Andrassy, Count (18231890)

Andrassy, Count (An`drassy, Count) , a Hungarian statesman, was exiled from 1848 to 1851, became Prime Minister in 1867, played a prominent part in diplomatic affairs on the Continent to the advantage of Austria (18231890).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Andral, Gabriel * Andre, John
[wait for the fun]
Anderson, James
Anderson, John
Anderson, Lawrence
Anderson, Mary
Anderson, Sir Edmund
Andral, Gabriel
An`drassy, Count
Andre, John
André II.
Andrea del Sarto
Andrea Pisano
Andreossy, Count
Andreossy, François
Andrew, St.
Andrew, St., Russian Order of
Andrew, St., the Cross of
Andrewes, Lancelot