Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 95
John Feild
a Londoner born, was, as it seems, educated in this University, because I find several of both his names and of his time to have taken one degree or more therein, and one John Feild to have supplicated for a degree in Arts in the month of July 1519. Afterterwards leaving the University, he went to another, as ’tis probable, and at length retiring to his native place wrote and published,
Ephemeris pro an. 1557. To which is prefixed a Learned Epistle written by Dr. Jo. Dee.
Fphemerides trium annorum, an. 1558, 59. & 60, &c. ex Erasmi Reìnholdi tabulis accuratissimè ad meridianum Civitatis Londinensis, supputatae. Lond. 1558. Octob. 28. in qu.
Canon Ascensionum obliquarum cujusvis stellae non excedentis 8 gradus Latitudinis confectus. Printed with the Ephemerides.
Tabula stellarum fixarum insigniorum, qua & ortus, occasus, ac utriusque caete meditationes earum ad ooulum patebant, &c. Printed with the said Ephemerides also. What else he hath published I find not, nor any thing memorable of him besides, only that he was much in renown for his learning in the Reigne of Q. Mary, and beginning of Queen Elizabeth. I find another John Field or Feld,Clar. 1558. who was a Citizen of London, a zealous Protestant and a great enemy to Sir Thomas More, John Fisher Bishop of Rochester, and John Rastal; who having published certain matters, is numbred among the English writers by John Bale, (*)(*) In lib. De Script. Maj. Brit. p. 104. inter cent. 12. & 13. who tells us that he died at London, an. 1546. See another John Field under the year 1587.