also a singular fatherly affection: sometime comforting (his people) by his Edicts; otherwhiles helping them so farre forth as his power would extend. For repairing the losses in (*) * By the burning of Ves [•…] which consumed many towns & much people. Campania, he chose by lot certaine Commissioners to looke thereto. even out of the ranke of those that had beene Consuls. The goods of such as perished in the said mount, whose heires could not be found, hee awarded to the reedification of the ruinate Cities adioyning. And having made publick protestation, that in the said skare-fire of the Citie, there was no losse at all but to himselfe: Looke what ornaments were in any of his owne (*) * In the Country, as Columnes, statues painted tables. &c. Palaces and royall houses, the same he appointed to the Citie buildings and the Temples: For which purpose hee made divers of Knights degree Supravisors, to the end that every thing might be dispatched with greater expedition. To cure the sicknesse and mitigate the furie of those contagious Diseases, hee used all helpe of god and man; having sought out what soever kindes of Sacrifices and remedies might bee found: Among the adversities of those times, may bee reckoned these Promoters and Informers, with such as under hand set them a worke, occasioned all by old licentiousnesse and impunitie. And those he commaunded to be whipped and beaten with cudgels ordinarily in the open Market place: and last of all, when they had beene brought in a Shew through the Amphitheatre, partly to be solde in port-sale for slaves: and in part to be caried away into the roughest and bleakest Ilands that were. And because hee would for ever restraine such, as at any time should dare to doe the like: hee made an Acte among many others, prohibiting. One and the same matter to bee sued by vertue of many Statutes and Lawes enacted in that behalfe; or to make inquisition as touching the estate of any man deceased, after the terme of certaine yeeres limited.

8 Having professed, that he tooke upon him the High-Priesthood in this regard, because hee would keepe his hands pure and innocent, hee made good his word. For, after that time, never was hee the principall Author of any mans death, nor priuie and accessarie thereto; (albeit hee wanted not sometimes iust cause of revenge) but sware devoutly, That hee would rather die himselfe, than do [•…] others to death. Two noble men of the Patritian ranke, convicted for affecting and aspiring to the Empire he proceeded against. no farther than to admonish them to desist and give over, saying, That Soveraigne power was the gift of Destinie and Divine providence. If they were Petitioners for any thing else, he promised to give it unto them. And verily; out of hand, to the mother of the one. who was then farre of (wofull and pensive woman as shee was) he dispatched his owne coursitours and foote-men to carie word that her sonne was safe: As for themselves hee not onely invited them to a familiar and friendly supper that night: but also the next day following, at the sight of Sworde-fencers placing them of purpose neere about his owne person, the (*) * As their armour, weapon [•…] &c. Ornaments of the Champions that were to fight, presented unto him, hee reached unto them for to (a) view and peruse. Page 258 It is said moreover, that having knowledge of both their Horoscopes, he avouched that daunger was toward them both and would light upon their heads one day, but from some other; as it fell out in deede. His owne (*) * Ascendents of their Nativity. brother never ceasing to* Domitian. lay waite for his life, but professedly in manner soliçiting the armies against him. plotting also and intending thereupon to flie and be gone, hee could never endure either to kill or to sequester and confine, no nor so much as to abridge of any honour: but, as hee had alwaies done from the first day of his imperiall dignity, persevered to testifie and declare, that Partner he was with him in the Soveraigne government, and his heire apparent to succeede him: otherwhiles secretly with teares and praiers beseeching, That he would vouchsafe him yet at length, mutuall love and affection

9 Amid this blessed course of life, cut short he was and prevented by death, to the greater losse of mankinde than of himselfe. After he had finished the solemne Shewes and Games exhibited to the people, in the end and upshot whereof, hee had shed teares abundantly: he went toward the Sabines territorie somwhat more sad than usually he had beene: by occasion, that as hee sacrificed, the beast brake loose and gat away: as also because in faire and cleere weather (a) it had thundered. Hereupon, having gotten an ague at his first lodging and baiting place, when he was removing from thence in his Licter, it is said that putting by the Curtaines of the windowe, hee looked up to heaven, and complained very piteously, that his life should be taken from him who had not deserved to die: For there was no fact of his extant, of which hee was to repent, save onely one. Now what that one should be, neither uttered he himselfe at that instant, neither is any man able readily to guesse thereat. Some thinke, he called to minde the over-familiar acquaintance that he had with his brothers (*) * Domitia wife. But Domitia devoutly sware, That he never had such dealing with her: who no doubt would not have denied it, if there had beene any folly at all betweene them: nay, shee would rather have made her vaunt thereof: so ordinary a thing it was with her to glory in all naughtinesse and shamefull deedes.

10 He departed (a) this world, in the very same Country-house wherein his father died before him: upon the (*) * 13 of September. Ides of September, two yeeres, two moneths & twenty dayes after that he succeeded his father, and in the two & fortieth yeere of his age. Which being once notified and knowen abroade, when all men throughout theA, V, C. 834 Citie mourned no lesse than in some domesticall occasion of Sorow and Lamentation: The Senate before they were summoned and called together by any Edict, ranne to the Curia, finding as yet the dores fast locked: but when they were set open, they rendred unto him now dead so much thanks, and heaped upon him so great a measure of praises, as they never did before, at any time, whiles he was living and present among them.