Boyce, William (17101779)

Boyce, William, composer, chiefly of church music, born in London; published a collection of the “Cathedral Music of the Old English Masters”; composed “Hearts of Oak,” a naval song sung by ships' crews at one time before going into action (17101779).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Boyars * Boycott, Captain
[wait for the fun]
Bowdoin, James
Bowen, Richard
Bower, Walter
Bowles, William Lisle
Bowling, Tom
Bowling, Sir John
Bowyer, William
“Box and Cox,”
Boy Bishop
Boyce, William
Boycott, Captain
Boyd, Andrew Kennedy Hutchison
Boyd, Zachary
Boydell, John
Boyer, Baron
Boyer, Jean Pierre
Boyle, Charles
Boyle, Richard
Boyle, The Hon. Robert
Boyle Lectures