Boyle, The Hon. Robert (16261691)

Boyle, The Hon. Robert, a distinguished natural philosopher, born at Lismore, of the Orrery family; devoted his life and contributed greatly to science, especially chemistry, as well as pneumatics; was one of the originators of the “Royal Society”; being a student of theology, founded by his will an endowment for the “Boyle Lectures” in defence of Christianity against its opponents and rivals; refused the presidentship of the Royal Society, and declined a peerage (16261691).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Boyle, Richard * Boyle Lectures
[wait for the fun]
Boyce, William
Boycott, Captain
Boyd, Andrew Kennedy Hutchison
Boyd, Zachary
Boydell, John
Boyer, Baron
Boyer, Jean Pierre
Boyle, Charles
Boyle, Richard
Boyle, The Hon. Robert
Boyle Lectures
Boyle's Law
Bracton, Henry de
Braddock, Edward
Braddon, Miss


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Guthrie, William