Baptism, the Christian rite of initiation into the membership of the Church, identified by St. Paul (Rom. vi. 4) with that No to the world which precedes or rather accompanies Yea to God, but a misunderstanding of the nature of which has led to endless diversity, debate, and alienation all over the Churches of Christendom.
Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)
Baphomet * Baptiste, JeanLinks here from Chalmers
Amalarius Fortunatus
Assheton, Dr. William
Barker, Thomas
Beaucaire De Peguilon, Francis
Bingham, Joseph
Blake, Thomas
Bourdon, Sebastian
Claridge, Richard
Clarke, Dr. Samuel
Comber, Thomas
[showing first 10 entries of 39]