Bernouilli (16671748)

Bernouilli (Bernouil`li) , name of a Swiss family of mathematicians, born at Basel, though of Dutch origin—James, John, and Daniel, of whom John is the most celebrated; was professor first at St. Petersburg and then at Basel; discovered the exponential calculus and the method of integrating rational fractions, as well as the line of swiftest descent (16671748).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Bernini, Giovanni Lorenzo * Bernstorff, Count
[wait for the fun]
Berners, John Bouchier, Lord
Berners, Juliana
Bernese Alps
Bernhard, Duke of Weimar
Bernhardt, Sarah
Berni, Francesco
Bernier, The Abbé
Bernini, Giovanni Lorenzo
Bernstorff, Count
Bernstorff, Count
Bernstorff, Pierre
Berri, Duc de
Berri, Duchesse de
Berryer, Pierre Antoine
Bert, Paul


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Borelli, John Alphonso
Craig, John
Cramer, Gabriel
Euler, Leonard
Hemsterhuis, Tiberius
Lagrange, Joseph Louis
Leslie, Charles
Maclaurin, Coun
Maupertuis, Peter Louis Morceau De
Puteanus, Erycius
Renau D'Elisagaray, Bernard
Taylor, Brook