Edmondson, Henry
, a learned schoolmaster, who styled himself Henricus Edmundus ab Edmundo, was born an Cumberland in 1607, and in 1622 entered a student in Queen’s college, Oxford, in the inferior rank of tabarder, | from which be probably rose by his talents, as he took his degrees in arts, and obtained a fellowship. Afterwards he was employed as usher of Tunbridge school; and in 1655, was appointed, by the provost and fellows of Queen’s college, master of die free school at Northleach in Gloucestershire, which he retained until his death, July 15, 1659, Jeaving the character of a learned and successful teacher. He published at least two school books the one entitled “Lingua linguarum,” London, 1615, 8vo and the other “Homonyma et Synonyma Linguae Latin it- conjuncta et distincta,” Oxon. 1661, 8vo. 1
Ath. Ox. vol. II.