Brown, Amy (17831876)

Brown, Amy, the first wife of the Duc de Berri, born in England, died in France; the Pope, in 1816, annulled her marriage, but declared her two daughters legitimate (17831876).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Brouwer * Brown, Charles Brockden
[wait for the fun]
Brougham, Henry, Lord Brougham and Vaux
Broughton, Lord
Broughton, Rhoda
Broughton, William Robert
Broughty Ferry
Broussais, Joseph Victor
Brown, Amy
Brown, Charles Brockden
Brown, Ford Madox
Brown, Sir George
Brown, Henry Kirke
Brown, John
Brown, John
Brown, John, M.D.
Brown, John, M.D.
Brown, Jones, and Robinson
Brown, Mount