Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 150
Henry Edmondson
or, as he writes himself Henricus Edmundus ab Edmundo, was born in Cumberland, and in the beginning of the year 1622, and in that of his age 15, he was entred a Student in Queens Coll. where, after he had undergone the servile places of a poor Child and Tabarder, was, when Master of Arts, admitted Fellow. Afterwards he was made Usher of Tunbridge School in Kent under Dr. Nich. Grey, and in 1655, when Thomas Widdowes died, he was constituted by the Provost and Fellows of Qu. Coll. Master of the well endowed Free-school at Northleech in Glocestershire, where he continued to the time of his death. He hath written,
Lingua Linguarum. The natural Language of Languages; wherein it is desired and endeavoured, that tongues may be brought to teach themselves, and words may be best fancied, understood and remembred, &c. Lond. 1655. oct. &c.
Homonyma & Synonyma Linguae Latinae conjuncta & distincta. Oxon. 1661. oct. and other things, as ’tis probable. He was buried in the Church of Northleech on the 15 day of July in sixteen hundred fifty and nine,1659. leaving then the character behind him of a most able Person in his profession, and of one, who had done great benefit for the publick by his sedulous and industrious education of youth.