Barthélemy, Auguste-Marseille (17961867)

Barthélemy, Auguste-Marseille, a poet and politician, born at Marseilles; author of “Nemesis,” and the best French translation of the “Æneid,” in verse; an enemy of the Bourbons, an ardent Imperialist, and warm supporter of Louis Napoleon (17961867).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Barth, Heinrich * Barthélemy, The Abbé, Jean Jacques
[wait for the fun]
Barrot, Odilon
Barrow, Isaac
Barrow, Sir John
Barry, James
Barry, Sir Charles
Barry Cornwall
Barth, Heinrich
Barthélemy, Auguste-Marseille
Barthélemy, The Abbé, Jean Jacques
Barthélemy Saint-Hilaire, Jules
Barthez, Paul Joseph
Bartholomew, St.
Bartholomew Fair
Bartholomew Hospital
Bartholomew's Day, St.
Bartlett, John H.