Brunswick, a N. German duchy, made up of eight detached parts, mostly in the upper basin of the Weser; is mountainous, and contains part of the Harz Mts.; climate and crops are those of N. Germany generally. Brunswick (101), the capital, a busy commercial town, once a member of the Hanseatic League, and fell into comparative decay after the decay of the League, on the Oker, 140 m. SW. of Berlin; an irregularly built city, it has a cathedral, and manufactures textiles, leather, and sewing-machines.
Population (circa 1900) given as 404,000.
Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)
Brunonian System * Brunswick, Charles William, Duke ofLinks here from Chalmers
Alard, Lambert
Andreas, James
Anstis, John
Arndt, John
Arnisæus, Henningus
Barocci, Francis
Behrens, Conrad Bertold
Biel, John Christian
Bielfeld, James Frederick Baron De
[showing first 10 entries of 86]