
Berlin (Berlin`) , capital of Prussia and of the German empire; stands on the Spree, in a flat sandy plain, 177 m. by rail SE. of Hamburg. The royal and imperial palaces, the great library, the university, national gallery and museums, and the arsenal are all near the centre of the city. There are schools of science, art, agriculture, and mining; technical and military academies; a cathedral and some old churches; zoological and botanical gardens. Its position between the Baltic and North Seas, the Spree, the numerous canals and railways which converge on it, render it a most important commercial centre; its staple trade is in grain, cattle, spirits, and wool. Manufactures are extensive and very varied; the chief are woollens, machinery, bronze ware, drapery goods, and beer.

Population (circa 1900) given as 1,579,000.

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Berlichingen, Goetz von * Berlin Decree
[wait for the fun]
Bergerac, Savinien Cyrano de
Berghaus, Heinrich
Bergman, Torbern Olof
Berkeley, George
Berlichingen, Goetz von
Berlin Decree
Berlioz, Hector
Bernadotte, Jean Baptiste Jules
Bernard, Claude
Bernard, St.
Bernard, Simon
Bernard of Menthon


Antique pictures of Berlin

Links here from Chalmers

Abbadie, James
Abbt, Thomas
Achard, Anthony
Acoluthus, Andrew
Adam, Lambert-Sigisbert
Adelung, John Christopher
Agricola, John
Alembert, John Le Rond D'
Algarotti, Francis
Alvensleben, Philip Charles Count D'
[showing first 10 entries of 213]